How to make a St. George ribbon with your own hands from beads, paper, ribbons? Making a St. George ribbon with your own hands. St. George's ribbon with your own hands. Master Class

May 9 is one of the happiest and most joyful days for our compatriots. Indeed, on this day, our country got rid of fascist power, defeated Germany and returned such long-awaited peace and tranquility to the space of the Soviet Union. The symbol of victory is the St. George ribbon, by putting on which we express our gratitude and respect to those people who defended our country many years ago. The St. George ribbon is not just a piece of fabric, it is a symbol of victory, which must also be worn appropriately. After all, it expresses the whole spectrum of experienced emotions and memories. It is customary to tie it on Victory Day, symbolizing recognition and love for the motherland. We bring to your attention ten ways of beautifully knitting a St. George ribbon for clothes or accessories.

A loop

The traditional option is to tie a ribbon in the form of a loop. This method is not only the most common and easy, but also has its own history. It is believed that the loop is one of the parts of the sign of infinity. That is, the loop symbolizes that hostilities have ended, and a peaceful sky has reappeared over the country. The scheme of tying in this way is very simple. It is enough to take the tape and roll it in the form of a loop. The middle can be stabbed with a pin or brooch.


The St. George ribbon tied with a bow looks very original. To do this, it is necessary to spread the tape horizontally, take both ends of it and cross them in the middle of the matter. In this case, the ends of the ribbon should be directed towards the bottom slightly at an angle. In order for the ribbon to look like a bow, you need to tie it in the middle between the two ends. This can be done with ordinary threads or even thin elastic bands.

Check mark

Another very popular way of tying is the "tick". It fits very organically with any clothes and looks quite simple and discreet. The scheme of its manufacture consists in bending the tape in the middle. In this case, the ends of matter must be of different lengths. Outwardly, it resembles the letter "L", but only with ends of different lengths. The left edge should be lower than the right.


The "zigzag" method is not always practical, but has its advantages due to its unusualness. In order to tie the ribbon in this way, it is necessary to fold the ribbon three times, then slightly stretch its ends to the sides. In appearance, it resembles the English letter "N" in a slope.

intricate bow

A complex bow can be knitted from several St. George's ribbons. To make it, you will need 3 ribbons: 2 identical and one smaller.

Making a bow in stages includes:

  1. On one of the long ribbons, you need to cut the corners. To prevent them from being cut, they can be treated with fire using a lighter or matches.
  2. Fold the second ribbon of the same length in a circle-like shape. The edges must be connected, overlapping one on top of the other.
  3. Wrap the middle of the tape so that you get two segments of the same size.
  4. Wrap a piece of fabric of a smaller size around the joint.
  5. From the tape, in which the corners were cut off, make a loop, but without internal space.
  6. Attach to the upper base of the product at the back.

little man

Another of the most difficult ways of tying is the image of a little man. It is impossible to fully display this in detail, but if you look from afar, the product really resembles a human figure.

Manufacturing scheme in stages:

  1. You will need 3 ribbons: two identical and one shorter.
  2. The longer one must be folded in the form of a circle and the edges connected at the bottom.
  3. Flatten the sides so that you get a figure eight. Secure the joint with a pin.
  4. Squeeze the ribbon vertically. The result should be a double bow. Fasten the joint, and remove the pin. The best way to do this is with a thread and a needle.
  5. Wrap the joint with a short piece of material.
  6. From the second long tape, make a loop without internal space.
  7. Attach the resulting bank to it in the middle.

Video instruction on how to tie a St. George ribbon beautifully


The St. George ribbon folded with a flower looks very elegant. For its manufacture, it is necessary to fold the tape in the form of a figure eight, while fixing or tying the edge of the joints with a smaller tape. It turns out a flower. Next, you need to take two short black ribbons and fold each into a circle, and then press it in the middle so that the edges are the same. These ribbons will serve as flower petals. He folds them obliquely, it turns out a cross "X". We lay out our flower on it and fix it with a thread. In order for the ribbon tied with a flower to look more beautiful in the center, you can attach some kind of stone or sew on rhinestones or beads.


Another very original way is the “tie”, but in this case the ribbon will need to be quite long, since the scheme for tying it is completely identical to the tie.


Simple, but tasteful will look "butterfly". To make it, you need to make a knot on the tape, but not too tight. Cut the edges of the tape to make one of the parts of the rhombus.

Brooch from St. George's ribbon with your own hands

Fimina Ekaterina Borisovna, Educator of the GPA MOU-SOSH p. Lebedevka, Krasnokutsky district of the Saratov region.
Target: Making a symbol of Victory, a gift for May 9th.
Tasks: To contribute to the patriotic education of children, to master the skills of Kanzashi technique, to improve the skills of working with a cutting tool, with needles, to develop creative imagination, the ability to compose artistic compositions, to cultivate a sense of love and attention to loved ones.

Purpose: The product is made to be worn on clothes, as a gift to veterans, relatives and friends.
The master class is designed for students in grades 5-11 of the school, educators, teachers and parents, everyone who likes to wear and give handmade products.
In a few days, the most important holiday of our country, Victory Day, will begin. Children, their teachers and parents try to show their involvement in this event, look for ideas, stock up on various materials for the implementation of their creative plans. One of the main symbols of Victory Day is the St. George ribbon worn on the chest. Since last year, it has become fashionable to wear a ribbon in the form of a brooch. The children and staff of our school wear a wide variety of brooches, but mostly purchased ones. We will make a brooch with our own hands using the Kanzashi technique.
So, let's begin!
Materials and tools:
- red satin ribbon -20 cm;
- St. George ribbon - 80 cm;
- lace - 10 cm;
- ruler, pencil;
- threads black, red;
- needle, English pin;
- glue gun, glue stick;
- gas lighter;

From St. George's ribbon we cut squares of 8-10 pieces. The photo shows two ways of cutting.

With the help of a lighter, we singe the cut edges of the squares and, bending them diagonally, solder one edge of the resulting triangles.

Using a needle with a black thread, we connect the parts by inserting one triangle into another.

We form a ring from triangles.

We cut 6 strips of 8 cm from the tape, melt the edges.

We bend the strips in half and sew along the edge with a thread.

We connect all the details in a ring.

We cut off 15 cm of the tape, cut the edges with an angle, melt, bend, sew with a thread, as in the photo.

We collect the finished parts into a brooch, sew with a thread.

We turn to the design of the center of the brooch. We are trying different options.


And further.

We stop at the option with a star. The star, along with the St. George's ribbon, is a symbol of Victory.

According to the template, we cut out a star from cardboard, draw along all lines with scissors or an awl.

We bend the workpiece along all lines.

We smear the workpiece with glue with a pencil, put it on a satin ribbon or other fabric, smooth it with a hot iron, cut the fabric to the shape of cardboard, melt the edges.

We fold the workpiece along the folds.

We glue the ends of the star with a thermal gun.

We get a voluminous satin star.

At the lace, we fuse the edges, with the help of a thread we collect it into a ring so that it matches with the star.

Here's what happened.

Now we make out the reverse side of the brooch. From the atlas we cut out two circles, one with a diameter along the length of the pin, the other of such a size as to cover all the ugly places of the brooch.

Sew a pin to a small circle, folding it in half.

In the middle, we pierce a large circle with the tip of a pin, and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe head we make a small incision, we bring the head of the pin into it and melt the incision.

Glue the circles together.

Glue on the reverse side of the brooches.

The brooch is ready!

Trying on.

On the eve of Victory Day, many begin to prepare for this great holiday, choosing decorations for themselves, symbols of this celebration. The main symbol is, of course, the St. George ribbon. The colors of the ribbon - black and orange - mean "smoke and fire" and are a sign of the personal prowess of Russian soldiers on the battlefield.

That is why at the Victory Parade, you definitely want to decorate your chest with a St. George's ribbon. You can simply tie it on the handle of your handbag or pin it in the form of a brooch on clothes, a bag, a headdress, etc. We suggest you add some zest to the usual St. George's ribbon - make unique Kanzashi decorations for May 9 with your own hands.

St. George ribbon with Kanzashi flowers

A brooch with a St. George ribbon is patriotic in nature and therefore will be very appropriate at the Victory Parade. It can be made dressy and sophisticated using decorative elements such as stones, rhinestones, twisted metal elements and Kanzashi flowers.

Boutonnieres with simple Kanzashi flowers

There are several techniques for creating petals, leaves and flowers using the Kanzashi technique. Having mastered them, you can make whole masterpieces from ribbons! Beginners in the Kanzashi technique can make a simple festive boutonniere with a flower resembling a five-pointed red star:

He tells the secrets of its creation in his master class Tatyana Yatsenko:

The red ribbon can be replaced with yellow or pink; this Kanzashi flower also goes well with the St. George ribbon:

Simple buttonholes with tulips look very elegant!

Making callas using the Kanzashi technique is also within the power of beginners. Watch the master class from the channel Hand made by Ludmila K.:

And then collect a boutonniere with a bouquet of delicate flowers:

Brooches with Kanzashi flowers from sharp petals

From the sharp petals of Kanzashi, you can make a lot of elegant and original flowers for brooches on May 9th.

Three small petals, interconnected, easily fit into the petals O larger in size. Play on the contrasts of black and orange:

This will require a satin ribbon of two colors, St. George's ribbon, decorative ornaments and accessories

We form sharp small and larger petals from an orange ribbon. We collect smaller petals into a flower:

We make two triangles from a black ribbon, put a larger triangle on a smaller one and form a petal in the likeness of a simple sharp petal. After soldering the ends of such petals, spread the black corners in different directions.

We put black petals with carved edges into orange petals and fix with glue:

You should get such blanks of a volumetric flower:

We connect all the details together. We decorate the St. George ribbon with decorative elements:

A brooch with a voluminous elegant flower is ready!

From a satin ribbon, you can also make such a voluminous ear, in which the petals are laid with the back side out. The "antennae" of the ear are made according to the same principle as.

St. George Ribbon with Kanzashi Star

By experimenting with the St. George ribbon, you can simulate jewelry of incredible beauty, which are in demand and popular today. For example, you can make a five-pointed star out of it! After all, the red star is a heraldic sign, now it is one of the elements of the Banner of the Russian Armed Forces.

An asterisk is very easy to make from the St. George's ribbon using a soldering iron or a lighter. To do this, we make a cut of the tape - 8 cm. Fold the tape in half and measure 2 cm from the upper corner. Cut off the excess at an angle. You should get a trapezoid with the following parameters: upper length - 4 cm, lower - 8 cm.

Such blanks must be made 5 pieces. We turn them out.

We solder all the elements together. We cover the wrong side of the asterisk with another piece of tape. At the ends of this ribbon we make beautiful corners. Glue a decorative element on the front side of the star.

You can attach an asterisk to your chest using a simple pin or clip glued to the back of the brooch.

You can learn more about creating such an asterisk in Anna Bartoshik's master class.

By the same principle, you can make such gold star brooches. Here, on the contrary, the wrong side of the golden brocade star becomes the front. We cover the seams with a decorative element. The brooch turns out to be voluminous, because we connect a golden star with a star from the St. George ribbon.

The tip of the star can be made more pointed, while the angle at which you cut off the excess from the tape, forming a trapezoid, should be larger. A flat order is obtained due to the fact that the prepared elements are glued onto the base.

He demonstrates another version of a twisted star from a ribbon in his master class. Kulikova & Co:

Luxurious Kanzashi brooches for May 9

If you have already made simple Kanzashi decorations for May 9 many times, then try your hand at creating truly chic brooches, orders and boutonnieres.

Experienced masters will share their experience.

Olga Masterova offers you a master class on making a very beautiful three-dimensional brooch with carved petals:

Maria Kalugina will show how to make a festive kanzashi marshmallow for the Victory Day:

Another original brooch from the channel « Sisters EM» :

Congratulations to you and your loved ones on the upcoming Victory Day! We wish all of us a peaceful sky over our heads for many, many years to come! Happy holiday!

St. George ribbon with kanzashi decoration. Master class with a detailed description.

Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, primary school teacher of KEI KhMAO-Yugra "Laryak boarding school for students with disabilities".
Description: this master class is intended for children of primary school age, teachers of additional education, educators and creative people who love to create beautiful crafts with their own hands.
Purpose: the work can be used as an attribute on May 9, a gift for a holiday.
Target: decoration of the St. George ribbon in the Japanese technique of kanzashi.
1. To consolidate the skills and abilities of working with a satin ribbon.
2. Cultivate the desire to make the product with your own hands.
3. Cultivate the habit of working independently, carefully, bringing the work begun to its logical conclusion.
4. Develop creativity, imagination, fantasy.
5. Develop compositional skills and aesthetic sense.
Materials and tools:
1. Satin ribbons 2.5 cm wide (orange-black, red, green), beads.
2. Ruler, glue.
3. Scissors, lighter.

Stages of the craft:
1. The width of the main ribbon, on which the kanzashi-style decoration will be placed, is 2.5 cm.
Cut the St. George ribbon 25 cm long.

2. Cut the edges of the tape at an angle of 45 cm. Run a burning candle or lighter along the cut line.
This is necessary to maintain the accuracy of the product, as the edges can crumble a lot.

3. Form a curly loop. At the junction, secure the loop with a safety pin from the wrong side. The base for the satin ribbon branch is ready.

4. Let's start making a brooch in the form of a scarlet branch.
For the branch, cut 9 squares of red satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide.

5. Fold each piece diagonally twice. Hold the junction of the corners over a burning candle or lighter. You get small three-dimensional triangles - the petals of a scarlet twig.

6. Using glue, connect 8 petals in pairs. Apply glue to one side of the petal.

7. Paired petals connect with each other. A single sheet will close the paired branch. Apply glue to the junction of a pair of petals.

8. As a result of small painstaking work, you get a twig
only 5 cm long.

9. From a 5mm grass-colored satin ribbon, prepare 2 pieces
5 cm long.

10. Forming a convex loop, connect both ends of each segment by running a burning candle along the edge. You should have two small leaves.

11. At this stage, we begin to connect the received parts. Position and glue the scarlet branch to the base - St. George's ribbon. Apply glue to the convex parts of the branch from the wrong side.
You can use a hot glue gun.

12. Carefully, at the base of the collected petals, place and fix symmetrically two green leaves.

13. You can "revive" the brooch with a few small beads of yellow
Or, better yet, white.
Our symbolic decoration for May 9 is ready.

Can be attached to clothing with a safety pin.