How to give a man pleasant advice. How to make a guy feel good: simple tips for ladies

It's harder with guys

Surprises, of course, are loved by everyone, regardless of age and gender. Surprising a girl is much easier than a guy. Here fantasy can roam with might and main: a soft toy will do, and beautiful earrings will delight you, and a new handbag will come in handy. But Millions of loving ladies are racking their brains over this.

A bit of fantasy!

Practice shows that everything is not so difficult, the main thing is to think carefully about what the young man loves and is fond of. What can give him maximum pleasure? The surprise does not have to be material. You can just send him a cute note to work with an invitation to visit some romantic place or cook a chic dinner with candles and think of a chic continuation of it: in bed or a bath full of fragrant foam. A twinkle in the eyes and good foreplay are a must, and there is such an option. He returns home after a hard day at work, and his beloved is waiting for him in the kitchen, preparing a delicious dinner. So what? And the fact that she is wearing a cute apron right on her naked body and charming high-heeled shoes. In this case, a pleasant surprise for the guy is simply provided.

Hello to the receiver

Imagine this situation as well. He is at work (at home, in the car, in a traffic jam - underline the necessary) and listen to the radio. Suddenly your voice is suddenly heard from him with confessions and warm greetings to him, beloved. He is in a good mood for the whole day and thanks to you in the evening are guaranteed.

Present beautifully!

Presenting a finished gift beautifully is also not an easy task. To do this, you can find a large box (for example, from under the TV), stick beautiful paper, ribbons, joint photos and good wishes for the guy on it. And then hide inside this miracle along with a gift. It remains only to imagine his surprised eyes and a joyful expression on his face when you appear from a huge box with a smaller box in your hands, in a beautiful dress (or without it - at your discretion) and words of love and tenderness on your lips.

Old idea

Our mothers and grandmothers also knew how to make a guy feel good. Old, but no less original, the idea with notes, consistently pointing him to the place where the gift is hidden. A variant with accompanying declarations of love and small verses in the same notes will revive the venture. And even better - with the desires that he must fulfill in order to receive the next clue. And what desires these will be, only your imagination can tell.

One more thought

Is he an ardent football fan? Then we know the answer to the question: "How to make a guy nice?" On the eve of the World or European Championship, or maybe just an important match with the participation of his favorite team, buy him a good beer and everything that relies on him. Doesn't like beer? No problem. Ball and football paraphernalia (T-shirt, scarf, whistle, etc.)

will truly delight any fan. Just do not forget to clarify which team he is rooting for, because a Manchester United fan is unlikely to like Chelsea's uniform. By the way, if the game takes place in your city, this is a good reason to buy a ticket for it in advance and solemnly present it.

The main thing is care!

Still not decided how to please the guy? Surround him with attention and care (within reason, of course). Prepare delicious sandwiches for work, put a note with warm words in your pocket or purse, write down songs that he likes to listen to on the road on a disc or flash drive. Be sure he will appreciate it.

What should a woman do in bed? This question probably worries most young girls who have only recently begun to have sex.

  1. Do not be shy.

Women, sophisticated by experience and multiple relationships, at some point come to one simple conclusion: a woman's behavior in bed should be natural. Too many girls, in order not to offend their partner, scream and cling to the sheets, in fact, without even experiencing sensations that are close to euphoria. In this way, they are cheating in the most insolent way not only with their partner, but also with themselves.

Try not to forget, being in the arms of a man, that you are, after all, a lover, and not an actress playing a cheap scene on the stage. Behind all these insincere sighs, sighs and other tricks, you, having played around, can shift all accents and remain dissatisfied. There is only one spectator in bed who wants you to feel good, therefore playing in public is more than appropriate.

But one cannot be silent either. Even if you do not get a complete release, the process of making love usually brings at least pleasant sensations, so sighs and brief praise for the man's actions are only welcome.

What should a woman do in bed? With the help of actions and movements, a woman should show her interest in what is happening. The biggest mistake is pretending to be dead. A man should never feel your indifference. Politics: "you go, and I'll sleep while" is perceived by men as the highest degree of insult. Therefore, the task of a woman in bed is to behave no less actively than a man.

Be proactive and try to give your partner extra pleasure. In between sexual intercourse, be gentle and try to arouse the next rush of sexual desire in him. A woman in bed needs to be relaxed and forget about her complexes.

Representatives of the opposite sex are no less romantic and sometimes modestly and silently expect a surprise from their beloved, one that they will not be able to forget for a long time.

How to surprise him? Expensive watch? Or maybe give a tie to match your new suit?

It's much easier! Surprise your loved one in bed. After all, for a long time, men have committed insane acts and were ready to die in a duel, for the sake of the night with their only one.

The main thing is not to forget the following:

1) Spontaneity.

Your man, like no one else, knows everything about your sexual biorhythm. This, unfortunately, often leads to predictability in sex. Therefore, we will derive a rule for ourselves - "sex should not be adjusted to everyday life, but our life should adjust to sex."

2) Be not available.

A man is a hunter and conqueror by nature. He is used to getting his own, and in sex it manifests itself as never before, and all attempts to resist lead to even greater excitability. But do not surrender to his captivity right away, because the predator loves to play with its prey.

3) Gift wrapping.

We are used to giving gifts in bright, eye-catching and intriguing gift wrappers. Multicolored paper, painted bags and bows are ready to offer you in souvenir shops. Our present must also be beautifully presented. You do not need to spend half a day in front of a mirror, applying kilograms of cosmetics and sleeping on curlers all night. Decorate your body with a chain at the waist or playful jewelry on the chest, a red bow tied on the buttocks or other feminine "things", it will delight your man!

4) Experiment.

It is no secret that every man has secret desires that they represent in their sexual fantasies, but not every woman decides on his proposals. Maybe you should try his sexual inventions? But you should not inform him of the fact, do it yourself during the process, let the initiative for a dizzying act come from you.

5) Romance by candlelight.

Another way to pleasantly surprise your loved one is to create a romantic setting. Whichever place of your cozy nest you choose, be it a bath or a sleeping bed, the main thing is to create the necessary, relaxing atmosphere. Here you can use candles and aromatic lamps, the main thing is that the smell is not harsh and does not distract from the process - the ideal option is ylang-ylang, patchouli or sandalwood. Light music and rose petals, the whisper of your beloved in your ear, and your man is smitten on the spot!

At the beginning of family life, wives try to pamper their husbands as much as possible. But over time, everyday life kills both tender feelings and the desire to please your soul mate. Do not relax, because marriage is a permanent job that requires maximum effort and dedication. Therefore, many women will find useful advice,


First of all, wives should understand one rule: a man will want to go to the house where he is expected and welcomed with joy, whether it be from work, from the market or from the store opposite. Therefore, no matter how bad a woman is, always when you meet, you need to make a man understand that he is long-awaited, that without him life is uninteresting and, perhaps, even empty. And if your wife is in a bad mood, you can report this a little later, but you must meet your beloved with a smile.



An unusual dinner prepared by his wife's hands can pleasantly surprise a husband. Do not be lazy and serve buckwheat with a cutlet every day. All the same, time is wasted on cooking, and everyone gets tired of the monotony even in food quickly. You can try looking for a simple but unusual recipe for a particular dish. And if you are really lazy, then today in supermarkets there are a huge number of preparations for dishes and pastries, which are also not a sin to use.


All women probably know that men love with their eyes. That is, they just like it when a lady is well-groomed, beautifully dressed and made up. But when such a woman walks down the street with him arm in arm, it is generally the height of bliss. Having a diamond is important for the stronger sex, so if you want to know how to please your husband, you just need to take care of yourself and always be at your best, drawing the looks of strangers to your person.

Common interests

In order to please your husband, you can try to ask what he likes to do in his free time. Try to go fishing with him, go to football. And if you really don't like these things at all, you can at least talk about your husband's favorite topics, it will be nice for any person.


Wanting to know how to please your husband, it is worth paying attention to such an area of ​​family life as intimate relationships. Most of the stronger sex will be pleased if a woman is not afraid to experiment in sex, many will like role-playing games. But the best way out in such a situation would be a simple conversation with your husband, from which you can find out what your loved one wants in bed. And then, at some unexpected moment, just do what you want.


If you are going to make your beloved something pleasant, you should try to figure out what gift to give your husband to please him. An excellent way out of the situation will be to buy a long-awaited thing. It would also be appropriate to present gifts that relate to the hobbies of a loved one. He will also be pleased with tickets, for example, go-karting, paintball, a certificate for a parachute jump.

Very often there are situations when men prefer to give the leadership in bed to a woman. And sometimes such actions of the gentleman baffle the lady. After all, not everyone knows how to arouse a man in bed.

How to excite a man with kissing

You can caress a man with kisses. Tactics should be chosen based on the type and character of your gentleman. Some people like light, fleeting, as if furtively ripped off kisses. It is with the help of such that you can make it pleasant even for a strong guy in bed. Sexologists, however, assure that light, unobtrusive kisses can cause an erection in a man much faster than passionate and deep ones.

By the way, you shouldn't write off passionate kisses. Sometimes one deep, but unexpected, is able to awaken genuine interest in a man and cause him the most vivid emotions.

Choosing a kissing zone is equally important. According to research, a particularly sensitive area in men is the earlobes and lips. Therefore, gentle touches of the lips to such areas in almost any situation lead to the same result. Therefore, a woman in bed needs to behave rather relaxedly, to take the initiative into her own hands - to whisper cute nonsense in the man's ear, slightly tickle the lobe with her lips, easily touch his lips with his lips, and the man will surrender to the mercy of the winner.

True, it is better to ask in advance if your man is not afraid of being tickled. Or it may turn out that in response to your kisses, he will burst into laughter from the fact that he is tickled. There is no time for excitement!

Excite a man with touch

Alternatively, you can try to arouse your loved one without kissing, but with the help of ordinary touches. Various strokes are especially effective on gentlemen. One of the zones to which almost all men subconsciously respond to caresses is the neck. It is worth stroking it with your palm or fingertips. But you should not use marigolds - you can cause a tickling attack.

Men also like breast stroking. Movements should be strong and confident, but very gentle.

Run your fingers along the back, along the spine, linger a little between the shoulder blades. This, as experts say, gives a man incomparable pleasure. Even such strokes can partially satisfy a man in bed.

Arouse a man with caresses

The word affection is quite multifaceted - it includes kissing, touching, stroking, and much more. Naturally, from such attention to himself, a man quickly melts and gives up under female spells. Especially favorite affection among men is considered to be when a woman holds her breasts along his back and buttocks. As sexologists say, this is the most win-win option.

The main rule in bed is not to be shy. Only then will it be possible to exert the necessary influence on the man, to which he will respond appropriately.

All experts in intimate life agree on one thing - a girl needs to behave in bed very confidently and not assume that she is doing some stupid things. Of course, traumatizing your partner on a wave of passion is not worth it, but pinching yourself is also not an option. This is the only way it will work out.