How to choose the size of diapers for a child. Baby's skin "does not breathe" when using disposable diapers. Which brand to give preference

In the first months after the birth of a child, young parents are puzzled by several questions: how to organize the daily routine for a baby, how to bathe him, what is the best food, what diapers are the most harmless and reliable for newborns. To choose diapers for a baby that are optimal in price and quality, advanced advice from experienced parents, collected in our article, will help.

Battle of times and generations: which diaper is better?

It would seem that disposable diapers have already become part of our everyday life, but the disputes between grandmothers and mothers, and sometimes between "advanced" mothers about the dangers and benefits of so-called "diapers", still do not subside. Of course, you can refuse to use them and wrap the baby in gauze and diapers, but at the same time you will need to prepare for the mountain of washing and the ever-soiled crumbs, especially in the first month after birth.

Many pediatricians during the neonatal period advise nevertheless to make life easier for yourself and your child by using disposable diapers, having studied their comparative characteristics and choosing the most suitable ones.

How to choose your first diaper

The most difficult choice is the first one, when diapers are bought for the baby who is still in the mother's tummy. Experienced parents advise taking the smallest package, because it is not known whether these diapers are suitable for a baby, whether they will cause allergies, whether they will absorb well. Many manufacturers produce a special size for newborns - Newborn, for babies weighing up to 4-5 kg. After using the first few pieces, it will be clear whether the chosen brand is suitable or needs to be changed. If suddenly there are rashes, redness on the baby's skin under the diaper, it is recommended to try “diapers” of other brands by purchasing several of them. If a child was born with a normal weight, then very soon the parents will need to switch to another size.

In the first weeks after birth, the baby may poop several times a day. During this time, there is no particular need to buy premium diapers that can absorb a lot of liquid, because their potential will remain unfulfilled. It is better to pay attention to special models that can absorb the baby's liquid stool, or try to change the "diaper" immediately after a bowel movement in order to minimize the time that the skin of the baby is in contact with the stool.

It is quite simple to choose the right size of the "diaper" correctly: manufacturers indicate the approximate boundary lower and upper weight of the baby for which the product is designed. For example, 2-5, 3-6, 4-9, etc. In size, you can navigate by the weight of the child, moving to the next one when the specified lower limit is reached.

Features of the "right" diapers

It seems that all diapers are the same, but they can “sit” on the baby in completely different ways. For some parents, the chosen brand is ideal, satisfying in all respects, and for others - the last one when choosing in a store because of "leaks" during sleep or wakefulness of the crumb.

You can understand whether the chosen brand of diapers is suitable for the baby, whether there was a single leak or not, if you check if the "diaper" is worn correctly:

  • the belt should not cover the navel;
  • elastic cuffs should fit snugly against the legs, but not squeeze them;
  • fasteners should be located symmetrically, without obvious distortions to one side or the other.

Many manufacturers produce diapers with a funny pattern on the belt, the location of which allows the fasteners to be fastened correctly. High-quality models have special elastic inserts on the waist, thanks to which the diaper sits better on an active, constantly moving baby.

Many mothers prefer to choose diapers not only by weight, but also by the gender of the child: designed for girls or boys. These models are distinguished by the location of the absorbent: for boys there is more of it in the front, and for girls at the bottom and back of the diaper, in unisex models it is evenly distributed.

The same model can be worn in different ways by a slender baby and a plump strong man, so it is recommended that when changing from size to size, first buy several pieces of diapers, and if they fit - a whole package. You can check whether the "diaper" is still suitable or if you already need to change the size, you can slide your finger under the belt and cuffs, it should pass freely, but at the same time there should be no gaps, otherwise leaks are possible.

You can understand that the baby has already grown out of this "diaper" by several signs:

  • redness and traces of cuffs are visible on the legs and belt after removing it;
  • it cannot be pulled symmetrically over the butt;
  • after one or two peeps, it becomes wet and may leak.

For active babies over 7-8 months old, you can purchase special diaper panties, made in the shape of ordinary panties, but from the same materials as ordinary diapers. They cost a little more than the usual models, but the higher price is compensated by the convenience of putting them on, protection from sudden opening, they can be put on and off several times a day if the baby remains dry.

Best diapers: rated for safety and reliability

What is more expensive is not always better. Roskontrol experts checked several brands of disposable diapers for the following parameters:

  • moisture absorption time;
  • the amount of liquid absorbed;
  • the amount of liquid discharged to the outside when exposed to external influences;
  • breathability;
  • toxicity index (content of harmful substances, volatile organic compounds);
  • the presence of a specific smell.

According to many mothers, one of the highest quality and most expensive brands is Japanese diapers - soft, odorless, well-absorbing. But studies have shown that the cheapest diapers - the budget Bella and HelenHarper - can absorb the most liquid. And Japanese diapers on this indicator take the last places, leading in the amount of liquid given out. If a child in such a "diaper" sits abruptly on the bottom from a standing position, it is likely that he will be able to squeeze out a little moisture and then he will feel discomfort, and constant contact of skin with urine can lead to diaper rash and irritation. But they have the fastest absorption time - about 1 second.

According to the toxicity index, all diapers showed results within the normal range and much lower than it, which means that manufacturers carefully monitor the composition of the materials used.

The experts noted the best results in terms of the totality of indicators for Polish brands, one of the complaints against Pampers and Huggies was the presence of a rather pungent odor, which can provoke an allergic reaction in a child.

How to wear a diaper correctly

So that this detail of the baby's wardrobe does not harm his health, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • buy diapers by size depending on the weight of the baby;
  • change them every 3-4 hours or immediately after a bowel movement;
  • try not to use powders, creams before putting on, as they clog the inner absorbent layer, and the diaper can leak, in many models there are already special care substances for the skin of the crumbs;
  • choose one suitable brand and not experiment with others.

The correct diaper should sit on the baby, tightly clasping, but not squeezing his legs and belly, well against the back to avoid leaks. It is advisable to put it on a calmly lying child, carefully fixing the fasteners and straightening the cuffs, turning them out. Certain models are equipped with a special indicator strip, which becomes brighter as the diaper is filled and signals the need to change it.

Following our advice, choose the best diaper for your baby and let her grow healthy in a comfortable environment.

Disposable diapers or "pampers" (as they are often called in our country) since the moment of their invention, they have gained wide popularity and distribution due to their absorbent properties and ease of use. The choice of modern diapers is amazing. How do you choose a safe and reliable diaper that's perfect for your baby?
When choosing a diaper, it is difficult to rely on the recommendations of friends and acquaintances, since this is a personal hygiene product. Your baby may not be able to fit a diaper that fits your friend's baby perfectly. This means that choosing a diaper can only be done by trial and error.

1. Buy diapers only proven and well-proven manufacturers since their products undergo all the necessary tests for safety, quality and effectiveness.

2. When buying a diaper for the first time, take packaging with the least amount of diapers in a pack... This will save you from unnecessary expenses if the diaper is small or causes allergic reactions in the baby.

3. Buying a diaper, check the production date and expiry date... An expired diaper loses its properties. Check integrity of packaging- it should not be violated. Storage conditions are also very important: diapers should not be stored in places where humidity and temperature change frequently. Store diapers in a cool, dry place. Do not store diapers in the bathroom or in the kitchen. For the same reason, never buy diapers one by one "for trial" - it is not known in what conditions the diaper was stored and with what hands it was touched.

4. Choose the right diaper size, focusing not on the age of the child, but on his weight. Diapers of most well-known manufacturers are subdivided on this basis. Each diaper model is available in several sizes. The size ranges of most diaper manufacturers roughly correspond to each other and look something like this:

  • diapers for newborns are designed for a weight of 0-5 kg;
  • mini size - 3-8 kg;
  • midi size - 5-11 kg;
  • maxi size - 9-18 kg;
  • maxi plus size - 10-20 kg;
  • extra large size - 15-25 kg.

The weight limits indicated by the manufacturers on the packaging are very approximate. Babies of the same weight can differ greatly in the volume of the tummy and priests. For example, if your baby weighs 3.5 kg, the size 2-5 kg ​​may suit him, as well as the size 3-7 kg. If the baby is well-fed, then it is better to take a larger size, if thin, a smaller one. If you are still in doubt about which size to choose, be guided by the principle: if the child's weight is close to the upper limit of the weight indicated on the package, it is better to take a diaper from the next "weight" category. Boys are better off taking a larger size anyway. In this case, the diaper will definitely not rub or squeeze the delicate skin of the baby.

How should a diaper fit?

The diaper should fit snugly enough to the baby's body. If the diaper in some places lags behind the baby's skin, it means that you have chosen the wrong size, and, most likely, it will not perform its functions successfully. Also, you need to make sure that the baby is not cramped in the diaper. The diaper should not squeeze the baby's skin, and after removing it, the baby's bottom should remain dry, there should be no diaper marks on the baby's skin, let alone diaper rash, redness or rashes.

If after removing the diaper you find redness or deep marks from rubber bands on the baby's skin, hold the baby without the diaper until everything passes. And next time use a diaper one size larger. If the problem persists, change the brand of the diaper. The decisive factor in choosing a diaper should always be the baby's skin reaction to the diaper..

5. Also pay attention to the composition of the filler in the diaper.The inner layer of diapers can be composed of cellulose or special gelling material... Gel-filled diapers are better at absorbing and retaining moisture, but are also more expensive.

6. Another important property of a diaper to consider when choosing it is the air permeability of the outer layer of the diaper... Diapers containing polyethylene in the outer layer reliably retain moisture inside the diaper, but they also do not allow air to pass through, which prevents the baby's skin from breathing normally. It is better not to buy such diapers. V Breathable diapers instead of polyethylene, a special film is used, in which there are many micro-holes that allow air to pass freely in both directions, but at the same time retain moisture. The principle of operation is based on the difference in the size of the molecules of water and air. This film is used over the entire surface of the diaper, including the side parts. Therefore, even when the gelling material under the influence of moisture turns into a gel-like mass that clogs the micropores, the side portions of the diaper continue to breathe, allowing air to circulate freely inside the diaper. "Breathable" diapers are more expensive, but the likelihood of diaper rash on the baby's skin is less.

7. To fix the diaper on the baby's body, the diapers are equipped with special fasteners and elastic bands that provide a snug fit and allow the baby to move freely. Most diapers use special Velcro fasteners as fasteners. When choosing a diaper, pay attention to so that the Velcro is reusable... They should not come off in contact with water, baby oil, dust, etc. This is important because despite the fact that the diapers are disposable, sometimes it becomes necessary to unfasten them, for example, at a doctor's appointment at the clinic.

8. Choosing a diaper, be guided by the principle of the optimal combination of "price-quality". Even one and the same manufacturer may have several models of diapers, differing in quality and, accordingly, in price. More expensive models have a better quality absorbent layer: they absorb better and stay dry longer. Expensive diapers are made of materials that are softer and more pleasant to the body and, as a rule, are smaller in volume. Try diapers in different price categories, and if your baby does not have diaper rash, redness and chafing, you can choose a more economical brand and model. If the baby's skin is prone to allergic reactions, it is better to stay on more expensive models, since they have more natural materials. Once you have found the best diaper for your baby, buy the same model, changing sizes as your baby grows. Do not experiment on baby's skin.

9. Varieties of diapers... In addition to traditional diapers, most major manufacturers offer so-called diaper panties... They are designed for older children (from 4-5 months) and are worn like ordinary underwear. They are generally softer and thinner than normal diapers. After use, they either tear or unfasten in the side (depending on the model) for easier removal. What type of diapers to choose depends on you, because they differ only in the way they are put on. Panty diapers are often used for potty training. they can be quickly removed not only by the mother, but also by the baby himself.

In addition, some manufacturers offer special diaper panties designed for potty training. They differ in that they absorb moisture with some delay, which gives the child the opportunity to realize that he is wet.

It is worth mentioning here that in addition to the above types of panties, some manufacturers have bathing diaper panties... They are especially relevant in closed waters, including swimming pools. They protect the baby's skin and genitals from the adverse effects of reagents and bacteria that make up the water, and those around them from children's surprises. They do not swell in water, because their outer layer does not allow water to pass through. It is important to remember that these panties are not designed to be worn for extended periods out of water!

10. Comfortable little things. Some diapers have quite comfortable fittings. When choosing a diaper, consider whether it will be important and useful for you.

For example, some diapers have rounded clasps ends that reduce the risk of chafing.

Many modern diaper models have diaper full indicator... When he changes his state, you will be able to know in time that the diaper is wet without unbuttoning it.

Some diapers are soaked special formulations with plant extracts or contain phyto-inserts that take care of the baby's skin and in some cases avoid the use of special barrier creams usually applied under a diaper. But on the other hand, such formulations can cause allergic reactions in some babies. Therefore, the choice of such diapers must be approached carefully.

Most diapers decorated with various designs featuring your favorite cartoon characters. Older kids usually like them very much. You should pay attention to the presence of such decorations.

In diapers for newborns, there is sometimes a special belly button which does not irritate delicate skin and allows it to heal faster. However, you can open the navel in any diaper, simply by unscrewing its front edge. Whether it is worth overpaying for this diaper function is up to you.

Another adaptation for newborns is the presence special pocket which is specially designed for liquid stool of a newborn.

  • Unfortunately, brand name disposable diapers are often counterfeited. When buying a diaper, make sure the seller has quality certificate for this product. An honest seller will agree to provide it without any problems. If the seller refuses to submit documents for the goods, it is better to buy the diapers elsewhere.
  • Before putting on a diaper on a baby, make sure that the cover of the diaper is soft to the touch, like a delicate fabric. The diaper should have elastic bands, a wide waistband and Velcro fasteners for a snug, comfortable fit. After using the diaper, pay attention to the absorbent layer: it should not stray and slide into a com.
  • If it is very hot outside or at home, try to keep the baby as much as possible no diapers.
  • Despite the fact that all the materials from which the diapers are made are hypoallergenic and safe, care must be taken that dry absorbent granules or gel formed after use do not get on the baby's skin or mouth. Gel particles can leak through the inner layer of the diaper when overfilled. If swallowed, the gel combined with secretions can cause intestinal upset and even vomiting. That's why always change your diaper on time and never let your baby play with it!
  • Never reuse a diaper! Even if the baby has “slightly” wetted the diaper, it cannot be dried and reused. The process of converting the granules of the absorbent layer into a gel-like mass is irreversible. The diaper simply won't absorb moisture and can harm your baby.
  • After use, the diaper must be folded, fastened and thrown into the trash bin or special diaper bin. Never throw a diaper down the drain!
  • It is not necessary to stock up diapers "for growth", because they too have their own expiration date. After its expiration, the diaper may cease to function and become dangerous for the baby. Mom's corner

Modern parents are deprived of some of the problems that did not give rest to mummies and daddies only 20-30 years ago. We are talking about diapers or pampers, as the people call this irreplaceable and necessary item of infant toiletry now. Once upon a time, apartments and houses where newborns appeared were a deplorable sight due to the abundance of diapers hanging on all the ropes, backs of chairs and hangers, drying out after the next wash. Nowadays, diapers are often used as an element of a baby's wardrobe, and he only goes to the toilet in diapers.

Newborn diapers are the best gift the modern industry has made for new parents. Which diapers are best for newborns? What is the difference between diapers for boys and girls? How to choose the best and most affordable diapers? Let's try to figure it out in our article.

A modern mother does not need to mess around with washing clothes all the time - diapers are now used only for decorative purposes and as a bedspread

Varieties of diapers

Diapers help to keep clothes clean, they increase the duration of walks, visits and in the hospital, they allow you to wash less often and spend more time talking with your baby and the rest of the family. Modern manufacturers offer two types:

  1. Disposable. They are thrown out a couple of times after the baby urinates, immediately after the act of defecation. An expensive but most convenient option.
  2. ... They differ in that they consist of several layers. The first is a breathable base that is waterproof and does not change for a long time. The middle layer is a moisture-wicking liner. The top layer is liquid permeable. The liner and base are simply erased or changed periodically. Reusable models are less expensive for parents than disposable ones because only earbuds are purchased.

The first and second types are equipped with functional fasteners or Velcro, elastic around the belt and legs. Which diapers are better - the first or the second type - each parent decides for himself, it is difficult to give advice. If you are not financially constrained, then give preference to disposable products and change them more often so that the baby's skin does not overwhelm.

What are the differences between "diapers" and "diapers"?

Features of different types:

  1. Name . People began to call "pampers" any item of an infant's toilet that absorbs feces and urine, which is fundamentally wrong. This is the company that first launched disposable panties on the market. A diaper is a linen made of polyethylene, gauze, cotton wool or paper that collects the baby's urine and feces, preventing priests, legs and clothes from getting wet.
  2. Durability of use... The main difference between diapers and diapers is that the former can be reusable, the latter are used only once, then thrown away.
  3. Quality . Disposable models are made from high quality modern absorbent materials. Diapers are often made from gauze.
  4. Design and flavors... Some models are available with fragrances to reduce the unpleasant odor of stool and urine. Choose odorless models to avoid allergies. Diapers are produced in the form of panties that are worn over the legs. Pampers are easier to dress up, they are simply fastened with side velcro.
  5. Product cost... They come from different companies, the pricing policy of which also differs. Reusable products are actually cheaper, while disposables are more expensive.
  6. Diapers and diapers differ in size, which depend on the age and weight of the baby. Older kids are better off buying products in the form of panties, large sizes, which come with different pictures and sit comfortably during long walks and active movements of the little one.

Choose products based on how convenient and comfortable your baby is in it. Panties should not cause allergies, leakage and slide off the bottom.

Some models are available with a filling sensor or medicinal plant additives in the inner layer, for example, with chamomile or aloe vera.

How are diapers for boys and girls different?

For children over six months, hygiene products are produced separately for boys and girls. It has been proven that ordinary diapers have a negative effect on the childbearing function of boys, therefore, for them, you only need to purchase special models that take into account the physiological features of the body structure. Differences between products produced by sex of babies:

  • the location of the layer that absorbs the liquid (for boys - in the front, for girls - in the center and behind);
  • boy models of a looser cut in front, so as not to squeeze the genitals;
  • the design is determined by gender (boys have cars on a blue background, girls have cartoon characters and bows on a pink background);
  • Velcro fasteners are higher in boys than in girls.

Manufacturing firms can vary products in style and shape. For little princesses, models are produced with the image of animals and flowers, on a green or yellow background. Boy models may feature robots or cars. Firms simpler do not make distinctions in design and are limited to the features of the cut and the location of the absorbent layer.

Diapers for little gentlemen are usually made in blue or light blue colors, can be decorated with typical "boy" prints

We help to determine the size

The most important criterion for mothers to choose the size of a diaper or diaper for their baby is the age and weight of the baby. Let's list what sizes exist:

The sizeCharacteristic
«0» suitable for babies born prematurely, weighing less than 2 kg
"1"for newborns with a standard weight, up to 5 kg, up to 6 months of age
"2"suitable for babies up to 8 months old, whose weight ranges from 3-6 kg
"3"age from 5 to 10 months, weight from 4 to 9 kg
"4"8-18 months, weight within 7-18 kg
"5"suitable for children from 10 months, weight ranges from 11-25 kg
"6"from 15 months, weight up to 20 kg
"7"panties for children 2 years old, weighing from 20 kg

The main criterion for choosing sizes, as the table shows, is the weight of the child, not his age, as Dr. Komarovsky believes. Babies develop individually, and it happens that your baby weighs at 11 months, like a two-year-old, or vice versa. Babies now have a tendency to be overweight, which is not right. Do not forget also that you should not get carried away with children's hygiene products after reaching the age of one year, so that later there will be no problems in the garden - it is better when the child becomes more independent and does not depend on the presence of a safety net in his wardrobe.

Do not buy hygiene products for future use in large quantities, as babies gain weight at different rates during different periods of their infancy. It is best to have 1-2 packs in stock.

If you missed the size and you still have unused packs, do not be discouraged and do not rush to throw them away. Familiar mothers will gladly accept diapers that are not useful to you as a gift. You can also sell or trade your unwanted pack on the parenting forums.

Premium vs Economy - What's the Difference?

A newborn needs up to 7-8 shifts a day. If you buy disposable diapers, then the amount is impressive. Often, young parents cannot afford to constantly buy a premium class and replace it with reusable models, purchasing only inserts and washing the base. This is a good alternative, the main thing is that the child does not experience irritation and diaper rash.

For many years, Pampers and Haggis have occupied leading positions in the world market for children's goods. What is the difference between Economy and Premium:

  • the budget option is often made from the same high-quality materials, just the design is more modest and without drawings;
  • economy models are distinguished by a lower quality Velcro fastener, which can be securely attached only once;
  • budget models are not equipped with filling sensors and are not flavored;
  • economy options can leak and leak on the sides, so they need to be changed more often;
  • in expensive versions there is a cutout for the navel, which is very important if you just brought the baby from the hospital and his umbilical wound has not yet healed;
  • budget models are sold in large packs.

It can be concluded that the smallest, only recently born children, it is better to buy expensive diapers that can be fastened more than once. Such models provide for the features of a small fragile body and delicate skin, they are easier to change. They are more comfortable and will not damage the umbilical wound.

Better quality, premium diapers are easier to remove and replace, and do not hurt baby's delicate skin

Rating of the best

With today's rich selection of diapers, young parents can get confused. The rating offered by us is based on the assessments of consumers and the opinions of experts. It is clear that the higher a brand is in the rating, the more expensive the products are. Truly high quality and reliable diapers are quite expensive, but the health of the baby is also worth it. His clean ass without redness and diaper rash, good mood, safe sleep and freedom of movement will convince you of the correct financial costs for baby hygiene items.

Leading couple: TOP 1 and 2

1st place in the ranking is occupied by the company Merries... The famous Japanese brand launched the production of diapers relatively recently - from the mid-80s. For thirty years, the products have become the undisputed leader around the world. It is in Meries that children are least likely to experience irritation, redness and diaper rash. They are soft as silk and comfortable as cotton linen, but their cost is several times higher than that of products from other companies.

Features of Meries products:

  • clear separation by gender (reinforced absorbent front - for boys, back - for girls);
  • they do not get lost, do not slip off the priests;
  • high quality hypoallergenic breathable materials for all layers of the diaper;
  • equipping with a filling indicator;
  • the inner layer contains witch hazel extract - an excellent antiseptic;
  • Elastic and wide Lycra elastic around the legs and waist provides maximum comfort, freedom of movement and minimum pressure.

2nd place - Japanese company Goon... The Japanese care more about the health of their babies than other nations. Dry butts without redness and freedom of movement are the key to the health and good mood of the baby and his parents. Gong is a trademark of Daio Paper, which has specialized in paper products for over half a century.

Features of Gong:

  • the absorbent layer consists of cellulose and a gelling agent;
  • natural breathable hypoallergenic materials of all layers of the diaper;
  • elasticated waistband and closure;
  • vitamin E in the inner layer.

Goon diapers are considered one of the best for the health of baby skin.

Third place

3rd place - Japanese diapers Moony... This company with a half-century history has developed Air Silky breathable material, which actively absorbs liquid, leaving the butt dry. Mooney's features:

  • an absorbent layer of special activity, with a gelling agent (similar materials are used by Mooney for the manufacture of feminine sanitary napkins);
  • constant air exchange thanks to high-quality innovative materials of the company;
  • the presence of high-quality reusable Velcro;
  • availability of an indicator of filling;
  • the belt on the belt comes unfastened with minimal noise, it is very soft, which allows you to change the diaper even for a sleeping child;
  • the area that is adjacent to the baby's back is made of soft mesh, due to which the likelihood of prickly heat is leveled, the child is comfortable and soft;
  • there are folds on several sides that absorb liquid stool of a newborn;
  • models for those who have just left the hospital are equipped with a cutout for an unhealed navel.

Moony has even developed its innovative breathable diaper material.

All models listed above in the review are premium class. They are quite expensive. They are rarely found on supermarket shelves in the post-Soviet countries, more often they are ordered in pharmacies or through online stores. If you can afford such options from a financial point of view, then be sure to opt for Japanese brands, since the nation of centenarians knows that healthy conditions need to be provided for a person from the first days of his life.

Middle class products

4th place - "Pampers"

It was the models of the Pampers company that were the first disposable diapers in the post-Soviet space, therefore, among the people, all such models, even from other brands, began to be called “diapers”. The line offers several types - from diapers for newborns to panties (we recommend reading :).

They are easy to use and can be re-fastened several times. They almost do not leak, irritation and diaper rash in children occur infrequently, especially if you use baby powder.

Pampers Premium Care is the most sought after line for newborns. Models stay dry for a long time and are gentle on baby skin. The Sleep & Play series is less popular, many mothers say that they cause prickly heat, and chamomile extract in the inner layer can cause irritation.

5th place - Huggies

The highest quality series - Haggies Elite Soft, is suitable for both week old babies and babies after six months. They stay dry for a long time and rarely cause irritation. Haggis are popular due to their wide variety of episodes. There are lines that provide for gender, there are panties for older children, and there are reliable diapers for night sleep.

6th place - Libero

Quality models of this Swedish company are Libero Comfort. They are the most reliable and convenient. Libero pleases parents with a variety of rulers. There is Libero Babysoft for newborns, Libero Up & Go for children after six months, Libero Potty Training for children who are potty trained by their parents (they have a layer embedded in them that becomes wet after the baby pees, which prompts him to go to the toilet to the potty, and not in the diaper). There is even a "fashion series" with spectacular designs for those who want their child to be the most beautiful, even in their underwear.

Diapers with a cutout for the navel

Today, diapers for newborns have been produced, they "complete" parmpers with a special notch for the navel, the short one protects the umbilical wound from unnecessary contact with the fabric and elastic band (we recommend reading :). However, not all lines have such diapers, so if you buy the usual version, you will have to tuck the diaper under the navel yourself for the first couple of weeks. So, let's evaluate the manufacturers' proposals:

  • Moony Newborn, which we wrote about above. Distinctive features - a breathable absorbent layer, soft elastic bands on the sides and on the back and the same hole for the navel.
  • Merries Newborn and XS. They are characterized by soft elastic bands and reusable Velcro fasteners.
  • Libero Newborn. A budget option with a slit for the navel. There are small sizes for children up to 2.5 kg - marked 0, as well as "classic" - from 3 to 6 kg - marked 2.
  • Helen Harper new born. Another inexpensive model with a cutout, the distinguishing feature is the absence of any fragrances.
  • Bella Baby Happy Newborn. Also a very budget option. In addition to the notch under the umbilical wound, parents will be pleased with the special absorbent micro-funnels that reliably hold urine and stool.

Diapers Bella Baby Happy Newborn

Test purchase

Many consumers are guided by the results of the popular Test Purchase program. Diapers are no exception. The Test Purchase program tested one-time models twice. In 2011, products for babies weighing 7-18 kg were tested. The participants were disposable diapers from Pampers, Muumi, Libero, Bella Happy, Merries and Huggies. The first place went to Muumi with the best absorbent layer evenly distributed over the entire inner layer of the diaper.

Sooner or later, every newly-made mom thinks about how to choose diapers for her newborn. Since we are talking about the comfort and health of the baby, this issue has its own nuances. For example, diapers for boys and girls are different. For babies with sensitive skin, choose hypoallergenic options. But in order not to be unfounded, let's analyze the selection criteria in turn.

What are diapers

Apart from design, conventionally all diapers are divided into disposable and reusable. Before arranging a "debriefing", studying all the possible options, decide what kind of diapers your baby needs. All types are available on store shelves, but childcare will vary depending on the use of disposable or reusable diapers.

Disposable diapers


  1. It does not require constant washing and drying, after use, the diapers cannot be re-worn. Simplicity and convenience in one bottle!
  2. The possibility of getting wet when you are with your baby at a party or on a walk is excluded.
  3. Changing diapers on time reduces the risk of diaper rash and various urinary tract infections.
  4. Due to the softness of the diapers, the child does not feel discomfort, so he sleeps soundly and does not be capricious.
  5. If you put on diapers correctly, taking into account all the recommendations, the risk of leakage is eliminated.
  6. For the physical development of the baby, it is important that the legs are always in a free state. Diapers make changing diapers easier.


  1. Disposable diapers are expensive, so if funds are tight, not every family will be able to afford them. About 40,000 rubles are spent on diapers a year.
  2. If you are concerned about the environment, disposable diapers are definitely not for you. They are actively made from cellulose, which is obtained from deforestation.
  3. If the diapers are thrown away in the wrong place, they will decompose within 270-450 years. This fact often confuses nature lovers.
  4. Not all manufacturing companies monitor the hypoallergenicity of diapers. They sometimes contain compounds that cause rashes and discomfort in the baby.
  5. If eczema or dermatitis makes itself felt, it makes sense to use diapers or reusable diapers.

Reusable nappies


  1. They are hypoallergenic, so they are much better for babies with sensitive skin.
  2. If there are no additional funds, then with prolonged use they will not hit the pocket (unlike disposable ones).
  3. They decompose quickly, so environmentalists need not worry. Not made from cellulose.
  4. There are no contraindications for use, they are suitable for babies with existing dermatological problems.
  5. The duration of operation, which is sometimes calculated in years. Some moms use diapers for multiple babies.
  6. Swaddling is carried out without prejudice to the baby's legs, they are always spaced apart, which leads to better physical development.
  7. There is no need to worry about constantly buying diapers by size, which often run out in the store.


  1. Sometimes they cause diaper rash in infants. If you don't change the diaper on time, it will leak and cause a lot of inconvenience.
  2. Parents need to constantly monitor the condition of the baby, ensuring him dryness and comfort around the clock.
  3. The most noticeable disadvantage is frequent washing. It is known that newly-made parents cannot boast of a lot of free time.
  4. They absorb poorly, therefore they constantly cause discomfort in the child when wet.
  5. It is inconvenient to swaddle while at the clinic, on a visit or on a walk. It is especially difficult in cold weather.

  1. Moisture retention. Be sure to pay attention to absorbency. If it is bad, the baby will begin to sleep poorly at night, be capricious, feeling uncomfortable. In addition, poor moisture retention leads to diaper rash.
  2. Composition. Before buying, study the "Composition" column, which is reflected on the back of the pack. Choose only hypoallergenic ingredients, ideally cotton.
  3. Air circulation. Breathable diapers are your salvation when caring for your baby. High quality diapers must not only absorb moisture, but also have good air circulation. Read the labels on the packaging indicating that the products are based on materials with microscopic holes.
  4. Softness. Your baby's comfort depends on the thickness and softness of the main diaper section. Thin products sit comfortably and do not interfere with movement. If the base is rigid, the diaper will not bend, causing inconvenience.
  5. Floor. Diapers designed for boys and girls differ. For boys, the front is reinforced for better absorbency, and for girls, the back is reinforced. There are also versatile diapers available to suit everyone, regardless of gender.
  6. Clasps. Pay attention to the diaper's Velcro, they must be secure. If the clasp opens, the diaper will slide off to one side, increasing the likelihood of leakage. If the Velcro is thick and stiff, it will rub the baby's skin.
  7. Rubber bands. To reduce the level of discomfort, it is better to purchase diapers that have elastic bands on the sides, around the legs and around the entire perimeter. If there is a poor fit in the area of ​​the legs, the diaper will begin to leak.
  8. The period of use. In most cases, parents give preference to daytime diapers. But they can leak when the baby is asleep. If you encounter such a problem, buy additional night diapers.
  9. The size. Naturally, diapers are selected taking into account the age and weight of the child. For full-term babies, the lineup is marked as 1-2, 0 - for premature babies.
  10. Odorant. Make sure that diapers are free of fragrances, even completely natural and hypoallergenic according to the manufacturer. As a rule, it is the additional components that cause diaper rash and irritation.
  11. Indicator. In order to have time to change a diaper, many mothers prefer products with a fullness indicator. This is important because untimely replacement will lead to lumps and bruises, and the baby will be uncomfortable.

The modern market for products for newborns is overcrowded. High competition encourages manufacturers to release products of various quality, material, design and pricing policy on store shelves.

  1. Diapers appeared earlier than anyone else and firmly entrenched in the shopping basket of new parents. The company manufactures diapers for newborns, one-year-olds and two-year-olds. Their age range ranges from 2 to 16 kg. body weight of the child.
  2. Diapers from this company are famous for their "breathing" functions, they are thin, keep moisture well and do not interfere with the movement of the child. There are cuffs around the legs to prevent leaks.
  3. The diapers have a reusable fastener. That is, you can take off the diaper several times without fear that the Velcro will not hold. The "Premium Care" series is considered the best option.
  1. Japanese diapers are renowned for their high quality. The accessory for babies is available in two variations. In the first case, the manufacturer produces products exclusively for the domestic market of his country, the quality of the products is much higher.
  2. For the rest of the world, attributes have harder surface layers. Every parent would like the best diapers for their baby. You can distinguish the products by the image of Winnie the Pooh and Japanese inscriptions.
  3. In any case, if you want to buy diapers from a Japanese company, they are of high quality and practicality. The products are quite thin and not noticeable under the baby's clothes.
  4. The diapers are rubberized in the area of ​​the legs, this move prevents irritation of delicate skin. All products have excellent breathability and hypoallergenic properties. The diapers are odorless, as the manufacturer does not use chemical make-up or fragrances.
  5. Silent Velcro is considered a big plus of Japanese diapers. Therefore, you can easily change it while your baby is sleeping. The main thing is to have certain skills so that the child does not wake up.
  1. The diapers of this company are famous for their quality and occupy a leading position in the production of goods for newborns. The products are made to a high standard with good absorbent properties. Baby's skin does not shrink and remains clean.
  2. All materials used in the production of diapers are hypoallergenic, comfortable and gentle. The baby will not have problems with rubbing the legs and abdomen. On the Internet, only positive reviews can be found from users.
  1. Today, Huggies diapers leave all competitors behind in terms of assortment abundance. There are many models that are suitable for newborns and growing children.
  2. The diapers of the given company also differ in price and quality. Products for newborns, unlike competitors, are able to absorb not only urine, but also liquid feces. This diaper bonus is especially relevant for small children.
  3. Huggies products have diaper models specifically for premature babies. The product has a soft insert in the navel area that protects the skin from chafing.
  1. The diapers of such a company are produced in Japan. For the smallest children, the attributes are equipped with a small barrier. Such an addition restrains the stool of the crumbs. In addition, the diaper has a full indicator.
  2. You can always see when it's time to change. The diapers have high-quality reusable Velcro, which is fastened by pressing the finger.
  3. Unlike competitors, Merris diapers contain witch hazel extract. The product has shown itself well in protecting children's skin from irritation and diaper rash.
  4. According to consumer reviews, we can conclude that diapers are small, because Japanese children are not tall and lighter in weight compared to the European nation.

The choice of diapers for a baby should be determined by the high quality of the product and functionality. You can get good diapers for a relatively low price. Ask a consultant about each product.

Video: which diaper is better

The most important thing in the life of any person is his health, as well as the health of people dear to him. When a bedridden patient appears in the environment, it is important to surround him with care and attention, to create all conditions conducive to a speedy recovery. A person who cannot move independently (for example, after major operations, an accident) needs - he must relieve his natural need and at the same time be clean and dry.

Today, in order to solve this delicate problem, medical institutions and at home are used for.

Important! Few people know, but with the official diapers should be given out free of charge (at the rate of 3 pieces per day). To receive them, you should take a certificate from your doctor and contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

What are adult diapers?

Diapers are disposable and have an extra layer to absorb urine and other secretions. They were first used for the treatment and rehabilitation of adult patients at the end of the last century, and instantly became widespread in America and European countries.

For what diseases are used

Before purchasing any medical device / equipment / nursing underwear, the caregiver should seek the advice of the attending physician. Only a specialist will be able to assess the severity of the patient's condition, prevent complications and designate a primary list of care products.

Pampers for adults are used in the following cases:

  • patients with enuresis (urinary incontinence);
  • to maintain hygiene of permanently and temporarily immobilized patients;
  • for the appearance;
  • in the postoperative period, when a person cannot walk to the toilet or use it himself.

How to choose the size?

Today there is a large assortment of disposable underwear combinations for adults. Each manufacturer sets its own dimensional scales, and in order to purchase the desired product, you must first measure the patient. With the help of a measuring tape, you should take measurements of the girth of the hips and waist in different positions (lying, sitting, standing), and select the desired size according to the largest value. If the size is not chosen correctly, then.

Overview of the main manufacturers

To find the optimal diaper, you need to try several different models. Each manufacturer has its own secrets of production, constantly changing and improving the characteristics of the product. Pampers for bedridden patients differ not only in their properties, but also in price. And more often it turns out that expensive models are not always the most suitable ones.


"Seni" (Poland) - the most common diapers for adults. They can be purchased at any pharmacy and large supermarket. Due to the wide range of sizes and several absorption categories, the diapers are suitable for use in extremely severe cases (with a high degree of incontinence, at night, for those taking diuretic medications). All the series of diapers produced by the manufacturer are made of "breathable" materials, have sides, elastic bands on the hips and a reliable anatomical belt.

Reusable products are equipped with additional fasteners - sticky fasteners with a dotted code applied along the entire length. This supplement makes it easier to care for people who are lying down.


"Tena" (Switzerland) - medical products for the care of bedridden patients with an average or severe stage of enuresis. The company manufactures products in two sizes:


  • outer material - polyethylene film;
  • leakage protection is provided by durable bumpers and cuffs around the thighs;
  • an elastic belt ensures dryness for bedridden patients (prevents the laundry on the back from getting wet);
  • multilayer absorbent;
  • defence from ;
  • sticky fasteners allow you to repeatedly unfasten and fasten diapers;
  • the presence of a dot code that can be seen when wet.


"HARTMANN" (Germany) - these are exclusive models of diapers, distinguished by high quality and safety level. Suitable for people with moderate to severe enuresis and for night use.


  • made from environmentally friendly raw materials;
  • maintain a skin-neutral pH value;
  • passed the control of the international association of dermatologists;
  • prevent the appearance of bedsores and other various irritations of the skin.

The outer layer is made of waterproof non-woven fabrics. The side elements are anatomical soft liners that can pass air. When properly secured, the adhesive fasteners reliably prevent leaks.

One of the main advantages of HARTMANN products is the presence of color indicators. The indicators are blue stripes on the outer layer that gradually disappear as the diaper is filled.

With the right choice, fixation and timely change of the disposable one, the patient will be reliably protected from leaks and feel comfortable during sleep and wakefulness.


Eco-diapers of anatomical shape "ABENA" (Denmark) are modern, comfortable and high-quality means for caring for seriously ill patients. The inner layer is made of a soft non-woven material that is able to absorb and isolate moisture, thereby keeping the skin dry. The outer layer is breathable and non-slip, which ensures the safety of a seriously ill patient. Rapid absorption is provided by cellulose impregnated with an absorbent polymer composition that converts the liquid into a viscous substance. The diaper shape is universal, suitable for both men and women.


  • lack of latex parts, chemical fragrances and other allergic pathogens;
  • the presence of hip sides to prevent leakage on the sides;
  • a snug fit to the body is ensured by an elastic belt at the waist;
  • repeated use and secure fixation is ensured by double sticky fasteners;
  • the presence of a colored indicator over the entire outer surface.

The cost of diapers for adults is quite high, so you need to choose them carefully. After you have found out the required size, you need to ask the price, compare the cost of similar models from different manufacturers, including examining the range of online stores. You should also find out where in your locality there is a specialized point of sale, whether they sell by the piece, so that there is always an opportunity to purchase diapers (in case of unforeseen circumstances). If the diapers will be used for several months (years), you can order them in bulk.

How to change a diaper for an adult?

To put on a diaper on a bed patient, you should:

  1. prepare the patient;
  2. remove the used diaper, cleanse and moisturize the lower abdomen, groin, thighs and lower back with the cream.
  3. Put on a clean diaper on the patient.
  4. Bed patients (those who cannot move independently) for a faster change are necessary, and vice versa, until the diaper is finally put on.
  5. Fixation is provided by Velcro fasteners. They should not pinch the legs and abdomen, otherwise blood circulation in the soft tissues will be disrupted, and serious complications may appear.
  6. At the end, it is necessary to straighten the protective sides (cuffs).

Important! Even the most expensive, high-quality and roomy diapers must be changed at least 4 times a day, otherwise, the person will be in an uncomfortable position and damp. A full diaper increases significantly in size, and a constantly leaking diaper forms between the patient's legslump.