What is she, a real bitch? What does sterva mean?

In recent years, attitudes towards bitches have changed dramatically. If previously pliable and good ladies were valued, whose main place in life was occupied by family and children, now it is fashionable to believe in yourself, a bright lady who does not consider other people's opinions and is successful in her career.

For this reason, perhaps, the number of divorces is growing rapidly, as well as the number of businesswomen who make a career, no worse than men, due to their strong and steadfast character.

There are also special courses and tutorials that help ladies learn the basics of bitch behavior. Bitches are envied because they are not inferior to men, do not bend under their authority, but achieve everything themselves, choosing an equal partner in life.

If earlier saying “bitch” meant a self-confident lady with an evil character, from whose actions her friends and relatives suffered, now the word “bitch” is perceived as a compliment. If a lady is a bitch, then she is popular with men, successful, has a beautiful taste and lives regardless of other people's opinions. So what is really hiding under the word "bitch"?

A bitch is an independent, self-confident lady, steadfastly moving towards her goal. She constantly puts herself above others, because she is not disturbed by someone else's conclusion. On the way to the goal, the bitch will not think about what other people think about her actions, whether she can harm someone or make her unhappy. The main thing is that she has all the best - career, clothes, spouse and home. Under no circumstances will she sacrifice herself for the family. The children are brought up by a nanny, and the husband, if he refuses to accept her as she is, will quickly find herself in the category of “former”. The bitch, under no circumstances, will not be afraid of parting and loss, because she is sure that only the best awaits her ahead. People, as well as friends and relatives, are divided into "necessary" and "unnecessary". Those who fall into the latter category quickly leave the life of a bitch.

Such a lady whisperingly gets rid of unnecessary feelings, which make her not strong and softer in the eyes of others. She has no right to demonstrate weakness, because she is not strong and does not respect desperate people. Self-flagellation, criticism and worries are a waste of time for a bitch, therefore she does not do this under any circumstances. The internal energy of a bitchy lady is used for self-development and enjoyment of life.

The bitch is played with emotions in order to achieve her goals, therefore, if necessary, she can play the role of an affectionate and vulnerable girl, but behind the sheep's skin there will be a hard, uncompromising she-wolf, ready to attack at any second.

What specific rules apply in the life of a bitch?

As for the other lady, it is fundamentally important for a bitch to be loved. For some, the love of one man is enough, who recognizes that she is the best thing in his life, therefore, it is necessary to fight for it, while for others, an army of admirers is needed to maintain their self-esteem.

Male interest is a responsible criterion for the success of a bitch. If they pay attention to her, flirt with her and want her, then she is beautiful, seductive and charming. This gives the bitch additional strength for development and inspiration in order to achieve new goals.

The bitchy lady perfectly understands that her chosen one will be interested in her while she imagines interest for others, respectively, she is obliged to follow the following rules of conduct:

  1. In any situation, you need to know your worth, do not humiliate yourself and do not ask. The most spectacular and beautiful lady deserves the best. Time should not be wasted on people who do not understand its advantages and benefits.
  2. Regardless of stress or depression, a bitch must always look great. A catchy stylish look is serious for her, moreover, at the time when she goes to the store. A lady has no right to look fat and untidy, so taking care of her appearance takes a lot of time from a bitch.
  3. A bitch should not seem like an easy prey, so she should not run after a man and give in to his whims. Such a lady has no right to look desperate and timid in her perfection.
  4. In communicating with the other sex, she is obliged to use all her wisdom and cunning. Being a bitch is an art that requires great intelligence and wit.
  5. Not a single day should pass without self-improvement.
  6. A man is only a part of the interests, therefore it is rather stupid to give him all your time.
  7. Healthy egoism should be in everything, since self-sacrifice and influence for the sake of other people's interests are not valued by anyone.

Is it worth it to be a bitch?

The benefits of being a bitch are obvious. Girls with a similar worldview and behavior are quite easy to achieve goals, because they under no circumstances act to please others and do not care about what they say about them in the corners. Self-development has its fruits - such ladies are very smart, reasonable and successful. Much more often bitches manage to successfully marry, but they do not spend time at the stove in the kitchen, believing their career and the realization of their ambitions to be the main thing.

Bitches are not ready to sacrifice themselves for children, but this does not mean that they are not good mothers. Perhaps they will not spend a lot of time at the children's bed, yielding these duties to nannies, but they try to ensure that their children have all the best and educate them, share with them the laws of survival in a cruel world.

It is easy for a bitch to keep a man - her sexuality, success and magnetism attract him and he is ready to behave like a hunter all his life. The main thing is that a faithful man is chosen. Narcissistic or timid young men do not get along with bitches. It is quite difficult for men, who are used to having their authority recognized, and they are not ready to fight with their wife all their lives.

Due to selfishness and intransigence, bitches actually have no girlfriends under any circumstances. In the ladies they see rivals, therefore they do not get along in the women's team. Only another bitch can make friends with a bitch, which will be an equal participant in the created tandem.


Who is this bitch?

Today we have an interesting topic - the word "bitch", the meaning of historical and modern. But that's not all, we will also throw a bridge from one meaning to another. It will be exciting, we promise.

Modern meaning

The dictionary says that the word "bitch" is similar in meaning to its brother, that is, the definition of "bastard", and the latter means: "a vile person, a scoundrel." And it’s interesting how many men have now rethought their attitude towards female bitches, having learned the true meaning of the word.

It is not uncommon to hear from the representatives of the stronger sex that they love this type of women, because such behavior of the fair sex speaks of her courage, determination, steel character. But for some reason, no one thinks about elementary harm or bad temper? But let's forgive the guys in love their illusions. The latter are inevitable when you are under the influence of a drug called love. By the way, this is not a fantasy, but a scientific fact - a chemical one.

The reader will now understand. The meaning of the word "bitch" according to Dahl: "the corpse of a dead animal, carrion, carrion, dead meat." Moreover, the word has a feminine and neuter form, which is written as “bitch”. So it goes.

We see that the language retains the overall tone of the expression. But development is noticeable. Of course, now the definition of “bitch” (the meaning of the word in the process of close research) is quite far from the corpse of a cow, but the general tone of unfitness remains, and it doesn’t matter who we are talking about, a person or an animal. A man or woman awarded such a name is not worth having a long relationship with them with a perspective, because they smell of decay. And this is what language tells us.

Bitch woman: characteristic features

There is a lot of any information on this subject, and magazines are full of various articles that turn the problem this way and that. Therefore, our task is to wring the water out of this literal sea and provide the reader with an extract of all the most important and necessary in this matter. So the signs are:

  1. (capriciousness, eccentricity).
  2. Selfishness or egocentrism.
  3. Consumer attitude in relationships, that is, such women are not able to give love. They have this feeling atrophied. They can only take, take and take, giving in return only strong negative emotions. Hysteria, for example.
  4. Sudden mood swings for no apparent reason.
  5. Manipulating a partner as the main way of interaction.

These are the main features, but everyone probably has something to add to the list. Here, as they say, complete freedom. But if you notice a complex of signs in a friend, then it is better to run away from her and not look back. Because family life with such “devils in a dress” either does not exist, or it looks like the place they came from, that is, hell.

Relationships with such girls destroy a man. And if he meets such a “lady” in his youth, then she is quite capable of spoiling the boy’s opinion about all women at once and turn him away from the fair sex. Not that the offended and offended will immediately go to the opposite camp, but a long bachelor life is also not sugar, you know.

Therefore, be afraid of the content that is hidden behind the meaning of the word "bitch". This woman is dangerous in every respect, even in a purely physical sense.

"Bitch" banned?

No, why not. Practice shows that girls of this kind are even useful. Otherwise, how can a man distinguish evil from good if he does not have an annoying example of a relationship. All women who will be after the “hysteria” will not get scorched earth, but fertile soil. After destructive (destructive) relationships, productive ones are much easier to build, because a person already knows exactly what not to do.

In this sense, the main thing is that a person does not go too far in experimentation and, for example, does not marry such a woman. A bitch (the meaning of the word is already well known) is a type of woman who is unsuitable for family and marriage. And it will take forever to disentangle the consequences of one wrong choice. But sometimes this happens: a person pays his whole life for one wrong step. Be carefull.

We hope we managed to convince the reader to be a little more careful. For every person, regardless of gender, to turn into a bitch (the meaning is not the most pleasant, no matter what dictionary you take) is not the best prospect. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself. And yes, men turn into bastards, but this does not change the essence of the matter.

“Girls are different: black, white, red” is how one popular group sings. Yes, indeed the female gender is unpredictable and each woman is unique and unique in her own way. There is an old Italian saying: "Everything is from God except a woman." Most likely, it is said about bitchy women. Nobody considers them from God, rather, on the contrary, a bitch in the understanding of many men is from the Devil. But not everyone can say definitely and specifically who such a bitch is. By this term, people understand some not very good girl, fatal and independent. But is so little invested in this concept, maybe bitch has a broader and deeper meaning?

Who is a bitch: definition

Bitch has several definitions: the first of them is not entirely personal and means the corpse of an animal, carrion. The second meaning of the word bitch is the most common, as they call a not very good girl. How bad is a rather vague concept, but such features as meekness, shyness, tolerance and self-sacrifice are clearly not inherent in it.

The bitch might be synonymous with femme fatale . Why this word began to be called a certain type of the fairer sex, it is no longer possible to find out. But there is an assumption that the word bitch was more likely invented by men when their manhood was faced with a strong, independent and rebellious character in a skirt. And in order to show contempt and protect themselves, everyone who did not obey the male will was called bitches.

She will never leave a man indifferent, not only because she challenged his independence, but also because the bitchy woman simultaneously forced herself to lust and hate. It turns out that I woke up two strong and fighting feelings.

A bitch is, in fact, who?

But who is this bitch? An eternally screaming, cursing and cymbal-beating woman. Yes, but you can also meet scandalous aunts on the market, only for some reason they are called not bitches, but tryndichs, brawlers, and many other words, which, you guessed it. Then who is this bitch?

A bitchy girl will not necessarily walk down the street with a contemptuous look, arguing and showing her superiority at every corner.

It can be quite a sweet and harmless woman at first glance, but with certain features:

  • This is a girl who always knows what she wants from life. She knows exactly what kind of car she wants, what dress and what kind of man;
  • She is characterized by selfishness, perhaps this is her main feature. She always thinks only of herself;
  • She has a motto: "The end justifies the means." If a bitch really wants something, she will not disdain anything, even betrayal. She will easily go over the heads, and without any twinge of conscience;
  • She always believes that she is always right. A bitchy girl does not recognize her shortcomings and mistakes.

How do they behave?

The bitchy girl can still be seen even under the mask of a sweet smile. Firstly, such a woman will never allow herself to be offended, one has only to touch her dignity with something, a tough rebuff will immediately follow. A bitchy woman will not be silent, she always defends her position. She achieves everything herself and does not ask for help. Sitting and dreaming about something, or waiting for someone to come along and do something that isn't her style. So purposefulness is another sign of a bitchy woman.

You should always remember that there are no honest bitches. Lying for such women is already a common thing. Therefore, if in a conversation with a cute girl there are suspicions that not everything she said is true, then think about it. A bitchy girl immediately stands out from the crowd, to approach and just get acquainted with such a girl is more difficult than with the rest.

Even if a man made a risky step to strike up a conversation with a bitch, it’s not a fact that she will be kind, allow herself to be looked after and continue further communication. After all, these women are not interested in a simple guy, they have specific requirements for the stronger sex: a young man must be financially secure and occupy not the last place in society.

How do men treat such women?

Of course, love is evil and you can fall in love even with a bitchy girl. But the relationship of a man with such a woman will be built solely depending on the nature of the man himself:

  1. Some men do not like meek hens, and therefore they like to be around a self-centered person;
  2. There is a group of men who bypass such women. Such men, as a rule, are smart and independent, but they do not intend to tolerate a woman with defiant behavior;
  3. There are such representatives of the stronger sex who like to be weak and indulge a woman in everything. Usually such individuals are called "henpecked". Although if the relationship suits both and the man does not feel discomfort, what is terrible about this is a question;
  4. But no matter how strong and independent a bitch is, there will always be that guy who will be stronger, smarter and more prudent than her. There will always be that young man who will be able to put her in her place, a man who in some situations will be cold-blooded and will not succumb to her pressure.

Bitch in marriage

It is unlikely that a bitch will make a good, in the usual sense for us, wife. Household work does not at all appeal to such women, however, as well as the upbringing of children, whom bitches are in no hurry to start. A husband for her is just a way for her comfortable existence: he contains her and fulfills all her whims.

And if something does not suit the bitch in marriage, then she will never put up with it. She will morally put pressure on her husband if he earns little, if he devotes little time to her and if he does not fulfill all her whims.

A bitch is not born, it is made. Women of this type, as a rule, chose such a model of behavior for themselves on the basis of negative past experience. There were circumstances in their lives that taught them how to behave in order to survive.

Is it worth it to become a bitch - the choice of each. In some cases, being a bitch is beneficial and convenient, for example, when moving up the career ladder. But being a bitch in marriage is a minus. But even if a woman nevertheless decided to become a bitch, she needs to clearly know who a bitch is and what distinguishes her from the rest.

Video about femme fatales

A bitch, many are sure, is a self-confident woman who does not consider anyone or anything, does not like to cook and does not appreciate real relationships. But is it really so? So who is a bitch and how to become one?

Who is a bitch, and how to become one?

It is worth noting that a special energy emanates from a woman - whom everyone calls a bitch. It can be both born and become. To change the character and further algorithm of actions, you can stock up on special literature, which is now a lot on the shelves of bookstores. They describe in detail how to become a bitch, and how to apply advice in your life to become more self-confident.

But, this method is not the only one and may not be suitable for shy people. After reading the publication, such young ladies will not change. In this case, you can sign up for bitch courses. Most major cities have such courses. In the classes, women are taught theory and practice. As a result of classes, a woman becomes self-confident, which is a valuable character trait for a bitch.

Bitch - appearance must be impeccable

The appearance of a female bitch is always impeccable. At the same time, it does not matter at all what the weather is now and the mood in the soul. She always remembers the law of “meanness” when you go out to the store for a minute in sweatpants and immediately meet friends. She can't afford to ruin her reputation. We are not talking about expensive dresses for going out to the store or for a walk, but neatness should be on top.

In order to look great, the bitch always watches her figure and visits fitness rooms, carefully selects the menu and only healthy foods in her diet. By the way, you can read about nausea.

good girl

Women began to notice that it was the bitches who are perfectly arranged in life. The success and attention of men are guaranteed to them. Therefore, the weak half of humanity began to figure out how to become a femme fatale, and what needs to be done for this. First of all, without increasing erudition and intelligence, you can look at least ridiculous and stupid. Therefore, you need to constantly develop.


A real bitch doesn't sit at home in front of the TV. She cannot be idle. Even if he does not have a permanent job. In addition to searching for a suitable job, the bitch attends seminars and courses, enjoys excursions and exhibitions. Sitting within four walls is unacceptable for such a woman.

Emotion control

A strong woman knows how to restrain her emotions and actions. The bitch learns to smile through her tears. He speaks confidently when he is nervous. She can afford to cry into her pillow or break dishes. But he never does it in public.


This is the most difficult point for an ordinary woman, but not for a bitch. Of course, you can let a man speak out, but you should not ask him about problems with particular predilection. Otherwise, the problem may migrate to women's shoulders, which the bitch will never allow herself.


The bitch knows how to achieve her goal and use men for this. But she does it with cunning. The main task of the femme fatale is that a man must always give her what she needs on a silver platter. And he does it with joy and pleasure, for the sake of satisfying a woman.

The ability to argue

Some believe that bitches are ordinary rude people who love to raise a scandal over every little thing. But it's not. A true bitch is able to put any person in their place with one word or even a look, and with dignity get out of any situation without screaming.

A tense conversation takes place in a calm tone on her part. Let them shout around, she will not stoop to this. She knows how to calculate the weaknesses of the enemy and skillfully crushes him with her intellect. At the same time, he does it with pleasure. Many men love to communicate with such women. Such women will not be capricious over trifles or, you can safely speak with them on an equal footing.

clear goals

For a bitch, achieving your goals is easy, without making any special efforts. A real bitch, if she wants to, will go on a trip, it does not matter at whose expense. Getting a credit in a higher educational institution is not difficult for her.

Spectacular appearance and the ability to talk with the right circle of people help to get out of any situation with dignity.


It is very easy for a woman who is a bitch to win the man she likes with one glance and a slight movement. She knows how to use inner charm.

Why do men like bitches?

Liveliness of character

The whole point is not that men like the bitchiness of a woman, they are impressed by the presence in a woman of brightness and liveliness of character. It is interesting to talk with them. Communication with them is always of great interest. Men do not take into account bitchiness, but see a cheerful, witty person in a woman.

Seriously and for a long time to get carried away by a grumpy bitch can only be who wants to subdue an obstinate woman.

Mother projection?

Men are especially interested in bitches, whose mothers have an imperious and strong character, who is used to keeping relationships under control.


With her boorish, sometimes rude attitude, a woman attracts men like a butterfly nightlight. Being rejected, a man understands that this woman is important and needs to be conquered, no matter what it costs him.

Easy attitude to life

By a bitch, men mean women who will not oblige the chosen one to get to know their parents or get married quickly. With her there will be no need to go to the country and report on free time among friends.

Bitch and man

Often, a bitch surrounds herself with fans who are ready at any moment to satisfy the object of their adoration. But, among these men there are many self-sufficient ones who will never connect their lives with such a woman.

Having a passionate night without commitment is the norm for a bitch. The only disadvantage of such a relationship is that in the pursuit of freedom, she does not have enough time for love and real feelings.

But falling in love with such a woman is the easiest, because she seems special to them, not like ordinary women. And men do not notice that a woman is playing the role of a cat playing with a mouse. Relationships are so dangerous.

Having no idea what it is and having played enough with a man, she freely leaves him, at the same time, at the most unexpected moment for him. A man who did not expect such a turn of events may become a misogynist or try to quickly find a replacement for her, completely different from a bitch.

The conclusion from this situation is the assertion that bitches allow a man who has been with her once to feel the true value of a woman - faithful, reliable.