Clicks for dogs-boys of a small breed. How to choose a name for a dog. Original nicknames for small dogs

You purchased a dog and do not know how to call it? Come up with a nickname - something difficult. Little to choose a name that will be original and unusual. It should also be comfortable for the owner, be comfortable and understandable for pets.

There are also certain rules that need to be observed when choosing a name for their small four-legged friend.

In this article, you will find tips that will help you decide - how to call a pet.

Rules of selection of names

If you took a dog in the nursery, professional breeders from parents with a pedigree, then she already has a nickname. How to call such puppies, the breeders themselves decide. They adhere to a number of rules. First, in the nickname, the puppy should contain letters that are in the names of his parents. Secondly, it also includes the name of the nursery in which your dog was born. Well, thirdly, all puppies from one litter are called one letter.

Names, these breeders, in compliance with these rules, can be complex, inconvenient to pronunciation, ugly and even ridiculous. Therefore, you can choose your own homemade chick. This is allowed even in competitions and exhibitions. Just in the documents to participate, you will need to enter two nicknames - the one that is indicated in the metric and the one you call your little friend at home.

When it is better to invent a nickname

Do not call a puppy in advance - before you take it home. It often happens that some nickname from the film or a dog on the street will like the future owners. But it may turn out that the name you come up with, not knowing what a puppy is temperament and character, it will not fit completely. As a result, over time, you completely break the way you call your pet.

For example, you, even before the dog will live at your home, come up with a chief of the count or Baron. But when your little friend will live at Vac, it will be mastered and will show character, then it may turn out that he does not have a completely county temperament and it does not have no celestial holding. Little favorite smart, noisy and besides hooligan.

Each dog has both a boy and a girl, his own character that is inherent only to one. And even other puppies who were born in one litter with your favorite, have already completely different qualities.

The conclusion from the whole thing that was said to choose your dog should be chosen when it lives at home for some time. Then you can call the four-legged friend with a suitable name for him.

When choosing a dog name, It should be considered its breed and the future size, that is, what it will grow. All puppies are very cute and small, many people have a desire to come up with a baby with a nickname type of beads, Pusi, Macy or Jews. But when the puppy grows, he may look more impressive than in childhood and such a name will be ridiculous for him. For very little dogs, such nicknames fit perfectly. They will be funny and cute.

It is also worth considering the sex of the animal when you choose a nickname. Do not call the boy in maiden and vice versa.

There are also universal nicknames For small dogs that can be called the pets of both sexes. For example, KNOP, FIFI, mini and so on. This name is equally suitable and the boy and the girl.

Another rule is a dog (any breed) should be a dog nickname. You should not give your favorite human name, even if you love your baby very much. When you walk with him, curious situations may arise. For example, you call your dog, And some adult or child, whose name is the same, will respond and think that they turned to it. If you so want to call the four-legged friend with the human name, then it is better to choose a name in the country where you live, not called or this name is very rare.

Training and name

When choosing a nickname for small dogs, it is important how it sounds. Scientists argue that the dog, regardless of the breed, is able to perceive hearing and memorize only the first two syllables in the Word. Therefore, a long name pet for nothing. He will still be perceived and understand only the first two syllables of his nickname. Therefore, it is better to choose a meek name.

Clicking of small dogs, as well as dogs of large and medium breeds, must contain conference consonants: "B", "d", "r", "g", "s", "b" and so on. Clear, in which there are sounds, cause a faster response from a four-legged favorite and is easier for memorization.

Training teams

Dogs of all breeds, including small, must be trained by teams. This is useful forSo that the baby has a duplicate character. In addition, the dog must be developed and educated. Very bad if the dog does not have enough upbringing.

In the success of learning, the nickname also plays his role. There are teams, in the execution of which from a pet requires a very fast, even instant reaction. To achieve it, the nicking should be short. Long name will not allow this to do. For example, in the case of prohibiting commands. While the owner will pronounce A large number of sounds of clicks before submitting a team, the dog will already have time to do what she tried to ban.

The names are unsuccessful for good training, for example, such: Barbaris, Brungilda, Voldemar, and so on.

Another rule that must be observed - the nickname should not be consonant with any team. For example, the name of Sadrick on sound is similar to the "Sit" command, etc. If you call your pet with a name that some kind of team is conspited, it's just confused, and will not understand when it was simply called, and when you need to perform it Team.

So, the main ruleswhich you need to follow, when choosing for your little friend, clicks:

Lists of names

Variants of dog nicknames a huge amount. The best thing you can use In order to name the four-legged friend - this is your fantasy. But if it is missing, you can learn knowledge and in various sources, looking samples of names for dogs of miniature rocks.


Where can I find names:

  • in books;
  • in cartoons;
  • in serials and films;
  • in commercials;
  • in musical compositions;
  • from famous personalities.

Each of us has its tastes and preferences. We all like some books, cartoons, film, songs, athletes and artists. Very good idea - choose a name from your favorite cartoon or give it a name in honor of the artist, whose fan you are. The main thing is that the breed, appearance and nature of the kid, this name approached.

If you have a child in the house, you can choose a name from his favorite cartoon for a dog. Most Popular Cartoon Dog Names: Luntik, Gofi, Pluto, Spike, Scooby Du, Krosh, Alpha, Fixik, etc.

Names for boys

Dog small breeds - These are pets that were bred for the soul. Therefore, the name of such a pet must be appropriate. Your boy's nickname can be noble or funny. It can reflect the character of your four-legged friend or correspond to its color.

Most popular nicknames for dogs of young breeds:

This is the most common smallest boys. If you do not know how to call your favorite, then boldly use this list and choose the name to your baby.

How to call a dog-girl

Girls are not so popularlike boys, but they are also often breeding dog lovers as their lovediers.

For young dogs girls, too, there are a number of nicknames that they are perfect. And if fantasy, to come up with something on their own, not enough, you can use the lists that will be given below.

Beautiful nicknames for girls

If you want toSo that your dog has a beautiful, bright name, then you will be suitable for you:

Funny names for girls

If you want to call your favorite soSo that it was funny, you will be suitable such options:

Choosing the name of your baby, keep all those rules that were listed above. And of course, the nickname of your dog It should not be consonant with the name of someone from family members, otherwise, when you turn to this person, your favorite will think that her name is.

Popular nicknames in Russia

In our country, no one decade Most often occur and, you can say, do not come out of fashion such nicknames of dogs girls: chestnut, Button, button, asya, Lucia, Zhul, squirrel, bug, bug, caress and so on.

If you follow the rules, you will manage to choose the perfect nickname for your pet, which will be comfortable to himself and your whole family will always like.

The names for small dogs invented by the owners - not an empty sound, information is encoded in them that has a lot to influence the behavior and fate of faithful pets. Nickname is given by animals for years, overlapping a huge imprint on how the relationship between a person with smart four-legged friend will be.

Names for small dogs girls

The diligence and diligence of the host decide much, but it is noted that the small individuals of the female are obedient, loyal and quotes of independent males. Even in the days of process, well-brought up pets normally listen to the teams, performing all the instructions of the trainer. In the question, how to call the dog a little breed girl, it is advisable to use nice nice pits, but short, not consisting of several words. It is necessary to avoid frequently repetitive popular names, in a crowded place or at exhibitions you will be hard to call your favorite from the crowd.

Dog sizes It is advisable to always take into account when choosing a nickname. For laughter, playing in contrasts, people sometimes come up with a big and terrible name for a delicate little dog, which is more appropriate to give shepherds, dogs or mismans. After a joke, the joke anniversary, sounds ridiculous, and moving the animal is extremely difficult. Bad option - repeat the nickname of the deceased dog for a new pet, you extend the sorrowful memories of the loss. It is better to focus on the appearance of a small puppy, his habits, reflecting in the nickname Individual features of Lochmata Beauty.

Representatives of this dwarf breed whose ancestors lived with the ancients of Maya and Toltekami are the most tiny dogs in the world. Some love to tie clinics on a national basis, so in solving the task, how to name the dog's little breed girl, you can use funny and original mexican roots. The connoisseurs of the Latin American TV series this perspective will certainly attract.

Examples of some Mexican names for small dogs:

  • Salsa
  • Consuel
  • Chacha
  • Huanita
  • Enchilada
  • Bonita.

Beautifully and cool names for small dogs bullet, Shumka, Bun, Cleo, Gamma, Knop, Mimi. Some sonorous and interesting nicknames have German origin. For example, you can call chest and funny little girls Chihuahua to call Hella, Sabby, Ricky, Mona, Niki, Zuzy. Japanese words sound short, so ideal for the dog. They will enjoy intellectuals who love to call animals by smart names.

Examples of oriental names:

  • Hikari (snow),
  • Hotaru (Firefly),
  • Core (soul),
  • Aiko (Favorite),
  • Asa (morning),
  • Hoshi (star).

With these room-decorative babes, find a common language is extremely simple. They are as if funny revived toys sow around fun and warm. In the case, how to name the dog of a little breed of York, you can mention animal curiosity, acute rumor and excellent guarding quality baby. They will not miss a stranger, fearlessly rushing on any, despite the dwarf sizes.

British breed roots are easy to highlight appropriate names for small dogs:

  • Bentley,
  • Macbeth,
  • Margaret,
  • Tatcher,
  • Chelsea
  • Adel
  • Lola,
  • Chloe
  • Sadie.

A good option - give names for small dogs, emphasizing them yellow-brown breed color:

  • Yolk,
  • Shallow
  • Chestnut
  • Shock
  • Sun,
  • African,
  • Cinnamon.

Primitive nicknames call small migratory animals optional. Many homemade clever people understand the teams better than animals with passports and awards, so they deserve to have a beautiful and gentle name. I solve the task, how to call a little breed dog, it is convenient to repel from the color of your pets, their habits, interesting manners. In the hope of geting with time from this puppy a good and funny little four-legged girlfriend, call it the names of your favorite heroes.

Long pathos nicknames with an aristocratic slopes are not suitable, it is better to choose lungs and playful options for her:

  • Aster,
  • Bay
  • Daw
  • Dawn
  • Bully,
  • Comet,
  • Rocket,
  • Arrow,
  • Berry.

Representatives of this small breed are divided into Russians and. The first grow to 3 kg and can have a different wool length. The British are all exceptionally short-haired and grams on 600 larger. Names for girls of dogs of small breeds are suitable for English and Russian origin, you can choose them depending on the passport of the pet. Use the ability to express in nicknames energetic girls, their crude character, attachment to the owners.

Names for small dogs of girls breed Toy Terrier:

  • Bark,
  • Nancy,
  • Darcy
  • Magicians
  • Carmen,
  • Pixie,
  • Christie,
  • Lola,
  • Ball
  • Mary.

Good nickname for that terriers in the Russian version:

  • Fun,
  • Bully,
  • Aurora,
  • Arrow,
  • Lightning,
  • Electra
  • Magic,
  • Bestia.

This breed has several varieties, but miniature are dwarf or. Fluffy lumps with gentle, benevolent, but proud temper weigh to 3 kg and possess a ringing voice. They have a variety of color, can be chocolate, white, cream or sandy. The nature of the oranges bravely, they received it from distant driving ancestors, so they cripple on the strangers, as if terrible shepherds. How to call a small dog with a funny bear or fox face - the question is interesting, the most original options are taken here.

Examples of nicknames for miniature girls of spitzes:

  • Bulb
  • Haze,
  • Bunny
  • Lyalka
  • Note,
  • Elbe,
  • Barbara,
  • Charles
  • Elka,
  • Sophie,
  • Gerda
  • Dora.

Little Bird Boy Name

Even a tiny, recently acquired puppy, should get your own proud name. It helps easier with animals to establish a connection, train, teach him to respond to the first requirement for the team. Beautiful nicknames for small boys dogs are easy to find in numerous lists, but not always unusual or catchy names are normally leaving for everyday life. It is unwanted to stop the choice on common human names, in a public place it leads to undesirable scandals, the wrong attitude towards your peel.

A difficult -ched name sounds unusual, but in minutes of danger, it interferes with giving a pet. If you madly liked the sonorous multi-storey word, then try to cut it. For example, Maximus is better to call short Max or Maksik. Incorrectly inventing funny or foreign nicknames with small dogs, resembling training teams. In the stressful moments, your peak or a neighboring dog can confuse "FAS" with "Farc" or "Apport" with "Accord".

Compact and cheerful yorks have a confident character, they are instantly trying to put in place of neighboring dogs that do not express due respect to these babies. Untrect, simple or labeled names are not suitable for our handsome. Little rocks for dogs for dogs of small breeds Yorkshire terrier must correspond to the moral of these tiny gentlemen, naughty shaluns and innate man friends.

Examples of names for York Boy:

  • Gait,
  • ALP,
  • Bugs
  • Willy
  • Varnishes
  • Tapsi
  • Hoper
  • Appareny
  • Smokey,
  • Shelby
  • Ernie.

These dogs have an inexhaustible reserve of energy, they need constant walks, where it is possible to stitch, play, bark loudly and pull out incredible funny tricks. Lazy and fans of a quiet dimension, this breed will not suit. Names for small dogs of boys of that terriers are desirable to choose laconic, sonorous, as suitable for cheerful animals.

Russian and English names for funny little dogs of boys of that terriers:

  • Alto,
  • Buddy
  • Golf,
  • Casper,
  • Zorro,
  • Camelot,
  • Casper,
  • King,
  • Mac,
  • Norton,
  • Hoper
  • Tapsi
  • Wind,
  • Govorun,
  • Disagree
  • Signal,
  • Source.

Dwarf orange spitts are active creatures, constantly looking for adventures. Beautiful little babies can sometimes feel like a much larger animal than they really. These toy creatures with fruits can pounce on an unknown aliens, as if Spartans, trying to bite them with their sharp needles. Clicks for restless dogs of little spitty boys are better to look for them to become their crown temperament.

Beautiful names for Little Spitz Boy:

  • Lucas,
  • Pancho,
  • Hugo,
  • Sancho,
  • Merlin,
  • Wolf
  • Oscar,
  • Rocky
  • Elvis,
  • Bumblebee.

The tiny and cleaned dogs of Pekingese breed are always individual and unique. These babies are often inherent in the royal savings, they are even able to try to dominate the weakly accuracy owners. To better come up with how to call the little boy of the boy of Pekingese, you need to see in my pet personality, a small four-legged aristocrat.

Name for Little Pekingese:

  • Arthur,
  • Boss,
  • August,
  • Volt,
  • Gold,
  • Cross,
  • Spike
  • Sapphire,
  • Charlie.

The miniature boys of this breed are largely similar to terriers, they differ attentive, courage, can be with strangers who are bold, try not to lag behind the owner. Without due attention, the crumbs suffer, and their jealousness can represent the problem. Successfully selected nickname for a small chihuahua dog transfers their devotee and sensitive nature, a crown of a pet.

Choose a name for Merry Chihuahua:

  • Amigo,
  • Amor
  • Gangster,
  • Lancelot,
  • Narcissus,
  • Gaspar,
  • Signor,

Clicks for Little Dogs Boys Mountains

Mongrel bests look sometimes unusual, the genes of all representatives of the dog world are mixed in their blood. Fooking for small dogs, aristocratic names, serious terrible nicknames are equally suitable for sheds. It all depends on the size of the pet, hidden goals who pursue his owner. Animals without pedigree have often valuable qualities that do not always find in a pet with medals.

It is unlikely that you can find a more cute and touching creature than a small dog! Peskov small rocks love everything, not only girls, sometimes men cannot refuse such a four-legged friend. But how to call a miniature pet? After reading our article, you will know exactly what pits for small dogs of boys and girls are the best!


We select nickname

Of course, mainly it turns out that the host is more "face" the owner, not a dog, because it lies all the responsibility for how his favorite will be called. Therefore, think, pick up options, but do not strongly sophisticated, originality is definitely good, but also it should have its own frames. In addition, zoopsychologists argue that dogs react only to the first 2-3 syllables in the name, the rest they are simply not hearing. This explains the fact that experienced breeders insist that the name should not be too long or difficult.

And even if the name and it turned out long, for example, it requires a pedigree, then it subsequently "shortens" to an acceptable option. Those who else only plans to have a little dog can mistakenly believe that the name for her come up with an easier simple. Say, for a little boy's puppy, bim or ball will suit, and for a girl a button. However, options for kids are no less than both for all other breeds.

By the way, on the nicknames for small dogs, too, there is its own fashion, as well as human names. For example, in XVIII-XIX centuries When the massive "disease" of dogs began, the names of puppies were given on the basis of their appearance or character. Often it was possible to meet the peel with the name robbery or scare. The beginning of the 20th century is noted by fashion names from mythology, in the postwar years, dogs were bold, brave, loyal and this is regardless of size. After all, the kids are often distinguished by a volitional and militant character.

After the first dogs visited the space, the pets began to call proteins, arrows, rims. The 90th and restructuring "Americanized" all names for dogs and a mass of smiles, jacks, oranges appeared. Currently, we can observe the symbiosis of all "mod", the names for puppies are diverse and diverse. Most often, they reflect the values \u200b\u200band tastes of the host, perhaps even its sphere of activity, but also, of course, the nature of the pet.

Depending on the size

Of course, it is worth paying attention to the breed of your dog and its size. The smallest decorative rocks, such as Chihua-Hua, Toy Terrier or Malteza require something elegant and playful. They sometimes give poetic and gentle names, like Antonio, Perinter, Graziano, Livio. Not so frightened, but also a pleasant ear of the nickname, too, will suit the smallest puppies to boys, it can be Pint, pepsick, pixel, Little, Peach.

Yorkshire terriers advise English nicknames, emphasizing the origin of babies, for example, Harvey, Trevor, Begin, Croc. Dachshund is also a small dog, however, she is already just asking the name of the insurgence, especially if your dog is a hunter. It seems to us that dachshund Dexter is the perfect option. The petty Pug breed also has its own characteristic features, these dogs look like a little bit of goodness. Therefore, the name is better to choose soft and without aggression.

Since these dogs come from East. Recently, they often began to give nicknames on the Japanese manner, such as Caico, Momo, Sacha. For those who are not an amateur such exotic names, an acceptable option should be groove, chuck, prince, slick, sprinter. Another popular petty breed is Pekingese. Beautiful dogs with an interesting story have a balanced, somewhat thoughtful character, love attention and praise. They are suitable FIDO names, Balt, Oscar, Archie. For the girl we advise Nick or Iris.

When you take a little pebble of an unknown breed, but they assure you that the dog will not be on the thimble, do not rush to call a pet with a crumb or baby. It often happens that hyless small methuses in the future grow in real wolfges, and then the name of the crumb will look somewhat strange. And one more advice: Try to call a puppy so that his name is equally like to all family members. Agree, if you don't like the name of the dog, then the attitude towards the pestic itself will be no one.

From mythology and literature

Mythology generally serves as a storeroom of various nicknames for dogs, boys or girls. Especially if you go beyond the usual Greek mythology and contact the myths and legends of Scandinavia or the East, then the options of the nicknames will be calculated by hundreds, if not thousands. In addition, if you call the dog with the name of the Divine - the patron of any elements or a symbol, say, good luck, then you can hope that the home-made deity will bring good luck and you.

Of course, among the names of the ancient gods more options for majestic suitable for large and solid pieces, the same Zeus or Atlant Baby is hardly suitable. However, for example, Appolona can be adapted and under a small boy puppy. In addition, the little peskov can be called Veles (this is our native Slavic God - the patron of animals) or Hector. You can even try the dog name Hercules, it may look ironic and interesting. Also for small boys, you can see such options: Dionysis, Icar, Loki, Odyssey, Orpheus, Perseus, Paris, Phoenix, Eney.

For girls options can be even more. If your baby is very gentle and touching, the name of the ancient Greek goddess of love Aphrodite is still the first. We also liked Aurora, Athena, Bona, Venus, Victoria, Gell, Daphne, Ishtar, Calypso, Lucina, Melissa, Muse, Nymph, Selena, Fayia. Agree, it will be very "in the theme" to look like a lawyer with a dog named Femid, a florist with a pet named Flora and a writer or artist next to the favorite, called the Muse!

Literature is one fertile soil for choosing the name of the pet. Sometimes, after reading any book, so "infect" it, that her heroes literally "come to life." So why did the name of the loved hero who showed himself bold, brave, not fairly move to the name of his beloved pet? Moreover, the names can be used both literary "beasts" and people. The first, of course, the Chestanka, Bim and Mummy remember. You can also call Ppinquet Avva, this is the name of Aibolite's helpers.

Very suitable for a little breed girl Fabulous name Malvina. If you like philosophy, you can consider the atma option - so called the dog of the famous philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. For a boy, ARTEMEM, IVERGO, BONAPART, PERPER, ONEGIN, CHAPER, KICHI, AND MUCH OTHER, FAIR, CHAPTERS, CHAIR, AND MY OTHER, WILL BONAPART, PEPPER, ONEGIN, CHAPTER.

Funny and funny

Little dogs seem to be specifically designed to give funny and funny names. However, zoopsychologists warn us: the name must be funny in moderation. First, the surrounding people will also regularly hear how you apply to your peel. And who is nice when he is laughing at him and his dog due to the fact that the four-side name is, say, sausage. In addition, calling the animal in a harm or fuss, you can program it, and do not be surprised if with time it will become so.

From funny names for small peels of boys in moderation, the Hobbit, Shustrik, Minic, Kutsy, Microbe, Mosquito, Pupsik, Kid, Kinder, Kosmik, Pycco, Foundik appeared to us. There are lovers of sarcasm, who trying to emphasize the miniaturity of their pet, choose it deliberately "big" names, such as a monster, Giant, Gulliver or Tyson. In principle, such options also have a place if the owner is like that.

Little girls can be called like this: wafer, glamor, inch, iris, midge, flock, yula, fluff, doll, drop, flash drive, kroch, Baby. You can also consider the name of the coquette, Lyal, Bun or Chica - if you have a very playful mood. In principle, stopping your choice on a ridiculous and cool nickname, try to be able to convert into something more serious if necessary.

List of Klikek

Already many nicknames for small dogs and boys we voiced, but there are still so many of them that we advise you to familiarize yourself with some other options that are presented in the table below.

Letter of the alphabetName for boyName for a girl
BUTAmigo, Ayk, Adik, Ice, Anchokus, Artu, Amur, Antoine, Ali, AbelAngelica, Aba, Ivory, Aurika, Adele, Alpha, ICQ, Assol, Angel, Alex
B.Buch, Byron, Benya, Batist, Butus, Bazil, Bambon, Bourbon, Basil, Bombay, BaronBianca, Beta, Barbie, Baryshnya, Buska, Becky, Bead, Berta, Bonita, Bella, Bizzi, Bibi, Brittany
INVolt, Victor, Winnie, Vacik, Vincent, Wooddy, WorcesterVivien, Wanda, Vasilisa, Verona, Vivian, Cherry
G.Great, Golt, Goodwill, Hamilton, Glitch, Gordon, GabrielGloria, Head, Grace, Greta, Gladis, Galatia, Wanchka, Gerd
D.Denny, Derek, Julian, Joy, DundeeJessie, Juliet, Diva, Solka. Dominica
HEREfim, EmelyanEva, Ezhe, Christmas tree
J.Justry, Georges, Jacques, Zhorik, ZhulianJasmine, Juju, Zhulka, Jaette, Joliez, Jacqueline
Z.Marshmallow, Zyuzik, Singer, ZakiMarshmallow, Zlata, Bunny, Zizu, Zoe
And, y.Raisin, Ginger, IchIrma, Isabel, Ilma, Ilma
TOCupcake, Kaif, Kuzya, Casper, Christian, Handsome, Clark, CorzhikCasey, Knop, Christie, Coco, Carolina, Candy
L. Leo, Luntik, Lucky, Louis, Lambert, Lime, Little Linda, Lassie, Lulu, Lia, Lila, Lyme, Lizzy
M. Marseille, T-shirts, Mario, Miguel Muha, Monica, Merlin, Margo, Baby, Milady
N. Narcissus, Napoleon, Nolik, Neo, Knight Nicole, Nyusha, Nancy, Nishka, Note
ABOUT Orlando, Austin, Oliver, See Ollia, Olli, Audrey, Octavia
P Patrick, Paul, Peter, Puff, Popper, Prince Polly, Pandora, Pixie, Pamela, Ponf
R Raphael, Ricci, Roger, Ricky, Rio Rusya, Rachel, Rosa, Rita
FROMSimon, Silver, Snuppie, Stich, SpikeSynta, Sima, Stella, Staffani, Sabrina, Sophie
T.Tima, Tulip, Totener, Tyler, TaeodorTina, Tiffany, Tari, Tutsi, Tracy
W.Melnik, Walter, Success, Umku, WhiteMind, Ursula, Ulya, Whitney
F.Fred, Flipper, Phil, Fantik, FlyFiona, Foxy, Fuenus, Fleur, FIFA
H.Hugo, Harvey, HarleyKhan, Hayley, Heppi, Helen
C.Citron, Tsukat, CivicTsats, Cily, Qina
C.Charlik, Capik, Chester, Chips,Cherry, Chiki, Chilita, Chelsea
Sh, ShShake, Ball, Sharpetin, SheltonChanel, Shanis, Shary, Charlotte, Cher
E.Eric, Edward, ElfElsa, Ebi, Ema, Elizabeth
YUJulius, Eugene, YustusJuno, Yuksi, Jussie
I Yang, Yago, Yamal Yamina, Yammin, Berry

Video "Choose a name for the dog"

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So, happened! For several years you dreamed of a small friend and finally decided to buy a puppy. They reread a bunch of information, viewed a lot of video materials and stopped their choice at a specific breed. By bringing home a gentle defenseless creature, people in most cases begin to break their heads over how to call it a shaggy miracle. Not all owners want to have a big dog at home. Some deliberately get into the apartment of small dogs: Pekingese, Toy Terrier or Spitz. They give some elegance to the strict appearance of the owner, emphasize his refined taste. Clicks for presented in this article. Each happy owner will be able to pick up his puppy original and unique name.

What to pay attention to

Popular nicknames of dogs are changing every year. Mostly fashion for certain names is dictated by the output of films, where they appear. Do not chase the fame of specific nicknames. Name a pet in honor of the beloved actor is also not the best option, although it is quite acceptable. But imagine how you will shout out on the street into the well-known surname. Is it convenient for you to pronounce it out loud? Choose exactly what you like, because fashion will pass in a few months or years, and the animal will live next to you for a long time.

Little breed can be very original and at the same time rather unobtrusive. We just need to connect a little a little fantasy and listen to your own heart. It is possible that the advice of relatives and friends will be useful to you. However, rely, first of all, on your own taste. To bring up a four-legged friend will not have to someone, namely you.

Chinese Crested

Popular nicknames of dogs can be very funny and original. Just imagine how you will proudly pronounce the name of your fluffy friend to the whole courtyard. Surely surrounding will begin to envy you. Externally reminds royal person. Indeed, this is an animal for aesthetes. Not every person in the power to evaluate such a small miracle and even more so correctly for him to care for him.

The Chinese Crested Dog constantly needs the presence of a host and is strongly tied to it. Pesika can be called, based on his unique appearance. The names are perfectly suitable: curl, joker, fidget, breeze, snowball. This dog's character is quite troubled, which can also be used in choosing a nickname. Chinese Crested - the subject of the pride of the owner, as it indicates its original taste.

Toy Terrier

The appearance of these four-legged pets causes lunizing even those who are in principle quite indifferent to the dogs. Toy terriers look so touching that they would definite them to defend them, take care of them, tasty feed, acquiring various delicacies. A rare person will pass by, without paying attention to such a gentle and cute creation.

There may be a fragile appearance of a pet or its loyalty to the owner: kid, smiley, nolik, Bibi. For dogs of this breed, such numerals are well suited: Peach, Luche, Fixik. Names for Toy-Terrier Boys ideally should be as touching and gentle as the Pesk himself. This pretty dog \u200b\u200bwill have to choose both children and adults. Properly chosen nickname will bring much joy to you and pet. Toyerier are incredibly kind and enough unpretentious in circulation. Care for such a dog is a pleasure.

Alaskan Kli-Kai

This breed in our country is still considered rather exotic. However, there are already large fans of Kli-kaev who are ready for a lot of money to purchase a puppy. Otherwise, this breed is called mini-husky, as they are an accurate copy of their big fellow. These dogs are incredibly beautiful, they were derived specifically for small town apartments. If the Alaskan Kli-Kai do you like, and you prefer to purchase precisely Pesik, then you need to choose him a decent and beautiful name.

Something is suitable very original and sonorous: Prince, Lord, Duke, Napoleon, Denis, Alvin, Basil, Bourbon. Such a breed can not be banned with ordinary nicknames of the type of ball or Tuzik. Kli Kai is very worthy behaves in society and therefore must wear an exquisite name. The choice is just huge. If you do not like any of the listed, try searching for the names of the boys's dogs on the Internet. Rare hosts will give such a handsome a random nickname. Break down a bit, think about the choice of name and in the future will be satisfied.


Breeds should be based primarily on the impressions of the host itself. Of course, you should pay attention to the appearance of a pet, its temper, habits and habits. For example, Pesk Zorca will remind people about their habit and deliciously eat. There are also beautiful who will probably want to call their fluffy miracle.

Which nickname can be given Pekingese? Poker, Masik, Berdick, Neo, Kuzya, Favik. They perfectly reflect the Milosity of the dog, emphasize its peace-loving character. If you want more originality, call as the heart tells. Pekingese is incredibly gullible and responsive creatures that bring joy to the house will be fill the existence of a person with a new meaning.


Past of this fluffy lump, you can not go indifferent! Spitz is an incredibly elegant dog that will become an excellent companion to children and a true friend of adults. They attract attention to the street exactly by their pretty views and luxurious fur coat. What are the original dog names? Spitz - the creature is unpredictable and wayward. Some owners compare it with a cat and noted a non-tech character.

Such a peel can be called fluffy, pantyk, fox or vene. If you want to choose a beautiful foreign name, then pay attention to the following: Bimbo, Brian, Brendon, Alex, Mark, Mario, Martin, Kai, Nils, Heinrich. Spitz will appreciate your special attitude towards him and the attention you will give him free of charge.

Dwarf Pincher

Like any other representative of its breed, these dogs are incredibly strongly tied to a person. Such a dog will appreciate its owner above all over the world. It is difficult to imagine a more devoted creature than this dog. The dwarf Pinscher is a great person friend and especially suitable for the elderly. Which nickname pick up for the pose?

Pay attention to such names: Bruno, Alan, Claus, Eric, Nicky, Vanderley. Surely they will come to your heart. There are also options: Leon, Lars, Marcus, Kaspar, Jonas, Anselm, Ludwig, Tim, Thomas, Hans. Do not hurry, choose calmly, listen to every nickname in your heart so as not to make a mistake. Such a dog like a dwarf Pinscher is the perfect solution for small apartments. People who cannot afford to keep a large-sized dog due to limited space, will be able to purchase such a cute friend.


This breed is very popular among people who wish to have a house dog at home. Pug is unpretentious in care, but will never be that food that came to him not by moral.

Many famous personalities hold dogs of this breed and respond about it with special warmth. For a pug-boy, such nobilities will be suitable: Norbert, Theodore, Franz, Hugo, Rudy, Oscar, Lucas, Gustaf, Sherlock, Patrick. The names given here emphasize the fighting of pug, its natural activity, good nature, greasiness, ease.

How not to call a dog

There are a large number of beautiful and original nicknames for four-legged pets. However, some people for some reason prefer to impose their pets with human names. Do not do this. First, they are not suitable for dogs. Secondly, it's rather stupid, going to the courtyard, call Psa Igor or Maxim. Exceptions make up the nicknames struggle, Vaska, Kesha - they have long become dog and feline. Also, you should not call PSA hooligan or robber. You do not want his character with time to deteriorate significantly, right? All we pronounce loud, over time materializes in the real world. There is such a pattern that no one is able to cancel: if they make their pets with affectionate nicknames, they will be like that. Believe me, your favorite deserves the most unique and beautiful name.

Instead of imprisonment

Clicks for dog breeds should be short, sonorous and unique. After all, each animal is unique. Your dog in his own way is individual, she is a person who requires respect and responsible approach. Choosing one day a specific name, you will constantly touch it, interact in the process of communicating with animals, so try to be suitable.

The dog's nickname is the name of the pet with whom he will live life. We must refer to the selection seriously.

Several tips for choosing a nobility for small dogs of boys:

  1. Do not call a dog before her appearance in the house. It is better to write likehold names on paper. And when the dog will be at home, it will immediately become clear which name is suitable for him more. He may have some kind of feature. The dog will be gray and he will come to his picker Gray.
  2. Nickname must match the breed. Little dogs better call funny nicknames, or affectionate. Little PSU is suitable for a beautiful name - aristocrat. But in no way there is no ball.
  3. Nickname, which will suit the little dog to the boy, should be closer and well pronounced out loud. It will be convenient to call him on a walk.

People often make mistakes, giving nickname pet.

At all times, very popular nicknames existed. After the movie "Hachiko", half the yard called her dog. This is not the right decision. Better if the name of the dog is unusual - Bettino, Hidalgo or Maurizio.

Do not give simple nickname. Ball and Bobik have long been outlined. It makes sense to dig in the cynological literature and look for an interesting nickname "with meaning." For example, Ivon denotes "Wishing dominant, win."

You can approach the selection of a name for a pet, pushing out from the breed of a dog.

For yorkshire terriers you can find a name more fun. This funny pussy, dressed in a jumpsuit, will be happy to respond to: Antonio, Bounty, Benito, Bobby, Bushka, Gashik, Darcik, Joichi, Lapsy, Martik.

For a small Toy Terrier, like a miniature deer, names are suitable: Bambino, Willie, Daniel, Dustin, Gianni, Keksik.

Thick pugs and French bulldogs, although they are small, call serious names. Despite their small height, they are serious dogs. They will repulse someone else's Grozny PSU and protect the owner. For them, they came up with names: Adams, Bajo, Helios, Jumbo, Odin, Urmas, Zhorik.

Below is a list of the best books for small dogs of boys:

Letter Name
BUT Agnime, Adik, Ayk, Andre, Orange
B. Badger, Velvet, Billy, Bisconti
IN Waio, Valerik, Broom, Vintik, Winnipuh, Vista, Woody
G. Genius, Gustav, Gofi, Gooch, Guccture
D. Darch, Derik, Druik, Dorick
E. Emelya
Z. Called, call
AND Hidalgo, Yoshi, Yoshich
TO Capppuccino
L. Lavrik, Larik, Leo, Lep, Loki, Louis, Buttercup, Louges
M. Makenetsch, Maksik, Malik, Marty, Ball
N. Nikko
ABOUT Oddi, Otto
P Patrick, Patty, Plutti, Pierre, Paddy
R Ribok, Rodriguez, Romeo, Ryzhik
FROM Sunny, whistle, scotch, sleep, sammy
T. Tai, Twix, Tobby, Tube
W. Dill, Urs.
F. Felipe, Fly, Flit, Fox, Freddie, Fritzi, Frankie
H. Harley, Khoma
C. Chius, Tsukat
C. Chucky, Chery, Chiba, Chiki, Chushka, Church
Sh Skoda, Spike, Shumkov, Sheriff, Sherlock, Shnychi, Schmidt
E. Edwin, Eddie, Elf, Emil, Eric
YU Ustas, YouTube
I Janos, Yasik

List of nicknames for dogs of boys big breeds

Choosing a name for a big dog, you must consider several unshakable rules:

  1. Nickname must be short. It is advisable to emphasize the first syllable. It should not have more than two-three syllables. So the name is convenient to call the pet on the street.
  2. A big dog should be worthily worthy to the owner not ashamed to call him outdoors. Incorrect to call the dog by the bups.
  3. Call a pet based on its working qualities. Russian hunting roting can be called thunder, wake up, cut out, flock, Cupid, Danube.
  4. Clicks for dogs of boys of large breeds working in the protection: Agat, Amur, Klyuk, Orel, Pamir, Pegasus, Rambo, Circass.

Often dogs work in a pair with man. They save people from avalanches in the mountains. Such dogs need serious names: Vityaz, General, Giant, Drago, Pamir, Lyuty.

Labradors although they treat large dogs, but by nature the creatures are kind, affectionate, the company. Do not call Labradors with strict names. Their names: Grand Egor Ikar Lyde Roik.

Focusing on all of the foregoing, you can decide which nickname to give a dog of a large breed.

We present a list of possible names: