Characteristics of the shape of nails in men. To change or not to change the shape of the nail is a master's business. Trapezoidal nail plate

Interpretation of the meaning of the shape of the nail and their influence on your character and destiny. From birth, nature endows us with a different shape of nails and it is no secret that their shape affects a person's character and even his fate.

Now, with the help of this material, you can easily determine the features of your character. And also by looking at the fingers of any person in your environment, you can learn more about him.

If among the 8 presented options, you did not find the form that you have, then read the description with the most similar form to yours.

1. Long rectangular nails.

This form of nails most often belongs to witty and sociable people. People with long rectangular nails are always in the spotlight and are not afraid of meeting new people. They are innovators, like to follow new trends and trends. They are curious and always in search of new information that will help them in their development.

And even when making an important decision, they prefer to first collect as much information as possible on this topic, and only then decide to get down to business or not. But at the same time, because of this habit, they can abandon their goal and miss something important only for the reason that they learned about the negative experiences of other people.

2. Wide and short nails

People with wide and short nails have an analytical mindset. They are very intelligent and perceptive by nature. They are well versed in people. Restrained and silent on such people you can always rely, they will not let you down in difficult times. Slightly slow, but at the same time very hardy and hardworking. They are practical and prefer to use only high-quality and time-tested things. Any field of activity related to technology or production is suitable for them.

3. Round and short nails

People with round and short nails are cheerful and, as they say, are always positive. They love and know how to communicate. They are versatile, talented and creative individuals. They clearly know what they want and go to their goal no matter what. Adventurers and prone to risky behavior. They are true to their convictions and rarely change their minds. So in relationships with people, they will protect relationships with those they love and remain faithful all their lives.

4. Short and tapered top nails

Short and tapered nails are a sign of an indecisive and cautious person. Owners of this form of nails are introverts. They prefer to live and feel the storm of emotions within themselves. And even if in appearance they will create the impression of an imperturbable and inaccessible person, but inside they will have a seething heat of passions. They are reluctant to meet new people. As a rule, they are very wise and observant. They have an unstable nervous system and a vulnerable, sensitive soul. It is very easy to offend them. They themselves prefer to hear and tell others only the truth, whatever it may be.

5. Short rectangular nails

Short rectangular nails are a sign of a strong and strong-willed character. As a rule, their owner has leadership qualities. People with this nail shape are workaholics and can reach great heights in their careers. They are responsible and reliable. You can always rely on them.

They also know how and love to communicate. And more often they have a large number of friends and acquaintances.

6. Short triangular nails

This form of nails belongs to courageous and purposeful people. People with short triangular-shaped nails most often have an active life position. They love to set goals and achieve them, both in their career and in their personal life.

When they take on any business, they try to simplify and optimize everything. Everyone is looking for an easier way to achieve even difficult goals. And they do it with ease.

7. Long oval nails

Creative personalities are endowed with long oval-shaped nails. For such people, aesthetics are important, so they try to surround themselves with beautiful things. They have a well-developed imagination and a sensitive soul. They are compassionate and compassionate. They prefer to keep their emotions to themselves.

They don't like to multitask and tackle multiple tasks at once. It is much easier for them to focus on one lesson at first, and only then, after completing it, move on to other activities. Multitasking can knock them out of their normal rhythm of life and even drive them into depression. Therefore, the owners of this shape of nails do not like excessive control and pressure on themselves.

8. Long nails of an unusual shape

Long nails of an unusual shape are found more often in charismatic and shocking personalities. Their owners are always in the spotlight and stand out from the crowd.

They are creative and love to make unconventional decisions. They know how and love to work. But they will work with full dedication only as long as they are interested. They will never do something that does not give them pleasure.


Vladislav Klimova

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An interesting test, how to determine the character of the nails or the shape of the nails and the character of a person, what is he?

So, today the character is in the shape of the nails. We look at the photo and find our own nail shape and read

How to determine? It's very simple - we look at our nails and the shape that suits you best is your shape. Next, we look for her in the list and voila! We read and make sure that this is about you! This will come in handy not only in order to find out about yourself what you already knew. Perhaps you want to get to know a person better ...

P.S. do not forget to join our group at If you have long and rectangular nails, then you are most likely a very sociable person who, among other things, has a sharp mind. You enjoy new acquaintances and are excited about new experiences, and you are always trying to broaden your horizons.
When it comes to work, your main motto is "Measure seven times - cut once." You study the issue from all sides and make the best decision. The main thing is to think over everything, down to the smallest details.

Wide and flat "color =" red "]
You are a person with a clear mind, who analyzes everyone and everything. You think before you speak, and people often turn to you for advice, listen carefully to your opinion. You are well versed in the characters of people, and you can always rely on your instincts.
Such people like to create something new, they know that the work will pay off later. They are primarily interested in practicality and usefulness, so they love to come up with smart solutions to complex problems.

Short and rounded

Chances are, you are an energetic, creative person with a lot of (possibly hidden) talent. You radiate joy and positiveness, so people are always happy to make contact with you. Once you make a new friend, you stay true to him all your life and do everything to protect the people you love.
There are a few things that you love more than anything else. The spirit of adventurism plays within you, and if something once captured your mind, you will never back down until you achieve it. Someone says that you are a little stubborn, but you know what you want!

Unusual cuticles

This means that you are a very bright person who avoids the word "ordinary" like some kind of plague. You always find non-standard solutions.
Your motto is "Work like this, work like this, rest like this!" You know how to have fun, so whatever you do, by definition, cannot be boring.

ps: Remember that each person is unique and adorable in their own right, and this is just a cute attempt at classification.

When we meet a new person, our eyes instinctively pay attention to physical characteristics - eye color, hair length (cute earrings ...), height (is she wearing hairpins?) ... and our brain puts everything into a single picture and sends it for storage as the first impressions and memories of a new person. But there is one more little detail that we do not notice, but it can tell a lot about a stranger!

A recent study in Japan found that the shape of your nails speaks to your character and temperament! What shape are your nails?

Nail shape - vertically elongated

You are a meek and romantic nature. Your right brain is probably well developed and you have a great imagination. You are a meticulous and creative person, but if you get too carried away, you do not notice important details and you are easily confused. You should be more careful. If on your life path you meet a person with a developed left hemisphere responsible for logic, it is difficult for you to find a common language and conflicts are possible.

Nail shape - wide

You are a hot-tempered theorist. It is likely that you have a more developed left side of the brain and you are an extremely eloquent person. You express yourself clearly and give the impression of an honest and simple person. However, you are prone to being hot-tempered and impatient, and practice holding back is a good idea. It is difficult for you to find a common language with emotional natures who listen more to the heart than to the mind.

Nail shape - rounded or egg-shaped

You are a laid-back pacifist. You are a careless type who lives by your own laws. As a social person, you act as a peacemaker in any quarrel. Your flamboyant personality attracts many, but be careful not to come across as easy prey, lest you lose the trust of those who are truly dear. You fit easily with all types from this collection.

Nail shape - square

You are a serious, down-to-earth and stubborn type, many men fall into this category. Being serious about everything in life is good, but your stubbornness sometimes gets in your way and looks like a scratch on a precious stone. If you try to be more accommodating and flexible, many of life's obstacles will go away on their own.

Nail shape - triangular

You are a sensitive genius. You are a source of new ideas, a person who notices the smallest details that others are missing. People with an inverted triangle nail shape can be overly persistent, while a triangle type is too sensitive and does not tolerate the irascibility of others. You are annoyed by people on your mind who are difficult to control.

They say that a real lady can always be recognized by her nails: "They are always in a brilliant state, but she never flaunts them." Today, there are so many manicure options, from classic French to unimaginable nail art, that it is possible and necessary to flaunt your nails. In addition, the shape of the nails and the choice of manicure can tell a lot about their owner.

Psychologists have long developed a test, the essence of which is just looking at the shape of the nails. Men, by the way, when they first met, it would be extremely reckless to overlook such an indicative detail as a girl's nails and, in particular, her manicure.

So, square-shaped nails, talk about a rather closed nature.

The owner of a square shape of nails does not flaunt feelings and emotions. It is very difficult for such a person to instill something, she will never take your word for it - she will double-check, reflect, and, if your words do not contradict logic and facts, she will believe you.

People with nails like this shouldn't be criticized.... Usually their self-esteem is a little overestimated, but they are not characterized by manifestations of self-flagellation. These people will never feel sorry for themselves. And the others, too, are unlikely. They themselves are quite strong personalities, therefore they do not forgive weaknesses and those around them.

Manicure for girls with this shape of nails can be very diverse, and therefore you should definitely take a closer look at what tone of varnish is applied to the nails. If the color is bright, aggressive shades (red, bright yellow, orange or purple), then such a girl will not forgive you even the smallest mistakes.

The owners of such a manicure do not give you a second chance. If the shades are calm, then you are unlikely to be able to reach out to the heart of this person from the first minutes, days or even months of acquaintance. French manicure on nails of this shape suggests that in front of you is a brave woman, ready to experiment.

Well, if, for example, you met a girl, spatulate nails, then you shouldn't expect romance from her: you are facing a pragmatic and calculating woman in the best sense of the word.

Bright varnish on such nails testifies to the fact that a person sets clear definite goals and is ready to follow them, regardless of anything, as they say, “walking over their heads”.

Pastel varnish, even if an intricate pattern and all kinds of jewelry and accessories are used, speaks of a lack of fantasy in love. Such a woman will be indispensable in an orderly family life with a well-ordered life, freshly ironed sheets and family dinners on Sundays. But here you will not wait for violent sex in the most unexpected places.

As for the French manicure on spatulate nails, its owner knows very well what she really wants. Moreover, she knows how to get it and use it correctly. Such girls rely in everything on their own experience or on the experience of loved ones. Convincing her to try something in life for the first time is very difficult.

If you meet a girl who has rectangular-shaped nails, then before you is a person who is used to living according to the principle "Why not?". You can easily convince such a girl to take part in an experiment, or just take the risk and try something for the first time.

If, of course, you have time, because such a person will very soon take leadership over you and lead you in love and, most likely, through life. All this coincides extremely accurately if the quadrangular nails are decorated with a manicure of calm tones and patterns.

But if at the same time the nails are painted with bright red varnish, then be prepared for the fact that behind the facade of a self-confident woman lies a small, insecure girl who needs a strong shoulder. Are you ready to lend her this very shoulder? Then get ready also to convince her that she needs him.

Women with pointed nails... Such nails are usually possessed by artistic natures, dreamers and enterprising romantics. With such a girl, you will not get bored in the company. She is pleasant to talk to, knows how to maintain a conversation, has a great sense of humor.

But at the same time, it is changeable like a sea wave, it does not bring a single case to the end and can evaporate from your field of vision at any moment. All these characteristics are doubled if the nails of such a woman have a French manicure.

If the marigolds are light pink, with a minimum of decorations and patterns and are almost matte, then you have a double nature in front of you, hiding its impetuous impulses behind a mask of gravity.

It's quite interesting with such women, because you never know when her artistic nature will spill out. Bright varnish on such nails can be seen only in teenage girls or those who, for various reasons, stayed for a short time at this age.

But if, nevertheless, on the pointed nails of your girl there is a bright varnish, then be prepared for the role of a father in her life. You will feel like a patron, strong and responsible, protector and ... master. This is what a lot of men dream about, isn't it?

Girls with round nails- the personification of the maternal archetype. Next to such a woman, a man feels comfortable, calm, warm and tasty. Her vocation is home, even if she herself has not yet understood it.

Very often, the owners of this form of nails wear or would like to wear long hair and unexpressed makeup. If a girl has round nails painted in ultra-fashionable or aggressive colors, then this means that she is not satisfied with the calm course of her life and wants some kind of change.

Who knows, maybe you will become the very breath of fresh air that she craves so much. Pastel shades in a manicure will indicate to you that your new friend is an open book.

She is not hiding anything from you and is not going to do it. And French manicure is a signal that you have before you that rare synthesis of simplicity and sophistication that men so often try to find in a woman and very rarely really find it.

Here is such a "entertaining palmistry". It is clear that all of the above applies only to those cases when such a manicure is a common practice for your new friend.

If on the first three dates she came with different styles of manicure in style and color, then such a girl is unlikely to fit such descriptions. But that makes it more interesting.