How to return the guy if you stayed friends. When parting is the question is solved and return the guy will not work .... Proterential conspiracy: how to return your loved one with the help of magic

Return a loved one after parting, if he does not want to communicate, it is very difficult, but perhaps. What exactly needs to be done, where to start, what should be your behavior, what can you write a guy? Today we will talk to these scrupulous topics. In addition, we will find several magical rituals that will help speed up the process, you can force your beloved to forget the rival (if it is increased), familiarize yourself with the main mistakes of women. You will also learn how to prevent a man's reassure.

The first advice that psychologists give is to preserve calm. If a woman is nervous, suits the hysteria because of the partner's indifference, it will be extremely difficult to return it. What other ordinary tips can be given in this case?

  1. Clear patience, because from the outfit to win the location of an offended man will not work.
  2. To try to look 100%, update the wardrobe so that the beloved is harder to confront the ladies' charm.
  3. With the help of friends and acquaintances, it is worth find out in which sentiment is a beloved, how much he is angry. This information is useful when planning your further action.
  4. You can make a new guy for yourself so that the man possesses jealousy.
  5. Despite the inner pain, it is necessary to always keep a feeling of self-esteem and smile.

Himself to a young man, a woman will never achieve the desired result. A man will only feel sorry for her who is a beloved woman, but he will not want to return.

If the reason for the offense was very serious, it is worth release the situation for a while. After 2-3 weeks, the man will cool and the dialogue will be much more rational, he himself will want to find a common language.

If the guy has already managed to find another, the situation is complicated. Here you need to act as follows:

  • stop calling and pouring another meeting;
  • done through common friends information about the fact that the girl has fans appeared;
  • all possible ways to emphasize their superiority to the rival;
  • with the help of SMS or sudden gifts, you can wake up a sense of nostalgia for the previous relationship.

You can use such a trick as a joint past, press it on this fact, remember all the best in the relationship, as he promised you to love forever.

You should also make a young and beautiful Uhager, having learned that the girl is not free, and also it became a breathtaking, a man will not stand and want to return.

Want to know all the ways to quickly return your loved one after parting? We advise you to read free book Alexey Chernozem "How to return your beloved." You will get a step-by-step plan to make it so that it wanted to return again.

The book is free. To download, go to this page, leave your e-mail and a letter will come to the mail with reference to the PDF file.

SMS options and phrases: how to cause a guy desire to communicate

To force a man to communicate, despite the insult, you need to talk or write the following:

  • To emphasize the common past phrases "And remember how we were happy on vacation" or "I still remember our gatherings for a glass of wine under your favorite music."
  • In SMS it is worth writing not a banal "I miss", and "without you the house has become empty" or something else more touching. You can throw off the quotation from his favorite song or a movie about love.
  • When meeting, after a long separation, you can say "I miss you, but the main thing is that you are happy." It should be hinting that a woman is ready to resume relationships, but at the same time any outcome will be quiet.

If a husband left you, then. Read here why this happens, what should be the first reaction, is it worth trying to return the spouse at all and how to do it.

If still you can not return the relationship, this article will help. Here they have been written the main reasons that prevent this, tips on behavior, how to survive the blow of a pregnant woman and with a child.

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How to make the lover forget a rival

If the rival intervened in the relationship of the couple, it is necessary to act as follows:

  • it should be done calmly in the presence of a man;
  • it is better to speak about the opponent to be neutral, without embezzling its flaws;
  • the lady itself should look great, emphasize his sexuality;
  • you need to make a new partner to film the lover;
  • the total company should note the advantages of the lover, make it compliments.

Often, men return to their partners in a couple of months, finally making sure that there is no one better in the world.

Main mistakes of women

Here are just a few most common mistakes:

  • the lady begins to humiliate, puts out the forgiveness and angry guy;
  • she launches itself against the background of personal grief, becoming unattractive;
  • a woman talks about his beloved and about the deliberate in a negative key, setting up a partner against himself;
  • the woman behaves inadequately, calls or threatens;
  • the lady is trying to set up a common friend against a man.

Excessive activity is the main enemy of the girl in love. Restore the relationship, throwing the partner of SMS, is unlikely to succeed. If he shows indifference, it is better to let go of the situation for a while.

What to do so that the man does not go again

One parting is an accident, but the second is already becoming a pattern. How should the girl act so that it does not happen?

  1. Analyze the problems due to which the first parting took place, try to prevent them anymore.
  2. The man needs to surround the attention and care so that the thoughts about parting do not even arise.
  3. A woman cannot be controlled too much a partner, it is better to get rid of the habit of reading it sms and eavesdring calls.
  4. It is necessary to solve the emerging conflicts at once, and not accumulating the claims to each other.
  5. Monitor your appearance.

The most important thing is to understand for yourself, is it makes sense in this relationship. Sometimes due to the elementary attachment, women lose many years of their life.

In this video, a step-by-step plan of action in a situation where the favorite goes and needs to be returned:

Magic assistance: how to return the feelings of a young man

Where words are inactive, magic helps. What rituals can take a girl?

  • You need to take a red apple, cut it into two halves and in the middle of them to get up paper with the name of your loved one written on it. Next, the apple is tied up with a red ribbon and put on the windowsill under the sun's rays.
  • On the red tablecloth should be put a photo of a beloved face down. Then the knife is taken with salt on the tip. Holding the knife above the photo you need to sentence "become my love."
  • At midnight it is necessary to light two candles and the first drops of their wax to leave on the fingers. The wax must be trimmed with fingers, while describing the joint future in all colors.

It is better to apply with such an original request to the lead, exactly the emerging situation.

Male's care is not always in psychology means a full parting. Sometimes partners agree, but that this happens, a woman needs to act independently, truly wisely, without extra hysteria and accusations.

Some women, even after parting with a loved one, cannot accept loss. The longing is sometimes so huge that a long time does not allow to return to the usual rhythm of life. The question that is especially tormented by night: how to return the former guy? The topic is rather difficult and painful, as it affects feelings, encounters with its own flaws, gives rise to anxiety and despair. This article contains effective tips that will help to deal with yourself and prepare for the reconciliation stage.

Before starting to take active actions, you need to understand before the end, why do you need to return a former man. What purpose do you pursue in the end? Some women suffer from the fact that they subconsciously want to prove their worthwester and irresistibility, to dilute the feeling of resentment and smooth their guilt. Agree, in such cases, it is much more appropriate to contact a psychologist who exacerbate the situation even more.

Check yourself

Analyze the cause of your gap: what mistakes were made on your part, why did you enroll in a certain way, and not otherwise. Check need to understand if you really want to restore relationships and do you need it today. Sometimes we strive for something on inertia, and in relation to loved ones often do on the old habit. Remember how comfortable you were with this man. It may very much that now he is not needed for you, and you suffer in vain.

Features of male psychology

It is no secret that men differ from women by way of thinking, the perception of surrounding reality. Not one man will not like if the woman tries to take a leading position in the family and will simply dictate its conditions. Each representative of the strong sex wants to protect and take care of its chosen, to be supporting and protection for it. But the problem is that not every woman can take this gift from his companion. Many ladies today are striving for maximum freedom and want to dispose of their time, finance, thoughts. As a result, the relationship rushes, as the woman demonstrates that he can cope with all the problems.

In order to restore the undervalued relationship, it is necessary to clearly understand why you do it. Perhaps the rethinking former conflicts will come clear awareness that a former guy is an inverted page of your life.

Ability to act unobtrum

With men need to act straight, but not too frankly. If the question is relevant for you how to return the former guy, then you must first be patient first. If your intention enters the restoration of relationships, then you will find the strength to be patient and affectionate. Do not seek to conquer it immediately in one day - this is an unrealistic task. After all, your relationship was destroyed gradually, it means that a certain time will be needed to build a long-term perspective.

It should be recognized that men in the overwhelming majority do not like when women run behind them, give them too big attention. In the end, gradually it begins to bother. Much more guys appreciate the unavailability, the mystery of their chosen, her individual riddle, which can be solved very long time. There is an opinion that the man is able to be near the woman while she remains interesting for him. To become the only one for your satellite, you need to try to work on yourself. This includes external transformation, and internal. Open your heart towards happiness, work accumulated insults and misunderstanding. Get rid of the all-consuming feelings of guilt, find the strength to forgive your loved ones.

The ability to cause interest

What can attract attention and how to return the guy? You must become an attractive for your young man, cause initial interest and surprise. How can this be achieved if the relationship is already destroyed?

The very first thing, where to start - it is sincerely recognizing your wrong. If you can, you can meet with a former partner and frankly talk about everything. It is not necessary to immediately pronounce the idea that you want to reunite your union. To begin with, it is enough to simply designate your understanding of the mistakes committed in the past.

Try together going to some interesting event, sit in a cafe and talk. If a man refuses, do not insist. This suggests that he is not ready to reunite your union. Perhaps he does not want it, it will become absolutely clear only with time. However, as a rule, if a young man agrees to the meeting, it means that you are not indifferent to him. Otherwise, even see it would be problematic. So, do not lose hope, and heat your interest in yourself. You can talk about new books that you have read last week, share your impressions. The heart will tell you exactly how to go better. Here a lot depends on the individual features of your cavalier.

Do you know how to be weak?

Most modern women today strive for all means to demonstrate their independence to the world around the world. They reject help even when they need a lot in it. And all this is done only to show men that you can do without them. But this is a dangerous game that will easily play and lose their own well-being. As a result, women themselves suffer - they remain alone, without the support of a loved one in the most difficult situations. Life as if it gives them an additional opportunity to feel helpless and abandoned, realize their mistake.

How to return relationships with a former guy? To do this, you need to learn to be a woman in the deepest sense of the word. Stop taking the role of a responsible manager, a all-knowing clever, who commands and disposes to everyone in the house. The woman should be mysterious and soft, send his chosen one in all matters and new endeavors. Its role is to maintain harmony in the family, build emotional relations, trusting relationships with each family member. This does not mean that the woman will lose herself as a person or cannot reveal its natural personality. The more good, light, sincere love and care in it, the brighter it is implemented as a woman and the more chances of finding personal happiness.

Become a good mistress

It is believed that the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach. And this statement has its undeniable value. A woman especially paints her skill to be delicious and surprised by the surrounding culinary innovations. But only at all is not because it is not capable of more, but because in its nature there is a softness and the desire to carry joy to their homework.

Even if never before cooking did not cause you a special trembling and delighted, try to master this unaccompanious science. Perhaps you will even come to your own recipes or you decide to cook something that was not done before. And this will be great merit of you as a woman like the keeper of a homemade hearth. A man despite the seeming severity, very appreciates homemade comfort and loves the hot dinner to be on the table when he comes from work.

Do not forget about self-development

To be a good mistress is, however, does not mean that you should spend all your free time at the slab, trying to please your chosen one. A woman should be an interesting in itself - as a person as a specialist. You can express your individuality in various ways. Find yourself in an interesting business, do it for the soul. It can be reading fiction, embroidery or recording video on YouTube. Each of us should have an interesting thing to which we dedicate free from work. Only such a woman can be interesting. Only such a personality causes a sense of respect and admiration.

If you do not know how to return the guy, and he, besides, does not indulge you with his attention, pay the time of my own personality. Think where, in what area you would like to develop, and boldly go to the target target. Even if it is not possible to restore the past relationship with the chosen one, you can respect myself and be proud of your achievements.

Learn to follow yourself

Well-groomed woman can attract enthusiastic views. Who knows how to emphasize the natural attractiveness and hide the existing shortcomings, always wins. With the help of your own charm you can "remind" the former guy, which beauty he missed, feel at the height. It is no secret that often after parting a woman feel unnecessary and ugly. Another reason appears to follow yourself - to regain self-esteem and good mood.


Restore lost relationship is much more complicated than to build new ones. It must be understood, going to achieve such a goal how to return the former man. Clearness is spent, there is a serious inner study. But if the parties are able to come to the agreement and correctly understand each other, the task is safely solved. The main thing is not to act in a rush, but deliberately, freed from the offense and mutual claims.


Analyze the reasons for the gap be honest with you, answering the question: what could be the reason why a man prefering to you another? The appearance of a woman is very important for a man. It is certainly more pleasant to hug a slim and well-groomed doll than an unclean housewife in a baggy bathrobe. It is impossible to condemn the beloved for this, even if you gave birth to him and gave him the best years of your life. There is no question of your natural beauty. More importantly, how much you love and appreciate yourself and menTo regularly care for yourself, look neat and attractive. Therefore, for a start, just look in the mirror. More important than the appearance friendly and trust relationship between and the woman. From leaving, but no. Perhaps between you and partner a mental contact, such when you could sit together, drink a seagull and talk about the fact that in the soul of one and another? Maybe at first you got a career, business trips? What other needs of men were not satisfied in your union? Perhaps you have been loved by love, respect, caressing? Let you not seem unfair that the reason for the care of a man needs to look for exactly in you, in the end, this is the only thing you can change.

Eliminate these reasons how much it is possible to eat right to get rid of excess weight, do some sport that you like to look more touched and young. Think about changing the hairstyle and work over your makeup. Your goal is from now and always look well-groomed and attractive.

In no way chas menMen do not like too affordable women, even if there were already some kind of relationship. Stay proudly and independently.

Recall that your most in you, and brew this quality it can be some kind of purely external sign, for example, your luxurious hair (which now has time to repel again!) Or some kind of mental quality, for example, kindness (for sure, You will find who you can assist, so that he learned about it).

Expand the circle of your communication. You will acquire new acquaintances or a new hobby - anything, if only it delivered you joy and filled your life with pleasure. If your former suddenly meets you (and how to organize such a meeting - let's say later), and your eyes will shine, it will make a much greater impression on it than if he sees you sad, with extinct eyes.

Through common acquaintances, try to find out how it is doing there with a new sweetheart, where he is now working what it does. Forewarned is forearmed. Owning information, you will not act in. It is important that he does not recognize anyone from what you were interested in.

No matter how you please adjust the meetings with him at such moments when he can see you having fun laughing, joyful, in the company of an interesting man, in the situation of your triumph, when recognizing your merit by the authorities, etc.

Video on the topic

The care of your beloved man is perceived by women in different ways. Some forgive, humble with loss of beloved and start life from pure sheet. Others take all possible and impossible techniques in order to return their only and indispensable, from their point of view, a man.


Understand yourself. What drives your desire to return the past: sincere severe love, offense or desire to dictate, spoil him life, hurt?

Determine for yourself: a man left or left from you, from your character, habits, unacceptable behavior. From this will depend the following your step - to forgive him or forgive yourself, because feelings of resentment and guilt destroy you. Make sure you need that you have for strength to forgive him and yourself and that there will be enough peace forces for this.

Calm and coldly, if possible, turning out emotions, analyze the situation. Identify the errors that you and he did, and on what influenced his decision to break the relationship. What was a decisive factor: a serious quarrel or everyday scandals, strong love for another woman or the lack of this love in your relationship. The better, more precisely, you will figure it out, the more likely to return the man.

Start act from nasty. There was a reason for the daily quarrel - find a way to reconcile. If you had a habit of anyone to start screaming - get rid of such a destroying and you, and your relationship manners. Remember yourself at that moment when he confessed to you in love - what were you then?

Show patience and do not force the events. At the first meeting after the break, remember that your goal is. Perhaps you should ask him for forgiveness. Be sure to give your own. Get ready for what you have to listen and hear what he says to you, and also find the strength to take not quite pleasant things for you.

Be restrained, do not turn your conversation in the next scandal. If you feel that the conversation went to a dead end, try to find other topics for conversation, and better those who are interesting to you both.

Try not to be obsessive. Hold yourself from the desire to follow the shadow, infinitely crying in his presence, begging to return, justify. It can only push it away from you.

Recall that you are self-sufficient, independent person. Show that you are able to live without it, and a sense of love for him is your choice.

Video on the topic

Parting with a guy is not a reason for depression and a bad mood. There is always a chance to return it and for this there is no need to go to the fortune tellers and cook guidance potions. All you need is just a few psychological moments.

Sometimes a random meeting with a former guy can stir up seemingly extinct feelings. Only one meeting, and thoughts here for several days only about him. And now and then there is a desire to return the previous relationship, start first, try again. It is quite possible, you just need to do everything right.

First, it is important not to hurry. This is the main thing. Achieving the task "Return the former for the week" is unlikely, so the first thing you need is to stock up and patience.

It is impossible to put pressure on the former guy, as this will cause a completely opposite reaction. And instead of rapprochement, rejection will be rejected. The ideal option is infrequent random meetings and gradually increasing the pace.

Secondly, at the meeting it is impossible to demonstrate too stormy and bright emotions. Calm is the key to success. It is important to show yourself an independent and confident woman who does not suffer after parting. If you demonstrate otherwise, the plan to return the relationship will fail, and without starting. After all, it is important for a man to feel yourself a hunter, a getter, this is an instinct. He must experience interest, strive to catch "prey", to make his own, prove his right to her.

The third mandatory point is a constant positive attitude. Not only at the bottom, but also, every minute, every second. Positive people attract, next to them warm and cozy. It is to such people want to return.

The next step is to start communicating with the former. Find a message on your phone, write in ICQ or Skype. If the conversation is started - it means that the trick worked, and interest in the young man again woke up.

For a while you need to communicate at a distance, you should not immediately offer to meet, it can scare away a guy.

It is best to appoint a meeting best of all calm benevolent tone, not to crush, not to be sure, not mentioning the past.

Another way to attract the guy's attention and interest it is rumors. It is necessary to try and do everything possible so that he will know from common acquaintances about what can at any time lose the last chance for the renewal of relations. For example, his opponent will soon appear.

Usually the spirit of rivalry stimulates guys to active actions. This is also an instinct of a hunter - to do everything so that the prey does not get another.

It is much more difficult to return the former if he already has a new girl. It is difficult, but still possible.

To implement the plan to return the guy, you first need to make friends with his new girlfriend. Enter her trust, start to communicate with her. First, it will allow you to control the situation, secondly, those or other phrases can cool its interest in the guy. Or vice versa, his interest in it.

Well, before taking active actions, it would be a good to think so if you need to return the former. It is worth remembering all the positive and negative moments of relationships and decide - would you like to repeat all these little things? Or still not? After all, people parted after all for certain reasons, and a very small chance that the second time everything will be different.

In the end, there are so many free interesting and attractive young people in the world. It is not necessary to spend your life at all of the only one.

It is not always a decision to break the relationship comes after a long thinking and quiet discussions with a partner. Often, the pair breaks up immediately after a bright quarrel. The heat of emotions and mutual resentments are completely disconnected and not allowed to think seriously about whether it is necessary to stop the novel. And now everything calmed down, the old insults do not seem so terrible and do not matter. At the same time, lost relationships seem perfect, and only the best moments are remembered. The only desire is to be with this person again and start all over again.

Everything is new

It seems that "in this" once everything will be completely different. All positive and negative qualities of a person are already familiar. Reasonable and reason for breaking. An illusion arises that it is possible to erase all the shortcomings of relationships. It is better to immediately forget about it. Relationships will have to be corrected. The system that was before, turned out to be failed, once a good ended. Starting a novel will have to be almost from scratch, continue "from the same place" - unpromising.

You need to forget about all old traditions. Favorite places and songs, all joint habits - they will have to reconsider. You will have to make new places and new addiction, if you want the relationship to really become different. But it's all - only perspectives ...

All changes should be started first of all. Let it be trifles: new clothes, new hairstyle, some other hobby. The appearance itself should say that the man is radically changed and became completely different.

It is necessary to analyze all your drawbacks. In the break of relations are always to blame the two sides. Surely the lover annoyed some habits or character traits - hystericality, excessive jealousy, capriciousness ... From this you need to get rid of it, if you want the relationship to become only better.

It may take a lot of time. If it is impossible to cope with the task yourself - it is worth contacting a psychologist who will help arrange everything in places.

Is it worth it?

At the time of longing, everything is seen only in pink light. Disadvantages are erased, and the advantages and fabulous moments are also brighter. But is there a guarantee that after the novel resumes, old resentments will not flare up and will not play new paints?

In addition, during the separation, the partner may change, and not the fact that it will become better. You can fight for a long time for the return, and as a result, disappointed and remain with anything. Is there such a game of the candle?

Probably, every person at least once in his life thought about how to resume cessant relationships. The romantic feelings for their former second halves are quite natural, because the passion, and pleasant moments, and plans for the future were probably in the past between you. Even if the relationship ended with scandal and disappointment, all happy memories will remain in memory, no matter what. Of course, if you have everything perfectly on a personal front, new relationship, strong love, etc., you are unlikely to come to mind about the return of your former. But if everything is not so rosy? If the new love did not come, and the old did not end? Is it possible to return the beloved, with which they broke up, and if so, how?

Which depends on the cause of separation

Before you think about how to glue the broken, it is necessary to estimate the scale of destruction, that is, look at the fragments of the former love, their size and quantity - perhaps you will immediately refuse the idea of \u200b\u200brestoration. Sometimes, when parting, people tell each other such things that there are no apologies to check them out. It happens that bitter words are also confirmed by cruel actions in order to cause as much pain as possible to people who offended you. At such moments, few people think about the possible resumption of this connection in the future. This is called "split relations in small fragments."

Of course, return the guy after such a rapid separation is quite difficult, although it is possible. Therefore, ways and techniques that can help in this matter directly depend on the circumstances of parting. Here are some examples of such circumstances:

  • The couple breaks because relationships went to a dead end. Nothing bad happened, as, however, and good. Love has passed, there is no longer passion, there remained one habit, which tired of both. The guy with a girl begins to move away from each other, less often call, do not feel joys from meetings, suddenly discover each other many drawbacks (and in the surrounding people, by the way, a lot of advantages). They break up quietly, as if by itself.
  • Lovers, on the contrary, overly emotional. For example, one of them or both can not immediately cope with his jealousy. It would seem, and love did not fade, and there are no passion, but they can no longer be nearby. Endless quarrels, suspicions, resentment, distrust can destroy any relationship. Parting, like everything that was before it, is very stormy, with a scandal, mutual accusations and a casual desire to take revenge.
  • Parting occurs due to treason - This, established, indisputable. Or the guy changed and the girl threw him, or vice versa. And in that and in another case, the gap will be very painful, even if no quarrel breaks up. By the way, it is often a betrayal that causes precisely such a reaction - complete contempt of silence or just a quiet "leaving."
  • Relationships stopped by misunderstanding. For example, some common acquaintances, "friends-girlfriends" said you all sorts of nonsense about the guy, in other words, slandered him. Or did the same thing, but already in relation to you. One way or another, but, without sobering in the situation, going about the acquaintances, one of you announces the cessation of relations. Most likely, the quarrel will still be, since the slander side wants at least to know what is the matter.
  • Parting occurred under pressure from circumstances. For example, the pair could not withstand the test. At one point, someone from the lovers went to an indefinite time in another city or country. For some time, communication continued, but by itself fade. And each of you has your own life, perhaps, other relationships. But at a certain moment, you suddenly wanted to return my boyfriend, with whom fate myself was divorced.

There are other parts of parting, as well as the nuances that he was accompanied. But agree that ways to return the guy in each of the mentioned cases will be different, as well as the chances of success. Therefore, each situation is strictly individual and requires a special approach. However, regardless of the situation, some rules and techniques may help in achieving the goal.

From words to business

Before proceeding with the process of conquesting your former guy, you should answer a few questions. First of all, understand, are you sure that you really want to resume relationships. To do this, it is necessary to remember in all details the cause and circumstances of parting. Remembered? Now answer the question that you are actually moving now? Jealousy? Wish to return "your property"? Fear of loneliness? Diffidence? Or still not cooled love? Having understood in their feelings and thoughts, let's start analyzing the current situation, writing the source data on the paper sheet, as the conditions of the problem recorder:

  • feelings that pushed you on this decision (love, principle, jealousy, fear, etc.);
  • is there a guy offense at you;
  • are you guilty to him in reality;
  • whether it is currently in relationships;
  • whether other people are involved in your parting;
  • do you intend to return it for a long time or just to achieve his return, and then you do not care.

After writing the answers to these questions with the maximum honesty, take a look at the resulting picture of the unbiased. Already at this stage, it will become roughly clear, it is difficult or just to solve this task. Of course, the more answers "yes" opposite each issue, the more difficult thing.

Now it is necessary to prepare for the incarnation of the process. It is necessary to choose the highest possible time and place for your meeting. There are no preliminary dialogs through messages, calls, etc. - the guy needs to be caught off by surprise, especially if someone has already appeared or other people are involved in your break. No one should prevent your meeting.

Next, it is necessary to carefully consider all the circumstances of the upcoming meeting, providing possible complications, if necessary, even to collect some information in advance. For example, employment guy, the routine of his day, when he has more or less free time, etc. Also, take into account such tips:

  • select a time when it will not hurry anywhere;
  • invite it to such a place where he can emotionally relax, and ideally - tune in to a romantic way;
  • do not appoint a meeting in such a place, which on the setting or somehow somehow remind a guy about the moment of your parting;
  • do not wear clothes that resembles him some unpleasant moments, it is better to choose something completely new;
  • do not overdo it with makeup, but also to neglect it should not - it is necessary to look spectacular, but not vulgar;
  • turn off the phone so that the sudden call does not spoil you all the case;
  • remember the most pleasant and happy moments from your overall past, which you will rely on the upcoming conversation.

Invite a guy to the meeting (time and place in advance are well delighted) it is necessary to simply and man. For example, you call him and say: "Hello! I need to meet and talk to you. Tonight, let's say, you are convenient for seven hours? I will wait for you in ... "It is better to appoint a meeting on as close as possible that he does not have a chance to catch up or change their mind (and even more so advise).

If he says that today can not, check, at what time it is convenient for him. If he prescribes the time itself, it will be a small victory for you. If he starts to see, ask, why do you need it, etc., do not think about anything to explain, answer that he learns everything when meeting. One can only say that nothing terrible happened, but this is not a telephone conversation.

When he comes to a meeting, you need to fully control the situation on yourself. First, because you are the initiator of a date you are, secondly, only you know the real purpose of this event. At the same time, stay cute, talk without a pressure, as can be softer. The look will better work if it is full of tenderness and light sadness.

For example, you meet in a coffee shop. As soon as the guy comes at a table, tell him something like: "You probably ask for a question, why did I call you? I will not walk around and about. A few days ago, one event (clarify which event, it is not necessary, in itself this phrase involuntarily attracts attention) it came across me to think about you. I realized that there were unresolved questions between us, and I would just die if I don't clarify everything for myself. " After that, you can suddenly change the direction, as if distracting: "By the way, I'm sorry, I did not ask how you? How are you?" It is necessary to constantly keep his attention in tension until it relates and you will not feel that he will not go anywhere in this minute.

Then during the conversation periodically remember the lucky moments, especially those where he distinguished himself, showed himself. Flip him, but unobtrusively so that he does not understand that all this is a well-thought-out game. Make the view that the purpose of this meeting is to find out the circumstances, for example, your parting. Tell me that they suddenly felt ukore conscience, learned new information about the time, brought the slanders on clean water, etc. Tell me that they regret that he had to survive because of your stubbornness and distrust.

Then switch to more pleasant moments (although what can be more pleasant for the guy than a repentant girl!), Remember the funny cases, try to cheer it up, involve in a conversation. By choosing a favorable moment when the guy is most complacently configured, ask him to spend you (after all, it's too late!). On the way home, tell me how undominant, you spent the happiest days in your life next to him, which would give half a day to return that time.

At the time of farewell, try to kiss him on the cheek. Long and passionate kisses are not appropriate here, unless he wants it himself. After that, tell him thanks for the evening and for pleasant memories, express the hope that you still "somehow" meet and sit in the same way. Say goodbye and go home. The next day (closer to noon) you can safely send him a message about such a content: "You absolutely brought me out of order, I can't think about anything but you!" And after some time ask: "Maybe you will see you, I miss, as if fell in love with just yesterday!" And then everything will depend on your perseverance, patience and mind.

Even if the guy had a girl, you should not please the hands. You will always have at least one advantage - you know it much better than she. You know his weaknesses than he is proud of what he likes. Using this knowledge, you can touch on the most hidden strings of his soul. New Passasya also starts to step on the rake, for which you have passed for a long time and remember where they lie. More confident, and you will succeed!

After parting with your loved one, many girls come to the conclusion that they do not want to build relationships with other guys. If you encountered similar awareness, then you have a chance to return the Beloved - Once you have already managed to arrange it to yourself, and it is quite possible to do again. However, before trying to start all over again with a former guy, make sure that you really love him, and not just suffer from loneliness or boredom.

How to return your beloved man

Restore relationships with the former if he already has another

There are two options: you have to act or very gently or radically. In the first case, try to establish friendly contact with him. Surely, you better know your former young man than his new passion, so you can use it for yourself for the benefit. In addition, specify the guy for the shortcomings of his new chosen or without unnecessary words "play on the contrast". The guy loves domestic girls, and a new friend is a sociable party? With a personal conversation or through social networks (it is now very common) let us understand the young man that spending evenings for an exciting book, loosening the dumplings, cleaning the apartment and the like. In first, it will not be superfluous, it is quite unobtrusive, to look for meetings with a former guy. At the same time, you should look most effectively. The young man should not be suspicious that the meeting was made by you specifically. Often, general friends who periodically celebrate birthdays may come to revenue in these situations, which periodically celebrate birthdays or simply satisfied sites. If you want to go to more radical methods, you will have to work well. With a certain degree of desire and activity, you can find a compromising on your rival, Perelavl Anonymously this information guy. However, note that in this case you do not quite well, and subsequently, this story can turn against you.

How to return the guy who threw you if you still love him

First of all, it is worth take a pause for a while. The guy expects now you will demand meetings or initiate conversations with him, and perhaps you yourself are tuned to such a development of events, but it is better to refuse it. Communication immediately after parting will not benefit you and do not at all bring you to the resumption of the novel. Try the abyss from the field of his vision for a couple of weeks. Try not to enter social networks, do not call him and do not write, do not ask questions about him with a common acquaintance. Ideally go to any tour. You need to bring thoughts in order, calm down, make up improving your appearance. Even if the guy himself does not attempt to get into touch, undoubtedly, he will be surprised by such behavior. Understand that your attention after the rupture will annoy it, but your detachment will undoubtedly be interested in it. On the day of your next conversation, a young man should see a well-groomed and confident girl, and not confused and struggled to suffer. Remember what you were during the period when he fell in love with you. What exactly attracted him then? Surely, many of these qualities are lost or slightly modified, so if you want to remind him of his past feelings, then try to become a similar one.

Most likely, this act, you have threw his pride. Perhaps the guy will be ready to return immediately after you hint at what you want reunification, but it is not excluded that the time is missing or his insult can be very strong, and for the sake of renewing relationships will have to try. For starting, you will try to call the chosen one conversation. I sincerely admit to him that you regret the deed, and you think that you have made a big mistake when we rejected it. Apologize before the beloved for the pain, which was hurt by his behavior. Be prepared for the fact that at first the guy will take your words without much enthusiasm, and will not be ready to immediately resume interrupted relationships. Understand it, and give some time on thinking. Tell me that if you could return the time ago, I would not do with him as before. Also let me know that you are ready to accept any decision. If you want to return the guy, in no case, do not attempt to blame him in my care - thereby you can only lower the chances of reunification.

What if he does not want to communicate and return relationships

There are no persuases and even more threats you will not be able to make a former guy return to you. If he does not have the desire to communicate, it means that there is a serious reason for him. The best that while you can do is not to initiate a contact with him, so that all the negative emotions that you call for him are to get lost. In addition, disappearing from his life for a while (2-4 weeks) you Give him the opportunity to miss you. After this period, call him, and ask, does not want and he meet for a friendly conversation. If a negative answer follows, then you need to take yourself in your hands, calmly say goodbye and no longer call, do not write this young man, and not to look with him meetings. Perhaps he himself wants to return you once, and now you need to start living a new life. Switch to new hobbies, dating, do it yourself. Become better, and one day a former young man will regret that I lost you. How would it be there, you should not impose yourself a guy. Think about the fact that it is not about the last man on Earth. Next there are people who are interesting and who can make you happy. Believe me that you are worthy of reciprocity, and most likely fate prepared a wonderful gift for you, but you yourself are not capable of accepting it, clinging for a leaving past.

Ways to return the former and his feelings

Is it worth communicating on the network or by phone with the former

It is not necessary to call himself and constantly the first to write a guy, but you need to support his initiative. True, it is important not to overdo it. Answer calmly and friendly - message to the message, not three messages per one. Periodically, you can and make the first step yourself - for example, congratulate with any big holiday. According to the guy, you will understand whether he wants to communicate with you further.

In general, he should see that you do not spend the days in VK. Live with real life, entering your social network page only from time to time.

What to write to him to affect his feelings

You can simply write what you miss it. Also, in the proprietary correspondence, it will not be superfluous to mention, which was passed by the place where your first date took place, and these memories made you smile. Take care of common pleasant memories gently.

How to behave with him when meeting

First of all, you should be well-groomed, rested, positive. There is no need to show the guy with all your appearance that you do not sleep at night because of a break with him. You must call the young man without pity, but interest. We assign that in front of him a unconscious girl. Do you think he will make him more wish to wish closest to her - a sense of pity or any other emotions? You should proceed from these same considerations. Guys attract bright appearance, charisma, charm, a sense of humor, a positive mood, and your young man, for sure, no exception.

Jealousy to other guys how it will help

Of course, it is not right after parting with a guy to make a new relationship, especially if you want to return the former lover. However, he must understand that you are interested in the opposite sex. If you do not have real fans in this period of time, then nothing prevents you from creating their visibility. Periodically in a conversation with a guy or shared friends say that a new friend invites you to the movies. You can also post on your page on the social network a bouquet of flowers - even one photo without any comments will be enough to provoke the jealousy of the former guy. Thus, he possesses his sense of property and will again turn on the "hunting instinct".

Conspiracies and magic, as a guy return

Some girls believe that magic is capable of helping to return lost love. If you feel about them, you can find a suitable conspiracy on the network. Note that for some magical rituals, a snapshot of the beloved may be needed. Try not to resort to the services of various "conspirators" that offer their services on the Internet - among them a big percentage of challenges. Calculate the fact that you yourself will handle the ritual - as a rule, special sites dedicated to magic give very detailed instructions.

1. Public suffering. It is clear to everyone that parting with a guy is not easy, but should not demonstrate to him or shared friends all the power of his own suffering. The feeling of the fault is unlikely to force a young man to return to you, but may well cause irritation and subconsciously make you avoid you. You can call the situation when you yourself abandoned the guy, and now want him to understand how you regret what happened. 2. Pursuit. Infinite calls, "random" meetings, messages in VK, questioning common friends - all this needs to be stopped. The less the guy will hear about you, the more interest you will call him - he himself wants to know how you worry your gap. 3. Intim without commitment. Some girls offer their former guys for some time to resume at least intimate proximity, arguing that they cannot rebuilt so quickly on a new life. The guy may well agree to such a proposal, and you will mistakenly assume that everything is being built. Nevertheless, for a young man, as before, everything is finished until he says the opposite. Just now in his life there is still no binding sex. When you are aware of this, you will be much more painful than if you parted immediately. 4. Threats, intimidation. Do not resort to threats of various kinds. Applications that you want to impose hands on yourself will look theatrically and only kill the guy in the correctness of your parting. Also, it is not necessary to threaten the disclosure of its secrets - no matter how it was, it will be a dishonest act. 5. Public criticism. The insult can be so strong that he wants to throw it out - and if there is no offender near, then there is a desire to complain to other people. You can only tell about your experiences, which will support and comfort. A common acquaintance for nothing to know about your claims. Everyone understands that the couple broke up and there is an offended side - in this situation you are. It is better to avoid talking about the former guy, saying that everything is already decided and you do not have a desire to rely on this topic. 6. impatience. It seems to you that if you immediately begin to take some action on the return of the guy, the time will be lost. You believe that if you don't start almost every day to remind yourself, then it quickly switches to someone else. Be sure that after the relationship, even if you have a half months, you will not get into touch, the young man will remember you. Moreover, no matter how paradoxically sounded it, but if you do not remind yourself, he sooner or later wants to find out how things are at least from curiosity. 7. New relationship. Wanting to call the jealousy of a young man and prove to him that they are interesting and other guys, some girls immediately tie a new novel after breaking the relationship. This turn can only impress a very young guy - an adult will simply decide that previous relationships did not have much value for you, and to establish themselves in the thought that your gap was a right decision. 8. Dear gifts. You want to demonstrate a guy, how can you be caring and attentive to him so that he regretted your parting? Many girls go the same way, and begin to give the former beloved expensive gifts for the holidays or, arguing that "just wanted." Note that the decent guy will not take an expensive thing in the girl, with whom he does not associate anything. If you do not want to frankly enjoyed or do not want to put yourself in an awkward position, then do not give expensive gifts to the guy with whom you are currently not in relationships.

5 steps for a guy return

1. Start a gradual rapprochement with a former lover. Get ready for the fact that it can take not one week. First, start periodically calling him or write, but it should be very rarely and exclusively on important issues. Gradually, the distance can be reduced. Once call him, and tell me that they just wanted to know how his business. Note that you were not affirmed with each other people, and think that there is nothing terrible if you will continually support a friendly connection. Subsequently, sincerely manifest interest in his affairs and hobbies. Become a real friend for him, which will always find the words of support and consolation. 2. You can attract the case of proven general friends who will not tell the guy about your plan. Ask them to organize a party where you are invited together. You can also have a single company in which you will enter your former lover, get out of a concert or a cinema. 3. From communication with you at the former guy there should be only positive emotions. At a meeting or correspondence, forget about complaints, discontent and evil jokes. You should look positive and self-confident a girl who does not live offends. You should not find out the relationship - all the more, you already have no relationship. Leave all the misunderstanding and disappointment in the past. 4. Your appearance should also be at the height. If you were not engaged in sports before, start doing it now. Change some details of the wardrobe, make a new haircut (first consult the wizard to be sure that changes will be to your face). If you had any skin problems, contact the dermatologist. In general, close to your appearance. 5. Call his interest in yourself. You can do this through social networks. It will be great if the guy sees that you have new interesting hobbies. Photo from the equestrian club, Tire, dance studio - all this will show that you are not standing in place and live a rich life. The young man will be interested in finding out.

To get out of depression

Personal care And the improvement of its appearance not only can contribute to the return of the guy, but also allow you to quickly come out of depression. When you see a well-groomed girl in the mirror, then your mood will only improve. New experiences from travel. This is a very important point. Even if you have no desire to leave the house, and it seems to you that if you feed somewhere for a couple of days, then for the period of your absence something very important will happen, then you just drive yourself into the trap. Your life is now sharply, more than ever, needs new colors, in the change of the situation. Invite a girlfriend on the trip. You can discover something new, make a lot of interesting photos and distract from the current experiences. New hobby. In the world, a huge number of things you have previously interested in and about which you may never even know. You can divert yourself, and also become more interesting for other people, taking yourself to something exciting and unusual. Each city regularly hosts various courses and master classes. Select what the most intrigues you, and sign up for the first lesson. You can pay attention to the fact that you used to do not at all - archery, tennis, Latin dancing, painting lessons and much more. Dating. Linding parting with a loved one, many girls ignore guys who wish to meet them. If you do not want the period of your suffering to drag on for several months, or even years, then let me know new people and other emotions to enter your life. We are not talking about a serious relationship - Tie friendly contacts. Think carefullySo whether beautiful was your relationship, which is worth worrying because of their endings. Realize that sooner or later you will meet another person, a date with which you will truly worry. Perhaps now it's hard to believe in it, but one day a day will come when you will rejoice that fate dispelled you with a former guy. Now you remember mostly all the good things happened between you, but if everything was perfect, then the parting would not have happened. Look at the situation real. If you are pursued by obsessive thoughts On the return of the former guy, then give yourself a definite deferment. Let the situation develop without your participation, promise to yourself that you will move to active actions to return the lover exactly six months later, but for now, make every effort to bring more attractive and interesting before your chosen one. Do not closure to yourself. Girlfriend calls you for a walk, but you do not want anything? Make yourself get out of the house, and invite friends themselves to meetings. You should have as little time as possible on thoughts about parting with a guy. Do not simulate active activities. You went out once in the amusement park, posted a photo on a social network, and all the rest are sitting at home and attach to suffering? You can't help you like this "showing". Change your life in fact, and then you can really forget about your suffering. Do not live in past - Ascend your opinion to the future. How many times have you built plans that were not implemented in the end? Now you are worried about a turning point in your life, and it can be the future that you once dreamed of building the future with it. Make an action plan for the next six months. You will be surprised to find out how much you can do, change and learn in six months. It is possible that after this period you will become a completely different person - happier and interesting. The circle of your acquaintances will significantly expand, and most likely you will not even think about the return of the former guy.