Where to meet. Cafes, restaurants, bars. Social networks as a dating resource

1. In the event that you want to create a pair in the future, you can contact Marriage Agency... This method has many advantages and minimum risks, provided that you choose not a young and zealous one-day office that promises princes and princesses, but an inexpensive and already proven agency with a good reputation and extensive experience. The advantages of this method of dating: all candidates are in search and are not married, their appearance matches the stated photographs, they are mentally balanced, have not been convicted and have no selfish goals. In this version of dating, you do not need to waste time on long correspondence, and you will always be given honest feedback - what impression you make on a date. In serious agencies, specialists will work with you, and you can feel more confident, relaxed and comfortable.

2. Dating site- a good option for finding your soul mate. The main disadvantage is that on such sites you can write anything you want about yourself, but this rarely corresponds to reality: photos of many years ago are posted and the goals of acquaintance are indicated insincerely. Hence the frequent disappointments of those who come with pure intentions.

Women for the most part, wanting to be liked, are led by the provocations of men and quickly allow relationships to go horizontal. And men sometimes reason something like this: “To understand, you have to try as soon as possible - what to pull, the choice is huge, the eyes run wide. What if it’s better there, around the corner ”. Then the understanding comes: “If she slept with me at the second meeting, then with how many more, because there are a lot of men here… ?!”. As a result, the level of respect for each other on dating sites tends to zero.

3. "Quick date" parties Is a game according to the rules of the event organizers. The one who can sell himself in 5 minutes, in the language of business, "wins" in it. A very dubious victory in the long term relationship, isn't it?

Imagine, in one common room, where 10 small tables stand close to each other, in 50 minutes you have 10 dates. You manage to say: "Hello ... Uh ..." and a loud gong sounds, it's time to change. All this action takes place in front of the eyes of other participants and organizers.

Usually the first date is attractive precisely because of its intimacy and targeting - the focus of two people on each other. And here - vanity and confusion. In the case when the skill of light flirting and easy communication is not yet your strong point, at such an event, instead of a new acquaintance, you risk finding a deep feeling of disappointment and loneliness.

4. If communication is primary for you, not pairing, some kind of interest group- in Moscow you can always find people who are in tune with their hobbies. There are many sites on the Internet with advertisements for finding a company for various intellectual (for example, "60 seconds", "Monopoly") or psychological (for example, "Mafia") games, cycling, hiking, traveling around Moscow, etc. There are sites where people are looking for friends. One has only to type in the search box: " Friends with the same interests in Moscow".

5. Advertisements are published on the Internet about open(often free) lectures, seminars, excursions, as well as flash mobs and rallies on a variety of topics. For the most part, lonely people gather there, moreover, of all ages. You can strike up a casual conversation to discuss an urgent issue - is there no reason to meet?

6. The safest way to make friends is go to courses or enroll in a circle on a topic of interest to you(foreign language, theatrical skills, oratory, dancing, etc.). You get a double benefit: you gain knowledge and new acquaintances. But this option is not the best for those who are looking not so much for friends as for the closest person - their soul mate.

7. During the warmer months, it is difficult to find a better place for easy communication than large city parks such as Gorky Park, Kolomenskoye, VDNKh, etc. Over the past couple of years they have been so modernized that they can rightfully be called the Mecca of cultural recreation in the capital.

The parks host outdoor sports training for everyone, yoga, free dance workshops for all ages, and open roller skating lessons. Outdoor exercise equipment, a running club, race walking - which is just not there. Rent of boats, skates, bicycles, segways, scooters, velomobiles, skateboards, longboards, etc. Areas for playing table tennis, beach volleyball, badminton, small towns, football, chess.

Many games and activities involve compulsory communication, moreover, you do not have to take the initiative and invite someone to get to know each other - everything will happen naturally and by itself.

If you are tired of loneliness, but cannot find your soul mate in any way, do not rush to complain about fate. We hurry to the rescue and reveal the places where lonely serious men are found!

Even those self-sufficient women who give the impression of ladies enjoying a free life, sadly hug a pillow at night and yearn for loneliness. Undoubtedly, the absence of the right person in life is not a reason to surround yourself with empty men, therefore, we will not urge you to rush at strange creatures, in the passport of which the male gender is indicated. We will tell you about where to meet a serious man who does not waste his time on trifles and is waiting for his only soul mate.

Virtual sites - affordable and fast

Let's not argue with the fact that the easiest way for modern people to get acquainted on the Internet. We have already written about how they live there, why they and how in the vastness of the global network. Once again, I would like to remind the main thing: dating sites are registered with the same people who live near you, there are no aliens or special creatures.

Therefore, on the site you can meet anyone: a busy businessman, an official, absorbed in social work, and an overly modest student, and a gigolo, anxious about how profitable it is to settle down at someone else's expense, and a normal single man looking for where to meet for a serious relationship with his half.

Our advice may seem strange, but even if you are against virtual communication, be sure to register there - it will come in handy for dating in the real world. How? Hundreds of compliments, dozens of people who want to get to know each other and an army of numerous fans will raise self-esteem, “light up” sparkle in your eyes, improve your mood and make you more attractive to other men!

It has long been proven that representatives of the stronger sex, with some unknown instinct, feel that a woman is already liked by someone, and it is such ladies for some reason subconsciously attracted to males!

Finishing touches for an irresistible portrait

And now, confident in ourselves and in our irresistibility, we will go to places where you can meet a serious and decent man. But before leaving the house, critically examine yourself in the mirror. Perhaps the hunt should be postponed for three days in order to have time to lose a few kilograms on a fast one, or maybe it is worth putting in order, or?

If everything is okay with the appearance, open the closet and choose outfits that will not look too provocative, but will attract the attention of a man. Remember: you have to spin in an ordinary everyday environment, where frank necklines and vulgar mini look inappropriate. For a successful hunt, dresses, sets of a skirt and the right one matched to it are suitable.

If you are plump, use tricks to help hide excess volume and emphasize your dignity. Do not neglect high heels, but if you are a very tall lady, then they can reduce the number of potential fans, whose height is not much taller than you. (Read tips for those).

Makeup is important, but don't make it too flashy. Save your war paint for another occasion, and for the first casual acquaintance, natural tones and light shades are more suitable. Do not forget that you need to highlight one thing: either the lips or the eyes.

Places where serious men gather

And now about the most important and important thing: where can you meet a man in our fast-paced time? Try to benefit from your favorite activity - shopping... Only this time, visit the departments not with women's, but with men's goods. Take your time to review ties, shirts, briefcases, and other accessories. Just do not circle around your underwear - so a potential groom may think that you are choosing panties for your husband or lover.

Be prepared for the fact that a man can take the initiative and ask for advice or help in choosing one thing or another. Be sure to help and not with dry phrases, but by showing sincere interest and participation. Immediately ask him to help you "choose a gift for your boss, brother or colleague." Courageous ladies may not wait for the initiative from the representatives of the “modest sex” and show it themselves by asking the man they like to try on a sweater “for his brother”.

A good chance for those who are looking for where to meet a rich man are provided car dealerships... Go around among those who choose expensive cars, ask for advice, share your opinions. Complain that you are just going to study law and would like to practice, but there are no friends who would give a few lessons. Perhaps luck will touch you with its firebird tail, and the young man you like will ask for a phone number.

Continuing the theme of shopping, we can recommend places such as construction supermarkets, computer goods stores, departments for fishermen and hunters(to help those who dare to go there - a small educational program). Don't want to complicate your searches?

Spend more time in departments of semi-finished products and cookery in a regular supermarket - where single men, as a rule, buy their simple dinner. You can also visit the ranks of alcoholic beverages, where they sell good brandy, and act out the scene of choosing a gift for the doctor. (Read a nice one about dating in the store).

Besides shopping, there are other places where you can meet a good man in just one day. it Exhibitions, which are now regularly held in various cities. Crowds of men, some of whom are lonely, attend exhibitions dedicated to cars, construction, computer technology, and medicine.

Where else can you go to meet a guy

When you ask the question of where a girl can meet a guy, and you get the option: a cafe, do not rush to reject this offer. V a cafe you can meet for a serious relationship, only you need to go there not late in the evening, but at lunchtime. It was at this time that the employees of banks, offices and all those who could not eat at home or take with them to work the cutlets prepared by a caring wife, came there just to eat.

Just keep in mind: well-fed men are usually disposed towards acquaintance, so give the guy a meal first, then cast your modest but interested glance at him. For very brave girls, it will not be difficult to start a conversation first and get hooked on the man who has already begun his dinner, and the shy girls can only wait for their prince.

Girls who are happy with their bodies may well go alone on Beach and wait for your "dolphin" there, and if there is no beach, then nothing prevents you from signing up for the gym, where lonely guys often work on their muscles, dreaming of a faithful and devoted friend.

Statistics say that 60% of dating ends in failure and the reason for this is the woman's wrong behavior. How can one avoid a mistake and not miss the possible happiness that has managed to be in the hands of?

  1. Do not betray your main goal in any way - you have come to the point of congestion of men in your business, and not looking for a place where you can better get to know the lonely prince. Don't be overly happy and interested when the guy pays attention and takes the initiative. Remember: representatives of the opposite sex love to hunt, and prey falling into their hands is of little interest to them.
  2. Do not rush to immediately accept the offer to continue your acquaintance and go with the guy to a cafe or to another place, refer to being busy, but do everything so that he asks for your phone number. It would be nice to have business cards for this case, they can be handed out unobtrusively to new acquaintances. Do not worry if the guy after the first refusal loses interest in you - either he is not interested in you, or offered a continuation only because he was sure of a negative answer.
  3. Don't be too active and intrusive. If after the first question the man did not show a response, back off and wait for a new applicant.
  4. Do not attack the "victim" immediately, let the potential lover notice you, evaluate, draw conclusions, and only then take the initiative. Otherwise, he simply will not have time to understand that before him is his fate!

After meeting, be prepared for the fact that your husband may ask you to suggest a place for a date. Arm yourself how to behave there in advance!

If you can't get to know a guy for a long time, go through which will help you understand who your ideal is, maybe you are just looking for that man.

Dear ladies, if you know more places where you can meet a man, write about it in the comments. Let's help each other and share useful information! Also, if you want your girlfriends to read this article, click on the social media button. I wish you happiness and great love!

Text: Sasha Gluvein

Of the classic set known for the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", only the cemeteries remain. Men "migrated" from libraries and dry cleaners and are now "found" elsewhere.

“I don’t know where your future husband is now, but he’s definitely not at your home!”, Says Rachel Greenwald, author of the book “Program: 15 steps for finding a husband after 30” and we agree with her. Before starting an active search, we strongly recommend that you complete the following points:

1) Do a spring cleaning in your personal life in order to understand how much time you waste on men who are absolutely not suitable for you.

2) Analyze your requests in order to know exactly what kind of person you need - and adjust the list of places you visit in accordance with your requests.

3) Make sure that there is no creeping line on the forehead "I urgently need to get married", initially tune in to flirting. There is no need to plan a future wedding at 3, 5 or even 30 minutes of the conversation.

4) Find yourself some kind of hobby or even a goal in life, the implementation of which in no way depends on a man, so as not to "get hung up" on marriage.

5) Carefully study the material "Sexual postures and gestures" and "How to make him fall in love with yourself." None of the buyers will burst into a boutique with a "Closed" sign and a barn lock hanging - the same rule applies to dating.

6) Start working on yourself - not only should you be interested in a man, but you should also be interested in him! Ask yourself - what will he find in you?

  • 1

    Friends and acquaintances

    Let not the most romantic and sensational way, but one of the most popular, and most importantly - effective and safe. If no one calls you anywhere, do not worry, organize the party yourself. You can always invite guests to "pilaf", "barbecue", "watermelon", etc., so there is no need to go to bed in the kitchen. The reason for the meeting can be whist, preference, mahjong, "Mafia", "Twister" or even board games - Scrabble, Cluedo, "Monopoly", "Munchkin", "Colonizers".
  • 2


    Social networks, thematic forums, dating sites and blogs - the Internet gives a lot of opportunities. But for serious acquaintances, we still recommend thematic forums - it is unlikely that Popular Mechanics, for example, is inhabited by those who want to find a girl for sex for one night. Let the wave of dating on ICQ have subsided a little, but nevertheless, this method still works. On a dating site, you will have to learn how to "filter out" perverts who are absolutely sick in the head, and those who are used to asserting themselves at someone else's (in this case, a woman's) account. Your profile and photos must definitely stand out from the crowd - this is the key to success. You can ask a man you know to fill out a questionnaire for you - then it probably won't turn out dry and banal.
  • 3


    University, driving school, courses of foreign languages ​​and acting, dance clubs - acquaintance in these places can be very promising. Language courses deserve special attention - as practice shows, there are representatives of the strong half of humanity without fail. But the times of the USSR, when there were only young men in the schools of DOSAAF, where they taught to drive, are long gone. It's good if a third of the group is typed. Muscular, tanned and with cubes in the press "are found" on the shores of lakes, for example, on the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo, where the base of surfers and kite players is located (girls are also taught there). The brave conquer the educational peaks at the climbing school, the plastic ones go in for capoeira, etc. We deliberately do not recommend psychological growth trainings - do you need a man who is insecure?
  • 4


    Unbiased statistics assert: despite the high risks, the office has been and remains one of the habitats of potential suitors. Having a work romance with a coworker rather than with your boss will increase your chances of success. Please note that in the event of "success in your personal life", most likely one of you will have to change jobs.
  • 5

    Fitness - clubs

    In a fitness club, you can and should get acquainted not only with instructors and trainers (although this option should not be rejected). To do this, you will have to broaden your horizons somewhat. Muscular machos are unlikely to jump next to you in aerobics or "stretch" on yoga or Pilates, they are usually "found" in the neighborhood - in the gym, in the free weights area. So you will have to move from group lessons to individual ones, but you will only benefit from this. Afraid that you will look unattractive with a red face and a wet T-shirt? Firstly, many men adhere to a completely different point of view and are happy to get to know each other “without leaving the barbell”. And secondly, you need to start exercising by gradually increasing the load, without trying to bring the figure to perfection in a day.
  • 6

    Someone else's wedding

    The high spirits of everyone present, icy champagne, endless kisses of the newlyweds and romantic vibes in the air are an excellent background for meeting men, from the groom's friends to the toastmaster and DJ. The first ones are preferable - as a last resort, you can ask the newlyweds about what a candidate for hand and heart is, if you suddenly feel a lack of reliable information.
  • 7

    An airport

    Waiting for departure and especially the flight itself ensures that, willy-nilly, you will have to spend some time together in a confined space. Be careful not to turn the conversation into a confession (anything you say can be used against you later). Avoid the emergence of "companion syndrome". Otherwise, the chance that an open-minded handsome man decides to continue acquaintance approaches zero. If you are not averse to meeting a businessman, subscribe to the news of financial and analytical portals. You will be interested in global events such as summits and economic forums (some of them are held on a regular basis), candidates for husbands who are quite prominent and successful flock to such events. Your task is to first be on board the same plane as they are.
  • 8

    Billiards and bowling

    Both the one and the other place have their merits. Billiards allows you to show all the advantages of a figure both in static and in motion. Bowling is a good option for those who have difficulty finding some "incendiary" topics for conversation. The roar with which the balls roll along the track will allow you to start your acquaintance with an exchange of short remarks. Are you a master of the cue and / or do you strike 9 times out of 10? Demonstrate your full potential only if you are sure that you need a gambling fan of competitions. Otherwise, your successes can greatly hurt ailing male pride.
  • 9


    A huge number of men play online games of varying degrees of aggressiveness. Not all of these games are pure shooting games, many of them are so exciting that they can turn into your hobby. Your task is not only to play, but also to communicate intensively on the players' forum - as a rule, possible meetings in real life are discussed there. This option allows you to first get to know each other better and only then find out what the person you are interested in looks like, but does not save you from disappointment or, conversely, pleasant surprises associated with appearance.

    Another item is "live" role-playing games. But here you should be much more careful - proceed if the spirit of adventurism and maternal instinct are strong in you. Male players are entirely "adult children", regardless of what date of birth is in the documents (as a rule, the contingent here is between the ages of 12 and 40), the relations of the "regulars" are reminiscent of "Santa Barbara". But in this series you can find your "pearl" - both students and top managers play games, but you have to tinker. We advise you to pay attention not only to the players themselves, but also to those who sit in the "master house" and command all this "disgrace".

  • 10

    Night clubs and other establishments

    The main thing is to choose the right club, the first one that comes along will not work. Be aware that certain audiences go to certain places. For example, at some point the entire Moscow State University was hanging out in Makkoy, now all creative and progressive - in Simachevo, Solyanka and in the Rolling Stone bar. Take a closer look at fashionable places and choose those that are close to you in spirit.
  • 11

    Traffic jams

    You are not going anywhere, he does the same in the next lane - in traffic it is better to flirt than to be nervous, angry or put on makeup. It is not recommended to do this unless absolutely novice drivers of a car with a manual transmission - in order to avoid accidents on the roads.
  • 12


    For those who are sure that there is no place to go, we strongly recommend TimeOut magazine and other publications and sites of the corresponding profile to study. A woman whose interests go beyond the standard "fashionable clothes, TV series, kitchen" makes it easier to make friends and acquaintances.

Don't have high hopes for ...

Car dealerships
Do not interrupt a stranger from inspecting and buying a car or an upcoming test drive. Buying a car is a serious business that requires an investment of capital. If earlier it was possible to determine by car how much a person is provided for, now, as a rule, by car it is possible to find out how much he owes to the bank. So we do not recommend assessing the creditworthiness of a potential life partner by his car.

Organized tours
There will be many singles among the tourists ... but they will all be female! Men prefer to travel on their own.

Casinos and racetracks
Perhaps you will find a husband there. But the likelihood that he will turn out to be a "ludomaniac" (pathological gambler) is too great. Before going there, re-read Dostoevsky's novel The Gambler, and keep in mind that these people are extremely difficult to heal, they do not recognize themselves as sick.

The problem of female loneliness is as old as day. If you are tired of him and crave masculine warmth, you need to look for him somewhere. Where to go on a successful hunt in order to meet a decent and worthy man? We will answer this question taking into account what goal you set for yourself. You will find a list of the most successful places to meet a man for one evening, for a serious relationship and with the rich. All in your hands!

Let's consider a few of the most "fishy" places:

  • Trainings, seminars, master classes- if a person visits such places, he is purposeful, ready to develop, and most importantly, if he has any shortcomings, he realizes this and tries to fix them.
  • Museums and exhibitions- obviously normal people who love art come here.
  • Karting clubs... If a man likes to visit them, we can conclude that he drives his own car much more carefully and does not risk in vain, since go-karting is a place of adrenaline rush.
  • At work, in the office, or in negotiations... Take a closer look at those around you, business partners and their colleagues.
  • Holiday romances- a way to have a good vacation, and sometimes to start a family. True, distance is a hindrance, because sooner or later you will have to go home.
  • Indoor ice rink... It doesn't matter whether it's winter or summer, there are always skiers who love to ride.
  • The shops- grocery, clothing, furniture. You can always ask a young man for advice on what is better to choose, or, conversely, help him decide on a purchase.
  • Sports bars... Fans of football, hockey, Formula 1 races gather here. Here you will find an active lifestyle lover.
  • City parks and squares... In these places the MCH can ride a bicycle, roller-skate, run, walk the dog.
  • Meeting in public transport... This is especially true if you travel in the same bus, trolleybus or tram every day at approximately the same time.

If you are a homebody and a single mom, then it remains to pay attention to the free relatives of your child's friends, godson, nephew at school or kindergarten. Perhaps he goes to some circle where you can also meet the guy of your dreams. You can also walk with him in playgrounds or visit children's cafes. But be careful: don't run into a married man!

Where to find a decent wealthy guy

Rich men visit expensive and elite clubs, restaurants, pubs and bars, fitness clubs. Also among their favorite places may be bookstores, tea boutiques, golf clubs, yacht clubs. It should be borne in mind that your "victims" are busy most of the time, so they get out somewhere only for rest or work. You can try your luck at business forums, trainings for executives, training courses.

Where to meet a young man for one evening

If you just want to have a pleasant evening, you can attend a rock concert, go to dance in a nightclub or go to a party by the river, sea or lake in the warmer months. It's also worth trying your luck at the fan clubs of your favorite bands or sports teams, especially football, where some pretty decent guys can go.

Don't write off quick acquaintances - it's interesting, unusual, although it smacks of adventure.

Another place to meet a decent man for a frivolous relationship is friendly parties, alumni meetings, city holidays and events.

Where to look for a partner without leaving home

Are you very shy or are all parties and noisy places not for you? Or are you just spending too much time at work? Do you rarely leave home than to the store? Then pay attention to internet dating! Here is where you can find an interesting interlocutor, virtual communication with whom can develop into the present:

  • Social networksvk.com, ok.ru, ru.facebook.com. On these sites you can also meet foreigners; this type of communication will also help to learn another language. Friends of friends, communities, groups, interesting pages - all this makes it possible to find a person of interest.
  • Dating sites - the most popular are loveplanet.ru, love.ru, fotostrana.ru, mamba.ru, datingstyle.ru. There are a lot of people who want to get acquainted on the websites, the main thing is to select candidates correctly.
  • Online chats- secret4u.ru, chatvdvoem.ru, livechat.su. This is the fastest way to make friends and learn to communicate. In chats, first of all, the communication itself is important, and only then how the person looks, so develop communication skills.

Want to get step-by-step instructions on how to meet successful men correctly? We advise you to definitely look at the new free video course Alexei Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." From the course you will learn how to attract his attention, push him to acquaintance, interest and captivate.

To view, click on this link, leave your e-mail and a letter will be sent to the mail with a link to the video.

In order not to make a mistake, we have prepared an article for you on the topic. You will learn where to start your search, what precautions should be taken, what to write to the interlocutor, etc.

Want to ? Then a simple "hello" is not enough, you need something fresher. In another article, we discussed how to surprise a man and how to keep his interest.

To charm your chosen one, use. You will learn which techniques are allowed and which are not, and how to protect yourself when manipulating.

Learning to understand software is essential if you want to be successful. We talked about the intricacies of verbal communication earlier.

But now the long-awaited moment has come: you have been invited on a date. so as not to spoil anything? Here you will find a list of pertinent and forbidden topics.

In order to meet a man in real life, you should not be afraid of communication. If you liked someone, do not hesitate, go up to him, perhaps he likes you too. In most cases, men do not mind being introduced to them. Believe me, they are often afraid to come up first, no less than you.

The advice is a bit trivial, but sensible: the video blogger offers to get acquainted through acquaintances, in libraries (who goes to them now!), In museums, etc.

In any situation, remember that you are a woman, you can do whatever you want, you are different, you are a mystery. I wanted to smile - smile, winked at the man - be sure, he will notice it and he will be pleased. And finally, you don't have to go anywhere at all, because very often, if you really want something, it just doesn't come true.