Shrovetide choruses. How to prepare children for fun events. "Like Shrove Week"

To spend the days of the wide Maslenitsa cheerfully and amicably, we offer you proverbs and sayings about Maslenitsa, riddles and ditties. Have fun, walk, congratulate each other on Shrovetide!

We are with all honest people
We'll sing ditties for you
Winter mother we spend
And we will begin to meet the spring.

Eat! Drink! Help yourself!
And have more fun!
Shrovetide at the gate!
Open your mouth wider!

Shrovetide, Shrovetide,
The maiden is beautiful.
If she came to us,
We will burn winter to the ground.

In our cooking class
Dexterous, skillful!
All in bright smart dresses,
And the pancakes are burnt!

Pancake with jam, pancake with caviar!
With spring water!
The holiday of the sun has come to us!
My heart is so good!

Smeared faces
In butter and sour cream -
So our people have fun
It will be on Shrovetide.

We are at butter week
The holiday was not broken
All friends danced, sang
We ate pancakes!

Milenk looks sweet
That the face shines like a pancake.
With this, damn it, face
Yes, to anoint the porch.

We are not afraid of the frost
Today we'll burn Maslena.
Good fun
With bright, rainbow fire

We will sing ditties
How we wait for Shrovetide
How we yearn for pancakes
And on warm spring days.

My grandmother decided
Bake pancakes for the future.
Dough kneaded a bath -
I didn't get to the stove.

Oh, I ate pancakes
Excessive thickness.
Just put them in your mouth,
You will hit the hole with your nose.

I'm for my dear son-in-law
I will not spare pancakes
Come and visit us again
Feel mother-in-law love.

I'll close the curtains
I will lock the door with all locks.
Today they go to Shrovetide
Not the kids in the yard.

25 healthy pancakes
I ate in one sitting.
And now the trousers are new
You will not find clean places.

March is the silver chick
I parted from the shell,
Finally finally
I waited for spring.

I ate, I ate pancakes,
I did not regret the caviar,
Spared no oil, lard,
And I also became fatter!

We'll dress the scarecrow alive
Even if you have to remove
What someone had -
Happiness will return to everyone for that.

You, March, are young!
Do not mark time
Find the gold
Run to the bride.

If you want to be healthy
Have a pancake with milk
If you want to be funny -
That with pickled cucumber!

We set fire to the aunt-winter -
The rain started immediately.
We think quickly -
We'll light up the winter in the house.

I put the dough into a basin,
I'll treat you to pancakes.
And praise me
I will bake you a mountain!

We threw a feast
To celebrate the holiday.
They forgot food on the table -
The cats are happy to fix it.

Oh, Shrovetide, stretch out!
Catch the white birch!
They said: Shrovetide is seven years old,
And our Pancake week is seven days old!

Shrovetide held
We're fistfights
I won my husband
After all, I have a frying pan!

A woman walks around the yards
Twined with ribbons,
Serves pancakes to guests
Eat without offense!

Oh, Shrovetide deceiver!
I deceived, spent,
She didn't let me walk up!

Hey girlfriend, don't be bored
Have a pancake, have some tea!
And I want more -
I'm not sorry, eat everything!

A wondrous miracle happened
The psychic has nothing to do with it,
Mother-in-law made peace with her son-in-law,
Having treated him to a pancake.

I like pancakes with herring
Drink them deliciously with vodka.
True, later in the evening
I look like a scarecrow!

Look what's going on
A son-in-law with pancakes rushes to his mother-in-law,
Kisses a chubby cheek,
Like a young girl.

Shrovetide came to us,
It means being pancakes.
To be love and be kind -
Give everyone a pancake!

The sun has risen in the sky
Everyone gathered for the holiday!
And worthy are full
Let's start eating pancakes!

My mother-in-law made me:
Eat a mushroom pancake
But I lived a little,
I'm not ready to die!

The sun rises in the sky
Calls us all to the round dance!
To hang out, sing, dance -
Meet the Red Spring!

And the mother-in-law, that's the problem,
Not a pancake left.
So, there is happiness in the world -
Her son-in-law Petya will be alive.

After Shrovetide, amicably
We're running for drinks.
We need to remember a lot -
After the drink we'll decide.

We are at butter week
The holiday was not broken
All friends danced, sang
We ate pancakes!

We sang ditties for you
How good they are!
You clap your hands
In gratitude from the heart!

I sang ditties to you,
I composed it as best I could.
Well, who does not understand them,
Let the pancake shut my mouth.

We are Laughing Maslen
They were taken to rest.
And now Spring-girlfriend
We will meet with the sun across the river.

Shrovetide, goodbye!
Come again in a year!
She took sickness from us
And dashing bad weather

"Shrovetide" Artist P. Gruzinsky

The Shrovetide chants were pronounced (shouted) in chorus: invitingly, loudly, loudly. Less often, they were uttered in a chant.

We haven't been spinning all week
They were waiting for Shrovetide
They greeted loudly
They called to the whistle,

We were expecting a visit
We met on the mountain.
They sprinkled snow on the mountain,
Be ice cold!
Come Shrovetide, dear.
Be, a rolling mountain,
We will be happy.

Our guest is Maslenitsa,
Avdotyushka Izotievna,
Dunya is white, Dunya is ruddy,
The braid is long, triarshine,
Scarlet ribbon, two-half,
Little white shawl, newfangled?
Black eyebrows, pointed,
The fur coat is blue, the swallows are red,
Frequent bast shoes, big-headed,
White footcloths, whitewashed!

The annual Shrovetide has come,
Our guest dear!
She does not come to us on foot,
Her bunks are black
They have golden manes
And the sleds are painted.

Oh, yes, here is Maslenitsa, oh, it rides into the yard,
Yes, wide, drives into the yard.
- Yes, Shrovetide, go quickly,
Yes, wide, oh, go quickly.
- My girls, eh, I'm glad to be soon,
My reds, oh, glad to be soon.
- Yes, Shrovetide, oh, who are you afraid of,
Yes, wide, who are you afraid of?
- My girls, oh, I'm afraid of fasting,
My reds, eh, I'm afraid a lot.
- Yes, Maslenitsa, the post is still far away,
Yes, it is wide, but the post is still far away.
- Yes, girls, oh, where is he far,
My reds, eh, where is he far?
- Yes, Shrovetide, oh, in the forest on a Christmas tree,
Yes, wide, oh, in the forest on a tree.
- Yes, girls, oh, in the hut on the shelf,
Yes, my reds, ox, in the hut on the shelf.

Shrovetide crank,
We'll agitate you well!
With pancakes
With loafs,
With dumplings!

As I got up early,
I washed my face.
I was expecting Maslenitsa merry
Speaking quickly:
Come, come Shrovetide
Bring pancakes, butter!
Feed, feed to your fill,
A short butter for a week.

Our Shrovetide is annual,
Our Shrovetide is annual!
Our Shrovetide is annual,
She's darling
She's darling
She doesn't walk to us,
She doesn't walk to us,
Everything drives around on clods,
Everyone drives around on clods!
So that the bunks are black,
So that the bunks are black,
To keep the servants young.

Yes, Shrovetide, oh, it moves out of the yard,
Yes, kurguzaya, oh, she moves out of a wide courtyard,
Her girls see her off
Her red ones, oh, they see her off.
- Oh, here, Maslenitsa, oh, don't be afraid of fasting,
Yes, kurguzaya, oh, don't be afraid of fasting.
- My girls, oh, how can I not be afraid,
My red ones, oh, how can you not be afraid?
- Yes, Shrovetide, post on a steep hill,
Yes, kurguzaya, on a steep hill.
- Yes, girls, in the hut on the shelf,
My red ones, ox, in the hut on the shelf.

Game program "Madam Maslenitsa"

This year Pancake Week runs from 16 to 22 February. Wednesday at Pancake Week was called Lakomka. On Gourmet, you need to eat as many pancakes as you like. So in the Children's Ecological Library "Rainbow" on February 18, a festive game program "Madam Maslenitsa" took place.

In the library for Shrovetide week, a bright and informative information stand was prepared for readers of all ages, the popular calendar "Wide Shrovetide", with Maslenitsa days and the rules for celebrating them painted on it, anyone could take a recipe for pancakes from culinary pockets to try to bake them at home ... The book-illustrated exhibition "Madame Maslenitsa", which tells about the traditions of celebrating the wide Maslenitsa in Russia, was presented to the participants of the holiday.

It has already become a good tradition for the Pleskava folklore ensemble to visit the library on holidays to acquaint readers with one of the funniest winter holidays and to reproduce some of the ritual moments of the Maslenitsa holiday in the Pskov region.

Children specially prepared a separate block of Maslenitsa ditties to perform them with an accordion. The guys took an active part in Shrovetide talks and games. We listened to Russian Maslenitsa songs using the Pskov dialect, chants, sayings performed by the Pleskava folklore ensemble.

At the end of the holiday, everyone tasted sunny pancakes with sour cream!

Well, there are still four days of Maslenitsa ahead, we wish you to have fun with them, because the fun in Maslenitsa week was the key to future well-being, prosperity and success in all business, household and economic endeavors. Congratulations to everyone on the Wide Maslenitsa!

"Like Shrove Week"

In Russia, they have always loved the holiday Shrovetide- funny, mischievous, noisy. People saw off the winter and welcomed the spring. The holiday lasted seven days. On a holiday we rode down hills, on horses. They arranged games, dances, went to visit, danced and baked pancakes. During Shrovetide, everything is delicious and satisfying. Pancake is a symbol of the sun. But it was the sun god Yarilo who was called upon to drive away the winter. At the end of the holiday, a straw effigy was burned, and the ashes were scattered across the field so that the future harvest would be rich.

They tried to have fun during the last week before Lent, because during the fast one must behave very restrainedly. On the last day of Maslenitsa, it was customary to bypass all relatives.

Neighbors and ask for forgiveness for the wrongs committed. It was customary to ask for forgiveness from everyone, even those towards whom they did not feel guilty. And in response it was necessary to answer: "God will forgive."

The librarian of the junior subscription told about all this for preschoolers of the kindergarten "Poplar" for which the spiritual and cognitive hour "Round, ruddy, asks in the mouth".

Children video clips about the Maslenitsa celebration, pictures depicting the holiday: B. Kustodieva "Maslenitsa skating", S. Sudeikina "Maslenitsa has come", L. Solomatkina "Well, Maslenitsa!" in St. Petersburg "and others.

In the reading room, students of the 2nd "a" class of USOSH No. 1 took part in fair "Like Shrove Week".

The fair has begun from the conversation-dialogue "Calendar of Maslenitsa".

The guys learned the history of the holiday. A cheerful holiday atmosphere was added video "Shrovetide", watching video postcards. A literature and journal review was conducted at book exhibition "Maslenitsa".

With pleasure the guys played games "Mail", "Wheelbarrow", recited poetry.

Delight was caused by real butter, hot pancakes that the children ate

"Wide Maslenitsa"

Shrovetide was celebrated even before the adoption of Christianity in Russia. The holiday was associated with the farewell to winter and the welcome of spring, with the beginning of a new calendar year, the birth of the sun Yarila, which the ancient farmers worshiped especially - it was from Yaira that the harvest would depend. After the adoption of Christianity in the 10th century, Maslenitsa week became the last week before Lent ... From 14 to 22 February in Russia and other countries, people will begin to celebrate Maslenitsa.

In the 1 "a" class of the Ubinsky secondary school No. 1, the game program "Wide Maslenitsa" was held

Children watched a clip about Maslenitsa, took part in a conversation-dialogue, a drawing competition "Maslenitsa and Pancakes". They answered the questions of the quiz "Pancake Week Riddles", solved the riddles about pancakes and forgiven Sunday, played the mobile game "Cart".

In conclusion, the guys received sweet prizes. The event was fun and interesting.

It's worth saying the word "Maslenitsa", and our imagination immediately draws a vivid picture: a snow-white plate on which hot, ardent, with heat, ruddy pancakes, reminiscent of the sun, lie on a high slide. Making pancakes for Shrovetide is an ancient tradition. True, few people know that eating this yummy, we perform a special magical action ...

Every person wants to be happy. But here's how to find your happiness, how to make sure that it never leaves home?

Our Slavic ancestors believed: happiness and prosperity are directly related to the Sun-Yarila and its miraculous power. In order to enlist the support of the great deity, it is important to say goodbye to Winter-Winter in accordance with all the rules and adequately meet the long-awaited Spring, and therefore the Sun, which warms everything around with its warmth. Seeing off Winter and meeting Spring - this is exactly what one of the most life-affirming holidays is dedicated to - Maslenitsa.

Long live the family!

During that winter season, when the days were getting longer and the sun was beginning to shine brighter, our ancestors held grand celebrations.

For 2 weeks, ceremonies were performed that were supposed to bring the onset of warm days closer, ensure a rich harvest and prosperity in homes. All these magical actions are associated with the cult of the nascent Sun, the goddess Lada, personifying the feminine principle, giving life, and the god of cattle breeding, prosperity and abundance Veles.

Despite the fact that with the adoption of Christianity, church holidays were rapidly introduced into the calendar, the good old celebrations dedicated to the Slavic gods have preserved their traditions. True, they acquired a new meaning. The Orthodox Church reduced the duration of the ancient festivities from two to one week, shifted them in time and coincided with Great Lent. And so it happened that the well-known Maslenitsa got its name from the church calendar - during this period of time, in the last week before the harsh fasting, it is allowed to eat butter, dairy products and fish.

There were other church names for the holiday - Cheese or Meat Week (meat is prohibited at this time). By the way, now the days of Maslenitsa change annually depending on when Easter and the Great Lent preceding it begins. Each day of the Maslenitsa week has its own name, and certain actions, rules of conduct, and special rituals correspond to each of the days. You may be surprised, but these rituals include baking pancakes and then eating them, sledding from the mountains, noisy games. And all these fun have a mystical meaning.

Monday - meeting

The Slavic peoples have long considered this holiday for women. Therefore, it is not surprising that it began at the hearth, with the preparation of pancakes. The most interesting thing is that preparing pancake dough is the mission of exclusively women, but ... men had to bake them!

A golden pancake is a symbol of the sun and happiness, good harvests and strong family ties, health and family unity. And therefore, each housewife should prepare the dough in secret, while everyone is still sleeping in the house.

The dough recipe was also kept secret, and moreover, each woman added her own special ingredient. But the main secret was that the first dough should have been cooked not in milk or water, but in the snow. At the same time, they must utter the following phrase: "You are a month, a clear month, and your golden horns, look out the window, look at the dough, at my dough at the pancake, that at the pancake, but at the Shrovetide!" After this verdict, the pancakes will definitely be magical, which means that you need to eat them as much as possible. By the way, the first baked pancake should be given to the poor - so that the souls of their dead ancestors will be remembered. In addition to pancakes, dumplings and other dishes were necessarily prepared that resemble a circle - a sun disk: pancakes, cheesecakes and even scrambled eggs. In general, nothing complicated, every man will definitely be able to cook scrambled eggs. And cooking dumplings and pancakes is best done with the whole family on Tuesday. On Monday - no way! On the first day of Shrovetide week, the task of women is to have fun! Married women, leaving their husbands and children at home, gathered together, sang, danced and warmed themselves with alcohol (yes, a glass or two was just supposed to sip!). Then they made a stuffed animal of Winter-Morena out of straw, put on old women's clothes. The men, having coped with the pancakes, went to build the snow slides, and then they went to fetch the women, and already all together they put the stuffed Winter on a pole and, with songs, drove them on sleds all over the district. Then the straw lady was placed on a snowy mountain, from which both children and adults will be sledding on Tuesday.

Tuesday - play

Sledding is the most important event on the second day of Maslenitsa.

Wednesday - to the mother-in-law for pancakes

On this day, a rich table was laid in the houses, pancakes were baked again, and beer was brewed. All sons-in-law always went to visit their mother-in-law - for pancakes.

Broad Thursday - revelry

This day was the middle of games and fun.

Friday - mother-in-law evenings

Many Shrovetide customs were aimed at speeding up weddings, helping young people and girls find a mate.

On Friday, the sons-in-law organized "mother-in-law evenings" - they invited the mother-in-law to their place for pancakes. It was believed that the more persistently the son-in-law invites and persuades the mother-in-law to come to visit, the more he loves his wife. After treating themselves to pancakes, one more ceremony was to be performed. The sons-in-law rolled their mother-in-law on a sleigh through the streets: the beloved - along a smooth road with a breeze, the unloved - over bumps. Why don't we remember this custom too? We are sure that in our country all sons-in-law simply adore their mother-in-law! No snow? You can also ride in a car!

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings

To begin with, let's remind: the sister-in-law is the husband's sister. And on Saturday evening, the main action of Maslenitsa takes place - the burning of the effigy of Winter.

Our ancestors considered the bright Shrovetide fire to be magical. Burning Winter, worn-out things, bad thoughts and troubles of the past year were thrown into the fire. The ashes were scattered across the field so that there was a good harvest. Of course, today we get rid of old things in a different way, but sad thoughts and sadness-longing would be nice to send into the fire.

Sunday - seeing off Shrovetide

On this day, you need to go around all relatives and friends in order to ask and receive forgiveness for the (intentional or accidental) grievances and grievances inflicted on them. When meeting (sometimes even with a stranger), you are supposed to bow three times and ask for mutual forgiveness: "Forgive me, for what I am guilty or have sinned before you." "God forgive you, and I forgive!" - this should be the answer of the interlocutor, after which, as a sign of reconciliation, you should certainly kiss three times.

And on this day huge bonfires were made on the hills - this is how we said goodbye to Winter.

"Madam Maslenitsa" - a story about the history and traditions of celebration in Russia

Feast "Maslenitsa, treat! Give everyone pancakes "- tea, games, quizzes

"Let's remember the habits of cute old times - how Russian pancakes were baked on Maslenitsa fatty"

Street party "Boyarynya Maslenitsa"

Folk festivities "Shrovetide walk"

Celebration "Like pancakes flew from the oven during oil week"

Folklore program "Seeing off the Russian winter - Maslenitsa"

"Cheerful Shrovetide" - folk festival

"How we baked pancakes and sang during Pancake Week!" - folk holiday

Interactive lessons "We meet the spring-red, treat everyone with pancakes"

Celebration in the courtyard "Maslenitsa at the gate - come into our round dance!"

"We see off Shrovetide with pancakes and tea!" - a holiday with festivities, games

Shrovetide is still a favorite national holiday. On these spring days, our contemporaries happily bake and eat pancakes, arrange festivities, get-togethers, ask for forgiveness and look forward to the onset of a warm, life-affirming spring. According to the good old tradition in the Makarov rural model library there were festive gatherings "Have fun at Maslenaya, but treat yourself to a pancake!" The librarian together with the KFOR employee recalled once again the history of the holiday. Over a cup of tea, we talked to each other, asked for forgiveness for the insults brought over the year. They burned an effigy of Maslenitsa.

Quiz "That's what you are, winter holidays!"

Target An appeal to the spiritual and moral traditions and values ​​of their people.
Tasks: Expand the understanding of Russian traditions and rituals. Develop students' individual creativity, imagination.
Instill an interest in the traditions and values ​​of your people.

Winter has come merry
With skates and sleds
With a sprinkled track,
With a magical old tale.
On a decorated Christmas tree
Lanterns swing.
Let the winter be merry
It doesn't end any longer !.

1.What Russian emperor introduced in Russia the beginning of the year on January 1?Peter I.

2. What did Peter I bring from Europe and release with his own hand into the air on December 31?
The first fireworks rocket.

3.What did noble people have to shoot from in order to make the holiday grand?
Of small cannons and shotguns

4. From which country did the custom come to put up a Christmas tree, and not decorate the house with branches?
From Germany

Christmas tree!
What height!
Christmas tree!
What's the beautiful!
Toys are hung -
flashlights, firecrackers,
colored tinsel ...
And somewhere out there on the tree,
among the ringing toys,
there is a painted house.
That house is not easy!
A flashlight is burning above him

and a golden ball
like a full moon.

Wide Shrovetide
We won't boast about you
Come visit us
To the wide courtyard
Play with children
Ride the roller coaster!

And we are waiting for Shrovetide,
We are waiting, soul, we are waiting.
We'll see cheese and butter in our eyes,
We will see, soul, we will see.
Like a green oak on a hill,
Greenie, soul, greenie.
And Vanyusha, my friend, young,
Young, young at heart.
Our Shrovetide, be happy
Be happy, soul, be happy.
Our little gingerbread man,
Be rolling, soul, be rolling.

Shrovetide is going dear
Our guest is annual,
On painted sleds,
On black horse bunks.
Shrovetide lives
seven days.
Stay Shrovetide
seven years old.

As I got up early,
Cleaned up quickly:
Shrovetide came to us,
Brought pancakes and butter!

Like butter week
We ate pancakes every day.
Both boys and girls
Gathered for the evenings:
Songs sang and danced
Spring was greeted with joy!
Spring was greeted with joy
We saw off the winter for a year.
We got up together in a round dance -
Spring is coming to visit us!

The annual Shrovetide has come,
Our guest dear!
She does not come to us on foot,
Everyone arrives on bunks.
Her bunks are black
They have golden manes
And the sleds are painted.

Shrovetide closes Winter,
Krasnu invites spring!

Oh, Zimushka-Winter!
Go to sleep, rest!
Spring is Red!
Come to us again!

Stand in a circle, all the people!
Accordion player, play round dance!

They came to you with good news,
Fun, joy brought!
Winter is coming to an end
Shrovetide begins!

Pancakes on Shrovetide

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we cordially invite:
Drop all worries
Come to visit,
Straight to our porch
To us on Shrovetide.
See for yourself:
We'll treat you with pancakes
On sour cream crumpets
Lush pies
February - let's wave
Martha - say hello.

Maslen week has come, -
He called his godfather Emelya to visit.
Well, the godfather's sister
The pancakes are baked by a craftswoman!
I baked six piles of them,
Seven can't eat them.
And four sat down at the table,
They gave my darling space
They looked at each other
And ... everyone ate pancakes!

Have fun people:
Oiler goes to visit
With pies and pancakes, -
Leads the spring under the arm!

Let's sing, walk, -
Meet Mother Spring!
Sleigh ride
indulge in pancakes!

Maslen week has come.
Was at the godfather's on pancakes.
The godfather had a sister.
The pancakes are baked by a craftswoman.
I baked six piles of them,
Seven can't eat them.
And four sat down at the table,
They gave my darling space
They looked at each other
And ... everyone ate pancakes!

Oh, you're Wednesday Gourmet!
Butter pan!
As has been the custom since antiquity -
Let's go to ... (mother-in-law for pancakes)!

Shrovetide is going on ice,
Carries pancakes to the frying pan.
Take the young -
Disassemble by pancake!

Oh, Shrovetide, stretch out!
You are hooked on an oak tree, on a deck!
Oh, they said - to our Pancake week
Seven years old
And all at Shrovetide
Seven days.
Oh, Shrovetide deceiver!
I deceived, spent,
She didn't let me walk up!
Shrovetide is going on ice,
Carries pancakes to the frying pan.
Take the young -
Disassemble by pancake!

Shrovetide, climb the hill
Call a clear dawn to us.
And at dawn - a nightingale,
For a day, for a week.

Crying for burning a stuffed carnival

Goodbye Shrovetide!
She fed us satisfyingly hungry,
Wort - watered mash.
Goodbye Shrovetide!
And we saw you off
They have ritualized the horn,
Goodbye Shrovetide!
Burn, burn clearly, so that it does not go out!

Shrovetide is tanned
The whole world is tired of
I deceived, spent,
The year old did not live
Brought to the post.
She walked aside to us,
Along the nooks and crannies
Carried pancakes, cast iron,
Tore up their bellies!
I baked pancakes,
She devoured everything herself,
And we have a radish tail
Gave it to the post!
Walked merrily
She played songs
She stretched out to the post, -
Burn Satan!

So as not to go out!
To all the blizzards
Flew away at once
For the birds to sing
The herbs turned green
Heaven turned blue
And the ears were ripe!
So that all adversity
Winter frosts
Failures, tears -
Let it burn, burn out
Fly away to the sun!
Burn, burn clearly
So as not to go out!
Burn, burn brighter
Summer will be hotter!

Shrovetide is tanned -
The whole world is tired of it!
Walked merrily
She sang and played.
Great goodbye
Come for that year!
Already Spring is at the door,
So burn, burn quickly!

Shrovetide chants of spring

Shrovetide is a wet tail!
Go out of the yard
Your time is gone!
We have streams from the mountains,
Play the ravines
Turn out the shafts, set up a plow!
Spring is red!
Our sweetheart has come!

Mother Shrovetide
gave us a holiday!
Regards with pancakes
sons and daughters!
I brought Spring with me, -
now freckles on the nose!
Have fun, walk people,
to live satisfyingly for a whole year!

Oh, Shrovetide Mother,
bring the red spring!
Bring warmth and a long day
chase Winter away by the fence.

Wake up the people, stir the blood
give the good fellows hot love,
Reward the girls with blush and beauty,
and so that life bloomed with a bright stripe!

So that the fields are in bread, so that the cattle are in darkness!
So that there is enough strength and intelligence for everything.
And so that the joys do not leave the house!
We greet you with beer and pancake!

Goodbye snotty winter!
Come, summer is red!
Sohu, harrow -
And I'll go to plow!

Goodbye carnival calls

Goodbye, goodbye, our wide!
You came with good: cheese, butter and an egg
With pancakes, pies and pancakes.
Buttered pancakes, smeared shangi.
We ride down the mountain from dawn to dawn.
And today on Sunday our fun will end
Goodbye, goodbye, our Shrovetide!

And we saw off Shrovetide,
They sighed heavily over her:
-Dear Maslyana, come back,
Stretch out until the red summer!
Maslyana, Maslyana,
Where are you going?
Lost paws -
You will not find it!
Pancake week
The whole world is tired of
I deceived, spent,
The year old did not live.

Jokes and jokes about Maslenitsa

V at the end of winter, Russians celebrate Maslenitsa.
And those who are poorer celebrate Margarine.

P The son-in-law comes to the mother-in-law for pancakes.
- Help yourself, son-in-law, - says the mother-in-law.
He eats and praises, and the hostess barely has time to bake new ones.
- Good, - says the son-in-law, - you have pancakes, but that's just fat.
- So you don't take it by two then !!!

TO When Sergei Zverev went home to Shrovetide, he was twice mistaken for a scarecrow and they tried to burn him.

P on the amount that Russians consume on Shrovetide, butter ranks last.

Z grandfather swallowed two pancakes,
Didn't eat a damn thing.
I took a bottle of "henbane"
Fuck him pancakes.

Everyone tired of vodka
And very cheap wines
Take out the pans
Here's Shrovetide, damn it!


N I have a bunch of pancakes
And I will go to Zhko.
Oh they'll get it from me
How to live a whole month without anything.


N believe me, girls,
The third day I chew pancakes
Let it be guilty of gluttony
If only there was no war!


TO ak to mother-in-law for pancakes
they walked sad and pale.
And as with mother-in-law's pancakes -
everyone is cheerful and healthy!


B lin! I want, damn it, salad, damn it, with caviar, damn it.

- Come on without pancakes. But damn it with caviar!

N And Shrovetide in the Central City Park of Culture and Rest was held a traditional competition for the best singer and dancer. The winners ... are taken to the sobering-up center.

WITH the daughter-in-law with her father-in-law and mother-in-law are walking at home. Mother-in-law says:
-Everything is fine with us, and we live in prosperity, and we do not swear, only the hut is not whitewashed.
- what is the problem mom? do you have white?
- yes, only no brush.
The daughter-in-law ran to her father-in-law, cut off his beard, made a brush and whitewashed the hut. Mother-in-law again:
- here the hut is whitewashed, and the windows are not painted.
- what is the problem mom? is there any paint?
- yes there are only no brushes. the daughter-in-law ran to her father-in-law, cut off her mustache, made a paintbrush and painted the windows.
...Evening. The husband is returning from work. He looks - the father is sitting in a tree.
- dad! and what are you sitting there?
- Yes, sonny, the women are going to bake pancakes at home. So I don't know yet whether they have eggs or not ... WITH OIL

P The mother-in-law was driving to her son-in-law. Visiting day, another, third. Then he asks:
- I’m not tired of you? Maybe it's time to go home?
“No, you’re not tired,” the son-in-law answers. - But if you want, you can go - I've already bought a ticket for you.

F Elan bake pancakes drawn
Added flour to milk ...
But the first seven pancakes are lumpy ...
So can the lumps be baked right away ?!


- O damn it, damn it! I want, damn it, salad, damn it, with caviar, damn it.
- Excuse me, but can you do without pancakes?
- Come on without pancakes. But damn it with caviar!

- O th, Len, what pancakes are delicious !!!
- Thank you, Kohl. Eat some more.
- Well, really tasty! I haven't eaten such!
- Eat, eat, Kolya.
- Oh, I can’t take it anymore. I ate as many as 10!
- You're lying, bastard, 20!

- TO How did you celebrate Maslenitsa?
- Wonderful! In the morning he burned a stuffed animal of his mother-in-law, she took the hint and left in the evening.

T the gym invites everyone to pancakes! Pancakes are available 5, 10 and 25 kg.

R Russian emigrants in America, seeing off Shrovetide, became so enthusiastic that they burned the Statue of Liberty.