An intimate haircut for women on their own. Intimate hairstyles. What is needed for an intimate haircut

Now intimate hairstyles are not limited to simple shaving patterns. In the salon, the masters create whole creations in the bikini area using razors, henna and rhinestones. A properly chosen form of haircut can visually reduce the belly, lengthen the torso or legs. There are a lot of secrets on how to visually correct the figure of an intimate hairstyle. Do not think that an intimate haircut cannot be done on your own. Connoisseurs of this art give a lot of recommendations on how to bring ideas to life at home.

When did intimate haircuts become popular?

Ever since the days of Ancient Egypt, women's intimate haircuts have been in vogue. At that time, natural mixtures were used to remove vegetation, and henna was used to dye pubic hair. In India, women removed vegetation in the bikini area for hygienic reasons. The popularity of intimate haircuts reached Europe in the middle of the twentieth century. After the sexual revolution of the 60s, when swimwear was reduced to bikinis, intimate hairstyles became commonplace.

At first it became fashionable to paint on the body, then the jewelry moved to the pubic area. Civilization developed and the culture of intimate hairstyles became known throughout the world. Each nation has its own tricks and visions of it, haircuts have been adapted to living conditions, modified, details have been added.

Creation rules

To create any type of intimate haircut at home, you need to adhere to some recommendations:

  • deep bikini epilation is carried out on steamed skin to reduce pain;
  • vegetation must be given the same length;
  • the intended drawing is applied using a stencil or pencil sketch;
  • removal of excess hair is carried out in any way;
  • it is not advisable to use wax for self-epilation of the intimate area;
  • if you need to correct the shape of the picture, then tweezers will help correct inaccuracies.

Upon completion of the haircut, the treatment area is lubricated with body lotion to avoid irritation.

Varieties of design

Types of women's intimate haircuts include not only cutting hair, it is artistic depilation, jewelry and hair dyeing, art. henna tattoos and even piercings. Color patterns make bikini designs original and interesting. It is good to use henna for painting, the color lasts for a long time. Also used aerotat, colored paint that allows you to create drawings of any shape. You can apply it by hand or using a stencil.

The choice of haircuts in the intimate area depends on the physique and figure of the woman. Vertical hairstyles that extend towards the top look good with curvy hips. For narrow-hipped young ladies, horizontal patterns tapering to the bottom are suitable. Vegetation density and footprint are also important.

When choosing the shape of an intimate hairstyle, you should remember about underwear. If the neckline on the panties is high, for example, then a wide rectangle is not a suitable option, as it will look sloppy with a thin strip of panties.

Simple haircut

All original hairstyles are based on 4 options:

  • Brazilian - complete lack of hair;
  • curly (stars, hearts, etc.);
  • Brazilian triangle;
  • runway.

These types of haircuts are easy to do at home, as no special skills or tools are required.


Hairstyles in the groin area are often decorated with sequins, rhinestones, beads, or dyed with different colors.

Temporary tattoo

To apply the pattern, first they do shugaring in the entire bikini area, after which a stencil pattern is applied with a special gloss. The stencil used is elastic and fits snugly to the body. Epilation can be done in any way, using a razor, cream or gel.

Most popular forms

Many women's intimate hairstyles are easy to do on your own. For example, "Month" - a haircut of light form and performance. "Butterfly" is also not difficult, the main thing is to observe the ratio of the size of the upper and lower wings. The main thing is not to forget about the antennae so that the bow does not turn out. The "runway" can be of any width, the main rule is that the top edge should not go beyond the elastic of the linen.

The image of "Sonata" resembles yin-yang, but this drawing is not easy to do. First, an even circle is drawn, then an inverted drop and a circle are highlighted in it. A simpler option would be "Triangle", "Heart" or "Lotus". You can think of anything you want - "Lightning", the capital letter of the name, or another.

Step-by-step instruction

To create an intimate haircut at home, you will need:

  • disposable razor;
  • trimmer with fine attachment;
  • epilator;
  • shugaring paste, wax;
  • long-handled mirror;
  • large mirror;
  • stencil with a picture;
  • pencil;
  • good quality tweezers;
  • thin comb;
  • vegetable dye (henna);
  • antiseptic;
  • rhinestones, leather glue;
  • sequins, feathers;
  • after shave lotion that slows down hair growth.

Having collected everything you need, you can start creating a hairstyle:

  1. Hygienic procedure for the intimate area with neutral detergents (odorless, fragrance, dyes). After processing, the surface of the delicate zone is thoroughly dried.
  2. Excess hair is removed in the usual way.
  3. The hairs at the place where the pattern is created are cut with scissors so that 0.5-1 cm in length remains.
  4. The selected pattern is applied with a felt-tip pen or pencil. If the drawing is complex, then a template or stencil is used.
  5. The hairs that protrude beyond the contours are removed in a convenient way.
  6. Gently wash off the remaining image lines on the skin with cotton swabs.
  7. Short hairs that disturb the picture are removed with tweezers.
  8. The skin at the depilation site is treated with an antiseptic.
  9. If this is included in the plans, then the drawing is supplemented with elements, it is stained or henna is applied.

When creating an intimate haircut at home, it is extremely important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, disinfect tools, and the treatment area.


The most basic Brazilian intimate haircut is done with a conventional razor. But if you have the skills, you can use other methods of depilation: caramel paste, wax or cream. The main thing is to understand that the process of creating an intimate haircut for a wife is not quick, drawing, decor and coloring takes from two to three hours.

With the help of a ready-made stencil and a special razor, you can make a beautiful shape quickly and easily:


For the stronger sex, it doesn't matter what the intimate haircut is called. Sometimes for them it's just hygienic care, but the pubis can be decorated with curly patterns and absolutely any symbols. A popular option for men is an abstract haircut for intimate areas. Imitation of graffiti, tattoos - a month, droplets and so on looks great.

How to properly prepare for the procedure in the salon?

Before making an intimate haircut, you need to reduce the sensitivity of the skin. Do not start depilation immediately after a sauna or shower. The optimal hair length for creating a pattern is from 5-7 mm, it can be longer, but not shorter, since small hairs are difficult to remove completely.

Preparing for a haircut in an intimate place at home is the same. Hairstyle in the form of a butterfly, roses looks very interesting. Especially if you decorate it with sparkles, rhinestones or a temporary tattoo.

There are some rules that must be followed when removing hair and trimming the bikini area:

  1. Hair should be cut dry and shaved wet. You can use scissors before the bath, and shave after water procedures, when warm and hot water will soften the hair structure. An intimate soap or gel also removes the toughness of the vegetation. This will make shaving easier and reduce the chance of skin irritation. Epilation, like a haircut, is performed with dry hair.
  2. Before and after the procedure, the skin needs cleaning. Bacteria provoke inflammation, irritation and other pathogenic processes.
  3. Scissors, razors, and other tools must be sharp. The wax is used once, the epilator should be cleaned after each use.
  4. Sessions should not be too frequent, daily hair removal with a razor or wax is guaranteed to cause irritation. Many women refuse shugaring due to burns on the skin, which are formed due to the application of the paste to the same place in several layers. If there is a burning sensation, then it is better to stop the session or move to other parts of the groin area.
  5. After shaving, it is permissible to use only neutral products with a soothing and wound healing effect.
  6. To prevent ingrown hairs, you need to massage the bikini area with a soft washcloth and intimate gel.

Is coloring allowed?

Painting in the intimate area is quite possible, but only with special paints for sensitive areas of the body. Colored intimate hairstyles look bright, interesting and retain their durability for a long time.

Care after haircut

In the first few days after creating a hairstyle in the intimate area, be sure to apply a soothing cream to the skin. Then you can change to a moisturizing lotion or balm. A hot bath or shower, a visit to the sauna for the first time is not desirable. You can relieve irritation with chamomile or other herbal decoction, or wipe the area with aloe juice. After an intimate haircut, it is forbidden to use a washcloth. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation is categorically excluded. Tanning in a tanning bed or in the sun is best to postpone.

It is recommended to abandon synthetic underwear, air must flow, and this is important so that inflammation does not appear, the beautiful appearance of an intimate hairstyle or pattern does not deteriorate, elasticity is not lost. It is good to use special products that slow down hair growth to maintain your haircut for a long time. They are rubbed daily into the epilation area. The constant use of such creams will gradually thin the hairs, they will not grow so quickly. After 6-8 weeks, the effect will be visible and the shaving result will be long lasting.


Many women are interested in intimate hairstyles, but for some reason do not dare to apply for this service to a salon or to do home depilation. The most common question that raises doubts is how a man will react to an artistic creation in the bikini area.

Do men like women's intimate hairstyles?

Undoubtedly, the male sex is not indifferent to how much hair is on the pubic part of a woman and in what form they are. According to the polls, 41% want no vegetation at all. But it is worth noting that women's preferences in this matter do not in any way affect the prospects for a romantic evening. In general, girls' intimate hairstyles cause different reactions - from admiration to comparison with representatives of the most ancient professions. If a woman plans to surprise a loved one, then it is better to involve him in the process, or at least find out his opinion on this matter.

Is it better to shave or root your hair?

If the hairstyle in the pubic area is done for the first time, then you should not completely shave off the vegetation right away, it is better to leave short hairs and gradually get used to new sensations. Should remain about 0.5 cm in length or less. The most convenient tool for removing excess hair is a trimmer. But after using it, the vegetation grows back quickly and the correction will have to be done every week. If the hairstyle is a one-time promotion, then he is quite suitable. Otherwise, the wizards recommend root deletion. The procedure is painful, but the haircut will remain intact for several weeks.

What form looks more practical and prettier?

The simplest and most common design option is considered to be in the form of a landing strip. The drawing is formed by shaving off all the hair in the intimate area, but this leaves a vertical strip. Its length and width can be adjusted as desired. Women note that this particular option is the most practical, easy to create and looks great. The pubis does not look completely bald, and the hairs lie neatly and do not peep out of the underwear.

No matter how women love the sophisticated bikini design, the most favorite forms for men are the classic ones - a vertical stripe, a triangle or a complete lack of hair:


Every woman has the right to choose between a home haircut and a professional haircutter. For home conditions, there are step-by-step instructions that will help you achieve a high-quality result on your own. But a lot depends on the skills, only over time, an intimate hairstyle made at home will look just as perfect as a salon one.

Women's beauty knows no boundaries. In this article, you will learn how to make an interesting intimate haircut, options and ideas for intimate hairstyles.

Haircuts for intimate areas have come to us since ancient Rome. The first so-called salons were opened there, where you could embellish your body and make it more attractive. It is important to note that this procedure, even in those distant times, was available only to people with very high status and high incomes.

For this service, the best natural materials of that time were used, which looked very elegant and beautiful. In countries where Islam and in some regions of India, this procedure had purely hygienic purposes. In Europe, this direction of cosmetic services appeared in the twentieth century with the beginning of the era of open bikini swimwear.

If you have finally decided for yourself on such a not entirely simple act, and you are sure that such an experiment will be appreciated by your partner, then, first of all, decide on a salon, a master and a price that is acceptable for you. At the moment, there are two directions for bikini design:

  • clearly according to a previously prepared drawing
  • individual drawing of the master for each client in the direction that you choose

You can pre-dye your hair to create a complete look, using very high quality materials of domestic and foreign production. Such a design can be for a short time or for a long time - it all depends on your preferences and capabilities.

For lovers of consistency, you can make a design that you will admire every day for a very long time (tattoo), or change the pattern every two weeks (henna). The choice is still yours.

Stencils for bikini designs

In online stores, you can view a huge number of all kinds of stencils, each of which has its own meaning and meaning. Before starting the procedure, an experienced master will examine you in order to recommend what is right for you based on the characteristics of the figure.

Many people order Chinese characters, which mean:

  • harmony
  • longevity
  • prosperity
  • beauty
  • loyalty
  • passion
  • money
  • good luck

In addition, you can choose something simpler:

  • hearts
  • strawberries
  • cherries
  • stripes
  • moths

  • Zodiac signs
  • the bats
  • flowers
  • stars
  • feathers
  • dragons
  • snails
  • leaves
  • pigeons
  • swans as a symbol of loyalty

With the help of such stencils, not only the shape is observed, but also the elegance of the lines, which can be emphasized with the original selected colors. For a greater effect, they often use a variety of sequins matched to the tone.

Women's bikini design

Women are big inventors and want to look beautiful, even in interesting places. Many people care about their comfort, pleasant smell and cleanliness of the body.

Modern technologies make it possible to make the procedure itself not very painful, quick and effective. It can be done all year round, and not just before going on a long-awaited vacation.

On the eve of the New Year, the corresponding symbolism is very popular, which will bring happiness, joy and good luck. Also, women's bikini design helps to bring to life the most daring ideas.

This year, you can make a design in the form of a small, bright, beautiful cockerel and decorate with different colors, or you can simply make an original hair dyeing, sustained in an interesting and carefully selected color.

In accordance with the Chinese calendar, it is advisable to celebrate the New Year in a rich red color and its shades.

Intimate haircut for women

You can make a beautiful haircut, complementing it with a very original, thematic pattern, which will ideally highlight all your charms. If you decide to please yourself, then:

  • It is better to choose a proven salon to protect yourself from unforeseen circumstances after the procedure.
  • Find a qualified professional after reviewing their work style.
  • Pay attention to tools and hygiene standards.
  • Services should be performed only with sterile gloves.

  • Review all the options and advice from an experienced master when choosing a haircut type.
  • Follow the latest fashion trends to stay one step ahead. Although, this is so individual that you should not repeat someone else, be original and unique and your beloved man will certainly appreciate it.

Men's intimate haircuts

Representatives of the stronger sex also keep up with women and have the opportunity to bring beauty to the intimate area. This is useful when:

  • Your profession requires body care
  • Short hair is easier to deal with
  • Keeps clean for longer and provides a feeling of comfort
  • You can easily meet the fair sex and be 100% confident
  • You like to wear stylish, short bikini bottoms that perfectly highlight your figure and your pubic hair should not be visible

An intimate haircut involves the removal of excess hair outside the pattern you have conceived with the help of wax and special tools. Wax removes hair better, reduces hair growth and thus increases the duration of your masterpiece on the body.

To achieve a greater effect, hair can be dyed with natural dyes and decorated, if desired, with additional accessories. You can finish your haircut with a beautiful henna pattern.

Intimate haircuts at home

If you are unable to visit the salon, then you can do it yourself at home. You need to prepare all the necessary materials:

  • Mirror
  • Trimmer
  • Liked drawing
  • Additional accessories (sequins, rhinestones)
  • Natural paint
  • Comfortable comb
  • Nail scissors
  • Wax, if you do for a long time and henna, for example, if for 2 weeks

  • In the bathroom, steam the skin well
  • After that, proceed to remove those hairs that are outside the outline of the drawing.
  • Next, draw a picture or circle it using a stencil, again remove all unnecessary hair
  • Use a trimmer to trim the hair in the drawing area to give it an overall look.
  • There are finishing touches left to add accessories and correct inaccuracies

The main thing is, if you are doing this for the first time, take your time, follow the recommendations and you will definitely succeed.

Women's intimate haircuts: photo

If your life lacks variety or you want to surprise your newly-made husband on their wedding night, then do your hair in the form of two swans. When the relationship becomes more familiar and you want something new, the Chinese character for loyalty or beauty can be an excellent gift. They look very graceful and elegant.

Ideal for middle-aged women. Depending on the characteristics of the figure, you can make different types of interesting haircuts. In the photo, you can see their names in detail and choose something for yourself. They are made for a long time and can delight you every day.

A professional in this field will advise you on a haircut taking into account all your wishes and advise on how to do it better. Do not be afraid to try something new, because this is the only way you can prepare yourself for a change for the better.

How to get an intimate haircut?

In the beauty salon you will get a haircut of any complexity and do not be afraid that the hygiene rules will be violated. Any master will try to do his job beautifully and according to technology in order to satisfy the needs of the client:

  • Before starting, the intimate area is treated with a disinfectant
  • Draw a drawing of the format that you agreed with the master before the start of the procedure
  • Remove all unnecessary hair and create a beautiful contour
  • Hair is removed not only around the bikini area, but also deeper to create a clearer picture
  • Next, they paint according to a clearly painted plan and finish the design of the drawing itself.
  • At the end, sprinkle everything with talcum or powder to relieve irritation.

In the end, I would like to add that if you have any contraindications: fever, various rashes and diseases of the genitourinary system, then you better postpone visiting such institutions.

Types of intimate haircuts

Every year such services become more popular, and many salons offer their clients the following types of haircuts for men:

  • The playboy emblem is very popular
  • various car emblems
  • bull head with bright red eyes
  • image of an eagle with spread wings
  • quality mark of the times of the USSR
  • classic baby haircut

Young people sometimes want to surprise their chosen ones by cutting off the initials of their beloved woman in an intimate place. There are times when they order whole portraits of their own, which look very impressive.

Various names of idols, authoritative people, nicknames on social networks look original, which give the owner masculinity, a certain status and self-confidence. If you liked to surprise your girlfriends, then show your imagination to be unique again and again.

Women always amaze with their imagination, resourcefulness and ability to surprise themselves and their loved ones. Recently, they have been very popular:

  • hairstyles in the form of a month
  • small dots combined with a crescent shape
  • Lotus flower
  • fire torch
  • regular drop in a variety of colors
  • tulip flower
  • you can perform the simplest lines and geometric shapes using natural products for dyeing or complete hair removal

Also among the weaker sex there are those who like to apply emblems in the form of a car logo, capital letters of the name of their chosen one, various signs of the zodiac, and so on. Be brave and fill this world with beauty, because every woman is beautiful and has the right to express her individuality, even if it seems silly and reckless to someone.

Video: Intimate haircuts and intimate area design

Many people believe that intimate hairstyles are predominantly a feminine attribute. In fact, this opinion is erroneous. Bikini haircuts look great on men and are very common these days. It is considered beautiful, it inspires approval from many women and, as a result, raises men's self-esteem. The intimate haircut has a rich history. Even in ancient times, nomadic wars made it mandatory, though not for aesthetic purposes, but for hygienic purposes. This was due to the inability to wash normally. Of course, there was no question of any design in those days, the hair was simply removed as much as possible. And now there are different types of haircuts in the bikini area, for every taste and even color (after all, creating a hairstyle is often combined with coloring). Many men, having decided on an intimate hairstyle, are afraid to entrust such a responsible thing to anyone and prefer to do everything on their own. There is nothing difficult in this, you just need to know some rules and secrets.

Men's intimate haircut design

The process of creating an intimate hairstyle itself is not complicated, but at the stage of choosing a pattern, a man faces serious problems. Very often he, experiencing an abstract desire to create something creative on the pubis, does not know at all what to depict there. You need to think carefully about this question, because with a picture that will be in one of the most important places, you will have to walk for more than one day.

In fact, the drawing can be absolutely any. The main thing is that it does not have too many curls and other complex elements. You should also avoid fine lines and small details as they will not be visible. The picture will merge into one spot, and all efforts will be in vain. Therefore, it is better to choose something simpler, especially if this is the first experience of an intimate haircut.

Here is a list of the most common patterns:

  1. Car logos. They look great, but, as a rule, they require staining, since thin lines are still present. In most cases, the image is located in a circle, which must be drawn perfectly straight. The result of the work depends on this.

    Creating an intimate hairstyle with a car logo image requires special care.

  2. Months and drops. Easy to perform and recommended for those who have just started experimenting with intimate hairstyles.
  3. Dollar sign. On the contrary, when creating it, you have to work hard.
  4. Lips, hearts, playboy bunnies or anything else with a sexual connotation. It used to be that such designs were more suitable for women, but now they are popular among men as well. In general, absolutely all images are universal and suitable for any gender. On the representatives of the strong half of humanity, you can even see butterflies and seals.

    There are many simple images that look pretty impressive.

  5. Drawings resembling tattoos, graffiti and hieroglyphs. It takes experience to create them, so you don't need to set yourself such a difficult task right away.
  6. Names or individual letters, such as initials. A simple solution, but it always looks original.
  7. Crown. Perhaps the best option for those who find it difficult to make a choice. Looks impressive and adds confidence. By the way, one of the simplest drawings.
  8. Strip, it is a "runway". It is elementary to create such a design, but at the same time it is quite functional. Visually, the strip is perceived as an extension of the penis, and as a result, it appears to be longer.

    If it is difficult to decide on the choice of design, then you can arrange a haircut in the form of a letter, a crown or even a simple strip.

Video: types of men's intimate haircuts for self-fulfillment

Hair coloring

Very often, after creating an intimate haircut, men resort to coloring. And the reason here is not only the desire to make the drawing colorful and bright. It's just that not everyone has black and thick hair. If they are dark blond, all the more light, and the drawing is complex, then it simply will not be visible. The result of a haircut is more likely to resemble a blurry asymmetric spot. This is the main reason for men's frustration with intimate hairstyles. They think that nothing has worked out, but in fact they just need to slightly tint the hairs. For this purpose, you can purchase a specially designed paint. It is applied to the hair and skin strictly according to the pattern, and after the time indicated in the instructions, it is washed off. Its main disadvantage is fragility. If you take a shower every day, then after 7-10 days the staining procedure will have to be repeated.

Special paint for intimate areas is not available in all stores. It is easier to purchase it online. But if there is no desire to wait for the order, and a natural shade (black, graphite, brown) is chosen for the future hairstyle, then you can use a means for dyeing eyebrows and eyelashes. It has similar instructions for use and will also last 7-10 days.

Video: women's opinion about hair in the intimate area of ​​men

Male intimate haircut technology

First of all, you should think about what kind of drawing will be done in the intimate area, as well as how to apply it: by hand or using a stencil. Before creating a hairstyle, you should take a shower, prepare all the necessary tools, materials and take the correct position. As a rule, men at this crucial moment are comfortable in a sitting position, leaning back slightly and leaning against the back of a chair.

After the optimal posture and pattern are selected, you can proceed directly to the haircut:

  1. Hair is much better removed if you degrease it first. To do this, you can use ordinary talcum powder: treat the intimate area with it, and just shake off the rest.
  2. Next, a pattern is created on the skin. It is not necessary to do this by hand, it is much easier to work with a stencil. It can be purchased from a specialist store or ordered online. The drawing is applied to the intended place (most often this is the pubic area) and outlined with a cosmetic pencil. It is not recommended to use felt-tip pens and other stationery tools, as some of them are not visible on the skin, while others are extremely difficult to wash off afterwards. It happens that the hair in the intimate area is so long and thick that it is simply impossible to draw anything on the skin. In this case, they are pre-trimmed with scissors to an acceptable length. In principle, 2 cm is enough for most intimate haircuts.

    To reduce the length of hair in the intimate area, ordinary scissors are used

  3. Any hair outside the area where the drawing is located is removed (for now this is a "rough" job, the edges of the image are not aligned). How exactly to do this depends on personal preference. You can use a razor, but then after a few days, bristles will appear on the skin, which will need to be shaved periodically. The most daring men decide to remove their hair with wax or sugar paste. This is the best option, but very painful. In addition, you need to study the rules for working with these materials in advance. There is nothing complicated here, but some nuances must be taken into account. Most men remove excess hair. It acts on the principle of a razor, cutting off hairs, so you also need to mentally prepare for the need for regular correction of an intimate haircut.
  4. Now you can start processing the edge of the design. This is the most crucial moment, because literally one extra left or, conversely, a hair removed can turn a masterpiece into a vague curved spot. You can use a narrow end trimmer for straightening, but hairs that are close to the line of the drawing are best removed with tweezers. Many people neglect this rule, and as a result they get not the result they expected. Therefore, you should not take risks and ignore this advice.
  5. The next step is hair coloring. In some cases, this is simply necessary.

    If you do not use paint, the drawing of the owners of light brown, gray or even more light hair may be difficult to see.

  6. The skin is finally treated with some kind of disinfectant solution, for example, chlorhexidine. He also erases the pencil line along the edge of the drawing.

Required tools and materials

To create a beautiful intimate hairstyle, you need to have on hand consumables and tools with which you can remove excess hair:

  1. Scissors. Needed to shorten too long hairs. If this is not done, then the haircut may turn out to be sloppy, and everything unnecessary will be difficult to remove.
  2. Trimmer. This is a device that cuts hair at the root. Most convenient for cutting in the bikini area. There are different models on sale that differ in the area of ​​the blades. You need to choose the option with several nozzles. The wider ones can be used to remove excess hair from the pubis and perineum, and the narrowest (round) one can be used to treat the area next to the pattern.
  3. Razor. In the absence of a trimmer, it may well replace it. True, it is suitable only for uncomplicated drawings, since more complex ones will be extremely difficult to process along the edges.
  4. Tweezers. It is necessary to remove hairs directly from the drawing itself, especially if it has many bends.
  5. Talc. Used to degrease the hair before starting the procedure.
  6. Dark cosmetic pencil. With it, the image is applied to the skin.
  7. Stencils. Necessary if the drawing cannot be applied by hand.
  8. Chlorhexidine. It is used to treat the skin at the end of the haircut.
  9. If desired, you can use products intended for hair removal. For example, if it was decided to remove excess hair with hot wax, then in addition to it, you will also need a spatula for application and a special wax heater.
  10. Means for coloring intimate haircuts.

Photo gallery: what you need to create an intimate haircut

When purchasing a trimmer, it is important to make sure that it has a narrow attachment. Tweezers are needed for complex intricate patterns. If you remove excess hair with wax, it will not grow for 2-3 weeks. There are paints designed specifically for intimate hairstyles. The drawing is applied to the skin using a black cosmetic pencil After the intimate hairstyle is ready, you need to disinfect the skin

Intimate hair care

First of all, immediately after the procedure, you need to take care of the skin. The trimmer and razor do not injure her, but if excess hairs have been removed with wax, then it is not recommended to wet the bikini area in the next few hours. Also, for 2-3 days, it is better to refrain from baths, saunas, solariums and taking a bath.

As for the haircut itself, after some time you will need to make a correction. When exactly the extra hairs grow around the drawing depends on how they were removed. If waxing or shugaring was done, then you can not worry about anything for 2-3 weeks, and sometimes more. If the hair was shaved off or cut off with a trimmer, then after 5 days the drawing may lose its attractiveness, since bristles will appear around it. Until it has time to grow and merge with the picture that forms the basis of the haircut, you need to remove it in any suitable way. For example, again with a trimmer or razor. If the design includes coloring or involves the use of glitter, then the color of the image should be updated at least once a week, as it quickly loses its brightness.

A men's intimate haircut, provided that the man and his partner visually like it, has many positive aspects. It is convenient, hygienic, and in general, pleasant when nothing interferes with anything. True, you need to get used to it, because if a man has never removed hair in the bikini area before, after the first time, very strange sensations may arise. There is nothing difficult in creating an intimate hairstyle, but neatness is required here. A fuzzy line or the slightest error in the symmetry of the drawing can ruin the whole view. Therefore, you need to take a haircut very seriously, take your time and, of course, use high-quality tools.

Evolving from generation to generation. As bikinis are becoming more and more open, and tattoos and other patterns on the skin are fashionable, the attitude towards body hair is becoming tougher: they are either completely removed or take some kind of aesthetic form, thereby giving confidence to their owner.

From the history

Someone has successfully noticed that changes in fashion for a female intimate design are inversely proportional to fashion for a male style in the design of facial growth.

And this is true: very slowly, men "grew overgrown" without looking at the same time in a businesslike or untidy manner. Whereas women, very slowly but surely, continued to get rid of their hair "in the wrong places."

There is a huge variety of ways to completely get rid of body hair: from waxing or shugaring to photoepilation. Moreover, epilation for a long period (up to a month) quickly gave its popularity to lifelong, when hair no longer appears on the treated areas of the body. More harm or benefit from this is another matter.

But the hairstyles of women's intimate areas have become popular and varied. Often they are accompanied by coloring, tattooing, decoration with sparkles, feathers and rhinestones. So it turns out quite a "ceremonial" view. Photos of women's intimate hairstyles can be found on the Internet and catalogs of many beauty salons.

Women choose

Why are intimate haircuts attractive? In fact, they have a number of advantages over standard hair removal or natural growth:

  1. Hygiene. A well-groomed pubis with short hair meets the requirements of modern hygiene.
  2. Smell. Short hair collects fewer microbes, which reduces the likelihood of unpleasant odors.
  3. Aesthetics. A well-groomed pubis is the same as a well-groomed feet, manicure or pedicure. A woman is more confident in herself when she knows that she is well-groomed and irresistible.

In addition, intimate hairstyles are sexually liberating. They add zest to a woman, this is reflected in what kind of underwear she chooses, how she communicates and behaves with a man.


The most common haircuts that every woman can (and does) herself. Fast, comfortable, not devoid of "raisins" aesthetic hairstyles that will suit absolutely everyone.

  1. Brazilian and semi-Brazilian will suit absolutely everyone and will be very comfortable under any swimsuit. Some even believe that such haircuts have a positive effect on the libido of both partners.
  2. Curvy shapes work well with rectangles and triangles with a wide top and a thin base (inverted).
  3. The heart will look good on standard and curvy hips. The small heart is also suitable for athletic and rectangular hips.
  4. A pointed up triangle, thin rectangle, and crescent will look great on narrow hips.

Any of these haircuts will work well with bikinis and underwear of almost any configuration. And it will look good in lace or see-through underwear.


Women who are bolder choose pictures that are more interesting. Mainly for yourself, but also for your sexual partner. This gives an impetus for imagination and experimentation in bed.

"Margarita", "Martini" are named after the shape of the glasses, which resemble the shapes of these hairstyles. And it's the same with the "red carpet", "catwalk", "toothpick", "heart" and the like. There is also "Caribbean", "salsa", "tango" - these are hairstyles for the mood.


Haircuts, which almost everyone has seen, are most often ordered in salons: "Brazilian" (that is, full hair removal), "heart", "strip", "arrow", "triangle" (or "mushroom"), "spikes" ( for gamblers), "butterfly", "patriot" - in the form of their country (for amateurs and suitable occasions).

Most of the listed intimate hairstyles can be done at home. The female half of humanity does just that. More complex ones are made according to a stencil and here it is already better to seek help from a specialist.


There are also explicit female hairstyles in intimate places. These are very small symbols, neatly displayed on the pubis. They have little effect on the visual perception of the figure, but they give the girl "peppercorn" and aesthetic beauty.

Drawings look very sophisticated and neat, they are also comfortable for any underwear and bikini. In summer, it is also a good option to keep fresh and comfortable without effort.


Separately, it is worth highlighting the non-standard cheerful female intimate hairstyles. Made in the form of the mustache of Ch. Chaplin, D. Suzuki, the rising sun, lightning and so on. Such women's hairstyles in intimate places at home are possible, but it will be of better quality if you turn to professionals.

If you do a haircut in the salon, then you can bring your own drawing, from which a stencil will be made and the desired image will be accurately transferred to the pubis. Using paints (only natural) and tattooing, you can fully embody any idea, almost a picture.

Creation method

Women's intimate hairstyle at home is possible only simple, from the first sections of the article. To create it you need:

  • clean hands and sterile instruments;
  • stable mirror;
  • a comb and scissors for cutting hair, as well as nail scissors and tweezers (for fine details);
  • trim hair to a length of 5-6 mm;
  • gently shave off unnecessary hairs in the shape of a haircut;
  • disinfect the treated area;
  • treat the skin with a nourishing cream.

If the plans also include painting, then everything is like with hair on the head with the only exception: you can use only natural dyes (henna), apply them strictly according to the technology described in the instructions, and only on the pubic area.

If we talk about more complex women's hairstyles in intimate places, then you still have to go to the salon. The procedure here is generally the same, but slightly different:

  1. Consultation and selection of a stencil, taking into account the shape and condition of the skin (there should be no cuts, scratches, scars, inflammations). Also, hairstyles are not done within 3 days or less before the onset of menstruation.
  2. The tonic disinfects and degreases the skin in the treated area.
  3. Drawing is applied through a stencil or by hand.
  4. Heated wax is applied along the contours of the drawing and left for 15-20 minutes. After that, epilation is performed.
  5. Then the hair is cut, dyed, if necessary.
  6. The paint is washed off and the pubis is covered with talc again.

If the hairstyle is supposed to have rhinestones or glitters, then they are applied at the final stage and attached with safe eyelash glue.

When the female intimate hairstyle is ready, you cannot swim, sunbathe, go to the pool or bathhouse for at least a day. Do not use washcloths or brushes.

To do or not

In addition to aesthetic beauty and convenience, a properly selected intimate hairstyle can favorably emphasize the dignity of the figure and hide its flaws:

  • the rectangle will visually stretch the figure;
  • an inverted triangle will visually reduce the hips and abdomen;
  • the tapered upward strip will reduce the waist;
  • a wide horizontal stripe will make your hips smoother.

The following aspects should be taken into account: it should start below the linen line, the hairs should be short, and you should not overdo it with rhinestones and other decorative ornaments. The idea is that they complement the hairstyle, and not draw attention to themselves.

It is important to carry out a number of procedures for caring for the bikini area after a haircut:

  1. Prevention of ingrown hairs: you need to use a special scrub once every three days, and in the shower, rub the skin with a washcloth (except for the first day after the procedure).
  2. Do not wear synthetic underwear. The skin must breathe, and it is very important that pimples do not form, elasticity and a beautiful look of the finished intimate hairstyle are not lost.
  3. It is better to completely abandon sunbathing and solarium at least in the first 3-4 days after the procedure, you need to allow the skin to recover normally.
  4. You also need to regularly use moisturizing creams with vitamins to get rid of redness and irritation in the first days after art hair removal.

You can also consider using special creams for hair growth. They need to be rubbed into the epilation areas every day. Gradually, the hairs will become thinner and grow more slowly. After 6-8 weeks, significant progress will be noticeable and the epilation result will be more pronounced.

Art epilation is a great way to take care of yourself, maintain hygiene and comfort. This is one of the methods of diversifying intimate life and switching attention to a partner during sex. The original drawings will not only look good in underwear and without it, but also give their owner confidence and irresistibility. This will have a good effect on the sexual life of partners who have been together for a long time.

Being constantly in sight is the lot of modern women. Less and less remains hidden by a veil, less and less unsolved in a woman. Intimate areas remain inaccessible to prying eyes. Confidence in the intimate sphere is given by the secret kept in the secluded corners of the female body - an intimate haircut. Services for the creation of an individual design in this area are provided by beauty salons and studios, but often the lack of time, shyness in front of the master, interferes. An intimate haircut at home is available to every woman, without outside interference. The purpose of the article is to describe in detail, correctly, how to make an intimate haircut at home.

Types of haircuts

Before you start ennobling the intriguing opposite sex of the zone, you should decide on the choice of design. Different types of intimate haircuts at home have been invented and tested. They are easy to do on your own, it is not difficult to maintain the clarity of the pattern with further care.

It is worth deciding on the choice of design before proceeding with the refinement of the intriguing opposite sex of the zone.

Classic: triangle, month, butterfly, runway, stripe

This bikini area design is easy to do yourself. The main types do not require additional devices, except for hair removal products:

1. "Triangle" - the most natural, easily accomplished form. Women's intimate haircut at home - "triangle" is suitable for all types of figures, the density of the hairline of the intimate zone. The geometric shape has an inverted triangle shape with an apex at the bottom. It is possible to "depict" a triangle with different sides without using templates or stencils.

2. An intimate haircut for women - "strip", at home is available for all the fair sex, without skill and training. The width of the vertical “strip” can be different, and depends on personal choice, body type - from 0.5 cm to 3 cm. Performing this type will require a marker, patience, and the chosen hair removal product. An intimate haircut at home "female strip" is the best option in the absence of experience in performing such haircuts.

3. "Month" can be performed without a template for young ladies with developed artistic skills. An increasing or decreasing month - it depends on the mood. This option will add a slight intrigue to the relationship of the bed plane. Can be done with a trimmer, razor. You can add rhinestones to the design, paint it golden or yellow.

4. Delicate, defenseless "butterfly" is performed on the basis of a triangular shape. The wings can be painted in different colors. Thin antennae can arouse genuine interest in a partner.

Basic types do not require additional devices

5. "Runway" is a thin vertical strip, with complete removal of hairs from the rest of the delicate area. Width varies based on body parameters, hair density, individual preferences. This pattern gives rise to the rapid acceleration of passion.

Using a stencil

The lack of dexterity, artistic skills will not interfere with the implementation of bikini design. In such cases, stencils for an intimate haircut at home are used. Template fixtures facilitate the design of the delicate area. Manufacturers specializing in the production of beauty products offer a huge selection of designer designs. The stencils are made on a flexible basis, which ensures the most tight fit to the skin. The adhesive makes it possible to cut dry, wet, using wax, depilatory cream.

Popular options include:

  • vegetable drawings;
  • complex geometric shapes, compositions;
  • floral motives;
  • oriental, runic symbols;
  • font for creating inscriptions, initials;
  • images of animals, insects;
  • smilies, various symbols;
  • options for patterns.

To reproduce the author's design idea, the template can be done by hand. To do this, you need to transfer the drawing of the future design of the bikini zone to a film with a self-adhesive base. It is impractical to use self-adhesive paper due to its rapid deoxidation.

The template can be done by hand to reproduce the author's design idea

How to choose depending on your physique

The design of the intimate area is able not only to bring a romantic mood to the bed plane. With its help, you can correctly correct minor body imperfections. An intuitive sense of harmony makes it easy to choose a future composition. We will try to fill the lack of skills, abstract vision with the advice of experienced masters of cosmetologists specializing in the design of hidden corners.

Options for girls in the body

For young ladies who are not distinguished by a fragile structure, it is preferable to choose drawings:

  • with thin vertical lines;
  • geometric shapes, with a narrow upper base, pronounced narrowing downward;
  • butterflies with closed wings;
  • graceful patterned designs consisting of fine lines;
  • floral vertical patterns, in the form of a flower bowl on a thin stem;
  • vertical, intersecting waves can visually reduce the volume of the hips.

For thin

Delicate representatives of a fragile physique can visually give expressiveness to bends using horizontal patterns:

  • blossoming flowers;
  • horizontal clear lines, waves;
  • stylized mustache;
  • heart, ladybug;
  • butterfly with spread wings;
  • horizontally located plant pattern.

Options for skinny

Fit to the hips

You can visually reduce wide hips using;

  • vertical geometric patterns;
  • lightning, snakes.

The following design solutions will help to add volume to narrow hips:

  • horizontal inscriptions;
  • horizontal plant leaves, other plant elements:
  • snakes, caterpillars creeping from one hip to another;
  • a wide, full-bodied heart.

Image selection requires an assessment of the density, density, direction of hair growth in the bikini zone. In rare cases, it takes time for the hair to grow back to a suitable length.

What you need to complete the procedure

The arsenal of masters of intimate design is numerous. To perform an intimate haircut at home you will need:

  • disposable razor;
  • trimmer with fine attachment;
  • electric epilator, depilatory wax, caramel paste;
  • mirror on a long holder;
  • a large mirror to evaluate the intermediate, final result;
  • template with the selected pattern;
  • cosmetic pencil or eyebrow marker;
  • quality tweezers;
  • a comb with thick teeth;
  • natural henna, vegetable dye;
  • liquid antiseptic;
  • an agent that slows down hair growth;
  • rhinestones, leather glue, feathers, glitter.

Numerous arsenal of masters of intimate design

When doing a design for the first time, it is better to give preference to a razor. When your hand is full, you can use wax, caramel paste or depilatory cream.

Instructions for performing an intimate haircut yourself

Let's start considering the technology of how to make an intimate haircut at home. The first time you need to be patient, this procedure can take from 2 to 3 hours.

Let's get started - haircut for a woman's intimate areas, step by step:

1. Carrying out hygiene procedures for the intimate area using neutral detergents for the body, intimate area. After water procedures, you need to thoroughly dry the skin of the delicate zone.

2. Get rid of excess hair outside the area of ​​performing artistic haircuts in the usual way.

3. Prepare the hairs at the site of the design by cutting them with scissors up to 0.5-1 cm long. After removing the excess length, you need to comb the hairs.

Instructions for performing an intimate haircut yourself

4. Apply the desired drawing, pattern to the skin with a cosmetic pencil or felt-tip pen. In the case of a complex author's drawing, tightly apply the template to the skin, transfer it to the body with a pencil.
5. Remove hairs protruding beyond the contours of the drawing in a convenient way.

6. Wash off the remaining contour lines of the drawing with an ear stick moistened with water.

7. Remove the short remaining hairs that come out of the general pattern with tweezers.

8. Make an antiseptic treatment of the skin at the site of depilation using "Chlorhexidine".

9. If the idea requires it, add decorative elements to the drawing, dye the hair in the desired color, apply henna drawing.

Grooming a woman's intimate areas at home requires compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, disinfection of the instruments used.

How to avoid skin redness and irritation

In order to avoid the development of undesirable reactions from the skin in the form of hyperemia, irritation and rashes, you must follow the rules of subsequent care, hygiene:

  • shave hair in the direction of growth;
  • do not perform the procedure a week before the start of the menstrual cycle;
  • do not use alkaline hygiene products, for shaving;
  • use disposable razors;
  • do not take water procedures for the first 2 hours;
  • cut your hair dry, shave - wet;
  • use sharp tools;
  • carry out antibacterial treatment before and after the procedure;
  • do not visit steam rooms, baths;
  • the first day after the procedure, it is recommended to use sedatives;
  • do not use alcohol-based products immediately after performing an intimate haircut.

Shave your hair in the direction of growth

Hair growth retardants

Hair growth inhibitors will help keep the intimate design intact for a long period. After removal, it is recommended to use special products that include salicylic acid, herbal extracts, natural oils that soften the skin and allantoin. Regular use of these drugs can keep the results obtained for a long time. To achieve the longest possible delay in hair, you can use products designed for each specific type of depilation.