Makeup with beige eyeshadows. Makeup with brown eyeshadows

The first thing that catches a man's attention is a woman's eyes. It is in our power to optimally show the beauty of our own eyes, we just need to arm ourselves with cosmetics. But in the multicolored sea of ​​shadows, eyeliners, mascaras, numerous pitfalls lie in wait for us. We will talk about how to choose the right shade of shadows.

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Misses in the choice of shadows

"Do you think a man likes to look a woman in the eye and see the reflection of the British Museum's reading room there?" - we will answer the words of the ironic writer Muriel Spark and study some of the errors.

Misconception # 1: we want what we like

What we like doesn't always suit us. Many girls choose and use shadows of their favorite shade. Fight yourself! Even the most pleasant shade for your soul, if it does not suit your eyes, can make them dull, expressionless and even reduce in size.

Misconception # 2: I will paint my eyes the same color as my clothes today.

When applying shadows, you don't need to take into account the general color scheme of your clothes. But it is also not worth bringing in a sharp dissonance. An evening dress with a leopard print and blue eye shadow looks just ridiculous, even if it is the ideal eye shadow color according to the selection criteria. Everything needs a middle ground.

Misconception # 3: I love shiny things.

And in everything, in the shadows too. If there is mother-of-pearl in the world, the question of how to choose the color of the shadows is not worth it at all for lovers of shine. Remember - shiny shadows are suitable (and even then not always) only for very young girls. An excess of nacre just magnetically attracts the eyes of strangers to wrinkles. If you are unable to refuse shiny eyeshadows, then use them in eyelid makeup pointwise, in certain places (for example, at the inner corner of the eye or under the eyebrows - this refreshes and opens the look).

Misconception # 4: fashion is my style.

Even if models with green shadows walk on all the catwalks of the world, this is not a reason to use exclusively this shade. That which favorably emphasizes some will simply destroy your beauty. Don't let fashion rule you, you are your own boss.

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Choosing the right shadow color

Or spectral. It is a basic foundation for makeup artists and designers. True harmony does not come from just one or two colors. A combination of additional shades is required (these are the colors that are located opposite each other in the layout of the circle). For example:

  • Purple - yellow
  • Blue - orange
  • Green - red
  • Blue-violet - orange-yellow
  • Violet red - yellow green
  • Orange-red - blue-green, etc.

To find a harmonious color range, an isosceles triangle is drawn in the center of the circle. Contrasting colors that are at the top of the corners are the most optimal in this case. To expand the palette, schemes with a square and a rectangle are also used. With the help of such a circle, you can make the choice of eyeshadows by eye color pleasant and interesting.

A color wheel you can make yourself

Variations on the theme of color

Dark brown eyes (black)

Light brown and honey eyes

Kare-green eyes

Green eyes

Hazel eyes

Blue eyes

Grey-blue eyes

Grey eyes

Each color has its own secret; it affects the overall composition of the image in different ways. How to choose the most effective eye shadow shade:

  • Black. The most "pressing", it dominates over all other colors and gives the eyes a special, unforgettable expressiveness. And it can also reduce the part of the century on which it lies. If you get carried away with the black tone, then add yourself a few extra years.
  • Brown. Mutes too bright shades, gives the look depth and mystery.
  • Purple. If your eyes are deep-set and have dark circles underneath, forget about this shade. In this case, you will get even more tired and dull.
  • Blue. In its pure, pristine form, blue gives coldness and inflexibility to the gaze. For a warmer and deeper look, use tinted blue (gray-blue, green-blue, etc.)
  • Green. Has the same ability to cool the eyes as blue. It is also best used with shades (green-yellow, green-brown, etc.)
  • Yellow. Able to lighten the original eye color.
  • Gold. This magical shade can make your eyes sparkle. But treat it with caution. If there is too much gold on the eyelids, then the look will go out. You should not use this tone if your skin is tired, aging - gold will mercilessly emphasize all wrinkles.
  • Pink. It gives the look a clear glow.
  • Beige. It can perfectly highlight the eyes, make them lighter and soften too bright shades.
  • Gray. Makes the look velvety and soft. Soothes and mutes bold, evocative colors. But you should not use it for older women, otherwise your eyes will look dull.
  • White. Brings clarity and purity into the eye. But only if there is not much of this color, the excess of white, on the contrary, will give you an unnatural, repulsive look.

The ability to choose the right shade of eyeshadow by eye color for a fashionable, modern woman is not only an indicator that she owns the art of makeup. It is the science of being able to use different images depending on the situation. “This is how men are arranged: they can resist the smartest arguments and not resist one single glance,” said Honore de Balzac. Any girl who is fluent in

"Natural", balanced makeup without bright accents is an ideal office option. This image is very convenient and perfect for both business meetings and office work. Makeup in neutral tones will help you look fresh and sophisticated all day long.

Use a beige shade for a beautiful look. In this case, make-up artists recommend applying them as a base to the entire upper eyelid. Highlight the outer corner of the eye in a darker tone. For example, chocolate or brown, slightly shading towards the eyebrows.

Mascara, light blush and peach lipstick will be spectacular additions. They should be applied, observing some rules. For example, use mascara to carefully work out the upper lashes in the inner corner of the eye - this will make the look more expressive. Apply blush very lightly, and use a foundation.

An evening without bright spots

For evening make-up use shimmery beige eyeshadow. Cover the entire eyelid with them, and on top, lightly apply copper-coffee. The color will turn out to be unusual, emphasizing the look favorably. For more emphasis, add a dark brown arrow by tracing it with a pencil or liner.

Apply mascara in several layers, using the eyelash curler first. Leave the lower eyelid almost unpainted: just put a dot in the center with beige shadows. This will visually make the look more radiant. Blend a little foundation along the contour of the lips. Use a colorless balm without shine on top.

Day off in natural colors

Speaking of naturalness and naturalness, makeup artists and stylists do not mean a face without makeup. Make-up in nude shades is considered the most difficult to perform: make-up should be invisible. Its main goal in this case is to emphasize your natural data.

For a great weekend look, use a matte foundation, concealer, and concealer. These tools will help create an even tone that visually hides the existing flaws. Create a light blush with a tanning powder (pinks and other tones will look unnatural).

Naturalness will be added by correctly applied beige shadows of a creamy texture. Lightly soak a sponge in warm water. Squeeze it out thoroughly so that no liquid remains. Dip the edge of the sponge into a jar of eyeshadow and pat it gently onto the upper eyelid. Take your time to open your eyes: the product should be absorbed. Instead of a sponge, you can apply shadows with your fingertips. But before the procedure, be sure to "warm up" them, rubbing against each other. Discard the mascara, and only highlight the lips with pinkish / brown lipstick.

Makeup with brown eyeshadow will help you highlight your elegance. Girls who use these colors are distinguished by good taste and charm. There are many different makeup styles at the moment, but brown is the most subtle of them.

Who are they going to?

If you decide to use brown makeup, there are some rules to follow. Based on what time of year you are using eyeshadow, apply cool matte tones in summer and winter. Warm pearlescent shades can be used in spring and autumn.

For those who belong to the summer color type, a warm brown shade will not work. If you ignore these recommendations, you will face the fact that your eyes will get tired and sore. When applying makeup in brown tones, limit combinations of red with brown and orange. It will look too defiant and tasteless.

  • Green eyes look amazing with brown shadows. Feel free to use the following colors: taupe, golden and light peach. You can use the listed shades as a base base, which will look great with a rich dark palette. Remember the chocolate shade is perfect for any occasion.
  • For brown-eyed beauties brown eyeshadows are always a priority. Such cosmetics can make the eyes more expressive and deep. The eyeshadow does not have to be the same color as the eye. Choose shades that fall within the mid to dark brown shades. If you are among the owners of naturally dark eyes, pay attention to the lighter shades.
  • Many believe that a blonde with blue eyes a combination with brown eyeshadows will not work. However, the experiment can be carried out using gray-brown palettes. They are able to smooth out the harshness of such a combination. If you have an eye tint that is close to gray, you will get great results.

Place and time

You should take into account not only the color type, but also the time of day, the event for which you will use makeup and style of clothing. The makeup you choose should be moderate, emphasizing your naturalness. It is not allowed to use too bright and inappropriate make-up.

Choose a comfortable makeup that will not distract you from your main activity. When you are done with your makeup, make sure your eyes are painted in the same proportion and proportion. The key to any high-quality visage is a sense of proportion and sophistication of taste.

How to choose cosmetics?

When choosing cosmetics, you should not rely on all of the above qualities. Will help with the selection of swatch palettes, showing the color of cosmetics. The following useful recommendations can be highlighted:

  • When choosing cosmetics, rely on eye color. If you are the owner of blue eyes, pay attention to the tone of cocoa, coffee, cinnamon. A gray-brown palette, golden-bronze and mahogany colors are also suitable for you.
  • According to makeup artists, a brown palette goes well with green eyes. The choice of cosmetics should be made depending on the shade of the eyes. For example, for light green eyes, light bronze tones are suitable, a green chameleon is combined with a brown tone.
  • Girls who have gray eyes cannot boast of the same choice of cosmetics as other representatives. Experts do not advise using brown palettes, but you can take a closer look at the beige shades, the color of cocoa with milk. For some girls, use ash brown to accent the outer corner.

For girls whose eyes are dark in color, a brown palette is the best option.

Such makeup is able to emphasize all the attractiveness of the oriental style and is succinctly combined with the natural range and dark curls. If you have a dark eye color, the entire palette of browns is available to you. Customer reviews indicate that the best effect is achieved when matching with eye contrast.

When using makeup with brown eyeshadow, choose the right lipstick. When choosing it, experts recommend carrying brownish-pink cosmetics (or brownish-peach) with you. You can make such a cosmetic product at home.

How to paint beautifully?

To create beautiful makeup, you need to decide how it will look, as well as what components you need for this. After choosing the necessary cosmetics, you should start applying makeup. All actions are recommended to be carried out carefully, make sure that both eyes are colored the same, and the arrows are even and identical. Only a competent make-up will help you feel confident in any environment.

To do your makeup correctly, you need to follow the application steps, thanks to which you can boast of a beautiful make-up.

When applying shadows on the eyelids, keep in mind that your makeup will not differ in brightness and expressiveness if you do not use blush. They will play the role of a "sculptor", due to which the contour lines of the face are corrected. You can use blush not only for the cheekbones, but also for areas such as the forehead, bridge of the nose and other areas of the face. Look for pink and peach when choosing a blush color.

Now you can paint your eyes with shadows. In each image, the make-up of the eyes is of great importance, because it is with its help that you can show expressiveness, femininity and attractiveness.

Step by step guide

As a base, you can use a palette consisting of a light brown palette similar to coffee with cream. As a pair, you can use rich brown tones, which are similar to the color of milk chocolate.

How beautiful to paint eyes in stages:

  • Apply base base to upper eyelids. A palette with the lightest palette can act as a base.
  • The corners of the eyes should be emphasized with the darkest tones of brown. Such an action helps to emphasize the expressiveness, languor of the look.
  • Don't forget the eyeliner. The small arrow that tends upward should be located on the upper eyelid. Bring it to half a century, after which thinning should follow.
  • Draw an arrow on the lower eyelid - up to half of the eye or up to 1/3. Use soft pencils (black or brown).
  • Trace ensuring that each contour is well shaded.


Many types of visage can be created with brown eyeshadows. Smoky-style make-up is very popular. If you are a fan of this style, to create it you will need:

  • Soft type eyeliner. Use a chestnut color.
  • Palette with matte shadows. You should choose from a range of light palette, which contains pink, beige and rich shades of coffee. A palette of light colors with a metallic effect will do.
  • The blush is peach or beige.
  • Liquid lipstick or a milky lip gloss.

First, you need to apply a light foundation to the face area.

Using special patches, you need to protect the area around the eyes (against shedding of shadows).

Now you should bring your eyes. Extend the arrows that will be located in the outer corner a little, drawing a line wide enough. Do not be afraid to overdo it with thickness, because in the future everything will be shaded. We need to get the softest line with sufficient width.

If you can't get a neat eyeliner, take a soft brush and blend the pencil, erasing all the lines. The corners of the eyes should be raised slightly upward. Do not overdo it with the uplift so that you do not get the "cat" eye effect.

Take a clean brush and blend in a circle. After completing this action, you should start applying shadows. Makeup should be placed on a pencil to set it in place and give the make-up stability. Use dark eyeshadow to accentuate the crease on the eyelids and paint a corner to highlight the lower eyelids.

When drawing the bottom edges, don't be afraid of dark circles around the eyes. You can get rid of this effect with the help of careful shading. Removing the transitional edges of dark chestnut with mocha, as well as beige shades, you will achieve the desired effect.

The next step is to apply dark brown eyeshadow to the corners of the eyes. Remember to eliminate every transition using a brush. You will need a pink pencil to align the brow area. It is applied under the brow and shaded. After that, you can start applying pink shadows (followed by careful shading).

This kind of makeup can be used for evening wear. It emphasizes the expressiveness and depth of the eyes, sets the necessary accents.