How to make a husband love his wife again. How to bring back the old passion. If alienation between people came along with the marital routine. What to do

How to make a husband love his wife?

What can you do to make your husband fall in love again?

Love love love. She is capable of anything. Only - not always. The fight is on. The struggle in which love is entangled can be very difficult and incomprehensible. For example, the struggle for the husband to fall in love with his wife, whom, for unknown reasons, he could stop loving.

My husband doesn't pay attention to me ...

Has it happened to you? Let's force the husband to "turn on" his old love. We are looking for a "power button" along with tips!

  • Show your love in a way that makes your husband feel both her and you.

Try to make it clear to your spouse that you feel bad without him. But don't let yourself down. The husband should not, in any case, not feel that you are "creeping" in front of him. Everything must be learned to do carefully. If your man senses your weakness, he will simply "disrespect" you, he will be pleased that he does not love someone like you anymore. This should not be allowed!

  • Make it clear that you are the best!

Find an opportunity with him to realize all your good and positive qualities. He is simply obliged to notice everything without missing anything. Remember, because you have kindness, and generosity, and intelligence, and ingenuity, and tenderness, and sociability .... Use such qualities to the fullest.

  • "Lure" him with new and new dishes

Prepare something you haven't cooked before. Here, there are recipes that you often looked at, but which still could not turn into food. And decorate your food so that it delights not only with its taste, but also with its appearance.

  • Be more confident

So much more confident that your husband will appreciate your confidence. Don't confuse that confidence with self-esteem skyrocketing. By remaining yourself, you are capable of showing that you have self-confidence.

  • Give him pleasant surprises more often.

Any surprises. The main thing is that they evoke the most pleasant emotions that can only be remembered and expressed.

  • Call, but do not bother with calls

Not a single man likes when he is completely decided by independence. For example, he sits at a bar with friends, and you call him and call him, annoyingly and often. It will make a man angry.

  • Make sure not only that the apartment is in order, but also create a cozy atmosphere around

Try not to shout at your husband, do not "nag" him. Don't make him want to run away from you.

  • Don't command a man

A man can be asked for anything, but he will not understand the tone of "command". Or misunderstand it. Even if you consider that you are a leader…. Consider, but let the man not see it, because in a state of "incomprehensible love" he does not evaluate even the little things so much.

  • Don't ask your husband for money

Don't constantly ask several times how much he gets. Your husband will very much want to be where such questions are not asked at all.

  • Do not do anything to spite your spouse

Don't piss him off over trifles. Even if he pisses you off - endure the state of "rabies". If you can do this, he will stay with you, the love that you have lost will be found.

  • Does your husband not pay attention to you? - Try to change your image and appearance!

Do not be afraid of some kind of experimentation. In any case, because the experiment can be quite successful. The palette of hair colors is incredibly diverse. So are the clothes. A change in appearance does not mean that you need to do plastic surgery or enlarge your breasts.

  • Dig into your uneasy temperament

This is not a hint. Everyone, as you understand, has a difficult character in its own way. But some of its features are very complex in their structure. And this complexity is not very easily perceived by men.

How to get your spouse's attention?

Be more interested in what is happening in his life, in his soul and at work. Men are people who also need attention ... and even very much. But do not impose yourself ever. Imposition will not be appreciated by any man. You can put yourself in his place. How does it feel? Unpleasant, right?

  • Don't burden him with your problems

Advice is an individual thing. Someone helps, someone - no. If you ask a question that contains the word "force" - replace it with another. You cannot force a person to do whatever. If it concerns feelings and matters of the heart - even more so.

The man fell out of love. This does not happen in men either. If there is no love, and it is not possible to return it, go ahead, live in the present, erasing the unfortunate past. Do not cycle on what cannot be returned, what cannot be changed.

History, just "goosebumps"

One of the magazines wrote a story that gave goosebumps. The wife loved her husband so much that she could not bear the fact that he stopped loving her, and swallowed pills. Of course, they managed to pump her out, but she undermined her health noticeably. Hooked that love is an incredibly dangerous feeling. She was upset that she did not die. And for a long time I was in a state of stress. I came to my senses only six months later. Why is the story mentioned in this article? To make it clear that love is a strong feeling. But, if something did not work out, you should live on, overcoming any feelings of moral pain and hostility.

There are many men. There is only one life!

You need to fight for life, decorating it with yourself. And in response, she will someday present a very big surprise that will make you so happy that you will think: "How good that I did not do any irreparable stupidity."

Approach the fountain. Look at the water. Take a good look. What did you see? Probably the movement of the life of this water.

Take an example from the fountain! Live, rejoice, do not despair, make plans! What did not work out was not meant for you. It's time to learn to enjoy what you already have.

Do not learn by yourself - time will teach. It, if it wants, will fly by very quickly. Catch every second, use it effectively. Any second is a tiny piece of the future that can change everything. Ready for a change - go for it! Changes have already been waiting for you. Hurry up to them so that they do not come without your participation.

What to do? -

In any marriage, crisis moments come, which negatively affect the relationship of the spouses. Quarrels, misunderstandings, a desire to change something often lead to the fact that people simply decide to leave. But breaking everything is easy, but trying to keep the family together is a little more difficult. But it is still possible.

What to do

In order to keep the family together, the couple needs to remember the feelings that connected them at the very beginning of the relationship. A wife should know how to make her husband fall in love with herself again, she simply has to let him know that the woman he already possesses is the best and the only one, and another is not needed. To do this, you will have to complete a set of cases, not dwelling on one thing.

When figuring out how to make your husband fall in love with yourself again, you should think about spending leisure time together. Only in this way can a woman make a man look at himself differently. Home life and responsibilities do not add romance to the life. Thanks to them, the wife often appears before the eyes of a man in a dressing gown, an apron, tired and often just angry. But for the rest, the woman preps up, puts on her best clothes and does good make-up. Moreover, the shared activity that the couple will do on vacation will also bring people closer together. You can go to the cinema or cafe, but a more interesting way of spending family leisure time will be a new common hobby that will appeal to both parties. So, for example, you can fall in love with cycling, roller skates, etc.

One way to ignite feelings is to look at your wife from the outside. And even everyday life can help a man in this. Only here you need to actively involve the faithful in household chores. And then the question of how to make your husband fall in love with yourself again will disappear by itself. After all, when a loved one sees with his own eyes how much a woman does, at first glance, imperceptible, he will understand that household chores are hard work. First, a feeling of understanding will arise, which will change over time and will qualitatively affect family life. You can also solve the issue of maintaining the family budget. It is better if both partners do this, completely trusting each other in material matters.

Everyone knows that the way to the heart of any man is through the stomach. So why not play on this and figure out how to make your husband fall in love with you again with the help of cooking? You need to diversify the dishes as much as possible, not just trying to feed your husband with what is quickly prepared. If you spend a little time and stand at the stove longer, doing something special, you can greatly surprise your chosen one and gradually change his attitude towards himself. In addition, it is worth actively using those products that work as aphrodisiacs. So the sex life in a couple will become richer and more interesting.


If you want to know how to fall in love with your husband again, you need to remember that you should not be afraid to experiment. Everyone knows that after a while the spouses are so saturated with each other in bed that sometimes they just do not want intimacy, because and it is so clear what lies ahead. If you are not too lazy and read literature, watch various videos, you can try to surprise your partner in bed and renew your desire to make love much more often.

If the question of how to fall in love with your husband again is relevant, the only advice remains - you need to communicate with each other as much as possible, telling even the seemingly insignificant little things. Close communication, frequent contacts in the form of hugs and touches will do the trick, and feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Hello! What should I do? What do i do? The family is crumbling! I'll tell you everything in order: at the age of 15, I fell in love with the first handsome man and a school athlete, I just dreamed about him, and, as it turned out, he likes me too. There was childish love, they walked, kissed. He is a man with a very strong and explosive character, as a result, after a couple of months we had a fight. I was sick with it, I cried at night. And when they met, they pretended not to notice each other. He was in demand among girls. At the age of 17, I met my future husband, everything was fine, I waited for him from the army, my daughter was born. Life is fully adjusted, expensive car, home, study, work. And then in May 2015 we had a fight and went to our parents. During this period, we began to correspond with that guy, first love. And the torment began, he then pushed me away, then again said that he loved, and that he was very sorry that we had done a foolish thing and parted. In September, I weighed the pros and cons and decided to make peace with my husband. With first love, of course, the correspondence stopped. But, in December, he came to our city, everything started spinning again and we slept. Although no, you can't call it that, it was sex for love. I'm out of my mind. I am disgusted with my husband, he is very mild-tempered, to such an extent that when he found out that we were seen with his ex, he said that he loved me very much and did not want to lose his family. I do not know what to do, I constantly break down on him, annoying in everything, he is disgusting to me in sex, but I can’t do anything else either, I want my child to live in a family, but I want to overcome myself, forget that and love again husband, I don't know how.

Elizaveta, Tyumen, 21 years old

Family psychologist's answer:

Hello Elizabeth,

You are asking how you can make yourself love your husband. But forcing yourself to love someone is impossible. This is how our psyche works. You can, of course, force yourself to live with a person who is unpleasant to you, and even disgusting in sex ... and for what? For the sake of the child? But in families where the mother is unhappy, happy children do not grow up. It seems to me that now it is more important for you not the question of how to change your feelings, but how to understand them. And, perhaps, start by answering your question - how do you really feel about your husband? This will be a rather difficult question, because it often happens that a woman suddenly begins to see only one bad thing in her husband and sometimes even feel disgust for him if she is captured by a feeling for another person. But if the romance on the side burns out, disgust and hostility disappear almost without a trace. But it also happens in another way. If, for example, when you got married, you were very young and did not really understand why you needed this person. They just acted like everyone else - they got married, gave birth to a daughter, a house, a job, a car ... And only then they realized that this was not enough to be happy. And that there is another person you can love. Then it is no longer a question of temporary cooling, but of a mistake in choosing a partner. If you feel like your irritation and disgust are temporary, it might be worthwhile to take a break and see if your feelings change. If you really made a mistake in your choice, then you should not torture yourself, your husband, or your child with life in an unhappy family. You are both young, you have a lot ahead of you. You may well be happy, you just need to correctly determine what exactly you need for happiness, and achieve it.

Good luck, Alla Dmitrieva.

Nowadays, divorces are quite common. Moreover, a few years ago, the statistics were completely disappointing: about 50% of couples parted. Many different reasons are to blame for this state of affairs, including the lack of respect between people. We will talk about this in this article. What interests us most is the question of how to make a husband respect his wife. The answer is below.

What does respect mean?

Respect implies that a person's opinion is listened to, he is appreciated in all the diversity of existence: they are attentive to desires, needs, tastes and needs.

It must be said right away that you cannot ask the question: "How to make a husband respect his wife?" This is an incorrect, fundamentally incorrect formulation. Respect can only be earned; it cannot be gained by force.

Why is there a problem of disrespect?

In general, when people have already reached the registry office, it is a little late to think and analyze relationships. The fact is that they have already taken shape, which means that a man and a woman built them at the very least. The white dress and screams of "bitter" inevitably, like a hangover after a party, is followed by the usual marital routine.

In her space, 80% of the time of all married couples passes. People get tired at work, become inattentive to each other, and it seems that they stop respecting each other. The spouses perceive each other as instrumental: the husband's wife as "a bad or good earning machine", and the husband's wife - as a "food processor". Indeed, it is just right to ask oneself the question: "How to make a husband respect his wife?" Let us analyze in detail the possible solutions of this, to be sure, difficult task.

Female illusion number one: "He's going to change yet."

Now lovely ladies will protest and say that people are changing, etc., that their friends had real cases (friends will always have proof of anything).

All this concerns us, because it is very important to understand when a husband began to treat a woman without due respect. If it was still during the candy-bouquet period, then there is nothing left but to congratulate the woman, because her husband, in principle, never respected her. This means that now it is pointless to ask how to make a husband respect his wife, because it was necessary to look much earlier whom she chooses as her companions in life.

By the way, that's why the divorce rate is so high. People see their sight, and do not want to prolong their suffering, and part. The psychologist here can only advise one (if he is honest): run without looking back. Then it will only get worse: assault and other "joys" of an average marriage.

If alienation between people came along with the marital routine. What to do?

But sometimes it also happens that people deteriorate over the course of their lives and become cold and indifferent. And of course, a woman in despair asks herself: "How to make a husband respect and appreciate his wife ?!"

First, don't panic.

Secondly, you should analyze the current situation and answer two questions:

  1. What happened?
  2. What has become?

Simply put, you need to understand why it was so good before, but now it is so bad. It is necessary to compare the situations before marriage and after, to isolate the reasons and deal with their elimination.

For example, a girl asks herself the question: "How to make her husband love and respect his wife?" In the course of that simple operation, which we described a little above, the wife understands: she is not sinless.

The woman began to treat her husband as a consumer, as AB Pugacheva sang: “Instead of affection, you hear barking. Just give her money. " If so, then the woman needs to be more attentive to her husband and try to somehow correct the situation. The problem is that such women do not see any flaw in themselves. To summarize, we can say this: you need to inspect your everyday life and identify weaknesses in it, then try to eliminate them as much as you can.

Conversation can solve almost any problem.

In addition to the previous point: a woman should not single-handedly analyze and eliminate the problems of life together. I would not like to scare anyone, but marriage is a common cause. And if there are problems, then they need to be solved together.

In this case, conversation is an indispensable tool. Simply put, it is worth discussing the current state of affairs with those who are directly interested in this. Unfortunately, most people are not used to talking to each other about their problems. It seems to them that this is a sign of decline and loss of love. But this is not the case. Love is work. Feelings will not last long on an automatic move and will soon disappear.

Summing up the section, we can say the following. Of course, a soul-mate can try to solve a problem under the general title "How to make a husband respect his wife." Psychologist's advice can be very diverse, depending on the situation, but they all boil down, in essence, to one thing: people should talk to each other and discuss their problems.

By the way, for many Russian and foreign couples, a substantive conversation about the crisis in family relations is a serious undertaking, because they are even ready to pay a psychologist to conduct family counseling with them. And only in a session, in the presence of a third person, people can express certain claims to each other.

When everything is good, but there is no warmth anyway

If you have tried all the previous methods in good faith, but the situation has changed little, then there is especially nothing to console you. Perhaps the love has passed, and there is hardly anything you can do about it. Before that, the article turned out to be somewhat abstract.

It may seem a little strange to someone that, when answering the question of how to make a husband respect his wife, psychology can only offer conversations and conversations as a solution. But, unfortunately, this is the case. We are not looking for easy ways here and do not seek to deceive the reader, our task is to honestly answer the request.

And, nevertheless, we will try to give some specific recommendations.

Husband's respect for his wife disappears in several main cases:

  1. When the wife “goes down,” that is, ceases to take care of himself, grows ugly fat. In short, a lot of things can happen, but the result is the same: she ceases to be attractive to her husband. The consequences are sad: sexual interest disappears, then respect, then love. How to be? Take care of yourself, play sports and regain your husband's affection.
  2. The wife does not work, but at the same time gives a variety of valuable instructions on how the husband should work, how to live, and so on. It is more difficult here than with physical defects, since this is a problem of the psychological type of a woman. Such ladies consider themselves perfect and take for granted a good and even servile attitude. The solution here is one: get a job and show her husband that a woman is an independent, independent person. We guarantee: if this is the problem, respect will return.
  3. Sawing. The third specific reason for losing respect is the constant claims that sometimes arise from scratch. We will not go into details here, the reader probably understands what is at stake. This group of reasons is the most complex. The phenomenon of "sawing" stems from a general dissatisfaction with life in a woman. How to deal with this? It's hard to say. There are two ways: either talk a lot with your husband, or often consult a specialist. In this case, you do not need to take your husband to visit a psychologist, because these are the woman's personal problems.

Can fortune tellers help solve the problem?

You need to understand a simple thing: fortune-tellers are the same psychologists, only they also have a selfish moment. Their main task is to convince the client that he is deeply unhappy, and only a psychic has the keys to a better life.

When asked how to get a husband to respect his wife, conspiracy should not be seen as a possible solution. Because turning to fortune-tellers reinforces the vicious practice, according to which, a person is always looking for the guilty, although in search of reasons he should rather look into himself or analyze general problems of relationships. Only very lazy and extremely uneducated people can believe that psychics and fortune-tellers are able to make their life better with the wave of a magic wand.

We hope that our reader will have enough education and intelligence to take advantage of what the science of psychology offers, namely, to explore their relationships, analyze the situation and constantly discuss emerging problems with a life partner. Believe me, there is simply no better solution.

In fact, the situation when the spouses get used to living together and their feelings dull a little is considered quite normal. This happens in all families. It seems that quite recently a man and a woman admired each other, spent all their free time together, enjoyed life and laughed at petty family troubles. But after a while they accumulated mutual claims, unspoken grievances and misunderstandings.

As practice shows, living together does not always help maintain a positive mood in the family. What is a woman to do in such a situation? How to get through this crisis? How not to let the family collapse, how to become desired and loved for the husband again?

Of course, it is very important to return the old feelings between people in love, despite the fact that there is no talk of parting yet. If you begin to feel that communication with your spouse does not give you those unique emotions that you experienced at the dawn of your relationship, take action. It is necessary to change something in yourself as soon as possible. You can try on a new image, change your attitude to things that are familiar to you. And then you will certainly see that the husband began to look at you again with loving eyes.

Try to spend as much time with your spouse as possible. Free him from some household chores. And try to change your attitude towards him: for you, this is not just a person who is obliged to support his family and have a bunch of chores around the house. Your husband should be a loved and desired man, and everything else comes second.

1. Tune in to a positive wave. Everything in you should tune your husband only to positive emotions, from the timbre of your voice to the color of your wardrobe. This will make the spouse start enjoying life again and instill confidence in him. He will definitely notice these changes when he throws off a lot of minor problems and bad emotions from his shoulders.

2. Add variety to your daily life. Let your husband rest and do what he loves often. You can watch his favorite movie together or discuss an interesting TV show. You can go for a picnic in the afternoon or sit in a cozy cafe in the evening. Create a new tradition of family Sunday dining. Arrange holiday dinners for even the smallest of occasions.

3. Create comfort in the family. Make your family nest as comfortable and cozy as possible. Your home should be inviting, making you want to come back here as soon as possible. Let your husband associate your apartment only with your concern.

4. Pay attention to your appearance. Experiment with different styles of clothing. Try adding more fragility and femininity to your look. Let your husband always want to protect and protect you. This does not mean at all that you need to put tons of makeup on your face every day and walk around the house in high heels - you should always remain your beloved wife and loved one, and not become an unapproachable movie star. Still, it's important to take care of yourself and look neat every day.

5. Show a sense of proportion. Do not strive to create ideal conditions for the husband in the family, measure is needed in everything. Do not tire your man with unnecessary obsession and empty talk.

6. Choose the right moment. If your husband comes home from work tired, do not insist on watching TV together or on tedious walks in the city at night. Better feed him a delicious dinner. Let him rest, because you still have time to spend time together.

7. Create an intimate atmosphere, but don't overdo it. The intimate sphere also needs attention on your part. But even here it is worth knowing when to stop. Of course, one should not deny intimacy to a loved one, often referring to poor health and fatigue. But you don't need to be too assertive in this matter either.

Adhering to these simple rules, you can easily overcome the crisis, and your relationship with your husband will move to another, higher quality level.