How to make funny torn jeans. How to make ripped jeans: step by step instructions

For several years now in the shows of the fashion designers with world names, you can see ribbon jeans. It is this subject of a wardrobe is considered a unique basic thing. With different combination and additions, such jeans can be put on a party and for a walk. To date, good, high-quality denim fabric is considered one of the most expensive. And if you buy ribbon jeans in a fashionable boutique, unfortunately, not everyone can do it, then any girl can make them alone.

As you already understood, it will be a speech in this article about how to make ripped jeans with your own hands.

Before you start creating a new thing for your wardrobe, think over everything to the smallest detail and prepare the necessary materials and tools. Tips for experienced needlewomen will help you not only do not spoil already existing jeans, but also create a truly original and beautiful outfit:

  • For modeling, select Old Jeans. They must be from medium density tissue.
  • It is not recommended to use jeans on a warmed basis or too thin tissue.
  • All suture elements and main parts must be integer and suitable for sock.
  • When hardening holes on jeans, be sure to put a wooden board or a dense cardboard inside the pants so as not to damage the other part of the fabric.
  • For modeling, take a sharp blade or a stationery knife. Be sure to cut the subject must have a sharp tip.
  • Before turning jeans in the torn, make outline and mark the chalk of holes and scuffs.
  • Do not make cuts in the field of buttocks and knees, as it looks ugly.
  • Press the tissue additional loss can be using a chlorine-containing substance. For example, bleach process the remaining threads and the edges of holes.
  • Many scuffs and slots do not always look beautiful. After you have made a few cuts, try jeans and see the result, maybe it will be quite enough.
  • To eliminate small threads, you can use a special typewriter or a conventional vacuum cleaner.

Ripped jeans with their own hands: Step-by-step instructions

Create beautiful and boiled torn jeans at home can be very fast, quite simple and without much costs. If you prefer laconic and modest outfits, then the holes are best done in a small amount from the level of the line shorts to the knees. But the bold beautiful sex representatives can make jeans ribbon throughout the length.

Required tools:

  • wooden board, bar or dense cardboard;
  • paper emery with large and small grains;
  • needles;
  • stationery knife either blade.

Step-by-step process description:

How to make scratching on jeans?

What only the skillful needlewomen do not invent! A fine sex representatives came up with several options, how to make losses on jeans at home:

  • with the help of bleaching substance;
  • using oxidative agents;
  • using stone pumice;
  • using sandpaper.

If you want to make the effect of rubbing over the entire surface of the jeans, then use the first two ways. However, it is necessary to work with whitening and oxidizing means it is extremely careful not to spoil the cloth and not get burns. Most often, experienced needlewomen use the last two ways. Let's look at them in more detail. The execution process will be the same and in working with sandpaper, and with pimples.

Necessary materials:

  • jeans;
  • sandpaper or stone-pumice;
  • wooden bar;
  • pins.

Step-by-step process description:

  1. Before you begin to create scuffs, be sure to place the places where you will do them. It is not recommended to rub the fabric on the knee bends and buttocks.
  2. Select the desired section of jeans and make three or four folds that secure the pins.
  3. Molded folds. Treat with water. It is not necessary to clean the denim fabric.
  4. Next, take sandpaper or stone-pumose and start rubbing. Washed to do horizontally. Periodically, look at the level of rubbing, perform all actions carefully so that holes are not formed.
  5. That's from old jeans you can easily make a fashionable and modern outfit.

Ripped jeans with lace

Recently, torn jeans with lace inserts have recently become a very relevant and fashionable outfit. Such clothes can be combined with almost any basic things of your wardrobe. Depending on the cutting of jeans, they can be worn with high-heeled shoes or a wedge, as well as with a sophisticated blouse or top. Make ripped jeans with lace at home easy enough. You will need some patience and skills in the sewing area.

Necessary materials:

  • jeans;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • pepper stone or sandpaper;
  • cutting of lace tissue or guipure;
  • needles;
  • threads.

Step-by-step process description:

  1. As in the above methods for modeling ripped jeans, before proceeding with the disclosure, be sure to place the location of the holes and scuffs.
  2. Using sandpaper, pumice stone, grates for vegetables or instrument for cleaning fish Make scuffs and holes.
  3. The above step-by-step methods will help you do it very quickly and without much effort.
  4. Cut the hole in the size of the selected lace fabric and slightly swap it with a fringe.
  5. Next, remove the denim pant inside out and attach a lace facial fabric down.
  6. Make the back and see the result.
  7. Lace fabric can be sewed with a machine line or manually.
  8. These are the original torn jeans with lace inserts you need to get.

As you can see, create a unique and very beautiful element of the wardrobe with your own hands. Ripped jeans belong to a row of fashionable clothes for several years in a row. Agree to make ripped jeans yourself quite simple and special skills on sewing and cutting you do not need. Ripped jeans are considered a basic thing in the wardrobe and they can be combined with various outfits and shoes. Be original and irresistible!

Ripped jeans that seem to come out of fashion, returned to the pedestal. This wardrobe object is increasingly can be seen in the collections of famous couturiers. Of course, such jeans are greater popular among young people. This choice is suitable for bolders who want to add to their image a fraction of eroticity and freedom. Ripped jeans look very fashionable and extravagant. They can be found on the shelves of any clothing store. However, due to increasing demand, the price is rather small. But to diversify your image with such trousers and less costly way. We will look at several options how to make jeans ribbon at home.

It should be noted that the trousers from classical jeans are suitable for this experiment. Tissue density must be medium. It is also worth paying attention to the cut - too wide jeans will lie freely, and torn segments will simply be seen. But on very narrow models, the fabric stretches, and the cuts will look uneatetic. The best option is tight jeans. Choosing the size and locations of the cuts, consider the type of your figure. And one more point - such bold clothes requires care of legs and timely epilation.

The grunge effect on jeans only creates an image of chaoticness and ease. In fact, cuts need to do neatly. Before starting the procedure, you need to try jeans and outline with chalk or pencil breaks. You can also celebrate the lines, smoothly waving jeans. During the procedure, you should not neglect the intermediate fitting - it is better to modify a little than spoiling a thing with holes too large. Places for holes is better to choose above or below the knee. It is not recommended to make cuts on your knees or on bends, subsequently the fabric in these places can be toured even more. So, we create a trendy wardrobe item yourself.

Preparation for the manufacture of ribbon jeans

For this we need:

  • acute knife (stationery) or blade;
  • scissors;
  • a piece of plywood;
  • needle;
  • sandpaper.

When the desired breaks are outlined, you can start work. For a start, place the plywood under the layer of the treated fabric so as not to damage the reverse surface of jeans.

Sports must be performed depending on the desired result. There are several options for creating a fashionable effect of shabby jeans at home.

Careless grunge jeans option

We make 6-7 cuts in length about half of the trousers. For a more negligent image of the cut line can be different in length. If jeans cut with scissors, smooth edges are obtained. And so that the cuts looked shabby, use the stationery knife.

Distribute cuts by drowing a pair of blue threads.

Then treat the edges of the trousers. To do this, cut the fed edge.

And for the torn effect on the edge of the jeans, use sandpaper or piece of pumice.

Then, in the same way, make several cuts on the pockets of jeans.

Do not forget to put a soft plate under the processed tissue.

Ripped minimalism jeans

Make two parallel cuts with a length of 5-6 cm. The distance between the cuts should be approximately 5 cm.

The denim fabric has a second layer of white threads, which will help us in this case to achieve the desired result. Now take the tweezers and begin to gently remove the blue vertical threads.

Delete all the threads from the beginning to the end of the cut. As a result, you must only have white horizontal threads.

Make a few of these segments on both pershes. Their size you can also vary on your taste.

Jeans with battlefaction effect

For a more battered effect, the hole on jeans can be of different sizes, and are located in chaotic order.

The edges of the cut at the same time are processed by sandpaper or using an ordinary grater for vegetables.

You can also strengthen the effect as follows. With the help of a needle, you must pull out several threads, then unevenly break them.

This is a rather negligent option that is suitable for young bolders.

The ability to create an individual image is not limited to the proposed options. It is enough to show fantasy and arrange cuts on jeans in the form of figures, or put a color tissue under holes. It all depends on your courage and the desire to look original. At home, jeans with a ribbon effect is easy, and the result will delight you with a new fashionable thing in the wardrobe.

Of the many types of clothing, the most popular in the world are jeans. And no matter how many pairs of these trousers were in our wardrobe, there will always be a couple of loved ones among them. And if suddenly they lose sight because of an unexpected impulse or scuffs, it will seem real catastrophe. But it is not necessary to despair: today it is even fashionable, and therefore many fashionists on the contrary are looking for a way to make ripped jeans from wear or absolutely new trousers.

How to make ripped jeans

So, in order to make a fashionable thing, you must first get a couple of slaughters from the covers of the cabinet, but those who love jeans and try to make them with ribbons.

  1. For such experiments, the average is suitable for Denim density.
  2. Also need a sharp knife, you can use the stationery.
  3. A small segment of plywood.
  4. A piece of chalk and a vacuum cleaner, with the help of which the villus and threads will be removed after cutting.

Initially, it should be determined with the degree of desired "vandalism": small losses, unscrew cuts or super torn pants. True, it is important to take into account that breaks on buttocks or knees often look ridiculous, so you need to think well, in what places you need to cut the fabric. After that, you need to make the most clearly outline with a chalk drawing of cuts. Then pants are hanging at the eye level to estimate the result. When everything suits, you can start actions.

For the first attempt, it is better to take jeans that you will not feel sorry to spoil

Before you, it is necessary to put a small Phaneur under the seats of future rosters on jeans. This is done in order to make the cut as you even can and at the same time do not damage the opposite part of the jeans. Then across the selected pantna, a neat slotted on the planned pattern is made. After committing all the cuts, a certain part of the perpendicular cuts are removed to weaken the transverse threads, which are rather strong and slightly lighter than the main color of the trousers, which will add stylish decor. Cuts are desirable to do at the same distance.

At large intervals between them, for a better effect, it is necessary to perform them along a couple of pieces, and the made close cuts are perfect. After performing cuts, you need to consider longitudinal threads from the remaining pile. It will only be left to use the vacuum cleaner to completely remove the balances of the threads.

To make ripped jeans with their own hands More spectacular, you will have to arm a bleach containing chlorine, and go well along the edges of the ripped plots. In order to fill the hand, you need to do this process on a separate jeans flap or in an inconspicuous place of trousers.

In the case when you have a desire to decorate torn jeans trousers with lace, then you just need to twist jeans and sew the openwork fabric, which can be purchased at any fabric store or simply cut off from an unnecessary lace blouse. Black lace is suitable for dark jeans, and to light - gray or white. Selects lace with small stitches threads under the color of jeans. It is also important not to flash a strand through, but try to capture only internal threads, which will avoid untidy stitches around the perimeter of the cut. At the end of the work, you need to wash jeans and pasted. These pants are erasing, placed in a gauze bag or an unnecessary pillowcase, as the washing machine can finally get them.

If you are still not sure that we can handle the decoration of your favorite trousers, you can look before making ripped jeans, a video lesson, such as this:

Winned, and not just read the action is always perceived better.

After the appearance of such dresses on the streets of cities, the residents of older were generally shocked by them. Therefore, the more you need to be able to properly combine them with the rest of the wardrobe. Although many stylists believe that torn jeans can be safely worn with all more restrained things and literally with any shoes. But it is important to adhere to the main rule: the upper part of the outfit must be harmoniously combined in style with shoes. And if we talk about specific options, then there are a lot of them:

  • interestingly and stylishly combined with ripped jeans blouse and high-heeled shoes, which is perfect for a party;
  • in the everyday wardrobe, ribbon jeans can be combined with a classic practical top and ballet shoes without a heel;
  • a ripped jeans and a spacious sneakers with sneakers can be put on a country trip;
  • in hot summer days, torn jeans appropriately supplement the tunic from chiffon, the footwear at the same time sandals with a high wedge.

Jeans with holes are combined absolutely with any shoes. With elegant boats ...

... with open heel sandals ...

... with ankle shoes ...

... with ballet shoes ...

... with brogues or oxfords ...

... with kedy ...

... and even with flip-flops.

True, sometimes, even having learned how to make old jeans with ribbon, you can get an unwanted result. But do not be upset: first, the trousers were originally old and you probably could not get out anywhere. Secondly, even in such jeans should feel irresistible, because there are no other similar things like anyone. In addition, it is this form of cuts of shortness that will become fashionable, perhaps even thanks to you. After all, for so many years, these torn outfits are trend clothing, then slightly passing the dyed positions, then again taking off to the top of the fashion. And they differ in exactly the ways of cutting denim. Stylists believe that ripped jeans will be treated for oblivion very not soon and therefore give a completely reasonable hint: in the wardrobe, everyone should have these stylish clothing items. And absolutely no need to spend huge amounts of money for the purchase of ribbon jeans made by the famous designers. Transform a loved one, although the old denim in a very stylish thing can also be yourself. The main thing is desire, attentiveness and flight of fantasy.

Celebrities in jeans of varying degrees of "Radia"

By the way, having learned, you can add experience to fantasy items and then there will be an absolutely new stylist of bold trousers.

So, in order to give ripped jeans more effects and call, you should be worst with free time, random patience and to standard holes or scuffers add a couple of slots on your pockets or on the belt.

You can also try to go out for the generally accepted frames and cut round holes, give them the shape of hearts or triangles. These figures can be broken off with threads Moulin, decorate rhinestones, lace, sequins, ribbons, beads. After testing all possible views of "torture" on jeans, you can easily and be safe from them even ... Curtains. After the first trousers, the hand will receive sufficient experience, and you can continue not only to be sophisticated in the decoration of ripped jeans, but also exercise in the accomplishment of other design feats.

Make a fashionable thing with your own hands

Moreover, how to make trendy torn jeans The way of cuts, our needlewomen are looking for a response to the question of how to make jeans with loss or truly torn. Unlike the first method, in the second to the instruments necessary for the "operation" tools will be added to the tools or pumice. As before, the model you like is selected. Not so important where the prototype is taken from the Internet or boutique. The main thing is to determine the method of performing decor: holes, slots or scuffs. After all, ribs are considered jeans even just with scuffs, which after the machine washing themselves will turn into natural holes. Pencil (or chalk) are scheduled location of future holes. Again, before making beautiful torn jeans, it is important to remember that the slopes are best described below or above the knees. So, pants are laid out on a smooth surface. Then the bar is laid or plastic between the stunner under the scheduled place. When performing slots, the fabric is cut by a stationery knife along the drawn line. Cross threads are approaching the needle and removed by tweezers. The holes are made in the form of the letter "H", and so that the transverse threads are easier to be removed, and the hole looked visually more than in fact, the crossing in the letter should be done a little longer. You can make two slots in parallel, and longitudinal short threads carefully remove, which is very important in how to make beautifully torn jeans. To perform scuffs, the prepared place must be lost to pembia. For a more original effect, you can scratch the razor planned area on jeans. Again, the perimeter of rubbing, the cut or the impulse is processed by chlorine and jeans finally erased.

Make jeans with holes and scuffs

Such unpretentious pants also have certain requirements for the type of women's shapes, depending on their cutting. It turns out that straight trousers are suitable for large hips. The holes in this case are located vertically and not too often, which will give a figure of harness and visual extension. By defining, for an ideal figure, you can choose any cut, but most of all emphasize the slimity of denim sinnie trousers with causing slopes on her knees and hips. With a low growth, the holes should be placed only at the top of the trousers or in caviar, which will make the figure more decorated and easy. The most desperate girls for even greater brightness can choose acidic or neon jeans, which will make an image even more daring. True, you need to choose neutral bright things to choose this color, so as not to turn into a palette of poisonous tones, from which just ripped jeans will turn into pants "Eye". After all, it is important to adhere to balance and harmony, even in the question, how to make stylish torn jeansSuppose to emphasize not only individuality, but also the presence of a sense of measure and taste of owner of such trendy trousers.


These stylish jeans are combined with almost any things.

Not bad option for a garage party

Wonderful everyday ensemble

In the style of Kezwal

Brilliant (in the literal sense of the word) Disco image. Become a queen club!


Three years ago, torn jeans appeared again in the wardrobes at Modnitz, which is completely no coincidence. In the 80s of the last century, such unusual clothes were not sold in stores, she was carried by punks. But after a dozen years, stylish pants could be found on the market. Ripped jeans can be made independently, for this there is no need to acquire a new thing.

Find the old jeans in the wardrobe, which came out of fashion. With the help of a sharp blade, we ride several horizontal lines on the fabric. It is better to draw a pencil strip in advance. Now, using a needle, pull out the threads. As a result, a strip of threads should turn out. Such holes look very carefully, as they have the right form. If you like shabby jeans with chaotic holes, then another technology is applied to their manufacture. Take pums or sandpaper with a large size of grains. Thrite the front side of the stone until the hole appears. Shape of ribbon sites chaotic and incorrect. In 2015, the spring will be popular jeans with large slots. Girls with full legs and appetizing buttocks are better to do neat cuts on jeans, since large holes attract attention and emphasize the flaws of the figure.

In order to make ripped jeans, you can use a grater. Throw her cloth in the direction from top to bottom. Do not trite jeans in both directions, it is so difficult to get neat losses and holes. You can draw different figures with a pencil and cut them with manicure scissors. On the contour of figures, pull out a little thread by making shabby edges. Remember, longitudinal threads are the most durable, so it will have to rub long. If you want to simplify the task, tritte from side.

What if the holes turned out to be ugly? In this case, cut a rectangle from a piece of denim tissue a little more than a hole, and the trick of it on a spoiled place. Before selecting a latch, spend its edges. If you want to inhale the second life in old jeans that are going to wear in the summer, you can sunmate under the torn plots. Such clothes look bold and feminine simultaneously. On the perimeter of the hole and right on the threads can be glued rhinestones and put painting with acrylic paints. Would you like threads around the holes white? We will have to use not only scissors, but also a bleach. With the help of a sponge, apply a little white or a domain on jeans and wait until the colored threads become white. Strip clean and dry tissue under the hole so that the bleach does not drove the dye on the other side of the pants. Last season, jeans-noodles with frequent holes appeared in the shops. In order to acquire such a thing, take old pants and a stationery knife. Make a lot of cuts distant from each other by 1-3 cm. Displays the edges with a needle and spend the holes with pembias. The whole front of the product will be shabby. Wear jeans-noodles are better in summer and spring.

If you have already done holes, but the thing seems to you boring, try to decorate it a little. Type a little bleach containing chlorine into the sprayer, and spray on the fabric. Leave your pants for 2 hours, and then post them. It turns out jeans in small blond stains.

If you are afraid to spoil the thing, practice on flaps or old denim clothing.

We all know the phrase: "Everything new is well forgotten old." So now we can observe the same in the situations with jeans. Or rather, with torn jeans, which were popular in the 1980s and gain their popularity now.

Despite the fact that they are literally "in holes" and look inactively, such jeans for some reason are very expensive.

Now you will learn how to independently make ripped jeans at home!

Where to begin?

First of all, you should take the "source material", in the form of any pair of jeans. Well fit and some old, "proven" jeans. In addition, they will look even better in the end than just new ones.

It is necessary to determine the style in the direction of which will follow the transformation of your item:

  • Grunge. Cross threads are pulled out and holes "teething";
  • Minimalism. Only equity threads are drawn. Unlike grunge, transverse lines are not affected.

In addition, you can see the online photo of ideas how to make jeans ribbon. Thus, it will be finally understandable, in which direction should work.

If you transform new jeans, you need to give them the kind of "braveness". This is achieved by washing in very warm water, using "strong" powders


To make ripped jeans at home, you will need such tools:

  • Scissors, knife or blade;
  • Paper for wood processing ("sandpaper"), a razor machine, a sawmother or chick;
  • Soap products or ballpoint pen (chalk) for contour;
  • Tweezers;
  • Cardboard (for convenience);
  • Lace (for decorating jeans);
  • Needle;
  • Clip or pins.

Work algorithm

Step-by-step instructions How to make ripped jeans begins with the definition of exactly where holes will be. Jeans are best to be directly put on you and with the help of a shallow or soap to outline places.

Please note: if the jeans are worn, then the holes should not be too large and it is necessary to have them only in those parts where there are no bends; If the jeans are new, then it is not necessary to bother here to have holes.

Also remember that if the holes are in the knee area, it is necessary to place and cut them slightly higher than you need.

Attach jeans with marking on a smooth, solid surface (cardboard or wooden plank).

To create a ripped effect, use the "sandpaper", pumice or grater.

Take the scissors and crush along the edge of the slot to create the effect of corrugation.

Let's go to the holes in denim. With the help of a scissor or stationery knife, gently reduce the holes on your labels. Try not to do first big holes, as there is a risk of "spoiling" them.

Tweezers remove longitudinal threads from cuts. If all the threads are not possible, then nothing is terrible - in this way you give a more natural effect of my own effect.

Cut slices of denim can also be used original. They can be sewn with large trails with an invented part to jeans themselves. Thus, the threads will be clearly visible. Such a "chip" can be used both in men's and female jeans.

If you have pieces from other fabrics, they can also be used for decor. Almost the same as in the previous Council, they can be sewed to the front side of jeans. With the help of different piece of fabric, you can even form a drawing.

There are no direct councils - each different tastes and fantasy.

Some more tips finally:

Do not do cuts right next to the seams. There is a risk that the seams can start to disperse.

To add even more effect of worn out, after all previous actions on the "processing" of jeans, they should be wrapped.

If you want to make very small scuffs, then use the scissors blade tip.

The spray of the bleach will be able to be jeans even more (but do not overdo it).

To make some zones bleached, use the same tool as in the previous method.

It is necessary to take chlorine, mix it with a small amount of water and apply the resulting mixture onto cotton or gauze. These comments are treated with the necessary places with holes. After all these actions, put jeans.

Be always fashionable and stylish!