Mint oil for hair - benefits and harms, use at home. Anti-dandruff mask. Ways to use peppermint oil

Fresh, dried, added to dishes, or medicinal preparations, mint does not leave people indifferent to itself. Medicinal preparations with mint used by traditional medicine, as well as cosmetics for skin and hair, are especially appreciated. Recipes for decoctions, infusions or masks, due to their effectiveness and speed, were passed on by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers from generation to generation. However, modern women who care about the beauty of their main jewelry have an even more effective drug -.

Advantages and disadvantages

In order to shake it up, get rid of excessive fatigue and cheer up, it is enough to pick a few leaves of peppermint, rub it with your fingers and inhale the aroma. It only takes a few minutes for the condition to improve significantly. Essential oil has such a magical effect, which has a strong effect on the human nervous system.

In addition to refreshing and invigorating effect Peppermint oil helps by destroying pathogens. The use of the product also brings positive results in the treatment disorders of cerebral circulation, cardiovascular diseases(the product is a part of "Validol", "Zelenin drops" and a number of other cardiac drugs), relief of toothache, menstrual and muscle pain, elimination of bad breath... For people experiencing problems when moving around in transport, peppermint oil is recommended to eliminate urge to vomit, dizziness and nausea.

In cosmetics, the drug is used for the purpose narrowing the pores and regulating the function of the sebaceous glands in oily skin, normalizing water metabolism in dry skin, treating bacterial dermatitis, inflammation, acne, eczema in the initial stage, restoring hair, reducing hair loss and excessive fragility, treating dandruff and enhancing growth.

Despite such a number of benefits, peppermint oil has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • may cause skin irritation;
  • often causes allergies even if the fragrance is inhaled;
  • in case of an overdose, it contributes to sleep disturbance;
  • reduces libido in men;
  • can cause heart pain;
  • provokes bronchospasm.

Of course, the listed side effects do not threaten everyone who decides to use the drug for hair treatment or other purposes. It all depends on the individual reaction to the drug. Therefore, before use, it is necessary to consult a doctor and be sure to conduct a test for individual intolerance.


The source of the essential oil of mint, which belongs to the lamb family, is the flowering top and leaves of the plant. Get the product by the method hydrodistillation preserving the greatest amount of nutrients. To obtain just one kilogram of the ether product, more than 45 kilograms of the prepared raw material must be processed. The ultimate goal of processing is a colorless yellowish or greenish oil with a pleasant taste and aroma. The basis of the resulting drug is menthol (secondary alcohol). In addition to menthol, the composition includes carvacol, pinene, cineole, thymol, neomenthol, fellandrene, copper, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, zinc, vitamins C, PP, A, B1, B2, B5, B9 and other useful substances ...

The benefits of peppermint oil for hair

The main hair problems are caused by excess accumulated dust and sebum. Peppermint oil in cosmetics provides highly effective cleansing from unwanted savings, and also acts as soothing and bactericidal a drug. If a person itching or irritation scalp, there is no better remedy than peppermint oil. In addition, the drug copes with:

  • strengthening hair;
  • fragility;
  • increased blood microcirculation;
  • restoration of natural shine;
  • elimination of dandruff.
You can use peppermint oil for hair at home both as an excellent conditioner and as the main component of shampoos, masks or rinses. The effectiveness of the result obtained depends, first of all, on compliance with the rules of application.

Application rules

The main requirement applies to the use of the drug only in combination with a base.

Peppermint oil goes well with eucalyptus and grapefruit oils, keeping its aroma in a dominant position. When used mono, vegetable oil (olives, almonds, jojoba or avocado) is used as a base.

Mint essential product can mix with such natural ingredients as honey or egg yolk, as well as added to ready-made shampoo (balm, conditioner). Good contact with water at the rate of no more than 5 drops per cup of water.

Hair beauty recipes

Accelerating growth

Well-growing hair is a result that is directly related to both the general health of the body and healthy hair follicles. For their strengthening and, accordingly, strengthening, active oxygenation (increasing the level of oxygen content) will be required, the provision of which depends on blood circulation.

The use of peppermint oil improves blood circulation, rejuvenates and activates hair follicles, increases their productivity.

For hair growth

Recipe 1... The simplest, but at the same time, effective way. Take the usual amount of shampoo used for washing and add no more than 3 drops of peppermint oil to it. Apply shampoo to damp hair and leave for 5-7 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. You can use peppermint oil shampoo up to twice a week.

Recipe 2... You will need 40 drops of base oil and 10 drops of peppermint oil. Apply the mixture to your fingers and massage the scalp for five minutes. If there is such a possibility, then do not rinse, but leave to continue the exposure until the morning.

Recipe 3... Add 20 drops of peppermint oil to coconut oil (1 tablespoon). If the hair is short, then it is better to take half of the indicated dosage. Massage the root area with the mixture. Leave until morning. Rinse off in the morning.

Formulations for oily hair

Recipe 1... You will need 3 chicken yolks, a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice, 3 drops of peppermint oil. Beat the yolks until foamy and combine with lemon juice. Peppermint oil is added last to the mixture. Apply the resulting composition thoroughly to the hair and leave for 25 minutes. Wash off with warm water using your usual shampoo. The mask is good not only for hair growth, but also for normalizing the production of fat by the sebaceous glands.

Recipe 2... If the hair has not been lightened, then they will like a mask of 45 g of colorless henna, 15 grams of cocoa butter, 5 drops of a mint essential product. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. The holding time is no more than three hours. The mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 3... A firming mask for oily hair. A mixture of lavender, frankincense, sage, eucalyptus and mint oils, taken in a ratio of 7: 7: 4: 5: 2, is diluted in half with a base oil. For one session, one teaspoon of the composition is enough, which is rubbed with vigorous movements into the scalp for five minutes.

Dry hair formulations

Recipe 1... This composition will return the hair to a healthy appearance, refresh and strengthen the hair follicles. Either burdock oil, or wheat germ or peach oil is taken as a basis. Quantity - 30 ml. Add no more than four drops of mint to the base. Massage the scalp for five minutes.

Recipe 2... The mask cleanses, makes dry hair soft and silky, restores freshness and nourishes every hair. Method of preparation: take 2 tablespoons of cocoa and jojoba oils. Warm up with a water bath. Then pour a teaspoon of cognac and lemon juice into the warm composition. Stir well. Add 4 drops of peppermint oil and stir again. Apply to hair. The action time is from one and a half to two hours. The mask is washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 3... This mask is easier to prepare. You will need 2 tablespoons of castor oil and 2 drops of peppermint oil. The product is applied along the entire length of the hair and kept under the cap for 45 minutes. Washed off in the usual way.

Split hair ends

Usually this problem occurs when there is a lack of vitamins, lack of the required amount of liquid, a reduced amount of trace elements, an excessive amount of styling products used, improper care or exposure to sunlight, wind, high temperatures. The best remedy is recognized as almond and peach oils in combination with mint oil.

Recipe 1... On a tablespoon of the main (almond or peach), add rosemary and mint oil, 7 and 3 drops, respectively.

Recipe 2... For the mask, you will need everything for a water bath, on which a teaspoon of shea butter is heated, the same amount of coconut, olives and jojoba. Jasmine wax is also put in (small piece). 3 drops of patchouli, mint and limet are added to the warm mixture.

Recipe 3... The base is olive oil. It needs no more than 1 tablespoon. Rosemary (7 drops) and mint (3 drops) are poured into the base.

In order for the result to exceed all expectations, you will have to remember two rules:

  • The compositions are applied only to wet strands;
  • If the first rule did not work out, and the mixture was applied to dry hair, then try to wash your hair no later than an hour after using the medicinal composition.


Recipe 1... Lemon, lavender, mint and rosemary oils in a ratio of 5: 2: 2: 1 drops are diluted with the same amount of base. For a one-time procedure, you will need a teaspoon of the mixture. Rub in with vigorous movements for 3 minutes. Washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe 2
... For 1 teaspoon of the base oil (it is better to choose according to the type of hair) mint and tea tree (2 drops of each type of oil) are added, the same amount of vitamin E. The method of application is the same as in the previous recipe.

Hair loss

Any recipe for masks that contain peppermint oil will work for excessive hair loss. If there are no other problems, and the amount of hair falling out daily is not very large, then it is better to use the simplest recipe. And if the loss becomes too strong, then the second recipe will do - more complex, requiring patience, but very effective.

Recipe 1... In a glass bottle, mix the base oil and mint ether at the rate of 3 drops of mint per 12 drops of base oil. Use a massage mixture.

Recipe 2... To 2 teaspoons of capsicum tincture, add burdock oil (three teaspoons), 3 drops of mint and 3 teaspoons of a soothing conditioner. The composition is slightly warmed up (not in the microwave!) In a water bath and applied warm. The head should be insulated by wearing a plastic cap and wrapped in a towel. The duration is no more than 2 hours. You can do this mask 1 or 2 times a week.

Hair mask with mint oil, preparation of a rinse:

Thin hair

Recipe 1... For the base, a fatty base oil (3 tablespoons) with the addition of peppermint oil (in the amount of 3 drops) is suitable. Other stimulating esters can be added. Includes two teaspoons of silicone-free hair balm to facilitate absorption and subsequent rinsing. This mask is done no more than twice a week. It is aged for an hour under a film or a cap. Washed off in the usual way.
Recipe 2
... Fatty base oil in the amount of 4 tablespoons, conditioner for the corresponding hair type, peppermint oil 5 drops, rosemary 3 drops, 1 pipette of neem and alcoholic herbal extract to strengthen hair. The method of application is the same as in the previous recipe.


Often the lack of time does not allow to closely engage in masks and massage, and the hair requires urgent action. In this case, using a rinse with an essential mint product will help.

Recipe 1... Add no more than 5 drops of mint ether to the broth or infusion of the appropriate purpose of using the herbs.

Recipe 2... Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of dry mint leaf (1 cup) and prepare a decoction. Add three drops of peppermint essential oil to the warm liquid.

Aroma combing

Those who love the aroma of mint will love the aroma-combing procedure. To carry it out, you need a comb with rare teeth, made of wood and mint oil. Apply an essential product to the teeth and comb through the hair thoroughly. Shiny and surprisingly soft curls after aroma combing are provided.

Useful video about aroma combing:

How to wash off

Peppermint oil has excellent contact with water. Therefore, to wash off the remnants of the mixture after masks or massage, you just need to use warm water and the usual shampoo. However, washing should be especially thorough so that no traces of the mixture remain on the skin and no irritation occurs.


Unfortunately, peppermint oil has a number of contraindications:

  • Tendency to allergic reactions;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Children under 7 years old;
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Lactation period;
  • Bronchitis.
Not recommended for undiluted use.

If the hair has lost its former strength, has lost its shine, women use various masks based on natural products and herbs. In this article, you will learn about the beneficial effects of peppermint on hair structure.

Almost everyone has heard about such a panacea as peppermint oil. In addition to its pleasant aroma, this oil has many useful properties and is used to treat various kinds of diseases, in cooking, cosmetology.

We're going to talk about how to use peppermint oil to improve the condition of your hair. Let's study recipes for useful formulations with this aromatic oil.

Benefits of peppermint oil for hair

Today, the market for cosmetic products is full of various expensive hair care products. But there are products that are much cheaper at a price, and the benefits of them are the same as those of expensive balms, masks, curls creams.

Thanks to its beneficial composition peppermint essential oil has a beneficial effect on hair, scalp.

  • Strengthens their structure, because the oil contains: potassium, iron, sodium, zinc, calcium, magnesium... The aromatic oil also contains vitamins: A, C, PP, B6, B1, B2, B9, B5
  • Has a cleansing effect, relieves the epidermis, curls from increased fat content
  • It copes well with itching if there is irritation of the scalp tissue, because peppermint oil has a soothing effect
  • Hair regains its previous properties, ceases to be brittle with regular use of peppermint oil
  • Due to the content menthol after using the oil, a persistent, cooling effect is formed, especially this gives pleasant sensations in summer
  • The condition of the hair follicles improves, the microcirculation of blood in the skin increases
  • After several procedures with aromatic oil, the hair becomes healthier, their growth increases

Using peppermint oil for hair

The essential oil of this plant has a tonic, soothing, restorative effect on hair and scalp tissue. But it is very important to observe the exact proportions when using it and take into account that mint aromatic oil has contraindications.

  • if you have an allergenic reaction to menthol, peppermint or sensitive skin, do an allergy test before starting treatment with this product
  • if you are pregnant, then also refuse to use the essential product, also do not use oil for HS
  • do not apply it to children under eight years old
  • do not make masks at night either, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep later
  • use it carefully in case of hypotension, aromatic oil reduces pressure

How to use peppermint oil

To improve the appearance of curls mint concentrate can be applied in four ways:

  • comb your hair with a special wooden comb, with a few drops of aromatic oil pre-applied to its teeth
  • make masks for hair, skin
  • add three drops of peppermint oil to your shampoo, then just wash your hair with it
  • after washing your hair, rinse your hair with water and concentrated oil

Peppermint - benefits for hair

What kind of hair is peppermint oil good for?

The oil of this natural remedy can be used for different hair types. The main thing is to choose the right composition of the mask with this aromatic oil, which will have a good effect on a certain type of strand. After all, auxiliary components (infusions, lemon juice, honey, eggs and others) have an additional effect on the structure of oily, dry, split ends, normal curls.

IMPORTANT: Do not apply pure peppermint essential oil to your scalp. This product can only be used in combination with other, less concentrated ingredients.

To remove excess oiliness on your strands, to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands of the skin, make hair mixtures of the following composition:

Recipe: Drive two yolks from fresh eggs into a glass bowl, pour in a small spoonful of lemon juice, five drops of oil (mint). Beat the consistency. After that, it can be immediately applied to the hair for 22-30 minutes. At the end of the process, wash off the hair from the composition with shampoo, warm water.

Purifying mask with white clay to normalize the function of the sebaceous glands of the scalp tissues

Recipe: Take 40-50 milliliters of water, five drops of mint concentrate, add clay to a small amount, stir the mixture, gradually adding white clay to make a soft dough. Then add another 30-35 grams of boiling water, stir the mixture. Let the dough stand for half an hour, then apply to dry hair, after 23-32 minutes, wash your hair thoroughly.

Peppermint oil for dry hair

To get rid of dry, brittle hair, prepare the consistency according to the recipes below.

Composition with mint oil and burdock oil

Recipe: Take the base oil (two large spoons), in our recipe this is burdock oil. Drop three drops of peppermint aromatic oil there. Stir. Make a mask on curls, put on a warm towel, keep for 36-40 minutes.

Peppermint aromatic oil. How to make a mask for dry hair

Recipe: This consistency will relieve you of dryness, brittle hair, and dandruff. It is enough to take castor oil at the pharmacy, measure out two large spoons, add two or three drops of peppermint essential oil there. As in the previous recipe, apply to curls, provide heat for forty minutes, then rinse.

Peppermint oil for split ends

To moisturize your hair and get rid of split ends, you need to rinse them with plain water with mint essential oil. Masks for dry curls, which we talked about above, will have a good effect on the structure of the hair.

You can also prepare a mixture of base oil, essential oil, use the consistency twice a week, then problems with split ends will stop bothering you.

Recipe: For the nutritional composition, take a large spoonful of jojoba oil, coconut, heat slightly in a bath, add three to four drops of peppermint there, stir, make a mask for two hours. Finally, rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo and rinse with warm water.

Peppermint oil for normal hair

For normal hair, ordinary mixtures of base oils (burdock oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, ordinary vegetable oil) with mint aroma oil are suitable. The proportions of such compositions are as follows - two large tablespoons of base oil and four to five drops of essential oil.

IMPORTANT: Make these masks in a specific order. Before mixing with aroma oil, slightly heat the base oil in a bath to 40 ° C, only then add the mint essential oil. Apply the mask to dry hair, then put on a plastic cap and warm your hair. Keep the composition for 40 minutes, at the end just wash your hair well.

Peppermint oil for hair growth

To ensure active growth, you need to pay attention to the scalp, nourish the hair follicles with a useful composition. For this, all the above strand masks are suitable. It's also good if you shampoo your hair with a few drops of mint aromatic oil. So on 500 milliliters of shampoo, you should drip five drops of peppermint oil.

Rinsing hair with peppermint oil, benefits

For a long time, our great-grandmothers knew how to make peppermint oil on their own and have successfully used it to rinse your hair. The hair looked like after the use of expensive cosmetics.

Recipe: You need to take fresh, clean mint leaves, place them in a bag, beat them off with a wooden hammer. Transfer the resulting gruel to a glass jar, fill with warm base oil. Let it stand for a day in a cool, dark place. Then strain and squeeze the mint leaves, and add fresh, beaten mint gruel to the remaining oil. Do this three times. At the end, put the resulting strained oil in the refrigerator. It is the ideal environment for storing it. The shelf life of the product is one year.

Peppermint aromatic oil - do it yourself

Recipe: To rinse the strands, take a cup of water, make a decoction with two tablespoons of regular peppermint, then strain it and add two drops of peppermint oil there. After washing the hair with shampoo, rinse it with the prepared solution.

Peppermint formulations are great for any season. Indeed, thanks to the unique property of mint oil, in summer you will feel the effect of cooling on the curls, and in winter, on the contrary, warming. Also, aromatic oil should be used with caution, because this product can cause irritation and severe burns if it gets into the eyes.

Video - mint essential oil mask

Peppermint oil has recently become one of the most popular essential oils for hair care. Its beneficial properties are effective for scalp treatment, stimulate hair growth, and rejuvenate hair follicles. It is hypoallergenic in use and practically does not cause any side effects when used. How to use peppermint oil for hair, see below.

There are many different oils for hair and scalp care that can be used in many different ways to make your hair look beautiful and healthy. For many, peppermint essential oil is one of their favorites. It is affordable, inexpensive, and its beneficial properties can help many problems associated with hair condition. Its subtle delicate aroma has a calming effect on the entire body.

Peppermint oil is obtained from the plant of the same name in the mint family. This type of mint is grown all over the world for culinary purposes and essential oils. This oil is used to treat many health problems.

Peppermint oil is obtained from a flowering plant. Therefore, it is more concentrated than most essential oils obtained by the same methods.

This oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal properties. It contains antioxidants that give the oil an anti-tumor effect.

Benefits of peppermint oil for hair

The use of peppermint oil can address a number of hair and scalp problems. It can be used to:

Normalize the secretion of sebum and improve the ph of the scalp;

Get rid of dandruff;

Stimulate hair growth;

Moisturize the scalp and get rid of excessive dryness;

Prevent hair loss.

Let's take a closer look at how to use peppermint oil in each case.

To normalize the ph level. Despite the fact that the essential oil belongs to oils, it can help normalize the production of sebum on the scalp. In this case, peppermint oil is used as an astringent. It is able to balance the ph level of the scalp.

Anti-dandruff application. Dandruff is often caused by dry scalp and abnormal ph levels of the scalp. Therefore, maintaining the proper moisture and ph level is very important in order to get rid of dandruff. In combination with other oils, peppermint oil can moisturize the scalp and make it less dry.

Dandruff clogs hair follicles, the hair becomes thin and weak, and the growth of new follicles slows down. This condition can be one of the reasons for poor hair growth and hair loss.

To do this, add a few drops of peppermint oil to a carrier oil (such as jojoba oil), heat the mixture, and apply to the scalp. Put on your hat and wrap your head in a towel. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes.

Stimulates hair growth. Peppermint oil enhances blood flow and oxygen supply to hair follicles. The oil is rich in essential fatty acids and other ingredients that help clear out yeast bacteria, dandruff and inflammation from the scalp.

Against hair loss. Massaging the scalp with peppermint oil increases the flow of oxygen to the follicles and strengthens the hair roots. Nutrient delivery is also improved with the blood, which promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.

How to apply peppermint oil to hair

When using peppermint oil for hair care, the beneficial effects can be obtained very quickly. But you need to remember that this is a very powerful oil. Therefore, before use, it must be diluted with base oil, i.e. mix with other herbal or cosmetic oils that are good for hair. Undiluted oil can irritate the scalp and cause allergies.

Peppermint oil hair mask

This composition can be taken as a basic recipe. For the mask you need:

Vitamin E - 1 teaspoon

Coconut oil - 4 tablespoons

Peppermint oil - 0.5 teaspoon

Tea tree oil - 1 teaspoon

Melt the coconut oil and add vitamin E. After cooling it a little (the temperature should not be higher than 40 degrees). Add essential oils.

Stir and cool to room temperature. Apply the mask to your hair. You can do a light scalp massage by gently rubbing the composition into the skin. Leave on for 20-30 minutes and rinse hair.

To rinse your hair, you can make the following composition: add 3 to 8 drops of peppermint oil to a glass of water.

For masks and massage, you can mix peppermint oil with jojoba oil, almond, avocado, olive and other oils that are good for hair. For massage, add 2 drops of peppermint oil to a tablespoon of carrier oil. Rub the composition into the skin and leave for half an hour.

You can add oil to your shampoo, conditioner, or hair rinse.


Peppermint oil for hair is perhaps the most effective in revitalizing the scalp and promoting hair growth. It perfectly copes with its functions of rejuvenating hair follicles and enhancing hair growth.

At the same time, this oil ester is hypoallergenic, which means that it can be used without fear of any troubles from the body.

Uses and properties of peppermint oil for hair


Scalp health is highly dependent on the unique pH balance, which is responsible for comfort and hydration. Unfortunately, it is very susceptible to changes under stress, adverse weather conditions or the ingress of harmful ingredients on the scalp. If its indicators rise, it means that the environment will be acidic, and the skin will be dry.

Dandruff clogs the hair follicles, making the hair grow worse, become thinner and weaker, and soon begin to fall out. If you use peppermint essential oil on your hair regularly, it helps to get rid of yeast colonies of fungi and microbes, it is able to maintain a natural pH on the skin, which reduces dryness and flaking, such a common cause of itching and dandruff.

Against lice.

Although this phenomenon is quite rare, applying the oil three days in a row will help you achieve healthy scalp and restore its protective ability very quickly.


Peppermint oil has antiseptic properties, which means it has a tonic effect on skin health. The epidermis is cleared of dead cells and settled bacteria.

Oil for oily hair.

Although peppermint ester is an oily liquid, it is able to normalize sebum production. Hair looks clean and well-groomed for longer. The normalized level allows hair to grow under favorable conditions.

Accelerates hair growth.

In order to strengthen the hair follicles and activate its growth, an increase in oxygenation is required, which occurs through the blood circulation. Peppermint Oil for Hair Growth improves circulation more effectively than any other natural ingredient.

Peppermint oil rejuvenates the hair roots and revitalizes them. In the long term, this means a long life of the follicles and their high productivity.

Great smell.

Peppermint oil has a wonderful winter scent. Unsurprisingly, it is used in aromatherapy. The ability to "cool" the skin is appreciated by many people who have already used it.

Air conditioning.

Peppermint oil will add shine to your hair, make it easier to detangle and prevent tangles.

Home use methods

1). For moisturizing.

Due to its composition, the oil is a strong moisturizer. Mix it with your favorite base oils (olive, jojoba, castor, or grape) to your liking.

Apply the mixture evenly through the hair and on the skin at the roots, then put on a plastic bag or disposable shower cap. It is better to wrap a heated towel around your head.

Walk with him for about 30 minutes, wait until the heat penetrates inside. After removing everything from your scalp, the oil should be absorbed and completely moisturized.

2). Against oily hair.

When peppermint oil is applied to the scalp, you may experience a slight tingling sensation. This means that it "works", that is, it normalizes the acid-base balance.


  • 6 drops of mint
  • 4 drops of lemon
  • 2 drops of lavender

Apply 1 teaspoon of the mixture. Dilute in carrier oil (20:80), distribute to hair roots, rub vigorously for 3 minutes. Leave it to work for about an hour, or more. Rinse.

3). For hair growth.

Stimulation of the hair follicle under the influence of peppermint oil provides it with additional oxygen supply. With an increase in its supply, the hair follicles receive a powerful potential for development and growth.

If you are desperate for long, healthy hair, there is no better remedy than peppermint oil for hair.

4) Against hair loss.

Together with oxygen, nutrients are supplied to the hair root, which are necessary for the vitality of the hair.

Recipe number 1.

  • 5 drops of lavender
  • 5 drops of incense
  • 2 drops of sage
  • 3 drops of eucalyptus
  • 1 drop of mint

Dilute 50:50 with any base oil. Massage the scalp with 1 teaspoon of the mixture, rubbing in vigorously for about 3 minutes. Rinse.

Recipe number 2.

Dilute 5 drops of essential peppermint oil with 20 drops of the base oil. Massage your scalp and leave to act overnight while you sleep.

Recipe number 3.

Add 10 drops of peppermint to 1 teaspoon of coconut oil and massage into the hair roots. Leave it on overnight for better results.

5). Anti-dandruff.

  • 5 drops of lemon
  • 2 drops of lavender
  • 2 drops of mint
  • 1 drop rosemary

Dilute 1: 1 with base oil and massage scalp with 1 teaspoon of the mixture, rubbing vigorously for 3 minutes. Rinse.

The easiest way to use peppermint oil is to add it to your regular shampoo or conditioner. For dandruff or severe itching, rub in this mixture: 2 drops each of mint, tea tree, vitamin E and 1 tsp. base oils.

How to properly use peppermint oil for hair

  • Peppermint oil for hair has been widely used, but it is worth adhering to certain rules:
  • Never apply it neat to hair and skin.
  • Be sure to dilute with any base oil (olive, jojoba, almond, avocado, etc.).
  • When diluting with water, maintain a concentration of 4 drops of peppermint per cup of water.
  • Ask your doctor or professional aromatherapist about any adverse reactions to peppermint oil.

The increased interest in peppermint oil is not without reason, it is healthy and safe. With its help, it is really possible to solve many cosmetic imperfections with hair, however, this is subject to proper application and dilution with other oils.

Peppermint is a versatile remedy. It is used in the medical industry, perfumery, cooking and cosmetology.

Peppermint essential oil properties:

  • Helps with malfunctions of the digestive system.
  • Reduces fever in cases of viral and colds.
  • Tones up, helps to cope with depression, stress, mental strain.
  • Relieves fatigue and irritability.

Mint essential oil has cleansing, refreshing properties, and it is on them that its use in cosmetology is based.

Benefits for hair

Peppermint oil acts on hair follicles, moisturizes them and stimulates hair growth. It is recommended to apply it in case of severe loss:

  • To do this, it is applied before each shampooing, 40 minutes before the procedure.
  • The product must be rubbed into the scalp with light movements and massage, which will improve blood flow to the hair follicles.

Peppermint essential oil for hair is used to care for oily and problematic scalp. The tool helps fight dandruff, herpes and other skin diseases. Peppermint maintains the acid-base balance of the skin, refreshes and tones.


Peppermint oil for hair is used in a variety of ways, both alone and in combination with other ingredients.

Application methods:

Mask recipes

Hair masks with peppermint essential oil for hair will help cleanse the skin and hair, refresh it, add shine to curls, and get rid of dandruff.

Mask for oily hair:

  • 30 ml of base oil (avocado, almond, grape seed) should be mixed with 4 drops of peppermint oil.
  • The mask is applied to the hair and covered with a plastic bag.
  • It should be kept for 40 minutes, then washed off with shampoo.

Normal hair mask:

Beat 2 egg yolks, add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 5 drops of mint. The mask should be kept for 20 minutes and then washed off with shampoo.

Mask for dry, colored or weakened hair:

  • 2 tbsp. l. mix castor oil with 2 drops of peppermint oil.
  • Apply to hair, cover with foil
  • Keep for 40 minutes.
  • Wash off with warm water and shampoo.

Did you know that castor oil is considered one of the most effective remedies for hair loss? The benefits of castor oil are described.

Beneficial features

Mint essential oil is extracted by steam distillation using the flowering tops of the plant and its leaves. This is a very light menthol substance, it is widely used in cosmetology.

The chemical composition of the product: menthol, thymol, carvacrol, neomenthol, pinene, limonene, terpinene, fellandrene, cineole, menthyl acetate.

The product is yellowish or light greenish in color, flowing and very liquid. The aroma is very bright, menthol: on the one hand, it is quite sharp, invigorating, fresh, on the other hand, it is delicate, combining warm shades of camphor with cold notes of menthol scent.

Where can I buy?

Peppermint essential oil can buy in pharmacies, specialized stores, or order online.

This bottle costs about 135 rubles in the pharmacy.

Quality products are produced by companies:

  • Karel Hadek, Germany
  • Bergland-Pharma, Germany
  • Styx naturcosmetics, Austria
  • Just International, Switzerland
  • Vivasan, Switzerland
  • LLC "Aromatika", Ukraine
  • LLC "Aroma Rus", Russia

Price: mint essential oil from CIS countries costs from 270 to 380 rubles for 10 ml... The products of foreign companies can be purchased at prices ranging from 627 to 835 rubles per 10 ml.