Hypoallergenic dog breeds. hypoallergenic dog breeds

Today there are dogs in almost every family. A huge variety of breeds allows you to choose a pet of any kind and character. However, what if one of the family members suffers from allergies, but dreams of a four-legged friend? Do not rush to give up your desires. Hypoallergenic dog breeds can help resolve conflicts of interest.

How to choose a safe dog for an allergy sufferer

Everyone can choose the right pet for themselves - even for allergy sufferers, there are safe breeds

The first thing to consider is that dogs that do not cause allergies at all do not yet exist. These are natural reactions that cannot be overcome. Hypoallergenic breeds are those types of dogs that are less likely to cause an immune response of the body to a particular irritant. The reason for this is the weak hair loss. It may also be less intense production of fluids from the secretory glands, which emit an odor that is dangerous for a person with allergies.

Important! According to medical observations, even hypoallergenic dogs can provoke a negative reaction in humans, as this depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But such cases are extremely rare.

Main selection factors

When choosing a dog for an allergic person, you need to take into account its physiological characteristics - the intensity of molting, salivation, etc.

For those who suffer from allergies, but intend to have a four-legged friend, the following aspects must be taken into account:

  1. The less the animal sheds, the better for the person. The opinion that it is more difficult for allergy sufferers to get along with a long-haired dog is wrong. It is not the length that matters, but the number of hairs that have fallen out. And since short-haired breeds shed almost all year round, they carry a great danger.
  2. Try to choose a small indoor dog, as size matters. The principle is based on the same - there will be less wool from medium-sized pets. View photos of dogs of various breeds, ask breeders about sizes.
  3. Dog barking affects the amount of allergens. Scientists have noticed that calm pets are less likely to cause allergies than violent ones. This is due to the fact that when barking, more saliva is released, which is a source of allergens.

List of hypoallergenic breeds for apartments and houses

The International Kennel Club has identified a list of dog breed names that are most suitable for keeping an allergic person. The list includes the following types of pets:

  • Australian Silky Terrier;
  • affenpinscher;
  • American Hairless Terrier;
  • bolognese;
  • bichon frise;
  • bichon;
  • welsh terrier;
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier;
  • Yorkshire Terrier;
  • Pomeranian;
  • Irish Water Spaniel;
  • coton de tulear;
  • Chinese Crested;
  • cairn terrier;
  • lhasa apso;
  • Kerry Blue Terrier;
  • papillon;
  • maltese;
  • Polish Lowland Sheepdog;
  • bullets;
  • Portuguese water;
  • poodle;
  • shih tzu.

Description with photo

The Chinese Crested is a breed of small dog that does not shed. However, they need careful care: the hair on the tail, paws and head must be combed daily. In addition, these dogs are prone to allergies, so they need to be bathed using special odorless products.

Mobile Chinese Crested

The Australian Silky Terrier is a small dog with fine, long, straight hair. It will require frequent care, in particular, washing and cutting. However, despite regular contact with animal hair, this breed has practically no negative effect on allergy sufferers. This fact can be explained by the silky structure of the coat and the almost complete absence of undercoat, the small villi of which cause allergies.

Dude Australian Silky Terrier

The American Hairless Terrier is an active and strong medium-sized dog. This is a great option for people with allergies. The absence of a coat, which is a carrier of fungal spores, dust, plant pollen, makes the dog completely safe. In addition, following the opinion that the allergen is located in the exfoliated cells of the epidermis and various biological fluids of the animal, the American Terrier gives a huge advantage. You can wash your pet's skin regularly and enjoy his company without fear of allergies.

Strong and dynamic American Hairless Terrier

Affenpinscher is an inquisitive pet of small size, which is characterized by a weak intensity of molting. Easy to care for and safe for allergy sufferers. It will become a great friend to your child.

cutie affenpinscher

The Bichon Frize is a breed of small dogs that are popular for their funny looks. They have a thick coat that grows throughout their lives. She does not shed at all, which is a positive factor for allergy sufferers. However, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to grooming and trimming.

Fluffy Bichon Frize

The Bolognese is a breed of small dogs with a good intellect and a calm disposition. As in the previous case, the coat of the lapdog does not fall out, which leads to tangling and, as a result, the owner will need to pay a lot of attention to caring for his pet.

Tireless bolognese

The Havanese is a breed of small, kind and inquisitive dogs. They also have a long and silky coat that does not shed. Owners will need to pay attention daily to combing out their pet's coat with a special brush.

Playful Havanese Bichon

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is an unusual dog breed with short legs. These are gentle, cheerful and inquisitive pets, the coat of which is not subject to loss. She does not need such careful care as the previous breeds, however, trimming is still necessary once every 2 months.

Nimble Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is a popular toy dog ​​breed. Such pets are covered with shiny fine wool, which is similar in structure to human hair. These dogs practically do not shed, but they need constant care, including daily combing, frequent washing with the use of special products, etc.

Dignified Yorkshire Terrier

The Irish Water Spaniel is a very rare dog breed these days. They are large enough, have a thick curly coat that does not shed. They are undemanding in care, since it is not necessary to comb out and cut the pet so often - it is enough to carry out these procedures 2-3 times a month.

Curly Irish Water Spaniel

The Cairn Terrier is a breed of small hunting dog. They have a hard coat of sand, wheaten, gray and other shades, which does not shed. Such a pet will need to be trimmed 3-4 times a year, which greatly facilitates care.

Loyal and courageous Cairn Terrier

The Kerry Blue Terrier is a medium-sized dog breed with a soft, curly coat. They are characterized by the complete absence of undercoat and shedding, which minimizes the risk of allergies. Animals need daily grooming.

Exquisite Kerry Blue Terrier

Coton de Tulear is a breed of small dogs that is quite rare. Their coat looks like soft and fluffy cotton wool. Despite this, pets are not prone to shedding, which makes them a good choice for allergy sufferers.

Noble coton de tulear

The Lhasa Apso is a breed of small dog with a coarse, thick and straight coat. They are not subject to molting, but need regular care: the owner needs to comb and wash the pet daily, less often trim.

Attentive and affectionate Lhasa Apso

The Maltese is a breed of small toy dogs with a silky white coat that does not have an undercoat. With proper care, these pets almost never shed.

Playful shy Maltese

Papillon is a breed of decorative small dogs with characteristic large ears. Such pets have a long, silky and thin coat that is not prone to shedding. This factor makes the dog suitable for keeping an allergic person.

Tireless and sociable papillon

The Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a medium-sized pet breed. Such dogs are distinguished by fluffy, hard and thick hair. Despite the fact that animals have a soft undercoat, they are completely safe for people with allergies. Getting such a pet, get ready for regular grooming and frequent walks with the dog.

Calm and patient Polish Lowland Sheepdog

The Portuguese Water Dog is a working breed. Such pets are covered with thick, hard and tightly twisted hair, which is not prone to falling out with proper care. In addition to combing, such dogs need physical activity, in particular, swimming. It is best to keep in the house, not the apartment.

active portuguese merman

The Poodle is a popular curly-haired dog breed. They have no undercoat, but the susceptibility to shedding is moderate. Poodles need frequent grooming and grooming. Perfect for keeping in an apartment.

smart poodle

Bullets are a breed of small shepherd dogs covered with stiff, long hair twisted into tubes. These brave and active pets are not dangerous for allergy sufferers, and, moreover, they are unpretentious in care. Cords of wool do not need to be combed. The only thing you need is to keep them clean.

Faithful and imperturbable bullets

Shih Tzu is a breed of miniature dogs with a short muzzle. Covered with shiny double-layered wool. These pets are also suitable for people with allergies, due to the fact that with proper care their hair does not fall out. However, be patient, as Shih Tzu need constant care, brushing and trimming.

Gorgeous shih tzu

The Miniature Pomeranian is a breed of miniature dog that also belongs to the “toy” category. Their body is covered with long thick coarse hair. There is also a soft undercoat. But the absence of molting saves allergy sufferers and does not cause any special problems if trimming is done on time. Currently, many breeders call it one of the most beautiful hypoallergenic breeds.

Cute and playful Pomeranian

How to reduce the risk of allergies

Following simple rules for caring for your dog will minimize the risk of allergies.

Choosing a safe dog breed is just one factor in minimizing the risk of allergies in humans. In addition to this, you must follow certain rules for living with a pet:

  1. First of all, the dog needs regular grooming. This is a prerequisite. The amount of dangerous protein in saliva and on the skin can be significantly reduced if you wash and cut your pet often.
  2. Don't neglect brushing your hair. This will make both you and your dog feel comfortable.
  3. Clean your home as often as possible. Clean all surfaces, especially “collectors” of allergens and dust - carpets, curtains, etc.
  4. Isolate your bed from the dog. Communicate with the pet, enjoy the games and care for him, but do not let him into your bedroom.
  5. Household cleaners will help reduce the concentration of irritants in the air. Regular airing of the room is suitable.

Important! It is desirable that not the allergy sufferer himself take care of the animal, but any other family member.

Thus, each of us can have a four-legged friend, even those who are prone to allergies. There are a lot of dog breeds that practically do not cause a negative reaction of the body. All of them differ in appearance, character and method of care, but choosing a pet is not so difficult. Good luck to you!

Allergy is a rather unpleasant phenomenon that is familiar to many people. To live, in something limiting yourself, is quite difficult. Especially when it comes to pets. It is worth noting right away that theoretically, there are no dogs in the world that do not cause allergies at all. But there is such a thing as hypoallergenic dog breeds- communication with these animals is conditionally considered possible.

Dogs for allergy sufferers

The human body is so unique and individual that medicine provides sometimes striking observations - for example, dogs of the same breed can affect the manifestation of allergic reactions in different ways. For example, one dog will cause allergies, and the second - no, one dog will provoke sneezing, and the second - itchy skin. At the same time, it is impossible to know in advance which animal and how it will affect the body. Only personal contact can establish this or that possibility. By the way, in addition to wool, the saliva of dogs can cause allergies.

People with allergies should follow these tips:

  • To reduce the amount of allergens that are provoked by dogs, you need to bathe the animal more often - at least once a week. It is believed that such preventive measures will reduce the manifestation of allergies to a minimum or even eliminate attacks.
  • The larger the dog, the more allergens on it, because a small dog has much less hair than its large counterpart.
  • Dogs that bark a lot are more allergenic as they spread a lot of saliva. That is why allergy sufferers should get calm dogs that are not prone to frequent and unreasonable barking.
  • Clean your home as often as possible - wet cleaning can remove all the allergens that collect there. Don't forget to vacuum the furniture and carpets on the walls. By the way, many owners accustom their dogs to “processing” with a vacuum cleaner.

List of hypoallergenic dog breeds

samoyed(the second name is the Samoyed dog (Laika)). A medium-sized white dog with a thick, fluffy coat. Samoyeds are sled dogs and guard dogs. Today they perfectly cope with the role of a companion, but only under the condition of active walks and great physical exertion. Dogs of this breed are pack animals - they will be happy to live in a large friendly family, which consists of other dogs and people. These dogs are friendly and very playful. Samoyeds love children. It is hardly possible to use a Samoyed as a protector, but these dogs will be able to give a voice when a stranger comes.

Australian silky terrier(the second name of the breed is Silky Terrier). Outwardly, these dogs resemble Yorkshire terriers, but they are larger and do not have such a rich coat, although they are also long and silky to the touch. Silky Terriers are compact and short-legged dogs, very active and energetic. These animals need special care - the shiny coat needs to be combed out daily and washed frequently, and since it grows quickly in the Silky Terrier, the coat must be cut at least once a month. These dogs were bred as hunters for various rodents and snakes, so the dogs have fearlessness and courage. They are very fond of outdoor games and long walks with the owner.

American Hairless Terrier. A small dog that is completely devoid of hair. Unlike all other hairless dog breeds, it has good health and a complete set of teeth. A very loyal and devoted pet who loves active games and walks. A naked terrier, despite its defenseless appearance, may well rebuff an uninvited guest.

Affen pinscher(second name - monkey pinscher). A small, funny dog ​​often referred to as a "toy dog". These animals are very curious and active. Affen Pinschers love all family members, so this dog can be started as a lonely elderly person, as well as a young couple who are going to have kids.

Bedlington Terrier. Dogs with a very spectacular appearance, for which they received the nickname "sheep dogs". Bedlingtons are calm and balanced animals, they are very kind, loyal and attentive to the owner. Sometimes they can be stubborn.

bichon frise. One of the most popular breeds. Fans note that the dog's funny appearance and the fact that it does not shed at all makes the Bichon Frize one of the best dogs for apartment keeping. These are very cheerful kind dogs that are insanely devoted to their owner.

Bolognese. One of the varieties of lapdogs. These dogs are very trainable, so they often perform in the circus. Thanks to its compact build, charm and friendliness, Bolognese can be kept with other animals in a large friendly family.

border terrier. A small dog that has the true character of a terrier. Borderers can be stubborn, but they never show aggression towards people, they are mostly calm and balanced dogs, good companions for both children's games and leisurely walks with an elderly person.

welsh terrier
. A reduced copy of the king of terriers - Airedale Terrier. The Welsh is a compact small dog with a rough coat that does not shed and must be disposed of manually by trimming. Previously, dogs of this breed were used exclusively for hunting, but today these animals are mainly excellent companions for children and adults, as the Welsh is active and playful. Do not forget that dogs of this breed need exercise and a course of obedience. Welsh Terriers are very devoted to their family and love children.

havanese bichon. Large lap dog, very curious and kind. The dog is perfectly trained, loves children and communication with people. Loyal and devoted dog that does not need physical exertion. But the watchman from the Havana is clearly not going to work.

A dog of a stretched format with a spectacular appearance - a funny tufted hat is cut off on the head of the Dandie Dinmont Terrier, and besides this, the dogs have a lush mustache. Representatives of this breed are bold and cheerful, they can drive away an uninvited guest from the apartment with a bass bark. Dandie Dinmont Terriers are very affectionate to the owner, love to play with children, and even with very small ones they are gentle and attentive.

Irish Water Spaniel
. A curly-haired dog that hardly sheds. This medium sized dog is an excellent hunter and watchdog. The Irish Water Spaniel is not aggressive in itself, he loves children and games, and also this dog is a tireless companion for an active owner.

Spanish water dog. With their small size, good-natured disposition and funny appearance, these dogs are popular as pets in Spain, Italy and the USA. Previously, these intelligent creatures were shepherds and helpers of fishermen, hence the love for water and for all living beings. But, despite the toy appearance, these Spanish water dogs need early socialization, an active lifestyle, physical activity and, importantly, the owner will definitely need to take an obedience course with the pet.

Yorkshire Terrier. A small dog that is at the peak of its popularity today. The Yorkie has a long, thin and soft coat, which is similar in structure to human hair. Dogs of this breed are very active, mobile and cheerful. Yorkshire terriers are madly in love with the owner, they can sit in his arms for hours, thrilled with affection. Despite its size, the Yorkie is able to fight back a stranger who gets too close to his master, moreover, these animals do an excellent job of hunting rats and mice. Despite the toy appearance, it is not the best option as a personal pet for a child. They do not like familiarity, since Yorkies have a rather strong and strong-willed character (like a terrier, and not like a lap dog).

pygmy spitz(the second name is Pomeranian). A small fluffy dog ​​who loves to sit on his hands and “smile” in a funny way - this is exactly the association that people have with this breed of dog. This is partly true, since Pomeranians do not like loneliness and are ready to accompany the owner always and everywhere. Fortunately, these miniature dogs are unpretentious and do not cause many problems, except, of course, caring for their luxurious coat. Do not limit the movement of the Pomeranian - they are very active and, among other things, perfectly trained.

Cairn Terrier. A small shaggy dog, very cheerful and perky, smart and courageous. Cairn Terriers were bred as rat hunters, so they are very hardy and fearless, always ready to “fight”: if not for hunting, then for sure for games. Such dogs need education and training from an early age, as this breed is famous for its stubbornness. Kerns get along well with children and will share all their pranks with pleasure.

Kerry blue terrier(the second name is the Irish blue terrier). A dog of medium height, active and affectionate, an excellent nanny for children and a companion for adults. Kerry Blue Terriers were bred to hunt rodents, badgers, and foxes. Today it is an excellent family dog: affectionate and attentive, which is able to stand up for its household at the right time. Needs exercise and training.

Chinese crested dog. Refers to hairless dog breeds. The Chinese are very affectionate and funny dogs. In hot and cold weather, they need special care. From the sun, the skin should be lubricated with cream, and in the winter season, be sure to dress your pet warmly. Fortunately, the choice of clothes is now huge. The Chinese Crested Dog loves to play outdoors and can raise its voice if it doesn't like the extraneous noise near the door.

Coton de Tulear.
A very rare breed of dog. Her dignity is soft, like cotton wool, wool. Coton de Tulear does not shed at all - the dog needs to be combed daily, and the regrown wool should be sheared from time to time. A very kind and docile dog, he feels good both in a large family and with a lonely elderly person.

(the second name is the Mexican hairless dog). Dogs of this very ancient breed have three varieties (small, medium and standard), so everyone can choose their four-legged friend in size. A distinctive feature is the absence of wool. Sometimes "woolen" puppies are born in the litter - they are covered with short hair. Xolos are very smart, agile and bold. They can be excellent hunters, watchmen and just friends. These dogs require training and early socialization.

Lhasa apso. Small dogs with long hair that needs constant labor-intensive care: washing, combing and cutting. These seemingly peaceful dogs can be good watchdogs, as they are distrustful of strangers. Remarkably, they are calm and reasonable - attacks of hysterical barking are not characteristic of them. Lhasa apso are very active and agile dogs, perfectly amenable to training.

Maltese(the second name is the Maltese). Snow-white small dogs with long flowing hair, which, moreover, does not shed. It is an ideal companion in a family without small children or as a friend for an elderly person. Due to the fact that Maltese do not like anxiety and fuss (they are very sensitive to anxiety), they can be irritable with children and strangers.

Papillon(the second name is a butterfly dog). These decorative dogs look like toys come to life. They have a delicate silky coat and luxuriously feathered ears. Papillons are very smart and quick-witted, they love to communicate with people and actively spend their leisure time. Representatives of this breed lend themselves perfectly to a variety of training - they can even participate in agility.

peruvian hairless dog
(the second name is the Peruvian Inca orchid). Dogs of medium size, elegant and slender, completely devoid of hair. Peruvian hairless dogs are insanely devoted to their owner, unusually affectionate, but they absolutely cannot stand loneliness. They love active games, and can also be good watchmen. Specific skin care is required.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog. These dogs are of medium size. They have a very thick, fluffy, but at the same time coarse coat. Moreover, it can be both straight and wavy in structure. The Polish Lowland Sheepdog used to be used as a herding dog, but today they excel as a watchdog and companion. Representatives of this breed, like all shepherd dogs, are self-confident, have an excellent memory, and are well trained. To properly raise a Polish Lowland Sheepdog, she needs early socialization, physical activity and, in general, an active lifestyle.

Portuguese water dog. This robust, medium-sized dog has a thick, curly coat. The Portuguese Water Dog loves water very much - it even has membranes between its fingers (like a Newfoundland). This is a working breed of dog - it was bred as an assistant to fishermen. But today, thanks to their friendliness and charm, Portuguese Water Dogs mostly serve as companions. These dogs are very smart and independent, despite the fact that they love all family members in their own way, one owner occupies a special place in them - they are selflessly devoted to him. This breed needs exercise and active walks. By the way, the Portuguese water dog can also be used in hunting - they quickly learn to serve game from the water.

Poodle. This dog breed has four varieties in size: large (royal), small (medium), dwarf (miniature) and toy (toy), so everyone can find a pet to their liking and abilities. Poodles are very intelligent dogs and are easy to train. Large individuals do an excellent job of passing the standards of service dog breeding, and small and dwarf ones shine in agility. Often poodles are also circus stars. Dogs of this breed have a thick and curly coat, from which you can create various elegant haircuts. Dogs of this breed are very friendly, they love children and are ready to play with them from morning to evening.

bullets(the second name is the small Hungarian shepherd dog). These dogs have a rather unusual coat - it looks like dreadlocks, and besides, it does not let water through. Bullets were bred as herding dogs, but today they are a pleasant companion and watchdog. Dogs of this breed are smart and quick-witted, they are agile and courageous, quickly orient themselves and deftly cope with any tasks. This is what makes Bullets excellent sporting dogs. This breed is stubborn (like many shepherd breeds), so the owner will need to make a lot of effort to raise an obedient dog.

Wheaten Soft-Coated Terrier. Very nice medium sized dog. Its golden-wheat coat needs constant care and a special haircut. "Wheat" are very smart and quick-witted, energetic and active. Dogs of this breed without proper attention to themselves can be aggressive and withdrawn, therefore, in order to raise a pet correctly, you will need early socialization, constant contact with the owner, physical activity and training. Soft-coated wheaten terriers love to mess around with children.

skye terrier. A small dog of elongated format, with long, flowing hard hair. Previously, badgers and foxes were hunted with these dogs, but today their destiny is to be faithful and faithful companions. Skye Terriers are very smart and hardy, they love long leisurely walks and games with their owner. They do best as the only dog ​​in a single person or in a family without children. Tibetan Terrier. Medium sized dog with thick and shaggy coat. Tibetan Terriers are smart and quick-witted, easy to train, and can even participate in sports. They get along well with older children, as they can sometimes be jealous and stubborn. Dogs of this breed need exercise.

Flanders Bouvier(the second name is Bouvier de Flandres). The dog is above average height, looks sullen and menacing because of the shaggy coat, beard and sharply cropped ears. In fact, the Bouvier of Flanders is a very gentle dog, he is madly in love with his owner and his entire family and is ready to give his life for loved ones. Dogs of this breed are good guards, they are obedient and well trained, they have a calm and balanced character.

shih tzu. A small dog with a long, silky coat that needs regular grooming. Shih Tzu are very smart dogs, they are cheerful and energetic, friendly and, at the same time, independent. Dogs of this breed love the company of people, long walks and outdoor games.

Schnauzer. Dogs of this breed have three varieties in terms of growth: large (rizen), medium (mittel), dwarf (zwerg). Representatives of this breed are excellent service and guard dogs. They are smart, quick-witted, confident and reliable. Schnauzers lend themselves well to a variety of training and are often sports stars. They get along great with children. Sometimes they can show stubbornness and independence, so dogs of this breed definitely need training, active games and physical activity.

Dogs that do not have allergies are represented by a few breeds. Basically, these are smooth-haired and absolutely healthy individuals. Friends of a person of different breeds are always loved by their owners. Faithful helpers are given for the holidays, bought, and even just found on the street. But what to do if the desired dream causes intolerable reactions (itching, tearing, runny nose, etc.). Scientists were able to answer this question by conducting studies of different dogs and finding out the reason.

The autoimmune reaction of the body is based on contact with a foreign protein contained in the saliva of an animal. Therefore, absolutely hypoallergenic animals do not exist, since they all have proteins in excreted fluids, on wool, etc.

It is only known that some breeds are less able to irritate human receptors. Small breeds, for example, produce fewer allergens, so it is believed that they cause fewer symptoms in an allergic person.

So, the choice of a dog for people prone to allergies to animals should be approached very responsibly.

Types of separated animal particles:
  1. Wool, undercoat hairs. Especially dangerous are long-haired individuals and actively molting.
  2. Saliva. The things it gnawed on are also dangerous.
  3. Urine, feces.
  4. Skin-borne allergens from other animals and plants.

Which dogs are not allergic to? This question can be answered by finding out the presence of special antibodies in the blood of an allergic person.

In addition, a skin test is done: a certain area is scratched and artificial contact is made with the cells of the animal. The reaction is determined by local reddening of the skin as a result of the release of serotonin and histamines.

About breeds

The myth that unpleasant symptoms in the owner occur only on the coat has been dispelled by experts.

According to research by American scientists, there are hypoallergenic dog breeds:
  • Yorkshire Terrier. Small stature, long coat pleasant to the touch, without undercoat, does not shed;
  • the poodle is the most common dog among allergy sufferers;
  • terrier american. Short stature. He has no hair, except for his mustache and eyebrows. Hairless dog, not prone to skin dermatitis, which distinguishes it from other hairless species;
  • affen-pinscher is an active, playful animal, suitable for children;
  • bolognese (lapdog) has a thick coat, does not shed. Loves people, gets along well with other pets;
  • Spanish water. Likes to swim; the coat is curly, thick, practically does not shed it. Outsiders are disturbing. Suitable for communication with children;
  • dwarf spitz. Toy, with long hair, crochet tail. Friendly, active;
  • The Cairn Terrier is a very intelligent Scottish terrier. He loves hunting for rodents, and was bred specifically for this. It needs a firm hand of the owner, otherwise it can become naughty. Wool is hard;
  • The Irish Water Spaniel is a guard species. At the same time, the character is soft. The coat does not shed, rarely needs care. The breed is unpopular in Russia.

Which breed to choose depends on personal preference and purpose. So, lapdogs, Yorkshire terriers, pinschers and other toy species are more suitable for an apartment building. Since there is no intolerance to them, it can be recommended to both adults and children. It is interesting that dogs, brought home even before the birth of the baby, do not cause him any inconvenience with his appearance in the apartment, and allergies in these cases practically do not occur.

Long-haired species do not require constant combing. It is enough to do this once a month so that the animal has a pleasant appearance.

But with a tendency to allergies, it is better to trust the hairdresser. There, they cut their nails and wash them. You can not be afraid of direct contact with wool. Although this should not cause allergies in humans.

Whatever breeds are in your home, you must follow the rules of separation. The best option is to find a pet in a booth (a dog house near the owner's housing).

If, nevertheless, love for an animal and a place in the apartment allow you to have a pet, then you should give him a certain place and teach him to be there.

There are situations when even hypoallergenic dogs caused allergies. The reason for this is improper care. The animal must be washed in the morning and in the evening, immediately after walking.

It can carry particles:
  • dust, earth;
  • pollen, insect protein;
  • elements of excrement of other dogs, their saliva.

If the owner has already had an allergy to animals in the past, then the hygiene of a hypoallergenic dog must be taken seriously due to the possible cross-reaction. Otherwise, unpleasant symptoms may also occur, up to edema and allergic shock.

It is advisable to shoe and dress the animal. Now you won’t surprise anyone with clothes for dogs, but you can save your life with this.

Long-haired representatives, as a rule, do not shed at all, or very rarely shed their hair. The tendency to allergic manifestations in this case becomes less than in the presence of short-haired. For intolerance to dog hair, bald little dogs are ideal.

If the reaction did come, then the first thing to do is to remove the animal, clean the apartment from wool, toys, excrement, take a shower yourself.

If there are allergy medications, then drink one dose. If there are no medicines, then you need to go to the doctor or take the most well-known remedies, with no contraindications. These can be creams, gels for dermatitis (Fenistil, Skin-cap, etc.), aerosols for a cold (Flixonase). Tablets should be taken only as directed by a doctor.

Dogs that are guaranteed not to cause allergies do not exist in nature. However, some breeds have physiological features that reduce or completely negate the likelihood of its manifestation. That is what we are going to talk about today.

What is the source?

Contrary to popular belief, lacrimation, runny nose, sneezing, shortness of breath are not caused by wool - it is only a carrier of irritants (such as dust, pollen, dandruff, etc.).

There is an opinion that short-haired breeds are suitable for keeping allergy sufferers. Actually it is not! The process of molting in smooth-haired dogs continues all year round. Fallen wool sticks to furniture, carpets, curtains and the number of allergens in the apartment increases exponentially.

A similar situation develops with wire-haired pets, with the difference that small needle hairs literally dig into the surrounding interior items. They are not brushed off, they are not swept away with a broom, even a vacuum cleaner cannot cope with this task.

As for the “bald” breeds of dogs, things are just worse with them. Hairless dogs often suffer from dermatitis (). As a result, the dead epithelium (dandruff) is exfoliated, falls to the floor, from there it rises into the air with dust - and signs of allergy are just around the corner.

The most harmless are the owners of a long and fluffy “mane”. Although they shed, the hair that has fallen out usually remains on the surface of the body and is removed only at the moment of combing, holding on to the brush.

Hypoallergenic dogs - who are they?

If you try to combine dogs on this basis, then three groups are conditionally distinguished:

  • smooth-haired and bald breeds not prone to skin diseases;
  • non-shedding pets;
  • little shedding individuals.

Most of these requirements are met by dogs that are small in stature. Why exactly them? It's simple: a small body surface contains and collects fewer irritants. Quite understandable logic.

Which breed to give preference to decide personally for each person, but before making a choice, you must have at least some idea with whom you have to deal. Below is a list of dwarf dogs, the content of which, according to statistics, is the least likely to cause an allergic reaction in the owner.

Shedding dwarf breeds
- the risk of developing allergies when dealing with them is minimal.

  • Affenpinscher
  • Italian bolognese
  • Belgian and
  • Coton de Tulear (minus - barks a lot, scattering saliva)
  • Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Little shedding
- conditionally hypoallergenic breeds with regular combing.

  • Lhasa apso

The miniature schnauzer can also be included here, but they are quite emotional, bark a lot, splashing everything in the area with saliva.

- are hypoallergenic breeds, provided that the owner will constantly monitor the condition of the skin of the wards. Dandruff is one of the most powerful allergens.

  • Xoloitzcuintle

Representatives of both breeds are characterized by increased salivation, which clearly does not speak in their favor.

When the craving for animals outweighs the risk of developing an allergy, it is worth following simple rules that can minimize it.

  1. Regular wet cleaning of the apartment and cleaning surfaces with a vacuum cleaner.
  2. A categorical prohibition for a pet to lie on a sofa, bed, armchair. He must sleep and rest in a place strictly designated for him.
  3. Bathe your dog at least twice a week.
  4. Periodic combing of long-haired and trimming of short-haired breeds.
  5. Installing an air purifier.
  6. The dog must be cared for by a household member who does not suffer from allergies.

A little more interesting

There is an interesting point. It happens that with the advent of a dog, someone from the household begins unpleasant symptoms (redness of the skin, cough, runny nose, maybe even a fever). For doctors in such a situation, the presumption of innocence does not exist, regardless of the result of allergy tests, they advise getting rid of the dog. But in reality, all these ailments occur due to the body's reaction to ...! After all, this bag appeared instead of with a puppy ... And it is enough to change the manufacturer of food to solve the problem.

As for the analyzes themselves, there is a story on the Internet that you can take the hair or dander of a particular dog for examination - and it will be clear for sure whether it is the case or not. It is difficult to say who first came up with this story, but commercial medicine in Russia does not provide such services. The only option is to take a standard allergen panel.

And in conclusion, it is worth noting that there are no two identical dogs, just as there are no two identical people. Hypoallergenic breed is selected strictly individually. Even within the same line, animals can affect the human body in different ways: some cause a serious attack, and when communicating with others, there will be no reaction.

The desire to have a pet is inherent in both adults and children. One of the obstacles to the fulfillment of a cherished dream can be an allergy. But there is a solution: hypoallergenic dogs can save the day. A large group of breeds fall into the category of hypoallergenic, and people with this disease have a lot of choice.


Almost any pet can cause allergies in its owner suffering from this disease. The most characteristic features are:

  • allergic conjunctivitis - swelling, itching, redness of the eyes and profuse release of tears;
  • allergic rhinitis is manifested by congestion, sneezing, itching, nasal discharge;
  • atopic dermatitis (urticaria) is characterized by itching from rashes on the body;
  • bronchial asthma is accompanied by a dry cough, shortness of breath, wheezing in the chest, shortness of breath, in severe cases - suffocation.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds can also cause bouts of illness. Each individual reacts to the same animal in different ways, it all depends on the personal characteristics of the body and the state of the immune system.

What causes allergies?

Doctors believe that there are several reasons for the manifestation of allergies. This could be a reaction:

All these "charms" in the air mix with dust, stick to the animal's fur and get on carpets, furniture, clothes. Contact with them causes all the signs of allergy in people: swelling, redness of the mucous membrane, coughing, profuse release of tears, suffocation.

Hypoallergenic dogs can be very conditionally divided into three groups according to the following criteria:

  • bald and smooth-haired breeds not prone to skin diseases;
  • low shedding individuals;
  • pets with a lack of molting.

These groups include a wide variety of breed groups: large and small, short-haired and long-haired, bald and with a chic hairline. The most popular are dwarf ornamental breeds.

To reduce the risk of developing the disease, you should carefully care for your pet. This is also required by hypoallergenic dog breeds. Regular wet cleaning in the room will prevent the accumulation of dust. Refusal of carpets on the floor, cleaning of upholstered furniture, prohibition of the animal to lie down on chairs and sofas or in the bed of its owner will help.

hypoallergenic animals

Hypoallergenic dog breeds have a right to exist, despite the fact that all over the world there is no ideal breed that does not cause allergies at all. In one way or another, the animal produces dandruff and saliva - the main sources of the problem.

Experts have determined what features a breed that does not cause allergies should have:

  • lack of molting;
  • calm, balanced temperament;
  • lack of predisposition to skin diseases.

Such animals will be minimal sources of allergens. According to doctors, iguanas and snakes can also be safely attributed to animals that do not cause allergies.

Bald breeds

The most hypoallergenic dogs are hairless. All agents that provoke allergies somehow get into the air and settle on the animal's fur. Its absence reduces the risk of human contact with substances that can provoke an attack.

These breeds include:

  • Chinese crested;
  • Mexican naked;
  • Xoloitzcuintle (Mexican hairless dog);
  • Peruvian Inca Orchid.

Two breeds, the Xoloitzcuintle and the Chinese Crested, produce saliva profusely in addition to dandruff. These breeds for people prone to allergies should be purchased with caution.

Shorthair breeds

A large group of animals are short-haired hypoallergenic breeds of dogs. The list can be long, the most famous of them are the following:

  • affenpinscher;
  • bedlington terrier;
  • bichon frise;
  • border terrier;
  • welsh terrier;
  • Kerry Blue Terrier;
  • Portuguese water dog (short-haired variety).

Of course, each breed has its own character traits, different levels of physical activity requirements, conditions of detention, etc. All these breeds have one feature in common - animals are practically not subject to molting. This makes them desirable in an allergy sufferer's home.

Longhaired breeds

If you are allergic, this does not mean that animals with long hair are prohibited for you. Among them, there may also be hypoallergenic dogs (photo - above). There is no direct relationship between the length of a dog's coat and the degree of irritant effect on the health of an allergy sufferer. It is a mistake to assume that the longer the coat of a dog, the more dangerous it is for the patient.

Long-haired and yet hypoallergenic breeds include:

  • Yorkshire Terrier - does not shed;
  • pygmy spitz - seasonal molting;
  • lhasa apso - does not shed;
  • maltese - does not shed;
  • Polish Lowland Sheepdog - seasonal molting;
  • bullets - does not shed;
  • skye terrier - seasonal molting;
  • Shih Tzu - practically does not shed.

A long-haired, slightly shedding dog with a calm temperament and healthy skin, with proper care of the animal, will be less dangerous than a small, hysterical short-haired dog.

Large dog breeds

The wool itself is not the cause of the allergy. Caring for her is a decisive factor in reducing the risk for the patient. Timely combing and, if necessary, bathing will help the pet maintain healthy skin and minimize the number of microscopic mites.

Large hypoallergenic dogs of such breeds as the Flemish Bouvier, Giant Schnauzer, Royal Poodle, Irish Water Spaniel and others have proven themselves in this capacity. Large dogs for the most part have a balanced temperament, are not aggressive, which means they will not bark unnecessarily. This reduces the risk of getting into the air of antigens contained in the saliva of the animal.

Hair care and personal hygiene will help to avoid the manifestation of the disease. A large, well-mannered, well-groomed dog can be a source of pride and bring joy to its owner suffering from allergies.

small breeds

Hypoallergenic small dogs, simply because of their size, produce and tolerate fewer different allergens. But the requirements for the health and character of animals for keeping people with allergies in the family are strict. Careful care of the skin of the animal is required, regardless of whether it has hair or not.

Hypoallergenic dog breeds, small and non-aggressive, are ideal for children. You can please the child by giving him a baby-friend that is safe for health. Pocket dogs are in great demand all over the world. Non-shedding dwarf breeds are especially widespread:

  • Italian Bolognese;
  • beaver;
  • Belgian griffon;
  • affenpinscher;
  • dandy dinmont terrier.

How to choose a dog?

Different representatives of the canine genus affect people prone to allergies in different ways. Even hypoallergenic dogs of the same breed can be deadly for one person and completely safe for another. In any case, experts recommend choosing medium-sized dogs that are not prone to skin diseases. The absence of profuse salivation in the animal is also important. It can be provoked by frequent and loud barking, so it is better to take low-barking pets.

The selection is strictly individual. To find out the degree of influence of the dog on the body, you should talk with the animal for several days. This condition is mandatory. By purchasing a pet, the owner takes responsibility for the living creature. An allergy can force you to give up a dog, and a change of residence, like a change of owner, is a serious stress for the animal.

No one can guarantee 100% that hypoallergenic dogs will not cause an attack in a person predisposed to allergies. That is why the decision to purchase an animal should be very thoughtful and balanced.


Of course, you should not experiment with your own health. It is better to give up the idea of ​​having a dog at home than to suffer from bouts of illness later.

There are several simple and affordable methods that, if not completely eliminate the risk of the disease, then at least minimize it and allow you to keep the dog at home. These are simple and effective tips:

  • the animal should have its own place in the house, and this is not the owner's bed;
  • the house must have an area in which the entry of a pet is prohibited;
  • regular treatment with special detergents of the pet's favorite place of residence is required;
  • it is undesirable to have carpets or carpets on the floor;
  • a high-performance dry air filter will help to capture allergens well;
  • be sure to pay attention to the manufacturer of dry food, they can also cause an allergic reaction;
  • two-time wet cleaning will reduce the amount of dust;
  • Bathe your dog once a week with a good shampoo.
  • when cleaning an apartment or taking care of a pet, you need to protect yourself with a mask, but it is better if a family member who does not suffer from allergies takes over the responsibility for caring for the dog.

It is believed that a breed can be called hypoallergenic if a person does not experience an allergic reaction when interacting with it. Which dogs are hypoallergenic and which are not depends largely on the lifestyle of the pet owner. A lazy and untidy person, even with an ideal dog, will begin to suffer from allergy attacks.