Folklore holidays. Calendar of significant dates. Public library of the Novouralsk urban district. Russian folk holidays

There are many of them. And this is due to the amazing history of our state, which is many, many centuries old. Some of the scientists have thirteen of them and dates back to the reign of the Varangian Rurik. Officially, the 1153 anniversary of Russia was celebrated in 2015. And the first mention of Russia was found in chronicles dating back to 862. By the way, "Russia" is not an original Russian name: the Greeks called our ancient state this name. And somehow by itself it stuck with us. And what is Ancient Russia? In addition to the main thing - powers, these are customs, traditions, beliefs and the like, which have evolved over the centuries, which have taken root in our country, even if they look archaic against the background of modernity, out of touch with reality, stuffed to the eyeballs with technologies of a cosmic scale that our ancestors never dreamed of. ...

Official and state holidays

Of course, in Mother Russia, they come first. And there are more than three hundred of them. To paraphrase the great Gogol, one can say: "Who among the Russians does not like good holidays ?!" Among the popular and beloved state ones are, International Day, May Day, and so on and so on in order. Several years ago it was added to them. And although it does not have official and state status, the holiday is declared a day off.

And how many professional holidays we have! Let's start with peaceful professions - Day of the Dentist, Day of Russian Science, Day of Transport Police, Day of Cosmonautics, Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers. Let's continue - related to military historical and memorable events - Day of the Navy, Day of Engineer Troops, Day of the Tankman, Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery, Day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943) Day of Military Glory - the list can be proceed. And there are, although purely professional, but widely celebrated by the population - the Day of Agricultural Workers, the Day of Trade Workers, the Day of Consumer Services and Housing and Utilities Workers - and the list goes on. There are 365 days on the planet in a year, on a leap - a day more, 366. And almost every day we celebrate something, celebrate. It just so happened in Russia!

Folk holidays stand apart

And so they, as races, are closely and connected with faith (religion), customs and traditions. Take Easter, for example. During the Soviet era, especially for communists and Komsomol members, celebrating it was not only not recommended, but strictly forbidden! "Religion is the opium of the people!" This expression, which later became winged, was first pronounced by the English socialist Charles Kingsley (1819 - 1875). Then it was actively used by Lenin in the fight against religion. As a result, churches and temples were destroyed, clergymen were persecuted for their faith in God. It got to the point that the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was blown up in Moscow. But hard times have passed and it was restored, including with the money collected by the people. And Easter has now become one of the most beloved national holidays and is widely celebrated, as in the old days - they paint eggs, bake cakes, greet each other: "Christ is Risen" and I answer: "Indeed he is Risen!" Easter treats are illuminated in the church and generously distributed to relatives, friends, orphans, and beggars. This is the custom.

The custom of celebrating the Old New Year has also taken root in Russia. All over the world they are very surprised at this. And for Russians - this is another reason to meet at the festive table, once again to celebrate the New Year, with pleasure to watch Eldar Ryazanov's favorite sparkling comedy "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!" programs are shown in the Old New Year on domestic television! The origin of the popular holiday in our country is explained by the thirteen-day discrepancy between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The latter is used by the whole world. From here came the "old style". According to him, on January 13, we and in many other countries celebrate the Old New Year. As, however, and somewhat later - the New Year according to the Eastern calendar, which falls on the night of January 27-28.

Popular holidays include Trinity, Holy Week, Yablochny Spas, Maslenitsa, Palm Sunday, Intercession Day, Clean Monday, Ilyin's Day, Christmastide, Epiphany Eve, Peter and Fevronia Day, Epiphany of the Lord and others. We will dwell on some of them in more detail.

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Folk holidays and their significance

The word "holiday" itself comes from the ancient Slavic "holiday", that is, "idleness, doing nothing, rest."

At first glance, the holidays do not bring much benefit, except for a good, fun holiday, however, their importance should not be underestimated.

Each holiday date has its own meaning, carries its own purpose, and the calendar of holidays, as it were, connects the past and the present.... It is on holidays that traditions stand out especially clearly, customs emerge, it is it that manages to reflect all the beauty and age-old wisdom of their ancestors, strength, character, talented creativity, respect and admiration for the beliefs and achievements of grandfathers, reverence for nature and its phenomena.

Prepared for the holidays in advance. Long before the red date, smart clothes were sewn, decorated them, then, they prepared and taught young girls to cook festive dishes... By the way, each holiday needed its own, festive food. Other dishes have been prepared for more than one day.

For festive festivities, songs were composed, dances were invented. Girls and young people had to show their skills not only in work, but also in dance, in songs. People talked, had fun, passing from mouth to mouth tunes, games, sentences, small scenes, round dances, thus forming a powerful layer of folk culture.

Many holidays are still well remembered and celebrated. Maslenitsa is one of such holidays.

Pancake week

This holiday marked the end of winter and the beginning of spring.... It is not called that by chance. Maslenitsa is celebrated in the very last week before Lent. At this time it was no longer possible to eat meat, but there was still no ban on dairy products. Therefore, the main festive dish was pancakes, which were abundantly watered with oil..

This holiday does not have an exact calendar day, it is calculated from Easter. The whole week was festive and every day had its own name. On Monday they celebrated the meeting, on Tuesday they arranged a flirtation, Wednesday was considered a gourmet, Thursday - binge, Friday was called mother-in-law's evenings, and on Saturday - sister-in-law's gatherings, Sunday was a forgiven day, or wires.

Even before Maslenitsa, on Sunday, the father of the girl, who was given to wife, came to her new relatives with treats and invited the young to visit him.... On Shrovetide Friday, as a rule, young people came. By this time, the mother-in-law was preparing the most delicious dishes and treats. Of course, pancakes were in the place of honor. The meeting was warm, joyful, family-like, until late in the evening. Men talked about theirs, and mother and daughter discussed their life - being. Hence the name - mother-in-law of the evening. On Saturday my sister-in-law met my relatives.

These days, the young husband had to roll the young wife down the ice slides. Skating was accompanied by fun, laughter, kisses. There were fistfights, triplets.

The most striking event of Maslenitsa was the burning of the effigy. The scarecrow was made in advance from straw, thrown off on an outfit, then they carried a straw doll around the village, and after that they took it to the field, where they burned it under the sentence "Maslenitsa goodbye, come again that year."

On Sunday, they asked for forgiveness from all the living and even the dead. After that, it was imperative to go to the bathhouse in order to enter the Great Lent cleansed.

Palm week

This is the sixth week of Lent. After Palm Sunday, Holy Week begins.

5 days before his death, Christ entered Jerusalem, and the inhabitants greeted him, lining his path with the branches of a date palm, as a sign of the highest reverence... The people mistook Jesus for the greatest king. The entry of Christ into Jerusalem marks this week. In Russia, there were no palm trees, so it was replaced with a willow branch.... Hence the name - Palm week.

This festival is celebrated quietly, without much fun and festivities, because Lent is not over yet. Usually, these days they baked cookies or bread and put willow branches at home..

It was believed that if you eat a few willow earrings, you can protect yourself from ailments.... If a woman could not give birth, she was also given earrings of the consecrated willow to eat.

On this day, it was necessary to clap each branch of a pussy willow in order to add health.

This is the very last week before Easter, when all the torments of the buried Christ are recalled.... Liturgy is held from Monday to Wednesday, and from Thursday they begin to prepare for Easter and the most mournful days of remembrance begin.

It was believed that on Holy Thursday the sky opens up and our ancestors descend to earth to stay on earth until Trinity.

The most striking custom of Holy Thursday is cleansing. People not only bathed in the bath, but also dived into the ice-hole in order to wash themselves from diseases, ailments and the evil eye. They threw off and burned old clothes so that the ailments would burn with them.

Good Friday was the day of mourning because of the death of Christ... This day imposed special prohibitions on human behavior. Games, round dances were forbidden; even speaking on such a day it was necessary to have less. Children were not allowed to play, make noise, run and scream. The ban even extended to livestock - bells were removed from cows and sheep, and the bird was locked in a barn so that it would not make noise. One could grieve, cry.

From Thursday to Saturday the bells of the churches fell silent.

Easter means the resurrection of Jesus Christ... This is the oldest and greatest holiday. She ends Lent on Sunday. Each year this date is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar and does not have an exact number.

Even at night, the most solemn divine service begins, and then the brightest holiday is celebrated all week.

The richest dishes and treats are on the tables these days. Here you can find meat dishes, fish, wine, and sweets. The housewives bake sweet cakes, make a special dish from cottage cheese, which is prepared only once a year. A special place has always been occupied by colored eggs, which were a symbol of life and the sun.

On these days it is customary to visit and receive guests. At the same time, the obligatory greeting should be christianity, that is, kissing three times with the verdict “Christ is risen” “Indeed he is risen”.

On this day, one could ask God for whatever one really wanted, it was believed that such requests would certainly be fulfilled.

On the streets, festivities were held, games with rolling eggs, danced, put on carousels, sang and danced.


Trinity - a holiday dedicated to the Holy Trinity, that is, God - the Father (he is not born of and does not come from anyone), God - the Son (born of God the Father) and God the Holy Spirit (he comes from God the Father). This Trinity creates the world, illuminates it and leads it.

The holiday symbolizes the fact that people do not immediately discover all the mysteries of life. So God sent them first the Son and then the Holy Spirit. And the holiday itself means the praise of God in all three of his hypostases.

On this day, the hostesses decorate the house with greenery, prepare a festive treat, and in the evening go out for walks. Young people have fun with games, songs, round dances.

Ivan Kupala

This holiday is timed to coincide with the birth of John the Baptist (his other name is Kupala), and is celebrated on July 7.

It was on this day that it was customary to swim, jump over the fire and collect medicinal herbs.

They did not go to sleep that night, because it was believed that it was on this night that evil spirits - water, mermaids, kikimors, goblin - were the most powerful and dangerous... They were dispersed by large bonfires, through which they jumped, expelling everything unclean from themselves, and then bathed, because the water took a magical effect at that time. On this night, the youth chose a mate for themselves. Wreaths were woven, and then, the wreath was laid on the head of the beloved... The couple held hands and already jumped over the fire together. It was believed that if the hands did not open, there would be a wedding. We watched - whose pair jumps higher, that one will live happier. All night long there was fun, there were round dances, songs were sung.

At dawn we washed ourselves with dew.

Celebrated on 1 (14) August... The name "spas" comes from the abbreviated "savior". Honey spas means the beginning of honey collection.

On this day, honey and combs were illuminated. The hostesses baked honey gingerbread, honey cakes, prepared kvass with honey.

All this had to be not only illuminated, but also treated to the poor and the sick. People who had an apiary and did not treat others with their honey were considered dishonest.

This holiday means the transformation of nature, the onset of autumn, celebrated on August 6 (9)... Until that day, it was not allowed to eat apples, but on the Yablochny Spas, on the contrary, they cooked apple dishes - they baked pies with apples, jelly, jam. On this day, apples were treated to orphans, the poor, all their loved ones, and only then they ate themselves. Many people carried apples to church and cemetery.

"The loss by the people of their art, their artistic values ​​is a national tragedy and a threat to the very existence of the nation ..."

M.P. Mussorgsky

Our kindergarten, in its work with preschoolers to familiarize themselves with Russian folk culture and art, sets itself goal - acquaintance with musical folklore. We achieve this goal both in music and in other activities, in everyday life, in leisure and in the process of folk holidays held with children and their parents.

The main task musical education is a revival to folk art, to folk traditions and customs. And also love for the native land, homeland, people.

The old saying goes: "Everything new is well forgotten old." A person always singles out his own culture as a special first, with which he, as a rule, gets used to, settles down, which he absorbs, as they say, "with mother's milk." This is probably why sooner or later a person still begins to look closely at the culture of the past. Today, you can see a revival of interest in the national culture, in the rituals and customs of our ancestors, in their traditions.

The value of the culture of our people, the ability to understand it, the desire to join its further development, can become the basis of a person's active creative activity, if one acquaints him with his native culture from early childhood. A child needs an intelligent and tactful assistant who will lead him to an amazing country of the past, tell about the life of the past - those who were in front of us, teach him to understand and be surprised.

So it has already become a tradition to hold "Kalyadok", "Maslenitsa", "Trinity - a girl's holiday", "Easter chimes", "Sittings", etc. At such holidays, children perform Russian folk songs: play, dance, various dances. The perky melodies of these works delight with their fun, cheerful character. They are very simple in structure and have a clear rhythm.

The value of a folklore holiday lies mainly in collective and creative activity, in which the actions of people of several generations can unite. Preparation for the holiday can be carried out in the form of project activities for children and adults. Such interaction contributes to the successful development of the child, makes the learning process fun and accessible, and the preschooler's communication with others is more interesting and meaningful. It is also important that the folklore-festive project ends with a bright, colorful, emotionally rich communication between children and adults, which takes place in a relaxed and cheerful manner.

Expectation of the holiday and preparation for it are an integral part of the annual rhythm and a way of moving into the future. A child's life is filled with joy and meaning. He feels confident in the future. The preparation process makes it possible to include different types of children's activities in the pedagogical process. Planning for the joint work of teachers, children and parents occurs at parenting meetings, also jointly between educators and specialists as follows:

- information about the goals, meaning and content of the holiday, emotional responsiveness;
- discussion and making gifts for children;
- learning songs and round dances;
- setting the timing of events, choosing responsible persons, additional information.

The active participation of teachers, children and their parents in preparing for the holiday includes: traditional games and round dances, decoration of the hall, preparation of gifts.
The emotional and spiritual and moral atmosphere of the holiday is created by the general mood and activity of all participants. This is an atmosphere of community, spiritual unity and hospitality. Parents are involved in all affairs and games, and are not guests at someone else's feast, modestly sitting on the sidelines. By gaining experience and joint experiences of children and adults, they become the basis for maintaining folk traditions in the family and kindergarten.

Stages of the holiday

There are four stages in the celebration of the holiday, which have a spiritual and emotional coloring.

1. Creation of a festive atmosphere based on joint activities of children and adults. Activities: decorating the hall, preparing a festive table, performing in a play or a small role at a holiday, making gifts, crafts, surprises.
2. Joint games. They can be held both in the hall and on the street, depending on the holiday. Games can be in a common circle with the role of a teacher, as well as small attractions, for each of which an adult is responsible. This stage includes musical and rhythmic compositions that are played daily during the entire period of preparation for the holiday.
3. Festive meal. A meal is a holiday within a holiday, which is accompanied by choral singing, jokes, riddles. It is important to pay attention to how the table is decorated. Use the treat according to the season and the nature of the holiday.
4. Performance-fairy tale or matinee according to a specially prepared script. This element of the holiday, which includes an introduction to the children about the folk festival and related customs. Show parents the performing abilities of children, consolidate folk games with children, expressive performance of their roles.

(Holiday calendar: Autumn, Christmas and Shrovetide, Easter, Trinity)

The main principle of upbringing in Russia was the feasible inclusion of the child in all types of family activities: through communication, through work, through festive and play situations. But most families need help in building these relationships. How can it be provided? Modern preschool education can unobtrusively set foot in cooperation with parents through the revival of family celebrations of folk festivals.

On national holidays, the beauty of native nature and love for the land, a sense of justice and conscience, creativity, sincerity and hospitality appear. Traditional holidays can become the basis for the spiritual and moral formation of a person, the basis of a culture of health, the lifeblood of a modern parent-city dweller returning to the origins of Russian Christian culture.

Scenario of a folklore holiday

Part of the hall is decorated in the form of a Russian hut: in the middle is a table, on it is a samovar, cast iron, bowls. On the sides there are wooden benches. In the corner is a bench with a spinning wheel on it. Children and parents are dressed in Russian folk costumes.

The Hostess and the Master of the room come out to the middle of the hall.

Host and Hostess (shout): “The girls are red, but good fellows! We invite you to have fun and make fun, joke, laugh. You and I will sing, play, lead round dances, which our grandparents did when we were young. "


A guest in the yard is a joy to the owner.
Whom they revered - that one is called.
For the red guest - the red place.
Make yourself at home, have a seat.

(Parents and children pass and sit on the benches to a folk melody)

Hostess: In the old days, after a hard day, people gathered in the evenings for merry gatherings and spent time at their favorite handicrafts. Some are sitting at the spinning wheel, some are embroidering a pattern on a towel. It was fun! The song will be tightened, then they will be thrown around with a joke. Here is their work and argued. And today we all gathered together for a gathering. As our grandfathers and grandmothers loved to sing songs, so we will sing a Russian folk song. ( Sing a song « Like ours at the gate ")

Master: The Russian people have long been famous for their hard work.

Hostess: There are many sayings and proverbs about labor. And you, dear guests, do you know such proverbs and sayings?

(Guests call the proverbs: "The master's work is afraid", "To live without work - only smoke the sky", "A small work is better than big idleness", "There is patience - there will be skill", etc.)


"Business is time - fun is an hour."
They say that without a ditty
There is no life either.
We are laughing ditties
Let's sing it with all our hearts!

(Guests sing ditties)

Hostess: Folk dances exist among all peoples. And the Russian people have their own dance - the Russian round dance. "To lead a round dance - what is so difficult here," you might think. But leading a round dance is not just walking in circles to the music, it is also singing, dancing and performing interesting roles. Round dance movements are simple and complex. And today we will all dance together. (They lead a round dance "And I am in the meadow")


On the sea - on the ocean
On Buyan Island
There is a green oak,
Under him is a gilded table,
On the table is a baked bull.
Sit down, eat
Listen to my fairy tale ...

Listen to the word "fairy tale". The tale is told, it is told. Grandmothers passed on fairy tales to their grandchildren, and they grew up and told their grandchildren. This is how folk tales became.

The people love their heroes, they love and know. And we suggest you show one of the fairy tales today. For example, "Teremok".

(Parents and children distribute roles among themselves, select the necessary attributes and stage a fairy tale. Folk music is used as a background, which expresses the character of each fairytale hero. In conclusion of the tale, all the heroes play folk instruments, express joy, mood).

Master: Popular wisdom says: "In cramped quarters, but not offended"

Hostess: The Russian people loved to play funny, mischievous games. And what kind of games have not been invented!

(The hostess offers to get up in pairs and play the game "Stream")

Master makes a riddle:

"The little lamb jumped off the bench,
Jumped off the bench, hoof like an apple
All shaggy, must-haired herself.
He sleeps during the day and tells fairy tales
And at night he wanders, goes hunting " (Cat)

Do you know where the riddles come from? What interesting and long life did you live on earth before meeting you? Riddles were born a long time ago, in those days when the ax was considered wealth. Many troubles lay in wait for a person then: lightning would strike a tree, a forest fire would rage, wolves would attack the herd ...
Our ancestors thought that both the tree and the grass, and every creature in the forest - everyone understands the human language. And in order to deceive nature, and understand each other, hunters, fishermen and shepherds came up with a special language. It was from this secret speech that riddles were once born.

(Guests make riddles to each other)

Hostess:"Well, what an evening without ring games ?!" Ring, ring, go out on the porch " (game "Ring")

Master:"Who's got a frown here, the music sounds again"

(Round dance "On the mountain that viburnum", the Hostess leaves the room)


Kumushka-godfather, where do you live?
Kumushka-godfather, why don't you go so long?


I go, I go, I go
I carry the samovar in my hands.
Hey tea, tea, tea
Meet the gossip!

Host and Hostess(together):

Let's sit by the samovar

(The Host and the Hostess invite all guests to the table)

There are a lot of holidays, national and international, in our calendar, and their number increases from year to year. But it is precisely the "eternal" folk celebrations that have come from the depths of centuries that have a special charm. No wonder, for example, Maslenitsa, or Magpies, are so fond of children!

In this section you will find all kinds of scenarios for holding autumn fairs and summer Spas with children. Get acquainted with the experience of colleagues in organizing a thematic event on Palm Sunday, Easter, Ivan Kupala, Pokrov, Sabantuy ... For your convenience, all materials are systematized, so it will not be difficult to find the right and relevant one.

You will have the best folklore holiday!

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Magpies, Larks, Rook porridge. Folk bird festivals
  • Saved. Apple, honey, nut spas. Materials for the holidays
  • Ivan Kupala. Celebrating a holiday with children, scripts, ceremonies

Showing publications 1-10 of 2038.
All sections | Folk, folklore holidays. Scripts, entertainment

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Folk, folklore holidays. Scenarios, entertainment - Folk bird festivals “Magpies. Larks "

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Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

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Folklore holidays as a means of introducing children to folk culture.

Currently, there is a growing interest in understanding, strengthening and actively promoting national cultural traditions. The introduction of children to folk culture provides a link between generations, contributes to the all-round harmonious development of the individual, solves the problems of mental, physical, moral, aesthetic, labor, family education. Spirituality must be brought up from early childhood. The people say: there is no tree without roots, a house - without a foundation. It is difficult to build a future without knowing the historical roots and relying on the experience of previous generations.

The word "tradition" means customs, orders, rules of conduct that have been historically formed and passed on from generation to generation. Certain social attitudes, norms of behavior, values, ideas, customs, rituals, holidays, etc. act as a tradition. The value of folk traditions is determined by the fact that they affect the feelings of the child through means of expression, and this effect is natural, not violent. Because of this, they are available to children with different levels of development, and each child gets pleasure and emotional charge from communicating with them. Therefore, folk traditions can be used for the development of the child and his creative abilities.

Russian folk traditions are one of the constituent parts of the cultural heritage of the Russian people. Russian folk traditions open up great opportunities for children, giving them knowledge and experience in organizing and self-regulation of their activities. They help to develop the ability to manage their own actions, experiences and states, actions in accordance with the interests of other people, the requirements of public duty.Folk traditions include holidays, rituals, customs, games.

As the main means of education, folk pedagogy uses all the components of folk culture: folklore, songs, fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, holidays. It is they who reveal the content of the upbringing and education of children, the basic moral rules and ideals, the understanding of good and evil, the norms of communication and human relations. Old Russian traditions brought up generations of Russian people, passing on the folk wisdom accumulated over the centuries. Songs, games, riddles were united in folk holidays.

Now our national memory is gradually returning to us, and we are beginning to relate in a new way to ancient holidays, traditions, folklore, arts and crafts, arts and crafts, in which the people left us the most valuable of their cultural achievements.

Folk holidays and traditions should play an important role in introducing children to folk culture. They contain the finest observations accumulated over the centuries of the characteristic features of the seasons, weather changes, the behavior of birds, insects, and plants. Unfortunately, folk customs are leaving our lives. Only grandmothers in the villages remember with what words to lure spring, how to enter a new house.

We introduce children to the vivid imagination of the people in colorful images with calendar and ceremonial holidays associated with the wires of winter, the arrival of birds and the melting of snow, the flourishing of the earth, the beginning of summer, with sowing and harvesting bread. Through entertainment and holidays, children, entering the folklore world, make up the first impression of its laws and phenomena, customs and rituals. Modern children need to be told about the national holiday, spend leisure time in which characters from folk tales participate, folk games are held, songs and round dances are performed. Leisure should be varied in content and form (game programs, theatrical performances, evenings of riddles, etc.), which allows preschoolers to get an unforgettable vivid experience.

Before spending leisure time, we tell the children about a particular holiday. The script includes children's folklore (games, jokes, songs, chants, round dances), as well as traditional ritual actions (treating birds, hanging feeders, spells of spring, etc.) When working with children, you need to ensure that they are not only attentive listeners and spectators, but also active performers of songs, dances, round dances, musical games both in the classroom and at holidays and entertainment. Properly organized preparation of the holidays is one of the conditions for their successful holding. During the holidays, children should feel the nationality of the celebration, their involvement in it. This should be noticeable in everything: in the smartness of the room, the splendor in the clothes of adults and children, the special emotional mood of the team. When holding holidays, it is advisable to use local traditions, customs, games. The emotional perception of festive material is enhanced by the active participation of adults. Teachers can sing a song, read a story, fairy tale or poem, perform a dance. For each child there should be, albeit an insignificant, small, but a definite role in the script.

At the heart of every holiday and entertainment is a certain idea that must be conveyed to every child, therefore it is very important that it be revealed on the art material available to children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics. This is achieved, first of all, by careful selection of the repertoire (poems, songs, dances, etc.) for children of each age group. This takes into account the repertoire that children already have, the level of development of their vocal and motor skills, interests.

Thus, the holiday should be emotionally intense. The beauty of the environment, the music, the general high spirits - all this increases the sensitivity to the aesthetic side of reality. Children should actively participate in the holiday, and not play the role of passive listeners. The teacher needs to give the child the opportunity to express himself, either in reading poetry, or in singing, or in dance.

The main condition for the selection of folklore works for the celebration is their aesthetic value and personally significant potential of the content. Children's folklore represents a significant part of the program content of the holiday, since it is the closest, understandable, useful and accessible to children.

Performing songs, dances develops the creative potential of children. Game and dance songs are figuratively bright, melodious, poetic. The desire for play, for acting is inherent in children. The game gives them joy. Therefore, the elements of the game to one degree or another were introduced into almost any song, the singing was accompanied by acting out the action according to the plot of the song. In other words, the elements of folk drama were played out, embedded in many game and dance songs.

I would like to emphasize the importance of an integrated approach in introducing preschoolers to folk culture. Small forms of children's folklore (nursery rhymes, rhymes, teasers, sayings, etc.), fairy tales, songs, folk dances, familiarization with paintings, children's folklore theater - all these types of children's activities create an opportunity for the child to get in touch with the historical past of the Russian people. And the folk holiday helps children learn to express themselves creatively, communicate freely with their peers and adults. Joint events, holidays and entertainment in kindergarten can become an effective form of communication between children and their parents, if you change their organization and content and transfer them from a number of entertainment for parents to a means of forming a culture of communication with their child, kindergarten staff, other children and adults.

Calendar holidays are a kind of result of our work with children on the assimilation of folklore material. For these holidays, the colorful decoration of the hall is prepared, made in accordance with the season or in the form of a hut with exhibits of folk life: a chest, a samovar, utensils, benches, a Russian stove, wicker baskets, embroidered towels, curtains, woven paths, etc. For each holiday, appropriate costumes are selected for children and adults. Children are looking forward to the holidays with joy and excitement, which unite both adults and children with common experiences, expectations, fun games. it is also necessary to hold joint events between parents and children dedicated to Russian folklore. During the event, you can show the importance of folklore for the social and personal, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development of children. The purpose of these activities: to teach adults to play folk games with children and develop children's creativity, to give children pleasure from communication and meaningful interaction with parents and other children.

Such work allows adults and children to be liberated, teaches them to communicate with each other, raises their emotional mood, unites the family, allows them to get to know each other better. Parents get to know their child better, because they see him in a different, new environment for themselves, get closer to teachers. Leisure forms of organizing communication are designed to establish warm, informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children. In addition, evenings help to create emotional comfort in the group, to bring the participants of the pedagogical process closer together. Parents can show their wit and imagination in various contests.

The use of leisure forms contributes to the fact that, thanks to the establishment of a positive emotional atmosphere, parents become more open to communication, in the future it is easier to establish contacts with them, to provide pedagogical information. The joyful atmosphere of children's parties and entertainment creates a favorable climate, contributes to the development of the emotional and volitional sphere of children, makes them feel pleasure and encourages communication with the beautiful, forming cultural interests. Such holidays are an unobtrusive form of introducing children to folk art.

The value of folk traditions is enormous, and their loss is irreplaceable by any material benefits. Traditions are the keepers of folk culture, the covenants of the people. If all folk traditions are completely lost, the very existence of the people may be called into question.