Coral is what a stone. Coral: An unusual ocean dweller or unique decoration. Magic abilities of the stone

Man has long used natural stones and other materials to make jewelry. Coral was one of the first to catch his attention.

Until now, during archaeological excavations, gilded and silvered coral objects have been discovered, and they date back to many millennia. What helps this material to maintain its popularity and value for centuries?

When describing coral, the word "stone" is often used. But it cannot be called a stone. All those minerals that go to the manufacture of jewelry and flaunt in shop windows have nothing to do with the above.

Coral grows in water, like pearls. It is a skeleton, a shell of sea polyps - living creatures that unite in colonies and create coral reefs of unsurpassed beauty. The skeleton serves as a means of protection for them from dangerous representatives of the underwater world.

Of several hundred species, only seven have found application in jewelry.

Coral history

The extraction and processing of the "living skeleton" was carried out in antiquity. The beginning of fishing is attributed to the late Paleolithic era - this is evidenced by the finds.

The Egyptians and ancient Greeks wore coral jewelry on their bodies, believing that this would attract longevity and happiness into their lives. Hindus and residents of the Celestial Empire made objects for religious rituals.

In the 19th century, the King of Naples and the talented English jeweler Robert Phillips founded a huge workshop that produced coral jewelry. Until now, the products brought from those places are of the highest value.

Medicinal properties

The health benefits of an underwater gem are irreplaceable. It has a positive effect on almost all organs and systems:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • relieves tumors;
  • heals ulcers;
  • tightens external and internal abscesses;
  • fights the manifestations of asthma;
  • normalizes the thyroid gland;
  • prevents the occurrence of angina and scarlet fever.

It is believed that wearing such jewelry can help with nervous tics. In addition, they have a sedative effect, help to improve sleep, and relieve headaches. Well suited for singers, announcers, artists, as they protect the throat and larynx.

Coral is ground into powder and added to various medicines. Calcium in its composition is more easily absorbed by the body and provides more benefits than usual.

It also contains a large amount of hormones that have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels, the functioning of the excretory system, making muscles and joints flexible and strong. It helps women to maintain the function of the muscles of the uterus.

According to Pliny's manuscripts, the powder was used as a remedy for intestinal cramps, diseases of the bladder, and for intoxication. And in the Middle Ages, with the help of such a medicine, bleeding was stopped and the temperature was brought down. To this day, the material is used in Japanese medicine as a restorer of human bone and dentures.

Magical properties

The magical properties of coral were already known to the inhabitants of antiquity. It is still believed that he drives away fears, brings out of depression, guides on the true path and generally has a good effect on the mental state of a person. Wearing jewelry pacifies inner anger, relieves feelings of envy, protects from damage and the evil eye, strengthens family relationships. Even children are advised to carry with them amulets made from this natural material.

Corals stimulate the mental activity of a person, making him more intelligent, wise, and therefore prosperous. Talismans keep the owner from grief and misfortune, indicate the right decision in difficult situations, protect from lightning and the devil, and also do not give in to stupid and dangerous temptations.

It is advisable to take the item with you on long journeys, because then storms and tornadoes will bypass and the traveler will return home safe and sound.

Interestingly, corals are used by many seers and fortune-tellers, as they enhance the gift of divination.

Who is suitable for coral according to the zodiac sign?

Except Dev, jewelry and amulets from polyp skeletons can be worn by representatives of all signs of the zodiac. They are most suitable Pisces, especially red and brown products.

What are the types and colors

Coral is not just pinkish red. There are also others (for example, black, white, blue), and there are at least 350 of them. Depending on the color, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Akori... They are born in the waters of the African prairies and the island of Samoa. The colors are replete with blue, purple tones.
  2. Moreau... Found off the Japanese coast. They are distinguished by a rich red color.
  3. Bull blood... Also red, but with an admixture of brown, brown.
  4. Akkabar... Black coral.
  5. Heliopor... It is also called "solar". The color of this coral is cobalt blue. But under the influence of direct sunlight, it turns pale.
  6. Bokeh... It grows off the coast of Japan. It is characterized by a light pink color.
  7. Bianco... White coral.
  8. Salmon... The colors shine in iridescent pinks and oranges.
  9. Gold... Glows with a golden sheen.
  10. Angel skin... Pale pink coral.
  11. Sardena... A handsome representative with a scarlet outfit.

There is another classification of species that distinguishes: straight and very dense African coral; not very high quality Algerian; hard Sardinian; Italian, of excellent quality; and finally, Sicilian, which requires a lot of processing.

We store and care for it properly

Like many precious jewelry, coral should be kept separate from the rest in a moderately humid environment. A suitable wrapper is tissue paper that allows air to pass through. Only in this case the jewelry will remain beautiful for a long time and will not lose its magical properties.

There is no need to put on jewelry every day - this has a bad effect on their energy. From time to time they need to be given a rest, to get rid of the accumulated bad energy and recharge with a new, positive one.

Corals don't like heat and shouldn't be washed in hot water. They also do not tolerate abrasive substances. Cosmetic creams and perfumes have a negative effect on the structure and appearance of the product. Ultraviolet radiation also spoils it - it deprives it of its bright color.

Before entering a bath, pool or pond, it is advisable to remove the necklace, beads and rings, because the water can contain chlorine harmful to coral.

Caring for your jewelry is extremely simple. From time to time, the coral should be wiped with a damp soft cloth.

Coral is a product of the life of miniature aquatic creatures, whose colonies have flooded the warm depths of the sea. The tiny polyps secrete a special calcareous substance that forms the tree-like branches of corals. They often reach half a meter in length with a maximum thickness of 4 cm.

The color of the stone is not always red, although this is typical. To date, it has been opened more than 2500 types of minerals, the color palette of which exceeds 300 shades. The color spectrum of the marine fossil is quite wide. There are stones of bright red and pale white color. Less often, there are samples of blue - brown and deep black shades.

Reddish corals are considered a favorite. Black and gold minerals are fashionable in jewelry, and blue coral is among the rarest. The most expensive is a pale pink mineral, and the most common is a deep red gem.

A short excursion into the history of coral

Corals are most common in the warm waters of the Caribbean... Also, the stone can be found in the Pacific and Indian Ocean. The mineral is shrouded in secrets and legends set forth in ancient legends. For the first time, the gem was mentioned in ancient times of the Sumerian civilization, whose inhabitants inhabited our Earth more than 5 millennia ago.

The ancient inhabitants of the Earth very often used the magical properties of the mineral. For example, the ancient people who inhabited South America - the Maya Indians made bracelets and beads from the mineral. They believed that wearing such jewelry helped their owners to protect themselves from evil spirits and otherworldly forces.

In the east of the coral loved to make beads, which are the main attribute used in religious rites. The stones were used in book bindings and weapon inlays. In European countries and on the territory of India in medieval times, coral was equated with pearls, so only wealthy people wore products from it.

Today, coral jewelry has not lost its popularity, especially among tourists who have chosen the resorts of the southern seas. At the same time, many diving enthusiasts can independently get a stone from the seabed, but they will not be able to take it with them. The illegal export of coral gems is strictly prohibited in most coastal countries.

Extraction and use of the mineral

Recently, the largest suppliers of coral include: Australia, Japan, Taiwan and most of the Caribbean countries. The largest deposits are hidden by the Mediterranean and Red Sea. Impressive volumes of fossils are mined in the Western Mediterranean. However, Central America and Australia are engaged in the largest production. The most valuable gems are mined in Italy.

Today, the way coral is mined has not changed much and has remained the same as it was many centuries ago. As many hundreds of years ago, so today the miners of gems use wood crosses on which strong nets are fixed. From a boat, such a device was lowered into the sea and stretched along the bottom. The fragile coral scions were easily broken off and tangled in the net. However, this method is considered barbaric, as it causes significant harm to the fauna of the seas.

Only noble corals of red tones are used for inlay jewelry. This type of material is considered the most popular and has an even distribution of color throughout the stone. Minerals interspersed with pinkish or pure white flowers are considered rare specimens. For medicinal purposes, coral is used to purify blood and as an antidote.

Gem processing in progress in the form of cabochons or beads... After high-quality grinding, the gem acquires a pleasant shine. The branches of coral, which are not of very high quality, are impregnated with wax before processing.

The magical qualities of the mysterious coral

The ancient people believed that the magical properties of coral protect those who went on a long journey from natural elements, calming sea storms and storms, saving the lives of their owners. Also, many other magical qualities are attributed to the mineral: the ability protect people from the evil eye, spoilage and attract good luck.

  1. Coral is the talisman of people who are constantly traveling. This luxurious gem protects its owner from various dangers that may lie in wait for a person on the road, helping him to return home safe and sound.
  2. Coral products are also suitable for romantic people. The owners of such marine jewelry become more graceful and receptive to the intricacies of relationships between people. They get unlimited imagination, expressed in creativity and a creative approach to ordinary things.
  3. It is believed that mineral products help to avoid various dangers, misfortunes and troubles. Ancient warriors believed in the magical properties of the mineral, who decorated their weapons with corals.
  4. Coral beads protected their owners from the evil eye and damage caused by ill-wishers and envious people.

However, the stone has and negative magical properties that do not have a very pleasant effect on their owners. Wearing coral products for a long time can develop passive qualities in a person, turning him into a moody personality.

To prevent this, astrologers recommend wearing coral jewelry only when the Moon is in its growing stage. And with the onset of the full moon, clean the gem under running water and not wear it until the new moon. This will allow the mineral to relax and be saturated with positive energy.

Red corals are able to neutralize outbursts of anger and anger in humans. Pink stones bring happiness and longevity to their owners. In addition, other magical qualities are attributed to the gem.

  1. Coral products give their owners wisdom, logical thinking and intuition.
  2. The stone can attract the attention of the opposite sex.
  3. Coral is the talisman of women who become pregnant. He protects them from miscarriage.
  4. Corals are indicators of various kinds of diseases and there is a completely logical explanation for this: the mineral is sensitive to changes in body temperature and secretions of the skin.

If a person is ready to wear coral jewelry and use their magical qualities, then it is necessary to monitor the stone, since if damaged, the mineral loses its strength.

The healing qualities of the unique sea coral

In addition to being a magical stone, coral has powerful healing properties. Even in ancient times, with the help of stones, they stopped bleeding and accelerated the healing process of wounds. To date, coral properties, which are not fully understood, are still used in the field of traditional medicine.

  • Coral jewelry has a beneficial effect on the function of metabolism and human skin.
  • Coral powder is used to heal burns.
  • Red coral beads relieve their wearer from migraines, headaches and throat ailments.
  • Mineral products improve memory, stabilize the work of the heart and the mental state of a person.
  • Stone jewelry prevents nervous breakdowns, relieving their owners of depression.
  • The white mineral as shown is used in surgery for bone tissue implantation.
  • It is believed that corals help fight cancer.
  • A mineral bracelet placed under the pillow relieves insomnia.
  • Coral products tone up and relieve fatigue.
  • Coral powder in various solutions helps to heal osteoporosis.

It is believed that corals are longevity symbol... A huge amount of magical and healing qualities of the mineral prolongs human life. Coral is a stone for both men and women, especially red. A person can wear any products with coral, but if you put on a stone that suits the opposite sex, then it will give its owner masculinity or, conversely, femininity.

The connection of the stone with astrology

Astrologers are advised to choose jewelry according to the zodiac sign under which the person was born. An incorrectly chosen decoration, according to astrologers, can adversely affect the fate and health of its owner. Corals are gemstones that suit almost all zodiac signs. The only exceptions are people who belong to the elements of the earth - born under the sign of Virgo.

Most of all, jewelry with a stone helps people born under the sign of Pisces, and this is not surprising, since the mineral originates in water. A person born under this zodiac sign must wear products made from a red or purple-brown mineral as in the photo.

Also talismans made from such a mineral suitable for Cancer and Scorpio... Cancers should wear pink-colored minerals inlaid in necklaces, earrings or rings. Gems of any shade, inserted into any jewelry, are suitable for Scorpios. If you follow the eastern horoscope, coral jewelry is most suitable for people of water elements born in the year of the Tiger.

Mysterious coral stone

Coral stone is of organic origin. It is the skeleton of marine polyps with a high calcium content. It was also worn by primitive people as a precious adornment. Many people attribute healing and magical powers to the mineral.

Main properties of Coral

Sea Corals are found in the western regions of the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, off the western African coasts, near Mexico and Hawaii, in India, and Hong Kong. In recent decades, more and more Japanese and Australian stones have appeared on the market. Polyps live at different depths, from 300 m to 6000 m. Most often they are taken from 5-30 m.

The minerals that end up on the jeweler's table are the skeleton of already dead polyps. They have an elongated, branched shape. There is a small indentation at the top. The width is small - 1-2 cm, in the places of branching - 3-4 cm.

The basis of the stones is Ca (CO) ᶾ. This is calcite or calcium carbonate. It contains many organic inclusions (in Indian black corals, they reach almost 100%). The color depends on the mineral inclusions of iron, manganese, etc.

Physical characteristic:

  • Line white
  • Moss hardness - 3-4
  • Density - 1.7-2.3 g / cmᶾ
  • No cleavage
  • Kink is wrong
  • Opaque
  • Refraction - 1.486 - 1.658
  • Low luminescence
  • Gloss matte, silky


There are more than 2,500 species of coral polyps in the world. Their skeletons are painted in over 350 shades. In jewelry, stones with the following colors are used:

  • Bianco - white
  • Akabar, Akkarbar or Akkabar - black
  • Akori - blue
  • Pelle dangelo or "angel skin" - silvery pink
  • Rose pallida - pale pink
  • Rose vivo - hot pink
  • Secondo color - orange-pink
  • Rosso skuro - dark red
  • Artsiskuro carbonetto or "bull's blood" - purple-red

The most popular and widespread red tones, rare are pale pink, blue, silver-pink species that are formed at great depths. The black ones are valued the most, but they are included in the Red Book and are not currently mined on an industrial scale.

Coral jewelry

The structure of the mineral is heterogeneous. It is spongy, has cracks, voids, pores, lines of different shades, foreign inclusions. Finding a suitable stone for decoration is not always easy. Although many jewelers use natural defects to make their works original and unique.

They process sea gems in different ways. Most often they are given a rounded or elongated bead shape. Cabochon processing is popular. Natural Coral is a stone with a matte surface that is polished to add luster. To make large beads, small pieces are crushed, then the powder is pressed. They lose their porous structure, acquire a uniform pattern and are much cheaper.

The first jewelry with corals was found in caves from the Paleolithic era. They were popular in ancient times. Necklaces, beads, rings were worn in Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient Rome and Greece. Priests used these stones to make prayer beads.

Has not lost the gem of its popularity in later times. You will see him on the harness of horses and swords of medieval warriors, paintings by masters of the Renaissance. In Ukraine and Poland, coral beads have become part of the national costume. The more threads a girl had on her neck, the richer the family was considered and the higher the status.

Now beads, necklaces, bracelets are made from sea minerals. They are inserted into rings, rings, earrings and tiaras. The price of jewelry depends on the type, ranging from $ 20-30 to several thousand. The cost is influenced by the material of the frame, the gem is set in silver, gold, less often in platinum. Combinations with rubies, garnets and other precious or semi-precious stones are also used.

The magical properties of coral

Even the ancient Greeks believed that the red sea mineral brings happiness and well-being. In the Middle Ages, Europeans considered the stone a symbol of purity and modesty, it was presented to brides. People attributed to him the power to protect against lightning and thunder, as well as the wrath of the gods. It was advised to be worn by sailors to calm the elements of the sea during a storm.

The magical properties of coral:

  • Protection from any dangers, it is not for nothing that weapons have been adorned with stones since ancient times.
  • Protection from damage and evil eye, envious people and ill-wishers.
  • Revealing the romantic sides of nature. The owner of the stone becomes sensual, graceful, receptive to the beauty of the world, develops his imagination and creativity.
  • Improving logical thinking, intuition. Sooner or later, the owner of the gem will gain wisdom, prudence, and learn to make the right decisions.
  • The mineral is useful for men, it makes them more attractive in the eyes of women.
  • The red shell of the sea polyp relieves a person of negative traits such as anger, anger and envy.
  • Protects young children from evil, brings peace and understanding to the family.

It is not recommended to wear the amulet all the time. If not removed, it makes a person lazy. The talisman is removed and cleaned under running water on a full moon. Then they hide in a dark place and wait for the new moon. The waxing moon is the best time when the Coral stone exhibits magical properties.

The healing properties of coral

The healing properties of coral have been known since antiquity. It was used to treat fractures, bone and joint diseases, fever, and stop bleeding.

Other healing qualities:

  • Improves blood circulation, regulates metabolism.
  • Charitable effect on the nervous system and psyche, calms, relieves stress, improves memory.
  • Heals abscesses, tumors and ulcers.
  • Relieves head pains, cures insomnia.
  • Prevents sore throats, diseases of the larynx, thyroid gland.
  • It has a good effect on ligaments, it is recommended to wear coral beads or pendants for singers, orators, lecturers, teachers.
  • When taken orally, it regulates blood sugar levels, strengthens bones and muscles, normalizes heart function, and regulates protein metabolism.
  • Relieves intestinal spasms, treats poisoning, inflammation of the bladder.
  • The powder helps to heal burns and acts as an antiseptic.

The healing properties have not been proven by science, therefore, it is better to use it as an adjuvant, and not a panacea for diseases and the main method of therapy.

Coral and zodiac signs

Each zodiac sign has its own talisman stone. The sea mineral is suitable for representatives of the sea element - Scorpio, Cancer and Pisces. It is also considered the amulet of the Virgin.

Influence on other signs:

  • Aries will protect you from slanderers and intruders, improve health, relieve headaches, and teach you to seek a creative approach to everything.
  • Taurus will gain wisdom, restraint, and prudence. The amulet will help develop creativity.
  • The Gemini child needs the red sea amulet, it will protect the restless baby from harm and the danger to which he constantly exposes himself.
  • Pink and white corals are suitable for Cancers; it is better to wear a necklace, ring and earrings. The stone will bring variety to family life, emphasize sexuality, hide the flaws of this zodiac sign.
  • This stone is contraindicated for Leo.
  • For Virgo, it is a talisman of love. It relieves the sign of excessive pedantry, pickiness, relieves nervous tension, and prevents family quarrels.
  • A white mineral is suitable for the scales. It gives youth, a sense of confidence, helps to make deliberate and balanced decisions without much hesitation and long reflections.
  • Scorpio will learn to control emotions, restrain anger, and think rationally. The talisman protects from unnecessary temptations, improves health, helps to see more positive in the world.
  • Sagittarius, under the influence of the stone, begins to better control his words, emotions and actions, gets rid of insomnia, eternal anxiety.
  • Capricorn becomes more romantic, emotional, opens up new, unknown feelings, begins to behave in a relaxed manner.
  • The talisman practically does not affect Aquarius, it does no harm, but it does not do anything good either.
  • Pisces begin to better control their emotions, do not suffer from constant mood swings. The talisman pushes them to action, helps them make decisions quickly, smooths out negative character traits, and helps control negative emotions.

The Chinese horoscope also gives the stones a magical meaning. Corals are suitable for a person born in the year of the Tiger.

In addition to fakes, there are also imitations. Artificial corals began to be made by the Swiss company Gilson in the 70s of the last century. They are obtained by calcite firing at a certain temperature. The Moss hardness of the stone is higher, up to 2.6-2.7 units, but it looks almost like a real one. Made in 12 artificial coral shades, they cost less.

Stone care

Taking care of the mineral is easy. They are washed with regular detergents or plain running water to restore their original shine. Coral can lose color over time, refresh it in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. It is advisable not to keep jewelry in the sun, so that they keep their rich natural shades longer. Store products in a separate box, other gems can scratch them.

Stone coral- from the sea with love.

Basic properties

The most valuable inedible gift of the ocean to man is coral. It is the skeleton of coral polyps ("bioherms") - microorganisms living on the bottom of water bodies, which, by processing sea salt, create calcite or aragonite, which is the main composition of corals. Calcite accounts for approximately 88%.

The value of a coral is determined by the fact that in a year, under the most ideal conditions, a miracle of nature grows by a maximum of 1 cm.

This souvenir of the sea is unique in its kind, as it has many useful properties - from medicine to astrology, and its external beauty can be compared with the beauty of the sun disc drowning in the sea. It is as if a sculptor-artist lives at the bottom of the sea, creating the beauty of corals.

Breath of history from the depths of the sea

Corals were formed about 500 million years before the first man. The value of this stone is also added by the fact that it is one of the oldest stones in the world.

It takes millennia to form a medium sized coral reef. He literally breathes history; the breath of the depths of the sea emanates from it.

Back in the distant Paleolithic, which is the first period of the Stone Age, ancient people already used coral as a decoration. This is evidenced by the artifacts found during excavations in the Wildsheier cave (Germany) whose age is 35-10 thousand years BC. R.

The ancient Greeks perceived coral as a symbol of immortality, and the inhabitants of India valued it no less than pearls and ascribed holiness to the stone. Along with this, pink coral was highly prized in ancient China.

According to the ancient Greek myth, flying over the sea with the severed head of Medusa the Gorgon, red corals grew in place of a drop of blood that had fallen into the sea.

So, it can be argued that coral has been of great importance to people since ancient times. Its beauty and useful medical, magical properties were of great value to peoples. The 13th century traveler Marco Polo mentioned in his diaries that this gem was used as a material for religious attributes.

As early as 25 thousand years ago, bracelets, necklaces and other jewelry were made from red noble corals called gorgonians. It still has a special value for jewelry art. Gorgonians are as strong as ivory.

In Europe, popularity for the most precious gift of the sea increased when in the 19th century the Naples king and jeweler Phillips opened a center for the production of coral jewelry in the city of Torre del Greco.

Types and colors

The color palette of corals is majestic - over 350 shades, the number of species is over five thousand. The external shape of the coral is also varied. It can be in the shape of a mushroom, an eight-pointed star, a ball with convolutions like a brain, many tentacles in the form of a tuft of hair, or the shape of a long desert cactus.

Coral colors:

  • Blue coral(akori) is a rather rare species. Distributed in Indian and Pacific waters. The color of this species is given by the iron salt.
  • Yellow coral formed from six-rayed polyps in the Hawaiian region. It gets its color thanks to the microalgae that lives inside the polyp.
  • Black coral(akkabar or royal) is listed in the Red Book, nevertheless, red corals are more expensive than black corals, it consists entirely of organic matter conchiolin. It grows at a depth of 100m in tropical and subtropical warm waters.
  • White coral(Bianco) - Low value in jewelry and cheap. It is often painted in a different color and exhibited as a fake of the more expensive coral species. Also often passed off as pearls. O , can be found here.
  • Soft pink coral(angel skin) - also often passed off as.
  • Fire coral(meat-red coral). Very expensive. We suggest that you read the article about, here.
  • There are also purple and orange corals in nature.

Coral type:

  • Madreporovye. They form the basis of reef skeletons.
  • Alcyonaria are soft corals.
  • Horny corals are fan-shaped.
  • Marine feathers. They have one plane, as a result of which they really resemble the shape of a fan of feathers.

Also, coral reefs are divided into:

  • Coastal reefs. Located near the coast.
  • Atolls are entire islands of reefs that arise near volcanoes.
  • Barrier reefs are wedge-shaped.

The largest barrier reef is the Great Barrier Reef, which has a length of 2500 km. BBR is listed as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. It is also the largest ecosystem in the world.

There are also spongy coral, the properties of which are immediately visible to the naked eye - large pores and high fragility. They are poorly suited for jewelry making (and if they do, they are very cheap) and go more for coral powder.

Coral polyp is an amazing animal

Coral Is a whole colony of living polyps, which are closely spaced from each other and help each other to survive. The base of the polyps is attached to each other.

As a rule, they perform the same function, however, there are those that share functions between all members of the "community" - some are responsible for reproduction and protection, other polyps - for food.

The appearance of a living creature

Small creatures, similar to anemones, bowl-shaped, in the center of which there is a mouth equipped with a corolla (tentacles) for hunting and food. Polyps have the ability to move these tentacles, but it is weak, sufficient only for the necessary circulation of water with food inside the "mouth".


These are not quite ordinary living microorganisms. They do not have respiratory organs, senses, secretions, and a separate polyp looks like a cylinder with an opening for the mouth in the center and hairs for constant circulation of water inward.

These natural wonders are characterized by a colonial type of life, however, there are also individual polyps that live by themselves and reach colossal sizes.

Coral colonies can grow either upward or outward. Deep sea coral "Ceripates" looks like a thin blue twig, twisting into a spiral at the end. Other corals that grow in breadth are like carpets or mushroom glades.

Miniature dimensions

The polyps themselves, which make up the corals, are very small - on average, no more than 1-2 cm in diameter. True, there are also huge polyps, the size of which is 50 cm.

Snail protection

Also interesting and inventive is the method for protecting polyps.

When a coral predator such as a starfish or certain species of fish attacks it, the polyp is pulled into its shell from dissolved calcium salts and like a snail and a turtle hides. When the danger has passed, the soft body of the animal protrudes outward.


Polyps feed plankton and certain species of small fish.

First, the polyp injects poison, grabbing prey from the tentacles, and then sucks food into its mouth located in the center.

This method of hunting is similar to anemones - relatives of coral polyps, differing only in that the former do not have a hard shell and are much larger than polyps.

Unlike coral polyps, anemones are characterized by a solitary existence.

Even though, as a rule, polyps get their own food, they share the prey among themselves so that all participants have enough of it, even in case of bad luck in the hunt.

Reproduction magic

Corals reproduce both sexually and vegetatively. If conditions permit, at night, usually on a full moon, coral polyps jointly release eggs and sperm, which float freely in the water column, forming a kind of "multiplication cloud".

The sperm cell meets the egg, fertilizes it and soon a small larva (planula) is formed, which, after swimming a little in the water column, then settles to the bottom, forming a small polyp.

If conditions are favorable and it survives in a few weeks, the polyp buds around itself of its fellows, thus forming a small coral colony.


Polyp reefs live only in warm salty waters - the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Ultraviolet direct sunlight kills polyps, so they are less common in shallow waters.

Coral grows only in the light - it does not grow at night, so the colonies prefer to live at a depth that allows a sufficient amount of sunlight to pass through. However, some coral species live in the cold waters of the northern seas or at great depths, where there is practically no sunlight.

Physical properties of the stone

Stone is solid. Colors: red, pink, white, blue, yellow, orange, pale pink, purple, black and all kinds of shades from the above.

In bright light, it is weakly translucent, has a weak matte sheen. It is so fragile that it fades over time and becomes cracked. Highly sensitive to high temperatures, acids, hot water. Chemical composition of CaCO2 (calcite).

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, the Greeks discovered the healing properties of coral, and to this day it is actively used in medicine.

So, the medicinal properties of coral:

  • Powdered stone helps in healing fractures.
  • Pink coral has tonic, sedative properties, restores the nervous system, helps with insomnia.
  • Wearing coral beads helps with headaches and sore throat.
  • Herbalists are of the opinion that wearing corals helps improve blood circulation and overall heart and cardiovascular function.
  • The people of some countries use this stone as a contraceptive.
  • Coral water helps to saturate the body with calcium, because the stone itself is composed of calcite. We present to your attention an article on magic and healing, here.

Magical properties

The Greeks believed that the stone has the power of immortality and gives the wearer a long life. In the Mexican Indian tribes to this day, it is customary to believe that wearing coral beads wards off evil spirits.

In addition, the following magical properties are attributed to the coral:

  • An important aspect of the magical properties of corals is the separation of the stone by gender. So, white coral is considered female, and red coral is considered male. It is especially dangerous to wear a stone not in accordance with this gender distribution, since there is an opinion that products made from this stone, when worn, convey the properties of the gender to which they belong. That is, if a man regularly wears white beads, then effeminate features will be transferred to him, and so is the case with a woman.
  • Coral adds adventurism, capriciousness, absurdity, restlessness and a thirst for action to the character of the wearer, therefore, wearing this stone for a long time is not recommended.
  • Coral will benefit during the waxing moon. It is especially dangerous to wear it on a full moon!

The most common is red coral, the magical properties of which are most clearly characterized by the belonging of this stone to the masculine principle. It helps to improve the cardiovascular system, normalize metabolism. It is also good for the throat, as it has a positive effect on the corresponding chakra. Also, this stone gives the wearer masculinity.

Stone care and storage

Here are some guidelines for the proper use, storage and care of coral products.


  • Since coral is a soft material with low to medium strength, it is important to touch the product with your hands as little as possible or expose it to other mechanical stress.
  • Do not subject the product to a test for "strength" by leaving it in water for a long time. After all, chlorine and other aggressive chemical elements in water can damage a gem.
  • Direct sunlight will discolor coral, so hide it from them.
  • High temperatures and hot water also negatively affect the appearance of the jewelry.


  • To clean the jewelry from dirt, it is recommended to use slightly damp, fluffy cloths.
  • Vinegar eats away at the surface of the coral. You have to be careful.
  • It is not recommended to wash corals with detergents or soap. They can spoil the appearance of the product.
  • If the product is too dirty, you can use a weak solution of regular mil.


These gems have long been expensive, and due to the extinction of coral colonies and the antics of inventing coral jewelry, prices have skyrocketed to the level of pearls.

The cost of a coral depends on several factors:

  • Colour... The most popular is red coral with all sorts of shades. Pink, black and blue items are also especially appreciated. White coral with all sorts of dirty gray shades is the cheapest kind.
  • Density... The denser the product, the more it costs. As a rule, porous corals are unsuitable for jewelry and go to coral powder.
  • The size. On average, the size of pieces of coral does not exceed 1.5 cm. Since it is difficult to find large specimens on the bottom, the price is appropriate. Also, the cost rises with the build quality: a necklace where all the elements are exactly the same will cost more.

Treated coral has a glassy luster, while untreated coral can have various cracks, pores, depressions and imperfections.

The value of an untreated coral is determined by the uniformity of coloration and the absence of natural defects on the surface. Black, pink, gold, blue and bamboo corals are of particular value to a jeweler.

To whom is the coral stone suitable according to the horoscope?

Coral is one of the most reliable talismans. Stone properties for Pisces it is difficult to overestimate, because it is intended specifically for this zodiac sign.

It eliminates the inherent disadvantages of Pisces, such as nervousness, frequent mood swings, self-doubt, uncertainty in their desires and is simply necessary for its owners during depression, when life energy is running out and needs recharging.

But pink coral is more suitable, the magical properties of which will bring happiness and energy to this particular zodiac sign.

So, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • It is believed that the gift of the sea is suitable for travelers.
  • Coral is made for Pisces.
  • The stone is suitable for all zodiac signs with the exception of Cancer and Leo.

Coral's connection with astrology

So, coral is associated with astrology in the following way:

  • Coral is the stone of the moon.
  • The stone most will give its magical properties in the 7th, 12th and 25th lunar phases.
  • Coral is the main gem of Mars. The stone heals the blood, bone marrow, reproductive system, especially in men.
  • Red coral increases determination, will, increases vitality, adds strength. The stone should be worn especially on Tuesday - Mars day.

Amazing facts and myths

Amazing Coral Facts & Myths:

  • Not only is a coral not a plant, but an animal, but it is also a predator! Corals are predominantly hermaphrodites. That is, one individual has both female and male genitals.
  • If the ozone ball continues to decrease in density, corals living in shallow water may soon become extinct, as too much sun harms them.
  • Until 1827, scientists around the world considered coral to be a plant. The French physician Peysonnelle concluded that the "plant" is not a plant at all, but an animal.
  • Italians still use coral amulets to this day, believing that they will protect the owners from the evil eye, misfortunes and diseases.
  • Despite the fact that corals are classified as precious stones, they are of organic origin and cannot be called “stones” in the full sense of the word.
  • In ancient Russia, the processed coral in the form of a ball was called "Kinglet".
  • Corals enhance the gift of foresight. Fortune-tellers and clairvoyants often like to wear them.
  • An interesting fact is that it was precisely by comparing corals 340-360 million years ago with respect to modern ones that scientists came to the conclusion that the speed of rotation of the Earth around its axis was less, and the year was about 460-480 days. The fact is that coral polyps are able to synthesize calcite only in daylight, as a result of which diurnal lines are formed.
  • In Portugal today coral is worn to relieve headaches.
  • Despite the fact that the fashion for coral has subsided somewhat in recent decades, the stone is again gaining traction as one of the best jewelry.

Corals are distinguished by their unusual shape and variety of colors, expressiveness and individuality, magical and medicinal properties. Translated from Greek, their name sounds like "daughter of the sea." Corals are very ancient and beautiful stones. This article is for those who want to know more about treasure from the deep sea.

Description, origin

First of all, it should be noted that coral is not one of the typical minerals extracted from rocks. Just like pearls, this precious material is organic. It is formed in the depths of the oceans and seas, being the product of the vital activity of polyps - underwater microorganisms that live in large colonies and cling to any surfaces, from rocks to shipwrecks. When polyps die, corals remain in their habitat.

Stones are hardened calcareous formations formed from marine minerals that have been deposited in tissues throughout the life of the polyps. Coral contains the following substances:

Calcium carbonate;

Magnesium carbonate;

Iron oxide.

Corals are widespread in the warm waters of the Pacific Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Red and the Sea of ​​Japan. They are mined at very different depths, from 3 to 300 meters, cleaned from the remains of polyps, polished to a shine, and then used in jewelry. Raw coral looks unusual and impressive. It looks like bushes or twigs of soft limestone. Most valuable are corals without cracks, blemishes or other natural defects. Consider what these precious materials are like.


There are corals of different colors, and in total there are about 350 shades. Moreover, the color depends on the degree of presence of organic matter, which corals contain in their structure.

The stones, the photo of which is presented below, are called red (noble) corals.

This is the most famous and popular variety. It has been used since the dawn of human civilization, for many thousands of years.

The rarest are black corals, which contain the largest amount of organic matter (up to 100%). For this reason, they are no longer mined on an industrial scale. Blue is also considered the rarest shade.

In addition to these colors, there are also pink, white, purple, blue, golden and bamboo corals. Each color has options for shades, and there are also blotches of one color against the background of another: for example, pink on white. Rare combinations are especially appreciated - these are the most expensive corals (stones). The photo below shows some of the shades from the rich underwater palette.

The variety of corals allows master jewelers to create real masterpieces. True, there is difficulty in obtaining such a precious material, because it grows slowly. For this reason, corals are often dyed to the desired shade or even imitated from mineral stones, glass, plastic, etc.

How to distinguish a fake?

Corals are stones whose properties are immediately visible. Organic nature gives a coloring effect, so the easiest way to determine the authenticity of a coral product at home is with regular milk. If you dip the jewelry into it, then the real coral will color the liquid pinkish or reddish. Naturally, a mineral or glass will not give such an effect.

Also, to determine the imitation, you can carefully examine the piece of jewelry for subtle lines, bubbles, streaks, etc. Such tiny marks appear during processing of the material.

In ancient times

Coral crafts found by archaeologists sometimes have an impressive age, up to 25 thousand years. It is known for certain that the fashion for coral jewelry existed in the most ancient states of the world. In many myths and legends that have come down to us, coral stone is mentioned. The most diverse properties and meanings were attributed to it: some of them are real, while others are only a part of romantic legends.

For example, the ancient Greeks considered coral to be the blood of the defeated Medusa the Gorgon. They believed that the stone protects from all dangers, bringing a happy life to its owner.

During the period of the strictly religious Middle Ages, it began to mean purity and modesty, and protection from devilish forces and earthly temptations was added to its properties. Such a powerful force, as it was then believed, had any shade of coral.

The stone displayed magical properties when worn in the form of beads, necklaces, bracelets. It was believed that he could add intelligence and even give the ability to foresight. At all times, jewelry made from this material was valued as a talisman for travelers and expectant mothers.

In modern times

Coral is a stone, the magical properties of which are widely known today. They are mainly associated with the mental abilities and energy of a person. Coral grants a positive outlook, purifies thoughts, creates a connection between individual and cosmic consciousness.

Red and pink shades are considered especially favorable for wearing in the form of jewelry on the neck, since they stimulate mental activity, relieve fatigue, and cleanse the body.

Save from depression, heal internal organs and protect from failure - coral is capable of everything. The value of the stone is still great in the cultures of different countries.

Medicinal qualities

If you believe the lithotherapists, then there is practically not a single disease of the internal organs, the treatment of which could not be facilitated by corals. The properties of stones are quite real: it has been scientifically proven that red coral contains the hormone prostaglandin, which regulates metabolism in the body, affecting all organs and systems: digestive, respiratory, urinary, circulatory, nervous.

Also, coral is a kind of indicator of the disease. It has been noticed: if a person who suffers from some chronic ailment wears a piece of jewelry, then spots appear on the stone over time, cracks and holes appear.

Japanese doctors use corals to make dentures: they are believed to be stronger than ordinary ones, and even promote healing of small wounds in the mouth.


Due to their inorganic origin, some real healing properties and the mass of attributed magical effects, corals are stones ideal for making amulets from them. According to tradition, such an amulet should be worn around the neck in the form of a pendant, beads, necklace, or on the middle finger of the right hand in the form of a ring.

Coral protects from the intrigues of ill-wishers, dispels melancholy, attracts positive events. Brings good luck in difficult matters, especially those related to intellectual work. Helps pregnant women to safely bear and give birth to a child. It helps students remember more information, master skills, prepare and pass exams. Many sources indicate that coral can also become a love talisman. If a couple wears rings with this stone, then their relationship will remain harmonious and passionate for a long time.

What to wear with

Corals are stones whose color does not fade over time, and the rich texture looks very advantageous in any decoration. A product made of coral will add zest to a formal office suit, a simple outfit for walking around the city, an exquisite evening dress, and a bright dress for a party. It is great if the color of the stone in the jewelry will be combined with another accessory: a handbag, shoes, a scarf, etc. The color of the coral and the shape of the jewelry should be selected in accordance with the style of the dress.

Coral is an amazing, unlike anything stone, products from which you should definitely have in your jewelry box. It will never go out of style.