How to update an evening dress. Short T-shirt dress. New life for a pink dress

Spring is a great time to shake things up, experiment and update your look. And what if there is more than enough enthusiasm, but "finances sing romances"? There is only one answer: needlework! Get inspired with us beautiful !

Have a plain basic T-shirt that you are tired of for a long time? Do not rush to throw it away, it is better to give it a new life. A little imagination, a sewing machine and unnecessary pieces of fabric will make it interesting and very stylish. You can decorate your T-shirt with the simplest one - a breast pocket. For gray or black T-shirts, a leatherette pocket is perfect, but for light ones, you can use fabrics with flowers and bright prints. Of course, remember about the integrity of your appearance and think in advance with what things you can combine the new thing. Then this cute detail will become a wonderful accent in the image.

You can revive a boring white jersey from a cotton fabric. It is enough to properly cut the T-shirt, fit it to the figure and it will sit like a glove. This version of the top is very daring and requires restraint in the rest of the appearance. Looks perfect with a classic fitted jacket and straight trousers. In this version, this kit will become balanced, and will not look too defiant. You will be able to emphasize feminine forms, but not overdo it with such an accent. A similar top with a neckline can also be useful in the summer, for example, on vacation, complete with a maxi skirt.

You can also get a nice new thing from a boyfriend's T-shirt - a trendy vest with fluttering edges. To do this, you just need to cut off the excess: the sleeves and the neck. We put our hands into the resulting hole, and there will be a beautiful cutout on the back. In front, the fabric will flow down, gathering in beautiful folds. The image is immediately filled with airiness and femininity, so this is a very good option for spring. Moreover, such a vest is multifunctional, because it can also be adapted for a scarf.

The idea of ​​how to decorate any solid color thing: you can revive it with the help of drawings. Drawings can be done not only with textile paints, but also with ordinary whiteness to remove especially stubborn stains. This method will not give you an abundance of colors, and the print color will be white or close to white, depending on the original color. But thanks to this method, you can make something truly unique from a regular shirt, T-shirt or skirt. Thin white flowers and twigs will create a very delicate, spring and refreshing look.

If you liked the first fabric painting idea, then this one will most likely generate enthusiasm. To complete the openwork painting, you will need a printed circuit with the desired pattern, pre-processed with a clerical knife, and a felt-tip pen for drawing on fabric. You can look for such a marker in fabric and accessories stores or in the departments for needlework and creativity. But back to drawing. In our example, the collar is chosen as the place for the drawing, but you can also decorate any part of the T-shirt or blouse. The technology is simple: by attaching a diagram, paint over the cut holes with a felt-tip pen. All ingenious is simple!

Now the variant is more complicated in execution, but it looks very impressive. To complete it, you will need a jacket or light neutral shades and a decorative insert. In our example, this is a striking decorative element in the form of a square mesh that fits perfectly into the shape of the shoulder. You can also use lace or mesh, textured or woven fabric - everything is in your hands. We apply the selected insert, carefully sweep, cut off the excess fabric under it, leaving allowances for the seams. After all these steps, we sew the insert and process the seams. Experience in sewing will be a big plus, and if you don't have it, it's better to practice on unnecessary things.

7. Appliques and beading

Sweaters and embroidered with beads imitating pearls look very gentle and feminine. If you are not yet lucky enough to find the desired specimen on store shelves, then it's time to take matters into your own hands. To do this, you will need beads, threads to match them and the item to be decorated. With a little practice, you can make perfect and invisible stitches by sewing on the beads very carefully. For decoration, you can pick up pearls to match the fabric of the product, in a different color, in one size or in several. You can also arrange the beads randomly, according to your taste, or look for ready-made patterns.

You are very lucky if you know how to embroider with satin stitch or are interested in mastering this type of needlework. In spring, satin stitch embroidery in the form of flowers is trendy and if you look at the new collections, you will see it literally everywhere. Why not try transforming some solid color with a stylish trend? To do this, you will need an embroidery pattern transferred to the fabric of the product, a set of multi-colored threads, fingers and a couple of evenings. If you are not embroidering yet, then first practice just on the fabric, and already for the alteration of the sweater, choose a simpler pattern. You can search for it on the net, or you can draw your own composition - it's even more interesting.

Hanging in the closet is a gray straight-cut jacket that you've only worn once or twice in your life? Perhaps this is because you are missing the bright accents in this garment. Why not freshen up the dull blazer with a contrasting yellow beaded hem? You can choose absolutely any color that matches the main colors of your wardrobe. The main thing is that he starts to please you! To transform the jacket, you will need paint on textiles of the desired color, beads or rhinestones, glue and an iron. When applying paint, strictly follow the instructions on the bottle or on the package insert, because the result directly depends on this! Once you've colored the desired areas of the jacket, decorate them to your liking, creating elegant appliqués.

From a sweatshirt or T-shirt that has served its purpose and is no longer in demand, you can get a nice mini-skirt. All you need is scissors, thread and a bar of soap. Soap can be used to mark everything that needs to be cut off: the sleeves, the neckline and some fabric on the sides for a better fit. After you have outlined, you can lightly sweep, cut off the neck and try on. After making sure that everything is going well, we can safely cut off unnecessary parts and sew. The resulting skirt can be safely worn in warm spring and throughout the summer season, combining with shirts, blouses, tops and T-shirts.

We suggest making more modern skinny trousers with zippers at the ankle out of old flared jeans. To do this, you will need to buy zippers of the required length, hairpins and threads. Having put on the jeans, we fix the legs with the pins so that they fit the leg. After everything is clearly measured, we cut off the unnecessary fabric and already sew on the zippers on a typewriter and process the edges. It is better to choose a zipper that matches the color of the adjacent fabric with the color of the jeans accessories. Of course, if you want to make accents on the zippers, then you can choose something bright and contrasting. This will depend entirely on the style of your wardrobe.

Another option to spice up simple jeans is to decorate them with drawings. You can use the methods described above, or you can go further. Surely you have come across step-by-step manicure lessons where strips are used as a stencil to get straight lines? The same principle can be used here. To do this, you need tape, textile paints and brushes. First, decide on the color scheme and sketch on a piece of paper exactly where the stripes should be located. Then cut the tape into strips and stick them in the right places, painting over the gaps between the strips with paint. As a result, you will have a very interesting detail on the trousers!

A very easy way to alter an old oversized T-shirt into a cute dress. You will need a T-shirt, scissors, measuring tape, soap, and thread. Use a bar of soap to cut the T-shirt as shown in our example. Specify the required dimensions, sweep the future product and try on. Correct whatever is needed and sew - your dress is ready! You can sew several of these dresses in different colors. So you can have a few basic neutral dresses and a few bright, stand-alone dresses. During warm spring and summer, you will not have to worry about the monotony of your wardrobe: a pair of shirts, accessories, bags and different shoes can make your looks different, comfortable and stylish.

This dress is simpler in design than the previous one. For it, you will need a blouse and a button-down shirt in a similar color scheme or matching colors. The blouse will serve as the top of the product, and the bottom can be made from the shirt. Cut off a part of the bottom at the waist from the jacket, having previously marked this place. We also cut off a part of the bottom from the shirt, but make this part longer - it will play the role of a skirt. Having placed a row of buttons exactly in the middle, we sew the top with the bottom, evenly distributing the pleats of the skirt along the waist. That's it, the dress is ready! Instead of a top, you can use not only a blouse with sleeves, but also a T-shirt or turtleneck. You can also experiment and swap the top and bottom: sew a shirt on top, and make a tight skirt from a T-shirt. You can also play with colors, because the gamut can be not only close, but also contrasting.

In spring, the weather is not always warm and pleasant, and sometimes the hat should not be hidden far away. In addition, the headdress can also be decorated to your taste. Hats decorated with beads, glass decorations, bows and down pom-poms look great. You can find all these and many other decorative elements in shops for needlewomen in your city or order in online stores. A little bit of inspiration along with an original approach and your image will sparkle with new colors!

DIY decorated and transformed items are unique and only reflect your aesthetic preferences. Feel free to experiment and highlight your personality! Get inspired with the World of Ideas!

Today it is becoming more and more difficult to surprise a real fashionista with an original model. Like a blueprint, tailored dresses literally flooded the windows of not only virtual, but also real stores. But any model can be made unique - all you need is your own imagination and simple decoration techniques.

Decorating any dress as your heart desires or inspires an image from a fashion show is not at all difficult. In today's fashion, a separate direction has even emerged - customizing, built on a stylish rework of standard things. By the way, this is a great way to bring back your favorite, but slightly annoying things.

How to decorate a dress: photo and description

In order to add personality to any thing, it is not at all necessary to be a skilled needlewoman. Often, in order to create a real masterpiece, you need to be able to do nothing more than sew on an ordinary button. Do you know how? Then you just need a free evening and a desire to get an exclusive item at a minimum cost.

The most difficult thing is to imagine exactly how the dress will look as a result of the alteration. It will not be superfluous to measure seven times, according to the proverb. Moreover, in most cases it will be simply impossible to redo or remove decor details.

An ordinary, finely sharpened crayon or a piece of ordinary soap will come to the rescue. Sketch marks, in this case, will disappear during the first wash. You will need scissors, an iron, and in some cases, textile glue - easily found at any craft store.

You can decorate the dress with your own hands like a real pro in different ways of decor. The most difficult one, which will require the skills of an artist, is painting on fabric.

If you are unsure of your own painting abilities, be sure to make a stencil based on any drawing you like. It is better not to take risks with paints, but to buy special ones designed for textiles. In this case, you can safely not only wear, but also wash your dress.

How to decorate a simple dress?

The main thing is the finishing - the final result, which in no case should look clumsy or unprofessional. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the decor used by the world's leading designers today. It is created much easier than it seems at first and inexperienced glance.

One of the trends is lace, today it is literally everywhere and everywhere. To decorate the simplest dress as a runway model, you will need ready-made ribbon lace, which is easy to find in any store. But be sure to calculate its footage in advance - for this, in fact, you need a preliminary sketch of the decor.

Today, both tone-on-tone and contrasting finishes are in fashion. Lace cuffs, neck trims or ruffles all over the hem look great. No less interesting, especially on winter models, the trim looks along the entire length of the sleeve or the side seams - this is a technique, by the way, that makes you slimmer.

Look at the photo of how an ordinary dress is decorated with exclusive lace trim:

Attach the lace ribbon with pins and be sure to try on the item! Only your reflection will tell you whether you guessed with the decor or not. You can fix it with textile glue, applying evenly drop by drop every 5-10 centimeters along the edge. Or you can use a needle and thread, free stitches - short on the front and long - from the inside out along the edges of the lace ribbon.

Another simple and elegant way of decoration, which is actively used today for avant-garde urban looks, is the usual zippers. They look great both on casual models and in combination with the most conservative business outfits. This decor is especially successful in harmony with such universal, but boring monochromatic models.

See how the black dresses are effectively decorated in the photo:

Along the entire front or back panel, along the edge of the neckline of the sleeve or hem? Where to place the "lightning" - depends only on the style and the image that you want to get as a result. Measure the required length, and in any craft store you will find not only ready-made "zippers", but also decorative - ribbon. This decor is attached in the same way as lace - on textile glue or using simple stitches.

How to decorate a dress with rhinestones: process photo?

One of the simplest and at the same time, impeccable ways to transform any thing is rhinestone decoration. In this case, you don't even need a needle and thread - just an iron. You can use ready-made applications - motifs with butterflies, flowers, stars today are for every taste.

But for creative people there is an equally simple, but more original way that piece rhinestones can be realized. The simplest - colorless are good for light-colored fabrics, but color ones deserve special attention, intended for an elegant tone-on-tone decor.

It is better to start decorating a dress with rhinestones with a sketch. Lay the item flat on the ironing board and paint with light strokes. It can be fantasy smooth lines, or vertical, like trickles of rain, "paths" - whatever your imagination tells you. The "star" scattering of rhinestones, reminiscent of the night sky, looks very stylish.

Lay out the rhinestones according to the sketch and heat the iron to the temperature at which you usually iron the thing. Turn on the steaming function and glue the rhinestones through a piece of cotton cloth, lightly pressing with an iron. The glue that has already been applied to their back side will melt in just a minute or two. Let the design dry and you can wear the updated item. By the way, you can safely erase it in the usual mode, but you will not be able to redo the drawing. Therefore, its design should be thought over and drawn in advance.

Elegantly, as in this photo, you can decorate a dress with rhinestones in just a few minutes:

How to decorate a dress with autumn leaves?

A technique in which to create a luxurious outfit for a carnival, theme party or children's party. The principle is quite simple - the creation of voluminous and expressive decor elements with the help of what is easier than ever to find, literally, at hand.

Let's see how you can create a luxurious outfit by decorating the dress with autumn leaves. How it's done? You will need regular edible gelatin at the rate of one tablespoon for one glass of water and multi-colored scraps of fabric. Choose fabrics that match the color and texture. Perfectly in combination with matte cotton or viscose "leaves" will look transparent - from organza, tulle or mesh.

While the gelatin is dissolving in water, cut out the leaves from the shreds, this can be done "by hand", or it can be done according to a previously prepared template. If you're designing a kid's costume, be sure to involve kids - they'll love it! The blanks of the “leaves” need to be soaked in a gelatin solution; this will take no more than five minutes and let them dry.

The easiest way to fix such a decor on the fabric is using textile glue, or by literally securing with one stitch with a thread and a needle. Please note that the leaves will turn out to be voluminous and it is better to place them in an arbitrary artistic disorder, reminiscent of a real leaf fall.

Just like how you can decorate a dress with leaves with any elements - snowflakes for a New Year's outfit, or flowers for any event that requires a non-standard, but spectacular outfit. This method perfectly justifies itself not only for numerous children's parties, but also for quite adult holidays, where you want to appear in an exclusive outfit.

How to decorate a knitted dress?

They are bought for more than one season, so a simple style and a minimum of decor are one of the most important selection criteria. They also become the reason that such comfortable and cozy things get bored pretty quickly and settle down like ballast in their own wardrobe. Does this sound familiar?

It will not be difficult to transform, refresh and bring them out as a new thing. Models made of smooth knitwear can be updated with fashionable lace, so as not to add extra volume to the thing, place it strictly vertically. This will not only refresh your model, but also look slimmer. Choose a finish that is a shade darker than the model's canvas, and this effect can be achieved without much difficulty.

Rhinestones, sequins and biker rivets look great as decor in dark shades - light shocking is in fashion today. Pay attention to those elements that can be sewn with a couple of stitches, knitwear, and especially woolen fabric, does not tolerate even textile glue.

The question "how to decorate a knitted dress?" it becomes more difficult when it comes to models of complex texture, especially those imitating manual work. One of the most fashionable and stylish ways we are shown the catwalk on the best catwalks of the world fashion capitals.

Application. A leather or suede handbag that is out of fashion, and even more so a lonely glove will be an excellent material for decoration. Cut out a simple shape from them - the more abstract and delicate it is, the better. Any beads, beads, miniature pendants will perfectly decorate such an applique and make it exclusive. It remains only to sew it neatly, with small stitches, grabbing the edge.

A little imagination, simple improvised means - and a dress that will be exclusively "yours" ready for publication.

A new wardrobe is a useful and necessary set of measures for the purchase and repair of clothes.

However, at the same time, this is far from the most budgetary occupation.

Our new review will tell you how to update your wardrobe, and even save money on the process done.

1. Bright insert

To decorate a boring plain dress or slightly expand a favorite thing that has become small, an insert of bright fabric, sewn exactly in the center at the back, will help. It is worth noting that such an alteration can be made exclusively with a semi-fitted dress or a dress of an even cut.

2. Painting jeans

A simple geometric pattern on the bottom of the leg will help cool the look of old jeans. To do this, you will need several shades of special fabric paints, brushes and masking tape.

3. Body

Bodysuits are not only extremely stylish and sexy, but also very comfortable. By the way, you can make such a necessary item of women's wardrobe with your own hands by properly cutting a regular T-shirt.

4. Tulle skirt

A multi-layered fluffy skirt, slightly below or to the knee length, is a thing that should be in the wardrobe of any self-respecting fashionista this spring. Believe it or not, you can easily make a skirt like this with your own hands. True, for this you will have to spend money on a fairly large amount of tulle and a durable high-quality elastic band. The existing tulle must be cut into strips and carefully tied with an elastic band in a circle.

5. Mitts

The beginning of spring is a high time to change warm gloves or woolen mittens for light and beautiful mitts, which can be made from clean monochromatic socks and high-quality lace. In addition to lace, beautiful buttons or brooches can be used to decorate such mitts.

6. Off-the-shoulder shirt

If a shirt is lying around in your wardrobe, the style of which is already outdated, to put it mildly, feel free to take scissors and start its fashionable transformation. To do this, you need to measure and carefully cut off the collar and the upper part of the sleeves, and then sew in an elastic band - you will get a stylish tunic with open shoulders. Of course, sewing skills are required to carry out such a rework. If there are none, just take the shirt to the atelier.

7. Sweater with an original back

Incredibly, a plain boring sweater can be easily transformed into an original, provocative and very sexy piece by decorating it with one single slit and a few pins. To do this, the sweater must be turned inside out, cut exactly in the center of the back, securing the cut edges with sewing needles, carefully stitched and connected with large golden pins.

8. Lace top

For every girl in the closet, for sure, there is one, or even a couple of bras that have lost their appearance and have not been worn for a long time. These bras are perfect for creating trendy crop tops that can be worn with high skirts, jeans and shorts. In addition to a bra, you will also need high-quality lace, threads or glue to make a top. Carefully cut the lace motifs and fasten them around the perimeter of the bra using glue or thread in any order.

9. Shirt with lace insert

A translucent lace insert on the back will help to update an old shirt. To acquire which is not at all difficult and within the power of any girl with minimal sewing skills. Just turn the shirt inside out and draw a triangle on the back of the shirt - the location of the intended cut. Carefully cut the fabric along the contour, finish over the edges and sew on the prefabricated piece of lace. You need to wear such a shirt for the release with any jeans or shorts.

10. Colored insert

A color insert made of any light fabric will help refresh a boring black dress. To do this, on the side of the dress, outline and cut out a triangle, and sew a piece of colored fabric in its place.

11. Collars

With the help of stencils, paints and embroidery, you can coolly transform the collar of an office shirt. Just use a stencil to shape the collar you like, and then make it bright with embroidery or dyeing.

12. Sweater with ribbon

A satin ribbon running down the center and sleeves will help freshen up the look of an old plain sweater. Such a trick will allow you to easily and inexpensively acquire a completely new exclusive thing.

13. Bags

Do not rush to throw away the kind, stretched sweaters, because they can be turned into exclusive stylish handbags. To do this, in addition to sweaters, you will need a non-woven lining, fabric, hard handles, a sewing machine and the ability to work with it.

14. T-shirt

A small strip of high-quality lace will help turn a nondescript plain T-shirt into an exclusive designer item. Simply sew or glue the lace with fabric glue in the center of the garment and around the edges of the sleeves.

15. Coat with lace hem

A wide strip of lace sewn to its hem will help to update the light coat and give it a mysterious dramatic look.

16. Romantic shirt

The top of an old denim vest can be used to create a trendy romantic shirt. To do this, you need to sew the bottom of a light plain blouse to the denim top.

17. Top with print

Any plain T-shirt or top can be turned into a stylish item. To do this, you need a stencil with the desired image and textile ink.

18. Skirt with feathers

A plain knit skirt is the perfect base for a trendy, feathery skirt that has already won the hearts of fashion bloggers and celebrities. Getting such a skirt and not spending a fortune is not at all difficult. Just sew strips of faux feathers all around your old skirt and get ready to catch the rapturous glances of those around you.

A new wardrobe is a useful and necessary set of measures for the purchase and repair of clothes. However, at the same time, this is far from the most budgetary occupation.

Our new review will tell you how to update your wardrobe, and even save money on the process done.

1. Bright insert

Dress with a bright insert.
To decorate a boring plain dress or slightly expand a favorite thing that has become small, an insert of bright fabric, sewn exactly in the center at the back, will help. It is worth noting that such an alteration can be made exclusively with a semi-fitted dress or a dress of an even cut.

2. Painting jeans

Jeans with a geometric pattern.
A simple geometric pattern on the bottom of the leg will help cool the look of old jeans. To do this, you will need several shades of special fabric paints, brushes and masking tape.

3. Body

Stylish and comfortable bodysuit.
Bodysuits are not only extremely stylish and sexy, but also very comfortable. By the way, you can make such a necessary item of women's wardrobe with your own hands by properly cutting a regular T-shirt.

4. Tulle skirt

Tulle tutu skirt.

A multi-layered fluffy skirt, slightly below or to the knee length, is a thing that should be in the wardrobe of any self-respecting fashionista this spring. Believe it or not, you can easily make a skirt like this with your own hands. True, for this you will have to spend money on a fairly large amount of tulle and a durable high-quality elastic band. The existing tulle must be cut into strips and carefully tied with an elastic band in a circle.

5. Mitts

Lace mitts.
The beginning of spring is a high time to change warm gloves or woolen mittens for light and beautiful mitts, which can be made from clean monochromatic socks and high-quality lace. In addition to lace, beautiful buttons or brooches can be used to decorate such mitts.

6. Off-the-shoulder shirt

Off-the-shoulder shirt.

If a shirt is lying around in your wardrobe, the style of which is already outdated, to put it mildly, feel free to take scissors and start its fashionable transformation. To do this, you need to measure and carefully cut off the collar and the upper part of the sleeves, and then sew in an elastic band - you will get a stylish tunic with open shoulders. Of course, sewing skills are required to carry out such a rework. If there are none, just take the shirt to the atelier.

7. Sweater with an original back

Open back sweater.
Incredibly, a plain boring sweater can be easily transformed into an original, provocative and very sexy piece by decorating it with one single slit and a few pins. To do this, the sweater must be turned inside out, cut exactly in the center of the back, securing the cut edges with sewing needles, carefully stitched and connected with large golden pins.

8. Lace top

Cropped lace top.
For every girl in the closet, for sure, there is one, or even a couple of bras that have lost their appearance and have not been worn for a long time. These bras are perfect for creating trendy crop tops that can be worn with high skirts, jeans and shorts. In addition to a bra, you will also need high-quality lace, threads or glue to make a top. Carefully cut the lace motifs and fasten them around the perimeter of the bra using glue or thread in any order.

9. Shirt with lace insert

Shirts with lace inserts on the back.
A translucent lace insert on the back will help to update an old shirt. To acquire which is not at all difficult and within the power of any girl with minimal sewing skills. Just turn the shirt inside out and draw a triangle on the back of the shirt - the location of the intended cut. Carefully cut the fabric along the contour, finish over the edges and sew on the prefabricated piece of lace. You need to wear such a shirt for the release with any jeans or shorts.

10. Colored insert

Black dress with a bright insert.
A color insert made of any light fabric will help refresh a boring black dress. To do this, on the side of the dress, outline and cut out a triangle, and sew a piece of colored fabric in its place.

11. Collars

Original collars.
With the help of stencils, paints and embroidery, you can coolly transform the collar of an office shirt. Just use a stencil to shape the collar you like, and then make it bright with embroidery or dyeing.

12. Sweater with ribbon

Sweater decorated with a ribbon.
A satin ribbon running down the center and sleeves will help freshen up the look of an old plain sweater. Such a trick will allow you to easily and inexpensively acquire a completely new exclusive thing.

13. Bags

Original knitted bags.

Do not rush to throw away the kind, stretched sweaters, because they can be turned into exclusive stylish handbags. To do this, in addition to sweaters, you will need a non-woven lining, fabric, hard handles, a sewing machine and the ability to work with it.

14. T-shirt

T-shirt with lace stripe.
A small strip of high-quality lace will help turn a nondescript plain T-shirt into an exclusive designer item. Simply sew or glue the lace with fabric glue in the center of the garment and around the edges of the sleeves.

15. Coat with lace hem

Coat decorated with lace.
A wide strip of lace sewn to its hem will help to update the light coat and give it a mysterious dramatic look.

16. Romantic shirt

Denim vest redesign.
The top of an old denim vest can be used to create a trendy romantic shirt. To do this, you need to sew the bottom of a light plain blouse to the denim top.

17. Top with print

Short top with original print.
Any plain T-shirt or top can be turned into a stylish item. To do this, you need a stencil with the desired image and textile ink.

18. Skirt with feathers

Fashionable skirt with feathers.
A plain knit skirt is the perfect base for a trendy, feathery skirt that has already won the hearts of fashion bloggers and celebrities. Getting such a skirt and not spending a fortune is not at all difficult. Just sew strips of faux feathers all around your old skirt and get ready to catch the rapturous glances of those around you.