Synopsis of nodes in the junior group for famp “spoiled rugs. Math games: "Colorful flags", "Funny cubes", "Patch for the rug Math game pick up the patch for the rug

Theme: Patches for rugs.
Software content: to consolidate the ability to determine the number of objects (one or many), to distinguish and name a circle, a square; to consolidate knowledge of primary colors; continue to teach children to stand in a circle, walk and run in a circle; to develop the ability to listen to the teacher.
Integration of educational areas: cognition, physical culture, socialization.
Materials: colored paper rugs in which round and square holes are cut out, patches for them in the form of circles and squares, a cube, a ball, a toy bear, toy furniture.
1. Organizational moment.
-Guys, would you like to visit the bear?
2. The main part.
Children with a teacher go to visit the bear.
-Guys, look where the bear lives. What does he have in the house? (Table, chair, bed.)
-And the bear also has rugs at home. Look and tell me, how many rugs does he have? (Many.)
D / and "Pick up a patch for the rug"
-Mice gnaw holes in the rugs. The bear asks you to help him put patches on the rugs.
-How many holes have mice gnawed in each rug? (One.)
If necessary, show the children how to select a patch: it must match in shape and color.
Ask the children what color and shape the patch went to their rug.

P / and "Ball and Cube".
Children stand in a circle. The teacher takes a cube and a ball and offers to play with the bear, explains the rules of the game:
-When I lift the ball up - you run in a circle, when the cube is raised up - you follow each other in steps.
3. Reflection.
-What were we doing today?
-Who did you go to visit?
-How did we help the bear?
-Do you like the game?

Summary of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations

"Patches for rugs"

Summary of the lesson in the younger group "Patches for rugs"

Goals: to consolidate the ability to determine the number of objects (one and many), use the concepts "one", "many", "large", "small", distinguish and name a circle and a square, crawl under the arc on all fours; exercise in walking on a small area.

Materials and equipment:paper rugs in which round and square holes, arcs, boxes, large and small cubes are cut. Squares and circles to fit the hole.

1. Organizational moment. Game "Collect the cubes"

(We enter the group)

Children, look, while we were not in the group, someone came and scattered all the cubes. We need to collect them and put them in boxes. Look, I'll put the big cube in the big box and the small one in the small one. (After the explanation, the children, one by one, come up and put the cubes in the boxes).

So we collected all the cubes: the big cubes were put in a large box, and the small ones in a small box.

How many cubes are in the boxes? (many).

How many cubes do you have? (no one).

2. Didactic game "Pick a patch for the rug."

Children, can you imagine, I left the rugs on the table, and someone chewed them through. Who do you think it could be? (children's answers). And we will find out when we solve the riddle:

Lives in a mink
gnaws at the crusts.
Short legs;
afraid of a cat.


That's right, it's a mouse. Let's now pick up patches for these rugs with you.

How many holes have mice gnawed on each rug? (one, many).

What shape are they? (round, square). Well done boys. So we fixed the rugs. And the mice found cheese at our place and took it to their burrows. The ladies need our cheese back.

3. Outdoor games:

  • "Crawl into the hole."

I put 2 arcs (height 50 cm) at a distance of 1 m in two parallel lines and opposite the first I lay out the "cheese" on the floor, on opposite the last I put a box.

Now you need to crawl into the hole (crawling on your palms and knees in an arc), take one piece of cheese, get out of the hole and put it in a box. We climb one by one, take our time.

Well done, all the cheese was returned.

  • "Ball - cube"

Now let's line up one behind the other and make a circle. Look, I have a ball and a cube. The ball rolls fast, but the cube cannot roll. And now we will play with you. When I pick up the ball and name it, you must run one after the other. And when I lift the cube and name it, you will walk one after the other.

4. Reflection.

What cubes did we put in boxes? (big, small).

What shape were the rug patches? (square, round).

How many holes did the mice gnaw through? (many).

Can the ball roll?

And the cube?

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Topic: "On a visit to the cat Vaska."

Target: Develop cognitive interest through experiential activity.



Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes: circle, square. Continue to explore the shape of these shapes.

Learn to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question "how much?", Use the words one, many.

Strengthen in children the ability to find a cube of a certain color.

Apply as many details to the picture as they are drawn.


Develop curiosity, memory, thinking.

Develop the ability to answer questions.

Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Develop visual perception.

To cultivate independence, the ability to carry out actions.


To foster friendliness, the ability to work together.

Elicit an emotional response to a request for help.

To foster respect for animals.

Activities : Game, cognitive and research.

Forms of organizing children's activities: Solving a problem situation, playing with speech, guessing riddles, making products of children's creativity (tracks).

Equipment: House, toys: a cat, a mouse, a cart, bags, Dienesh blocks, Nikitin's cubes, "fold the patterns" cards, furniture: table, chair, bed.

Handout: Geometric shapes (circle, square), cards (rugs), cards "Fold the pattern" (according to the number of children), Nikitin's cubes (4 per child)

The course of educational activities directly:

1. Organizing time.

Educator: Children, do you like to visit? Today I invite you to visit. And to whom - guess.

Drinks milk

Sings songs

Washes cleanly

But he doesn't know water. (cat)

A path made of blue squares is laid out on the floor in front of the children.

The teacher invites the children to consider the track.

Educator: The track is unusual. What are the figures on it? (squares). How many squares? (many) . What color are they? (blue).

Educator: Now we can hit the road. (children walk along the path to the poem).

We walk along the path

With blue squares.

We will come to visit the cat

With our guys.

2. Game "Patch for the rug."

Educator: Here we are.

What is this house? The light is on in the house, a gray cat is sitting on the window.

Educator: Where does the cat live? (in the house). What does the cat have in the house? (table, chairs, bed).

Educator: And the cat also has rugs.

Look and tell me, how many rugs does he have? (many)

Educator: Kitty, why are you so sad?

Kitty: The following story happened to me. The mice gnawed holes in the rugs.

Educator: The cat asks you to help him put patches on the rugs.

Educator: Kitty, what kind of trolley do you have, and there is a bag in it?

"Wonderful bag"

I am a wonderful bag

I'm a friend to all the guys

I really want to know

How do you like to play.

The teacher takes out rugs from the bag, distributes them and examines them with the children.

How many holes are there on the mat? (one)

What shape is it? (round, square)

What color are the rugs? (blue red)

And my bag is not empty yet, there are still figures in it.

(pours figures on the carpet - Dienes blocks).

What are the figures on the rug? (circle, square)

The didactic game "Patch for the rug" is being held.

If necessary, show the children how to select the patch:

It must match in shape and color.

Ask the children what color and shape the patch went to their rug.

Kitty: Thank you guys for helping me put the patches .

Educator: I have a toy hidden in my bag.

Do you know what is there?

I hear a squeak from the bag: pi - pi - pi!

Who squeaks there? Show yourself to us (takes a toy mouse out of the bag).

You will recognize - this is a mouse. You must have been running away from a cat.

Let's play the game too.

3. Finger game "Cat and Mice".

A cat came out one day

See what time it is.

One two three four

The mice pulled the weights.

Suddenly there was a terrible ringing

The mice ran away.

It's time for us to go back, goodbye kitty.

4. Game "path to cheese".

Guys, the mouse wants to come with us to the garden.

Shall we take her with us? (take it) and help the mouse find cheese.

Children sit down at tables. On the table are “Fold the Pattern” cubes, a card with the “path to cheese” task for each child.

See what a miracle - the cubes are on the table, with different faces.

What color is the track on the card? (blue)

Look carefully, which side of the cube will you need to build the path? (blue).

Educator: We take a cube with a blue edge, and put the cubes exactly on the picture with our right hand from top to bottom, we get a blue path.

We helped the mouse build a path.

OOD abstract

on cognitive development

(formation of elementary mathematical concepts)

in the second younger group

"Journey to the Fairy Land"

Software content:

    develop creative activity;

    develop the ability to independently choose ways of action;

    develop the initiative and independence of pupils;

    to consolidate the concepts of many, one;

    to train the ability to compare the number of objects: "more", "less", "the same";

    consolidate knowledge of color;

    train the ability to distinguish between geometric shapes;

    exercise children in comparison with the height of objects and designate with the words: high, low;

    to consolidate the ability to understand spatial relationships between objects: on, under;

    develop speech, fantasy, attention, mental operations.

Methods and techniques:

practical, playful, visual, auditory, verbal, use of ICT.

Material for the lesson:

letter - an invitation, an envelope with a task, a rug with patches, a meadow with flowers and butterflies with geometric shapes, cones, Christmas trees (high - low), a Cheburashka toy, suns with a cheerful and sad face, easels, a projector, a laptop.

Individual handout:

a set of geometric shapes (triangle, circle and square) - for each pupil; palms; material for creating an applique (glue, brushes, napkins, rags)

Preliminary work:

conducting didactic games - "Hide the mouse", "Pick by color";

learning poems about geometric shapes;

game situation "Find objects of the same shape."

Individual work:

Learning poems with Ksyusha D., Katya S., Bogdana K., performing didactic exercises with Dasha Ch. To consolidate the ability to compare geometric shapes.

Course of the lesson:

Pupils with a teacher in a group.

Organizing time.

The teacher invites the children to join hands and stand in a circle:

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tight

And we will smile at each other.

Dear children, you are the most beautiful in the world! So good, so useful, I want to tell you something. This morning, when I came to kindergarten and entered the group, I saw a letter on my desk. Here it is! (the teacher shows the children a letter). It was sent from Prostokvashino for the guys of the Lesovichok group! We are going to read it now!

The teacher opens the letter, shows the children.

Look, this is the cat Matroskin wrote:

"Dear Guys! I invite you on a journey to the Fairy Land. But this country is not easy. There you will find fabulous heroes who have prepared unusual, interesting tasks for you. They are waiting for you in the music hall! Good luck and good luck to you! "

Guys, everyone wants to go to Fairy Land? (children's answers) Amazing adventures await us there, we will help fairytale heroes! Is everyone ready? (children's answers)

Then go ahead! Adventure awaits!

Main part.

Children with a teacher go to the music hall.

So we ended up in a fairyland.

(A slide showing Fairyland appears on the screen.)

Guys, here's the first task! (the teacher points to the envelope).

This is a task from the cat Matroskin!

“Guys, my favorite rug is torn! Help me fix it! "

Come all to me. Look, here is the rug, and these are the patches. Guys, we really need to fix the rug!

Held didactic game "Carpet".

Take each patch and find its place (children take a patch and apply it to the rug)

Dasha, what color is your patch? What figure does she look like? Where do you think she should be?

Children take the patch, name the shape, color and find a place for it.

Well done, we coped with the task of Matroskin. Now, do you want to play the game "Guess"? (children's answers) Then go to the chairs. I will now distribute geometric shapes to everyone (the teacher distributes sets of geometric shapes). Look and name these shapes! (children call) Well done, guys! Now the girls will recite poems about geometric shapes, and you will listen carefully and guess which figure they are talking about.

Ksyusha, tell a poem, and the guys will show you the figure you are talking about. (Katya S. and Bogdana K. read poetry and show figures)

Ksyusha D.

Triangle - three corners

Look, kids.

Three very sharp peaks -

The triangle is "pointed".

Guys, show this figure. Misha, do you think everyone showed the figure correctly?

Katya S.

We will draw a circle:

A mouth in it and a couple of dots,

The sun is round and a ball

The circle has been familiar to us for a long time, so.

Bogdan K.

Here are four sides

And they are always equal.

And that figure, guys,

It is called a square.

Well done boys.

Guys, you and I ended up in a flower meadow visiting Winnie - Pooh. He loves to walk in a flower meadow and play with butterflies ( there is a slide on the screen with the image of sad Winnie - fluff, a spider with cobwebs and butterflies).

Look, and Winnie is a sad Pooh. I know why! He played with butterflies, a breeze blew and brought them into the net of an evil spider, we need to help them free! How many butterflies did the spider catch? One or many?

Bogdana, how many butterflies are captured by the spider: one or many?

Let's free them! (the teacher spreads out a meadow with flowers)

Flowers of unprecedented beauty have blossomed here. To prevent the spider from noticing and catching butterflies, each butterfly must sit on a flower of the same color. Let's help the butterflies hide. It is necessary that the butterfly and the flower are the same color and the shapes on them are the same.

Held didactic game "Hide the butterfly".

The teacher asks questions:

Lesha, what color is this butterfly? (blue). On which flower will we hide the blue butterfly? (on blue). And what is the blue figure on the butterfly? (triangle). What color is the triangle? (red). So you need to find a blue flower with a red triangle.

Darina, what color is the butterfly? What flower will the butterfly sit on?

Children plant butterflies on flowers.

Katya, is there an equal number of butterflies and flowers? (No)

What is more? (flowers) What is less? (butterflies)

How to make the number of butterflies and flowers equal? (children suggest options)

Let's go and see if we managed to save the butterflies?

(On the screen is a slide depicting a cheerful Vinnie - fluff and butterflies in a flower meadow)

Well done, guys, they coped with this task, helped the butterflies, and now Winnie - the Pooh will be able to play with them again.

And now you and I need to go further.

(The slide shows a squirrel in the forest.)

Guys, Belka came to visit us and she invites us to her place in a forest clearing (children with a teacher go to the clearing). Look how many bumps are here, what a mess here. But by the spring everything: both animals and people are putting things in order, let's help Squirrel collect cones!

Held didactic game "Help the Squirrel to put things in order".

See which cones are different: pine and spruce. The boys will collect the pine cones, and the girls will collect the pine cones.

Ksyusha, did the guys complete the task correctly? What cones did the boys collect? And the girls?

Good fellows!

Now look, we see two Christmas trees. Are they the same guys? (No). How do they differ? (One herringbone is high and the other is low). Let the boys put their cones under the high tree, and the girls under the low one. Well done, guys, helped Belka to put things in order in the clearing.

And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's sit in our places, close our eyes with our palms. (Children close their eyes with their palms)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 –

Here we are in the kindergarten again!

(There is a photo of a kindergarten on the slide.)

Final part.

So we returned to kindergarten. So our journey is over! (crying is heard)

Who is crying there? (the teacher finds a toy Cheburashka)

Guys, this is Cheburashka! He wanted to go on a trip with us, but he was late. Let's tell Cheburashka where we were, who did we help today? (children talk about their journey)

Well done, guys, we completed all the tasks, and you, Cheburashka, do not be late anymore! You see how the guys had an interesting time! Did you enjoy our trip? (children's answers)

Look, I have two suns: cheerful and sad. What kind of sun is your mood like now? (the teacher places the suns on the table). And each of you has a cut out palm. Select the sun and glue your palm to it.

Children sit down at tables.

Take your palm, brush. Gently spread glue on the palm and glue it to the sun. Look at our sun, smile!

I see that everyone enjoyed our trip! The sun gives us warmth, and your smiles give us joy and good mood! Well, guys, maybe we can give our sun to Cheburashka? (children's answers) And we will take the sad sun with us to the group and play with him! And we have to go! Goodbye, Cheburashka!

Summary of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations
"Patches for rugs"
Summary of the lesson in the younger group "Patches for rugs"
Objectives: to consolidate the ability to determine the number of objects (one and many), to use the concepts "one", "many", "large", "small", to distinguish and name a circle and a square, to crawl under the arc on all fours; exercise in walking on a small area.
Materials and equipment: paper rugs in which round and square holes are cut, arcs, boxes, large and small cubes. Squares and circles to fit the hole.
Content of organized activities of children
1. Organizational moment. Game "Collect the cubes"
(We enter the group)
- Children, look, while we were not in the group, someone came and scattered all the cubes. We need to collect them and put them in boxes. Look, I'll put the big cube in the big box and the small one in the small one. (After the explanation, the children, one by one, come up and put the cubes in the boxes).
- So we collected all the cubes: we put the big cubes in a large box, and the small ones in a small box.
- How many cubes are in the boxes? (many).
- How many cubes do you have? (no one).
2. Didactic game "Pick a patch for the rug."
- Children, can you imagine, I left the rugs on the table, and someone chewed them through. Who do you think it could be? (children's answers). And we will find out when we solve the riddle:
Lives in a mink, gnaws at the crusts. Short legs; afraid of a cat.
- That's right, it's a mouse. Let's now pick up patches for these rugs with you.
- How many holes on each rug were gnawed by the mouse? (one, many).
- And what shape are they? (round, square). Well done boys. So we fixed the rugs. And the mice found cheese at our place and took it to their burrows. The ladies need our cheese back.
3. Outdoor games:
"Crawl into the burrow."
I put 2 arcs (height 50 cm) at a distance of 1 m in two parallel lines and opposite the first I lay out the "cheese" on the floor, on opposite the last I put a box.
- Now you need to crawl into the hole (crawling on the palms and knees in an arc), take one piece of cheese, get out of the hole and put it in a box. We climb one by one, take our time.
- Well done, all the cheese was returned.
"Ball - cube"
- Now let's line up one after another and make a circle. Look, I have a ball and a cube. The ball rolls fast, but the cube cannot roll. And now we will play with you. When I pick up the ball and name it, you must run one after the other. And when I lift the cube and name it, you will walk one after the other.
4. Reflection.
- What cubes did we put in boxes? (big, small).
- What shape were the patches for the rugs? (square, round).
- How many holes did the mice gnaw through? (many).
- Can the ball roll?
- And the cube?