How to clean white faux fur boots. How to clean faux fur properly. How to properly clean faux fur

Cleaning of faux fur products has certain differences from procedures with natural materials. The hostess of such a fur coat must be attentive to the observance of the basic rules, otherwise the safety of the thing will be in jeopardy.

Faux fur: material features

To know how to clean faux fur, you need to have at least a minimal understanding of how it is obtained. As a rule, this means the pile attached to the knitwear or leatherette. The villi obtained by the chemical method very reliably mimic the natural analogue. Modern technologies have achieved that artificial material can resemble the fur of a beaver, rabbit, arctic fox or even mink. Fur coats can be long-haired, smooth-haired, etc.

Pros of faux fur:

  • elimination of the threat in the form of a fur coat moth, unless the villi are made of natural material;
  • low weight compared to natural counterparts;
  • long service life under the same wearing conditions;
  • affordable price;
  • environmental friendliness of the product. This refers to a harmless way of obtaining it, which does not require the mass murder of fur-bearing animals.

Cons of faux fur:

  • the thermal insulation properties of the material are slightly lower than that of natural fur;
  • molting as one of the properties of the material;
  • shrinkage, shaggy pile after washing, reduction in the number of lint.

Natural fur is not environmentally friendly, but at the same time it is devoid of the above disadvantages. Therefore, the wearer of a faux fur coat is advised to learn the basics of cleaning faux fur before doing anything with it at home. Only then will it be able to maintain its appearance and performance.

The main subtleties of cleaning faux fur products

In particular, artificial fur should not be exposed to high temperatures, since softening of the base of the fur coat can lead to deformation of the product. Also, the previously smooth villi will lose their outer shine. A dry method is usually used to clean the material. They resort to washing only as a last resort, besides, the base should be made of leatherette, and the fur should be short and thick. And then, by no means all dry cleaners can give a guarantee for their work with such material. The same can be said about the centrifuge, after which the fur coat can simply wrinkle and lose its presentation. After washing, the faux fur easily becomes shaggy, since the villi do not have a rigid growth direction. Therefore, after cleaning and drying, the product will need to be scrupulously smoothed and combed with your own hands.

Artificial furs are terrified of moisture and atmospheric precipitation, therefore, in order to avoid loss of shape, the fur coat must first be dried and then processed. The treatment can be a regular hair product containing keratin (but not alcohol!). After drying, the product will need to be combed with a special comb. Otherwise, the material will tarnish and curl. As for drying, you should not speed up events with a hair dryer. It is better to just hang it near a sunny window and calmly wait for it to dry naturally.

cleaning faux fur at home

  • The product must be hung on a hanger and sprinkled with semolina (sawdust) evenly. Then, with a coarse long-haired brush, comb out back together with the dirt.
  • Pour a weak detergent solution into a spray bottle, gently wet the fur coat and also comb it out, then let it dry.
  • Lay out the fur coat on the white sheet and knock it out with a rolling pin. Then repeat the brushing procedure.
  • Apply a solution of lemon water with a sponge, then comb with a comb with rare blunt teeth.
  • Mix potato starch with detergent.
  • Use a cloth soaked in gasoline.

White faux fur: how to clean it properly?

  1. You need to dissolve hydrogen peroxide in water, and then wet the fur coat with a spray bottle. Take out a wet fur coat in the sun and, after drying, walk over it with a comb.
  2. Use blue instead of peroxide.
  3. Can also be restored with semolina or starch.

Washing rules for faux fur

If you still need to wash a faux fur coat, then the product will need to be soaked beforehand. In the washing machine, you should use a delicate detergent (for silk) and choose a gentle mode - rinse. After the procedure, you need to allow moisture to naturally drain from the fur coat, then take it out into the air and lay it out on a horizontal surface for drying.

The described method is possible provided that the machine is loaded vertically into the machine. With front loading, you can do without soaking things. Everything else needs to be done in the same way in order to put a wet fur coat in order.


Caring for products made from artificial fur increases their service life, retains their presentation. In order not to expose a faux fur coat to a wet wash, it is better to regularly dry it at home, because, unlike a coat, pea jacket or sheepskin coat, "fur" material does not tolerate water well.

Comment on the article "How to clean an artificial fur coat at home"

How to clean a faux fur coat at home. Natural fur is not environmentally friendly. Caring for faux fur products increases their service life, and retains their presentation. In order not to damp the faux fur coat ...


My former neighbor and close family friend just recently bought a mink coat. She is 66 years old, retired, does not work. the main exits are summer cottages during the season. Size about 178 cm and size 66 clothes. She dreamed of a mink coat all her life, sometimes they didn't bring her to her, sometimes there was no money. I bought it. On credit, the stump is clear.
I do not blame. Dreams should come true.

The fur coat is comfortable and warm. Plus, if the style of clothing is "there is some kind of dress code", then the fur coat is more versatile. The down jacket still looks sporty, no, there are, of course, models with different "ruffles", but in my opinion, this is very vulgar.
With down jackets, the main problem is that there should be several of them, since they get dirty and worn out very quickly, and the look is not at all very good. That is, you need to wash the down jacket (and it is better to dry-clean it) after a couple of weeks of wearing socks for sure. But in fact - the people do not bother. It looks hmm .. specific. There is no such problem with fur coats.

11/20/2018 14:00:46, angry

How to clean a faux fur coat at home. Please tell me how to clean a fur coat at home before putting it away for the winter. How to clean a mink coat with talcum powder. Dirty light fur is best cleaned with talcum powder.

How to clean a faux fur coat at home. Tips for caring for a faux fur coat How to clean a suede sheepskin coat: instructions. First of all, vacuum the product or How to clean a sheepskin coat at home. how to dye the fur of a sheepskin coat.


the ends of the sheepskin coat are different. Immediately you need to understand - and what is there.
I don't know much about the properties of leather. But I know for sure that if the fur is, then the fur is cut or with a special sharp knife - to push the fur apart and cut only the skin along the skin. Or scissors with thin, sharp tips crawl under the hairs and cut only the skin. Then with your fingers they pass along the edge - so that the extra hairs fall off (we pinch and pull).
But the skin actually lends itself to heat treatment.
She (read) is somehow fried in a frying pan and she crumples ... Isn't there a piece of leather in the sheepskin coat - to experiment? Can it be steamed with an iron at all?
It's not a pity on a small piece. And if it doesn't work out, then cut it off. People rent in the atelier.
Only there is no guarantee that they will do well in the atelier.
In general, I would try to wet the edge with hot water, hang it on a hanger. and hang a weight from the bending edge ... it can be pulled down.
But I'm not an expert ...
Maybe someone who knows more will write.

How to clean a faux fur coat at home. Tips for caring for a faux fur coat. How to remove gum from clothes. Hot Ways To Remove Chewing Gum From Clothes Cold Ways To Remove Gum Sticking To Clothes ...

House. How to clean fur properly? There is a coffee stain on the fur collar (silver fox). About how to clean a mink coat at home and not spoil it, we and Interestingness: Comment on the article "How to clean an artificial fur coat at home ...

Faux fur has become a worthy alternative to natural fur. It is no less beautiful, but at the same time wearing it does not evoke harsh criticism from conservationists. In addition, the cost of artificial fur is many times lower than the cost of natural fur. Therefore, you can not shake over a single fur coat for several years in a row, but calmly choose several fashionable models for yourself and wear them for your pleasure. However, even with this approach, sometimes you have to think about how to clean the faux fur.

In this article:

Wash or clean?

First of all, remember that it is not always possible to wash faux fur. But if the thing is small (for example, this is the edge on the hood of a children's jacket), then try washing it by hand in cool water. To do this, dilute the powder for delicate items in slightly warm water (20-30 degrees), lather and immerse the children's clothes there for a while. Then rinse thoroughly, smooth the fur in the direction of the pile and dry.

When drying the garment, make sure that the fur is flat. If it sticks out in different directions, then it will remain so, despite careful combing. After drying the item, do not forget to add shine to it with a comb.

However, direct contact with water is undesirable for faux fur. If you want to wash it, try to clean the lint so that the base does not get wet, otherwise the lint will come off.

How to properly clean faux fur

Since you cannot wash a faux fur coat, you can try cleaning it at home using foam from detergent powder:

  • dissolve washing powder in hot water (2-3 tablespoons per liter of water);
  • beat until fluffy;
  • hang the fur coat on a hanger to make it easier to wash;
  • dip a soft brush into the foam and start gently brushing in the direction of the bristle;
  • repeat several times until the fur coat is clean;
  • rinse the brush with water and process the item again, as if "rinsing" it;
  • wipe with a dry terry towel in the direction of the pile;
  • dry and fluffy with a comb.

If only the cuffs or collar are dirty, it is sufficient to clean only those areas. If you are afraid to spoil your favorite thing at home, then it is better not to wash it, but to dry-clean it.

How to remove a greasy stain

If a greasy stain appears on your favorite fur vest, you need to clean it with gasoline. To do this, apply some refined gasoline to a handkerchief, twist it out and try to clean the stain with it. You may need to repeat it several times to get rid of the contamination completely. Then wipe off the remaining gasoline with a damp cloth and dry the product in the fresh air.

In order to clean faux fur from fat at home, you can use another gasoline-based product:

  • mix gasoline with potato flour until a thick paste forms;
  • apply the mixture to the stain and wait until the gasoline has completely evaporated;
  • now you need to clean the product from flour. To do this, shake the fur coat well and start cleaning the fur with dry heated starch. Flour will roll and be easily removed from the pile.

How to remove yellowness from white fur

White faux fur can turn yellow over time. To restore it to its former whiteness, you can try washing it from time to time with a solution of water and peroxide. To do this, add 1 tablespoon of peroxide to a liter of water and gently wash the product. Be careful not to wet the base of the villi so that they do not come off. For the best effect, pour the solution into a spray bottle. The white fur will shine again in the sun.

You can also use potato starch at home. Simply rub it into the white fur and brush it off with a dry clothes brush. It is good to do this before the appearance of yellowness, then the favorite thing will last much longer.

Precautionary measures

Remember that cleaning fur garments at home should be done with utmost care. Test on an inconspicuous area of ​​clothing before using any product. This is especially true for gasoline, as it can discolor fabric. In addition, gasoline is not suitable for artificial karakul. But artificial fur does not tolerate vinegar and acetone at all.

If you are in doubt about your abilities, it is better to take the item to the dry cleaner. There they will quickly return your favorite fur coat to its previous appearance, without causing any harm to it.

Today, wardrobe items made from synthetic fur analogs are in demand. In the process of wearing, many owners of such things have the question of how to clean faux fur. This article details several effective cleaning methods for such material.

Removing stains on faux fur

If the size of the spot is small and after its appearance no more than 2-3 days have passed, then such contamination can be removed by yourself. There are several options for how to clean an imitation natural fur product at home.
Here are some effective methods for removing stains:
  • Combine equal portions starch (from potatoes or corn), dish detergent, and chlorine-free laundry detergent ... It is recommended to use the dish detergent not of a gel, but of a liquid consistency. Mix all the ingredients together until smooth. Spread the mixture over the surface of the stain and wait until it dries. After that, shake the product and go over the pile with an infrequent-toothed comb.
  • You can remove the stain from the fur material by applying household products for carpeting or upholstery ... The best option is a product in the form of an aerosol, which must be sprayed at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from the stain and left to dry. If there is no aerosol, then you can use a liquid product that must be diluted in water (10 milliliters per glass of water) and lather. Sponge the lather onto the stain and wait until it dries. Drying, such products turn into dust. This dust can be removed with a damp cloth, blown off with a hairdryer or sucked in with a vacuum cleaner.
  • With a cloth soaked in gasoline, wipe the stain several times. Before cleaning the fur in this way, be sure to check if the paint is peeling off it. To do this, wipe a small area of ​​the fur fabric on the seamy side with gasoline. . Gasoline is especially effective if the stain on the fur is caused by contact with something greasy.

The above cleaning methods can only be used for light dirt (no more than 10 centimeters in diameter)! Otherwise, the fur can get tangled, shed and lose its original appearance.

How to clean white faux fur

Self-cleaning of white faux fur can be carried out when the pile has acquired a yellowish or grayish tint. If there is heavy dirt on products made of white synthetic fur, it is not recommended to remove them yourself. The best option in such cases is dry cleaning in dry cleaning, because all home methods involve the use of liquids, which, when mixed with dirt, spread beyond the spot and the area of ​​contamination will increase.

Hydrogen peroxide cleaning

Mix 10 milliliters of hydrogen peroxide and 500 milliliters of pure water. Pour the liquid into a container with a spray bottle. Spray the entire surface of the product with a mixture of water and peroxide and take it outside or on an open balcony. After the pile is dry, comb it with a comb.

Cleaning with soda and alcohol

Mix 300 milliliters of pure water, 15 grams of baking soda, and 5 milliliters of rubbing alcohol. Saturate the sponge with the resulting composition and process the fur. If the nap is long, use a soft brush. Then dry the garment outdoors and comb the fur.

Cleaning with alcohol and glycerin

Mix water and alcohol in equal proportions, then add 4-5 drops of glycerin. Pour the composition into a container equipped with a cooking spray. Spray on the fur, then brush over the surface with a brush in the direction of the pile.

How to clean an entire product

Complete cleaning of artificial fur at home is advisable in cases where the pile on a sheepskin coat, vest or other thing is clogged with dust and has acquired and lost its original appearance.

Cleaning with soapy water

Before you start processing, you should study the composition of the base of the fur. This method of cleaning is suitable for simulating fur made on a synthetic basis (lavsan, polyolefin). If the basis of the material is made of jersey, then this method cannot be used, since the product may shrink (decrease in size).

The cleaning procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Pour water into a basin or other container, the temperature of which should not be higher than 30 degrees;
  2. Add chlorine-free detergent powder at the rate of 2 tablespoons per liter of water and dissolve the detergent well until foam forms;
  3. Hang the item on a hanger and place it on a crossbar for convenience;
  4. Apply foam to the entire surface of the fur on the sheepskin coat using a foam sponge;
  5. Run the sponge several times over the fur in the direction where the pile is directed;
  6. Remove the remaining foam with another slightly damp sponge or a piece of natural soft cloth;
  7. Remove the remaining moisture with a clean terry towel;
  8. Dry the item on a hanger in the room or outside. If the product is drying in a room, there should be no radiator, fireplace or other source of heat nearby;
  9. It is very important to check the direction of the pile before the fur begins to dry, because it will remain this way afterwards. If the pile is directed in the opposite direction, change the direction with your hand or a sponge.
  10. After the material is dry, the pile should be combed. For this you need to use a comb with sparse teeth.

Cleaning with sawdust

  • Spread a clean sheet moistened with spray water on a flat surface. To better see the dirt that comes out of your garment, use a light-colored sheet.
  • Lay the faux fur garment on top, with the pile down.
  • Take a carpet beater or fly swatter and beat the dust out of the fur.
  • After that, hang the product on a hanger and sprinkle with fine sawdust. You can buy them at the pet store.
  • Remove sawdust with a long, dense bristle brush.

How to clean faux fur collar

The collar is one of the most vulnerable parts of the garment. Contamination on the collar is distinguished by its persistence, because this zone is more often than others in contact with skin and hair, foundation, powder. However, in most cases, high-strength faux fur is used for collars. Therefore, more aggressive methods can be used for cleaning than for cleaning other areas.

To clean a synthetic fur collar, you need two glasses of potato flour and a glass of gasoline. In the absence of potato flour, it can be replaced with plain starch.

Faux Fur Collar Cleaning Instructions:

  1. Mix flour and gasoline until smooth;
  2. Apply the gruel in a thick layer to the most dirty areas using a foam sponge;
  3. Spray 2-3 tablespoons of dry flour onto the treated fur surface;
  4. Shake the collar to remove flour and gruel from flour and gasoline;
  5. Blot the rest with a dry sponge;
  6. Move the product to fresh air to ventilate.
This method can also be used to clean artificial fur on shoes.

All manipulations must be carried out away from fire. It is also recommended to open windows in order to avoid intoxication with gasoline vapors.

How to clean fur at home using ammonia (video)

You can clean a product made from imitation of natural fur at home using ammonia. For more information on how to clean, see this video. The video also provides recommendations for choosing high-quality faux fur.

There are many methods for cleaning faux fur items. The choice of a suitable method depends primarily on the color of the thing. Also, in order to properly clean a product made of such a material, one should take into account the size of the contamination and the nature of their origin (dust, grease).

Not everyone knows how to clean faux fur at home. Attempts to remove dirt by hand or in a washing machine are not always successful. Often, after washing, the product loses its decorative qualities. The fur becomes dull. Its villi stick together, felted and look shaggy. The dirt is fixed on the pile and eats into the soil fibers. If the base of the faux fur is made of cotton fibers, it may shrink after washing. Proper cleaning will help to restore the cleanliness of the product, while maintaining all its qualities.

1 How to remove surface contamination?

If the fake fur gets dusty during storage, it can be knocked out. To do this, the item is laid out on a damp, clean cotton cloth with the pile down and beaten with a carpet beater. When knocking out, dust accumulated between the fibers will settle on the damp cloth. After cleaning, dry the product flat.

Faux fur product

If, after knocking out, dirt remains on the pile, then it can be removed with soapy water. For this:

  1. The product is hung on a hanger so that the surfaces to be cleaned are in an upright position.
  2. In 1 liter of warm water (35-40 ° C), add 2-3 tbsp. l. neutral shampoo (transparent, without additives and dyes). Beat the solution with your hands until a fluffy foam forms.
  3. The foam is carefully applied to the pile with a brush. In this case, it is necessary to avoid getting the detergent liquid on the base of the fabric.
  4. It is necessary to clean fur with long and medium pile only in the direction of its growth. A product with short fibers (1-2 cm) is cleaned in the opposite direction. This is the basic rule for cleaning faux fur garments.
  5. After applying the foam, its excess must be removed with a damp cotton knitted cloth, wrung out almost to a dry state.
  6. To dry the item, wipe it with a clean terry towel. After that, the product is placed in a well-ventilated room or outside to dry. It should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Heating devices should be at least 1.5-2 m away from wet clothes.
  7. The dried pile must be brushed with a metal comb with sparse teeth. It is better to use a special iron needle comb.

To make the fur shiny, crumbly and fluffy, it should be treated with a mixture of ethyl alcohol, water and glycerin. To do this, 0.5 l of ethyl alcohol is mixed with 0.5 l of water and 1 tsp is added to the composition. glycerin. The liquid is sprayed onto the pile from a spray bottle or gently applied with a cotton swab. When the product dries up, brush it again.

2 How to clean white faux fur?

White fur can be cleaned with lemon juice:

  1. Lemon juice is mixed with water in equal proportions.
  2. A cotton swab is moistened with a liquid and the thing is cleaned in the direction of the pile.
  3. After the cleaning procedure, the product is dried in a flattened form.
  4. Citric acid powder can be used instead of lemon juice (1 part powder is mixed with 2 parts water).

Cleaning white fur

Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment Removes Soiling From White Faux Fur:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide (3%) is dissolved in 1 liter of water.
  2. The product is straightened, the prepared liquid is sprayed on it and hung out to dry in a well-ventilated room or outdoors.
  3. Dry hairs must be brushed with a metal comb with sparse and dull teeth.

Blueing will help to make the product snow-white:

  1. 3 - 4 drops of a liquid blueing agent (Ultramarine blue, Extra, Indigocarmin, Liquid blue for linen) are added to 1 liter of water. You should get a pale blue solution.
  2. A sponge or cotton swab is immersed in the solution and the fur pile is lubricated.
  3. A damp item is dried in a well-ventilated room or outdoors.
  4. Dry pile should be combed with a metal comb with sparse teeth.

An effective white product cleaner can be made from water, hydrogen peroxide, and ammonia. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts. The composition is sprayed onto the fur from a spray bottle and the product is hung out to dry. The dried pile is combed with an iron comb.

3 How do I clean a heavily soiled product?

If the base of the thing (soil) is dirty, it is better to wash it. You can wash artificial fur, the base of which is made of synthetic or mixed fibers (polyolefin, lavsan, cotton-lavsan, a mixture of cotton, viscose and lavsan). The product should be washed by hand. For this:

  1. Prepare a solution of water and a detergent intended for washing woolen, silk and synthetic fabrics, in accordance with the instructions. Its temperature should not exceed 35-40 ° C.
  2. The item is immersed in a washing solution and gently squeezed with your hands. You cannot rub the product with effort. Such actions will lead to loosening of the pile. It will not be possible to straighten it later.
  3. You need to rinse the fur very well, repeatedly changing the water. The recommended water temperature is 15-30 ° C. During the next rinse, you can add an antistatic detergent (Elon, Olan or Fiton) to the water. After using it, rinse the product in clean water no more than 2 times in order to maintain the antistatic effect.
  4. To remove excess water, wrap the wet fur in a terry towel and wring it lightly.
  5. Clothes are straightened and hung on a hanger above the bathroom. When the water stops dripping from it, you need to transfer it to a well-ventilated room or outside.
  6. The dried pile is combed.
  7. If the fur is inside the garment and acts as a lining, it can be ironed with a slightly warm iron.

Tough pollution control

If a garment has a mark prohibiting washing, it must be dry cleaned.

4 How to remove a stain on a fur garment?

If a dirty stain appears on the artificial pile, then it can be removed with a solution of washing powder:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. any washing powder is dissolved in 0.5 l of warm water.
  2. The liquid is gently rubbed into the problem area with a sponge. In this case, it is necessary to move in the direction from the edges to the center of the spot.
  3. Then remove the detergent and dirt with a damp sponge. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
  4. The product is dried at room temperature.
  5. Dry fur should be brushed with a metal comb.

An absorbent (absorbent) substance should be immediately applied to a fresh greasy stain. For this purpose, talcum powder, baby powder, starch or flour can be used. When the absorbent has absorbed most of the dirt and dries up, gently remove it with a brush.

Removing stains from faux fur

If it was not possible to completely remove the contamination, then you can remove it with the help of gasoline. To prevent streaks on the product after cleaning, you only need to use refined gasoline. The cleanliness of the solvent can be checked by dropping a little liquid on clean white paper. If no stains remain on it after drying, gasoline can be used to clean the fur.

A cotton swab or a piece of clean cotton cloth is dipped into the solvent and wrung out until it is practically dry. With a swab, gently wipe the soiled villi, removing dirt. In this way it is recommended to clean the dirty areas on the collar and on the cuffs.

A mixture of absorbent and refined gasoline can be applied to the fur. The solvent will dissolve the grease, and the absorbent will absorb it together with dirt. A little gasoline is added to the absorbent to form a semi-liquid gruel. It is applied to the problem area and left to dry completely. The dried product is cleaned off with a brush.

After cleaning, the product must be ventilated in the fresh air for a long time to get rid of the smell of gasoline.

5 Precautions

Before you clean the fur with any means, you need to make sure it is safe. First, a small area of ​​fur is treated in an inconspicuous place. If the fur has not changed color, has not lost its luster and has not glued, the product can be used to clean the entire product.

It is recommended to use rubber gloves when cleaning artificial fur. If gasoline or ammonia is used for cleaning, open windows or turn on ventilation. There should be no open sources of fire in the room in which the fur is processed. After the procedure, you must thoroughly ventilate the room. It is not recommended to dry the product after cleaning in a residential area.


As a rule, after seasonal storage, stains appear on fur products, for example, a layer of dust or residual dirt from previous wear. This is not a reason to get upset, today you can clean a fur coat on your own at home, just remember a few useful tips.

Important ! Since fur is a very delicate material, and its pureness is a complex process, before proceeding with it, it is necessary to try out the selected methods on an inconspicuous area.

Fur products should be constantly looked after, such material requires special attention, and if you follow all these rules, they will delight their owners for many years. But situations are different, so it will be useful to know how you can remove dirt on natural or artificial fur yourself.

DIY fur cleaning

The very first thing that will help to get rid of the dust layer is weak knocking out of the product, for this it should be laid with the fur down on a wet cloth, it is best to take a sheet. Vinegar will help to give fur products shine, you will need a small amount of this liquid and a rag, this method also makes the fur stiff, so there is also effective advice to eliminate it. For this, the fur is lubricated with glycerin from the seamy side, diluted with water, in equal proportions.

Ammonia, table salt and plain water help to remove yellowed stains or sweat marks on fur garments; gasoline and starch can also deal with such contaminants. As a rule, a fresh stain on fluffy fur should be wiped with a rag in the direction of the pile, if the material is smooth and the stain is old, then rub against the direction.

Wood sawdust will help to remove dirt from large fur products, the main thing is not to use conifers, because they contain resin, in addition, wheat bran helps well, sprinkle stains and rub the contaminated areas with your hands. You can remove yellowed stains with hydrogen peroxide diluted with a little water.

To clean products made from animals such as a beaver or a rabbit, as well as an otter, they use hot sand, they are laid out on a flat surface, sprinkled on top and wiped with hands. Clean sand must be poured until the fur coat becomes clean, and the dirty one is simply shaken off.


Natural fur or artificial fur is not so important, such material is easy to spoil, therefore, before starting cleaning, you should remember some important rules:

  1. Dry fur products in a natural way; you should absolutely not use a battery, hairdryer or even worse, an iron. No heating appliances will help a fur coat dry properly.
  2. Fur should not be washed, as after that, the product will have to be thrown away.
  3. Any cleaning of fur products at home ends with the use of acetic acid 5%, due to which the pile shines and becomes smooth.
  4. If concentrated or hazardous products are used for cleaning, safety rules must be followed. For example, in the case of gasoline, clean fur products only in a ventilated area.
  5. Strong contamination, for example, stains from coffee, sauce, wine, should not be removed by independent forces, it is best to take the fur coat to a dry cleaner, the same applies to the situation if the fur becomes damp.

How to clean white fur

To clean white fur products, use potato starch, warm water and washing powder. They are sprinkled with starch, then thoroughly sprayed with warm water mixed with powder, after which the resulting mass should be smeared, and when everything is dry, the fur is cleaned and brushed.

Cleaning such fur should be especially careful, because it is even more difficult to restore the product; aerosols or other methods will not help here. A dirty stain on a white fur coat can be washed off with medical alcohol, but this must be done very carefully, gradually and in small quantities, the product is applied to the stain until the stain completely disappears. To remove greasy dirt, you can use ordinary talcum powder, which is first rubbed into the fur, and then gently combed out with a brush.

A small fur collar can be cleaned with warm water and a detergent that does not contain bleaches or dyes. The solution is applied with a small piece of foam rubber, after which it is washed off with a cotton swab dipped in clean and warm water. Dry strictly without using any means at hand, comb with a brush. A yellow spot on the white fur collar will help remove the hydrogen peroxide solution, one tablespoon of the solution is enough for a glass of liquid.

How to clean faux fur properly

Such material is very popular, because its external data is in no way inferior to natural fur, it is made for a rabbit, fox or raccoon, its democratic price determines availability. In order for such things to preserve their appearance for a long time, to be worn for a long time, they should not only be used correctly, but also stored accordingly.

When cleaning artificial fur, remember that you cannot use vinegar or acetone, it is better to use gasoline and potato starch, which are combined in the same amount and grease the stain with the resulting product. But even before such cleaning, you also need to check the product on a hidden area of ​​the product, so as not to disturb the color of the fur.

You can use a simpler method, for this, dilute one tablespoon of washing powder in one liter of boiling water, cool the solution and use a cotton swab, apply the product to the stain, and then gently rinse with clean warm water.

Artificial material is easier to clean, which cannot be said about natural fur, because it is more capricious and demanding, and therefore so expensive. Any artificial fur can be ruined in a matter of minutes, this will not be a big loss, of course, but cleaning should still be approached with full responsibility.

Often, the artificial material damages the moth, it is attracted by the synthetic and cotton elements that make up such fur. That is why artificial fur products should be stored only in a suspended state, in covers specially created for this, only then will it delight its owner for a long time. If you neglect this, then the fur can turn yellow, but thanks to the secrets of grandmothers, stains can be removed using glycerin, denatured alcohol and water, but this method does not provide for cleaning colored fur products.

Unlike natural material, faux fur can be washed in an automatic machine, but if the dirt is very strong, use the gentle washing mode, of course, without spinning.

After the product has been washed, it is soaked with a dry cloth; it is recommended to dry it only vertically, carefully combing it out with a special brush. As a rule, products dry naturally, there is no other way, so they should be hung in a well-ventilated room, in no case under direct sunlight.

How to properly clean natural fur

A common problem with light-colored fur is yellowness, which can appear as a result of improper storage of the product or after prolonged use. In addition to potato starch and hydrogen peroxide, ordinary gasoline is used to clean fur products, for example, to remove greasy stains, ammonia, table salt and ordinary water also help.

If this is natural polar fox fur, then not only alcohol is used for cleaning, but also vinegar, vodka and water, combining all components in equal proportions. The product is applied to the pile, then, the place of pollution is soaked with a dry cloth, dried and combed out the fur.

In addition, it should be noted that fur products require cleaning not only as a result of serious pollution, they must be cleaned periodically, so a fur coat or hat or collar will last longer and will have an attractive appearance.