How to plump thin lips. Using professional cosmetics. No less effective red pepper lip mask

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 10 minutes


Jolie's lips were not always the canon of beauty. But in our time, the fashion for plump lips has reached a peak: girls increase them in all possible ways, without worrying about the consequences.

Whether or not the game of candles is worth it - this is a personal matter for every woman, and we will tell you about ways to enlarge women's lips without going to a plastic surgeon.

Makeup options for visual lip augmentation - how to paint yourself plump lips?

The main magicians who know this secret for sure are, of course, make-up artists. To correct all the "unnecessary", hide the flaws, emphasize the existing advantages - this is a task for them on the shoulder.

And some miracles are quite within the reach of an ordinary woman.

So, we increase the sponges with the help of our personal arsenal of cosmetics:

The choice of cosmetics for lip augmentation - what does the beauty industry offer today?

To add splendor to the lips, plastic surgery is not necessary at all. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase today without it.

For example…

  • Lip tattoo. A very popular way to visually enlarge the lips and correct their shape. The point of the procedure is to sketch the contour according to the "tattoo" principle. It will last about 3 years. The price of the issue is from 3000 rubles.
  • Electroporation. Injections and "plastics" are not required. The method is considered physiotherapeutic, painless and safe. Cons: It takes about 10 sessions; the effect is short-lived. The essence of the method: after peeling the lips, a "mix" of vitamins and hyaluronic acid is applied to them, after which a special apparatus acts on the lips for half an hour so that the mixture penetrates the skin. The price of the issue is about 2000 rubles.
  • Lip Ventus. You may laugh, but there is such a method. True, it is highly questionable and has side effects. This wonderful pump is used for "super-volume", stretching the lips with a "duck". The consequences are bruises, cracks and even more serious injuries.

Using professional cosmetics:

  • Lip gel (for example, LIP FILL) with the effect of deep hydration and slight lip augmentation due to certain components in the composition. The price of the issue is about 600 rubles.
  • Lip care / plumping agent (for example, Lip Booster) with capsicum and hyaluronic acid. The price of the issue is about 2000 rubles.
  • Lip cream (like Love Lips). With constant use, there is no reason to look for lip augmentation products. Provides a neat swelling and well-groomed lips. The price of the issue is about 1000 rubles.
  • Special moisturizing lip balm (for example, CREATIVE NATUR COSMETIC) with peptides in the composition. They stimulate collagen synthesis and naturally plump lips, providing a natural brilliance. Issue price: about 1300 r.
  • Lip Enlargement Gel with Cinnamon and Amino Acid (e.g. Perfect Pout). Its principle of action is to expand the capillaries. The price of the issue is from 1300 rubles.

On a note:

All lip plumping gels, balms and creams are based on ingredients that irritate the skin. They give only a short-term effect, but the consequences can be very "long-term". For example, irritation turns into inflammation and further into edema.

Therefore, before using the funds, think - do you need it?

Or use folk remedies - so at least you will be sure of their composition.

12 best home remedies to help plump lips

There are actually a lot of folk lip augmentation methods.

We will list the most popular ones:

And, of course, kisses! They quickly, effectively and safely provide that very sexy lip swelling without any means!

We will be very pleased if you share your experience or the results of your favorite beauty recipes!

Every woman wants to have beautiful lips. Modern fashion is voluminous plump lips, but nature does not give this volume and plumpness to everyone. Some relate to their appearance calmly, perceiving themselves as they are, and some want to fix themselves so much that they are ready to take risks, pumping their soy lips with special gels, or, in general, decide on surgical lip plastics. The result after such experiments on oneself can be unexpected and even deplorable.

You should not go against nature, just help her a little. Even if your lips are not as plump as you would like from birth, you can correct them without leaving your home. Some ladies have wonderful voluminous lips "lose weight" with age. It’s unpleasant, but you don’t need to make a tragedy out of it. To maintain or restore lip volume, you need to understand the reasons for volume loss.

Why did the lips become thinner?

  • Loss of moisture
  • Relaxation of muscle tone

So, it becomes clear that, first of all, to preserve the plumpness of our lips, we must properly care for them.

How to make your lips plump at home?

Lip care

  • The skin of the lips is quite delicate and needs protection. The use of lipstick will help here, it will protect the lips from wind and sun.
  • Be sure to use moisturizers. These can be special creams for the skin of the lips, day creams for the sensitive skin of the eyelids give a good effect on the lips; a noticeable effect is given by a 15-minute sour cream mask with the addition of a few drops of vegetable oil and lemon juice.
  • "Grandma's" method - contrast massage: massage the lips with pieces of ice, then rinse with water, then bite our lips. We alternate several times. We do this every day. The lips will become brighter and fuller.
  • Nutrition for the skin of our sponges can also be provided with the help of special products, or you can use homemade ones. If you make a cream cheese or honey mask several times a week (honey can be left overnight), after a few procedures you will see and feel that the skin on the lips has become more elastic and velvety.

When applying any means to the lips, you do not need to smear them, the movements should be gentle, creams and masks are, as it were, hammered into the skin with your fingertips.

Exercises to increase the volume of lips

  • The mouth is closed, the lips are stretched out with a tube. We move them left - right, up - down.
  • We take in air, we stretch our lips, inflate our cheeks. Now you need to slowly release air through your extended lips. We repeat several times.
  • We take in air again, just blow it out through closed lips, so that they vibrate.
  • We pronounce the sounds A-I-O-U for several minutes.
  • The usual whistle gives a good effect. Whistling a pleasant melody for a few minutes will bring pleasure and tone the labial muscles.
  • Quite effective, the most affordable and enjoyable lip exercises are smiling and kissing.

If you think that you are completely "unlucky" with your lips, that they are too thin, you can resort to cosmetics that will provide a visual increase in volume.

  • First, apply lipstick to the lips, going over their edges. You need to be careful not to go too far or you will look messy.
  • Second, use a lighter lipstick and a pencil that is lighter than your lipstick.
  • Thirdly, if you apply a little gloss over the lipstick in the center of the lips, the lips will also appear more voluminous.

Special substances, plumpers, provide not only a visual, but also a real effect. The lips become plump almost immediately after application, but the effect lasts only a few hours, for example, in the evening. Plumpers are quite expensive, not everyone can afford them.

And the last

Nature created us different, each one is unique and beautiful in its own way. Plump or thin lips are not so important. But self-care, massage and exercise will help maintain natural beauty and prolong youth.

One of the popular lip makeup techniques is ombre, when two shades of lipstick are used at once in the same range. The darker one is applied to the outer corners of the lips, the lighter one is applied to the center. The effect of additional volume is achieved through the transition of colors and the play of light and shadow.

How to do lip makeup using ombre technique

To visually enlarge the upper lip, paint over the upper border with a dry highlighter or light shining eyeshadow, going beyond the natural contour. A lighter highlight will give the impression of a slightly protruding upper lip.

Highlight the bottom contour with a light brown pencil slightly darker than the skin color to create the effect of a natural shadow. Thus, the lower lip will also become visually plump.

Paint the corners of the lips with dark lipstick, leaving the center free. Slightly blend the lipstick border in the center with a cotton swab.

Apply a lighter shade of lipstick to the center of the lips. Use an artificial brush to paint over the lips. With its help, carefully draw the outline without resorting to the help of a pencil.

Use a brush to blend the borders of the different shades of lipstick to create a soft transition.

Ready! The lips not only began to look spectacular, but also acquired a greater volume.

You can also create an ombre effect with just one lipstick. Read the details in our.

And how to create a bolder ombre version, see our video:

How to contour lips

For a casual look, use lip gloss and a light brown pencil slightly darker than your skin tone.

Draw the outline with a brown lip liner. Duplicate natural, going beyond the boundaries by a maximum of half a millimeter, so that the makeup does not look vulgar.

With the same pencil, draw lines on the lips themselves: select the center of the upper lip, and also draw three vertical lines on the lower one. Slightly blend the inner edges of the pencil along the outline with a cotton swab.

Apply a sheer nude, slightly peach or pink gloss to your lips.

Add a little brown to the corners of the lips or along the contour with a pencil if desired.

The effect of a visual lip enlargement is visible to the naked eye! But do not overdo it: try not to go too far beyond the boundaries of the natural contour and not to use an overly dark pencil.

How to choose cosmetics for plump lips?

Color selection

  • These can be the most neutral shades: a couple of tones darker than your skin; matching the color of your lips; slightly more pink lipstick. The main thing is that such shades are as natural as possible.
  • When choosing a lipstick, do not forget to focus on your color type (cold or warm), and do not forget about a pencil to match the lipstick.
  • The obvious advantages of nude lipstick are that it is more "wearable" and comfortable, does not require flawless application, and it is easy to update it even without a mirror.

Revolution High Color Lip Gloss, Kinky, Urban Decay © website

If you have an important event and you can't do without bright lipstick, watch our video tutorial on applying red lipstick.

Selection of texture

When choosing a lipstick finish, give preference to comfortable creamy textures, lacquer lipsticks or lip gloss. Such products visually enlarge the lips, creating additional volume due to the shine.

  • Matte lipsticks, especially liquid ones, dry the lips and visually shrink them.
  • The liquid lipstick leaves a clear contour that enhances the natural lines of your lips.

Lipstick-balm Rouge d'Armani Sheers, 403, Giorgio Armani © website

Plumping up lips: little secrets

The following tricks will help you to make your lips look fuller without painful and expensive injections.

The base for the lips can be your favorite lip balm or oil. Be sure to apply the base 5-7 minutes before using subsequent products.

  • Take a closer look at balms with mint or cinnamon oils, they improve microcirculation - blood rushes to the lips and makes them brighter and fuller. If you cannot find a remedy with these ingredients, use pure peppermint oil. You can mix it with any base oil.

Make it a habit to use. Lips need exfoliation just like your face, so use a special exfoliant at least once or twice a week.

  • If you haven't purchased a scrub yet, a toothbrush will do. Massage gently on moisturized lips to remove any dead debris. Any lipstick will fit much better on cleansed and nourished lips.


Even for lip makeup, concealer or foundation can be useful. Apply a light concealer to your lips in a thin layer using a sponge or brush.

  • First, the concealer will cover your natural lip contour so you can tweak it slightly.
  • Secondly, such a "base" will provide a smoother and more durable lipstick coverage.

Lip pencil

Those who seek to visually enlarge their lips need to choose a pencil to match or a couple of tones darker than the natural shade of the lips. You will need a pencil not only for stroking, but also for filling the lips with this color.

For more detailed instructions on how to create plump lips with a pencil, see the video of beauty blogger Alina Fly Cloud.

Yes, bronzer can be used for more than just creating a natural tan. Paint a thin line under the lower lip with bronzer, creating a shadow that supposedly falls from the plump lip.


A highlighter can also be helpful in creating a plump lip effect. Apply your favorite radiance product to the checkmark above your upper lip for a much larger look with reflective particles.

Lip gloss

Lip gloss Ecstasy Lacquer, 600, Adrenaline, Giorgio Armani © website

When was the last time you used a glitter glitter? If for a long time, then in vain! It is the gloss with a lot of shimmer that gives the lips maximum volume. In addition, glitter is back in fashion, so feel free to buy a forgotten product.

Smiles and kisses

Exercising your facial muscles will help you achieve a slight lip augmentation. Don't worry, these are enjoyable exercises that are easy to do every day. Smiles and kisses (even airy ones) will not only help to add volume to the lips, but will also cheer you up.

What tricks for lip augmentation do you know? Write a comment.

Nature has not given everyone such lips as Angelina Jolie. Full, plump lips are all the rage, and every woman probably dreams of how to make her lips bigger. It is not always safe to inject medications into them. However, there are certain techniques with which you can visually enlarge them.

Radical tricks

Several decades ago, everyone who wanted to increase the volume of their lips and who had the financial ability to do this turned to a plastic surgeon. The introduction of implants under the skin is quite common today, but after many sensational stories, the number of implants placed under the scalpel has decreased significantly. Moreover, there are alternative proposals for getting plump lips.

For example, lipofilling. There is absolutely no fatty layer in the tissues of the lips, therefore, when the muscles become flabby and dry, the lips seem to melt. With lipofilling, a small amount of fat cells taken from another place in your body is injected under the skin of the lips. There is a possibility that this fat will not take root either, or it will be unevenly distributed, forming irregularities. But if everything goes well, the result will last forever.

Lip filling with hyaluronic acid fillers. A special composition is injected under the skin of the lips with a thin syringe. It will keep its volumetric shape for only a few months, no more than a year. Gradually, the gel will dissolve and the lips will return to their original appearance. Therefore, the procedure will have to be repeated at regular intervals. This method is the least risky of those described.

Decorative cosmetics for visual lip augmentation

Make-up plays a huge role in the perception of facial features and its individual details. You can often find such a recommendation: to make the lips seem larger, just draw the contour of the shape you want. In this case, the contour can pass at a certain distance from the natural edge of the lips. But even on brightly smeared lips it will be seen that they are painted. So try this tip: to make your lips look plump, use a light contour pencil and light lipstick. If you prefer dark lipstick, then in the center, apply a little gloss in a slightly lighter tone, thanks to this, the lips will appear fuller.

Using glitter lip gloss can make your lips look much more voluminous. Also, the use of lipsticks with ginger, pepper, menthol or other substances that are great for stimulating blood flow. And the presence of collagen or silicone in the lipstick will visually enlarge the lips.

A popular way to make lips look fuller is with tattooing. According to the principle of a tattoo, a dotted contour of the lip line is drawn. At the request of the client, you can even give a completely new shape to the lips, enlarging them.

Lip charger

With age, the lips seem to dry out and lose their volume. To prevent this from happening, do special gymnastics:

Pull your lips forward and blow with relaxed lips, as if blowing out a candle. Repeat 30-40 times.

Take a deep breath, puff out your cheeks and exhale, alternately making a slow exhalation after exhalation in jerks. Repeat 15-20 times.

Pronounce the vowels a - and - o - y loudly, tightening your lips. Repeat 10-15 times.

Ways to enlarge your lips without leaving your home.

You can add volume to your lips without risky procedures. There are many such recipes.

  • For example, to make your lips look plump and shiny, use a day cream "for sensitive skin of the eyelids." It should be lightly hammered (and not smudged) into the red border around the lips with your fingertips in the morning, without stretching them.
  • Using a baby soft toothbrush, massage the lips daily for 1 minute. Or twice a day for 30 seconds. Move the brush gently and slowly so as not to injure the skin. After the massage, be sure to apply a healing moisturizing balm.
  • The skin of the lips also needs to be cleaned of dead cells. To do this, you can use your favorite scrub with a fine abrasive, but it is best to make it from natural products. In a small glass jar, mix two tablespoons of candied honey, one teaspoon each of baking soda and sesame oil, two drops of peppermint essential oil. Stir with a wooden or ceramic stick or spoon. Always store the scrub in the refrigerator. At your discretion, you can use it every other day or more often, but at least once a week. After exfoliating, moisturize the lips with a balm.

Homemade masks for lip volume

  • Mix half a teaspoon of cottage cheese equally with any natural juice or milk.
  • Homemade sour cream, one spoon, mix with 3 drops of lemon juice.
  • Spread natural honey over the lips. You can mix honey with pork fat for enhanced skin nutrition.
  • Apply kefir, and as soon as it dries, apply another layer.

And remember, when you purse your lips in a capricious grimace, wrinkles form around them. Better smile!

Make lips plump almost every woman dreams, especially those with thin lips. It’s quite real. Many different ways can be distinguished. The correct makeup will help to visually increase the plumpness of the lips. You can also give preference to exercises that will help you achieve what you want without surgery.

Important! Of course, you can give preference to visiting a beautician who offers injections or injections. This will help make your lips plump forever, but the price is quite high. It is exactly how much such a procedure costs that scares away clients. This is not necessary, because you can do everything at home.

Exercises to plump lips

Exercises to keep the lips plump will help girls achieve what they want. Plump lips look very flirty and sensual. And most importantly, exercise helps eliminate the need for injections of hyaluronic acid or Botox. Visible results can be achieved provided that it is performed daily for one and a half months. It is recommended that you follow all the tips exactly.

It is enough to perform only seven simple exercises.

  1. It is necessary to draw air into your mouth so that your cheeks are puffed up. The lips need to be pushed forward. You need to press on your cheeks with your palms, trying to resist. The exercise should be done for three minutes. After that, you should take a 30-second break and repeat the exercise five more times.
  2. You need to open your mouth wide, stick your tongue out as much as possible and stretch your lips with a tube. In this position, you need to freeze for 40 seconds, and then relax. The exercise is repeated 12 times.
  3. You need to take air into your mouth and puff out your cheeks as much as possible. Then you need to imagine that there is a ball in your mouth. Start rolling it over your cheeks, winding it over the upper and lower lips. The exercise should be done for 10 minutes.
  4. You need to take air into your mouth, and then exhale it sharply so that your lips are slightly parted. The exercise must be repeated 50 times.
  5. You need to close your lips and clench your teeth tightly. Tension should be felt in the jaw area. Now you need to push the lower lip forward, then the upper one, then the lips close into pipes. In this position, you need to move your lips up, down, right and left. The exercise should be done for 15 minutes.
  6. You need to whistle for 15 minutes daily. If you don't have the skills to whistle, or you just don't want to do this, you can let the air out of your mouth only by imitating the whistle.
  7. If there is a young man, it is recommended to kiss him more often. The maximum effect can be achieved if the man bites his lips slightly.

With the help of exercises, you can achieve plump lips at home and maintain the result for a long time. This method eliminates the need for cosmetics.

Makeup at home

Make-up at home can easily help you visually enlarge your lips with lipstick, gloss and pencil. The lips will quickly become plump and red (you can take lipstick and any other color, depending on your own preferences), if you use this algorithm:

  1. It is necessary to outline the lips with a pencil, retreating from the edges by no more than two millimeters. This will not make the makeup look vulgar, but will significantly increase the lips visually.
  2. The strip between the pencil outline and the lips needs to be shaded.
  3. On the lower lip, several vertical stripes should be made using a brown pencil. Then the stripes should be slightly shaded.
  4. On the lips you need to apply a suitable light lipstick, both glossy and matte will do. It is not recommended to use dark lipsticks, as the lips will appear thinner and smaller.
  5. The center of the lower lip can be covered with gloss. A small strip three millimeters wide is enough. This will add extra volume.

To make the lips visually more plump, you should always outline the contour, even if you plan to apply only a transparent gloss. It is recommended to give preference to a neutral, imperceptible nude color or pencil. This will also prevent the gloss from spreading. As a result of makeup, it will turn out to make the lips appear plump and more beautiful.

Massage as the best helper

Massage as the best assistant will help to enlarge lips at home. If you massage regularly, it will be possible to increase blood flow and increase the volume of the lips for a long time. You need to do massage actions before applying cosmetics. In this case, the skin of the face and hands must be clean.

The most effective types of massage include:

  1. With your fingers. It is necessary to perform patting movements on the surface of the lips with clean fingers. Next, light tingling is performed, and at the end, stroking is done. It is recommended to massage your lips twice a day.
  2. Toothbrush. It is worth giving preference to the one that has soft villi, since the skin of the lips is very delicate and can be easily injured. Before starting the massage, the brush should be soaked in oil (peach or olive), perform the procedure, and then blot your lips.
  3. With ice cubes. Ice from ordinary water or juices, decoctions of useful herbs in frozen form are suitable. You need to drive an ice cube over your lips until the ice melts. It is recommended to do this over a container.
  4. Contrast massage. It is done with a sponge, toothbrush or sponge. You also need to prepare two containers of water, one of which is hot water, and the other is cold. You can add a pinch of baking soda to each bowl. The massage device should be alternately moistened in hot and cold water, massaging the lips for 15-30 seconds.

Plump lips with masks

Plump lips with the help of masks are obtained easily, the effect is achieved quickly, but it is short-lived. That is why the mask is suitable for use immediately before a gala event. If desired, several masks can be combined with each other to achieve the desired result. The most common recipes for masks can be found in the table, where the ingredients and application features are indicated.

Mask name


Application features


1 ampoule of vitamin A, 1 ampoule of vitamin E, 4 grams of gelatin, half of one lemon, 5 ml of apricot oil

First you need to anoint your lips with vitamin A, and then with vitamin E. Now you need to squeeze the juice out of the lemon (you need 10 ml), pour gelatin over them and add a little apricot oil (you can replace it with a small amount of peach oil). The mixture should be infused for 15 minutes. At this time, rub the lips with lemon peel. After 15 minutes, the mixture will swell and must be applied to the lips. On top of the mask, you need to put cling film. You need to withstand such a mask on the lips for an hour..


15 grams of honey, 10 grams of cane sugar, 6 grams of potato starch, 30 grams of petroleum jelly, 6 ml of olive oil, 5 ml of grapefruit juice

You need to mix grapefruit juice, olive oil and potato starch. Pour 10 ml of water into the mixture (it must be hot). At the same time, you need to mix petroleum jelly, honey and sugar. The mass should be placed in the microwave for 20 seconds so that the mixture becomes liquid. Now all components can be mixed together until smooth.

The mask should be applied to the lips while it is still warm. After half an hour, the product can be washed off, covered with balm and blotted with a napkin.


10 grams of mustard (dry), 10 grams of petroleum jelly, 7 ml of lemon juice, 5 ml of burdock oil, 15 grams of honey

Vaseline and honey must be mixed and heated in the microwave for 20 seconds to get a liquid consistency. At the same time, you need to mix lemon juice and mustard. The mixture must be infused for 10 seconds. After that, the two compositions can be mixed together and applied to the lips. From above they are covered with cling film and kept for 20 minutes. If the product does not sting, you can hold a little more.

The result will not only be an increased plumpness of the lips, but also a distinct contour.

30 grams of honey, 15 grams of gelatin, 10 grams of glycerin, 5 ml of apple cider vinegar

All components must be mixed together and melted in a water bath. The product should be infused for 30 minutes. After that, the mask can be applied to the lips.

It is recommended to perform the exercise for 15 minutes (while the mask is in effect) - to stretch the lips with a tube forward and return to the starting position. After the specified time has elapsed, the composition must be removed with a paper napkin. Lips should be wiped with cosmetic ice (lemon balm ice is useful), and then gently pinched.

Sour cream

20 grams of sour cream (fat content should be more than 25%), 10 grams of honey, 15 grams of fat cottage cheese, 20 ml of lemon juice, 4 drops of rosemary essential oil

You need to mix lemon juice with honey and heat the mixture in the microwave so that the mass becomes liquid. You need to add essential oil, cottage cheese, sour cream to the composition. After mixing thoroughly, the mask can be applied to the lips. It is necessary to withstand the product for one hour, and then it can be washed off.

15 grams of oatmeal (they must be medium), 20 ml of olive oil, 5 grams of dry mustard, 10 grams of butter, 10 grams of coffee grounds

You need to mix coffee grounds, dry mustard and oatmeal with boiling water in a volume of 30 ml. The mixture should be infused for 25 minutes, after which it should be heated and butter should be added to it. The mixture must be mixed well until smooth. You need to smear your lips with olive oil, and pour the rest into the composition and mix until smooth.

Now the composition is ready, it must be applied to the lips and kept for 50 minutes. After that, you need to massage your lips with a mask for 10 minutes. You need to remove the excess with ice water or a hard napkin.


15 grams of ground chili, 30 ml of grape oil, 20 grams of honey, 15 grams of petroleum jelly, 20 grams of rice flour, 10 grams of lanolin, 15 grams of glycerin, 3 ml of olive oil

Pepper, flour and honey must be mixed together. Then grape oil is added to the mixture and the product is heated in the microwave for 20 seconds. While the mass is still warm, add petroleum jelly, lanolin, glycerin to it and mix well immediately. You may need to warm up the composition again a little.

Apply the product to the lips hot (of course, it should not be scalding). It is necessary to withstand the product on the lips for half an hour. The mask will pinch. If it is already impossible to endure, you need to remove the product with hot water or a hard cloth. Next, the lips need to be smeared with olive oil.


20 ml liquid menthol, 25 grams fresh mint, 10 grams dry instant coffee, 15 ml corn oil

You need to chop the mint. The easiest way to do this is with a blender. You should get a porridge, to which you need to add liquid menthol and oil. The composition must be thoroughly mixed so that it is homogeneous, and then add coffee to it and mix again. With such a tool, you need to cover your lips, cover them with cling film and hold the mask for one hour. The mask will be cold and tingling a little. After an hour, you need to wash off the mask and wipe your lips with ice for 15 minutes.


1 piece of radish, 10 ml of lemon juice, 1 clove of garlic, three-fourths of a small cucumber, 10 ml of burdock oil

Chop the garlic with a crusher or press, grate the cucumber and radish on a fine grater and mix with the garlic. Heat the mass a little in the microwave and add oil and juice to the product. The composition must be mixed well and applied to the lips, the mask must be kept for 40 minutes.

Attention! There will be no garlic smell, as lemon juice will overwhelm it.


15 grams of cosmetic wax (beeswax), 4 drops of peach oil, 7 grams of gelatin, 15 grams of cocoa powder, 20 grams of pickled ginger

It is necessary to mix cocoa and gelatin, the mixture should be poured with hot water in a volume of 30 ml. Add peach oil to the mass, mix and stand for 25 minutes. At this time, you need to grind the ginger (the easiest way is to use a blender), melt the wax in the microwave and add all the components of the mask to it.

The product should be applied to the lips and massaged. You can do exercises such as pulling your lips with a straw.

Remember! If any discomfort is felt, do not tolerate it. You need to wash off the product immediately. Permissible sensations are burning and slight tingling, but not pain.

Useful aids for lip augmentation

Useful lip augmentation devices will be quite effective. One of them is a simulator to help plump lips. For example, you can choose the product "Full lip" (translated as "plump lips"). This device is shaped like a pacifier. Take the simulator in your mouth and start exercising. You need to inhale air into yourself to create a vacuum, this will lead to protrusion of the lips forward. The result is visible and effective, it lasts about 6 hours.

At home, without buying any accessories, you can use the temperature drop method. It will help restore blood flow. To do this, you need to moisten a towel or napkin in hot water and apply to your lips. Remove the textiles after 30 seconds. You should wipe your lips for a minute with a piece of cosmetic ice (for example, chamomile or lemon balm). Both steps must be repeated for 15-20 minutes. Done, the lips have become more plump.

If you need to quickly increase the plumpness of your lips, it is recommended to combine methods. For example, in addition to the daily set of exercises, one or more masks can be done before an important event, as well as a contrast massage. You can make your lips more plump with makeup, but this will only be a visual effect. In any case, lip augmentation is achieved by moisturizing them, exfoliating dry skin, and stimulating blood circulation.