Creative women's haircuts for autumn. Fashionable youth haircuts for short hair. French chic: wavy bob

Fashionable haircuts for autumn-winter 2017-2018, new photos of which fully demonstrate the variety of solutions and the maximum ease of styling options for the new season, can be created on hair of any length. Of course, short and medium curls fit more harmoniously into the current trends of the next year, since it is much easier to make a hairstyle out of them than out of long hair. However, the curls falling below the shoulder blades look extremely feminine and, in accordance with the fashionable desire for naturalness and naturalness, do not require complex manipulations with hairdressing devices and cosmetics. But what kind of hair design options should fashionistas pay attention to in the fall-winter 2017-2018 season?

Stylish haircuts for short hair fall-winter 2017-2018 photo news

Short sleek hair in the next season will lose its popularity somewhat, giving way to the leadership of tousled, wavy and carelessly styled haircuts. Among the most relevant options for next year are "cascades" and "ladders", a daring pixie, an extravagant bob and a square with a shaved head. Uneven cuts, torn edges, asymmetrical strands and aggressive thinning will become trendy accents of haircuts for short hair fall-winter 2017-2018, transforming classically strict hairstyles into ultra-modern masterpieces of hairdressing art.

The short pixie, so popular in past seasons, will be relevant next year as well. Its versatility and maximum ease of styling fit perfectly into the fashionable pursuit of naturalness and naturalness. In addition, this haircut, due to the variety of variations and interesting accents, suits any type of face. As for the structure of the hair, even thin hair in such a hairstyle looks voluminous and thick. If the curls are naturally already thick, then they are milled or thinned out, cutting off light "feathers" and giving the haircut a characteristic shape. The most relevant solution for next year will be an asymmetrical pixie with creative additions - a shaved temple / nape, protruding strands of different lengths, highlights and oblique bangs.

Undoubtedly, fans of a short bob will be happy to know that in 2017 the classic version of this haircut is returning to fashion. But, of course, famous hair designers could not help improving the traditional bob and supplemented it with new interesting strokes - graduation, oblique bangs, asymmetric strands, sharp changes in length. Very short solutions will also be in vogue: it is assumed that the ultra-short bob at its longest point should not fall below the jawline.

Haircuts with very short hair at the back of the head are one of the trends of 2017. The most impressive with such a fashionable addition looks the classic square, called in such a transformation "square on a leg". The back of the head in this case is cut short or shaved, emphasizing and at the same time softening the strict lines of the haircut. This square looks best on straight hair, since the owners of romantic curls, due to the specific hair texture, simply will not be able to style the curls correctly. Also, fashionable stylists do not advise chubby women of fashion to wear a "square on a leg", since an imperfect neck will be open too high, and the proportions of the figure as a whole will seem disturbed due to the special shape of the hairstyle.

Stylish haircuts for medium hair fall-winter 2017-2018 photo options

Professional hair designers claim that fashionable haircuts for medium hair fall-winter 2017-2018, whose new photos fully demonstrate their refined simplicity and stylish nobility, are the most versatile solution. They look great on both young and mature women of various sizes. In addition, the stylistic variety of haircuts for medium hair is very large, which makes it easy to choose the right option for both a casual look and a fun party. The main thing is that the shape of the hair matches the fashion and fits the type of face of its owner.

Just as in the case of short curls, for medium-length hair next year, you need to choose simple haircuts that do not require long and careful styling. In the trend - waves loose on the shoulders, side partings, an elongated asymmetrical bob, a classic square with creative additions, deliberate negligence, slightly tousled strands, as well as a shaved temple or nape against the background of the rest - relatively long - hair. The volume is also popular, created not by multi-layered bouffants and ultra-rigid fixation, but by cascades, "ladders" and other types of graduated hairstyles.

Bangs for haircuts of medium length can be of different lengths. Torn edges, deep thinning, layering and side-laying are in trend. The main feature of the 2017 bangs is the mobility and lightness of hair, which is not burdened with any cosmetics.

Popular haircuts for long hair 2017-2018 photo news

In fact, there are so many different types of cascading haircuts. A layered haircut can be both spectacular and feminine, both bold and natural. It all depends on the hair graduation. In the new season, there are no boundaries for cascading haircuts for long hair. It can be smooth or voluminous, asymmetrical or even, with long or short bangs. Fashionable elements are diverse, and a correctly selected nuance will emphasize your beauty and reveal your individual flavor.

Graduation of layered haircuts can also vary. It all depends on your imagination and wishes. Remember to cascade the hair ends in perfect condition. It is thanks to them that a stunning hairstyle effect is created. If your hair isn't all that smooth, don't despair. Haircut with hot scissors will help get rid of split ends.

Long cascade haircuts are suitable for all hair types. If you have thin hair, then layering haircuts will visually add volume and thickness to your hair. The length itself for this type of hair is destructive. They quickly lose their shape and stick to the head. The structure of the cascading haircut will save you from this problem. Hair will look lively and luxuriant. Cascading haircuts are also irreplaceable for thick hair. Thick, thick hair is often difficult to style and looks heavy. Needless to say, the owner of such hair feels all their weight on her own head.

Graduated ends and multi-layered haircut structure will give you the feel and visual effect of lightness and manageability of your hair. A cascading haircut for curly hair also takes place. She will turn naughty curls into a beautiful well-groomed cascade of curls. Only a professional who regularly works with this type of hair can perform a cascading haircut for long curly hair.

Fashionable haircuts with bangs fall-winter 2017-2018 photo options ideas

Most modern haircuts are done with bangs. Bangs are the most important element of the hairstyle - this is the main part of the face framing, located in the immediate vicinity of the eyes. This means that the bangs always fall into the field of vision of those who communicate with her "mistress", and largely determines the impression of the haircut as a whole. That is why its creation is a responsible and important business. With the help of various shapes of bangs, you can correct the oval of the face as necessary and add fresh fashionable nuances to the hairstyle. Just by changing its shape and length, you can radically change your image and style. Consider the various options for using bangs.

The length of such a bang can be both above the eyebrows and up to the eyebrow line or covering the eyebrows. The cropped bangs give the face an openness, it refreshes and rejuvenates and, depending on the style of clothing, can look both very feminine and sporty. Traditional bangs to the brow line are most popular with girls and women of all ages who prefer a classic and elegant style. The elongated straight bangs, covering the eyebrows, will add mystery to your look, and romance and extravagance to the image. If you like languid images of fatal seductresses, then a long straight bang to the very eyelashes is what you need! Such bangs look especially luxurious on thick and thick hair.

Straight bangs can be made either absolutely straight or with a slightly rounded cut. Straight bangs with a slight graduation look softer and more feminine.
The theme of haircuts with straight bangs continues with extravagant haircuts with thin strands of hair hanging over the bangs. Any classic haircut, complemented by such spectacular strands, instantly takes on an ultra-fashionable look. Oblique bangs come in a variety of shapes, lengths and textures, depending on your hairstyle and your face type. Layered oblique bangs look particularly luxurious when accentuated by texturing styling using special styling styling products.

If the asymmetrical bangs are "torn" or graduated, then the image will be looser and more relaxed. Hairstyles with asymmetrical bangs, made with a straight blunt cut, are more obliging and look chic on smooth and shiny hair. Therefore, if you opted for such a haircut, do not forget that you should have enough free time to style your hair thoroughly and maintain its impeccable appearance. Currently, there are special cosmetics for giving special smoothness and shine to hair, as well as professional salon treatments for restoring hair structure and giving hair a mirror shine.

Beautiful well-groomed curls are not only an integral part of the image, but also a reflection of the girl's personality, so even the cold season is not a reason to deny yourself the pleasure of making an elegant feminine hairstyle, a beautiful haircut or stylish coloring. Let's talk about what fashionable women's hairstyles are relevant in the fall-winter 2017-2018 season.

Stylists highlight the key trend of the upcoming season - maximum naturalness, suggesting the rejection of complex designs and ease of styling. Here are some trendy hairstyles that are popular for the fall / winter season.

This is the most fashionable hairstyle for the fall-winter 2017-2018 season, and, as shown in the photo, completely uncomplicated. To do it, no special skills are required. The secret of success is a perfectly flat hair surface and the use of bright stylish accessories, of course, of high quality.

It is quite easy to achieve perfect smoothness of curls, while there is no need to use an iron and styling products that do not add health to your hair. Stylists assure that silk is a great alternative to salon straightening, besides it is absolutely safe, so put on a silk scarf on your head at night, and in the morning enjoy beautiful, perfectly even hair, from which it will be very easy to build a spectacular low ponytail.

An option for an evening hairstyle is tight tourniquets. By learning how to style your hair in a tourniquet, you can easily create a luxurious one for the New Year or any other celebration. To do this, you need to separate the hair on the sides, twist them into bundles and fasten them with invisible ones at the back of the head. Make a low tail from the remaining curls. The fashionable accessory will add a hairstyle that combines two trendy elements, chic and charisma.

Curls, waves

For special occasions, for example, at a party, voluminous curls will be an ideal option for a festive hairstyle. You can curl curls with the help of large curlers or carving styling, thanks to which spectacular curls will last up to six months.

You don't have to go to a beauty salon to make a famous Hollywood wave. An exquisite and unusually stylish retro hairstyle can be done at home, just have a nail polish, styling foam and clips on hand:

  1. Apply foam or mousse to clean, slightly damp hair. Be careful - if you take more of it than you need it, the hairstyle will look messy. If your hair holds the curls well, there is no need to use a styling product.
  2. Blow dry your hair.
  3. Highlight an even parting.
  4. Make waves with the clips, starting at the bottom of the hair and working up to the top of your head. This will make the curls look more natural. Lightly fix each wave with varnish.
  5. Gently comb the waves with a large-toothed comb. To make your hairstyle look spectacular, use a hair glitter.

The advantage of the Hollywood wave is that this styling suits absolutely all women: owners of long hair, haircuts, and even many short hairstyles. Of course, the most beautiful wave is obtained with long curls.

Disheveled hairstyle

Fall / Winter 2017-2018 hairstyle trends are all about tousled hair. This trend appeared in 2016, but is not going to give up solid positions. The beauty of this grunge hairstyle is that it can be done on hair of any length, even short ones. She looks great, giving the impression that the woman's hair is disheveled by the wind. It is also not so difficult to do it:

  1. Dry clean hair slightly with a towel.
  2. Apply some mousse.
  3. Tilt your head down and blow dry without using a comb.
  4. Accentuate individual strands and fix them with varnish.

A special powder will give your hair a spectacular matte shine.

Weaves, braids

Exquisite braids, weaves can act both as a separate hairstyle and as a stylish element, for example, in a bun, ponytail or simply loose hair.

Here are the weaves that will be relevant in the autumn-winter season:

Fishtail (multi-colored bright threads woven into the hair will make an elegant hairstyle even more spectacular);


French braid-spikelet;

Inverted French braid;

Dutch braid;

A braid in the form of a wreath (“milkmaid's braid”);

A braid of four strands.

Slightly disheveled boho braids, which are mega popular in spring 2017, look fresh and romantic, but stylists predict that in 2018 they will be a trendy hairstyle.

With the onset of the new season, I want to change something in myself. Sometimes this desire subsides after buying a new pair of fashionable shoes, and it also happens that only dramatic changes can satisfy it. And then everything comes into play: scissors, hair dye of the most daring shades, curling irons and a whole arsenal of styling products. Fashionable haircuts fall-winter 2017-2018 will not allow you to do anything stupid because of the spontaneity of decisions, but you will probably have to change the length of your hair. Indeed, this season, short haircuts are at the peak of popularity: strict classics are taking on new forms, becoming more natural and relaxed. The same trend has touched long hair - the most that will affect them this year - thinning scissors.

Funny garcon

This easy boyish haircut came to us from France, and since then it has not lost the Parisian charm that was infused into it several decades ago. It is characterized by the shortest hair length and even parting in the temporal part - such a haircut opens you up to the world, because the face and neck line are always in sight! This season, the garcon retains its traditional look, but you still have to add a little volume: apply a small amount of lush styling mousse to the root part and spread it with a round brush. Another option is to randomly scatter the strands, having previously secured the effect with a fixing agent.

Oblique bangs for any hair length

Now you do not need to spend a lot of time and nerves to style your bangs before going out: the more casual it looks, the better. It will be clearly superfluous to level it with forceps and evenly distribute it over the entire area of ​​the forehead - you just need to "throw" it diagonally or on the sides. At the peak of popularity, there are cascading and torn bangs that let your imagination run wild: do whatever you want with them: curl, pin, iron abundantly with hair gel or let them fly free.

French chic: wavy bob

We've already found out that the more natural your hair looks, the better, even when it comes to curly hairstyles. The fall-winter 2017-2018 season seems to create hairstyles that are not a pity to hide under a hat or disheveled in the wind. The classic bob no longer needs a uniform volume and an ideal rounded shape, which sometimes required spending several hours in front of the mirror. In order to make your bob haircut, you should create the effect of light waves along the entire length of the hair. To do this, apply the foam to damp hair, spread with your fingers (in a slightly curling motion) and dry. Such "unobtrusive" curls will help to put unruly hair in order and will last throughout the day.

Fashionable haircuts fall-winter 2017-2018: on the side

Another way to make a bob or regular bob haircut original is to comb most of the hair to the side, making an even part. By the way, here you can freely apply the effect of "wet" hair, making light waves along their entire length, and for evening dresses - create elegant hairstyles with curls. On an open ear, you can put on a massive earring-cuff - and the image immediately start to play in a new way.

Audrey Hepburn Pixie

A famous actress, a symbol of the 50s, Audrey Hepburn was the first to introduce the fashion for a pixie haircut. With her, she appeared on the screen in the movie "Roman Holiday" and since then fell in love with the rebels who could not sit still without adventure. This haircut is somewhat reminiscent of a boy's, however, with it the image becomes so elegant and feminine that in the competition for the right to be called the most sophisticated, it always wins the palm. This season, the strands are laid against the growth of the hair, and their ends tend to the forehead, crowned with short ragged bangs. The most relevant option is a pixie haircut with highlights within several shades of the same color.

Torn bob

The torn bob, in its essence, is no different from the classic straight bob, but this season has not been without some zest. Lightly curled strands of different lengths are intertwined in a chaotic manner. The graduated bob has a clearer shape, the maintenance of which does not require additional efforts: the maximum is the effect of wet hair (optional).

For those who have not yet found the strength to shorten their hair and, thereby, radically change their appearance, there is this win-win option - a square for lengthening. In addition, this haircut is suitable for all types of hair: for naturally straight and curly, and of any thickness. An extension bob is the best way to freshen up your hair and improve the condition of your hair by shortening it in this way - who knows, maybe this particular haircut will become your calling card!

You don’t know what wishes to apply to the hairdresser about long hair, but you really want to change your image? Thinning scissors to the rescue! Taking into account the properties of your hair and a number of other individual parameters, with their help the master can perform real magic! To give the shape of hair devoid of volume, you can make a slight thinning of the upper strands, but the owners of thick hair can go to the procedure without any fear - the volume will be evenly distributed, the hair will become lighter, which will have a positive effect on their condition.

The image of the new fall-winter 2017-2018 season is natural and does not require any curly haircuts or complex designs. Plus, each of these hairstyles is easy to clean, which saves you tons of time, but still makes you look stunning every day!

Fashionable haircuts for autumn-winter 2017-2018, new photos of which fully demonstrate the variety of solutions and the maximum ease of styling options for the new season, can be created on hair of any length. Of course, short and medium curls fit more harmoniously into the current trends of the next year, since it is much easier to make a hairstyle out of them than out of long hair. However, the curls falling below the shoulder blades look extremely feminine and, in accordance with the fashionable desire for naturalness and naturalness, do not require complex manipulations with hairdressing devices and cosmetics. But what kind of hair design options should fashionistas pay attention to in the fall-winter 2017-2018 season?

Stylish haircuts for short hair fall-winter 2017-2018 photo news

Short sleek hair in the next season will lose its popularity somewhat, giving way to the leadership of tousled, wavy and carelessly styled haircuts. Among the most relevant options for next year are "cascades" and "ladders", a daring pixie, an extravagant bob and a square with a shaved head. Uneven cuts, torn edges, asymmetrical strands and aggressive thinning will become trendy accents of haircuts for short hair fall-winter 2017-2018, transforming classically strict hairstyles into ultra-modern masterpieces of hairdressing art.


Short pixie, so popular in past seasons, will be relevant next year. Its versatility and maximum ease of styling fit perfectly into the fashionable pursuit of naturalness and naturalness. In addition, this haircut, due to the variety of variations and interesting accents, suits any type of face. As for the structure of the hair, even thin hair in such a hairstyle looks voluminous and thick. If the curls are naturally already thick, then they are milled or thinned out, cutting off light "feathers" and giving the haircut a characteristic shape. The most relevant solution for next year will be an asymmetrical pixie with creative additions - a shaved temple / nape, protruding strands of different lengths, highlights and oblique bangs.

Undoubtedly female fans short bob but they will be glad to know that in 2017 the classic version of this haircut is returning to fashion. But, of course, famous hair designers could not help improving the traditional bob and supplemented it with new interesting strokes - graduation, oblique bangs, asymmetric strands, sharp changes in length. Very short solutions will also be in vogue: it is assumed that the ultra-short bob at its longest point should not fall below the jawline.


Haircuts with very short hair at the back of the head are one of the trends of 2017. The most impressive with such a fashionable addition looks the classic square, called in such a transformation " square on a leg". The back of the head in this case is cut short or shaved, emphasizing and at the same time softening the strict lines of the haircut. This square looks best on straight hair, since the owners of romantic curls, due to the specific hair texture, simply will not be able to style the curls correctly. Also, fashionable stylists do not advise chubby women of fashion to wear a "square on a leg", since an imperfect neck will be open too high, and the proportions of the figure as a whole will seem disturbed due to the special shape of the hairstyle.


Stylish haircuts for medium hair fall-winter 2017-2018 photo options

Professional hair designers claim that fashionable haircuts for medium hair fall-winter 2017-2018, whose new photos fully demonstrate their refined simplicity and stylish nobility, are the most versatile solution. They look great on both young and mature women of various sizes. In addition, the stylistic variety of haircuts for medium hair is very large, which makes it easy to choose the right option for both a casual look and a fun party. The main thing is that the shape of the hair matches the fashion and fits the type of face of its owner.


Just as in the case of short curls, for medium-length hair next year, you need to choose simple haircuts that do not require long and careful styling. In the trend - waves loose on the shoulders, side partings, an elongated asymmetrical bob, a classic square with creative additions, deliberate negligence, slightly tousled strands, as well as a shaved temple or nape against the background of the rest - relatively long - hair. The volume is also popular, created not by multi-layered bouffants and ultra-rigid fixation, but by cascades, "ladders" and other types of graduated hairstyles.


Bangs for haircuts of medium length can be of different lengths. Torn edges, deep thinning, layering and side-laying are in trend. The main feature of the 2017 bangs is the mobility and lightness of hair, which is not burdened with any cosmetics.

Popular haircuts for long hair 2017-2018 photo news

In fact, there are so many different types of cascading haircuts. A layered haircut can be both spectacular and feminine, both bold and natural. It all depends on the hair graduation. In the new season, there are no boundaries for cascading haircuts for long hair. It can be smooth or voluminous, asymmetrical or even, with long or short bangs. Fashionable elements are diverse, and a correctly selected nuance will emphasize your beauty and reveal your individual flavor.


Graduation of layered haircuts can also vary. It all depends on your imagination and wishes. Remember to cascade the hair ends in perfect condition. It is thanks to them that a stunning hairstyle effect is created. If your hair isn't all that smooth, don't despair. Haircut with hot scissors will help get rid of split ends.


Long cascade haircuts are suitable for all hair types. If you have thin hair, then layering haircuts will visually add volume and thickness to your hair. The length itself for this type of hair is destructive. They quickly lose their shape and stick to the head. The structure of the cascading haircut will save you from this problem. Hair will look lively and luxuriant. Cascading haircuts are also irreplaceable for thick hair. Thick, thick hair is often difficult to style and looks heavy. Needless to say, the owner of such hair feels all their weight on her own head.


Graduated ends and multi-layered haircut structure will give you the feel and visual effect of lightness and manageability of your hair. A cascading haircut for curly hair also takes place. She will turn naughty curls into a beautiful well-groomed cascade of curls. Only a professional who regularly works with this type of hair can perform a cascading haircut for long curly hair.

Fashionable haircuts with bangs fall-winter 2017-2018 photo options ideas

Most modern haircuts are done with bangs. Bangs are the most important element of the hairstyle - this is the main part of the face framing, located in the immediate vicinity of the eyes. This means that the bangs always fall into the field of vision of those who communicate with her "mistress", and largely determines the impression of the haircut as a whole. That is why its creation is a responsible and important business. With the help of various shapes of bangs, you can correct the oval of the face as necessary and add fresh fashionable nuances to the hairstyle. Just by changing its shape and length, you can radically change your image and style. Consider the various options for using bangs.


The length of such a bang can be both above the eyebrows and up to the eyebrow line or covering the eyebrows. The cropped bangs give the face an openness, it refreshes and rejuvenates and, depending on the style of clothing, can look both very feminine and sporty. Traditional bangs to the brow line are most popular with girls and women of all ages who prefer a classic and elegant style. The elongated straight bangs, covering the eyebrows, will add mystery to your look, and romance and extravagance to the image. If you like languid images of fatal seductresses, then a long straight bang to the very eyelashes is what you need! Such bangs look especially luxurious on thick and thick hair.

Straight bangs can be made either absolutely straight or with a slightly rounded cut. Straight bangs with a slight graduation look softer and more feminine.
The theme of haircuts with straight bangs continues with extravagant haircuts with thin strands of hair hanging over the bangs. Any classic haircut, complemented by such spectacular strands, instantly takes on an ultra-fashionable look. Oblique bangs come in a variety of shapes, lengths and textures, depending on your hairstyle and your face type. Layered oblique bangs look particularly luxurious when accentuated by texturing styling using special styling styling products.


If the asymmetrical bangs are "torn" or graduated, then the image will be looser and more relaxed. Hairstyles with asymmetrical bangs, made with a straight blunt cut, are more obliging and look chic on smooth and shiny hair. Therefore, if you opted for such a haircut, do not forget that you should have enough free time to style your hair thoroughly and maintain its impeccable appearance. Currently, there are special cosmetics for giving special smoothness and shine to hair, as well as professional salon treatments for restoring hair structure and giving hair a mirror shine.

Which haircut suits you best?Share in the comments!

With the onset of cold weather, you want to quickly hide your hair under a hat, but the true goddesses of taste hide fashionable haircuts for autumn winter 2017-2018 under a headdress - the women's photos that we have prepared for you will not leave indifferent any fashionista.

In the coming 2018 short hair will again be at the peak of popularity, as well as haircuts for medium hair.

However, owners of luxurious long curls should not rush and immediately get rid of their wealth. The options for styling and thinning for the entire hair length are open for you. Among the most popular trends - slightly tousled and peremptory naturalness.

The main instrument of this season - cascading bangs, which can be combed to one side or slightly lowered on the sides, laid with a gel or left unchanged. Your task is to find a good master who will find a professional approach to your bangs.

Another stylish and insanely practical trend is light waves framed in the most popular bob haircut... If you have already decided on the style, then the hat will definitely not ruin this hairstyle.

Another one beauty trick 2018 - side hair... Styling with curls or spectacular evening waves - choose a style to your taste. The main accessory is a large open earring.

Lightly tousled and torn bob- you will not be equal this season.

True fashionistas can "Play" with the bangs and their length... Betty's ultra-short bangs will reveal your face.

But to make your look more mysterious will help bangs up to eyebrows.

Fashionable haircuts 2017-2018 for short and medium hair

Lovely girls, don't be afraid to experiment with hair length, more precisely, with its absence, since the most popular trend is fashionable short haircuts for fall-winter 2017-2018: the women's photos that we have selected for you will definitely prompt you to think about changing your image.

Popular haircut garcon with parting at the temporal part Suitable for both blondes and brunettes.

Audrey Hepburn Pixie Haircut with torn bangs - at the top of the fashionable Olympus 2018. Now, not only rebel women or Hollywood fans can try it on.

The classic bob takes on new shapes and bizarre interpretations. Style your hair in light waves using foam and fingers - this styling is suitable for a round face. Styling will work without problems if the haircut is perfectly profiled. And with such a flowing haircut it will look amazing.

For you can choose, both shortened and elongated options.

Short version - pixie bob... For very stylish girls.

2 unusual options for short haircuts this season - slight asymmetry or strict geometry.

Shaved whiskey Is another alluring trend of 2018.

Torn bob continues its triumphant journey through the red carpet and fashionable salons. The chaotic interweaving of strands of different lengths is in great harmony with the current trend of carelessness and tousled hair.

Elongated bob and its variations haunt both fashionistas and stylist.
This haircut is so versatile that it suits all hair types: straight and curly, thick and not very.
If you are not yet ready to drastically change your long hair for a daring model haircut, your option is an elongated square.

Haircuts for long hair: fashionable thinning 2018

Long-haired beauties need not worry: your luxurious hair will not be overshadowed by any short haircut. At the same time, the hair should be really luxurious, well-groomed and stylish. A good master, thinning scissors and the magic of transformation will help you in this matter. Long hair is good for that you can braid them into