How to express your feelings? Practical guide. How to learn to express your feelings

When you are in a relationship with the person who has won your heart, sometimes there is a burning desire to tell your significant other about your feelings. But if you're in love with someone you don't know as well, then self-expression can be a little more difficult. Confessing your feelings may seem awkward at first, but there are many other options besides just saying "I love you." Planes dragging canvases with hearts behind them will, of course, be overkill, but simpler means can even contain a lot more sense.


Recognition to the person with whom you are in a relationship

    Just say "I love you". This phrase is the most correct way to express your own feelings, and at the same time, it shows the strength of these feelings. However, there are many ways to declare love in other words. For example, instead of saying “I love you,” you can use words that have a similar meaning: “I’m so lucky to have you,” or “I love it when you…” or “I adore you because…”

    • These diverse sayings will help express exactly what you love your partner for and breathe new life into these three words.
  1. Tell the person how important they are to you. Tell your partner about the positive contributions they have made to your life. This is a wonderful way to show how much you love and appreciate him. For example, if your partner creates a carefree atmosphere when spending time with family, tell him that these meetings are so easy thanks to him. If you've had a bad day at work and you feel a wave of relief when you meet your loved one, tell them that your mood immediately changes for the better as soon as you see them.

    • If the person you love is making your life better or easier by influencing or diversifying it in some way, let him or her know that he or she is wanted, appreciated, and loved.
  2. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. Vulnerability in this case means the ability to express your thoughts and feelings absolutely sincerely. Along with this, you may run the risk of criticism, rejection, or your loved one may hurt you. However, it is important to remember that sincere love for a partner opens your heart to him, saying that opening your “I” to him seems worthy of even the risk of being offended. After all, it is you who sacrifice personal space for the sake of a deeper connection between you.

    • Since such sacrifices are not easy to make, your dedication to the relationship shows your vulnerability towards the person you love.
  3. Ask your partner for advice. Asking for help shows that you value and trust the person's opinion. This means that you are very important to his instructions, which increases the importance of this person and is a step forward to a stronger relationship.

    • It doesn't have to be something major, but an important decision may well be the way to go. The main thing is to show your partner that you are interested in his opinion and approach, and in this way you will show your respect.
  4. Pour your feelings out to each other. If your partner is visibly upset, preoccupied, angry, or anxious, ask them to open up to you and pour out their feelings. Sometimes people just need to express their concerns to someone. Let your partner know that you are ready to listen to whatever he has to say.

    • So you show that you are ready to become a listener and joy for your loved one.
    • Put your phone aside while you get emotional. Listen to the words, observe the person's feelings, and answer thoughtfully.
    • If you have nothing to say, a strong hug will show your loved one that you are always there for him.
  5. Tell each other secrets. Shared secrets are a little way to tell your loved one that you trust them. People do not share secrets with just anyone, so trusting someone with your innermost feelings and thoughts is a sure sign of caring and love in a relationship.

    • When you are secretive with each other, then your connection becomes even closer.
  6. Always be honest. Sometimes it's hard to be honest with the person you love, especially when trying to protect their feelings. Very often, the truth increases the ability to get closer to a partner, even if it can offend someone. It shows that you rather be truthful and real, rather than phony and comforting.

    • When you are honest with your partner about your feelings, even knowing that this will not bring him peace, it is still a sign of respect for the person.
    • Just remember to be gentle when speaking the truth. She, of course, can be cruel, but should not sound vicious.
  7. Cheer up your partner. It's safe to say that it's your responsibility to your significant other - just like the highest interest in a relationship - to show your love, encourage and help your partner achieve their dreams and goals in life. By providing support, you encourage your partner to be the best version of themselves and strive for what they want.

    • You can cheer your partner up with phrases such as “I believe you can do it,” “You are great at what you do,” or “Your hard work will soon pay off.”
    • Words of support and advocacy for the success of a partner express your love and support.
  8. Write a letter. Sometimes an old-fashioned love letter is a very romantic way of expressing your feelings. Writing such a letter can also help you express your feelings and emotions, as your stream of consciousness speaks for you. Consider how you would write this letter. What would you like to say to your loved one? Start the letter with the reasons why you are writing it. For example, start it with the words "I've been thinking about how I missed you ..." or "I wanted to tell you today how much I love you, but I never had the opportunity to ...".

    • Give examples from your experience or memories to remind you of bright, tender feelings. Be sure to write about what exactly you love about your partner, or how you feel around him or why you are happy to be around.
    • Writing a letter is the best way to show that your words are meaningful because it takes more effort than typing it. In addition, your personal handwriting betrays the sincerity of the letter.
  9. Listen. Too often we underestimate the power of a thoughtful question from an attentive listener. When you really listen to someone, you are completely focused on the person, giving them 100% of your attention.

    • Although it is a fairly simple task, listening is a very powerful act of caring, which demonstrates your willingness to help and be always there for your partner, no matter what situation they find themselves in.
    • Listening enhances the feeling that together you are both a solid team, and you are always ready to help your partner at his first call.
  10. Help with the little things. Anything you can do to lessen the burden of responsibility on your loved one's shoulders speaks volumes about how much you care and love that person.

    • Even little things like running out quickly to buy breakfast while your loved one is still sleeping, or filling up the car or washing the dishes are a sure way to show a person that you are thinking about him.
  11. Be tactful. Being considerate means that you have to think about your partner's feelings in everything you do. You must also make any decisions with your partner's best interests in mind.

    • For example, if you're camping, grab a few extra mattresses for your sweetheart or loved one if you think he'll be uncomfortable sleeping on a hard surface. Or, if you're going on a picnic, prepare more of your partner's favorite treats as a surprise.
  12. Leave some time to have a good time with your loved one or loved one. Everyday worries overwhelm us, but it's worth making the effort to have a good time with your loved one, as it's a great way to reconnect with them and share your thoughts and ideas. Spend your free time with each other, go for a walk or have dinner together.

    • What really matters is not how much time you spend together, but how you spend it. It doesn't have to be a strict schedule, but it's the fact that you put in the effort that matters.
  13. Be a child. As we grow older, our life sometimes becomes monotonous and boring. In such cases, one should awaken the child within oneself. Fill your life with surprises, be spontaneous and try new things.

    • This is not a direct indicator of love, but maintaining a positive attitude in a relationship demonstrates your efforts to make spending time together pleasant. Go through all the adventures together and they will create many fun memories and stories in the future.
  14. More affectionate touches. Each person shows affection differently, but even small gentle touches express love on a physical level. Little things like holding hands, touching hands playfully, or resting your head on your partner's shoulder also speaks volumes about how you feel and how close you are.

    Hug. Hugs give people a physical sense of security and literally make people feel immersed in love. There is nothing difficult or unacceptable about hugs, which makes them the perfect way to express feelings.

    • Hug your loved one with both hands, turning to face him. Such hugs are the most romantic. Other types of hugs (with one hand or on one side) are more casual and carry less semantic meaning.
    • A good, meaningful hug lasts a little longer than usual. Five to seven seconds of hugs are usually enough to express your feelings.
  15. Hug each other. It's no secret that snuggle up to a loved one is just as nice as hugging him. This short break from the stress of everyday life will show your love by being completely focused on your partner and your feelings for him.

    Give your partner a massage. Give your partner a regular neck massage while watching a movie, or just stroke him or run your fingers through his hair. Let him lie on his back and put his head on your knees, and you massage his shoulders and neck.

    • Never be afraid to express your love through touch, because this is another way to feel it.

    How to express feelings to the subject of sighing

    1. Be confident. Just be yourself as you interact with your crush. You don't want to build a relationship on lies or pretend that you're not who you're trying to be. So let your personality shine through. Sometimes, when you have nothing to talk about, ask your lover or beloved about something in life, or just give a compliment. You can say something like, "What sport do you like to do?" or “You did a great job at the presentation!”

      • The easiest topics to talk about with a sigh are general things like studying, traveling, or favorite restaurants. General topics of conversation will cheer you up and allow you to relax.
    2. Let your body language speak for you. Touch is a sign of closeness. So trying to overcome the barrier of touch is a very skillful way of expressing your love for the object of your sigh. Light touches are the best way to convey your message of love in a less overt way.

      • For example, if you are talking to or passing by a lover or lover, you can simply lightly touch his or her shoulder. If you are sitting nearby, you can casually touch your knee or foot to her/his knee or leg and smile, showing your feelings.
      • With just a little physical attention, your crush will know that you like him or her. Light touches during a conversation, even one or two, are a sure way to let a person know about your feelings for him.
    3. Write a letter. Sometimes it can be difficult to put into words how you feel for a loved one, so a love letter is an easy way to express love without having to do it in person. Still following the previous method, begin your letter with a statement about what inspired you to write it.

    4. Make writing easy. You can start the letter with some everyday phrases, and insert a few common jokes or memories of fun moments between you. Based on this, you can delve into your feelings and write about the reason for this letter, and even confess your love to your loved one. You can say something like "I just wanted to tell you that I like you and I really enjoy spending time with you."

      • Keep the letter short and sweet. It is unlikely that you want to go into details of how much you like him / her and why exactly, before you get an answer about the reciprocity of feelings for you.
    5. Express your love in person. Choose a place away from the hustle and bustle where you can talk in private, make eye contact and just tell your loved one how you feel. You can talk about something insignificant, but after a while, get straight to the point and express your feelings. You can give a couple of compliments while you talk about how you feel for this person. For example: “I really like you. No one else can make me laugh like you do."

      • After you confess your love to a person, give him time to react and realize the information received. You don't need to immediately ask about how he feels about you or what he thinks about it.
      • It is unlikely that you want to confess everything at once. Give the person time to respond, and try not to pressure them.
    6. Answer according to the situation. When you confess your feelings, your loved one will either reciprocate or want to remain just friends. If a person shares your feelings, then you should not be afraid of your delight. It's normal to look dumb and dumbfounded after you and your crush confess your love to each other. And if your lover or sweetheart wants to be friends, act like a grown-up and just say, "It's okay, I just wanted you to know." Of course, you will be hurt, but you certainly want to leave a good impression of yourself. Although you will be upset, try to pretend that nothing much happened and wait for the moment to be alone with your sadness.

      • Once your crush loves you, you can immediately ask him or her out on a casual date by going to the movies or to a baseball game. This will give you some time to get to know each other better.
      • If a loved one does not share your feelings, at least you had the courage to take a chance. There will be more opportunities to meet the right person.
    • Acknowledge your feelings. Falling in love is absolutely natural, as is the desire to show your feelings. Therefore, you should not come up with excuses for your emotions.
    • You don't have to constantly talk about your feelings. If you confess your love to him or her 15 times a day, your words will begin to lose their meaning. Talk about your feelings out loud less, but rather use more non-verbal ways.
    • Try not to lose your own identity by being in love with another person.
    • Try not to be offended if your loved one does not share your feelings. Accept his answer favorably, and remain good friends. You can never know for sure, maybe sooner or later this person will have reciprocal feelings for you.

Any relationship needs feelings, because of which we are ready to do stupid and crazy things, but which give us joy and confidence that the person really loves you.

It is impossible to get into the head and heart of another person in order to understand what feelings he has for your person, so these very feelings should be shown.

Love is the most pleasant and vivid feeling that you want to shout about at every turn, but it is unlikely that this will please your partner for a long time.

There are many more pleasant ways to express your feelings.

Before you take any action in relation to your loved one, it is worth remembering that everything should be done with the soul, sincerely and without false falsehood. Don't be afraid to be funny, don't be afraid to make mistakes or fail. You show your feelings and it's already nice.

So, here are some examples of how to show your feelings, which you most likely know, but have never thought about them.

First, learn to please your soul mate. This can be done very easily. Try to cook something delicious for dinner, arrange candles beautifully throughout the apartment and put on something romantic. It is worth remembering that in order for your dish to turn out to be unusually tasty, you need to add a pinch of your love, a gram of your warmth and a little of your care to it.

Your boyfriend will certainly appreciate your culinary skills, and the romantic atmosphere will help him relax and feel how much you tried, how much love you put into such a small family celebration.

Secondly, do not pretend to be an evil and capricious lady all the time. Let you have critical days and you cannot control your behavior, everything offends and annoys you. Climb under the covers to your loved one, let yourself be small. Hug him and caress him, he will reciprocate, and while you lie together under a warm blanket, your feeling will only grow stronger.

Showing your whims is also sometimes worth it, but within reason, so that they do not turn into tantrums. Satisfy the whims of your soulmate, help him experience a sense of satisfaction.

Thirdly, remember that love feelings are expressed not only in everyday care, but also in your attachment to a person. Try to spend as much time as possible in hugs, kisses and be emotional. Affectionate and gentle nicknames will help you convey something in words. What do you really feel.

Drop all your chores and go to bed together at the same time. Don't let your loved one freeze alone in bed while you do the dishes. Your relationship is most precious, be with your loved one, give him your warmth.

Give gifts to your loved one, even if they are stupid and unnecessary, but in this way you show that you are constantly thinking about him.

Be carefree and don't try to do more than you can afford. Replace cleaning in the apartment with outdoor recreation, have fun together and do not hesitate to show your feelings in public, let them envy you.

Attention, expressed in a gentle word, is necessary for any person, regardless of gender, age, social status. There is an opinion that men are indifferent to such manifestations of the second half. The article below will debunk this myth and tell you how to express your feelings to your beloved man in beautiful words in your own words.

Why is it important not to forget to say beautiful words to a man

  1. With the inherent brutality and independence of men, most of them need a simple feeling of tenderness, the feeling that they are dear, loved by a woman.
  2. Psychologists consider men who regularly hear the beautiful words of the second half, often more successful in business. This fact is explained by self-confidence. The feeling of “positive” superiority over competitors is given to a young man by his beloved with words, affection, and attention.
  3. Many boys were brought up by men from early childhood, which means they rarely heard gentle words. Growing up, in order to gain confidence in making men's decisions, the "boy" needs beautiful words, praise of the closest person - his beloved.
  4. A well-chosen gentle word can resolve many conflicts, set a man on the right, necessary for a woman, direction to make an important decision.

Affectionate words: how to use

Beautiful words to your beloved man in your own words are the perfect way to illustrate a warm, reverent attentive attitude. Gentle words addressed to the "strong half" can take various forms.

Psychologists say that for the best perception of compliments by a man, phrases and words should be short, extremely “transparent”.

Diminutive forms of words have this characteristic:

  • bunny;
  • cat;
  • favorite;
  • Sun;
  • rodnulka;
  • smiley.

100 short compliment words for your beloved man

1. beautiful
2. smart
3. caring
4. attractive
5. sexy
6. kind
7. gentle
8. cute
9. charming
10. charming
11. unique
12. indescribable
13. unforgettable
14. irresistible
15. chic
16. dazzling
17. passionate
18. unavailable
19. divine
20. bewitching
21. angelic
22. radiant
23. sexy
24. bright
25. fluffy
26. awesome
27. stunning
28. slim
29. seductive
30. flirtatious
31. refined
32. graceful
33. cheerful
34. energetic
35. creative
36. stylish
37. outgoing
38. tactful
39. loveful
40. romantic
41. Versatile
42. fabulous
43. cute
44. ardent
45. single
46. ​​affectionate
47. sweet
48. mind-blowing
49. wishful
50. unpredictable
51. mysterious
52. blooming
53. Flawless
54. harmonious
55. Responsive
56. perfect
57. best
58. humble
59. exquisite
60. playful
61. cool
62. sincere
63. friendly
64. understanding
65. extravagant
66. dreamy
67. fragrant
68. sparkling
69. ambitious
70. alluring
71. enthusiastic
72. disinterested
73. direct
74. seductive
75. intoxicating
76. cheerful
77. lovely
78. smiling
79. shy
80. incendiary
81. honest
82. excitable
83. candid
84. playful
85. charming
86. drop dead
87. purposeful
88. marvelous
89. feminine
90. happy
91. incomparable
92. radiant
93. inconspicuous
94. necessary
95. marvelous
96. fabulous
97. touching
98. miniature
99. love
100. most-most

Beautiful phrases in your own words

The phrases implying comparisons will definitely affect the soul.

Especially the man will be impressed by the words that are understandable only to him and the second half:

A woman can speak beautiful words to her beloved man in her own words with the aim of praising, encouraging the second half. Do not praise any household trifle made by the "getter". This action looks sarcastic, can offend a person. It is appropriate to note the promotion received by the man, the quickly completed task.

Prudently booked a table in a restaurant for Valentine's Day:

  • Already figured out the order of the boss? Dear, I had absolutely no doubt that you could handle it!
  • Darling, thanks for booking a table. I feel like a small, fragile girl with you, because you take care of even the smallest “details”!
  • I absolutely support Ivan Ivanovich in his decision to promote you. You are the most worthy candidate for the position. He was obliged to allocate such a responsible, executive employee!
  • I was sure that you would cope with Igor Sergeevich's order! With your perseverance and scrupulous approach, this cooperation is doomed to success!

In praising a man, it is important to keep the line between sincerity and flattery. In such a case, beautiful words will cause negativity, repel the young man.

Beautiful words for a beloved man are not difficult to get from the depths of the soul, the main thing is to insert them during

Having a desire to please a man, it is worth using words of support in time. Too much in today's world a large number of responsibilities are thrown by society on the “strong half of humanity”.

Certain expectations are physically difficult to justify. At such moments, it is appropriate to remind the man that the “half” is nearby, ready to share happiness along with negative emotions.

Beautiful phrases can give strength to further action:

  • These circumstances are absolutely unimportant, because we are together no matter what.
  • You can always count on me.
  • This situation is temporary. Things will get better soon, don't worry.
  • Never mind what happened. I am confident in your competence in this matter. It is worth making a little more effort, and things will go uphill.

Beautiful words to a beloved man in your own words, it is worth saying depending on the context of the situation, without detracting from the scale of the emotions experienced by the man.

nice words in the morning

Beautiful words can formulate support, express love to a man, set the tone for the upcoming day. Morning declarations of love will give an incentive to work out the shift as productively as possible., quickly return to the "gentle" embrace of your beloved. Having felt a portion of tenderness in the morning, a man will not be able to get angry when he gets stuck in a traffic jam on his way to work or listening to the grumbling of an office cleaning lady.

Beautiful words to a beloved man in the morning from a woman can charge with positive for the whole day, and a girl, expressing feelings in her own words, will not be able to remove her smile at work, thinking about her “half” and being in anticipation of an evening meeting with her beloved.

Everything highlighted in green above is explicit water, because these are your personal thoughts about this and that. Instead, you need to write specific gentle and beautiful words and phrases. And you “fly in the clouds” and describe it all.

Need specifics:

  • Hello darling! I sleep so sweetly next to you that I began to dislike waking up in the morning even more. Although, without waking up in the morning, I won’t see you, such a sweet, sleepy, most beautiful bear cub in the world.
  • It is such an amazing feeling when I dream about you in a beautiful dream, then I wake up and see you, so close ... I want to stop the moment to endlessly admire you and feel the all-consuming feeling of love!
  • Good morning honey! I know that the coming day will be productive, successful and full of exceptionally positive emotions. Let the working time fly by unnoticed, and you will soon find yourself at home, next to me! I love you!

Sweet words before bed

Beautiful words can not only provide a good mood for your beloved man for the whole day, but also help you relax in your own words after hard working days, support, give hope that "tomorrow" will radically differ from "today" for the better.

Hearing warm words before going to bed, a man will fall asleep with a smile. In this case, the morning awakening in a good mood will be much easier for both sides of the couple in love.

Beautiful words to your beloved man in your own words will be the key to his calm deep sleep.

This fact can significantly increase the productivity of subsequent time spent at work:

  • I know that you are very tired today and dream of rest. May you dream of a sunset at the ocean shore, where the two of us spend the day, holding hands tightly. Let all the difficulties and troubles be resolved tomorrow by themselves. Goodnight! I love you!
  • You know, today I was counting the minutes until I met you. I so wanted to quickly hug you, kiss you and fall asleep sweetly in your arms. With you, I feel calm and comfortable, because I know that you are my fortress. Thank you for having me. Goodnight!
  • Good night, dear! Today we will definitely meet with you in a dream. And tomorrow you will feel my love and tenderness in reality. Sleep tight.

Love words for every day

The daily routine usually contains few reasons for a smile, joy. There is a universal remedy that cannot leave you indifferent - tender phrases about feelings for a person.

In the case of sending this message at the “right” moment, when, the boss reprimanded, there is no strength to work, the effectiveness of such recognition increases several times. Feelings can be expressed in person, by phone call, SMS, as an option, by ordering a courier with pizza and a gentle note to work for the second half.

The feeling of need, love gives a man the strength to conquer any heights.

  • Kitty, I want you to know that you are always on my mind. I can’t concentrate on work, because in my head there is only the only, most beautiful, courageous, cheerful, kind and reliable man on this planet - you.
  • When I'm sad, I think about meeting you soon. When it seems to me that everything is going wrong, I think about meeting you soon. When it seems to me that this long working day will never end, I think about meeting you soon. Only thoughts of you give me the strength to finish the work productively, since my only desire today and always is to be in your arms.
  • When you are next to me, a flame of love flares up in my soul, which warms me in any weather. You are my world, apart from which I do not want to see or know anything. I love you
  • I miss your eyes that look at me with tenderness. I miss your arms in which I feel protected. I miss your lips, which kiss so sweetly that it seems that you can die of happiness at such moments. I miss you so much. I miss and love you madly, my sunshine!
  • Today I did not go to work, to the gym, to shopping, because I wanted to spend the whole day next to you. I know you didn't ask me for this. But a day without you stretches unbearably long, like an eternity. And I want that in the concept of "eternity" we were always with you. I love you!

Gentle words in prose

Beautiful words to a beloved man can be expressed in poetry, prose, quotations from literary works and films, can be formulated in a humorous genre.

And they can sound extremely simple and short, but come from the heart, touch the soul.

  • I want to tell you what I recently realized. This will probably be a revelation for you, and, to be honest, I myself could not admit it for a long time. I love you. Love like crazy. I love the way you look, the way you act, I love the way you talk, I love the way you laugh. I love everything you do for me. In every act of yours, I see a real man with whom I want to be until the end of my days. Thank you for having me.
  • Dear, I am grateful to you for the fact that you appeared in my life and overshadowed everyone and everything. Sometimes I forget about myself, my friends, work, problems, but I never let you out of my thoughts for a second. Perhaps this is love. Thank you for this feeling in my heart.
  • It seemed to me that all the words about love had already been said by me to you. But today I realized how great the potential of my feelings for you. He does not run out. I am extremely grateful to fate for the fact that you appeared in my life. I do not need gifts, big words and promises from you. I see your love and care in your every action and word addressed to me. I see your serious intentions in your every action. I appreciate everything that you do for the relationship and I am ready to help in everything. You are my happiness. Thank you for having me.

Short SMS to husband, boyfriend

SMS has become an integral part of modern life. Using mobile messages, it becomes possible to remind a spouse to buy groceries, congratulate relatives on holidays, or express love and tenderness to a husband or boyfriend. It is convenient to write such messages if a loved one is on the road, at work or any other place where it is inconvenient to talk using the phone.

Seeing a cute SMS, he will definitely smile, remember his soulmate.

  • Hello, motherfucker. I'm sorry to distract you - I just miss you madly. I want to tell you once again that you are the best husband in the world. You are my most important gift of fate in this life. I love you very much. I'm waiting at home.
  • I don't need gold jewelry and diamonds. These are just ordinary trinkets. You are my main decoration. After meeting you, I blossom more and more every day. It's your merit. Looking forward to the evening to kiss you, my love!

Touching words about love at a distance

Life can make lovers test their feelings. There are situations when a man and a woman are forced to live at a distance for some time. True love will surely survive this test.

To brighten up the circumstances, it is necessary to constantly give each other tender words, albeit by phone or SMS.

  • Dear, let after reading this message, you will feel my feelings for you, despite the distance. Your love warms me even when you are far away. These kilometers between us do not mean anything, because every second I think about us and about the happiness that will cover when we finally get together.
  • It doesn't matter to me whether you're far or near. I feel your love. I know how strong my feelings for you are. And that our love is enough. I live for you. Waiting for our meeting!

Beautiful words "I miss you"

At a distance, it is worth emphasizing more often how dear a beloved man is, sincerely admitting that separation makes you miss a person dear to your heart. This is important, since it is pleasant for any person to realize that they miss him, they think about him, being hundreds of kilometers away.

Such behavior will become an extra proof of love, not left "without evaluation" of a man.

  • Before I met you, I considered myself a strong and independent woman. I was sure that I could control everything, even my feelings and emotions. But now I realize that I can't bring myself to "not miss" you. I miss and will miss you every second of our separation, because you are the most important thing in my life.
  • I can't concentrate on work, everything seems to fall out of my hands when you're away. All circumstances are stacked against me, because I miss you madly. All thoughts are occupied only by you. I'm sure everything will be all right as soon as we see each other. Darling, please come soon.

Gentle words in compliments

You can express warm feelings to a man not only with beautiful confessions, but also with unobtrusive compliments. It is appropriate to note the character traits inherent in a man, to emphasize masculinity, intelligence.

For a man, confirmation of strength, recognition of superiority is important.

  • With you, I can relax and allow myself to be weak. Thank you for your reliability.
  • Only your witty jokes can make me smile even when I'm in a bad mood.
  • It’s amazing how you didn’t lose your head in such a situation and continued to act. I'm sure that if I were you, I would have given up.

How not to overdo it with tenderness

A woman who creates a favorable climate in the family needs to support the "half", help with deed, "warm" with a word. It is important for a beloved man to hear beautiful words that confirm the strong feelings of a girl, expressed in her own words.

We must not forget: in every component of family relations there must be a measure.

Spoiled by gentle words, men, as a rule, cease to appreciate the actions of a woman for them, become selfish in feelings, demanding, not ready to work on relationships. It must be remembered: in a pair, both parties should take an equal part in creating comfortable conditions for the second half.

Video: beautiful words to your beloved man

A touching declaration of love:

Beautiful declarations of love to a man:

So, you already know what threatens their suppression. Without further ado, let's get down to instructions on how to express your feelings.

positive feelings

It would seem that people should experience the main difficulties with the expression of negative ones, and there is no need to learn to express positive ones. Unfortunately, many people do not know how to thank their loved ones and praise them for their achievements, assuming that they already know that we are proud of them and love them. Expressing positive emotions will bring a lot of joy to you and your loved ones, and will help you become even closer. But you need to do it right.

1. Don't delay expression of gratitude "for later". Once someone has done something nice for you, express how you feel about it.

2. Don’t depersonalize gratitude (“it was very nice”), speak for yourself: “I am very pleased”, “I am so glad”, etc.

3. Don't be afraid precise definitions of my feelings: I am crazy, I feel very good, I am fascinated, I am delighted, etc.

4. Reinforce your words facial expressions, gestures, posture. Spoken through gritted teeth with an impenetrable face, when your whole posture speaks of tension, the words “I am very pleased” will rather have the opposite effect. Relax!

To be effective in expressing your feelings, let yourself experience them. Accept your right to experience both positive and negative emotions as a given (after all, it is), and since you have the right to experience them, it will also be natural for you to express them. Learning to praise and thank other people is difficult if you yourself do not know how to perceive compliments and gratitude. Learn to accept praise not with a shy smile, and not waving with both hands, but with pride and recognition of your merits (talents, virtues), because you deserve it!

Here are some more truths about expressing feelings:

  • Your authority does not suffer when you express your feelings.
  • Feelings that arise for a person must be expressed immediately and personally to him.
  • Expressing positive emotions does not obligate you to anything.
  • Do not mix negative feelings with positive ones.

How to Express Negative Feelings

It is very important to express negative emotions in a constructive, common sense way. No one will get better from screaming and accusations. Try to explain exactly to your partner what exactly you are dissatisfied with, what in his behavior caused you negativity.

  1. Expression of negative emotions can't be put off, you need to do this immediately after the precedent.
  2. Describe the situation clearly, using the pronoun "I": "I'm angry because you were an hour late", "I was worried because you did not pick up the phone."
  3. Call your feelings "by name": "I'm angry", "I'm upset", "I'm furious».
  4. Let facial expressions, gestures and intonation reinforce your words.
  5. Be precise What do you want from a partner.
  6. Calmly listen to his arguments.

If you sincerely express your feelings, while being ready for a constructive dialogue, this will not only help you resolve conflict situations productively, but also give people the opportunity to respect you and your feelings.

How to Express Your Feelings to the One You Love

Love does not consist in giving or receiving gifts from each other, it is, first of all, a mutual expression of feelings. You must be romantic, creative and unique in your expressions of love.

The best way to show your feelings is to express them with words that come from the heart and actions that make your loved ones feel one and only. Love your loved ones for who they are and do not try to remake them for yourself.

1. Remember all the best moments in your relationship with your loved one, those that give you endless inspiration.

2. Try to think of words you could use to describe how you feel about her/him. Do you experience a feeling of happiness when you are near her / him, do you have a need to constantly be near your loved one.

3. Find a place where the atmosphere will be romantic and comfortable for you and no one will disturb you.

4. Tell him / her that you want to be only with her / him, by doing this you will demonstrate your love with deeds, and not just words.

5. Spend as much time with your loved one as possible.

6. If you feel that your loved one wants to tell you something, do not ignore, listen to him. Do not forget that a person close to you can also be overwhelmed with feelings, be attentive to him and try to understand him.

7. Speak simply. Do not try to catch the most "opportune" moment and choose the most "beautiful" words, constantly thinking about it, you will only get more nervous and most likely you will never say anything. If you have not prepared your speech at all, just say what your heart tells you.

8. Do not make the person close to you think that he can lose you.

9.Say that you love him/her every day. Just say "I love you" to him/her every day. Saying it in the morning when she/he wakes up and at night before she/he goes to bed will make your significant other feel that you truly love her.

Learn to express your feelings. You don't need a lot of imagination to tell him/her how you feel. Just choose the moment when you will be alone and act bolder.

If you want to look more romantic in his/her eyes, do something special. For example, you can take her to the place where you first kissed her, to a place that is filled with special meaning for both of you, or just to a place with a beautiful view.

Don't forget to say "I love you" to your loved one. Believe me, he will never get tired of listening to these words. After all, if you say them so often to him, then it really is so.

Often a random "I LOVE YOU" has such a strong effect on a person that he is thrown into chills from these words.

Express your love as often as you can.

When expressing your love, don't look away.

You can always describe and express your feelings in a letter, and then convey it to your loved one.

Always let your feeling of love develop and flow freely, otherwise it will never develop in you.

"The measure of love is when love has no measure."


To truly love, you must give and give and give without expecting anything in return. When both people are attuned and think in a similar way, their relationship becomes special.

Do not be afraid to express and show your love, understand and respect each other, your feelings and emotions. Remember that the hearts of your loved ones are fragile and feel everything.

Don't blame him/her if he/she doesn't tell you the same words of love that you tell them. Do not force them to make confessions, this is their right, continue to love them and when the time comes they will confess their love to you.

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