How to sunbathe at sea to get a beautiful sun tan. How to sunbathe at sea so as not to burn out

Summer is already coming to an end, but the beaches of our country and abroad will not be empty until at least mid-September. The so-called "velvet season" begins, when the nights are getting longer, and the sun is trying to give vacationers its last, but rather hot summer rays. At this time of the year, the flow of tourists and vacationers becomes less, many have already managed not only to tan, but also to burn. To prevent this from happening to you, we propose to consider the issue of how to properly sunbathe at sea so as not to burn out.

The problem of burning in the sun is ready to bring not only painful sensations, but also rashes, blisters, allergic spots on the surface of the skin. By resorting to a few simple rules of behavior in the sun, you can avoid the problem of combustion.

  • 1 Packing the bag to the beach
  • 2 How to sunbathe at sea so as not to burn out
  • 3 What to do if already burnt?
  • 4 How to sunbathe at sea: video

Packing the bag to the beach

To go to the seaside and not burn out, you need to take everything you need with you. Let's think about what we can't do without and put the bag together:

  • The first thing we take with us after the towel is sun protection cream... However, we do not put it there immediately, but only after we smear ourselves. The fact is that most modern creams begin to act no earlier than twenty minutes after application. This time is usually enough to pack up and walk to the beach. When applying the cream, we pay special attention to the hands and décolleté area - these are the most susceptible places to the sun's rays, since they are under the open sun for the longest time.

Important! Do not forget that while you are driving along the coast or walking, your body is also tanning.

How to sunbathe at sea so as not to burn out

The bag is collected, you can go to the beach. However, the proximity of the long-awaited sun and the dream of getting a beautiful and even tan should not diminish your vigilance. The opportunity to burn out in the sun always exists, even if you go outside in cloudy weather. Therefore, we adhere to the following rules:

Oddly enough, redness of the skin surface is also a burn, albeit to a lesser extent. The correct tan appears on the skin little by little, without redness.

What to do if already burnt?

If you follow our advice, you will have a beautiful and healthy tan. However, the rules exist in order to be broken, so it will not be superfluous to analyze the issue of sunburn.

So, at the first sign of skin redness, a specialized product should be applied, which can be purchased in advance in pharmacies or stores. It can also be used for prophylaxis in the evening upon coming home. Preparations of this type allow the skin to calm down, relieve irritation and fix the tan.

If it was not possible to buy a remedy for burns, reliable and simple folk remedies will always help you:

  • The most common "grandmother's" remedy for burns is ordinary sour cream with a high content of animal fat, kefir or cream.
  • Raw, pre-mashed egg yolk will also help. It must be placed on the body until it dries completely, and then rinse off the remnants with cold water.
  • Compresses from strong tea leaves will help to remove the burn. It remains only not to be lazy and in time to moisten the soft rags in the tea.
  • Another problematic and most likely place for burns is our face. In this case, good old masks from fresh cucumbers will help to save yourself.

Be careful and gentle with your skin. Our tips on how to properly sunbathe at sea so as not to burn out will help you get a beautiful, even, and most importantly healthy tan that can delight you throughout the year. A rest, spent with benefit, will give you not only good health, but also a great mood.

How to sunbathe at sea: video

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Health 07/26/2017

Dear readers, how do you feel about a beautiful tan? I personally really like it! And now I am, all so tanned, a wonderful state inside and out! But, of course, everything must be treated rationally. Today we will talk about how to sunbathe properly.

Substituting the body for the sun is not necessary only at sea. We can sunbathe even in the country, even on the city balcony, even sitting by the fountain - almost anywhere. However, let's not forget that sunbathing is a very responsible process. I hope this article will help us "darken" with health benefits.

Before sunbathing

A beautiful tan looks impressive. However, it is not only being in the sun that makes it so. 7-10 days before departure, start regularly drinking a complex of vitamins A, C and E. These are strong antioxidants that will fight free radicals that form in skin cells exactly when it is affected by UV radiation. It is also worth eating more often carrots, tomatoes, apricots, peaches, broccoli, spinach, citrus fruits, pumpkin, watermelons, melons, fish and seafood.

Wash your body with a not very soft scrub. You can prepare a cleansing mixture yourself, as an option, from coffee grounds or finely ground oat flakes with the addition of oils (when there are no special cosmetic oils, olive oil will do just fine).

Skin protection

Also, if you are seriously thinking about how to sunbathe, get sunscreen with UVB and UVA protective filters. When buying them, you should focus on the type of skin: the softer and paler it is in itself, the higher the degree of protection is needed. Well, for children, you need to take milk and lotions with maximum protection factors.

All products belong to one of two groups - blocking (Sunblock) and UV shielding. The first ones are more convenient - they suit many people, effectively protect and only sometimes cause allergic reactions. It is also desirable that the products are waterproof.

Keep in mind that it is recommended to treat large moles and age spots locally and preferably with products that have an SPF 50+ protection factor.

Tanning products

In addition, you can use products that not only protect against burns, but also contain components that accelerate tanning. The action of such creams and sprays is based on increasing the production of melanin by the body. Thanks to this, a tan is formed quickly and evenly distributed.

Do not disregard special lip balms, as well as shampoos and hair balms with photoprotective properties. Do not forget about hats, sunglasses and light clothing made from natural fabrics (since synthetic material can transmit up to 50% of UV radiation and cause overheating).

I suggest watching a video on how to properly use sunscreen.

On the beach

And finally, you are on a long-awaited vacation. The first thing you should get out of your suitcase is the sunscreens we just talked about.

Don't forget about them. Apply sunscreen several times a day, even if you are not lying on the beach but walking or sitting in the shade. Even if the sky is overcast. Even if the sun seems "not hot" in the morning and evening. Even if you drove off somewhere from the coast. The gentle sun can be very insidious, and this threatens to get serious burns, from which neither kefir nor sour cream will help, but only special means.

Remember that any sunscreen should not be used on the beach, but 30-40 minutes before going out into the sun! In addition, it needs to be periodically renewed on the skin - as it is absorbed or after water procedures.

The blog has a very detailed article. I invite you to read it.

The benefits of tanning for our health

If you are on vacation and do not feel any desire to go on excursions, but only want to spend time on the beach, do not reproach yourself for laziness and inertia. After all, the sunburn itself also gives us a lot - it strengthens the immune system, helps to solve skin problems such as acne, acne, eczema, etc. libido level.

During exposure to the sun, important healing processes take place in all internal organs and systems. With the help of the sun, the body itself reconfigures to detoxify and rejuvenate!

Sunburn greatly helps in the production of a special hormone of joy - serotonin. It is during sitting, lying and walking in areas illuminated by the hot sun that people feel a surge of energy and an improvement in their mood. So if you just want to be in the sun - be! Because this in itself has a very beneficial effect on your health and condition.

How to sunbathe properly so as not to burn out

Following these tips will not take away the enjoyment of sun exposure, but it will help you keep you feeling great.

  • Sunbathe gradually. In the first days, people with fair skin will have enough 5-10 minutes of sunbathing. Those who are dark by nature can stretch this period up to 15-20 minutes. It is better to spend part of the time under a canopy or umbrella - anyway, on average, 65% of UV rays will reach the skin. Extend the stages of being on the beach by adding 5-10 minutes daily;
  • do not use cosmetics containing alcohol, otherwise the skin will quickly dry out;
  • do not sunbathe from 11 am to 4 pm, when the sun is extremely active. The most comfortable time is morning before 10 o'clock and evening after 17 o'clock and before sunset. Your shade will help you identify dangerous times for sun exposure. Is she shorter than your height? This suggests that the sun is too active and it's time to hide from it. And if the shadow is higher than you, then the rays are relatively safe;
  • do not sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after eating;
  • try to drink as little alcoholic and sugary carbonated drinks as possible, as well as strong coffee and tea. Better to drink plenty of plain water!
  • remember that the maximum time for safe continuous exposure to the sun is two hours;
  • less reading and watching videos - eyes in the bright light of the sun are already tense, it is better to give them a rest;
  • put something under your head. When the head is raised, blood flow improves;
  • after heating in the sun, do not immediately go into the water. Staying in the shade for a few minutes will allow your body to cool naturally. Abrupt transitions can damage health;
  • dry yourself after bathing. Water droplets attract the sun's rays and act as a magnifying glass, increasing their effect on the skin;
  • lying in the sun, roll over every 5 minutes. Do not sleep - with a long and sedentary stay in one position, blood circulation slows down and the risk of overheating increases;
  • and still try to take breaks - walk, play outdoor games!

A tan is good in moderation

Sunbathing too much is hazardous to health. Let's talk about the dangers of excessive tanning. This can lead to photoaging of the skin - the destruction of collagen fibers in the tissues. This means that the skin will become dull, flabby, wrinkled. Also, prolonged exposure to sunlight on the body stimulates the growth of epidermal cells, that is, the skin thickens, dries and coarsens.

Sometimes sunburn causes dermatitis and skin hyperpigmentation. Moreover, yellow-brown spots and scattering of freckles all over the body will then be very difficult to remove.

Excessive beach cravings can suppress immune responses, decreasing the number of T and B lymphocytes and immunoglobulin-G. This often threatens with herpes and conjunctivitis (and even cataracts).

An extremely strong sunburn is fraught with the development of melanoma, a malignant tumor that progresses very quickly, as well as other types of skin cancer.

People with sun allergies should be especially vigilant. You can read about her symptoms and treatment in the article

How to help yourself with sunburn

Arguing how to properly sunbathe at sea, it should be noted that it is still not always possible to exercise maximum caution. If you suddenly feel that your skin is burning, you should immediately leave sunny places and take a cool shower. Rub ice cubes over your body and drink cold herbal tea.

If you experience discomfort in the neck, shoulders and back (these are the places that suffer first of all), do not sunbathe for a while and cover these areas of the body. Throw on a pareo or lightweight scarf.

For small burns, sour cream or kefir will help, but if everything has gone too far, then you will need funds for burns and even pain relievers.

If the temperature rises, you get a fever or chills, take antipyretic medications. If blisters appear on the skin, do not pierce them. Moreover, be extremely careful and keep their integrity. You can gently apply a sterile gauze bandage to the bubbles and fix it. Of course, in this state it is better not to sunbathe.

How to keep your tan

But you want not only to get a tan, but also to keep it longer. Special cosmetics marked "for tanning" will help with this. They usually deeply moisturize the skin and thus prevent the dark shade from fading.

All people are looking forward to summer. This is the time when most go on vacation somewhere closer to the sea. Everyone loves to bask on the beach under the warm rays of the sun. But you need to sunbathe wisely, an unsuccessful tan is not the best thing, no one wants to wrap up the shoulders and smear the burns after sunbathing the rest of the vacation. To prevent this from happening in this article we will try to reveal the question: "How to prepare the skin for sunburn at sea?", As well as consider a few recommendations on how to keep a tan longer after the sea and how to remove redness from sunburn. But before we start talking about a safe tan, let's determine your skin type. This will allow you to more competently treat the issue of the permitted time for sunbathing in your particular case.

Tanning skin types

Experts divide the skin into 6 types:

  1. These are fair-skinned individuals with predominantly blue or gray eyes and blonde hair. People with such skin tend to burn, their skin is not able to protect itself from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays, so after spending quite a bit in the sun, they turn red. People with white skin should not be on the beach for more than 7 minutes.
  2. This type is easier to tolerate being in the sun, but has a lot in common with the first. They also have a light tone, often light eyes, but there are also dark ones. People of the second type need to constantly use the after-sun product so that as a result they do not become red like cancer, and then, after a couple of days, they will acquire a beautiful tan. For people with this type of skin, you can sunbathe for no longer than 15 minutes.
  3. People with brown eyes, fair skin and dark eyes. Despite the fact that this type is prone to burns, it lends itself well to sunburn. Such people without cream can walk on the beach for no longer than half an hour.
  4. People of the Eastern or Mediterranean type. They have dark skin, they practically do not burn, the tan lays down evenly. They tend to be painted in a bronze tan. These people can sunbathe for no longer than 40 minutes.
  5. People with very dark skin, this category includes Indians and North Africans. Sunburn adheres very well to these people, but it is still recommended to use tanning products as a prevention of burns.
  6. Black people are African. They do not need sun protection products, they do not burn. The maximum that is shown to them after sunburn is the use of a moisturizer so that dry skin after sunburn does not crack and slough off.

Why a beautiful tan is useful

  • draws a lot of attention to your person;
  • helps to get the optimal dose of vitamin D;
  • helps to get rid of acne and acne;
  • is one of the forms of hardening the body;
  • increases the body's resistance to viruses, strengthens the immune system;
  • helps to normalize pressure;
  • sunburn is a preventive measure against many diseases.

How to sunbathe at sea

If you go to the seas in order to get a beautiful, bronze tan, remember that the sun is not only your friend, but also your enemy. Instead of the desired beautiful tan, it can give you a serious burn, and then you will spend the rest of your vacation in a hotel room with a fever, itching and redness of the skin. To avoid all this, follow these simple tips:

  1. In order for the tan to stick better in a week, or preferably two, before the trip to the sea, prepare your body for sunbathing. How to prepare your skin for tanning - Use a mild scrub or exfoliation daily. This will help remove the stratum corneum for an even golden tan. It is also very useful to drink carrot juice for sunburn.
  2. Start tanning gradually. Spend 20 minutes on the beach on the first day. As the body becomes accustomed to high doses of ultraviolet radiation, the time spent in the sun can be increased depending on your skin type.
  3. Best time to sunbathe. Each person has their own safe time to sunbathe, but there are general temporary rules for staying in the sun. So the best time for sunbathing is from 9 am to 11 am and from 16 pm until the sun goes down. The most dangerous time for tanning is from 12 noon to 15 noon, at this time the sun is the hottest, and absolutely anyone with any skin type can get sunburned.
  4. Remember to use tanning products and after-sun products. The former will help to get a beautiful tan and protect from burning, the latter will help to moisturize the skin after sunbathing and consolidate the result.
  5. Be sure to wear hats. You can buy a summer hat right on the sea - there is a very large selection, or you can bring your own.
  6. Try to drink more water while sunbathing, but not ice cold. Also avoid drinking alcohol.
  7. Try to move more while tanning. During active movement, the skin tans evenly, without blemishes. Play ball on the beach, for example.
  8. If after the beach the skin turns red, try to stay in the open sun less for a couple of days, sunbathe in the shade.
  9. Before going to the beach, do not shower with soap or use alcohol-based lotions or eau de toilette. The components of these products reduce the protective properties of the skin, and it is more prone to burning.

How to keep your tan longer

Many who come from the sea like to show off their bronze tan, and many simply like to be dark and they are worried about how to keep a tan longer.

  1. To begin with, take care of full hydration of the skin. Moreover, this should be done not after returning from vacation, but during it. Apply a moisturizing body treatment every day after showering. This will keep your skin looking beautiful and prevent it from fading.
  2. Avoid creams and procedures aimed at whitening the skin. Under their influence, the skin will become faded, and the tan may fade in some areas.
  3. Do not go to saunas and baths. When the skin is steamed, the metabolism is accelerated in it, which contributes to the rapid cleansing of tanned skin.
  4. Use an after-sun exfoliation less often. This procedure is useful no more than once a week only to avoid dullness of the skin. If you carry it out more often, you will remove the bronze along with the stratum corneum.
  5. After rest, try to consume more vitamin A. It not only contributes to the adhesion of a beautiful tan, but also its preservation for a long period.

Folk remedies after sunburn

The skin often itches after sunburn. Than smearing the skin after sunburn to avoid this.

  • Sour cream after sunburn is good. It soothes reddened skin well, moisturizes it and helps in the matter, so that the skin does not peel off after sunburn.
  • Looking for something else to anoint your tan at home? Try raw egg yolk. It is rich in vitamins and moisture, helps with burning.
  • You can also place a towel dipped in strong tea over your shoulders. If you are looking for what to do if you burn out badly in the sun, a tea towel is your medicine.
  • Effective for sunburn potato or cucumber juices.
  • If your face is burned, put a few slices of cucumber on it, this will relieve redness and moisturize.

Well, from this material you learned how to get a beautiful tan at the sea, the best time to tan in the sun, how to keep your tan longer, how to prepare for sunbathing, and if your skin is burnt out in the sun, what to do. You are fully armed, enjoy your stay.

Everyone knows that tanning is very healthy. Under the influence of UV rays, the body produces vitamin D, which strengthens bones, muscles, and prevents the development of rickets. It also stimulates blood circulation and metabolic processes, improves endocrine activity. Sunburn helps to cope with various skin lesions: fungus, eczema, acne. However, despite all its benefits, sunbathing should be done very carefully. How to sunbathe on the sea to get only the benefits?

The golden rules for a spectacular tan

A couple of weeks before your trip to the sea, try to prepare your body for an intense tan. Do this with a tanning bed. Five-minute sessions twice a week will create natural protection on the skin against the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays.

If this is your first time to the beach this season, you need to get your tan gradually. Do not stay out in the sun for more than 5 minutes. It is better to gradually increase this time and sunbathe early in the morning or in the evening (but not in the afternoon, when the probability of getting a burn is maximum). Moreover, in the evening and morning hours, the heat from the air and the earth is less felt.

Another important tip is to sunbathe 30-40 minutes after your meal. You should not go to the beach on an empty stomach. Try to get enough sleep at home, as falling asleep on the beach can get burned. Lie with your feet in the sun and change your position more often (every 5-10 minutes). After sunbathing, stay in the shade for a bit, allowing your body to cool down. You can also go for a swim or take a cool shower. It is useful to sunbathe, performing various physical movements, participating in competitions and sports games.

Use sunglasses to protect your eyes from water glare, excessive light and wrinkles. Cover your head with appropriate headwear to prevent heatstroke and hair damage from the scorching sun. At the same time, it is not advisable to sunbathe in a bathing cap and tie your hair tightly with a scarf.

It is best to sunbathe near water - moist air softens the skin and prevents it from drying out. Only in this case the risk of getting burnt increases (drops of liquid in the sun acquire the properties of optical lenses).

What cosmetics can be used

The most harmless way to speed up your tan is to use creams with special additives. They can even be used on white skin in the early days of the bathing season. The tanning cream stimulates the production of melanin (a natural pigment found in the skin), moisturizes and nourishes the skin and protects it from sunburn. The result is a beautiful, even and healthy tan.

Another indispensable helper on the beach is the tingle tanning cream. This cosmetic product enhances blood circulation in the skin, accelerates the formation of melanin and provides a more intense tan. However, after applying the product, the skin may turn red. The likelihood of developing allergies is also high. Therefore, test the cream on a small area of ​​the body before applying. It is better not to apply tingle cream on completely white skin, and even more so on the face.

Be sure to use SPF creams to prevent burns. They soften the effects of UV rays, retain moisture in the skin and prevent premature aging. The SPF index in a cosmetic product can vary from 3 to 50, which means that it is recommended to select a product in accordance with your skin type. The more sensitive and lighter it is, the more SPF should be. With strong solar activity (usually from 11 am to 4 pm), it is advisable to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 20-30. For women with dark skin, a product with a protection factor of 10 is suitable.

The method of application is very simple - apply the cream to the skin with massage movements, in a thin layer, every half hour of exposure to the sun. If you apply the product in a thick layer, you will get the opposite effect: ultraviolet rays will heat the cream, which will damage the skin.

Natural cosmetic oils are equally useful. It is convenient to purchase a ready-made product, which contains coconut, wheat and palm oil, avocado, beta-carotene, antioxidants, vitamins, SPF protection factors. Apply to clean skin before going to the beach. As the oil rinses off after bathing, a new coat must be applied.

Diet for a beautiful tan

A beautiful sea tan depends a lot on how you eat. The strongest natural tanning enhancer is beta-carotene, which enhances the production of the pigment melanin. Many have noticed that with daily consumption of red and orange fruits (peaches, apricots, carrots), the tan becomes more intense and bright. This substance is also found in watermelons, cantaloupe, paprika, pumpkin, pears, and apples.

The amino acid tyrosine plays an important role in the production of melanin. Its maximum amount is present in animal products - red meats, liver, fish (cod, tuna). Tyrosine is also found in avocados, almonds, and beans.

Auxiliary substances in the production of melanin are also lycopene, selenium, vitamins C and E. Therefore, if you want to get a chocolate skin tone, drink an appropriate vitamin and mineral complex 2-3 weeks before your trip to the sea.

In an effort to take full advantage of the beneficial effects of the sun, you should not get too carried away with tanning. Remember that this is a great stress on the skin and it ages faster from excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays. Also, sunbathing is not desirable with a significant number of freckles, birthmarks, after a sunburn and a hereditary predisposition to the development of malignant melanoma. Pay special attention to proper tanning if you have delicate sensitive skin.

  • Gradual: Start by sunbathing for 10 minutes. Ideally, you should be in the sun for 10 minutes and then in the shade. The total time of active exposure to the sun at first should not exceed 1 hour per day. After a week, the time can be increased to 2 hours.
  • Correct time: before 11 o'clock in the morning and after 4 o'clock in the evening, when the rays are no longer so aggressive.
  • Use a sunblock (usually a new layer should be applied at intervals of 30 minutes). It is better to choose a protective one with the abbreviation PPD, as it will not only keep the skin reddened, but also prevent the development of cancer and premature aging. Creams with the abbreviation SPF guarantee protection against burns only.
  • At the beginning of your vacation, do not swim for long periods. Wet skin becomes an excellent target for sunlight - arms, shoulders and neck can be burned. Therefore, stay in the water for no longer than 8-10 minutes, then go into the shade. You can increase the time spent in the sea after you acquire a small, even tan. Remember also that UV rays can "reach" you even at a depth of 1.5 meters!

Be sure to follow these conditions if you have fair skin. Only people with a dark skin type can relax and defend themselves with the help of sunblock, without limiting themselves in bathing and time under the sun. They have a lot of melanin, which is a natural defense against burns.

How to choose cream and oil for proper tanning

Suntan cream

SPF - the level of protection against ultraviolet rays (Sun Protection Factor). It can vary from 3 to 50. The higher, the more reliable the protection. The optimal level is 30, and with the number 10, you should only take it if you have dark skin. Before buying, make sure that the cream is not for use in solariums, but specifically for outdoor tanning.

Tanning oil

When choosing your tanning oil, also look at the degree of UV protection. If your skin is pale or not at all used to the sun after winter, then in no case use oil without an SPF index.

How to sunbathe on the sea for a child?

For children, the time spent in the sun is somewhat different than for adults. It is recommended to be on the beach before 10 am and after 5 pm. The rest of the time should be spent in the shade, be sure to wear thin clothes made from natural fabrics on your baby. Also, let's drink water, not cold, but lukewarm. And don't forget about Panama - sunstroke can happen without it!

Types of "sea" tan

If you tan properly, your chances of getting a wonderful tan of one of the three types are high. Especially if you use self-tanning products:

Olive tan

This is a choice for beauties of the Scandinavian type (in other words - cold). The shade of the hair is very light, wheat or ash blond.

Bronze tan

If you are a hot brunette, then this is your option. Unfortunately, under natural conditions it is very difficult to achieve that the skin has acquired this shade. This is only possible if you have been at sea for a very long time. Therefore, a bronzer will come to the rescue here.

Golden sea tan

It will be ideal for blondes and girls with honey-colored hair, also for redheads. Choose from any intensity, from light golden to dark chocolate golden. If you buy a bronzer (otherwise - self-tanning), then do not choose a color more than two shades darker than your natural one.

Chocolate tan

It should be chosen if your skin is dark and your hair is dark or brown. This shade will be effectively combined with green eyes.

Is sunbathing good for you?

Many people know about the dangers of excessive tanning. Surely each of us at least once in his life "burned" to redness, it was unpleasant and painful. But the correct even tan is only beneficial to our body, and besides, it raises the mood, because the sun is a well-known antidepressant.

So, sunbathing is:

  • assistants in the prevention of rickets in babies;
  • remedy for colds and viruses;
  • helpers in the fight against allergies;
  • sources of vitamin D, which our skin begins to actively produce under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

How to sunbathe in hot countries

If you are going on vacation in the summer to Spain, or heading to the African continent, that is, you are in the country on vacation during the period of maximum solar activity there, then:

  • When tanning, be sure to change your position every 3-4 minutes.
  • At the beginning of the rest, do not stay in the sun for more than 5 minutes (hereinafter a shade break). The total time of your walks / sunbathing during peak hours (from 12 noon to 15) should not exceed 40 minutes - 1 hour.
  • Lubricate your skin with sunscreen every time after bathing (and before, of course, too), since the cream wears off in the water, and if it remains, it can no longer provide reliable protection.
  • In very hot weather, we actively sweat, so also renew a layer of cream on yourself from time to time, even if you do not swim a lot or do not swim at all.
  • After returning from the beach, take a warm shower and apply a soothing lotion to your skin.