Bachelorette party ideas: how to make a party with your girlfriends unforgettable? How to organize a bachelorette party before the wedding: step by step instructions. Ideas for a bachelorette party before the wedding

Let it be joyful and fun to prepare for the wedding, but fatigue by the end of the pre-wedding marathon makes itself felt. It is not surprising that many girls want to relax in their familiar surroundings. Original ideas for a bachelorette party at home will surprise and amuse your friends, turning banal gatherings into a bright holiday of mischief and fantasy. And the bride, having run into shops and salons, will finally be able to relax before the most important day in her life.

Come on, what to do at the bachelorette party at home? It's boring ... Here is a strip club, water park or night skating around the city - a completely different song! In fact, for a memorable bachelorette party, only a friendly, cheerful company is needed. And you can have a noisy party or sit down sincerely anywhere, and the home atmosphere is in no way inferior to a restaurant. The main thing is to think over the script in advance so that there is something to do at home. And here it all depends only on your preferences and mood.

Let the holiday, bright colors and vivid images into your house! It is not difficult to change the environment familiar to the eye with the help of the simplest things - bright dishes and tablecloths, ribbons and flowers, balloons and garlands. Party direction - disco, pirates, vampires, retro, Disney characters. The beauty is that styling a small space and a small company doesn't cost a lot. Do not hesitate with the design of the bachelorette party, at home you can be anyone or yourself. This is another beauty of a home party - in a close circle of close friends, you can hooligan and have fun without any restrictions!

1. Every married girl is a housewife, even a little bit. Why not work out? Funny or sexy dressing gowns, erotic aprons, soft slippers with muzzle ears, multi-colored curlers - a kind of rehearsal for married life, cheerful and noisy. Sing songs, share secrets, arrange an exam for the bride on the topic: "The husband came and crawled from the banquet, what to do?" You can turn the idea into a competition by determining which of the friends played the drunken hubby more talentedly. The bachelorette party cooking contests are perfect for the housewives theme:

  • the most delicious salad. Ready-made cuts from any products (the more choice, the more fun), plates, dressing;
  • the most beautiful strawberry with cream. Washed strawberries, cream, multi-colored dragees, mint leaves and other decorations, dishes;
  • the thinnest "pancake". Rolling pins for all girlfriends, bread dough, flour, rolling boards. Cooking is optional, but since the bachelorette party takes place at home, you can quickly grease a baking sheet with butter, make a layered cake (bread "pancake" - jam / condensed milk / cottage cheese, etc.) and send the joint masterpiece to the oven for 15 minutes.

2. A little girl lives in every woman. Maybe it's time to release her? "Children's" dress-shoes, funny ponytails, tutu skirts, shorts with frills, panama hats, huge lollipops - a funny and very symbolic idea for a bachelorette party at home. This is a farewell to childhood, and memories of a long-standing girl's friendship, and a rehearsal of motherhood, because a married lady, most likely, will soon again have to play with dolls.

Games from childhood will be a good addition to the general atmosphere of a bachelorette party:

  • the most beautiful dress for barbie. Dolls, different fabrics (very small cuts, but preferably multi-colored and different textures), needles, threads, jewelry;
  • whose tower is higher. You will need bricks or a construction set like "Lego";
  • "Rubber bands" or skipping ropes. It's simple - who can last longer without stumbling. Be sure to shoot on video, then all laugh together.

3. Fashion trends are rarely uninteresting to anyone during weddings and bachelorette parties. Host your own fashion show by playing with designers, fashion designers and runway models. Dress code in a uniform color scheme, in the style of 30s, 40s, etc. years or "under your favorite fashion designer", bright lighting, gloss. You can decorate furniture and walls with garlands of jewelry, boas and compositions of scarves, ribbons and fabrics, posters and clippings from fashion magazines.

Read also: Choosing a gift for the military (+ 13 photos)

Come up with contests that match your haute couture theme:

  • a heap of miniature paper wigs, dresses and trousers, skirts, etc., cardboard "mannequins". Remember, before they sold paper dolls and outfits for them? Compete, which of your friends will get the most extravagant and stylish outfit;
  • Dressing up can be a fun activity for a bachelorette party at home. Ideas are endless, from "guess the star", "guess the fashion designer or model" to "the most beautiful outfit for a party / restaurant / first date, etc.". The downside is that you have to ask your friends to bring a lot of different clothes with them;
  • collect bracelets or beads from multi-colored beads, pearls, etc. In addition to vivid memories, every girlfriend will have a cute accessory in memory of the bachelorette party.

Not enough strawberries? Invite a massage therapist or professional photographer to your home. The hottest girls will be entertained by the "cowboy", "policeman" or "lifeguard" who works today only for you and not for the general public of the club.

4. Spa treatments can become a separate topic or part of a popular pajama party in recent years. Don't want to dress up in pajamas? Sexy dressing gowns, swimwear, sundresses or dresses, branded T-shirts and short skirts - any light clothing that you do not mind getting wet or dirty will do.

Eh, if the guys knew how they were going to spend a bachelorette party at their friend's house, the desire to go to a strip club would disappear! Take pictures, let them envy later that they could not contemplate the fruity-bodily action in person. Massage with herbal bags and warm pebbles, face masks, delicious scrubs and fruit peels. Scented candles and oils, hand and foot baths, delicious honey or chocolate wraps. Entertainment:

  • the funniest face mask. Fruits, herbs, vegetables, sour cream, cottage cheese;
  • the fastest or most beautiful manicure. Gouache instead of varnish (so as not to spoil your fingers before the wedding), brushes;
  • the funniest hairstyle. Hair curlers, hairpins and elastic bands, headbands, bows and ribbons, hair spray, combs. But without the scissors, of course. Buy colored mascara that can be washed off with plain water (no toning effect). By the way, fiddling with hair - not only a game, but also a traditional Slavic rite of a bachelorette party. Before the wedding, the girlfriends would unravel the bride's braid, wash her hair and weave the braid using ribbons and flowers. The girlfriends sang sad farewell songs and humorous parting words, preparing the bride for her husband's life.

5. Are you not interested in funny contests for a bachelorette party, you want to sit and relax at home, but not get bored? In Russia, before the wedding, it was necessary to guess - on wax, on cards, on a portrait of the groom and in many other ways. To create an atmosphere, dim the lights and light candles, you can build something like a magic table with a ball, tarot cards and other attributes.

Fortune telling on swans: all the girlfriends and the bride sculpt swans out of wax, pour water into the dish and let them swim. The swan is marked with blush. The girls are having fun, and at the end of the evening they watch the swans swim. Heads to each other - a friendly family, side by side - a strong family, in front of a swan - the wife in the house is the mistress (and vice versa).

Read also: We give the father-in-law the necessary gift (+ photo)

Fortune-telling games for a bachelorette party at home are very diverse. Some are only possible at certain times of the year, others require something belonging to the groom, and still others require some preparation. In order not to complicate the process and not spoil the bride's mood, choose the simplest fortune-telling and do not use a gloomy interpretation. Let the results be only funny and positive, because many girls, shortly before the wedding, become susceptible and superstitious.

Fortune telling on the character of her husband: prepare 33 cards with the qualities of the future husband (hard-working, sleepy, loving, just sexy, sloth, etc.). Before dinner, the bride shuffles the deck, runs her hair over it and blows on the cards, and then hides them next to the wedding dress. After dinner, songs and dances, the bride draws out three random cards and determines the future from them.

For body

In addition to spiritual joys, the girls will certainly appreciate the gastronomic surprises. Think over a menu for a bachelorette party - at home you can always cook something especially loved by your friends or surprise them with a new original recipe. Fortunately, you won't have to feed an army of hungry men, so you can forget for a while about heavy fatty foods, slices of juicy pork and Olivier basins. Light snacks are the best option: fruits, vegetable cuts, salads, smoked meats, seafood. You can buy special blades and beautifully cut fruits and vegetables, having built a buffet - saving space for a big noisy company.

Since the planned scenario of a bachelorette party at home often ends with a spontaneous walk or a visit to the club, you should not overload the stomachs of your girlfriends. In addition, after the bachelorette party, there is a wedding, and a barely pulled dress is unlikely to improve the mood. If you still want more than just a bite to eat, order sushi or pizza, make different sandwiches or platter on skewers. Canapes are quick, easy, inexpensive and very tasty. And at least dirty dishes.

The rule of three “no” will help to have a fun bachelorette party: “no” to envious girlfriends, “no” to obscene behavior and “no” to bad mood.

Celebration time

A bachelorette party is a holiday dedicated to parting with an unmarried life. Choosing the right day to celebrate will allow you to have a lot of fun and not ruin your wedding.

According to Russian tradition, a bachelorette party is held on the eve of the wedding. Previously, a bachelorette party was not violently celebrated, because the girls said goodbye to the "free" life and accompanied the event with crying and dreary songs. Over time, the tradition has changed and the bachelorette party began to be fun.

It is better to spend a bachelorette party a week before the wedding, then the bride will be able to tidy herself up, get enough sleep and get ready for the wedding.

  • the day before the wedding. It is unlikely that the groom and guests will be pleased to look at the sleepy bride.
  • a month before the wedding. Having marked a bachelorette party like this, you will lose the festive mood.


The bachelorette party is celebrated cheerfully, with contests and a thematic theme. You should not invite people to the celebration, in whose presence the bride will feel constrained.

Invite friends, colleagues, relatives to the bachelorette party - but only those with whom you communicate closely.

Bridesmaids are obligatory at the bachelorette party, they often organize the event.

As soon as you decide on the list of guests, proceed to the design of the invitations.

Decide in advance on the location of the bachelorette party, make a program and choose a dress code.

Original bachelorette party ideas

With more effort and time to prepare, you will get a really cool bachelorette party.

Eastern party

A bachelorette party in an oriental style will be to the taste of those whose favorite childhood cartoon was "Aladdin".

Decorate invitations to an oriental party with coins or an Aladdin lamp.

Start your preparation by decorating the room. Hang up transparent tulles, pick up oriental music to create an entourage. Scatter rose petals from the flower shop under your feet.

Define a role for each girlfriend. Possible roles: fortune teller, dancer (oriental dance teacher), harem princess. Even without a prepared script, you will not get bored with such images.

Let the girlfriends dress in oriental costumes, use scarves with coins. Large jewelry and bright eye makeup will complement the image of oriental beauties.

The bride dresses up in a white oriental costume.

River walk

The decision to walk can be made based on the weather forecast. Accompany your bachelorette party in nature with beautiful photographs.

Cons of a river walk - seasickness, possible change of weather.

Celebrate a bachelorette party with a nautical theme for an original celebration. Work out this idea in advance, and at the bachelorette party everyone will correspond to the dress code.

Launch balloons into the sky, writing on them what the bride loses when she gets married: maiden name, freedom, parties. Send the bride symbolically on a great voyage called "family life."

The dress code for a sea party requires sailors and the captain of the ship. The girlfriends dress up as sailors (use vests), and the bride in the costume of the ship's captain.

Visiting Carlson

Where to celebrate a bachelorette party in an original way, if not on the roof of a skyscraper - in the warm season, the impressions of the holiday will be unforgettable. Romantic girls will be delighted with such an event.

Prepare contests in advance. At the end of the event, launch balloons with the bride's maiden name into the sky.

The dress code for the bride and bridesmaids will depend on the theme of the event. The classic version means dresses of the same tone for bridesmaids and a contrasting dress (you can take white) for the bride.

Master Class

Girlfriends at such a bachelorette party will help prepare accessories for the wedding. Hold such an event at least 2 days before the wedding.

Organize a master class at home or sign up for a ready-made one, where professionals will teach you. The following options will help to see the interest in a bachelorette party for all girlfriends:

  • Creation of accessories for bridesmaids for a wedding;
  • Preparation of decorations for the wedding table;
  • Dance master class. Having learned the dance to your favorite tune, you will surprise and amuse the guests at the wedding.

Buy the same accessories, for example: a veil, a veil, a bright bracelet, a headband. Then the festive atmosphere will be felt. It is advisable for the bride to dress for a bachelorette party in white.

Standard bachelorette party

Use ready-made celebration ideas if the bride and bridesmaids don't have time to come up with ideas.

home party

A home bachelorette party takes place in a relaxed atmosphere while watching children's photos or in dreams of a future life.

Treat your friends with food from the delivery service or prepare cupcakes with a "surprise": write funny predictions for each girlfriend and hide them inside. So the holiday will be remembered by everyone.

Create a wish card collage (by principle) for the bride from old magazines. At the end of the party, each bridesmaid will share their ideas about the future life of the bride. For example, do it in the form of a presentation or a small video.

The home option will allow you to spend an inexpensive bachelorette party and save the nerves of your future husband - he will not have to worry about where and what you are doing.

Home Party Dress Code Ideas:

  • for girlfriends - pajamas, plain home jumpsuits, ugg boots (all colors except white).
  • for the bride - white pajamas, white home jumpsuit, white ugg boots.


Previously, the sauna was a popular place to celebrate a bachelor party, but now girls also celebrate there. Ancient traditions advise you to choose this option for the celebration, because all the rituals of parting with the girl's past life were carried out in the bathhouse. Use old-fashioned rituals for a fun bachelorette party in the sauna.

Steam the bride well, then all past failures, sins and unnecessary memories will remain in the past life and will be washed off the skin.

After that, the girlfriends braid the bride's braids, humming wishes for a happy future life.

Sauna dress code ideas are limited, so complement your bridesmaids and bridesmaid outfits with a veil. The bride's veil must be white, bridesmaids are allowed any color except white.


Prepare in advance a list of the bride's favorite songs, or songs that have good memories for the whole company.

Let the bridesmaids arrange a surprise: surprise the bride with a specially written song.

The dress code is the same for everyone, dress up in jeans and white T-shirts. Amuse the look of a feather boa.

Complement the bride's look with a white veil to make her stand out from the bridesmaids.

Night club or bar

When inviting a large number of strangers to a bachelorette party, it is better to avoid this type of celebration. Some guests may be shy and self-conscious.

The option is suitable for "party girls": if the bride and girlfriends love noisy companies, fun and loud music, then it will not be boring.

The dress code is free. Match the theme of the given party.

Limousine rental

One of the costly options for celebrating a bachelorette party. Take a photographer with you - just going for a drive around the sights of the city is not interesting. Hardly anyone will refuse to take original memorable pictures.

For daytime celebrations, a dress with a floral print and a headband of flowers will suit girlfriends, for evening celebrations - black dresses and openwork black eye masks.

The bride should choose a white or red solid color dress. Complete the look with an openwork mask for evening celebrations and a floral headband for daytime celebrations.


A suitable option for a small company.

After meeting with your girlfriends, take a walk around the city, take photos, and then relax on the procedures, drink tonic cocktails.

After the procedures, go home with your guests and continue the holiday in a relaxed atmosphere.

The bridesmaids dress up in jeans and white bridesmaids T-shirts. Complete the look with red lipstick.

The image of the bride is distinguished by the inscription on the T-shirt, make it double-sided. On the one hand - "the bride", on the other - "I'm getting married."


An affordable option for those who dreamed of celebrating a bachelorette party on the seashore.

In the water park, the bride and her bridesmaids will have a lot of fun and get a shot of adrenaline while riding crazy slides. During breaks, sit at the cafe on the territory of the water park and discuss the details of the wedding.

Don't bother with the dress code: everyone dresses in swimsuits and a good mood.

Bachelorette contests

After fun contests, the bride and girlfriends will have something to remember.

"Hi stranger"

Have fun with strangers before your bachelorette party.

Props: cards with prepared tasks, a bag.

The bride and her bridesmaids take cards out of the bag and complete the tasks.

Examples of outdoor bachelorette party assignments:

  • Get phone numbers from five brunettes;
  • Kiss the blond on the cheek;
  • Scratching the man's elbow;
  • Take a photo with three men;
  • Convince a man to kiss his hand;
  • Get autographs from three men;
  • Shake hands with a man in a tie;
  • Persuade the bartender for a free cocktail;
  • Ask a man to touch his mustache;
  • Ask a man to marry you;
  • Take a selfie with your dog.

With such questions, a fun bachelorette party will set the mood of the whole company.

"Bride's stash"

The task of the bride and bridesmaids is to sell things from the men's basket. Video this bachelorette party competition.

Props: alcohol bottle, socks, flashlight, pack of cigarettes, shoe spoon, breath freshener, cards, float, tie, video camera.

Conduct the competition in a crowded place. The bride and bridesmaids sell the items from the basket to the men and form the bride's stash.

"It will not work"

Competition for the best excuses for men.

Props: paper, pens.

All the girls write down popular male excuses on a piece of paper. The bride chooses the winner.

"Secrets of the groom"

The bridesmaids are preparing a competition in advance. Ask the groom personally or by phone 10-15 questions about him. The answers are filmed.

At a bachelorette party, bridesmaids ask the bride questions about her lover, comparing her answers with the responses of the groom on the video.

Props: camcorder, paper, pens, laptop or TV.

"Bride Knowledge Test"

First, the bride, and then the bridesmaids answer questions about the life of the bride.

For example:

  • What is the bride's favorite dress?
  • Why did the bride fall in love with the groom?
  • What did the bride dream of becoming as a child?

The winner is the bridesmaid whose answers match those of the bride.

Props: paper, pens.

What a bride shouldn't do at a bachelorette party

  1. Bring men to the holiday.
  2. Get carried away with alcohol. A pregnant bride for a bachelorette party should not use it at all.
  3. Bring a stripper to a bachelorette party without the consent of the groom. Warn your friends in advance.
  4. Emphasize that YOU are getting married - girlfriends remember the reason for the party.
  5. Show wedding dress. Keep the bachelorette party tradition and keep the outfit a secret.
  6. To provoke quarrels of friends - refrain, they still go to the wedding together.
  7. Constantly being in touch with the groom - spend this evening with your girlfriends. With my husband, the whole life is ahead.

Bachelorette gifts

Gifts are a nice reminder of the past bachelorette party. It is better to give a gift for a bachelorette party for the bride not from yourself, but from everyone present.

Gifts for the bride

  1. Silk bed linen.
  2. Nice robe.
  3. Erotic lingerie.
  4. An umbrella for two.
  5. Breakfast tray in bed.
  6. Bachelorette cake with the bride's maiden name.
  7. Album with funny moments from life.
  8. Organization of a bachelorette party - if a bachelorette party is organized and paid by girlfriends.
  10. Bride and groom cartoon.
  11. A dream come true. It can be a horse ride, a parachute jump or swimming with dolphins - the bride will definitely not forget such a surprise at a bachelorette party.

Gifts for guests

Our ancestors at the bachelorette party placated friends and relatives with gifts to avoid damage and evil eye on their part. Now they give gifts for a bachelorette party so that guests can leave something to remember from the holiday.

  1. Themed attributes of a bachelorette party: veils, bracelets, T-shirts, headbands.
  2. Pastries with each girlfriend's initials.
  3. Wishes for a bachelorette party in verses for each guest.

Going to a bachelorette party, do not forget to bring a good mood and a willingness to have fun!

Today the site Shtuchka will tell you about how to arrange a bachelorette party... According to the ancient Russian tradition, brides were supposed to cry before the wedding. It was necessary to do this at a bachelorette party, so that in the future, already family life, everything would be good, smooth and happy. With crying and abundant tears, the girl said goodbye to her freedom and carefree unmarried life. But it was like that before, now bachelorette parties carry a different message.

Who organizes the bachelorette party?

The problem of how to arrange a bachelorette party should not bother the bride. The main concern for organizing this event lies with on the bridesmaid, that is, on you. After all, the bride herself is all in worries, how to organize a wedding celebration, and so on, and a bachelorette party can be an excellent reason to distract her from these pre-wedding chores.

You have to think not only about that, but also about how to arrange a real holiday for her - a bachelorette party!

When and how to have a bachelorette party?

You should not arrange a bachelorette party in the form of boring gatherings in a cafe or at home, such an evening is not suitable for such a significant event as an upcoming wedding.

The main goal of the pre-wedding bachelorette party is to have a fun and memorable marriage with a friend..

When is the best time to have a bachelorette party? A couple of days before the wedding in order to avoid the fact that the bride herself and her bridesmaids appear at the wedding sleepy with bruises under the eyes and dizziness.

Take the initiative and arrange a real surprise for the bride, let all the bridesmaids collectively pay for the bachelorette party, it is unlikely that you alone will be able to afford to pay for such an event.

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How to start organizing a bachelorette party?

It is better to organize a bachelorette party in advance, preparation should begin at least in two to three weeks... You need to start by asking the bride which of her friends is invited to the wedding, rewrite their names, ages and phone numbers.

You need to know your age in order to avoid possible incidents. For example, an underage girl may not be allowed into a club where you are going to have a bachelorette party, and a friend at a more mature age may not approve of your undertaking.

A small rough plan of how interesting it is to arrange a bachelorette party will be of significant help. You can add such items to it, as a meeting place, a bachelorette party, a small list of entertainment.

Call all the bridesmaids and warn that you are the main organizer of the bachelorette party, agree that everyone should make their own contribution to how the bachelorette party will be arranged, and, of course, ask to keep everything a secret from the bride herself because you want to surprise her.

If you don't know all the girlfriends, get to know. Face-to-face communication helps a lot. If you are offered help, agree with gratitude. Many girls will immediately demand that you share all the information with them, but you warn them that something will come as a surprise for them.

Most important: how to arrange a bachelorette party?

After that, it's time to start think over a detailed plan for a bachelorette party... Usually, all available means are used for this - the Internet, for example, you can use our website, advice from friends who have already married, the traditional attributes of a bachelorette party: a stripper, cream ... but in this mess you can forget the most important thing - the bride!

  • Try to remember everything you know about the bride.: what films she prefers, who is her favorite actor, favorite music, book ... write down all the information. And come up with a bachelorette party theme. For example, you can take the theme "1001 Nights", or "The Bride is Always Right."
  • Come up with a special dress code. It could be some piece of clothing. Let everyone have this wardrobe item of the same color, and let the bride have a slightly different color. You can show your imagination and make an accessory yourself, for example, T-shirts with funny inscriptions.
  • Now is the time to think about details... The information you have written down is especially useful for this. For example, order invitations to a bachelorette party with a photo of her favorite actor, decorate the room with balloons of her favorite color.
  • Bachelorette theme and location and the design must be interconnected. Think about how you will get there and how you will get the bride. There are also a lot of options here, show your imagination.
  • Prepare in advance CD with songs that will sound at the bachelorette party. Try to blend them in with the bachelorette party and at the same time be popular and popular with everyone. Give preference to domestic performers, you can always sing along, but do not forget about the tastes of the bride - include several of her favorite songs on the disc, even if they do not fall under the theme of the party.
  • Think in advance about how to arrange a memorable bachelorette party, I mean photos or videos... To do this, you need a good camera or a camera, ask which of your friends has a similar technique. At the bachelorette party, take turns taking pictures of each other.
  • Prepare a small gift for the bride personally on your own... It might not necessarily be trendy or super expensive. The gift should remind the bride of your sincere and strong friendship. It is best to do something original with your own hands.
  • It has already become a tradition call a stripper for a bachelorette party, but on the eve try to find out from the groom whether he will not be against this event. After all, it happens that because of a stripper at a bachelorette party, a scandal breaks out between the future spouses. If the future husband is categorically against it, you can try to get around the ban, for example, order a cake with the image of a naked male torso.
  • Take care and about the treat, it can be a light snack and drinks that do not require long preparation. Make sure that there are enough dishes and utensils for everyone, so that Dishwasher you didn't need it.
  • As a theme and program for a bachelorette party there are tons of options to choose from. It can be as an exotic party in nature in the style of "wild Amazons", and quite traditional "pajama party" at home. Some recommendations on this matter can be found on the website
  • How to arrange a fun atmosphere at a bachelorette party? To do this, use inexpensive but bright attributes: soap bubbles, crackers, pipes - all this creates a huge charge of positive mood.

American style pink bachelorette party

Distribution of duties and invitations

You can distribute some of the water activities on how to arrange a bachelorette party to invited girlfriends, if you do not have time to do everything yourself. But still, control over the implementation of the plan and leave the lion's share of its points to yourself.

Tell the bride that it is her responsibility to prepare small souvenirs for her friends, let him also take a little part in organizing a bachelorette party, and not sit idle.

Two or three days before the bachelorette party takes place everyone sent out invitations... It is better to make them yourself: it can be either a regular postcard or an electronic one sent by e-mail. Do not forget to indicate everything you need in the invitation: the time and place of the meeting, the theme of the bachelorette party and the dress code. For the bride, you will need to make a special invitation - an exclusive one.

So, you took care of how to arrange a bachelorette party- the theme and place of the party has been chosen, the room is decorated accordingly, everything has been ordered, invitations have been sent out ... Have fun!

Mikaylova Irina - specially for the site Shtuchka

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A bachelorette party is one of the most important elements of preparation for a wedding, an outstanding event in the life of every girl. A bachelorette party is a female analogue of forgiveness with a "bachelor life", when a lady is ready to give up noisy get-togethers with her friends and crazy parties in favor of a measured family life. It is on this holiday that girls can "come off" for the last time and take a sip of that freedom that was allowed to them before the wedding, for the last time. It is not surprising that girls are carefully preparing for this event, purchasing accessories for a bachelorette party.

Best time for a bachelorette party

Of course, some girls prefer to celebrate quietly: a trip to a museum or cultural event, movies all night and gossip with friends, but for most it is a holiday with a lot of alcohol, noisy music and vulgar but interesting questions. In the morning, you will probably feel bad: a sleepless night and a large amount of alcohol will make itself felt. Plan your bachelorette party in advance for Saturday or Friday (take a day off at work) so that you have a couple of days to recover.

In terms of time, the bachelorette party is not directly tied to the wedding, but is usually held a week before it, not earlier.

Bachelorette and bachelor parties

Traditionally, these events are held separately. If your betrothed is against the unification of the holidays, in any case do not ask for it, and even more so do not break into. It is likely that there will be something that the bride will not want to see before the wedding - it is not just that you were forbidden to come there.

And what will remain after?

Hiring a professional photographer for a bachelorette party is an interesting idea, but impractical and expensive. Since the hourly payment for shooting is usually taken, and the bachelorette party is delayed for a long time, it is irrational to purchase the services of a photographer. Ask your friends - maybe someone has a camera to take some pictures.

If you decide to have a bachelorette party, the photos should be unusual. Purchase photo booths such as mustaches, glasses and hats on a stick in advance to keep your photos interesting.

It is also a good idea to buy special plates. These accessories for a bachelorette party will diversify the holiday, and you can enjoy beautiful pictures after a few years.

Gifts for guests

As a rule, no more than 10 friends are invited to the holiday. To give them a pleasant experience from the very beginning, give them small gifts.

These can be sweets, small toys, magnets or jewelry packed in bonbonnieres - special organza bags for such small gifts. If you invite a large number of guests, it is not necessary to spend money on gifts: in this case, this can be omitted in order to save a little on the holiday.

Many are interested in how to celebrate a bachelorette party so that the event will be remembered for a long time, and all the friends remembered this event without regret. Carnival costumes are one of the most original solutions.


  1. Variability. You can choose any scenario for a bachelorette party: cool costumes will diversify the plot and help your friends get used to the role.
  2. Colorfulness. Bright colors will cheer up the guests. In addition, you can choose those shades that go well with your interior and the style of the event.
  3. The ability to make role-playing plots with the participation of various characters. Themed events are gaining popularity nowadays. For example, everyone wears pirate costumes or princess dresses.
  4. This solution brings people together. Dressed in the same or similar costumes, they begin to feel like they are part of the same company.
  5. Variety of photos. A costume party will allow you to take a sea of ​​unusual, interesting pictures.
  6. And finally, the variety of images! You can choose a suit for almost every taste. Of course, most often sold are cowboy costumes, as well as outfits of pirates, stewardesses, police officers, etc., but it is quite possible to find an image to your taste.

Room decoration

Accessories for a bachelorette party include not only clothes, but also various decorative elements.

Do not forget that a bachelorette party is a holiday, so with something bright like balloons and signs, add ribbons, flags, buy special plastic dishes and bright tubes for cocktails.

Place an ice bucket with champagne and various snacks on the table in advance.


A bachelorette party cake is usually served at the end. Some prefer traditional small cakes from cooking, others buy desserts in several tiers, which is especially typical for large parties.

Cake striptease

A similar surprise can be ordered either by the bride herself or by her friends. Such erotic entertainment, as a rule, is agreed with the husband, so that under unforeseen circumstances there will be no disagreements up to the cancellation of the wedding.

The big disappointment that awaits the girls is that the cake is not real. Of course, there can be small cakes on the sides, but the basis is a dummy, only a cake of standard sizes can be specially placed on top.

If you are going to include this kind of entertainment in a holiday, doing it as a "surprise" is not the best idea. Some friends may misunderstand you and will not appreciate the present, but, on the contrary, will react negatively.

Where to begin?

It is better to postpone drinking and erotic games for the evening, first you need to "warm up" the guests. Sit in a cafe, chat, go to the movies. The preparatory stage should take no more than 3 hours, otherwise it will be boring.

After that, offer to do something crazy: a water pistol battle, a hot air balloon ride, a trip to the water park - extreme adventures, adrenaline! If you are not a connoisseur of such a vacation, you can visit the spa and just talk about life over a bottle of wine.

The evening is in the midst of a bachelorette party. Throw a slumber party or invite your friends to wear specially prepared costumes. You can play various erotic games, order a striptease or just chat about everything over alcohol all night long. To make the holiday not boring, you can separately launch firecrackers and fireworks. Don't forget the music.

By the way, the games should be mentioned separately. This "accessory" is a must for a bachelorette party, otherwise the evening may not be interesting. As a rule, games for a bachelorette party are card games: tricky questions are written on a piece of paper, which the girls answer in turn. Another version of the fun - "While the match is burning." To do this, you need a box of matches. You light one and pass in a circle on whom it goes out - that one answers the question that your friends come up with together.

Move from words to action. Truth or Dare is a game popular with teenagers in school and camps. The rules are extremely simple: if a person chooses the truth, he is asked an uncomfortable question, to which he is obliged to answer, the action - performs it.

This accessory for a bachelorette party, as well as for a wedding, is used everywhere. If a veil is required at a wedding ceremony, then at a bachelorette party you may well limit yourself to its analogue - a short colored veil. It can be worn not only by the bride, but also by her friends. Thus, you will take a series of original wedding pictures.

Did you know that a bachelorette party in English is hen party, which translates as “chicken party”? There is nothing offensive in this. This phraseological unit dates back to the distant past, when the constant chatter of the ladies was compared to a chicken cluck. By the way, its second meaning is “women's company”.

In England, it is customary to wear revealing outfits for the holiday. As accessories for a bachelorette party, knee-highs, short skirts, bows, provocative dresses, as well as bows on the head are characteristic. It is important that at least one of these items is pink.

General - different

If you want to know more about your girlfriends, play this simple game. All sit in a circle and clockwise say one phrase about themselves, starting with the words “I never ...” If one of the participants cannot say the same about herself (that is, the girl did it), she bends her finger. The winner is the one who is the last to be left with "empty" hands. You ask this person as many questions that interest you as he has left unbent fingers.

If you can't figure out how to spend a bachelorette party in an original and fun way, quests dedicated to this event will help to diversify the holiday. You can order a quest for a large company or come up with it yourself. Sometimes the bachelorette party is organized not by the bride herself, but by her friends.

In this case, you can intrigue the girl by inviting her to find her friends using various tips. The future wife receives the first of them directly in the mailbox, while the others are hidden in different parts of the city. Note that the notes should be hidden so that the girl can find them. The best option: each next note is sent by one of the friends, then they go together.

If the holiday starts outside your home, wait a little with carnival costumes - passers-by may misunderstand you. Nevertheless, you can enter a dress code that will make it clear that you are all one big company, that you are having a holiday! These can be T-shirts with the words "We have a bachelorette party!" or garments of the same color. So you will not only stand out from the crowd, but also will not get lost in case of emergency in the city center.


Do not forget to invite your friends to the holiday in an original way. Purchase postcards or special invitations to a bachelorette party in advance and send them to your friends by mail or hand them in person.

* this is a guest post

By tradition, a bachelorette party for the bride should be a surprise. Although if a girl has energetic and active friends, then she most likely guesses that a bachelorette party is being prepared.

To begin with, it is better for girlfriends to carefully find out from the bride what she would not want to do and see in her farewell evening with girlhood. It is better to choose the date in advance, but you need to make sure that the event is no later than seven days before the wedding. In the last pre-wedding days, the bride will have so much trouble that she will not even be able to think about a bachelorette party.

Idea 1 - Ready box with contests and entertainment!

All of the above ideas require independent study and lengthy preparation. Now I offer a simple and killer option for those who want to take advantage of the best "chips" from the experience of many generations.

I'm telling you! In one box, which can be ordered to be delivered home, you will find a ready-made script, props and cards with tasks, which will be enough for an ALL NIGHT of the bachelorette party.

I liked two options:

1. For risky, outspoken and bright girlfriends

How can I tell you ... Everything spicy is collected in this box :-). Tasks will push you to be frank or to complete quite extreme tasks in the city and nightclub. Actually, the script is called “Daring bachelorette party”. Insanely funny tasks for a photo quest and contests for the most active girls.

2. For gentle and affectionate romantics

Everything is completely different here. If you want to be with your friends at home or in the hall of a quiet, cozy restaurant - just right. They will help you remember girlish pranks, laugh and be amazed at your first ideas about love and marriage. Lovers of flowers-candles-hearts can safely embody all their romantic ideas in additional design.

Together with the bride, you will make her a memorable "Book of Happiness" using scrapbooking technique as a gift, complete the most interesting of the 11 proposed tasks (all the props for the contests are already in the box), take part in a funny photo session with cute accessories. According to the reviews of the brides, it turns out to be a very sincere party. Make up your mind!

If you already have no time to order, you can download the script there and print everything you need for a bachelorette party right now!

Idea 2

Male striptease. Such an event will surely excite the whole cheerful company. Dancers can be called directly to your house or you can go to the club yourself.

Idea 3

Quest specially for the bride. In the city, you need to hide notes with tasks, after passing which the bride must find a gift or find her friends who will be waiting for her in the restaurant. You can use street musicians, watchmen, bartenders so that they give out these notes after saying the secret password. You can also hide notes in supermarket bins or write them on the asphalt with chalk.

Idea 4

Party in pajamas. Such a party can become a quiet get-together with the traditional mourning of outgoing girlhood or views of romantic melodramas. Or it can be a very stormy evening of children's pranks. Also very relevant for such an event was and remains a game called "Skeleton in the closet", when every most frank question requires an obligatory and frank answer.

Idea 5

Bath, spa, massage or sauna. After all, you can always combine the useful with the pleasant. Beauty treatments coupled with intimate conversations, what could be more enjoyable?

Idea 6

PHOTOSESSION. Outdoors or in the studio is not the main thing. Beautiful photographs will become a memory of the last days of an unmarried life.

Idea 7

Walk on a limousine, boat, boat or some unusual excursion. And it is imperative to end such a busy day with incendiary dances.

Idea 8

Water park, attractions or extreme: parachute jumping or excursion in a hot air balloon. This will simply cause a storm of emotions for the bride.

Idea 9

Master Class. This can be pasta, batik, sushi, clay, cakes, soap, scrapbooking, and more.

Idea 10

Drive. This event will have to take several days, so the plans of the bride and girlfriends need to be clarified in advance.

Idea 11

Recently, it has become a good tradition for all bridesmaids to buy wedding garters, in which everyone must be photographed. And only "legs in garters". Then, already at the wedding, the groom must recognize his "garter" by the photograph. You can choose the same for all (it will be more interesting) or different in color, for example, "rainbow colors" (so piquant). Moreover, now online wedding stores offer a huge selection of such elegant products.

Idea 12

Bachelorette party with bachelor party. If these two events take place on the same day, then their combination is almost inevitable.

Don't forget about the right outfit. For example, it can be black T-shirts with comic inscriptions "You are late, men!" or "We are still free!" etc. You also need to think about where and when to eat. To do this, you can order food at home or prepare it in advance. Everything! The preparation is over! The bride should be delighted!

Have a fun bachelorette party! 🙂