What boots to choose for the winter. How to choose the right winter shoes? The stores offer the widest selection of shoes: with high heels and low running, with thick and thin soles, smooth and with relief, with fur and a membrane. What to choose? So that the legs are always

Autumn makes us happy with the last days and already reminds us of the upcoming winter cold. Winter frosts can come unexpectedly, so it is worth preparing for them now. It is not for nothing that they say "Prepare the sleigh in the summer ...". The same can be said for winter shoes. To prevent snow and ice from catching you by surprise, consider purchasing winter shoes today.

The shoe market offers us a lot of options for winter boots for every taste and color. However, the choice is not always successful. Very often colds and viral diseases occur due to freezing, including of the lower extremities. So that your feet are always warm and cozy, and the winter frosts do not frighten you with their severity, listen to our advice on choosing reliable and warm winter shoes.

Any fashionista knows that you need to keep up with fashion at any time of the year and winter cannot be a hindrance to elegant high-heeled shoes. However, listen to your logic and think what is more important to you - health or the ephemeral concept of fashion. Warm waterproof boots can also be beautiful and showcase your dignity. Therefore, first of all, pay attention to the quality and quality of winter shoes.

So, first of all, let's dwell on the material from which the shoes are made.


Of course, there can be no better material than genuine leather. The leather is ideal for winter slush and frost. The skin perfectly conforms to the shape of the foot, therefore, in leather shoes, you will, above all, be comfortable and comfortable. Being a natural material, leather is practically impervious to moisture, so you can be sure that your feet will not get wet. A very important plus is that the skin retains heat excellently.

With all the above advantages, leather shoes will not only keep you warm and protect your feet from moisture, but will also serve you faithfully for several seasons.

The cost of winter shoes made of genuine leather can be quite high, however, by paying once, you will give your feet comfort and warmth for several seasons.

Natural suede

Natural suede is an excellent material for sewing footwear, including winter footwear. Outwardly very attractive, pleasant to the touch, it makes any shoe model more refined and airy. Compared to real leather, suede is not as practical to wear. In wet weather and slush, traces of salt or just dirt can remain on it. Suede, in fact, being leather turned inside out, also protects well against moisture, but moisture is definitely not good for it. But at the same time, suede shoes can also be warm and quite comfortable.

Today, shoe manufacturers offer special protective products for suede boots - moisture protection, stain remover, tinting sprays and many others. With these products, you can easily take care of your suede shoes and keep them in good condition.


Leatherette is a good alternative to natural leather, but not in the case of winter shoes. Leatherette can allow moisture to pass through, and this is fraught with wet feet and colds. Such shoes will quickly crack in the cold, and in places of folds they can even break. As for heat, leatherette shoes are unlikely to warm your feet. The only advantage of artificial leather shoes is their price. However, it is worth considering whether you need to pay at least less, but for shoes that will serve you only one season ..?

How not to be mistaken

Modern artificial leather is very similar to natural leather. Sometimes even professional retailers cannot tell the difference between leatherette and genuine leather. At first glance, they are very similar, both in appearance and in touch. However, there are a number of ways that still in 80% of cases will help you distinguish leather boots from leatherette shoes.

Putting your hand to the shoe, you will feel the warmth - this is genuine leather. Leatherette is always cooler to the touch.

One of the best ways to identify a counterfeit is to check the slices. Pay attention to the places where the back of the material is visible. Genuine leather has a little fuzz on the inside, while leatherette usually has a fabric base.

The odor check will most likely not work - today high quality leatherette, thanks to the fragrances, can smell like natural leather.

Another surefire way to test your leather for naturalness is to use a needle. At the puncture site, natural leather will spring a little, while a hole-shaped mark will remain on the artificial leather.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to insure yourself against counterfeiting. So go to a specialty store or shoe store to buy a new pair of winter shoes. The market assortment in most cases turns out to be an outright fake. And who wants to be deceived ..?

Winter shoes should have warm lining and fur. Therefore, do not listen to the seller who convincingly tells that modern faux fur warms up no worse than natural fur. Natural fur will allow your feet to "breathe" and protect you from freezing, while artificial fur is more likely to cause increased sweating on the legs. The faux fur will "break" faster and only a thin lining will remain from it. In short, natural fur has an undeniable advantage over artificial. How to check fur? Spread it apart with your fingers: if it is on a fleecy basis - natural fur, on fabric - artificial.

Today, many manufacturers use the "combination fur" technology. In this case, the fur on the bootleg is artificial, and on the foot it is natural. Also, fashionistas know the model "European" - the bootleg on a fabric lining, on the foot - natural fur. This variation makes it possible to wear a winter boot that fits the leg along the bootleg without making it very bulky. Such sewing techniques have their advantages, but for cold weather it is still better to stock up on high boots with natural fur along the entire height of the boot.

As for winter shoes for men, men's high boots are extremely rare. They are usually chosen by dandies and fashionistas, and in them, as in women's "Europeans", natural fur is only on the feet. The most popular model of men's winter footwear is boots just above the ankle, with natural fur.


The sole is an important part of a reliable winter shoe. Pay attention to the material from which it is made (rubber, polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride - they are all waterproof and sufficiently wear-resistant), as well as the thickness. According to the standard, the thickness of the sole should be at least 1 centimeter. The thin sole will freeze through and is unlikely to protect you in frosty weather.

It is worth paying attention to the relief of the sole. The more bumps, grooves and embossed patterns on the sole, the easier it will be for you to resist on ice. If you take a look at professional winter sports shoes, you will notice that the custom-patterned embossed sole is the hallmark of any well-known manufacturer.

It is easier for men both in summer and in winter. Men's fashion doesn't require walking on wedges, heels or platforms. Women are not shy about high heels and platforms in winter.

Modern winter footwear pleases with its variety. If you are used to walking in high heels, no problem. Just take a close look at the heel - it must be stable and reliable, and in no case can it be plastic. Give the boots a little test - place the shoes on a flat surface and push down on the instep. If the heel "slides" back - do not buy these boots, otherwise you will not get rid of problems with slipping and falls.
As for the platform or wedge, it should be firmly glued, there should be no glue residues at the joints, and threads should not stick out from the seams.

In any case, the choice is yours. However, remember that on ice it is still better not to put on high-heeled shoes and protect yourself from falls and fractures.


Do not buy shoes without trying them on, especially winter ones! Remember that no two pairs of shoes are alike. Shoes from different manufacturers can differ significantly in size, therefore, ordering boots of your 38th size online, in fact, you can get Chinese 36th.

Try on both boots or shoes, walk around the store, sit in your shoes. You should be comfortable right away. Do not listen to a consultant who tries to persuade you to take the shoes "back to back" in view of the fact that "the fur will shrink and the skin will stretch." This is the biggest misconception. You should not be cramped in your shoes, your thumb should not rest on the toe, and the boot should not squeeze your foot.

Choosing shoes one size larger is also a mistake. When worn, your feet will not only feel uncomfortable. Boots that are too big for you can deform your feet as well as fall. When choosing winter shoes, wear a warm sock for trying on, because in winter you will surely warm your feet.


Having tried on the models you like, and having decided on the choice, carefully examine the boots again. Compare the right and left boots, check the seams for tightness, cracks and folds. Try to open / close the zipper several times - it should open easily and not "stick". Also pay attention to the accessories - fasteners, buttons, buttons, chains should be well secured. Feel free to ask your salesperson what material they are made of. Very often, decorative elements wear out or darken too quickly, which in turn makes even new shoes look unkempt.

Where can I buy?

So what to opt for? Order winter boots in the online store or buy on the market? Or maybe make shoes to order ..?

If you are looking for a pair of reliable and warm winter shoes, head to a shoe store. First of all, you can try on the shoes you like in a comfortable environment, walk around the store and feel if it is convenient for you.
The help of consultants can sometimes be too intrusive, but sometimes it helps to make the right choice.

Many stores are direct suppliers of factory footwear, so they give a guarantee on it, which, you see, is very pleasant. If the manufacturer guarantees the quality of the product and confirms it with warranty service, then you have every reason to trust the quality of this product. Moreover, by saving the receipt, you can always return the product within a certain time, if for some reason it does not suit you or you change your mind.

Many consumers are mistaken that the shoes on the market are much cheaper than the ones sold in stores. Sometimes it can be even higher. But as for quality and reliability, it is better to think about it here. When buying shoes on the market, you have no opportunity to complain in the future if the sole suddenly peels off during the first snow or the fur is worn off after a week of wearing.

Moreover, think about whether you can try on shoes normally when there are a few more customers crowding around you? You cannot walk around the market in shoes you are trying on, but after taking a couple of steps, you are unlikely to determine whether you are comfortable.

Also, when buying shoes from the market, you run the risk of becoming a victim of fraud. In the turmoil of the market, you may be sold a low-quality product or, which sometimes happens, simply replaced it.

Do you want to be different from others? Or do you just have a custom shoe size? Then go to a shoe designer!

Now it is becoming very popular to sew custom-made shoes, both summer and winter. First of all, custom-tailored shoes are unique. You will definitely not meet the twin of your winter boots and, naturally, you will feel like a million. By the way, about a million. This kind of pleasure is not cheap, so you have to fork out!

Owners of non-standard shoe size or foot shape can also contact a shoe sewing atelier. If you need a regular pair of winter boots in your size, and not a piece of shoe art, this purchase will cost you less than in the previous case, but you still have to fork out a little.


So, the purchase is done, your wonderful warm boots are waiting for you on the shelf, which not only delight your feet, but also your eyes. Now all that remains is to maintain them in good condition, take care of them and, if necessary, repair them.

After purchasing a pair of boots, be sure to purchase a set for their care. If you always keep your shoes clean, regularly refresh them and replace worn-out heels in time, your shoes will serve you faithfully for more than one winter.

Now there are a huge number of shoe care products - creams, paints, water-repellent sprays, shine sponges, etc. Remember that leather and suede shoes require completely different care and, accordingly, different products.

Change heels on time! In winter, shoes are most susceptible to mechanical stress, so do not be surprised if heels or socks wear out quickly - this is absolutely normal. Just wear your shoes to the repair shop on time and it will save you the hassle of changing shoes frequently.

We hope that our advice will help you enter the new winter season wearing reliable, high-quality and warm shoes that will not let you down in the harsh winter cold!

We wish you a good choice!

In the photo: Cortina women's winter boots with Deltax membrane

A large assortment of winter footwear from famous brands is presented in shops and boutiques.

We decide: for what purposes do you need a new thing? Walking around the city, walking with children in the park, or maybe for an extreme hiking trip?

What should be winter shoes?

In the photo: Graceland women's winter boots

What you should pay attention to when choosing shoes for the winter:

  • on the quality of materials;
  • on the sole - it should not let the cold pass, not slip and be durable;
  • winter shoes should preferably have a membrane that protects from getting wet;
  • on a modern insulation.

Materials used for the production of winter shoes

In the production of footwear for the cold season, they usually use:

  • natural leather;
  • suede;
  • nubuck;
  • textile;
  • nylon fabric.

Each of the listed materials has its own pros and cons.

Shoes made of genuine leather, good quality and with water-repellent impregnation will protect your feet from cold and dampness. However, you do not need to walk in puddles and loose snow all day in it: in the end, it will get wet, and then it will dry for a long time. In such shoes, you can walk along the snow-free paths from home to the subway, and then to the office.

A good solution for bad weather is combined footwear with rubberized galoshes. If the outer material of such shoes (suede, textiles, nylon) is treated with a water-repellent impregnation, then slush and dirt will not be terrible.

Many well-known manufacturers produce membrane shoes such as Gore-Tex. Gore-Tex winter shoes provide the most effective protection from getting wet.

In the photo: shoes with Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort technology are designed for outdoor use in rain, snow and cold conditions.

It combines long-lasting waterproofness, optimized breathability and thermal insulation for use in cold weather conditions, making it ideal for a variety of outdoor activities. Water and snow remain outside and do not penetrate in, while moisture in the form of perspiration can easily escape outside. Thanks to the heat-insulated lining, the shoes reliably protect from the cold, making them ideal for various types of outdoor activities.

For example, the very warm and stylish Haglofs Krylbo GT high boots for cold weather combine a Gore-Tex membrane.

Photo: Haglofs Krylbo GT Driftwood women's winter boots with Gore-Tex membrane

Perfect outsole for winter shoes

Modern technologies make it possible to create such a sole that combines 3 main qualities at once: it does not let the cold through, does not slip and does not crack from frost and reagents.

If you choose shoes for winter outdoor activities, then pay attention: the sole of such shoes should be thicker than that of ordinary ones, with a deeper tread.

Manufacturers often supply these shoes with an EVA midsole. It simultaneously plays the role of a heat insulator and a shock absorber. Shoes with such an insole are an order of magnitude better protection from frost.

Also, in winter shoes, the patented vulcanized rubber sole of the world leader in the production of soles, Vibram, is often used. The composition of its components is impressive, and the tread has a complex pattern - all this makes such shoes very durable.

In the photo: DC Shoes Spt men's winter boots with Vibram sole

Shoes with Vibram soles are the choice of athletes for winter extreme tourism.

The Vibram sole was invented in Italy back in 1937. You will immediately notice shoes with Vibram soles on the store shelf thanks to the yellow octagon - a kind of "gold" standard in the world of footwear for all types of outdoor activities.

What kind of insulation should be in winter shoes for sports?

Modern technologies have made it possible to abandon the use of natural insulation, which have been used for centuries in the manufacture of winter footwear - fur and wool.

In the photo: Adidas CW Adisnow children's winter boots with Primaloft insulation

Well-known brands use Thinsulate and Primaloft synthetic insulation in the manufacture of winter sports shoes. These materials with high heat capacity and low weight are not cheap. But they save even from the most severe frosts and are not afraid of moisture.

Heaters for winter shoes for the city

For urban winter footwear, natural wool, fur, textiles and sometimes down are used.

For example, women's shoes from the new winter collection Rendez-Vous by Giorgio Fabiani are made from high quality materials. The upper part of the bootlegs is made of soft double-face - single-layer leather, the front side of which is a suede or smooth surface, and the back side is natural fur. An exclusive of the models is the technology used for the lower part of the ankle boots.

In the photo: elegant and warm women's shoes from the new winter collection Rendez-Vous by Giorgio Fabiani will be an excellent choice for capricious weather / © Rendez-Vous

The new technology made it possible to combine two layers - leather and natural fur - into one, thereby insulating the shoes and making them more durable. The two-layer bottom of the half-boot protects your feet from cold, moisture and better shape, while the single-layer upper provides a lightweight and soft fit.

The reinforced heel protects the Giorgio Fabiani ankle boots from trampling and getting wet, preventing suede or the leather on the heel from touching the ground.

The gusset between the sole and the upper is made of genuine leather, not textiles like other brands. The leather welt protects against wetting, deformation and premature abrasion, moreover, it is less dirty and easier to clean with your usual skin care products.

The outsole is made of high quality rubber and has a special tread that prevents slipping and getting wet.

How to pair fashion shoes and wardrobe

For the city, you can find beautiful and practical models of winter shoes in stores. How to combine fashionable shoes and wardrobe?

Beautiful, comfortable and warm models are presented in the Rendez-Vous collection by Giorgio Fabiani.

While creating the collection, the designers used high quality materials - soft double face leather, natural wool and fur. The wide range of the collection includes models in woven leather, suede and smooth leather. Practical flats and feminine models with a hidden platform are tailored so that the shoes retain their shape for a long time.

An excellent example of urban casual, combining sport and glamor, are ankle boots and comfortable loose-fitting trousers.

In the photo: Uniqlo trousers, Zara turtleneck, coat, Caractere fur vest, Calzedonia tights, Gianni Chiarini bag, Rendez-Vous shoes by Giorgio Fabiani / © Rendez-Vous

Even more glamor in the image, where there is a mother-of-pearl texture of leather on ankle boots, light fur and an asymmetrical cut. Despite the seeming impracticality, it will be comfortable for every day: just do not forget about woolen knitwear, warm socks and a short fur coat with a hood - and you will feel comfortable even in cold weather.

In the photo: H&M fur coat, Pinko dress, tights, Calzedonia socks, Loriblu clutch, Rendez-Vous shoes by Giorgio Fabiani / © Rendez-Vous

Shades of green are in trend.

Here's another look for winter: pleated skirt, puffer jacket, and knitwear - keep the trend in mind for comfort. A hidden wedge heel with ankle boots will allow even girls of short stature to wear a midi length, and a practical down jacket will warm you in frosty weather, even if there is a thin silk dress under it.

In the photo: jacket, turtleneck, Uniqlo scarf, Zara skirt, hat owned by the stylist, Calzedonia tights, Sonia bag by Sonia Rykiel, Rendez-Vous shoes by Giorgio Fabiani / © Rendez-Vous

It's time to say no to black! Light-colored shoes, like these suede ankle boots, are quite viable in our winter conditions if you take proper care of them.

The height of ankle boots is optimal in combination with wide woolen trousers, and woolen socks or knee-highs worn inside will allow your feet to stay warm. Noble natural shades of metal and undyed leather are the perfect choice for a work wardrobe.

In the photo: trousers, Uniqlo pullover, Diego M sheepskin coat, scarf owned by the stylist, Calzedonia tights, Marc Jacobs bag, Rendez-Vous shoes by Giorgio Fabiani / © Rendez-Vous

The most striking image of winter: green gloves, brown tights with an ornament, a pumpkin bag and sandy low shoes - shades of autumn nature that will surround you with an aura of warmth and comfort. The height of the gloves and the thickness of the sole, in combination with the woolen lining and natural fur, will not allow you to freeze even in severe frosts. The leather tassels on the bag echo the fur trim, and the edge trims echo the decorative stitching on the low shoes.

In the photo: H&M coat, skirt, Uniqlo pullover, hat owned by the stylist, Calzedonia tights, Agnelle gloves, See by Chloe bag, Rendez-Vous by Giorgio Fabiani shoes / © Rendez-Vous

And in this look, brown, sand and khaki are set off by a bag in a frosty cherry shade. Thanks to natural materials and the right cut, items from a winter wardrobe can be both warm and beautiful at the same time. Wedge ankle boots protect your feet from icy asphalt while contributing to a sleeker silhouette. A bag with a long strap will free your hands for a cup of hot coffee and hugs, and thanks to its color it will become the main accent of the image.

In the photo: Motivi parka, Uniqlo dress, Calzedonia tights, See by Chloe bag, Rendez-Vous shoes by Giorgio Fabiani / © Rendez-Vous

When light autumn coolness smoothly turns into real winter cold, it is very important to change light shoes for warmer shoes in time. This will save you from seasonal colds. For the stronger sex, in most cases, high-quality men's boots are more suitable. Winter types of shoes can be different, but boots or ugg boots are not always appropriate, and if you also have to observe the office dress code, then the problem is aggravated. I would like to combine quality, aesthetic appearance, and not overpay for such an acquisition, and for this it is advisable to thoroughly understand this issue.

Durability of winter shoes

The problem with modern shoes is that they are annoyingly impractical, and it’s very annoying when outwardly decent men's shoes fall apart in a matter of a couple of months. Winter models, which are offered in markets and in cheap stores, rarely make it to spring, and in especially neglected cases, they begin to leak water after a couple of weeks, even in relatively safe urban conditions.

Even cheap boots designed for one season should hold up in acceptable condition from the onset of cold weather to the warmth of spring, but in practice this is extremely rare. It turns out that it is more profitable to buy high-quality shoes that will last more than one season, ideally at least two or three years. Since men's shoes are less susceptible to fashion changes, there is hardly any loss on the aesthetic side.

What boots are needed in a winter city?

The modern metropolis presents quite contradictory conditions. On the one hand, there are asphalt roads around, on the other, the sidewalk can quickly and unobtrusively turn into impassable mud, and the mixture of sand makes shoes unusable in record time. So what should be men's winter boots in order to reliably protect feet from cold and moisture, and at the same time so that their quality matches the stated price?

On average, footwear should be comfortable and warm enough so that the owner can spend several hours outside at a temperature of about 20 degrees below zero without compromising health and well-being. Trying on will become the starting selection criterion, and if the boots are too tight, the feet will freeze in them. Therefore, you need to try on winter shoes, while you should be able to move your fingers freely.

What are the parameters for evaluating quality winter boots?

You need to evaluate everything, and first of all it is important to know the classification. Men's winter boots are enough to reach the beginning of the ankle. The so-called low shoes open up the ankle joint and are suitable for relatively dry and not too frosty weather.

Genuine leather of high quality outperforms any types of synthetics, calf leather is better than pork leather, and pressed leather belongs to the lowest grade among natural materials. Also, a warmed lining is highly desirable - fur or high-tech synthetics, which sometimes cost more. According to this description, you can draw up brief characteristics, according to which high-quality winter boots for men - genuine leather, natural fur. And don't forget about the material and structure of the outsole.

The grooved "tractor" sole, which provides reliable traction even on slippery pavements covered with snow, shows itself best in winter. In this case, the projections of the sole should be large enough, with deep and wide grooves between them. A thin leather sole is suitable only for movement in a car, maximum - a few steps along the sidewalk from the car to the office door.

You also need to evaluate the strength of the seams, the number of parts, the quality of the sole attachment. There are no trifles in this matter.

and other materials for winter boots

As mentioned above, high-quality winter boots for men - genuine leather, natural fur, plus a semi-rigid tractor sole. Leatherette shoes may look good, but they are not suitable even for greenhouse conditions.

Calfskin is the most expensive, but also one of the most durable options. For winter boots, leather is thick enough, which is additionally processed for increased water resistance and resistance to surface damage. Pigskin is less practical, but it can last three to four seasons on average, especially with proper care.

A special issue is the elegant suede boots. As a rule, they look great, they are pleasant to wear, but in the wet city winter they quickly lose their decent appearance. It is much more difficult to clean salt stains and dirt from suede. However, this is not an excuse to skip your purchase, it is just advisable to leave your suede boots for clear, dry, cold days.

Outsole material and structure

An expensive and elegant shoe may have a leather sole, but this is only suitable for offices and well-groomed alleys. Sticking on prevention will not solve the problem. Rubber or polyurethane soles are suitable for good wear-resistant shoes, but different manufacturers use very different materials for this. Low-quality polyurethane becomes hard in the cold and can burst under a certain load. However, serious firms use better quality raw materials.

The sole is fastened by vulcanization. This is one of the best options. ECCO shoes are made in this way. If the usual firmware is used, then you will have to additionally process the boots to increase moisture resistance, but not the fact that the result will suit you.

The best results have been achieved with structured outsole from brands such as Vibram. This company produces athletic and semi-athletic shoes, including for long trekking. The service life of branded boots can easily exceed ten years.

Which lining should you choose?

Any artificial fur can be immediately considered a decorative application designed to mislead the buyer. He warms up very relatively, quickly falls off, wipes off and "loses weight". If you choose synthetic insulation, let it be a special structured material that is used in branded athletic shoes. It reliably isolates from moisture, while leaving the opportunity for air microcirculation.

Quite good winter boots with fur are made of leather lined with natural sheepskin. This is a rather dense and warm fur, over time it falls off slightly on the insole, forming something similar to felt, which has taken on the individual characteristics of the foot. But rabbit or hare fur, despite all its naturalness, can be considered a waste of money. Such a heater "goes bald" in a matter of weeks.

Laces or other types of fasteners?

There can be practically no disagreement here: the zipper on classic men's boots is inappropriate, as well as Velcro or tightening. Variants are possible only on the corresponding sportswear or even in combination with reliable laces. For example, "Adidas" winter boots for men are high-quality and comfortable footwear, but they don't match with a formal suit at all.

Choice of boots by price

In the lower price segment there is a market, cheap shops and partly a chain like "Tsentroobuv". The determining criterion when such budget winter boots are purchased is the price. Men's models for 2,000 rubles cannot be worn for a long time by definition, but if you're lucky, they will last until mid-winter. Of course, we are talking about daily wear in different conditions, including bad weather.

Practicality leaders

With modern materials and the latest shoe-making techniques, visual differences between shoe types can be blurred. For example, they can look quite modest and laconic, almost within the office dress code, but at the same time they retain a high degree of practicality. For everyday wear with a semi-formal suit, these shoes are almost perfect.

According to customer reviews, of the companies represented in our market, the leadership is held by the three companies - Columbia, Garmont and Merell. For three to five seasons, such boots withstand perfectly, it is enough to take care of them regularly. They are followed by the brands Caterpiller, Salomon and Ecco. The products of all of these companies use Vibram, GTX, Gore-tex or Sympatex technologies, which have already been tested by consumers, and not only in urban conditions, but also on long passages of medium weight over rough terrain.

When choosing winter boots, it is better to pay attention to the products of reputable companies that rely on quality and their own reputation, and not on immediate quick profits.

It is important to keep your feet warm to avoid colds and viruses. Every autumn day it gets colder, it's time to think about purchasing warm and reliable shoes. After reading this article, you will learn how to choose winter shoes, find the right size, and what materials to look for when buying.

To be fashionable is certainly good, but you shouldn't put a feeling of confidence above warmth and comfort.

How to choose the right winter shoes (materials)

Quality winter shoes are expensive! It is not worth saving on material. If you have a modest budget, it's okay, you can always find a profitable alternative.

  • Leather;

Natural leather shoes are not cheap, in return you get reliable protection from frost, moisture, slush and snow. The leather adjusts perfectly to the shape of the leg, increasing the comfort of movement.

Your feet will not get wet, which means they will not freeze.

Having paid only 1 time, having bought a good leather model of shoes, you will no longer think about the cold for several seasons in a row. (Provided the leg is no longer growing).

  • Suede;

Did you know that natural suede is more expensive than leather, the incident is that many people think that suede is twisted leather. In fact, this material is called "split".

Natural suede, made from the last layer of reindeer hide, and it is used only in the most expensive clothing brands in the world.

Our shoes are made of split leather, by the way, it is not so bad, the advantages are:

  • ease;
  • water resistance, subject to the use of impregnation.
  • thermoregulation;
  • comfort to wear in cold weather.

However, it is difficult to care for the split, you can often notice how traces of salt appear after walks, and after frequent use, peculiar lines form on the upper part of the material, which definitely does not adorn the shoes.

  • Leatherette;

Everyone remembers from childhood, when my parents and I came to the market, and the sellers swore that this leatherette was no worse than natural leather. I will say, all these are fairy tales, leatherette shoes are still a misfortune.

Synthetic material does not retain moisture well, allows feet to get wet, and then cracks. The lower part of the shoe in the area of ​​the seam tears stubbornly, despite reusable self-gluing.

How to test leather shoes for naturalness

It is very difficult to distinguish leather from leatherette, even with proper skill. And for the average user, in the market, when shoes are so praised in the ear that you can go deaf, it's almost impossible at all.

3 tips:

  • Genuine leather gives off warmth in any situation, cool your hands a little, and then press them to the material. The leatherette will give off the outside temperature - you will not feel the heat.
  • Pay attention to the cut of the material, there are small protrusions of the fabric near the seam, natural leather will be a little fuzzy.
  • Natural fabric smells, but has a calm aroma, but a fake is strongly scented, and its smell is sugary.

The most reliable way is to buy shoes in a special store, although the prices will unpleasantly surprise you.

How to choose the right FUR for winter shoes

Fur is no less important component of winter footwear than the outer material. It happens that when you buy the fur is so rich, fluffy, soft, and after a month there is nothing left of it. This is how low-quality faux fur behaves.

Natural fur is determined simply, spread a few fibers with your fingers, and shine a phone or flashlight there, if you see fabric fibers, it means that the fur is artificial.

♦ Important, choose only natural fur, it gives maximum comfort, while the legs do not sweat, they are just warm and comfortable. For a cozy sock, choose winter high-rise winter shoes with natural fur on all planes of the inner part of the shoe.


To start with, the outsole material:

  • rubber;
  • polyurethane;
  • polyvinyl chloride;

Any of these materials are not bad in winter weather, I give my preference to polyurethane, since it is the lightest of all, and there are no more differences.

It is much more important to pay attention to the thickness of the sole, at least 1 cm, otherwise, it will freeze through, and no fur will save you from the cold.

Next, choose the most diverse tread so that there are as many grooves and bumps as possible, this aspect is most important for slippery surfaces. There is only one conclusion, you do not want to walk in a cast, choose a normal protector!

Also, men's and women's soles, no matter whether it is a heel or a normal protector, should be soft. When the wheel is slightly lowered on the machine, traction is increased. The winter sole is chosen according to the same principle.

How to choose the right size for winter shoes

You need to buy winter shoes personally and take a responsible approach to fitting, it is difficult to do this via the Internet. Giving a lot of advice is pointless, the main thing is to put on your favorite model, and walk around the store a little in it, if these are high-quality shoes made of genuine leather - they will NOT stretch, the fur will NOT sit down, therefore DO NOT listen to a consultant who wants to sell you a model sitting on you back to back.

Shoes should be small and rather big, be sure to measure on a warm sock, and to check, stick your index finger near the back, while not bending your toes, it must go through with little effort.

Quality, marriage and appearance of shoes

In order to choose the right winter shoes, it is important that you like them. Pay attention to the design, the quality of the seams, and compare both boots in the same pair. Try to find a few differences, quality shoes will never have them.

If the selected model is equipped with Velcro locks, laces, then check their quality, it will be good if you can find a defect without leaving the store.

For the winter season, choose dark models without bright decorative details, the more practical the better.

Where to buy winter shoes

Each has 3 options to choose from:

Market- a place with a bunch of fakes and sellers who "know everything." It is difficult to find normal shoes, there is no maintenance at all. In return, we get low prices.

Online store- the quality can be absolutely anything, a huge selection of shoes at different prices. Also, there are downsides - it's hard to choose the size and see the signs of a fake in the picture.

Special shoe store- high-quality footwear, wide assortment, excellent service and the ability to try on without leaving the checkout, BUT high prices.

How to care for winter shoes

You have already bought a pair of high quality winter shoes, now you need to take care of them, how? Everything is simple, for example, the material is leather, go to any shoe store and already there you get a comprehensive set of shoe care.

Do not forget, after the season, bring the shoes to the shoe maker, treat the surface with impregnation and put them in a secluded place without direct sunlight.

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With the approach of winter, especially during the period of the first frost, it becomes completely cool to walk on the street in our summer shoes. Cold rain or snow can easily ruin a good pair of shoes and get your feet wet if you are out of the office or at home for a couple of minutes. Obviously, this should not be so and it is necessary to take measures to protect against bad weather.

In this article, we will discuss some of the guidelines to follow in winter, as well as how to choose winter shoes to match your clothes. Whether it's a formal dress code or a casual style, you should have your own pair of shoes that will protect you from moisture, cold and won't let you catch a cold.

If you often walk, for example, from home to work and back, then in winter you will see a whole road with obstacles in the form of snowdrifts and puddles. If you intend to put on your favorite brogues or thin-soled moccasins, I'm afraid you will come to work very cold and drenched. Thin sole and low heel (men's shoes) do not allow water protection. Moisture gets into the joint between the sole and the base of the shoe as soon as you step into wet snow or a puddle.

To solve the problem, I recommend purchasing a pair of thick-soled shoes. It doesn't look so stylish, but it will surely protect you from shallow puddles that are found on the sidewalk. In addition, the thick rubber layer retains heat for longer. Obviously, the ground you are walking on is cold, so the outsole should be thicker.

Do not walk on reagents sprinkled in winter

Men's shoes made of smooth leather are the best solution if you are wearing a classic men's suit. Suede and soft leather very quickly absorb all possible reagents, as soon as you go to work in them. Then the salt stains cannot be removed and the shoes can be thrown away.

However, leather shoes also need protection from the ingress of reagents. Before heading outside, be sure to smear them with shoe polish and polish them to a shine. It's even better if you use shoe wax, which will definitely keep the salt from absorbing into your leather. You can read more about how to clean your shoes in the article.

What to do if salt gets on your shoes and salt stains form

Don't panic. The main thing is to wipe your shoes with a solution of water and vinegar on time, without waiting for free time and weekends. Pour a glass (250 ml.) Of warm water and add a tablespoon of vinegar (vinegar - 70% concentrate, not diluted with 6%). Soak a cotton rag with vinegar solution and place it on the salt water before cleaning your shoes well. Go through all the seams and joints on the shoe to make sure all the salt is removed.

100% snow and moisture protection

If you buy expensive shoes that you love to wear, but are afraid to even imagine what salt will do to them on the winter streets, then there is a great solution for you. On sale, many famous brands have special galoshes (or galoshes) that are worn on top of classic shoes and completely cover them from reagents. Although there are also universal galoshes in the store, which can be matched to your shoes. Yes, it's not so stylish when you are wearing rubber overshoes, but you can take them off in the office and not worry about the condition of your expensive shoes. If you are a practical person, then this is the best solution for you.

What if your shoes are already wet?

There are times when no matter how we go around the puddles and step into the slush, we still manage to get our shoes wet. Here is a list of tips on how to dry your shoes:

  • Wipe off any moisture from the shoes with a dry cotton rag. Both inside and outside.
  • If your shoes are very wet, fill in plenty of paper towels or newspapers so that all the moisture can be absorbed. Leave the shoes to dry completely.
  • Do not place your shoes close to batteries or a heater. Everything should dry at room temperature, otherwise you risk ruining your shoes, especially leather ones.
  • After the shoes are dry, be sure to smear them with shoe polish or wax and polish to a shine. How to do this is written here.

How to choose winter shoes

In our northern regions, where sometimes the thermometer shows -30 Celsius and below, it is simply vital to have shoes with fur. There are not so many shoe companies that focus on the production of shoes for countries with a harsh climate, and the models of shoes for the Russian winter are an order of magnitude (10 times exactly) lower. The situation is even worse with business shoes with fur, which can be matched to a classic suit.

Having looked for shoes in the open spaces of hypermarkets and shops, I still managed to find a certain number of shoes that can be purchased for both formal and formal clothing. Please note that I do not advertise the brand of shoes, I only show, in my opinion, interesting models for purchase.

Shoes with fur

This is perhaps more exotic than shoes for one and all. I managed to find several models that are suitable for a classic suit and a business dress code and will not allow you to freeze on the street.

Classic boots

The best choice in winter for a business dress code is classic boots with fur made of genuine leather. If you wear them under trousers, then they will look almost like ordinary classic shoes, except that they look a little more massive.

Work boots

In all the variety of winter shoes for men, there are models for smart casual style. Interesting models are offered by Red Wing, Timberland, Wolverine, CAT. Here are some suitable options:

Duck boots

This shoe is perfect for walking in very slushy weather. Duck boots are boots with a rubber toe, reminiscent of duck feet. It is unlikely that you dare to wear such boots under a classic suit, but you can safely wear them under jeans.