How to teach a child to read: important rules and effective techniques. How to teach a child to eat independently from a year: tips, instructions, mistakes of parents

In just a year, a child turns from a tiny silly child into a fully developed person with all the basic skills necessary for life.

  • Per month he tries to hold his head, it works especially well when lying on his tummy.
  • At two he manages to briefly tear his head and chest off the surface on which he lies, again, on his tummy.
  • At three o'clok months, some manage to roll over on their side on their own.
  • At four- almost all children easily change the position of the body, turning from back to side.
  • Closer to a year Most babies walk well and even run.

The peak of development of children up to a year falls on about 5-6 months of life. At this time, they begin to understand how to control their body and are almost completely ready for new “big” skills, which means that parents will have a completely logical question: how to teach a child to sit? Here we will try to answer it.

From this article you will learn:

Many of us can not wait to sit down our baby, and there is a reasonable explanation for this. All that the baby sees, lying in his crib or cradle, is the ceiling, the edge of the room, parents looking in to him, as well as tree branches, clouds and the sky on a walk.

Only a change in the position of his body helps to add variety to the life of a small person. The first thing they practice with children after “rolling” on their hands is sitting.

There is an opinion that it is not worth starting to sit down girls until the moment they turn 6 months. At this time, there is a risk of provoking the development of uterine bending in them. With boys, things are different, already on 5 months development, they can be gradually prepared for full-fledged sitting.

To determine the readiness of the child to master the science of sitting is very simple.

The round back and falling on its side at the first attempt to seat him indicate that the baby is not ready to change the position of the body from horizontal to vertical, but if he lies confidently and for a long time on his stomach, holding his head, rises on the handles, tearing him away from the hard surface of the chest, keeps the emphasis on the elbows and knows how to roll over from the back to the side and vice versa, then we can confidently say that not without help, but the baby is ready to learn to sit.

We act smoothly, without rushing

Parents often train their children to sit on their own by covering them with pillows on all sides, but often this ends up with them simply falling on their side.

As mentioned above - this is evidence that the child is not ready to sit. In addition, such early experimental attempts to plant a baby can end in failure, namely, the occurrence of problems with the spine, including scoliosis, and therefore it is better to abandon them immediately.

In order for the learning process to go smoothly, you should not rush, it is better to start it from the basics. First of all, prepare your baby physically for sitting, that is, spend frequent short-term exercises with him, which will help strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and abdomen.

For these purposes, a whole range of special exercises has been developed that the baby can successfully perform with his parents.

But, before proceeding to the exercises themselves, it is worthwhile to properly “warm up” the baby with a simple massage and gymnastics that you do daily.

Stroke the arms, legs, tummy and back - activate the circulatory system, spread the arms to the sides and up, cross them on the chest, gently bend-straighten the legs at the knees, spread the bent legs to the side and put them together, according to the principle of opening a book, imitate walking , resting your feet on a hard surface, touch the pile of the cage with your bent knees and do the “bike” exercise.

In general, spend standard classes with your child, which take no more than 5-10 minutes in time.

After the body has prepared to "work", you can begin to perform exercises that train the desired muscles.

Cooking and teaching the child to sit

Exercises on how to teach a child to sit are familiar to many. These include:


The child is laid on the back. Mom stretches out her hands to him, and the baby grabs her thumbs. In this position, the baby will certainly try to pull himself closer to his mother. Here it is important to fix the hand well, keep the hands motionless and give the child the opportunity to rise by himself, slightly pulling him towards himself.

Since the tiny arms are still weak, there is no need to overdo it with lifts. A few approaches are enough, after which the baby should rest.

Push ups

Spread a blanket on the floor and place the baby on it, tummy down. He will try to rise in emphasis on his hands, tearing his chest off the floor. So you get such mini-push-ups for yourself, in which the back of the child will gradually become stronger.

Strengthening the back and neck

On the same blanket, in the same position of the body, lay out bright toys, colorful books, pictures, in a word, everything that may interest the baby at a distance of twenty to thirty centimeters from the baby.

In an attempt to reach the target, he will have to use the main muscle groups that are necessary for sitting, which means that performing such an exercise for 2-4 minutes 2-3 times a day will significantly strengthen them and prepare the child for the next stage of training.

Remembering the position

Sit the child on your lap, so that he rests well on you. In this position, you can stay for 2-3 minutes at the initial stages of training (at the age of 5 months), and up to 20 minutes a day, with a gradual increase in the time interval for crumbs from six months.

Day after day, this position will become more familiar to the baby, and you can help him hold it on his own, little by little reducing the support with your hands.

We train perseverance

This exercise can be done both on the hands and on a hard surface. Seat the baby and fix his legs with one hand, grab his hand with the other hand, so that he securely grabs your thumb. Now the child can be gently rocked - smoothly to the left, right, forward, backward.

The exercise should take no more than 2-3 minutes. Such simple actions will help not only to force the baby to keep the body in a straight position, thereby straining the press, oblique abdominal muscles, muscles of the neck and back in turn, but also allow you to train his vestibular apparatus.


The lateral muscles of the body and the muscles of the back are strengthened with the help of inclinations. In order to perform the exercise correctly, it is necessary to turn the child with his back to himself and put him on his legs. With one hand, the mother fixes the baby above the knee, with the other she supports him under the breast.

Now you can slowly tilt the baby until the back takes a horizontal position, after which it should be returned to its original vertical position. You can repeat the slopes 8-10 times.

Maintaining a seated position

The last exercise on how to teach a child to sit is suitable for children of six months of age.

To complete it, you will need to seat the baby on the sofa and insure him with a high pillow, which will become his main support. As soon as the child sits up straight with his legs stretched out in front of him, invite him to hold your hands. First try rocking him so that he can be held while sitting.

Now you can set the task more difficult: invite the baby to get his favorite toy. To do this, take it in your free hand and lift it a little higher than the one for which the baby is holding. The main goal is to get him to let you go and try to get the toy while maintaining a sitting position.

In the first couple, it will be difficult for him to do this, but the more often you do this exercise, the better the coordination of the child's movements will become.

We have already talked about how to teach a child to sit. Supplement your classes with a good mood and a positive attitude, conduct them in an unobtrusive playful way. Accompany all your actions with a kind word, praise, song or poem. So you will not only enjoy the exercises, but also contribute to the mental development of the baby and establish emotional contact with him.

Do not force children to sit if they do not want to. Do not break the natural course of things if the child does not like your efforts to teach him. Nothing good comes from coercion.

Remember that babies learn to sit, on average, at 6-8 months. Babies who are weak from birth learn to sit later.

If you perform regular exercises, then the child will delight his parents with a new honed skill by the age of 7 months, so go for it, and one day your child will meet the morning sitting in bed and smiling with his whole toothless or toothy mouth!

How to teach children to be independent? This question worries many young parents, but it is often too late to start learning.

Most adults are faced with a lack of independence and complete helplessness of their child with admission to school. Previously, they were touched that the child asks for help at every opportunity. All adult families happily rushed to feed, dress or tie the child's shoelaces. If the baby has not folded the toys, it's okay, he also has a mother, she will collect them.

Why do parents understand their mistakes only at school and think about how to teach children to be independent. At preschool age, adults believe that the child is still small, they try to please him in every possible way, thereby showing their love. Then they tell the child that he has a new stage in life - he must be independent, not realizing that the upbringing of such an important quality for the baby should begin much earlier.

As a result, they bitterly realize that the child is not able to complete the lessons without help, cannot assemble the portfolio himself, constantly forgets that he was asked what to take to school today. Bad grades begin, parents scold the child, but precious time has already been lost, because it was necessary to teach independence from the second year of life, when the child first wanted to put on slippers himself or awkwardly grabbed a spoon while eating.

When to start training

Independence develops in early childhood, when the baby for the first time wants to sit, eat or drink, assemble a pyramid or put on slippers. How to teach children independence in different life situations from the very beginning of their life path, we will consider further in the article.

The main thing in learning is to be patient, not to force the child by force, to act gradually, but systematically. If you miss the time when the baby wants to do something himself, then very quickly he will understand that you can do nothing, his parents will do everything for him, you just have to be rude or cry, do it awkwardly or slowly.

Be sure to reinforce new behaviors with praise. The child requires an assessment of his actions in order to understand whether he is acting correctly or not. This stimulates him to new achievements.

Learning to sit

One of the first independent actions of the baby is to sit down without the help of the mother. Training begins only when the child's muscles are strong enough, at about the age of 6 months, and weakened children master the skill at all at 8 months.

How to teach a child to sit independently? First you need to work out so as not to harm the still fragile spine. Various exercises will help, for example, put the child on his feet, put a large pillow behind him, and hold the baby by the arms. Interested in a toy that mom holds a little higher. The child will have to strain and reach for it. Each exercise should not last longer than 2 or 3 minutes. Be sure to encourage the child with praise, approving intonation.

Thanks to daily activities, the child will not only act independently, he will develop a vestibular apparatus, it will be possible to independently get to objects around, which will contribute to the knowledge of the world and mental development.

Learning to use a spoon

Before you teach a child to eat on his own, you need to know the features of his development. Mom begins to use a spoon already at the first feeding, but this does not mean that the baby is immediately given it and requires independence. A child at such an early age does not have developed coordination of movements, even if you let him try to hold a spoon, and he accidentally got it into his mouth, then it’s too early to rejoice.

It is best to wait for a conscious action, when the child already understands the meaning of this cutlery. Pediatricians recommend starting to teach self-sufficiency in eating from about 1 year. Beforehand, you can invite the child to take pieces of fruit or cookies from the table directly with his hand.

The first attempts are accompanied by the help of the mother, for example, she picks up mashed potatoes in a spoon and puts it in the hands of the baby, and he himself puts it in his mouth. Puree should be tasty and make you want to eat it.

A good incentive to eat on your own will be a joint lunch with all family members. Do not teach your child to eat near the TV screen or entertaining him with a toy. The beginning of the journey will be long, the baby can be distracted and smear food on the table or on himself. For many, the first attempts of the baby to eat on their own cause a feeling of impatience, the attempts end with the fact that the mother takes the spoon and feeds herself further.

You can start feeding in two spoons, that is, one is in the hands of the child and he occasionally sends food into his mouth on his own, and the other is in his mother. During periods when the baby is distracted, feed him from another spoon.

Do not rush, do not act violently, do not scold the child if he does not want to eat himself. After all, the baby may have a bad mood or well-being.

We teach to the cup

After the baby has learned to eat on his own, you can decide how to teach the child to drink on his own.

It is necessary to get rid of the pacifier as early as possible so as not to spoil the bite of the child. You can try to drink from a cup from the age of 4 months, just act carefully so that the baby does not choke.

By the age of 1, give a drinking cup that has two handles. This is a special non-spill mug with a narrow spout. It is better to start training with a drinking cup with a soft silicone spout. To a child, it looks more like a pacifier than hard plastic. By the age of 6-7 months, sometimes let the baby drink from such dishes as a test.

Only after the child has mastered the cup, start learning to drink from a cup.

Choose a cup that is bright, colorful, light. It is desirable that she had two handles, as on a drinking bowl. So the baby will be more accustomed to holding it with both hands.

The new cup should please the child, pick it up with the image of your favorite animal. Be sure to purchase only good quality plastic cups, because a child can drop them on the floor and break them. Make sure your cookware is eco-friendly.

How to teach a child to fall asleep on his own in a year

This is perhaps the most pressing problem for many parents. A child from an early age very quickly gets used to falling asleep next to his mother, but over time this develops into a big problem. Firstly, mom has a lot of things to do, and I want to do them while the child sleeps on his own in his crib. Secondly, problems often arise in personal relationships between father and mother when the baby is constantly present on the adult bed.

What to do, how to teach children to be independent? An obstacle will be the absence of an additional motion sickness or calming object. It can be a nipple or motion sickness by mom, holding hands or stroking the head, lying next to adults. Don't miss the moment when the baby spits out the pacifier while falling asleep or shows a reluctance to be rocked by arching the back. These are the first signs that the baby is ready to fall asleep on its own.

She shifts him to sleep in his crib as soon as possible. As you age, this gets harder and harder. You can hold the baby by the hand or stroke the head, but he should lie in bed and without prior motion sickness. It will take the patience of the mother, but, judging by the reviews of many parents, the task is quite solvable.

Learn to dress yourself

The best age for learning is 2 years old. Even earlier, the baby shows a desire to take off his hat or tights. The desire to do the work on their own arises only when the child has developed hand motor skills. If you followed our advice and taught your baby to eat, drink, hold objects in your hand, then you will quickly understand on your own.

It is from the age of 2 that the baby shows a desire to do something without the help of an adult. During this period, parents should give him the opportunity to prove himself, not to rush, not to scold for mistakes, but in every possible way to encourage independence. To get started, buy loose-fitting clothing without complex closures, such as a T-shirt and elasticated sweatpants. At first, you can help the baby with a word or deed. It stimulates the competitive moment well, especially if there are older children in the family.

First, let the child, getting up from the potty, put on his underpants and pants. It is easy to put on a hat without ties or comfortable slippers without fasteners. Then you can start putting on your pants. Choose good times, for example, when the baby wants to go for a walk as soon as possible. If your child wants to wear their favorite item, let them choose.


By following the tips on how to teach a 2-year-old child to independently perform self-service processes, you can further develop in your child the ability to make decisions for himself, to think, which will help him in learning at school. Start cultivating such an important skill from an early age, then your child will grow up to be proactive and independent.

All parents dream of their child growing up healthy. Therefore, it is quite natural that during the first years of a baby’s life they pay special attention to the proper organization of his nutrition. Many parents use special tables, count calories, consult pediatricians about the age menu. In the first months of his life, the baby obediently opens his mouth and eats absolutely everything that his mother offers him. But time passes and he develops his own taste preferences and favorite dishes. The kid is trying to "take over" the process of nutrition. Today we will talk about how to teach a child to eat on his own, how to avoid whims at the table, and what to do if the baby refuses food.

At what age should a child feed on their own?

Some (particularly impatient) parents make the first attempts to teach the baby to eat on their own, as soon as he is six months old. All their efforts, as a rule, end in complete disappointment and general cleaning of the walls and floor in the kitchen. Which is quite natural. By this age, children have not yet developed coordination of movements and, no matter how hard the child tries, he cannot master this skill.

When to start teaching your child to eat on their own?

According to experts, the optimal age for mastering this skill is considered to be one year - plus / minus two months. Do not try to force the child and forcibly "shove" the spoon into his hand. But it is not advisable to delay the learning process too much. As practice shows, the older the baby becomes, the more difficult it is to interest him. After two years, little fidgets may already consciously refuse to eat on their own. It is much more pleasant for them to simply open their mouths condescendingly. So, the optimal age for mastering this skill is 10-14 months.

  • At eight to ten months, you can replace the bottle with a non-spill mug. At this age, the baby can put cookies or soft pieces of fruit in his hand so that he tries to send them to his mouth on his own.
  • At one year old, babies should master the skill of using a cup and a spoon.
  • At two years old, a child should be confident in using a spoon and actively mastering the skill of using a fork. At this age, you can already begin to introduce the baby to the rules of etiquette.

How to teach a child to eat himself: specific techniques for parents

I would like to immediately warn all parents that the process of learning the skill of independent eating is quite long and painstaking. Everyone in the household will have to be patient. Spilled soup, porridge smeared on the table, bread crumbs on the floor - a picture that you have to see every day. Remember, your child is not to blame, his coordination is still poorly developed and he also has a hard time. Learning something new is never easy. Praise your child more often, teach him to eat correctly and carefully.

In the learning process, you can not scold and scold the child, even if he dropped a plate of porridge on the floor. The baby may be frightened and he will lose all desire to eat on his own. However, parents should not allow pampering at the table. The child should not play with food!

Probably, you should not explain to parents that the baby should wash his hands before eating. The sooner you teach him to observe hygiene, the sooner he will form this useful habit.

Can a child eat in front of the TV?

Turn off the TV while eating. American scientists conducted a study in which it turned out that children who eat food under frames from their favorite cartoon chew it badly and eat much less. But as soon as they make this process habitual, they will immediately begin to overeat, absorbing a huge amount of poorly chewed food. In the future, problems with digestion are unlikely to be avoided.

Why the child eats very slowly: 2 common reasons

While eating, the baby should not be rushed. What if he eats very slowly? As a rule, the slowness of the child is associated with two reasons:

  1. He's being careful afraid to hear criticism from you.
  2. He deliberately slows down the process, hoping that your patience will burst, and you will feed him yourself. You can fix this situation in a very simple way - if possible, sit down at the table with the whole family. After finishing the meal, immediately go about your business. Kapusha-baby will not like to be left alone at the table, and he will try to keep up.

Among other things, you need to strictly adhere to the regimen and eat at the same time. Dinner should end two hours before bedtime.

The main rule that all parents should learn is that if the child does not want to eat, you should not force him. No: "A spoon for dad, a spoon for mom." Hungry, the baby will ask for food himself and with great pleasure will eat it on his own. Child psychotherapist Alison Schaeffer noticed that a person can live without food for a week. However, after two hours, a young mother begins to think about whether her child is dying of starvation! Agree, a rather ironic remark. But how true!

But if the child has lost his appetite, then you need to determine the cause,.

How to teach a child to eat on his own up to a year: step by step instructions

The famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky divided the whole process of teaching a baby this skill into 4 stages. In his opinion, food should be not only tasty and high-calorie, but also bright. And the learning process itself is entertaining.

  1. The first stage of training should be filled with game moments. Parents at this stage can show all their creative abilities. It is good if during the meal the baby will be surrounded by favorite fairy-tale characters. But this does not mean that there should be toys on the table. Nothing like this. Just buy your child children's tableware with a colorful design. Many parents buy plates with fairy tale characters painted on the bottom. Until the baby eats the porridge, he will not see who is hiding at the bottom. Believe me, having such an incentive, he will be much more willing to wield a spoon. You can ask the child to feed the mother. As a rule, children are completely delighted with such a game. True, mothers have to “after dinner” for quite a long time to put themselves in order. By the way, Komarovsky advises first to let the baby play enough with a spoon, examine it properly, and only then put a plate in front of him.
  2. The second step is copying. The kid needs to be seated at the table next to him and demonstrate his skills with a spoon by his own example. Children at this age willingly repeat all the movements of their parents, and this should be used.
  3. The third stage includes "work on the mistakes". Parents should carefully monitor the actions of the baby and, if necessary, correct his movements.
  4. The fourth stage is the consolidation of acquired skills. In the sandbox, you can give the baby a spatula, let him build Easter cakes. Having learned to use a spatula, the baby will soon learn how to handle a spoon. By the way, according to E. Komarovsky, children under three years old can eat, holding a spoon in any hand - both in the right and in the left. It is not worth retraining them by shifting the spoon from the left hand to the right.

What to do if the child does not want to eat on his own?

The child does not want to eat on his own: what to do?

  • First, don't worry. Children are very impressionable. They immediately feel a nervous situation and fall into a "stupor". So no extra fuss.
  • Secondly, parents should exclude the possibility of any problems with the health of the baby. Even the slightest can lead to loss of appetite.
  • Thirdly, one should not succumb to children's manipulations. You should not promise a new toy, candy, cartoons in return for food. The child needs to be explained that he is not doing you a favor by taking a spoon in his hand.

Many parents are wondering - is it possible to let small children have a snack or should they wait until dinner? Can. But only low-calorie foods. For example, you can give an apple or yogurt. The apple needs to be cut and given to the baby so that he can eat the pieces on his own.

As practice shows, kids are more willing to eat beautifully decorated dishes. The kid, most likely, will want to eat the beautiful flower himself, which will be in his plate.

How not to teach a child to eat with a spoon: mistakes of parents

  • It is impossible, having lost patience, to start feeding the baby. Even if you are in a hurry. The child must finish "started" on their own! But experts do not recommend keeping a baby at the table for more than half an hour.
  • If a 10-12 month old baby does not even want to take a spoon in his hands, do not rush, trying to forcibly instill a new skill. Everything has its time!
  • Many parents prefer to feed their baby separately. This is the wrong decision. The more often the baby will watch how others eat, the sooner he will master this skill.
  • Another mistake that loving grandparents make is considered quite common. They are ready to spoon-feed their grandchildren up to a hundred years. Despite the fact that the child eats with a spoon at home, when visiting his grandmother, he only obediently opens his mouth. Little cunning people instantly come to the conclusion that it is not necessary to eat on their own.

How to teach a child to eat gently with a spoon?

  • The learning process takes place without less loss if you first give the child solid food. That is, food in consistency close to mashed potatoes. Such food is easier to collect in a spoon, it does not spill. Of course, at first, not every spoon gets into the baby's mouth, but you should not worry about this.
  • Parents should remember that this skill is not easy for children. To help the baby in his development, you need to purchase a convenient plate and a special spoon for his age. . It is desirable that the utensils be unbreakable.
  • Do not forget about the apron or bib. Most mothers prefer bibs with a curved bottom edge. They are made from soft plastic. They are quite convenient, as they do not allow liquid food to drain and they do not need to be washed. After the child has eaten, it is imperative to wash him, remove the bib and (if necessary) change his shirt. After each meal, the mother should wash the dishes and wipe the table so that the child can see it.
  • In accordance with the method of M. Montessori, two-year-old kids are already quite capable of not only maintaining order on the table, but also cleaning up the dishes after eating. Try to teach your child to order from this age. If your baby is forced to clean up after himself, he will try to eat more carefully, as they say, with minimal “losses”.

It is no secret that for many parents, the question of how to get a child to do homework is especially relevant. And this is not an idle question. After all, often preparing homework becomes a big test for the whole family.

Remember how many tears, experiences it took to learn what century Yuri Dolgoruky was born in or how to calculate an integral equation! How many children remember with hatred their school years, the teachers who tortured them with exorbitant household chores, the parents who forced them to do these jobs under duress! Let's not repeat these mistakes. But how do you teach your children to learn? Let's try with the help of psychologists to give some answers to these difficult questions.

Why does the child refuse to work?

The first question that parents must answer for themselves is why the child does not want to study at home? There are a lot of answers to it.

A child may simply be afraid to make a mistake when doing homework, he may simply be lazy, afraid of the parents themselves, he may simply lack motivation for homework. Also, a child may simply be tired of the fact that he has a lot of study load, because, in addition to a regular school, he attends a musical institution, an art circle and a chess section. It's like A. Barto, "Drama circle, photo circle ...". At this point, it’s true, there are too many things for a child to do, so he has to unconsciously refuse something. So he refuses to do homework.

However, schoolchildren have plenty of other motives for refusing to complete lessons. But parents must go through all the options in their minds and find the only correct answer that fits the character of their child. Moreover, it should be remembered that homework in a modern school is a very difficult task, often, in order to complete it, the efforts of literally all family members are needed. After all, programs are becoming more and more complicated, even in the first grade today a child should already read about 60 words per minute. It's in the third quarter! But before, our mothers and fathers, being first-graders themselves, learned only to add letters.

Well, if the parents have identified the reasons why the child refuses to do homework, then they need to accustom themselves to patience and understand that the difficult mission of home mentors awaits them.

Let's talk about motivation

The key to success in this case is the positive motivation of the child to do homework. It takes a lot of effort to build that motivation. First of all, these efforts are based on positive school experience. If your child is not doing well at school, then he will perceive homework as a continuation of school torture.

Therefore, positive motivation is developed, first of all, within the walls of the school, and only then at home. Here we can talk about the need for close interaction between the school and the family.

Well, what about those parents who understand that they cannot find an answer to the question of how to make a child do homework without scandals, due to the fact that the child simply does not like the school that he has to go to every day? Such parents can be advised to resolve this issue on principle, up to changing schools or finding another teacher.

In general, fathers and mothers need to be very sensitive in matters of schooling. It also happens that in the classroom the child gets the unenviable role of “stuffed animal”, “whipping boy”, relations with classmates do not add up, others offend your child. Naturally, he does not want to study at all. After all, how can you go to school if you are not loved and offended there? What is the right way to do homework...

Does age play a role?

Much in this matter is decided by the age at which the child himself is. It happens, for example, that a child does not want to do homework, grade 1, in which he is still studying, simply has not yet formed the correct positive motivation. In this case, it is much easier to interest such a first grader than an older student.

In general, parents of first-graders need to remember that their children go through an adaptation process in the first quarter. Therefore, the problem of how to make a child do homework without scandals is not yet so significant. There will be scandals in this case. But there is a chance that they will stop when your son or daughter goes through the difficult process of adjusting to first grade.

Also, parents of first-graders need to remember that it is the 1st grade that is the “golden time” on which all the future successes or failures of their child depend. After all, this is the period when your son or daughter understands what school is, why you need to study, what they want to achieve in their class. The personality of the first teacher is also very important in this matter. It is a wise and kind teacher who can become for your child that guide to the world of knowledge, a person who will show the way to life. Therefore, the personality of such a teacher is very important for children! If a first-grader is afraid of his teacher, does not trust him, then this, of course, will have a very bad effect on his studies and the desire to do homework.

How to make a high school student do homework?

But this is a more difficult question. After all, parents can still put pressure on the baby, they can force him, using, in the end, their authority, but what about the offspring, who is in a transitional age? After all, nothing can force such a child to learn. Yes, it is much more difficult to cope with a teenager. Here you need patience, tact, the ability to understand. Parents need to think about the question of how to do homework with a child without screaming, because, perhaps, often they themselves simply provoke a conflict, unable to stand it and blaming their grown-up son or daughter for all sins. And teenagers react very sharply to criticism, it is difficult for them to cope with it, as a result they simply refuse to do the work that is given at school at home.

The transitional age in which schoolchildren are from 12 to 14-15 years old can seriously affect a student's progress. Children at this moment experience serious physical and psychological stress, often they experience their first love, strive to impress their peers. What kind of education is there? And parents at this age become a kind of opponents for children, because a teenager seeks to break away from his family, to get the right to manage his own life. Overly authoritarian parents in this case begin to put a lot of pressure on their children to call them to obedience. But they do not always achieve this obedience, but it happens that the child begins to protest. And often the refusal to do homework is the result of this protest.

Teach Children Responsibility

A good help for all parents who seek to build relationships with their child, and at the same time make their son or daughter study well, is to find the answer to the question of how to teach a child to do homework on his own? After all, if you teach your child from the very first years at school to the fact that he himself must be responsible for his actions, then perhaps this responsibility will accompany him all the remaining school years. In general, it is very important to teach children to understand that everything in life depends on their actions, on their desires and aspirations.

Think about why your child is studying, what did you inspire him? Did you tell him that he is studying for a career that lies ahead of him in a nebulous future? Did you explain to him that the learning process is a kind of work, difficult work, the result of which will be knowledge about the world of people that cannot be bought for money? Think about what you are talking with your child, what are you teaching him?

Therefore, before analyzing the problem of if the child does not learn lessons, what to do with him, try to understand yourself. And don't forget about the example you set for your children. After all, your attitude to work, housework will also become a kind of incentive for your children to study. Therefore, with all your appearance, demonstrate that studying has always been a matter of interest to you, continue to study with your children, even if you are already 40 years old!

Use methodical techniques!

Of course, it is worth remembering about modern methodological techniques. There are many such methods. Most of them, however, are aimed at helping children of primary school age. These are various games that are held before and after doing homework, stimulating the cognitive activity of children, retelling, and so on. An old methodical technique is to draw up a daily routine for a child. Even your first grader needs to know how much time he has for school, extracurricular activities, games and, of course, lessons. After all, you, being preoccupied with the problem of how to make a child do homework, should help in every possible way in this.

Do not do homework instead of your son or daughter!

Very often, parents make another pedagogical mistake. From a very early age, they teach their child to what lessons do with him instead of him. The child quickly realizes that his task is simply to do, to rewrite what mom or dad has already prepared for him. Don't make this mistake! Thus, you accustom your child to the fact that without labor, at the expense of others, much can be achieved in life. And it turns out, as in Dragunsky's story "Vasya's dad is strong ...". Don't be like mom and dad. Remember, you must know the answer to the question of how to teach a child to do their homework on their own. This is your parental duty!

Another common mistake is the excessive ambition of parents who want to make young geniuses out of their children at all costs. Moreover, such parents often simply “break” the psyche of their children themselves, simply forgetting that they should be concerned about the problem of how to teach a child to do homework, and not about how to raise a young talent in all subjects.

Very often, homework in such families turns into torture for children. Mom or dad forces a son or daughter to rewrite the same task several times, achieving its perfect completion, parents find fault with trifles, they are stingy with praise. So what is left for the kids to do? Of course, after some time, the children refuse to work, fall into tantrums, showing with all their appearance that they simply cannot become young geniuses, as their parents want them to. But this is still the easiest case. But it happens that parents inspire their children with a “complex of an excellent student or an excellent student”, setting tasks for them that their children simply cannot complete.

For example, an ambitious mother who has raised her son alone all her life dreams of him becoming a great violinist and giving his concerts all over the world. Her son really successfully studies at a music school, but he could not rise above the level of a music school, let's say this: he simply did not have enough talent and patience. And what should such a mother do, who in her imagination has already elevated her son to the rank of great musicians of our time? She does not need an ordinary loser son ... And how can this young man be reproached for the fact that nature did not make him a genius?

Or another example. Parents dream of their daughter defending her doctoral dissertation. Moreover, it is not even very important for them that scientific direction within which this should be done. The girl is instilled with this family dream from a young age, she is required to achieve wonderful results in a scientific career, but the girl has intellectual abilities only above average, as a result, her desire for a degree ends in a mental hospital.

Agree that these examples are sad, but they are the very flesh of our real life. Often, very often, parents do this with their children.

What if the subject is simply not given?

It also happens that the subject is simply not given to the child. Well, your son or daughter does not have the ability for physics or chemistry, for example. What to do in this case? How to make a child do homework if he does not understand anything, simply does not understand how to solve this or that task? Here, parental patience alone is no longer enough. You need endurance, tact, and another person who can explain a difficult task to a child. In this case, it would be wiser for parents to hire a tutor for their son or daughter to help resolve this issue in a positive way.

Is it possible to do lessons for money or gifts?

Recently, parents have begun to use a simple method of manipulation, which is simply called bribery. Its essence lies in the fact that a father or mother, without thinking about an objective solution to the question of how to properly do homework with a child, simply seeks to bribe their child with various promises. It can be both sums of money, and just gifts: a cell phone, a bicycle, entertainment. However, it is worth warning all parents against this method of influencing children. This is ineffective because the child will start demanding more and more over and over again. There are a lot of homework every day, and now your child is not satisfied with just a smartphone, he needs an iPhone, and he has the right to it, because he is studying, he will fulfill all school requirements, etc. And then, imagine how harmful the habit for their daily work, which is the responsibility of the child, to demand from their parents any handouts.

What should parents do? Psychologist's opinion

Experienced specialists in the field of psychology advise parents to help their child do homework. You need to help with a mind and a loving heart. In general, a sense of proportion is ideal here. In this case, the parent must be both strict and demanding, and kind, and fair. He must have patience, remember tact, respect the personality in his child, not strive to make a genius out of his son or daughter, understand that each person has his own character, inclinations and abilities.

It is very important to show the child that he is always dear to his parents. You can tell your son or daughter that the father or mother is proud of him, proud of his academic success and believe that he can overcome all his academic difficulties on his own. And if there is a problem in the family - the child does not do homework, the advice of a psychologist will come in handy in resolving it.

Finally, all parents should remember that children always need our support. Studying for a child is a real job with its problems, ups, successes and falls. Children change a lot in the process of schooling, they acquire new character traits, learn not only to understand the world, but also to learn. And of course, teachers and their closest and most faithful comrades, parents, should help children along this path!

Your child is growing by leaps and bounds. And from time to time, the thought creeps into moms and dads: “Well, you’ll grow up a little more and you can play by yourself, and I will have a couple of hours for myself.” However, this is not entirely true: in order for the baby to be able to occupy himself for 40-50 minutes on his own, parents should make a lot of efforts. We will tell you how to teach and captivate your baby to play alone.

Benefits of solo play

By playing alone, the child learns to find solutions

V. A. Sukhomlinsky: “A game is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around flows into the spiritual world of a child. The game is a spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and curiosity.

Teaching your baby how to play independently is not important to take up his time and allow himself to relax. Independent play is an important indicator of the correct development of the child. At the same time, the ability to find an occupation for oneself significantly affects the personal growth and character of the baby. In particular, playing with oneself develops:

  • initiative (after all, solving specific game problems requires the kid to make quick decisions - a pyramid that suddenly appears on the way of the machine can either be moved or knocked down - the choice must be made instantly);
  • the ability to overcome obstacles (this or that game activity has a certain plot, the development of which requires the child to find a way out of the circumstances - if the baby doll soaked his pants, then he needs to change clothes);
  • perseverance (to get the desired result of the game, the kid must go through certain stages, for example, to assemble a beautiful puzzle boat, you should correctly select all the elements, trying to combine them);
  • the ability to navigate according to circumstances (in order to dress a doll for going to kindergarten, you need to choose appropriate clothes for her, put on all the details of the toilet in order);
  • patience (to solve puzzles, the kid has to look at the task several times, select answers).

Why doesn't he play by himself or can't keep himself occupied with toys

Reluctance to play on your own may be due to feelings of loneliness

A fairly common problem when the baby does not want to play on his own. This worries parents, but meanwhile, the reasons for this behavior of the baby lie precisely in adults. The fact is that at 2-4 years old, children develop the skill of role-playing, that is, at this age dolls-cars-animals are very interesting. Caring relatives understand this, and this is where the immeasurable supply of toys begins. Remember your childhood: one or two dolls, a couple of cars and a wooden pyramid. But we could play with them for hours, coming up with names for them, playing entire performances with such a simple set. No, don't throw away the awesome math bears or the race car parking lot, just limit the number. Why? The child does not have time to become attached to the toy, feel it and unleash his imagination. In addition, children need an example. That is, if you don’t show them how to play with a typewriter, then the kid will not only not have an idea about the toy itself, but there will also be no push for further inventing a game plot.

As for older children, 5-7 years old, the refusal to play independently at this age may indicate that the baby is suffering from loneliness. If a child lacks communication with parents, then it is absolutely logical that he will not want to retire even with the funniest toys. It is important to let the child understand that this is your common game with him, just sometimes he can do it himself. Also at this age, children are very sensitive to failure. Therefore, if a child fails to complete the puzzle, he will not pore over it alone. Come and direct the thought of the little one - this will give the necessary impetus to renew interest.

The kid must have at least a small, but his own play area

The method of accustoming a child to independent games is an inexhaustible topic of discussion for teachers and psychologists. All these researches can be combined into several effective tips for adults, then it will be easier to teach the baby.

The ability to play independently is an indicator of your baby's maturation. However, do not sound the alarm if he is not too eager to play alone. Patiently show your child how interesting it is to beat this or that toy so that he has an interest in finding new ways of entertainment. And be sure to participate in the gaming activities of your child, praise him - then he will grow up not only as an independent person, but also become a self-confident person.