How do stones appear in nature? Trovanta are amazing stones that can grow

As you know, everything in our world is conscious, even air and stones. Consider 3 examples of minerals:

Trovanta are the living stones of Romania ...

In the center and in the south of Romania, far from cities, there are amazing stones. The locals even came up with a special name for them - Trovanti. These stones can not only grow, but also ... multiply.

In most cases, these stones have a rounded or streamlined shape and are devoid of sharp chips. They look little different from any other boulders, of which there are many in these places. But after the rain, something incredible begins to happen to the Trovantes: they, like mushrooms, begin to grow and grow in size.

Each trovant weighing only a few grams can grow over time and become heavier by more than a ton. Young stones grow faster, but with age, the growth of trovant slows down.

Growing stones consist mostly of sandstone. Their internal structure is also very unusual: if you cut a stone in half, then on the cut, like a cut from a tree, you can see several age rings centered around a small hard core.

Despite all the uniqueness of the trowans, geologists are in no hurry to class them as inexplicable phenomena for science. According to scientists, the growing stones, although unusual, but their nature lends itself to explanation. Geologists argue that trowants are the result of a long process of cementation of sand, which took place for millions of years in the bowels of the earth. On the surface, such stones were found in the course of strong seismic activity.

Scientists have found an explanation for the growth of trowants: the stones increase in size due to the high content of various mineral salts under their shell. When the surface gets wet, these chemical compounds begin to expand and press on the sand, causing the stone to "grow".

Reproduction by budding

Nevertheless, trowants have one feature that geologists are unable to explain. Living stones, in addition to growing, are also capable of multiplying. It happens like this: after the surface of the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on it. Over time, it grows, when the weight of the new stone becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother.

The structure of the new trowants is the same as that of other, older stones. There is also a core inside, which is the main mystery for scientists. If the growth of a stone can somehow be explained from a scientific point of view, then the process of dividing a stone core defies any logic. In general, the breeding process of trowans resembles budding, which is why some experts seriously thought about the question of whether they are not a hitherto unknown inorganic form of life.

Locals have known about the unusual properties of trowans for more than one hundred years, but they do not pay special attention to them. Earlier, growing stones were used as building materials. Trovantes can often be found in Romanian cemeteries - large stones are installed as tombstones due to their unusual appearance.

Also noted for some trovantes is another fantastic ability. Like the famous crawling rocks from the California Valley of Death, they sometimes move from place to place.

Open-air museum

Today Trovanta is one of those sights of Central Romania, which attracts tourists from all over the world to take a look. In turn, resourceful Romanians make souvenirs and decorations from small trowans, and therefore each guest has the opportunity to bring a piece of the stone miracle with him from the trip. Many owners of souvenir stones claim that when they get wet, memorable items from trowans begin to grow, and they sometimes move around the house without permission, which makes a rather eerie impression.

The largest accumulation of growing stones was recorded in the Romanian county (region) of Valcea. On its territory there are trovants of all shapes, sizes and colors. In connection with the great interest of tourists in 2006, the Vulči authorities in the village of Costesti created the only open-air museum of the Trovantes in the whole country. Its area is 1.1 hectares. On the territory of the museum, the most unusual-looking growing stones from all around are collected. Those who wish for a small fee can familiarize themselves with the exposition and purchase small samples as souvenirs.

Russian relatives

Stones similar to Romanian trovants are found in other countries of the world. There is something similar here in Russia. For several years now, on the territory of the Kolpnyansky district of the Oryol region in the village of Andreevka and its environs, from the ground, as if by magic, rounded boulders have appeared on the surface. They can be seen in fields, vegetable gardens, near houses and in personal plots.

Oryol growing stones look like stuck together sand, but this is deceiving fragility. In fact, these stones are very durable, and in order to break off even a small fragment from them, you need to make great efforts.

The sizes of the stones vary greatly. In the vicinity of Andreevka, there are both small growing stones and huge blocks of several meters in length, reminiscent of building slabs.

Both geologists and local historians are trying to understand the nature of this phenomenon. Growing stones are very popular with local residents. They are endowed with mystical properties, it is believed that the boulders growing out of the ground are rich in the life-giving power of mother earth. Some even carried several stones and decorated the road to the local holy springs with them. Others build decorative rockeries from stones on their backyards and use them as decoration materials for their homes.

Unusual trivants sometimes lead to the emergence of very bold and, at first glance, implausible opinions and hypotheses, to recognize the reliability of which the official science is in no hurry. A number of researchers, as already mentioned, believe that Trovantes are representatives of an inorganic form of life. The principle of their existence and structure have nothing to do with the same characteristics of the already studied species of flora and fauna. At the same time, the growing stones can turn out to be both the indigenous inhabitants of our planet, who have imperceptibly existed side by side with humans for thousands of years, and representatives of unearthly life forms that have fallen to earth with meteorites or imported aliens.

It is quite possible that people are looking for other forms of life in the wrong place, real aliens have long been among us, and we simply do not notice them.

Mikhail KUZMIN

"Secrets of the XX century" May 2012

Death Valley Creeping Stones

Well, here's another well-known riddle, or maybe not a riddle, but there is already enough fog and mystery :-) Let's figure it out ...

Sailing stones, also called sliding or crawling stones, are a geological phenomenon found on the dried up Lake Racetrack Playa in Death Valley in the United States. The stones move slowly along the clay bottom of the lake, as evidenced by the long footprints that remain behind them. The stones move independently without the help of living beings, but no one has ever seen or recorded the movement on a camera. The stones move only once every two or three years, and most of the tracks remain for 3-4 years. Stones with a ribbed bottom surface leave straighter footprints, while stones on the flat side wander from side to side. Sometimes the stones turn over, which is reflected in the size of their footprint.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the phenomenon was explained by supernatural forces, then, during the formation of electromagnetism, the assumption arose about the effect of magnetic fields, which, in general, did not explain anything.

In 1948, geologists Jim McAlister and Allen Agnew mapped the location of the rocks and marked their footprints. A little later, US National Park Service staff compiled a detailed description of the site and Life magazine published photos from Racetrack Playa, after which speculation began on what makes the stones move. Most of the hypotheses agreed that the wind at a wet surface of the bottom of the lake at least partially explains the phenomenon.

In 1955, geologist George Stanley of the University of Michigan published an article in which he argued that the rocks were too heavy to be moved by the local wind. He and his associate proposed a theory according to which, during the seasonal flooding of a dried-up lake, an ice crust forms on the water, which facilitates the movement of stones.

In May 1972, Robert Sharp (California Institute of Technology) and Dwight Carey (University of California at Los Angeles) began a stone movement monitoring program. Thirty stones with relatively fresh footprints were marked and their location was marked with pegs. For 7 years, during which the position of the stones was fixed, scientists have created a model according to which, during the rainy season, water accumulates in the southern part of the lake, which is spread by the wind along the bottom of the dried lake, wetting its surface. As a result, the solid clay soil is very wet and the coefficient of friction is sharply reduced, which allows the wind to move even one of the largest stones (it was named Karen), which weighed about 350 kilograms, from its place.

Hypotheses of ice movement were also tested. Wind-spread water can be covered with an ice crust at night, and stones located in the path of the water will be frozen into the ice layer. The ice around the rock could increase the cross-section of interaction with the wind and help move rocks along water streams. As an experiment, a corral with a diameter of 1.7 m was created around a stone 7.5 cm wide and weighing 0.5 kg.

The distance between the supports of the fence varied from 64 to 76 cm. If a layer of ice formed around the stones, then during movement it could catch on the support of the fence and slow down or change its trajectory, which would be reflected on the trail from the stone. However, no such effects were observed - in the first winter the stone passed next to the fence support, moving 8.5 m beyond the fenced area in the direction of the northwest. The next time, 2 heavier stones were placed inside the corral - one of them moved in the same direction as the first five years later, but his companion did not budge during the period of research. This fact indicated that if the ice crust has an effect on the movement of stones, then it must be small.

Ten of the marked stones moved in the first winter of exploration, with Stone A (called Mary Ann) crawling 64.5 m. It was noted that many stones also moved in the next two winters, and in summer and other winters, the stones stood still. At the end of the study (after 7 years), only two of the 30 observed stones did not change their location. The smallest of the stones (Nancy) was 6.5 cm in diameter, and this stone moved to a maximum total distance of 262 m and a maximum distance in one winter - 201 m. The most massive stone, the movement of which was recorded, weighed 36 kg.

In 1993, Paula Messina (California State University at San Jose) defended her thesis on moving stones, which showed that, in general, stones did not move in parallel. According to the researcher, this confirms that ice does not contribute to movement in any way. After studying the changes in the coordinates of 162 stones (which were carried out using GPS), it was determined that the movement of the boulders was not affected by their size or their shape. It turned out that the nature of the movement is largely determined by the position of the boulder on Racetrack Playa. According to the created model, the wind over the lake behaves in a very complex way, even forming a vortex in the center of the lake.

In 1995, a group led by Professor John Reid noted the high similarity of tracks from the winter of 1992-93 with tracks from the late 1980s. It was shown that at least some stones moved with streams of ice-covered water, and the width of the ice crust was about 800 m, as evidenced by characteristic tracks scratched by a thin layer of ice. It was also determined that the boundary layer, in which the wind slows down due to contact with the ground, on such surfaces can be only 5 cm, which means the possibility of the impact of winds (the speed of which in winter reaches 145 km / h) even on very low stones.

There is no theory that would explain why nearby stones can move in different directions when others are standing still. It is also unclear why the stones are "scattered" all over the lake bottom, while regular winds would move them to one of the edges of the lake.

In some places of our planet, including in Russia, huge boulders have long been found, which were suddenly removed from their "homes" and began to move independently.

Such is the legendary Sin-stone near Pereslavl-Zalessky, revered from paganism to the present day. Legend has it that at the end of the 17th century, the Xin-stone, buried deeply and even crushed by an earthen mound, would sleep serenely for six months, then suddenly fired like a cannonball. He was drowned in Lake Pleshcheyevo, but after half a century he returned in the most incredible way to the hillock, where he is today, attracting pilgrims and tourists.

In Tibet, the monks of the most ancient Northern monastery have been compiling the biography of the so-called Stone of Buddha for a millennium and a half. According to legend, his palms were imprinted on the boulder. This shrine weighs 1100 kilograms. At the same time, independently, without anyone's help, he climbs a mountain with a height of 2565 meters and descends from it along a spiral trajectory. Each ascent and descent is exactly 16 years old.

As for other similar mysteries, continues Alexei Makhinov, abroad, in California, for example, whole institutions are concerned about them. But we haven't figured it out yet. They only assume that it is a combination of natural conditions. It is possible that the stones simply move in the wind.

In some places, a natural mechanism can also be turned on. For example, powerful sea tides. As in the Tugursky Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. There, daily sea level fluctuations reach 9 meters. Imagine, the power! I myself saw the furrow from the stone. It was considerable - more than a meter high. The sea dragged the boulder for a kilometer and a half. Then he retreated, but he remained.

At the beginning of this year, world science was enriched by an extravagant theory. According to the studies of French biologists Arnold Reshard and Pierre Escolier, stones are living beings with an ultra-slow process of life. They breathe (sensitive devices recorded a weak but regular pulsation of the samples), move. And everything is extremely leisurely: one breath in two weeks, one millimeter in a few days. In addition, scientists say that stones change structurally, that is, they have age - they are old and young.

Another explanation movement of stones may consist, according to scientists, in daily temperature fluctuations. Any body (including the stones under study) expands when heated - you must remember this from your school physics course. It is a scientifically established fact that in the summer months, the walls of houses illuminated by the sun increase (as it were, tilt) to the south, which is one of the reasons for the destruction of buildings.

So the moving stones allegedly warm up during the day and expand to the south, and with the onset of the night coolness they shrink, and faster from the northern side, where they were less warmed up. That is, they slowly creep to the south, and from underground the stones allegedly move up to the sun and a warm surface. However, this theory was quickly recognized as untenable - after all, following it, absolutely all stones on the earth must persistently crawl in one direction year after year, but very slowly. And for some reason this does not happen.

Scientists also recalled the presence of the specific gravity of stones and Archimedean forces, which can cause boulders to float and slowly move in unstable or loose soils. Such factors as changes in gravitational fields, geomagnetic properties of the planet, vibrations, subsidence and subsidence of the soil were also mentioned in the studies ... However, it is not yet possible to clearly and easily explain what exactly is the matter.

And more recently to researchers the phenomenon of moving stones astronomers joined in. The fact is that such objects were found even in space! Rather, on an asteroid discovered several years ago Eros, where there were placers of boulders that are absolutely not typical for the soil of the asteroid, which, moreover, are constantly changing their location. They also crawl, then.

While this fact is vaguely explained by some unusually mobile soils of a celestial body with very little gravity. Maybe wandering earth stones - aliens from space (for example, meteorites)? In a word, despite the abundance of facts and many theories, it remains to state a dry fact: to date, the riddle of vagrant stones has not been solved. The versions that exist at the moment cannot yet satisfy serious scientists. The search for a clue to the manifestation of the life of seemingly lifeless objects continues.

Milky Way over Death Valley

Neoplasms in the kidneys form intermittently, from time to time stopping in growth and dissolving.

Microscopic structure of a kidney stone: green and blue areas are interspersed with dark blue inclusions, where the crystal dissolves and then refills. (Photo: Mayandi Sivaguru et al., Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 13731 (2018))

Kidney stones are formed from poorly soluble calcium salts with oxalic, uric and some other acids. Whether stones appear or not, depends on various factors, primarily on what a person eats and how his metabolism works.

It is known that those whose diet is very high in animal protein, sodium, sugars have a higher risk of urolithiasis; naturally, it is higher in those who eat a lot of foods high in oxalic acid and calcium itself. In this case, the stones are different, and if they are very small, then they may well come out with urine.

But large stones can cause various troubles: they clog the kidney ducts, cause pain, sometimes quite severe, and inflammation, and with prolonged neglect of stones, a person may develop some other serious kidney disease, like pyelonephritis.

It is generally believed that stones are almost insoluble. That is, they can be dissolved, but for this you need to make special medical efforts: the patient takes special medications, or he is injected with the necessary substances through special catheters. However, Bruce Fouquet doubted the completely insoluble nature of kidney stones ( Bruce fouke), a geobiologist at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. According to him, if we look at how mountain minerals, precious stones and other similar geological formations grow, we will find the same everywhere: the minerals have alternating periods of growth and dissolution, and they grow because growth outstrips dissolution. Is it possible for kidney stones to be an exception?

Fouquet and his colleagues from a wide variety of disciplines and scientific centers related to both medicine and geology compared the structure of calcium oxalate kidney stones with common minerals using a series of optical methods that allowed studying the sample at nanometer scales.

In an article in Scientific Reports it is said that in kidney stones there are the same traces of growth and dissolution, which can be seen by changes in shape and color, by their layered heterogeneous structure. A small volume was washed out of the growing kidney crystal, and then this empty volume was filled with a new crystal structure resembling a gemstone. From the stones one could see how bacteria, kidney cells and various chemicals affected them; according to the authors of the work, it is bacteria that give impetus to the new growth of stones.

Since kidney stones do not grow as purposefully as it was always thought, but intermittently, the question arises whether it is possible to somehow facilitate those processes that help the nascent crystals to dissolve. Knowing what these processes are and how to manage them for preventive purposes, we may be able to get rid of urolithiasis forever.

Based on materials

To the question Science confirms whether stones grow in nature, asked by the author Goyd's love the best answer is



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Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Science confirms whether stones grow in nature

Answer from hospitable person[active]
Amazing stones can be found far from cities in the center and south of Romania. Trowants - that's what the locals call them. It turns out that these stones can not only grow, but, much to our surprise, multiply.
However, after the rain, incredible events take place with the trovants: they grow like mushrooms, increasing in size.
So, for example, a small trowant, which weighs only a few grams, can grow to gigantic proportions over time and weigh more than a ton. The older the stone, the slower it grows. Young stones grow faster.
The main constituent of growing trovant stones is sandstone. In terms of their internal structure, they also look unusual: if you cut a stone in half, then on a cut that looks like a cut from a tree, you can see several so-called age rings, centered around a small hard core.
Geologists are sure that trovants are just the results of long-term processes of cementation of sand that have been taking place for millions of years in the bowels of the earth. And with the help of strong seismic activity, such stones appear on the surface.
Scientists have found an explanation for the growth of trowants: the stones increase in size due to the high content of various mineral salts under their shell. When the surface gets wet, these chemical compounds begin to expand and press on the sand, causing the stone to "grow".
Living stones, in addition to growing, are also capable of multiplying. It happens like this: after the surface of the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on it. Over time, it grows, when the weight of the new stone becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother.
The structure of the new trowants is the same as that of other, older stones. There is also a core inside, which is the main mystery for scientists. If the growth of a stone can somehow be explained from a scientific point of view, then the process of dividing a stone core defies any logic. In general, the breeding process of trowans resembles budding, which is why some experts seriously thought about the question of whether they are not a hitherto unknown inorganic form of life.
Also noted for some trovantes is another fantastic ability. Like the famous crawling rocks from the California Valley of Death, they sometimes move from place to place.
There is something similar here in Russia. For several years now, on the territory of the Kolpnyansky district of the Oryol region in the village of Andreevka and its environs, from the ground, as if by magic, rounded boulders have appeared on the surface.
LISTEN, THE SO CALLED "fyrf fyrf" wins

Amazing stones can be found far from cities in the center and south of Romania. Trowants - that's what the locals call them. It turns out that these stones can not only grow, but, much to our surprise, multiply.

Basically, these stones are devoid of sharp chips, they have a rounded or streamlined shape. In these areas there are a lot of different boulders, from which these unique stones-trowants differ little. However, after the rain, incredible events take place with the trovants: they grow like mushrooms, increasing in size.

So, for example, a small trowant, which weighs only a few grams, can grow to gigantic proportions over time and weigh more than a ton. The older the stone, the slower it grows. Young stones grow faster.

The main constituent of growing trovant stones is sandstone. In terms of their internal structure, they also look unusual: if you cut a stone in half, then on a cut that looks like a cut from a tree, you can see several so-called age rings, centered around a small hard core.

But, nevertheless, geologists are in no hurry to classify Trovantes as phenomena inexplicable for science, despite their amazing origin. Scientists have come to the conclusion that the growing stones, although unusual, but their nature can be easily explained. Geologists are sure that trovants are just the results of long-term processes of cementation of sand that have been taking place for millions of years in the bowels of the earth. And with the help of strong seismic activity, such stones appear on the surface.

Scientists have found an explanation for the growth of trowants: the stones increase in size due to the high content of various mineral salts under their shell. When the surface gets wet, these chemical compounds begin to expand and press on the sand, causing the stone to "grow".

Reproduction by budding

Nevertheless, trowants have one feature that geologists are unable to explain. Living stones, in addition to growing, are also capable of multiplying. It happens like this: after the surface of the stone gets wet, a small bulge appears on it. Over time, it grows, when the weight of the new stone becomes large enough, it breaks off from the mother.

The structure of the new trowants is the same as that of other, older stones. There is also a core inside, which is the main mystery for scientists. If the growth of a stone can somehow be explained from a scientific point of view, then the process of dividing a stone core defies any logic. In general, the breeding process of trowans resembles budding, which is why some experts seriously thought about the question of whether they are not a hitherto unknown inorganic form of life.

Locals have known about the unusual properties of trowans for more than one hundred years, but they do not pay special attention to them. Earlier, growing stones were used as building materials. Trovantes can often be found in Romanian cemeteries - large stones are installed as tombstones due to their unusual appearance.

Also noted for some trovantes is another fantastic ability. Like the famous crawling rocks from the California Valley of Death, they sometimes move from place to place.

Open-air museum

Today Trovante is one of those sights of Central Romania, which attracts tourists from all over the world to take a look. In turn, resourceful Romanians make souvenirs and decorations from small trowans, and therefore each guest has the opportunity to bring a piece of the stone miracle with him from the trip. Many owners of souvenir stones claim that when they get wet, memorable items from trowans begin to grow, and they sometimes move around the house without permission, which makes a rather eerie impression.

The largest accumulation of growing stones was recorded in the Romanian county (region) of Valcea. On its territory there are trovants of all shapes, sizes and colors. In connection with the great interest of tourists in 2006, the Vulči authorities in the village of Costesti created the only open-air museum of the Trovantes in the whole country. Its area is 1.1 hectares. On the territory of the museum, the most unusual-looking growing stones from all around are collected. Those who wish for a small fee can familiarize themselves with the exposition and purchase small samples as souvenirs.

    First of all, it depends on the type of stones. Different stones appear in different ways in nature, many stones are formed from liquid lava, and the second by pressing in the strata of geological deposits, and the third are formed by crystallization

    Have you heard about crystallization and metabolism? It is through this process that new stones are born. This happens under various external factors. Some particles in nature are destroyed, and some are created instead, well, this is nature, it has many miracles and sometimes an ordinary person cannot understand it.

    Thank you for such interesting questions, which give us a chance to learn more. Personally, I really love natural stones, but I was once not interested in how they appear, but now I know with the help of the Internet, and below I have attached links to sites that I think will be the answer to your question.

    As far as I know, rocks are formed from magma. In turn, the volcano erupts magma.

    When the magma cools down, you can get different stones from the most common different shapes. And if the temperature is high for a long time, then we can observe precious stones.

    How can you explain to children? where the stones come from.

    My niece recently asked me. I came up with a story for her.

    That stones are stars, all children know that stars fall from time to time. So long ago, so many stars attacked that different stones were formed)

    That's how she explained. When she grows up, she will find out everything herself)

    You can, of course, come up with something else or just tell the truth)

    Stones are different and, naturally, the nature of their formation is also different. For example, rubble stone, which in the old days was used for the construction of fortresses, but now it is crushed and used as a basis for the construction of roads, it is simply caked and petrified limestone. But coal is formed from wood under high pressure in an airless space. There is even a version that during the global flood, trees washed away by powerful streams of water were covered with soil, and after many years, coal appeared there. Granite has its origin, marble has its own. There are stones of volcanic origin, so the question is unambiguously answered: How stones appear in nature- impossible.

    subizkid What kind of stone do you need?

    Oh yes you said gravel, well ... everything is possible.

    just look =) only they are not grown artificially but created by nature.


    Each stone starts with a grain of sand, a chemical process of crystallization and metabolism takes place. They take their shape thanks to the wind and water (a drop wears away the stone). More stones emerge from molten magma. Also, stones can grow even in artificial conditions and, moreover, even multiply.

    A grain of sand to a grain of sand and a grain of sand is already obtained a little more. So from year to year everything accumulates and turns to stone. Well, if it's quite simple, but in science these processes are called metabolism and baptismalization.

    Stones appear when sedimentary rocks are destroyed or from magma. The stones acquire their state thanks to the wind and water. The hardest stone is diamond. The composition of some stones can be described by a chemical formula (quartz is silicon oxide).

    The stones are of different origins. These can be stones formed by sedimentary rocks, or there can be stones that appeared as a result of the solidification of magma in a colder layer of the earth (crust). And for some reason I also remembered amber - it generally has an organic origin - hardened resin.

    Scientists have found that different stones appear in different ways. For example, minerals are very complex stones, they appeared a long time ago. But from different minerals, rocks are already formed, some rocks consist of 1 mineral.