How to confidently talk to a girl. Past failures or lack of experience. Having interesting topics to talk about

Mistake 1: Too “nice guy”.

Have you ever noticed that really attractive women aren't drawn to "cute" guys? Of course, I noticed. I'm sure you have charming girlfriends who date "thugs"... but for some unknown reason, these girls have never been interested in YOU. Why is this happening? In fact, everything is simple ...

When choosing a partner, girls are not guided by how “cute” a man is. Attraction to courageous guys is born on an instinctive level. Even if you are a hundred times nicer than your rival, a woman simply WILL NOT FEEL ATTRACTIVE to you and, accordingly, will not choose you. I admit, this may sound pointless, but you should just believe and accept my words ... Unless you are ready to give up success with desirable girls forever.

Mistake 2: Don't try to make her like you.

What do guys usually do when they meet the girl of their dreams... and she doesn't even look at them? Right! They try to “convince” the girl to feel differently. Try to remember... YOU CAN NEVER CHANGE A GIRL'S FEELINGS WHEN IT'S ABOUT sympathy! Understand, NEVER. It is impossible to make a girl feel - neither by logic nor by rational reasoning. Think about it.

If she just doesn't feel anything for you, how are you going to convince her to think logically? However, everyone tries to do so. We beg, we chase, we try to influence the minds of girls... It will never work.

Mistake 3. Don't expect a girl's approval every time.

In their desire to please a girl (thinking that she will like us this way), men very often make such a mistake. Women don't like constantly sucking up guys! However, don't misunderstand me. Girls shouldn't be treated badly. It should only be understood that the constant expectation of permission to act does not contribute to the good mood of the fair sex. On the contrary, women are often annoyed by such behavior. Doubt? So ask any attractive girl about it.

Mistake 4: Don't try to "buy" her location.

Remember how many times you were rejected, despite a candlelit dinner, expensive gifts and flowers? I would venture to guess more than once. And you know, it's completely NATURAL. That's right, you heard right. It’s as if you are letting the girl know: “I don’t think you like me the way I am, so I’ll try to buy your attention and sympathy.” Even your good intentions can turn against you - a woman will think that you are trying to MANIPULATE her.

Mistake 5: Do not share your feelings with her ahead of time.

Unfortunately, this mistake is made by O lschaya part of the stronger sex. Remember, really attractive women are rare. And each of them gets a HUGE amount of male attention. Often guys do not understand this, but they try to get acquainted with such girls all the time - several times a day they turn into dozens a week and (oh, horror) into HUNDREDS a month.

Do you know what? Girls go on dates with many sufferers. They already have EXPERIENCE. They know very well what to expect. And some things make these poor babies run away from the guy in fear - for example, the phrase “You see, I REALLY REALLY like you!”. She understands one thing - that you are one of many, just like the rest. Don't repeat other people's mistakes. Behave in a relaxed, dignified manner.

Mistake 6: Misunderstanding what attracts women.

In some ways, women are very different from us men. You should just accept this fact.

What happens when a guy sees a young, beautiful, sexy girl? It's true, she's attracted to him. Is this condition fair for the fair sex? Does the appearance of a man have the same power over the female consciousness? Or is there another factor?

Having devoted almost five years to studying this topic, I can say with confidence that usually a woman responds to criteria that are not related to appearance. I am convinced that you paid attention to outwardly unremarkable, even unattractive men with charming companions. Think about it.

Women in a partner are attracted to certain qualities ... they care about what they FEEL when they are around this person. With masterful use of body language and proper communication skills, you can make a woman feel sexual desire, similar to what you feel when you see a hot young beauty. But it is impossible to master this art spontaneously. It takes a long time to LEARN. ANYONE can learn...

Mistake 7: It's not just about money and looks.

One of the most common mistakes... Guys think that women are only interested in the size of the wallet and stunning looks... maybe even a certain age or height. I am absolutely sure that there are girls in the world with such criteria. However, the reasonable majority is concerned, first of all, not with the wallet and appearance, but with the personality of the partner. That's what attracts them like a magnet.

Learn to identify personality traits that are valuable for a particular girl, and it is YOU who will become their ideal. DON'T GIVE UP unless you're an oligarch or short. Let me repeat my earlier thought: with masterful use of body language and proper communication skills, you can make a woman feel sexual desire similar to what you feel when you see a hot young beauty.

Mistake 8. Do not give all power to a woman.

Earlier, I mentioned that you should not wait for permission from a girl to do this or that action. In the same way, one cannot indulge them in all their desires. A guy always does what a girl wants - that's a mistake. She will step over you and go to meet new adventures. Remember, girls don't like weaklings.

Mistake 9: Not knowing how to behave when communicating with a girl.

Do you want me to surprise you? A woman ALWAYS knows what you're thinking. The fair sex is about TEN TIMES better at understanding body language. I know it's hard to believe this.

Well, for example, if on a date you want to kiss a girl, she already knows about it. And if you have no idea HOW to do it, sit next to her and get nervous, she won't help you!

This idea is true for all aspects of relationships with women. Getting to know her, getting a phone number, an invitation to a date, physical contact ... Yes, everything!

Everything will be spoiled, everything will be LOST, if in each specific situation, you do not have a clear plan of action. And you yourself KNOW it. It is vital to be aware of every step in establishing and developing relationships - from acquaintance to the bedroom.

Mistake 10: Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Probably the biggest mistake. She often does not allow guys to succeed with the desired girls. I know, I know, we don't like to look weak and helpless. We hate to ask anyone for help.

I want to tell you a little about myself and how I became successful with women ... About five years ago, I was already fed up with the fact that I could not get to know girls properly, not to mention inviting them on a date. I can honestly say, it brutally oppressed me.

One evening, my friend and I went to the club, and there I saw HER ... But I was so nervous that I simply could not come up. I still remember that evening ... It was then that I decided that I would apply ALL my abilities, try everything, but I would achieve a result.

After a huge amount of effort and hard work, I finally made it. Now I don’t experience any problems - for example, I get a phone almost immediately after the approach. I had dates with models, and with actresses, and with simple cute girls.

Never again have I experienced that feeling of insecurity, insecurity. At any given time, I can meet a great girl.

You can meet and chat with a girl in the company of friends, at school, at a party. But, let's consider the case when you first saw her in a photo on a social network - on VKontakte or any other, she "hooked" you with something and you want to get to know her better.

How to rekindle her interest in you, and how to communicate with a girl in order to make her fall in love with you and achieve mutual attraction? Let's try to consider step by step ways of developing relations.

The laughing girl is half subdued.
John Ray

We study the profile on the network

Did you see the girl and did you like her? It doesn't really matter if it happened at some event, or you noticed it in the profile of your friend (girlfriend). Do not rush to "take the bull by the horns", sometimes a sharp pressure can frighten away and even cause persistent antipathy towards you.

It is important to know how to communicate with a girl, and most importantly, how to do it correctly. It is for this that you need to carefully study her profile on the social network.

Surely she has already outlined the circle of her interests in it. You can also learn a lot from her comments, blog entries. After studying all these records, you will know what topics you can talk to a girl about in order to attract her attention and make a good impression on her. And on what impression you make on her, 80% depends on the outcome of meeting the girl you like.

We create our positive image

Keep in mind, if you manage to interest a girl, she will definitely visit your profile. How can you fix it so that she wants to continue your acquaintance:

  1. It is important to know how to choose the right photos:
    - No need to explicitly flaunt, for example, your bare trained torso. But there is no need to hide any of your achievements either.
    - If you have received the main prize in bodybuilding competitions, this must be illustrated.
    - Or have recently been at some training in Europe, America - also put a photo.
    Remember: girls love motivated guys And be sure to pay attention to such "details".
  2. You've already studied her profile, haven't you? Try to find common ground.
    For example, if she is into hiking and you have experience with it, then mark this fact on your profile as well.
  3. Do not lie!
    - No need to be photographed against the backdrop of a luxurious "car" if it is not yours.
    - No need to write that you are fond of diving, even if you have never dived with a mask and snorkel.
    Understand that the lies will be revealed and you will not be in the best position.

Start dating online

After preliminary preparation in order to arouse interest in yourself, it's time to get at least a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to communicate with a girl in the future. That is, to make acquaintance by correspondence with the aim of further meeting in real life.

What is needed for this:

  • Write to her.
    Be sure to note at the same time why she attracted your attention: you saw her with a friend, or saw her as friends with mutual acquaintances, etc. Moreover, you have already read something about her and know what topics to talk about with the girl you like.
  • Your message must be correct!
    What seriously sins today's youth is illiteracy. So stand out! If you don’t know how to spell this or that word, there are tips for this in various text editors - check your text before sending.
  • Your the first message should not be too long or too clever and with great pretensions.
    Just decide what topics to talk to her about, write that you think she is very attractive and you have many common interests, so it would be interesting for you to chat with her.

First communication

Do not insist immediately, in the first letter, on an immediate date, first give the girl time to look at your profile and answer your letter.

You may need to talk on the phone first, and it's a good sign if she gave you her number. Do not delay the call - respond immediately. What can you talk about with a girl on a mobile phone or Skype? If the girl responded, and you noticed her interest, you can safely talk about a future meeting.

If the conversation takes place in video mode, be sure to make sure that you yourself look neat, and there is no noticeable mess behind your back in the visible part of the screen. To do this, it is best to sit on the sofa or so that only you and part of the wall are reflected on the screen.

Think in advance about what topics to talk with the girl, and do not forget about the compliment at the very beginning of the conversation! For example, you can say that you really like her in visual contact, and she looks even better than in the photographs.

It is also very important, not about what, but how to talk to her. Try to talk to the girl calmly, with a smile and sincere interest.

In the course of friendly communication, it is quite possible to choose a moment and invite her on a date.

Find out also when talking to her.

first date

Decide on a place to meet. After that, think over in advance what you will do with the girl on the first joint trip to a cafe, park, disco, etc.
In order for her to fall in love with you literally from the first meeting, remember how to behave with a girl on the first joint rendezvous:
  • Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time. By no means be late! Show that you are very interested in this meeting!
  • If suddenly there are force majeure circumstances, be sure to warn that you may be late.

    If you find out about this in advance (for example, an emergency at work), you can talk to the girl by sending a personal message on VKontakte and reschedule the date. Let her see how upset you are, but at the same time responsible.

  • Everything went well and you met. The most important thing begins. First of all, on the first date, a man should be gallant with a girl, this is not even discussed, as it were: skip ahead, give a hand, etc.
  • Also, wanting to charm the chosen one, do not forget about the flowers!
  • The main thing about what and with whom you can talk with a girl in a cafe, restaurant is she herself. Let her interests come first, because you want to charm her.
  • At the same time, don't be a bully by only trying to listen. Try not to create awkward pauses. If she is not in the mood or desire to pour out her soul to you, you can talk to the girl in a slightly playful tone, joke, say a couple of compliments.
  • The man pays for dinner! No compromise!

I will touch on the hot topic of the day. Many guys, seeing my approaches to girls on the street or in a club, come up to me and ask: “What were you talking about with this girl now?”.

And I have to explain, over and over, that no matter what you say, what matters is your inner state.

1. Focus on your condition

Girls pay attention not to words, but to metamessages behind the words.

These are the emotions behind the words, the tone of your voice, your body movement, non-verbal, facial expressions, your perception of the world and people.

If we talk even deeper, then your inner state is important not the way you say it.

The state generates your words and actions!

2. Communication with people is an interaction of sensations

Interaction with peoplewmi is the interaction of sensations.

A woman perfectly feels a man, so it is inherent in nature.

If you are confident and feel great, the girl will also be comfortable with you.

She always feels you.

Whatever system or method you have - if you act like an insecure doormat - no woman will be interested in you as a man.

You need more practice in order to learn how to communicate with girls confidently and easily.

3. Forget templates

Some guys who use templates still believe that it is supposedly very important what words to say to a girl.

I met guys who communicate with girls using templates, and it's very funny.

They are kind of weird and tight. Templates do not know how to open up, they cannot freely communicate with both girls and people in general.

These templaters don't know how to give value but just take it away.

They irritate me. Communicating with them, I feel them unnaturalness and attempts to turn on buttons on my reactions.

They do not know how to communicate relaxedly on abstract topics and express themselves fully.

With such people, I break off communication immediately! Next to me are only natural, natural, sincere and interesting people.

If you choose templates, you will remain boring for many years and will not develop.!

If you chose to use templates, then goodbye and this article will not help you!

Templates and other prepared material are designed to impress, please a girl, get her approval.

And when you try to please a girl, you only make things worse..

More uselessness of templates, technique and routine in seduction .

4. There are no strict restrictions

There are no strict rules on how to properly communicate with a girl.

Only you yourself make these rules and decide in what way to conduct a dialogue with a girl.

Your game, your rules. Nobody limits you.

The main thing is that the topic of conversation is interesting for you.

Even if you said the wrong thing while talking with a girl, the conversation can always be resolved. There are no hard mistakes.

5. The more attraction you have, the more your words are not important.

Girls do not need to communicate logically.

Communication logically with girls only spoils everything.

The words you say are very rarely remembered by women.

Especially when she feels attracted to you.

The more attraction a girl has, the more words you say don't matter.

To create a strong attraction to yourself, you must be attracted to her!

A woman that you really like is not only a woman who is just pretty, but who initially creates an attraction towards you!

When there is comfort and trust, there is attraction.

Therefore, if you don’t want to worry anymore about how to communicate with a girl, remember these points:

  1. A woman should be sexually attracted to you from the start. You must feel it. It's not just her appearance.
  2. A woman's attraction to you is built not on words and not on the number of words. It doesn't matter if you talk at all or not.

6. If there is attraction, communication goes by itself and without effort.

If some pickup school teaches you what beautiful words to say to a girl and how to communicate with her correctly, then this school does not know how attraction is built!

If you don't want to regret the wasted time, keep an eye on what attraction comes initially what reaction the girl creates towards you.

You must feel it. It won't be all women.

Girls who “well, it goes like this,” we don’t feel attracted to them. Communication with them will not be the same.

An example of my communication

As usual, my communication takes place.

The right words are born from nothing.

I see a girl I don't know in a club, I like her and she likes me too.

I understand it because I see it in her eyes.

I can immediately tell her: “It’s good to see you!” and gently hug her around the waist, in the other hand I hold her hand.

I feel her.

If I want to kiss her right away, I do it! I take and suck.

I can just talk about everything for my own pleasure the main thing is that I feel comfortable.

And she feels like I'm so sure of myself that I don't care what to say.

And it's cool! I am sincere at the same time.

You can talk about what you do, tell about yourself, tell what you think about her, what you like about her.

I have no problem with how to conduct a dialogue with a girl.

I don't give a damn and I don't think about it.

7. Don't react to her appearance and don't put her on a pedestal.

Pretty girl in front of you or not you should treat everyone the same.

If you communicate with beautiful people differently than with others, then you put them on a pedestal. Then you lost.

Communicate on the same level with her, regardless of appearance.

Read more about why the appearance of a girl is not the main thing, and how the beauty of a girl overshadows the minds of guys.

8. Entertain yourself, not the girl.

I usually entertain myself first when I communicate with a girl, and I don’t worry whether the girl will accept it or not.

If I like it, I'm interested in it and I talk about it, then the girl will a priori like it too.

9. Your voice and the right tone

There are three types of tone

  • Needy tonality. When your tone rises at the end. This is the most unattractive tone. Never talk like that.
  • Normal normal tone. This is the most neutral and standard communication. When the tone scale goes in a straight line.
  • Ragged key. This is the coolest tone for proper communication with a girl. It usually goes from top to bottom.. That is, initially you speak on a higher note, but then lower the tone towards the end.

When communicating with a girl, use a torn tone.

10. Avoid the following common mistakes

The most common mistakes guys make that happen while talking with girls:

Video cutting of my approaches

My dating video and excerpts from my individual training in seduction and social dynamics.

Here, my client is pushing me on a cart. Yes, I sit, meet and ride at the same time.

This compilation and cutting moments of seduction in a store where I show a client how to do warm-up sets.

I don’t even attach importance to how to communicate with a girl and where to start dating. I focus on other subtle things.

We pass women's checks: witty answers to insults of a girl -.

First words when meeting a girl

If you approached her to meet and the first words were said a little crumpled or clamped, then there is nothing wrong with that!

She won't turn her back on you or run away.

A girl will never say like this: “Hmm, at first you were shy about something, so I won’t get to know you.”

The girl never attaches importance to the first words when meeting. Only you yourself can be too bothered about this.

Never worry about how to properly start a conversation with a girl.

Communication with a girl can always be aligned. It does not matter that at first communication with her was constrained.

All these first words do not matter. You do not need anything supernatural in order to start communication.

If you read this article and think that you can do everything, you are wrong.

It is not enough to know, you also need an intensive practice of communicating with girls! The bigger, the better.

It is practice that gives you ease and ease in communication.

Do not limit yourself with words and approach the girl. Even if you are not a master of interactions, tell her directly about it.

You can also get even more advanced material on the topic of seduction and dating girls from me on an individual training program in social dynamics. See you!

You may have been great in the beginning of your relationship. Any relationship needs to be worked on to make it stronger. To improve the quality of relationships, you should work on communication skills. If you know how to make communication more effective, it will be easier for both of you to speak frankly with your partner, and you will get even closer, no matter what stage your relationship is at.


How to learn to listen

    Ask questions. This is the easiest way to make conversations more meaningful. Every day, ask each other how the day went, how your partner is feeling, and be interested in each other's other daily activities. Ask questions to clarify something that is being said or to encourage your partner to be more forthcoming.

    • Use leading questions. Ask general questions first, and then gradually move on to more specific topics.
    • You can ask the girl how her day went, and then ask about an unpleasant incident or a good event that happened at work.
    • When she starts describing her day, try to connect her words to something you've discussed before, such as "This has happened before, hasn't it?" or "I can't believe this still happened despite what...I said last week."
    • Ask the girl how she feels about the events described. Let her know that you care and offer to help.
  1. Paraphrase the girl's words and think about them. Often in a relationship, partners do not feel that they are heard and understood. If you paraphrase what a girl said, she will understand that you listened to her and are trying to make sense of what was said. Try to calm down and put your thoughts in order if you find it difficult to concentrate on what the girl is talking about.

    • Speak in your usual voice. If the girl perceives your words as a mockery, the conversation will end quickly.
    • Try not to abuse this technique. If you do this too often, it will start to cause irritation.
    • Use your own words in your phrases. This will let her know that you are thinking about what she said and not just repeating her words.
    • You can supplement phrases with introductory constructions: "So you mean that ..." or "I think I understand. You mean that ... Right?"
  2. Pay attention to non-verbal cues. Gestures often speak volumes. The way you and your girlfriend move during a conversation may be random, or it may express your subconscious mood. Don't stare at the girl, but if something seems to be going wrong, ask her if she's upset. Add that you paid attention to her gestures.

    • If a girl crosses her arms, this may indicate a defensive stance, detachment or emotional closeness.
    • If a girl doesn't make eye contact with you, she may not be interested in what you are talking about, or she feels ashamed of something said or done, or she is in her own thoughts and does not want to communicate.
    • If a girl turns away with her body, this may indicate that she is not interested, she is unhappy or feels detached.
    • A loud and aggressive voice may indicate that a conflict has arisen or it will soon arise, that there are too many emotions in the conversation. Perhaps the girl also seems that you do not listen or do not understand her.
    • Some gestures may be random, so don't blame the girl for being upset or withdrawn and trying to hide it. Try saying something like this: "I noticed your posture and gestures. You seem upset, but your words say otherwise. Is something bothering you?"

    How to talk to a girl

    1. Be honest and frank. Being honest means not lying to a girl or misleading her, and this is pretty simple. However, frankness makes a person vulnerable to some extent, and not all people are ready for this. If you find it difficult to be open with others, you will need to work on that in order to keep the relationship going.

      • Open and frank communication is the foundation of a strong relationship. If you cannot be honest with each other, you will inevitably run into problems.
      • Tell the girl the whole truth. Do not hide or suppress your feelings, because if she finds out about this, she will be upset.
      • If you find it difficult to be honest, tell your girlfriend about this problem and try to explain the reasons. If she knows you're having a hard time opening up, she'll support you. Perhaps she will ask you leading questions or offer solutions.
    2. Think before you say anything. Many people are in such a hurry to express their opinions that they forget to think about what they are saying. You should think before you say something yourself and before you respond to the words of the girl.

      • Think about what you want to say before saying the words out loud.
      • Understand your feelings before telling a girl about them.
      • Speak as clearly and understandably as possible.
      • If you need to respond to a girl's words, let her finish speaking. Think a little about what she said and try to give a clear answer.
    3. Speak with respect. Strive to communicate respectfully at all times. Respect is an obvious requirement for many people. However, you should always be aware of your words, tone, context, and gestures. This will allow you to express your respect.

    4. Speak for yourself. At the peak of emotions, especially during a quarrel or if you have been offended, it is very easy to turn to accusations ("You are lying and offending me"). However, if you use the pronoun "I", it will be easier to find a common language. Using "I" statements, you can talk about what hurts you without blaming your partner. A correct statement has three parts:

      • Expression of emotion ("I feel...")
      • An honest and dispassionate description of the behavior that makes you feel that emotion ("I feel... when you...")
      • An explanation of why the behavior or circumstances evoke that emotion in you ("I feel...when you...because...")
    5. Don't rush things. If you're dating for a short time, or if you haven't shared personal experiences with each other before, it's best to take your time. Of course, you will need to work on communication on a daily basis, but you should also talk about how comfortable you both are with sharing your feelings and thoughts, or how long it will take you to get there.

      • Do not rush to start talking about something difficult, painful or important. The time for these conversations will come later, when both of you can talk about such topics.
      • Don't rush your girlfriend and don't let her rush you.
      • Agree on a pace that works for both of you, and remember that whatever effort you put in will strengthen your relationship.
    6. Talk about yourself. It’s good for everyone to tell your partner a new fact about yourself from time to time, especially if you are not used to talking about your feelings and about something personal. Talking about yourself will allow you to gradually open up to your partner, and he may do the same in return. Try starting with the following phrases:

      • I am a person who...
      • I wish people knew that I...
      • When I try to talk personal...

TO how to talk to a girl? Relationships with the opposite sex are a delicate topic. An individual approach is important. It is necessary to take into account age, temperament, upbringing, interests. But at the same time, there are still some rules that you need to follow in order to interest the girl you like and build relationships.


If you like a girl, what should you do? Any relationship begins with an acquaintance. It is important to make a good impression from the very beginning. The easiest way to strike up a conversation with the girl you like is at the institute or at work. It is important to bear in mind that some women are wary of dating on the street, in public transport or in cafes. But this does not mean that you should forget about the beautiful stranger.

How to communicate with a girl when meeting? First you need to make eye contact. You need to meet the eyes of a stranger and smile at her. From her reaction, it will become clear whether it is worth approaching her at all. If a girl is shy, lower her eyes and blush, then you need to try to behave gently and unobtrusively with her. How to start a conversation? No need to come up with original phrases, just say hello and introduce yourself. Excessive assertiveness will ruin your acquaintance with a modest girl.

Otherwise, you should behave with someone who smiles or even winks in response. Such a stranger will not be embarrassed, so you need to show her confidence. How to start a conversation? You can start a casual conversation about the weather. If the acquaintance happened in a restaurant or cafe, you should praise the local cuisine and recommend a delicious dessert to the girl.

Knowing how to conduct a conversation easily and naturally, you can conquer any stranger, but only on the condition that she herself does not mind talking. How to understand that a girl does not want to get acquainted? She will return the smile with a contemptuous look and turn away. Such a reaction suggests that you should not start a conversation. The girl is not interested at the moment in new acquaintances.

You can also get to know each other through a social network. Starting to correspond with a girl, you need to consider that she can ignore the message or refuse. In this case, you should not impose. If the stranger is ready to talk, then you need to preview the information indicated on her page in order to understand if there are common interests and hobbies that can be discussed.

first date

If the acquaintance was successful, then the first date will follow, on which the guy will have to get to know the one who may become his life partner in the future. In the warm season, you can invite a girl to the park. If the weather is cold or rainy, it is better to choose a cafe for a meeting. Going to the cinema on the first date is also a good idea, but only if the girl's preferences are known exactly. Some people love action movies and miss melodramas, while others love fantasy and adventure.

What can you start talking with a girl on a walk? If the date is at the cinema, then it is worth discussing the film or the actors, but what if it was decided to go to the park during the meeting? We all communicate with people every day, and this girl is no different, so do not worry and worry. If she feels that the new acquaintance is relaxed and enjoys communication, she will begin to maintain a conversation herself. To begin with, you can ask how she usually spends free time.

First of all, it is important to find common interests. Then it will be much easier to keep up a conversation with a girl. It is necessary to clarify what books and films she likes, whether she has a hobby. This information will help you get to know your interlocutor better and decide where it is better to invite her on dates in the future. It is worth asking in advance whether she is interested in outdoor activities, or, on the contrary, she prefers quiet walks.