How to train a dog to a place without a lot of effort? How to teach a dog the command "Place!" at home and on the street

Small, fluffy puppies are often forgiven by people for harmless pranks. They take to their bed, sofa, feed from the table. On the one hand, it is impossible to resist puppy eyes and plaintive whine, on the other hand, the encouragement of such whims will have a bad effect on the further education of the dog. In this article we will talk about how important it is to teach your puppy the command "Place!"

Indulging in pet lying on furniture will temporarily train your dog to be disobedient. Such a dog will subsequently feel like the leader of the pack, that is, the main one in the apartment, and will become uncontrollable. By accustoming your dog to a place, you will provide him with full power only over a secluded corner. For example, give your animal a small canine world, in which the puppy should feel safety, comfort and warmth. Let's move on to teaching the “Place!” Command. First, find a quiet, non-walk-through corner in the apartment. Place a warm cloth in there. It can become old things, for example, a fur coat. Pet stores sell special animal rugs or benches. Make sure there are no drafts in the selected area. Now stock up on dog treats. Biscuit biscuits are excellent for such purposes. Moving on to training the puppy.

Stand next to the bedding and call the animal, calling out in a calm, good-natured voice. When the dog has run up, lay him down on the rookery, while saying "Place". Be sure to stroke and treat with a cookie. The puppy will try to leave. Place again on the mat and repeat “Place” several times, continuing to feed and iron. Repeat the same steps 4-5 times until the baby remains on the bed. Remember, the tone of voice should be as warm and affectionate as possible so that the puppy feels love and care. Thus, the command "Place!" will be associated with something familiar and safe.

A great time to train is when the dog begins to lie down to sleep on the carpet, under the table, or on the bed. Once the puppy has settled down, pick it up and carry it to the designated bedding. Hold it on the bed and repeat: "Place, (nickname), place, place." Move away if the puppy remains on the litter, you are fine. If not, hold it until it settles, repeating "Place". Usually dogs learn this command very quickly up to six months. After 5-8 repetitions, the puppy should obey. After a while, add a gesture pointing to the mat when you say the command.

An adult animal is less susceptible to training. If the dog came to you by accident, that is, from the former owners, or was taken from the kennel, please be patient to achieve the result. With such four-legged animals, you should be careful and give them maximum care. In a new house, the dog must adapt. Shouts, sudden movements and other unfriendly behavior will either frighten the animal or provoke aggression and self-defense instincts. For the most part, training an adult dog does not differ from a small one. You still lay the dog down, saying the command, and give a treat. For quick results, the most important thing is to trust the dog.

After reading this article, you should have no difficulty in teaching the Place! Command. For a better understanding of the technique, watch the video attached below. Happy training!

"Place" is on the list of basic commands that you need to teach a puppy or adult dog first. Distinguish two variants of the command "Place"... In the first case, you force the dog to lie on its home bed or bed, in the second, you point your hand at an object, give the command "Place", and the dog lies down next to it. Let's take a closer look at the features of this command.

Place command for home use

How do you teach a dog or puppy the Place command? It's very simple - give the pet the command "Place" and lure him there with the help of a treat. When the dog is on his bed, praise him and give him a bite. Gradually increase the time between the dog's arrival and the reward, and then only serve the treat occasionally.

In everyday life, the command "Place" is usually used when the dog misbehaves(for example, begging from the table or jumping on guests). Basically, the command "Place" replaces the phrase "get out of here." But "get out of here" is too abstract an expression, and giving the command "Place", you tell the dog exactly where it needs to go.

As a rule, dogs quickly grasp the meaning of this command, and resentfully leave for the place. After some time, the dog will leave the place, but it will no longer bother you. If it sticks, then it is necessary to command "Place" again in a more formidable tone. If you want the dog to be at home all the time and not leave it, then you better buy a toy dog.

Normative command "Place"

Before teaching your dog the command "Place" make sure that he knows the commands. "Lie" and "To me".

Step 1 Take the dog on a long leash and make him lie down.

Step 2... Place a large item next to it, such as a backpack. Note that this must be your item that is familiar to the dog. Do not use other people's belongings or your dog's belongings (muzzle, toy or bowl).

Step 3... Repeat the "Lie down" command to the dog and step back 5 steps.

Step 4... Wait 3 seconds and then command "Come to me". When the dog comes up to you, praise him.

Step 5... Give the command "Place", pointing to the backpack. To help the dog, start moving towards the object, but never jerk the leash. As you walk, joyfully repeat: "Place, place, place."

Step 6... Once in place, command "Lie down" and give the treat.

Repeat the exercise several times to train your dog to do the Place command well. Get the dog to travel to the location without your help. Also gradually increase your distance and avoid using a leash. Ideally, the dog should walk to the thing left at a distance of up to 15 m, lie down there and wait (30 seconds) when you allow him to leave the position. In addition, over time, it is recommended to teach the dog to stay put, even when people or animals are walking around.

To quickly teach your dog the command "Place", follow our tips.

  • If the dog takes off without a command, be sure to return it back, while repeating: "Place, place."
  • If the dog refuses to return to the place without you, then do the following: call the dog left near the thing, sit next to you and command "Wait". Then show the dog the treat and go to the "place" alone. Place the treat on your backpack and return to the dog. Command "Place", and if the dog ran to the thing and lay down, praise him and give him a bite to eat.

One of the commands needed to control the dog is the command "Place!" It involves sending the animal to its own rug or to a place designated by the owner. The dog must lie down near the object or on the mat and stay there until the next command for as long as necessary.

Why do we need the command "Place!"

The breadth of the use of the command is so great that it covers both purely utilitarian, home use, and working out the command within the general training course. The owner of a trained dog is very comfortable with one word eliminate unwanted pet behavior... For example, the arrival of guests for many pets is a reason for stormy joy: the animal tries to get as much attention as possible, becoming annoying and annoying.


It is pointless and cruel to punish a loving pet for this, it is much more effective to send him to an open-air cage or on a couch. There, the dog will be able to calm down, and the guests will be spared endless games with the animal and slobbering expressions of love. Any household chores that require the pet to be isolated can be done if the dog is quietly waiting in its place.

The team may be needed to practice endurance and guarding skills in the general course or when teaching the protective guard service. The owner, having designated the place with any object: a leash or a bunch of keys, can safely move in the field of sight of the dog, without fear that it will run. This is most often useful during a preliminary examination of the walking area to look for broken glass or planted poison.

Teaching the command "Place!"

How to teach a puppy the command "Place!"

A puppy, having moved to a new house, must have own corner where he feels comfortable and safe, where there is a soft bedding and favorite toys. At first, the baby must be accustomed to its own place, be it an open-air cage, rug or cage. The doors in them should always be open if the baby is out for a walk, eats or plays. During the absence of the owners, the puppy can be closed in a cage or aviary, leaving there not only a favorite bone, but also a bowl of water.

Your own place is a comfort zone.

The puppy is taught to the place as follows: as soon as the baby settles down to sleep in the middle of the yard or room, he is taken in his arms and carried to the place, saying: "Place!" If it is possible to close a pet in a cage, then this is done only when it is really needed. The rest of the time the doors must be open.

It is important that the dog understands that with the command "Place!" connected only positive emotions... If the puppy tries to leave the mat, he is gently upset by repeating the voice command. If the command is obediently executed, they are sure to treat them to a delicacy. The puppy will firmly know its place in a few days, going there at the command of the owner. For unquestioning execution, it is worth following certain rules:

  • Require the execution of the command "Place!" it is always necessary if you need to leave the baby on the rug or in the aviary.
  • The voice command is given firmly, but kindly, without repeating itself many times. If the pet tries to jump up and run away, then you need to quickly return, repeat the command and lay the puppy down.
  • The baby should be treated immediately after he settles down on the mat.
  • Do not hurt or scold your puppy if he jumps up and tries to run away. In this case, you need to hold the baby, not letting him jump up.

How to train a dog to command "Place!"

In the process of training a young dog, the command "Place!" Is necessarily studied, and the previously acquired skills in executing this command can help to quickly learn new requirements.


If the puppy knew only a rug or an aviary as its own place, the grown dog will have to understand that now the place can be designated any subject.

To practice the command, the pet is seated at the left leg, unfastening the leash and holding the dog by the collar. The leash is defiantly thrown at a distance of one meter in front of the dog. Still holding the pet by the collar with your left hand, they give the voice command "Place!" and simultaneously throw out the right hand in the direction of the object, pointing at it.

After that, together with the dog, they go to the leash, circle the dog behind him and put it so that the leash is directly in front of the muzzle. All this is done as quickly as possible. The treat is given immediately after laying the dog down, and the command "Place, lie down!" and the owner retreats backward to the previous position. When you try to jump up, you must immediately be near the dog and immediately lay him down, strictly pronouncing the command. After that, you cannot give a treat, because the dog disobeyed the order.

After a few minutes of exposure, the dog is called and seated next to it. The exercise is repeated several times in one session, each time taking the dog to its place. The next time, after a single repetition, they try to send the pet to the place on their own. If the dog has clearly followed the command, then the distance to the leash can be increased by one step. If the pet slowly went in the opposite direction, it is forcibly taken to the leash and is not treated to a treat.

The subtleties of working out the command "Place!"

The command "Place!" work out in each lesson, increasing the distance by a meter after the dog has successfully completed the command.


It is important not to repeat a voice command more than two times.: usually the dog quickly overcomes the first half of the way to the place, then, realizing that the owner is far away, begins to walk slowly, sniffing the grass and stones. Many dogs demonstratively walk near the leash, keen on exploring the surroundings.

At this time, the owner must give the voice command again. If the pet continues to ignore orders, you must silently and quickly run up to it, grab it by the collar and take it to its place, forcing it to execute the command. After that, you need to move away to a distance that is half what it was and call the dog. The next exercise should be the "Place!" Command, which is performed as the first time. The dog is forcibly taken to its place by the collar and praised.

It is imperative during the initial practice of the command, when the dog is taken into place by the collar, to do this as quickly as possible, ideally - jogging. After repeated repetitions, the dog gets used to running quickly to the place where the treat awaits.

The gesture indicating the direction of the send must be clear, and the hand must not be lowered until the command is fully executed. Once the command is said when sending, it can be reinforced by a single repetition when the dog "wanders", followed by a forced retraction.

If the animal lies down in front of the leash, to the side of it or does not reach it, you should quickly approach and forcibly transfer the dog to the right place. An ideally executed command is considered to be a quick and confident approach to the designated place, where the dog lies down behind the leash and remains in place until the next command.

Video. Training Basics: The Place Command

The command "Place!" is necessary in order to monitor the whereabouts of the dog in the apartment and on the street. In the future, the execution of the command becomes more complicated and is fixed in the lessons of the general course of dog training. For service dogs, the command "Place!" is a basic skill, on the basis of which, in the future, within the framework of the ZKS, the protection of things and other objects left by the owner is practiced.

How to train your puppy to return to the seat on command

Teach the puppy the command "Place!" preferably from the first days of its appearance in the house, that is, from the age of 2-3 months. As soon as the puppy lies down to rest or falls asleep, pick him up and carry him to his bed, while saying the command "Place!" If the puppy tries to get up and leave, return him to the litter again by repeating the command. Hold the puppy in place for a few seconds, then reward with a treat. In the future, reinforce the command, accustoming the puppy to go to the place on command. To do this, you can first throw the treat on the litter so that the puppy can see it, and immediately give the command "Place!" The next stage is that the treat is placed imperceptibly, after which a command is given, after completing which, the puppy finds a "pleasant surprise" on the bed. At the final stage of training, the child is first given a command, and he receives a delicacy after he has completed it, i.e. in its "place" from the hands of the owner.

Train a small dog to command "Place!" it is necessary very carefully, without making excessive demands on it. The owner must understand that it is physically impossible and even harmful for the puppy to carry out the command "to endure", that is, the way adult dogs do it, staying in the "place" for a long time. This is due to the fact that the nervous system, including the so-called mechanisms of "excitation" and "inhibition" in a puppy of 2-3 months is not yet fully developed, so it is difficult for him to concentrate on one type of activity for a long time. Thus, up to the age of 4-5 months, a good result of teaching the command "Place!" it is considered if the puppy goes to the "place" on command, lingering on it for at least 1-5 seconds, and also lies down there himself, without the command, when he wants to rest or take a nap.

Important! Never punish a puppy or an adult dog in its "place" - this bed or bedding should associate the pet with its own, protected and safe territory and not cause negative associations. If this simple rule is violated, teaching the command "Place!" will become much more complicated.

Teaching the command "Place!" according to the rules of OKD

When the dog reaches the age of 6-8 months, you can start teaching the command "Place!" according to a complicated scheme in accordance with OKD standards. Here the already mastered skill is consolidated - to return on command to the place of the house, and a new "element" is also added: the dog is taught to remain in a specific place on the street or in someone else's apartment on command. An important difference from the initial training at home is that the OKD pays great attention to training "endurance", that is, the ability of the dog not only to go to the "place" on command, but also to stay there for a long time.

Young dogs, as well as dogs that have a good reaction to the treat as a reinforcement, are trained to perform the command "Place!" with the help of a technique called "taste-encouraging". It consists of 3 stages:

  1. Having left on the ground an object familiar to the dog that marks the place, it is necessary to bring the dog to it, and with the help of the commands "Lie down", "Place!" make you lie down next to him. Once done, the dog is given a treat.
  2. The trainer moves 3-5 m away from the dog and calls the dog up with the command “Come to me!”. After the dog has approached and stayed near the trainer for 5-8 seconds, it is again shown the treat, squeezed in the right hand. "Luring" the dog with it, the trainer simultaneously pronounces the command "Place!" and again leads the dog to the chosen place, lays down there and gives away the treat.
  3. Gradually, giving the command "Place!" after the dog has approached, the trainer, slightly lagging behind the dog, achieves that she herself returns to the object. Each such "return" is encouraged by a delicacy. After all, the dog is only rewarded after it returns to the seat on its own on command. After developing the initial skill, the trainer begins to work on the distance from which the command is given, gradually increasing it from 3 to 15 m.

How to teach the command "Place!" adult dog

In addition to the above methods, adults, as well as sluggish, sedentary and poorly motivated dogs for food, can be taught the command "Place!" using the method of contrast training. In this case, the scheme of action is similar to that described above, but instead of a treat to drag the dog back to the place, a short leash is used: after a short exposure next to the trainer, the dog is taken to the place, suppressing with light jerks of the leash attempts to distract, linger, or go the other way ... After the dog is brought to its place and forced to lie down, it is given a treat, praised and stroked. With the help of a leash, it is necessary to stop the dog's attempts to leave the place before the “releasing” command. Gradually, the trainer makes sure that the dog returns to the place without a leash only on command, after which you can work on increasing the distance to the standard.

An important element of mastering the command "Place!" is the ability of the dog not to leave it even in the absence of the trainer. To do this, the latter leaves the dog in place and hides so that the dog does not see him, but she herself is in plain sight. When the dog tries to get out of the shelter, the command "Place!" with threatening intonations, holding the dog in a given position.

If you need to teach the command "Place!" an adult dog "from scratch", for example, taken to a house from the street or from a shelter, start training from the "puppy" level, without missing a single stage, and only then proceed to working out the team according to the standards of the general training course.

How the Place! Command is executed on the OKD exams?

On the command "to lie down" the owner or trainer forces the dog to lie down, a thing is put in front of it, meaning "Place!" The command "Place!" Is given, after which the person moves 15 m forward from the dog.

After the first command, the dog must quickly run up to the trainer, and then, also at the first command, return to its place and lie no further than 1 m from the object.

The trainer, after holding for up to 30 seconds, comes up to the dog and gives the command “Sit”; up to this point, the dog must be in a prone position. The skill is considered unfulfilled if the dog does not return to its place or if it is laid more than 2 m from the left thing. Tips and nuances:

How to avoid common mistakes when teaching a dog the command "Place!":

The distance between the object and the place where the dog lies down when executing the command should not exceed 1.5 m;

It is undesirable to reinforce every call of the dog with a delicacy - so it will not have an incentive to return to the "place";

It is necessary to periodically change the position of the object so that the dog associates with it the location of the "place";

You cannot use an aorting object to designate a place: the dog will try to take it in the teeth and take it to the owner.

To practice the command "Place!" according to OKD standards, it is better to start after the commands “Come to me!”, “Sit”, “Lie down” have been mastered.