The magic is to find a good worker. A slander on a successful assignment. General rules for conducting rituals related to job searches

With the help of magical conspiracies, you can improve not only your personal life, but also your professional one. The procedure for getting a job, asking for a raise in salary, relationships in the team, all this is a huge part of a person’s life. In these situations, a conspiracy to work will help a lot, if you do it right, you can get rid of many unresolved issues in this area.

How does a conspiracy work?

A conspiracy to do a good job at home is good in that it creates a certain information field around the person who pronounces this conspiracy. That is, in fact, the customer conjures the information field around him so that events take place in the way he desires.

If you work in this ritual only with yourself, not for a specific person, then you attract to yourself the events that you need. If you have a specific problem with the boss, then you already need something of a love spell that will allow you to improve relations with the boss. In this case, the chief, with the help of a conspiracy, is given a certain way of thinking. In this case, the person thinks about you the way you need, and due to this, some issues are resolved.

But in the second case, it is likely that the boss will develop an intrapersonal conflict after the conspiracy. This happens if he frankly did not like you before the conspiracy. Then, after the ritual, he has two completely opposite opinions in his mind, which cannot get along with each other. One opinion will be his own, true and the other planted by a conspiracy. In this case, the customer affects the psyche of the victim, so it is better to avoid such conspiracies.

Much more effective are conspiracies to, in general, find a good job. Then the Universe will pull up to you a place of work where your like-minded people just work.

When can you apply a conspiracy to work?

  • Work conspiracies can be used if you are looking for a suitable place for yourself.
  • Perhaps you don't have the courage to talk to your boss about getting a day off, a pay raise, overtime pay. You can also correct the situation with the help of a conspiracy.
  • If you have experience of how colleagues or bosses survived you from work, then here you can work with a conspiracy. It will help to remove negative experience and make sure that a person finds a worthy place for himself as a robot.
  • It may happen that you are tired of scandals at work, and you yourself may not participate in them, but the situation is very nervous. A conspiracy will also help to establish the atmosphere.

These are just examples of situations where you can use conspiracies for a good job. These examples are given so that you yourself better orient yourself, what still does not suit you at the place of work. In fact, even if you don’t fully understand what specifically doesn’t suit you at work, you can still use a conspiracy to harmonize the workplace.

Conspiracy for money

This job plot can be done if you are tired of job search failures and want to finally be offered a profitable place. This is an effective rite with which you will create a field where you will be paid a sufficient amount of money.

To make this plot you will need a dry poppy, a church candle. This ritual is recommended by Natalya Stepanova, a Siberian healer, before looking for work. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a part-time job or a main place, such a strong ritual will attract a money place to you.

You need to read this conspiracy for good luck in finding a job on the night when the moon is rising. Pay attention to this, because during this period nature itself will help to ensure that the money place finds its workers.

Retire. In the evening, when the moon is already clearly visible, take out and light a candle. Scatter poppy seeds on a saucer in front of you. You can read your favorite prayers before the conspiracy, they will increase your body vibrations. Then move your index finger over the poppy and you need to read the following ritual:

“For good luck in my work, I read, I speak to you. A good employer will hear me and invite employees. At the device, we will see each other and immediately understand that we will get along without problems. Money will flow like a river from there, a new, wide river. I open my life to you, I find a job for myself. I let money work into my life. I quickly find it, they called me right away, I myself rejoice and it’s good for everyone around me and not to lose myself, but to gain. I am in the decision, I am in the intention. Amen".

You need to read confidently for white magic to work. Only then will the place find you. After that, bake a bun with this poppy the next day. Eat half of this roll yourself, and feed the dogs near the house half. And then, on the wave of luck, you can start looking for a job. Most likely, on the third day you will not be able to return without a profitable offer. Employers themselves will be grateful for such a ritual, because they also think: how to attract better employees.

Conspiracy to return work

Luck with work is what every person dreams of. If the workplace is beloved, then you really don’t want to lose it, what should you do if you need to be hired back? But, unfortunately, there is always the option of reduction, what to do with this decision of the authorities? You should not grieve about this for a long time, it is better to influence the situation in every possible way, including magical ones. You can make a conspiracy that can help you return to your previous job. If you have a situation where it seems to you that you can be laid off, then also carry out this ritual so that they find fault with you less and, in principle, save your place.

To conduct the ceremony, you will need an old key, three church candles. To keep a well-paid job, perform the ritual in the evening when the moon is rising. Arrange the candles in a triangle and light them. Pick up the key, turn it counterclockwise and say these words:

“I return time back, I return everything that belongs to me. I don’t refuse offers, but I don’t lose the money I earn and my place. Whoever returns time back is protected from unemployment. I found my key, everything is now mine with me. I found the key, the money is with me. Found the key, the place with me, found and saved. You can't leave, you can't stay. Return to where I prophesied. Where my soul felt good, and so that the demons do not interfere, do not scold, protected from rivals and failures, I avoid loss, as lucky as I am lucky. My strength is with me."

Your spell text must be pronounced with confidence in order for everything to really work out well. While the word is being spoken, turn the key in the opposite direction. Now this key is your amulet. You can hang it around your neck and wear it for three days. Or you can put it under your pillow. Now you will always be sure that there is a money-making job for you.

Conspiracy for a successful interview

One of the most exciting moments in a job search is the interview. To make it most successful, you can also use magic. It is impossible to remove this conspiracy, but this is good, it means that luck will be on your side at each of the interviews. This ritual is also good in order to please the one who hires you more.

“I go and get hired, I show myself to the owner. They called me, and I'm going. I will be able to protect myself, I will make a reservation of good luck. The gentleman looks at me and sees - a good worker, a good person, good and handsome, just what we need. I liked him, I already understood this at the reception, they gave me a place. I walked and found joy on me, it was not mine, it became mine. And I don’t make mistakes, I don’t make mistakes, I correspond to the desired picture. Wants, master, that I was near, was. Our friendship was improved with the help of conversation, wages were strengthened. The word is strong."

It’s good to say that and just admire yourself in the mirror. At this moment, you need to create a lot of good emotions - self-pride, self-love, self-esteem. Then you will not have time to notice how the place is given to you.

Conspiracy to increase

If you have long wanted to be promoted, but this does not happen in any way, then you can also apply a conspiracy for good luck at work. By the way, it often happens that you are not promoted, because there is an evil eye from enemies, perhaps it is someone from the team. If so, then the ritual in parallel helps to help get rid of such damage and from the opponent, the rival who created it for you, from their nit-picking. This is a way to make opponents stop pouring poison, white magic is good at that.

To perform this ritual, you need to go to nature and find a dried branch there. Take the branch in your hands and say the following magical text on it:

“As life ended in this thread, so let the life of the conspiracies that were sent to me end. So let all my failures in my work break down. There is no more withered, no more inanimate, where the energy has stood still, there it is no more. New energy is flowing to a new place, where there are more fees, and bad things are gone, everything that is bad is not for life. From now on, only want and get, want and get everything you want. I no longer depend on intrigues, I trust my angel, he said that the servant of God (his name) will be happy, so he will be happy. Protection is from evil spells. The father hears and agrees.”

While reading the plot, the branch must be completely broken into small pieces. If you read this conspiracy with feeling, however, like any conspiracy, then it will work very quickly. The very next day you will feel a surge of energy that will allow you to talk about getting a promotion to a highly paid position. Here is such a conspiracy to work, you need to read it quite energetically. So you can get yourself a promotion for free.

third party conspiracy

Parents always worry about their child being well settled in life. Helping a mother to a son or daughter may also include the fact that she will impose a conspiracy to attract a good job for her daughter. A wife can also worry about her husband, who will not find a decent job, because this affects her well-being too. Some relatives develop a real conflict on this basis, but this is not constructive. You need to support your loved one. You can influence a specific family situation with the help of a magical conspiracy. You can read the following conspiracy to your son, husband, brother while they are sleeping:

“My protection, the servant of God (the name of the person) will envelop you from head to toe. Trouble left you, only happiness will be with you. I'm talking to you about it. Whoever is near, he will protect, so that no one offends, so that he does not offend himself. So that he himself would like to work and earn good money. I’ll ask you for money work, I want to attract a glorious payment, but you hear and remember. I am always with you, together we are always near, angels fly over us.

It must be said with love and care, from a pure heart, then everything will work out. Do not be surprised if this loved one tells you the next day that he had a good dream about his favorite job. You can repeat this ritual several times in a row. This will lead to the fact that a loved one will have more purposefulness in relation to work, more diligence. There will be fewer situations where he can be ousted from his place because of some documents, he will be more appreciated.

This ritual is very useful for relatives of the disabled, they are often infringed on their rights. You may not even have to kick him anymore so that he himself looks for a job, after which he will successfully do it without your instructions. It is possible that you will hear gratitude from your daughter and son for this. Read also for your loved one prayers to save him from trouble, to make a return to well-being.

Conspiracy for a job you love

It happens that you are looking for a job and you yourself do not fully understand what you are looking for. In this case, you can conduct a conspiracy that will help you attract a place that you like in all respects. And now a person may not even imagine what exactly he will like.

To conduct such a magical ritual, you will need a photograph of a place that you really like. It can be a picture of nature or a cozy home. The main thing is that this picture evokes in you the emotions that you want to experience in your future work. You will need another church candle.

Sit down in the evening in front of a lit candle. Look at the picture and intensify your feelings from it. Try to understand what you are experiencing? Feeling of comfort, lightness, relaxation, or vice versa concentration. Maximize these feelings, if possible, notice where they manifest themselves in the body. Maybe it's aching sensations in the chest or some kind of collection of thoughts in the head? Then you need to take a deep breath and as you exhale read the following conspiracy:

“My feelings are expanding to the whole world, they are looking for me where I feel good, and they find it. A place where it will be as good for them and me as it is now, I send up prayers. I am talking about my prosperity on the way, to a new place. My place, God's place, companies for me respond. I take it first. It will feel me and also start looking for me, I will be the first to find it. We go towards each other, we go and meet. And the money is waiting for me there.

To get hired. Conspiracy.

Ritual for getting a job.

Conspiracy for a favorite thing

This ritual is slightly different in meaning from the previous one. It is aimed at attracting an interesting business for which it will receive money. For example, a wife got tired of depending financially on her husband, and she decided to open her own business, but she doesn’t know which one. By the way, this is a way to check whether you live with a man from mercantile interests. So this magical rite will help to discover what is the talent of this activity, on which you can earn money.

The ceremony is necessarily carried out during the growing moon. To conduct it, you need a new pack of salt, three church candles, a glass of drinking water, an empty glass.

A man closes himself in a room alone, lights candles. An empty glass is filled with salt. He puts two glasses in front of him. He closes his eyes and says this magic word:

“As the servant of God (his name) opens his eyes, he will know what he is suitable for. I rejoice with the release of energy. The results are successful. I clean the channels with God's water. Be useful to me, be joyful to me, so that I happily stay at work, help me in the world. Amen".

Speak this magic word joyfully. Open your eyes and drink a glass of water. And then you need to take a shower, and use the charmed salt as a body scrub. The very next day you will have several fresh ideas in your head about your purpose. You can also read prayers for your favorite work.

Conspiracies for work.

To get hired.

If there is a suitable money job, but you still do not know if you will be accepted there, but you want to be accepted, do so. Closer to noon, light a candle, and, looking into the flame, speak out loud (you can look into a book).

“I’m riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they don’t offend me with a refusal. There is no refusal for me either today, or tomorrow, or the day before yesterday, or the day after tomorrow, on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse anything, open doors will meet me, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross cross, business with a good end! Amen".

Repeat non-stop until the candle burns out.

Conspiracy to find a job with a good salary.

Plant any plant - tree, bush, flower - in the ground or at home in a pot. When you plant, sentence without stopping, the more times the better:

"I plant a soot, I bless it to grow. Blossom and grow, bring good to me. So my new business flourishes and will bring good to me."

After that, be sure to take care of the plant. As long as it lives and grows, you will have a money business. If for some reason the plant died, or grows poorly - without delay, plant a new one and repeat the entire ritual.

Conspiracy to raise wages.

Take a coin of any denomination and speak to it in a whisper or out loud, you can read from a book.

“Thank you, Lord, I fish, and You send me a catch. So let my catch grow, flourish with wealth, grief so as not to know, not to count money.
The Lord will not forget me, for the glory of the Lord good will come to me.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

The coin must be placed at your workplace, but in such a way that it does not catch the eye of anyone, and that no one can pick it up and shift it.

Conspiracy to quickly find a job.

Go to the forest in the morning, find a bigger stump there, go up to it and say out loud:

“Hello, stump, dear friend. You lived and lived, you were a tall tree, you saw a lot. Show me where the work is good. I’ll sit on a stump, I’ll find a job in three days.”

After that, you need to sit on a stump and sit silently for a minute, trying not to think about anything. Then get up, mentally or aloud thank the stump and leave without looking back.

To find money work.

In the morning, take a whole bread and speak it out loud,
you can from the book:

“Bread-bread, you are the head of everything, everyone reveres you, bows in the belt, joyfully greets you. So I go where I am - they joyfully meet me, welcome me, accept me, invite me to work, reward me with big money, but they say thank you, and even tell me to come.

Then cut the bread in half, feed half to the birds, the other half
eat at lunch.

To get a good job.

Every day, just waking up and not yet getting out of bed, with your eyes closed, repeat three times in a whisper or to yourself:

“Where I’m going - I know what I’m asking for - it’s mine, all obstacles will go away, the enemy force will fly off, luck will fly to me, I will rightfully get the best job. So be it.”

To be well received at a new job.

Before you go to a new job, take a piece of bread in the morning, sprinkle with salt. While sprinkling, say out loud three times:

“Bread and salt are revered everywhere, they are accepted with kindness, they bow in the belt,
They call both to the feast and to the world. So they would have accepted me with kindness, revered, respected, put me in a better place. Amen".

Eat this piece of bread with salt on an empty stomach.

Conspiracies from Nadezhda Stepanova.

Conspiracy to get hired.

“I go to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to contract, the owner

take a look. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not ashamed.

Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words.

He would not have driven a baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ,

Our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracies from A.M. Krasnova.

W agreement to find a good job .

A conspiracy to get what you need from superiors or officials.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, be merciful to me, Your sinful servant (name), - you see, my work is right, I am clean before you in my thoughts, so help me, bless the hearts of the mighty of this world for the right decision of my request soften, die, turn to help me. I go to them with kindness - let them meet me with kindness, greet me, they don’t drive me from the threshold, but invite me to my place, welcome me with a kind word, bestow a good deed. Good time! With God, With God, With God. Amen".

Conspiracies from Maria Bazhenova.

This plot is slandered on a fountain pen, with which you fill out questionnaires when looking for a job.

The handle must be wrapped with a red woolen thread, on which to say:

“Pen to hand, order in my head, money in the bag, good luck with me! Amen".

Tips of the great Vanga.

To find a good job, perform such a ritual on the new moon.

Write down on a piece of paper what kind of job you want and at what salary. Then cut this leaf into small pieces, mix them with crushed dry bay leaves, place in a frying pan, metal tray, or earthenware dish and set on fire. When everything burns down and cools down, collect the ashes, wrap them in a banknote of any denomination and carry it with you.
(it is possible in a purse or a bag) as a talisman.

Do not sweep bread crumbs off the table with your hand - this is to poverty and hunger.
For this purpose, there should be a special sweeping brush in the house.
Also, never sweep the table with paper. When you sweep away the crumbs, don't throw them away, but give them to the birds.

If you want to be always lucky in your work, take a sprig of oxalis - this is a herb that is considered weedy and is easy to find in any garden, or if you are lucky, find a four-leaf clover,
It makes a particularly strong talisman. Dry the leaves under a press or in a book, as for a herbarium, and then put under glass at your workplace.

When are you going to take the exam?, or for a job interview, put a nickel under your heel. Good luck will be provided.

May you be lucky and always attract money, carry with you any image of a ladybug (embroidered, painted, engraved on a stone, or a decoration, a brooch of the appropriate shape). There will be success if you drink tea from a mug with a ladybug on it at work.

Don't talk or think too much about your boss- otherwise you will incur his disgrace, he will often be angry with you and find fault with trifles.

If the boss is angry with you for something, swears, calls to your carpet for study, put a small mirror in your pocket with the reflective side away from you. The boss's anger will quickly dry up.

If you want your business to flourish, the work brought financial well-being to all employees, and the relations in the team were good, let one of the employees bake an apple pie, in which cinnamon must be added. Green candles (special, for cakes) must be inserted into the cake according to the number of employees who will take part in the tea party. Light the candles, and then blow together to blow them all out at once. Eat a pie together at work, making sure everyone gets an equal share.

(I. Vladimirova "Magic conspiracies for wealth and happiness")

Pour water into a clay or wooden vessel and place it for three days at the foot of your bed. On the morning of the fourth day, take water with you to work and, for example, wash it in the toilet, saying:

“I was here, I will be here, I went here and I will go. Amen".

So that you will not be denied work.

(N. Stepanova. “200 conspiracies of a Siberian healer for success and good luck”)

If you go to someone with a request to hire you or help with your problem, first read this plot three times.

“I don’t walk, I don’t hurry quietly on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster.

There was no refusal to me, God's servant (name):

not on Monday, not on Tuesday, not on Wednesday, not on Thursday, not on Friday, not on Saturday.

Take the hell out of me. So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any.

They wouldn't use their tongues against me, they would respect me and love me.

Cross with a cross, business with a good end.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Spell for good luck in finding a job.

(Conspiracies of the Pechersk healer Maria Fedorovskaya).

First of all, you need to put things in order on your desktop: throw away everything superfluous, and put all the necessary things in their places. There will be order on the table, it will be in the head, and in business, and in money - everywhere. Then close yourself in the room and start talking.

“Serve me with faith and truth,

I can be friends with a pen, live and not grieve,

Write letters together and solve problems.

How much ink is in the pen

I have so much strength!

Pen to write and write,

And I need to find a job!

To pay money

To be cherished, appreciated

To not be bored

To be handy.

As I said, so be it.

Till the end of time. Amen".

You need to tie the handle with a white thread, hide the other end of the thread in your pocket and walk around with a pen all day. Remember: in the coming month, you should use only this pen. Within a month you will definitely find a place that will suit you from all sides.

Conspiracy to get a good job.

(“Conspiracies from the Onega healer.” P. Belova)

“As you know, there are different kinds of work. You strive to get somewhere, but it turns out that you tried in vain: the salary is not high, and they demand a lot. Therefore, before the search, it will not be superfluous to create a conspiracy. He will attract the best offers to you. Buy three handkerchiefs in advance. On the full moon, tie a knot on each of them, then place the handkerchiefs in a crystal glass or glass so that the knots are at the bottom, and three corners (one from each handkerchief) hang freely from the walls of the container.

Lean over the glass and whisper:

“As the handkerchiefs are tied into tight knots, as the knots lie down in a crystal castle, as the corners break out into a free draft, so I, the servant of God (name), find a serious, monetary job so that my wallet is stuffed tightly. So that my place of work is in order and pleasant. So that I can be freely surrounded, my colleagues are kind, and the authorities are affectionate! Help me, Lord! May it be so! My word is strong and tenacious! Goy!

After that, put a glass with handkerchiefs on the windowsill so that it falls under the moonlight, and go to bed yourself. In the morning, carefully fold the handkerchiefs without untying the knots. Leave one at home, put the other in your purse, and the third in the pocket of your outerwear. Be sure to take at least one handkerchief with you the next time you go looking for a job.

When you go to a potential boss, touch the door handle with a charmed handkerchief.

If it didn’t work out in any place to get a job, don’t be upset, higher powers take trouble away from you. The handkerchief will definitely lead you to the right organization, where they will take you, and with the conditions that suit you.

Conspiracy on a pencil or pen to get a job.

If you are one hundred percent sure that you have found exactly what you dreamed of, and you have an interview scheduled, make the following conspiracy the day before. Take a new pencil or pen. Hold it in your hands for a while and whisper:

"Behind seven doors, under seven locks,

Guarded by a serpent with nine heads

The chest is forged,

Decorated with strange flowers.

And in the chest is not gold, not silver,

No other good

No great magic

And the goose feather lies.

The serpent not only guards the feather,

What you do not write to them - everything performs.

I will go through seven doors, seven locks,

By cunning I will take nine heads.

Help me magic pen -

Fulfill your wish.

May your boundless will

I will get a money job.

How I want, let everything be fulfilled,

And my house will be filled with wealth.

May it be so! Goy!

The next day, be sure to take a charmed pen or pencil with you. If possible, it is them who fill out the questionnaire or write an application for employment. Leaving home, as if inadvertently forget the charmed thing in the organization in which you would like to work. She will definitely attract you to her, and you will become an employee of this company.

Conspiracy to get hired. (from N. Stepanova) .

Plot on the handle to be lucky with work.

This plot is slandered on a fountain pen, with which you fill out questionnaires when looking for a job. The handle must be wrapped with a red woolen thread, on which to say:

“Pen to hand, order in my head, money in the bag, good luck with me! Amen".

Conspiracy to find a good job.

“The stars in the sky go their own way, the sun in the sky goes its own way, and you, the clear month, move your own way - so let me, the servant of God (name), have my own path in the earthly and heavenly worlds, sublunar and under heaven. On that path I will find a golden house, in the house a golden throne, on that throne is my business, given to me by our Lord for joy, for happiness, for good luck, for wealth. The thing is waiting for me - it won’t wait, no one but me will get it, neither the old, nor the young, nor the mature husband, nor the red-haired, nor the black, nor the white, nor the fair-haired, nor the gray-haired. Bring me, Lord, to that throne, give me that thing in my hands so that I live comfortably, without grief and adversity, to Your glory, the Lord, to myself and to all people for the good. May it be so. Amen".

Conspiracy in the workplace to get paid better.

(Maria Bazhenova "Conspiracies of the Ural healer against damage and the evil eye").

This book on Ozone:

For this conspiracy, no improvised means are needed. They say sitting at the workplace, but turning their faces in the direction where the money comes from (in other words, towards the accountant):

"BUT St. Andrew fished in the Sea of ​​Galilee, he spoke with Jesus Christ, our Lord. Lord Jesus Christ, send me a rich catch, row money with a shovel. So let the servant of God (name) the Lord not forget, not bypass, give good, feed, drink. Amen, amen, amen."

Reviews about the online conspiracy and good luck are quite good. It is easy to find work in the office and my work is arguing; my strength is growing and getting stronger. The magic of wealth, money, luck, magical conspiracies and rituals, and much more, can be read quickly and for free in this article.

A conspiracy for the husband to find a job and take

Seeing off your husband to the intended place of work, read the prayer "Our Father" and ask God to heed your request. If it happens that the husband is refused, then over time you will understand that another fate was prepared for him by God and soon he will choose the best option for himself. The main thing is not to stop there and pray sincerely, as they say "from the heart." It's so easy to find a high-paying and profitable job.

How to quickly find a job a strong conspiracy

Write on a piece of paper exactly what kind of job you want to find - and the more details you provide, the more likely you are to find the right job. Fold the sheet in three and carry it with you until your idea comes true, after which the paper should be burned. Suitable to be loved at work, everything went well. You can do it on a pen, a poppy, a scarf, and the forum also advises a conspiracy to find a job and a career, a salary for yourself and to be valued and respected and not fired (not cut), it’s worth doing at night.

Conspiracy to find a job on the full moon, on the new moon, on the growing moon (on the growing moon)

A conspiracy to find a job is best done when the moon is in a growing phase - that's when a person can attract good luck and money, and therefore find a reliable source of income.

Put change in your pocket. Go out at midnight on the porch of your dwelling and, looking at the young growing sickle of the month, cast a spell 3 times, sorting through the coins that are in your pocket:

“Grow up for a month, grow up, and give the servant (slave) of God (your name) work and money. Amen".

This way you will be able to find an easy better job, including using employment plots to be read at home before the interview (template attached).

Conspiracies to find a daughter's money job

Seeing off her daughter in search of work, the mother should read the prayer “Our Father” after her.

And the daughter herself will be able to bring good luck to her side if, crossing the threshold of the institution, she utters a conspiracy: “Your house, your roof, and I am higher!” By the way, this conspiracy helps not only when applying for a job, but also when you enter the penates of a school or university to take exams. For a specific test and so that they don’t find fault with you, this solution will be optimal.

Conspiracies work and career

If you want to move up the career ladder, then before you take your workplace, whisper a conspiracy: “Your house, your roof, and I am higher!”. You will see, soon you will be noticed and offered a higher paying position. Who helped the conspiracy, and what were the consequences for the desire to work, you can find out in the comments.

The best, “universal” prayer for every day is the prayer “Our Father!”. It also contains words in a modern presentation that sound like “give us our daily bread for this day.” It is clear that the word "bread" also refers to the means necessary to meet the daily needs and needs of oneself and one's family.

Say this prayer every morning and before entering the central office of the proposed place of work.

Conspiracies to find work for work took the son

The desire of every mother for happiness and well-being for her child is the natural desire of every parent. Sometimes it is so strong that mothers resort to magical rites. In this case, this should not be done.

Words of help in finding a job or other urgent need, addressed to God and coming from the depths of a mother's heart, are better than a conspiracy. The main thing is to pray from the heart, and the words will come up on their own, and the Guardian Angel will warn your son against mistakes and direct him on the path that he is destined to go through and you need to put up with it.

Conspiracies to find work on the water

Before you go to an interview, take the water consecrated in the church, wash your face and do not wipe your face until the water dries itself. Say three times: “Lord, help!” and take three more sips of holy water. Now you can safely go to the place of future work. But you don't need to pour water down the toilet to find a job you like and the boss was good.

If you do everything exactly as written - good luck will accompany you not only when you need to find a job, but also in other life situations.

Conspiracies to find work from Vanga

Vanga, in difficult situations, called for help from the Guardian Angel, which every person has, with the words: “My angel, be with me. You are ahead, and I am behind you!” If your prayer was heard, then you will be given to know about it. Sometimes it is done at the new moon, Saint Tryphon is mentioned, they say “work work go to fedot, I will come here on Saturday” and this is for a rich or vocation work.

An old strong conspiracy to find a good job for Easter

This is a very strong conspiracy and you can only pronounce it on the eve of the bright Resurrection of Christ, before you break the fast with the consecrated Easter cake.

Sanctify yourself three times with the sign of the cross and give praise to God for his deeds. Then say: “Send down, Lord, to your servant (slave) (name), feasible work and daily bread! Amen.". Now you can start eating. So that everything is good at work and there is success, you should not leave money with the fortune teller, because for the old new year such magic and a charm for work is within the power of everyone.

Conspiracies to find a job of the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova

The plot is pronounced 3 times on a piece of bread sprinkled with salt, which then needs to be eaten on an empty stomach.

“I go to bars, neither young nor old. I'm going to contract - the owner will come in handy. My face is sweet, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone marvels at me, admires my words. Lord Jesus Christ - our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen.". It will also help to be treated well at work, to improve work, goes to a calm, fruitful, permanent, prestigious, profitable job.

Conspiracies to work white magic

If you can’t find the job you want, then it’s not necessary to make a conspiracy for Christmas. If you think that after reading the conspiracy, you will immediately find yourself the right and highly paid job, you are deeply mistaken. The conspiracy only contributes to the creation of conditions for the fulfillment of desires, and all the "rough" work - to run around in search of work, or to study the offered vacancies printed in the newspaper, you will have to do it yourself.

White magic offers the following conspiracy, which must be whispered on a new handkerchief on a new moon, which you will always carry with you afterwards:

“It will be for me, God's servant (name),
success along the way.
When I go, I will find a job.
I won’t let go of my luck, Amen.”

Conspiracy to work for cream

This conspiracy to the profession of your dreams can be carried out if it is possible to buy homemade milk from a cow. 9 tablespoons of cream are removed from it into a white cup without a pattern, and at the same time they say:

“So that I don’t grieve, -
drank milk and cream.
As I step - I will find gold,
I will live, live,
For a century I do not know grief.

Then you need to drink everything to the drop, taking 3 large sips. In a maximum of a month you will get a decent and well-paid job. It is also appropriate for a return (return, to be returned to work, called) to the necessary, excellent work.

Conspiracies for work consequences

Conspiracies for work, in fact, like any magical rites, can have negative consequences for the one who resorted to them, having despaired of finding a job in the usual way, because you have to pay for everything.

Therefore, it is still better to resort to them in the most extreme cases. It is much safer to read the usual prayer “Our Father”, which will give strength and self-confidence to a true believer to a greater extent than occult magic.

Conspiracy for the keys to work

In the old days, there was a custom, the essence of which boils down to "spell" the keys. It was understood that using such keys, you can protect the place from which you receive income from the penetration of thieves and attract money to yourself.

The custom has not found wide distribution due to the fact that the plot is quite long, and you need to pronounce it daily so that no one interferes with you, which is difficult to implement in our fast-paced time.

Well-being, prosperity in the family often depend on having a good job. Even if the family is not poor, the money will run out sooner or later, so it is very important to have a good source of income. Finding a job is a very responsible business, and not always a good place guarantees knowledge, skills and abilities, sometimes it all depends on luck.

If there are many candidates for a specific position, then it is very important to please the employer, to show oneself from the best side. Rites of white magic can help with this.

Why White Magic

Many people know that magic is white and black. If the latter is intended to use people for its own purposes, then white magic helps to improve a person's life, it protects him from the influence of black magic. We can say that white magic is creative, safe, incapable of suppressing the will of another. Therefore, these rites are suitable for finding a good job.

But those who intend to perform rituals should remember that white magicians should not have bad habits, that is, they should forget about alcohol, smoking, foul language, they should strive for harmony, be in a good mood, not succumbing to anger and anger.

Rituals that make it easier to find a job

To find a new job, you can use the ritual to attract work. It can facilitate the search, it will make it possible not only to find a good place, but to find a good job that you will like. You will have to go there every day, so you should make sure that the new place attracts not only money.

Rite with an envelope

Before starting a job search, you can perform the following ritual. Any day and time is suitable for this ceremony, but it is best to read the plot after sunset. You can start preparing ahead of time.


To do this, you need to take a piece of paper, a pen, sit down and think about what kind of new job you want to find. It is important to complete several points on this sheet by answering a series of questions:

  • What kind of work attracts you?
  • What salary suits you? (you can not write the maximum, there must be exact numbers).
  • What kind of team should be in a new place (you can’t answer “how it goes”).
  • What career growth do you want to have in the future?

Before writing answers to questions, you need to think carefully, you can give yourself extra time to think (a day or two).

Reading a conspiracy

Once all the items are completed, you need to put this sheet in a clean envelope and write the date on it. This should be the number when you assume that you will already be able to find a new job. On this day the envelope will be opened. After that, you need to wash your face three times with ice water, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“I (name) is the smartest. I am (name) the luckiest. I am (name) the most needed. I will go out in the morning beyond the threshold, I will choose not a hundred roads, but one, but the most correct one. And to be neither short nor long, nor stony, nor overgrown with thorns, without robbers, publicans and envious evil, people and dashing spirits. I will follow it to the hill. There is an oak on the hill, a chest on the oak, gold in the chest. I will bow to the giant and say, after praying: “Father-oak, give me back mine, gold-silver, happiness-good, I already know how to spend it, not let it go to the wind, please myself.” The oak will bow its branches, give me the chest, and with it the key to twenty-two and two more kingdoms. I will be rich, I will be molded, I will be held in high esteem by husbands and virgins. I will work as long as I want, and I will get a lot of gold and silver. Come work to me as a sister, and not as dashing poverty trouble. What he said will be fulfilled, and my guardian angel will guarantee that. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In order for the words of the conspiracy to work, and soon it was possible to find a good job, a number of conditions must be met. You need to wipe your face with a towel and hide the envelope, after which it is important to immediately go to bed. No TV, computer or books - just sleep.

In the morning, you need to read “Our Father” three times and start looking for a job. It is best to do this before breakfast, especially since now the Internet makes it possible to search for work at any convenient time.

To find a good job, you can go to the forest and read the plot there. It is better to search for a job after the new moon, on Friday. On this day, you need to go to the forest, not communicating with anyone along the way. In the forest, it is desirable to find a place where two stumps would stand side by side. On one of them you need to sit down and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I, the servant of God (name), will sit on another stump (we change) and get a good place the next day Right, right, right!”

Then you need to get up and, without looking back, go home. This rite will help you find a good job in the near future.

Perform this ritual only on the growing moon. You need to take one dollar, essential oils of clover, mint and cedar, a green envelope and a pen with gold-colored paste. On the banknote, which is a symbol of a new beginning, you must write with a prepared pen:

“Now I have a job that is just made for me. I am happy and prosperous, my work pays well.”

After that, essential oils are dripped onto each corner of the bill, it folds itself three times. This bill must be removed in a prepared envelope, and then under the pillow, where it should lie until the work is received.

In the church you need to buy the Icon of the Savior and the Virgin, as well as 6 large candles. It is also desirable to collect holy water there. For the ceremony, you will need earthenware, into which holy water is then poured. In the morning (between sunrise and noon), you need to take these icons and put a candle in front of them. Also, a vessel with holy water is placed in front of them.

“Theotokos-Mother, yes God-Father! Give blessings for good work. Amen".

After that, you need to drink three sips of this water, and keep the rest until evening in the same place. Before going to bed, she needs to wash up. Candles should burn out to the end. This rite is repeated for three days in a row until all 6 candles are used. Now you can look for a job. When it is found, it is necessary to thank God for his mercy.

Rituals to help your bosses like you

It is important not only to find a suitable place, but also to ensure that you are taken to it, because. competition can be intense. With the help of a special ritual for work, you can increase the chances of entering a new place.

Conspiracy to get hired

Before you go to settle in a new place, you need to say:

“I don’t walk, I don’t hurry silently on a black cat, a gray dog, a red rooster. There was no refusal for me, God’s servant (name): Not on Monday, not on Tuesday, and not on Wednesday, not on Thursday, not on Friday , nor on Saturday. Take the hell out of me. So that no one knows a word against me, neither evil nor any. They wouldn't use their tongues against me, they would respect me and love me. Cross with a cross, business with a good end. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy to appease the employer

Read three times

“I go to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to contract, to take a look at the owner. My face is sweet, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words. He would not drive away the baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ. Our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Or you can say other words, before kissing a piece of bread:

“As from century to century, God's bread is revered, It is served and accepted with a bow, So it would be like me, a servant of God (name), With joy they accepted, They hired me for honorable work. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

Conspiracy on the mirror

For this plot to work, you need to find a mirror (round for a woman and square for a man). If there is no such thing in the house, you need to go to the store on Tuesday and, without bargaining, buy yourself a mirror. It is also not recommended to take change. Before you go to settle in a new place, you need to bring the mirror to your lips and say:

“Mirror, my light, illuminate my path to work now! I will be forever grateful! timi titan! Amen!"

Now you need to kiss yourself in the mirror, three times, and put it in your jacket pocket with the reflective side facing you (you can put it in a bra).

A good job is the key to financial stability, low-paid work inevitably leads to disappointment. Sometimes it happens that there are a lot of suitable vacancies on the labor market, but you still can’t get a job there. Strong conspiracies will help to get the desired position, which would be well paid.

What are the conspiracies to attract work to your liking

Rites for finding a job will make it so that the management will note your merits and immediately accept you on the staff. To gain authority among colleagues and increase confidence in yourself, you can resort to the help of higher powers.

If a person is confident in himself and takes firm steps towards his cherished goal, then everything will definitely work out for him. Conspiracies for a successful interview will only take effect when you believe in your professional abilities. A person is required to make efforts to ensure that the ritual brings the achievement of the desired closer. With the help of a properly performed ceremony, it is possible to lure good luck and excel in the competition of applicants. Before holding it, prepare, mentally imagine that yours has already been fulfilled.

Preparatory stages of the ritual

From a future position, everyone expects, first of all, high wages. Therefore, all rituals must be done on the growing moon. If the primary goal for a person is high material wealth, then it is best to stop your choice in the middle of the week. If you decide to get down to business on Wednesday, then this can bring positive results.

Before reading conspiracies for a successful job search, you need to believe with all your heart in the power of words. If there is no such confidence, then there will be no sense, you will only lose time in useless activities. If you feel doubt and fear, it is best to refuse to conduct a magical ceremony. She will be powerless to meet the demands.

Remember that no one close to you should know that you are going to ask a higher power to help you find a decent job. If you tell at least one person about this, then by such actions you will provoke a complete collapse in the field of your career. And you will not see the position as your ears.

Conspiracy for a good job on cream

For luck to knock on the door, you can perform a ceremony on cream. Use real homemade cream for this. They can be obtained from milk. The higher the fat content in them, the better you will find a job and the more money you will earn. Pour the cream into a white cup and whisper three times:

“I, the servant of God (name), will leave the house - not from the house, by the door - not by the door, by the gate - not by the gate, by the road - not by the road, by the road - not by the road, by the country - not by the country. I will go to seek my fate in a damp forest and in an open field. I will take a step - I will find a ruble, I will take a second step - I will find a chervonchik, I will take a third step - I will find fifty. Cream to drink, and I get rich. So that I can live long, live and not know grief. Amen".

As soon as you read the plot, be sure to take three sips of cream and invite your loved ones to try them. Leftovers can be added to coffee. And before you go to bed, shake your pillow with the words:

“Cow, our mother, you gave me cream, give me a new job, good and profitable.” After that, cross yourself three times and read the prayer "Our Father" nine times.

Powerful conspiracy to gain business

Before you start looking for something to your liking, you need to conduct a special ritual. In this way, you will successfully pass the interview and you will immediately be accepted for a vacant position. On the new moon, buy a handkerchief and say it exactly seven times:

“It will be for me, the servant of God (name), prosperity and good luck on the road. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and I won’t get a refusal.”

Always carry a charmed scarf with you and you will notice that soon life will change for the better.

If a person nevertheless decided to use a conspiracy for good luck, then it is important to take into account all the requirements. Thanks to them, you will get a well-paid position with suitable responsibilities and comfortable working conditions. Believe in your own strength and do not forget to press the buttons and

21.07.2015 09:00

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