How to start a conversation with a girl is the most important secret. How to start chatting with a girl on the Internet

In most cases, the initiative in making an acquaintance comes from the stronger sex. But a man may not always dare to be the first to start a conversation with a girl whom he likes and does not know how to behave. A surprise meeting can take place anywhere - at school, in a nightclub, in transport, and even on the Internet. You need to know how to properly speak to a girl so as not to seem intrusive and at the same time arouse interest in the object of sympathy.

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Meeting in public places

It is not so easy to start a conversation with a girl on the street or in a public place correctly, because when you meet, the first impression of a person is immediately formed. Excessive shyness or, conversely, insolence can play a cruel joke with a guy who decides to take the initiative.

There are general rules, following which you can strike up an acquaintance with the girl of your dreams in person:

  1. 1. Any conversation begins with a greeting. The usual words - "hello" or "hello" will not only help demonstrate good parenting, but also follow the girl's reaction. A polite lady will always respond to an appeal to her. But if a girl defiantly ignores a guy, then you should think about whether you need to continue communication.
  2. 2. If an acquaintance starts on the street, at an exhibition, on an excursion, then you can casually comment on what is happening around. This should be a neutral comment, thanks to which the girl will be able to engage herself in the dialogue.
  3. 3. You can start communication with a non-trivial compliment. Better to focus on the unique features of the girl's appearance or interesting details of her image.

    Friendliness, self-confidence and a great sense of humor will help you start a conversation with a girl and continue your acquaintance. If a guy intends to enter into a romantic relationship, then he can unobtrusively demonstrate his sympathy.

    The likelihood of starting a relationship depends not only on what feelings a girl may have for a new acquaintance. A woman's marital status is a detail that must be paid attention to. If a guy unobtrusively shows interest in a friend's personal life, then he will solve two problems at the same time: find out the prospects for further communication and demonstrate his intentions to the girl.

    If a new acquaintance is free, then the chance of forging a relationship increases. In the case when a girl is married or has been dating a guy for a long time, you should not be upset. The presence of a woman's lover or legal spouse does not prohibit neutral communication with other men.

    Acquaintance in reality does not always end with the girl's consent to continue communication, and this is normal. If you could not get a friend to talk, or she is unfriendly, you need to apologize for the concern and politely say goodbye. Under all circumstances, a self-respecting guy should show dignity.

    What to talk to a girl about

    Communication after a long silence

    If you like a girl, but the guy for one reason or another did not communicate with her for a long time, then the dialogue can still be established. Write or ask personally “Hello! How are you? "Will be wrong, because during a long pause in communication, a person could have a lot of different events. The question “How are you? »Is more suitable if people communicate regularly.

    There is nothing wrong with saying to a person, “I haven't seen or heard you for a long time. I decided to ask what happened to you new? ". The object of sympathy will be pleasantly surprised that they have not forgotten about him, especially if there is a mutual interest. It is better to communicate on neutral topics, without asking from the first minutes a question about a person's personal life. It may look like an attempt to impose. During the conversation, it will become clear whether the girl is ready to continue communicating and how she relates to the guy whom she has not heard or seen for a long time.

    How to meet a girl on the Internet

    Internet and telephone

    Dating sites, social networks and thematic forums greatly simplify the communication process, especially when it comes to shy people who find it difficult to start a conversation with the person they like. If an acquaintance is planned on the Internet, the guy should carefully study his page on social networks. Dirty publications, obscene expressions, compromising photos - all this reduces the chance to get acquainted with the object of sympathy.

    In order for the first message on the Internet to develop into an interesting conversation with the woman you like, you must follow the following rules:

    • it is necessary to write grammatically correctly, not distorting words and not using slang phrases;
    • vulgarities and compliments with sexual connotations are taboo;
    • you can start a conversation on a topic close to the girl's hobbies, and this will be a win-win option;
    • you should not immediately hint at your sympathy, because excessive obsession does not contribute to a promising acquaintance.

    If after the first message the interlocutor does not answer, but the appeal was viewed, you should not write again, let alone arrange proceedings and insult the girl. If she answered after a long silence, then the conversation has a chance to continue.

    If the first communication takes place by phone, then the guy must introduce himself to the interlocutor. The first dialogue can be limited to communication on neutral topics. You should not communicate for more than five minutes for the first time, as this will tire the interlocutor and discourage the desire to continue the acquaintance.

    Dialogue on a dating site

    If a guy went to a dating site in order to find the girl of his dreams, then he must know how to properly start communication in order to charm the object of sympathy:

  1. 1. You should pay attention to your profile, which should consist of a good photo, a short but captivating description of your interests. Banal quotes from the Internet will give out in a guy a personality that does not have his own interests, which can interfere with meeting girls.
  2. 2. You need to start a conversation with the lady of your dreams with an original greeting. It is desirable that it does not contain banal compliments with sexual connotations. To choose an interesting topic for the first conversation, you need to look at the girl's profile and find information about her hobbies.
  3. 3. If the first dialogue gradually developed into an exciting conversation and mutual sympathy, communication on the network should be translated into real life by inviting the girl on a date. Only with such a meeting can one understand whether a new acquaintance is suitable for a guy or not.

Communication on dating sites allows you to freely communicate with the person you like, but you need to be prepared for the fact that a bored housewife or a woman with an unattractive appearance may be hiding behind the avatar of a beautiful girl.

First communication in the club

There are a number of rules to help you start chatting with a girl you like in a nightclub:

  1. 1. The guy should be sober, because a drunk person will not cause sympathy in the object except irritation and indignation.
  2. 2. Any girl can be conquered with beautiful dance moves and confidence in her irresistibility.
  3. 3. An invitation to dance is the perfect excuse to meet.
  4. 4. If the object of sympathy did not respond with a refusal to the invitation to dance, then the conversation can be safely started after the dance.
  5. 5. In a conversation, it is not recommended to use greasy jokes, to call the girl "baby", "baby", "pretty", since such an appeal is associated with vulgarity, which will immediately alienate the object of sympathy.
  6. 6. Even if the girl kept up the conversation and met a guy, you can't be too intrusive. You should not try to hug a new acquaintance, not leave her a single step.

At the end of the party, you need to take a phone number from the girl you like so that you can then continue the conversation.

Modern ways of dating

Today you can get to know each other not only live, but also using the Internet or mobile phones. By the way, such communication is somewhat easier than live communication, because with a stranger you can not only be yourself, but also play a certain role, be in character. Good or bad - everyone decides for himself, but all the same, most men have the same problems: how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, what to talk about and what is better to avoid in virtual communication.

Places to meet

Today, dating on the Internet is the easiest and most convenient way to use social networks, but often interesting communication with various people can be established in chats and forums. People communicate with the help of ICQ and Skype. All these achievements of our time are interesting in their own way. But why is it more often than not that social media is a favorite territory for making new friends? Everything is very simple: already from the first page you can learn a lot about a person. Moreover, the appearance of the interlocutor is important for people, which can be perfectly seen on the avatar. In addition, information about the place of study, hobbies of a given person is useful, because this way you can determine whether it will be interesting to communicate on various topics.

How do I start a conversation on the Internet?

The very first message is very important in a conversation, because it is from it that you can determine how smart, interesting, and extraordinary a person is. Wanting to know where to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, it is worth remembering that the most insipid and uninteresting greeting is the standard phrase “Hello. How are you?". Such an appeal will only say that a person is simply trying to kill time, finding new acquaintances for one online evening. In order to compose an unusual message, you need to spend a little time and study the applicant's friend profile, find out about her hobbies, look at the photographs and understand what places the girl has visited. And, already based on this, come up with the text of the first message. Only if the girl realizes that she is interesting to the guy, she wants to start communication. If all these tips on how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet did not work, you can try to go from the opposite direction - to tease the lady. Such messages most often do not go unanswered, but here you also need to be able to correctly compose a message, since it is unlikely that someone wants to communicate after outright rudeness or rude phrases.


If you have struck up an acquaintance, you need to think about how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, what topics are better to cover. It is good to start communication with a discussion of hobbies, main things - work, study. You can also talk about more innocent topics, such as attitudes towards animals, eating habits, or favorite vacation spots. And already gradually start a serious conversation.

Continuing communication

Knowing how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, you should not get hung up on online communication, it is better, without stopping at the screen, to move on to a telephone conversation, or even a live meeting (of course, if the goal is closer communication with the lady, and not just a desire to while away the evening in front of the computer).

What not to do

When figuring out how to start a conversation with a girl on the Internet, you should know what you don't need to text a girl. You should not start communication with abstruse or standard phrases, nor should you be rude or rude. Most do not like messages with errors, as well as messages that carry hints of sexual relations. An abundance of emoticons is the enemy of communication, as it seems that the guy simply has nothing to say.

Communication on the Internet has long been one of the most popular ways to meet a girl.

Many pretty women are not opposed to making an acquaintance on the Internet with an interesting young man and establishing a relationship with him.

Standard techniques for online dating are not suitable, because a pretty girl receives a lot of messages on the network asking for communication and may simply not pay attention to the next message. Everyday address “Hello! What are you doing?" causes nausea in most women, so it is blurry.

Originality of the first phrases- a guarantee that the girl will pay attention to the young man, want to get to know him better.

At the same time, there is no need to complicate the meaning of the first phrases too much, otherwise the young man will simply not be understood.

You should carefully study the girl's profile and find out more about her friends, interests and hobbies, favorite places she visits.

If you wish, during your acquaintance with the questionnaire, you can find something that will be equally interesting for both - a hobby, a place or type of recreation, or something else. For example, upon learning that a girl is visiting a pool or a sports club, you can tell her that you also go there often. This will allow you to continue the correspondence on a common topic, and in the future, and designate the meeting place.

If a girl is interested in communication- topics can be gradually diversified by telling stories from life (preferably funny), reporting your hobbies and interests, thoughts and feelings.

Don't tell everything about yourself at once, but in order to interest the girl and push her to dialogue, you still need to provide personal information. When talking about yourself, it is worth asking questions from time to time to the interlocutor, asking about her life, thoughts and experiences.

Perhaps she is trying, whom she loved, and with whom she parted, and therefore decided on a new acquaintance on the Internet.

At the beginning of dating, questions about your personal life should be asked carefully., excessive importunity can completely ruin any desire to extend communication on the World Wide Web. Questions about her work or study, her favorite films and music, and hobbies are quite acceptable. If the girl makes contact and is happy to answer questions, you can start asking deeper questions.

In cases where when a girl is not prone to verbosity, pauses can create awkward situations, so the young man will have to talk more. It is worth conducting a conversation, not only talking about yourself, your beloved, but also on general topics, otherwise communication can quickly get bored. Small stories about domestic events are very disposed to girls to communicate on VKontakte: mother's love for a dog, father's interest in football, told with funny and cute details.

Starting an acquaintance with a girl you like on the Internet, for example VKontakte or classmates, don't pretend to be someone else and attribute unusual qualities of character, wealth in the form of several executive cars and a mansion in a southern resort. Such a lie makes it almost impossible to transfer the relationship into the real world, where the deception will immediately surface.

It doesn't matter if she becomes a friend or beloved - if you like a girl, you need to write to her about it. Most importantly, remember that women love compliments, but flattering praises should not be overused. The main thing for girls- sincerity in communication, and then the acquaintance will be long and pleasant.

So, to summarize:

  1. We carefully study the girl's profile with whom you intend to start communication and study her interests and hobbies;
  2. The first message must be original, not just “Hello. How are you? ”Sent to her by hundreds of other guys. Stand out from the crowd, let yourself be noticed!
  3. Don't tell everything about yourself at once, but share a little information. Thus, you will keep your interest in communication! If there is a pause, you can tell some funny life story.
  4. In the process of correspondence, ask questions to her interlocutor about her work, hobby. Even if she is not very sociable, it will make her talk a little. But don't be too annoying!
  5. Don't pretend to be someone else. If you don’t want to talk about something, then just don’t write about it, but don’t come up with something that doesn’t exist. Deception will still surface when you switch from communication on the Internet to real, live.

How to meet a girl? Of course, by talking to her. I will not persuade you to give up this dubious undertaking, I will try to help with advice. After all, if you are new to this business, then difficulties cannot be avoided without practical advice and knowledge of the basics. Start reading, and very soon you will not think long about how to start a conversation with a girl, but you will start it!

Location is the key to success.

For example, a street. Immediately I remember the phrase "Decent girls on the street do not meet." But we are not proud, we will be glad to even meet an indecent person. It's even more interesting. Fortunately, there are no laws in our country about where it is possible and where it is forbidden to get acquainted. But seriously, it's better to get to know each other at a friendly party in the company of mutual friends. A common circle of acquaintances greatly simplifies contact. So let's get started.

We increase our chances.

Before you start having conversations with the ladies, you need to prepare a little, both mentally and physically. Below are some basic tips. If this turns out to be not enough, then you will find even more in the article.

1. First, evaluate your external data. If people around you do not shy away from you, this is already a very promising sign. This is almost a claim for victory. Take a close look at your reflection in the mirror. Smile. And let the thought "what a handsome man ..." sweep through your head.

2. Excessive unshaven and hairiness will not add to your success with a female. So for a start, it would be nice to have a haircut and shave. We seem to have decided on the head, let's move on.

3. If you are a happy owner of a body with a pumped-up torso, you are in luck. Wearing even the simplest T-shirt, you will be simply gorgeous.

4. But what if you didn’t hold a computer mouse heavier in your hands? In this case, all hope is for intelligence. And try to hide your puny little body behind clothes. But don't overdo it so you don't look like a cabbage.

5. The use of perfume is encouraged. If you make a good choice, this will add a couple of bonuses to you. Overdoing it will have the opposite effect.

6. I hope you understand that it is necessary to take water procedures before acting. So, your appearance is almost perfect. You are ready to conquer the world and start dating.

Strategy and tactics

If you are not confident in your abilities, I advise you to take a more experienced friend as your partner. Desirable who already has a girlfriend. Otherwise, the prey may go to him, and not to you. If the girl is with a friend, it is much easier to get to know each other. And if there are two or three girlfriends, it's even better.

How to start a conversation with a girl?

If a girl is with girlfriends, then you can contact everyone at once. Some of them will take pity anyway and answer your even the most stupid question, from the series "Does your mother need a son-in-law?" Although, in principle, girls subconsciously rather like this question. Apparently, female instincts are at work. Therefore, regardless of the answer, you can tell what an inveterate bachelor you are, but at the same time you dream of a wife and children.

You can write up something else about men's responsibilities to plant a tree, build a house, etc. The most interesting thing is when there are several girls, each of them will try to win your attention. Well, this only suits you.

You can talk to a girl not only on the street, but, for example, in a nightclub. How do you start a conversation with a girl, you ask? Very simple. To begin with, you can safely infiltrate the company of dancing girls and amaze them with your dance steps, just do not be too expressive, otherwise, on the contrary, you will scare everyone away.

Well, or to make you laugh, that's not bad either. Smile. If the girl smiles back, this is already a very good sign, which means that contact has been established. After that, you will be able to talk to her, and most likely, she will keep the conversation going.

Tell her first that she is the most beautiful, she will like it. But you shouldn't relax on this. Then just a master class.

After talking with her for a few minutes, make a meaningful face, and tell her that you need to leave for a while. It is advisable to come up with a good reason. During your absence, she will be able to assess how cool you are, and she will also think if you have left for good. In her eyes, you will acquire the role of a prize that can slip away. Believe me, your return will be very happy.

If fast dance rhythms are not to your liking, you have a chance to try yourself in slow dance. The most important thing is to step on your partner's feet less. Invite the girl you like to dance, it will be much easier to start communication this way.

In this case, you should not press it strongly against you and stroke it on various parts of the body. Girls do not like this, in her eyes you will acquire the unsightly appearance of a lustful male.

Better rummage in the bins of memory and try to remember some romantic poems, a quote from a vanilla public or the TV series "Gone with the Wind." However, the film "The Taming of the Shrew" will also help to get hold of good phrases.

You can start communicating with a girl with a story about all sorts of cute animals. Therefore, even if in the morning you mercilessly beat your cat with a slipper for his night crimes, smile sweetly and tell us about your fluffy pet. Well, not about sneakers, of course, but about how cute he is and how you take care of him.

It is not necessary to clarify what your mother or grandmother feeds him. Let your lady think that all the burden of feeding this swallow fell on your shoulders.

If you are a dog owner, not bad either. Tell us about how you feed and walk her. You can invite a girl to join your walks.

Possible mistakes

1. No matter how scary, take part in verbal battles personally. In no case should you send a friend to a girl you like with a message that you like her. This will lower your rating in her eyes. The female sex loves heroes.

2. If the girl is in a mini-skirt or with a deep neckline, try not to hold your carnivorous gaze for a long time on these parts of her body. Tell us about what beautiful eyes or hair she has. It's not worth talking about how beautiful her bust of the fifth size is. This can lead to defeat.

3. Avoid dangerous topics in conversation: do not discuss your ex-girlfriend, especially applying all sorts of unflattering epithets to her and trying to tell what a monster she was.

Noticing the girl with whom you want to talk, do not stand still, shifting from foot to foot, casting a languid glance at her. Immediately start moving towards it and you will be rewarded with increased interest in yourself. If your goal is simply to get to know each other, you need to act quickly and confidently. And end the conversation at the peak of the girl's emotions to leave a pleasant aftertaste after talking with you.

The first thing to do to start communication is to get rid of obsessive thoughts and start acting.

Let's say you met a girl with whom you want to start a conversation in a cafe, on the street, or in a club and want to meet her or start a conversation. Let's not talk about the fact that you should be neatly dressed, washed and your breath smells good. This should be taken for granted. You need to pay attention to what is happening around you, or you saw any distinguishing feature in a girl that is worthy of attention. Originality won't hurt. Pay attention to a beautiful brooch or hat, interesting manicure, fashionable hairstyle. For example, if you spot a piece of clothing or accessories made by hand (for example, a beaded bracelet), you can say that it looks great and ask if the girl made it herself.

Below we will look at examples of starting a conversation with a girl, so let's get started.

  • Girl, can you tell me how to find a way to your heart?
  • With the look of a wounded, approach the girl with the question: "Call an ambulance, Cupid just shot me!"
  • Hi, there are so many people around and we are alone. My name is Seryozha.
  • Take a closer look at that man in a raincoat - I think he is watching us. We leave here.
  • The weather is good today. I think you are involved in this - I'm just doing research on the influence of beautiful girls on the weather. Can I ask you a couple of questions?
  • Bring the girl a flower and tell this one very shy person to whom you really liked asked to convey. When the girl asks who it is, tell her your name and, if you don't know each other, introduce yourself.
  • Do you go to this place too? I have never seen such beauty here.
  • What a beautiful brooch you are wearing. She perfectly emphasizes her mistress.
  • Girl, I think I saw your photograph somewhere. Only in life do you look much better.
  • Have you seen my dog ​​here by any chance? She got off the leash and ran away, and I have to give her a rabies vaccine today.
  • Oh, do you go to this store too?
  • Girl, you will not tell me where the nearest cafe is. You look so delicious that I'm hungry.
  • Write some original note to the girl, silently stick it in her hands and leave. There must be intrigue to interest her. For example: “I know what you did last summer, if you don’t want everyone to know about it - here is my number 8 ...” After she calls, tell me that you just liked her and you didn’t know how to approach.
  • I forgot my phone number, can you lend me yours?
  • Girl, do you think the new year will be this year or next?
  • Approach the girl, hug, kiss, say: "Masha, you have changed so much, you have become so prettier, very glad to see you," she with an expressionless look says: "I am not Masha," you answer: "Oh, you are also a name changed "
  • How did you know that I am here?
  • As you pass the girl, say: "Didn't you just pinch me on the butt? ... No? ... It's a pity."
  • If we were in the last row at the cinema now, I would hug you, or maybe kiss you. Shall we go to the cinema tonight?