Master class on making crafts from waste material and polymer clay “Honey Spas. Craft apple (33 ideas for kids)

Yablochny Spas is one of the holidays of the Orthodox Slavs, which is traditionally celebrated at the end of August. According to the popular calendar, this is the first harvest festival. It is from this day that nature turns to autumn. Since ancient times, people have carefully prepared to meet the rescuer, and with it the fall. For the holiday, the first harvest of apples was harvested and carried to the church to light it. In addition, delicious treats were prepared from them and crafts were made.

According to the old custom for the apple salvation in kindergartens, children make various crafts, they decorate groups with them and arrange thematic exhibitions. In addition to apples, grapes and other fruits and vegetables are a symbol of the Savior. Original crafts for children for apple salvation are supplemented with other summer motives: flowers, butterflies, bees.

Below we will get acquainted with some interesting ideas for making crafts in the garden for apple spas.

What can be made with younger kindergarteners?

Plasticine is an excellent material for making crafts with kids. Even the children of the nursery and the junior group have the skills to work with it. You can easily make multi-colored apples from it by molding balls of yellow, red and pale green plasticine, and attaching leaves of green plasticine of a darker shade to them.

Similar crafts to the garden for an apple spas can be made from the safest material - Since it contains only natural ingredients (flour, salt, sunflower oil, natural dyes), even if the baby takes it in his mouth, this cannot be negative affect his health. You can also sculpt apples and other vegetables and fruits from uncolored dough. Then bake the figures in the oven at low temperatures and paint with poster dyes.

Using toothpicks or matches, you can easily turn any apple into a sun and a hedgehog. These are the simplest options for crafts that all children can do.

An original craft for a child in a preschool educational institution for an apple spas can be made in the form of a man from apples and other fruits. The "dressed" apples in hats, handkerchiefs and other wardrobe items made of colored paper look interesting.

In addition, a craft for an apple spas in kindergarten can be in the form of an applique made of paper, threads, fabrics. In this case, the task of the parents is to carefully think over the idea, cut out or prepare the necessary parts, which in the future the baby will be able to glue on his own.

Crafts for senior kindergarteners

Children 5-6 years old, under the guidance of adults and with their help, will be able to master the manufacture of flat and voluminous fruits, vegetables, animals using the origami technique and

An unusual craft for the apple rescue in kindergarten can be a "surprise apple" from plastic bottles. To do this, the bottoms are cut off from 2 bottles and cut to cut, as if inserting one into the other. The joint itself is made out with a satin ribbon, and a small stick with an attached leaf of any green material (cardboard, paper, felt) is inserted at the top. As a surprise filling, you can use sweets, multi-colored yarn, wrapping paper, foil, tinsel, sparkles.

Crafts for children for apple spas can be sewn from felt and other dense materials. Bulky products are stuffed with padding polyester, holofiber or other fillers. Lace, beads, buttons, sequins are used as decoration.

Under the guidance of adults, senior preschoolers are happy to make fruits, vegetables, butterflies, animals, bead trees.

Congratulations to mommy. 09.03.2019

The kindergarten hosts a competition "Crafts for the Defender of the Fatherland Day" 11.02 - 21.02.19

Weaving from the newspaper


We held a master class "Weave from the newspaper". The material can be found on the website Country of craftsmen... Made a basket of newspaper tubes.

Letter to Santa Claus

Everyone once wrote letters to Santa Claus. Someone asked for gifts, someone wished him a Happy New Year, and someone complained that they were offended at school. So let you and your children write to Santa Claus every year!

Preparing for the New Year.

(01.10.2018 - 20.11.2018)

Preparations began for N
new year. Children should dress up their groups and lots with crafts that they will make in kindergarten. We are planning to manufacture author's Christmas trees, bird feeders, New Year's toys, snowflakes.

The kindergarten will hold a competition for the best decoration of its windows for the New Year.

Toddlers are pencils. 23.10.18

Craft competition about Krasnodar Territory. 15.09.2018 - 02.10.2018

Crafts for Yablochny Spas. 19.08.2018

Competition "The best group - prepared for the summer wellness company" 01.06 - 15.06. 18


Competition "The best craft, drawing on a military theme" 26.01.2017

Crafts for the new year. 26.12.2016

10.11 - 24.11.

Crafts "How beautiful this autumn is"


"Competition of crafts, dishes, musical numbers for the holiday" Little Stars "


The best craft for "Apple Spas"


In ancient Russia, it was believed that apples can be eaten only after August 19, the day when the Apple Savior is celebrated. In the morning, the believers took the apples to the temple and sanctified them. After that, the fruits could be eaten by themselves, treated friends and strangers, as well as prepared a variety of dishes. On this day, women baked pies with apples, cooked compote and jam. On this day, another great Orthodox holiday is also celebrated - the Transfiguration of the Lord. From this day, autumn gradually comes into its own - the days are getting shorter, and the nights are longer and colder.

The site competition continues.


A competition for grounds in our garden takes place every year. All employees and parents are very willing to take part in it. And here our colleagues are enthusiastic and imaginative. As if by magic, strange trees and flowers, fancy flower beds grow on the plots, whole farms with birds and animals appear. We also have a safari park, animals ride on carousels and much more that you can see when you visit our kindergarten.

By the side of the sea, a green oak ...


Craft for the site


Gift for mom


Santa Claus address

The official mailing address of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug:
162340, Russia, Vologda region, the city of Veliky Ustyug, the house of Ded Moroz

Moscow residence of Father Frost (letters from the capital will reach here much faster):
109472, Moscow, Kuzminsky forest, to Grandfather Frost

Mother's Day card


Children began to invent and make postcards for their mothers. Nice to get a postcard made by your child's hands.

There is probably not a single country where Mother's Day is not celebrated. In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently. Established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin № 120 "On Mother's Day" dated January 30, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to mothers' labor and their selfless sacrifice for the good of their children.

Preparing for the New Year.

Preparation for the holiday "Autumn"

The holiday is dedicated to Russia. The program includes dances and songs, master classes on making Russian dolls, master classes on weaving beads. Russian games, treating with Russian dishes. The children started making crafts. We are waiting for suggestions from parents.

Family Day Crafts

The initiative to approve the holiday - the day of marriage, love, fidelity in honor of an Orthodox Christian couple - was voiced by S. Medvedeva, the wife of the President of the Russian Federation. Family is one of the main values ​​of humanity. A flower - chamomile - became the symbol of the holiday. This award is given to families who have lived together for more than one year, experienced different events, but despite everything managed to maintain love and fidelity.


March 8
- a holiday of love and admiration for women, the most beautiful creatures on earth. And the holiday itself on March 8 is perhaps the most beautiful of all official holidays. Why official? Yes, because initially it had a purely political connotation, it was not a holiday of spring, love and admiration for magical creatures, but a day of struggle. The struggle of women for their rights, for equality with men in everyday life, family and in life, for equal suffrage But time has erased all the political husk from him, leaving this day in our calendar exactly what we represent it today - a spring holiday of joy and gratitude to women for the fact that they are, for the fact that we love them and on this day we wish our loved ones and the only one only happiness, joy and prosperity! Our children made wonderful gifts for their mothers.


(from 16.02 to 20.02.2015)

Have you ever wondered where the roots of the Maslenitsa celebration come from? It's not just tradition tsion will have pancakes before Lent, this holiday, a whole week, has a much deeper meaning. Our ancestors - the Slavs celebrated Shrovetide on the day of the vernal equinox, it began about the new cycle and the new year. At this time, they said goodbye to winter and began to welcome spring. They burned an effigy of Maslenitsa - this ceremony symbolizes liberation from the old, dilapidated, unnecessary and meeting a new one! The ritual of burning an effigy of Maslenitsa also symbolized an increase in fertility.
land and fertility of people and livestock. Ashes from a scarecrow are usually scattered across the field, which contributes tooval fertilization of the earth and its awakening from winter sleep. This rite was especially important for the peasants, because the quantity of the harvest depends on thehe gave them life and prosperity. Also, on Shrovetide, various games were held for young people, pushing them to create withfamily. And they remembered the departed ancestors, on this occasion pancakes were baked. On the Shrovetide week and on the eve of it, you can make different spring crafts with the kids, here we have collected ideas, and you choose according to your taste and possibilities.

Exhibition "Christmas tree"

(from 02.12.2014 to 15.12.2014)

In the kindergarten, an exhibition "New Year's Tree" began to function, where all the trees were made by the hands of children. The art teacher has come up with many interesting Christmas trees from natural material, colored paper, bags. We invite everyone to visit our exhibition.

Crafts for the fair.


Our children made wonderful gifts for the fair. Each group did their best. Some made beautiful bouquets of toys and sweets, others painted glass and earthenware, other craftsmen made trees. The smallest ones painted the cast of their pen.

All the works turned out to be interesting, bright, pleasing to the eyes of the guests of the fair.

Crafts for Apple Spas


We are preparing for the celebration of the Apple Savior. For this holiday, the musical director has prepared a small script with musical numbers. A priest was invited from the church to explain the meaning of this holiday and to introduce the children a little to the Orthodox culture. For this holiday, we asked parents to make crafts from apples and natural materials. This is our exhibition.

Papier-mâché workshop


namely, making dishes from it, you need very few tools and materials:

  • scissors
  • starch or flour based glue
  • "Paste" (can be PVA glue)
  • any utensil
  • tassel
  • paper (newsprint is possible)


First, you need to prepare a "paste", glue based on flour or starch. Of course, you can use standard PVA glue, but the paste is still more convenient and practical: it is made of natural materials, which means it is not toxic or poisonous.

  1. Mix clean starch (or flour) with a little cold water until all lumps are gone. Then, stirring gently, pour boiling water into the starch and put it on fire. Heat the composition until a transparent mass is obtained.
  2. Next, start cutting paper for papier-mâché. Using scissors, finely cut the paper into strips and various shapes. Any piece of paper will work for you during the creation process.
  3. Spread a brush on the back of the dish (in our case, a saucer). Start carefully, trying not to go beyond the boundaries of the dishes, glue the pieces of paper on the saucer. Try to cover the entire area evenly. Repeat until the thickness of the paper layer is the size you want.
  4. It should be noted that all operations with papier-mâché can be carried out in several stages, each time waiting for the previous layer to dry.
  5. After finishing work, let the paper dry for 24 hours.
  6. After waiting a day, pry the edge of the paper layer with the tip of scissors or a knife and gradually begin to remove the resulting "cast". After that, trim the uneven edges with scissors and start decorating the resulting dishes.
  7. Various watercolors and acrylics will help you with this. To begin with, you can paint the dishes with one layer of paint, a kind of primer. And on top of it already apply patterns and any other illustrations. Don't limit your imagination.
  8. Finished papier-mâché can be varnished to make the drawing glossy. In addition, the dishes from this will become more durable and durable.

Master class "Shell"


How often, returning from trips to reservoirs, we bring home many beautiful shells that we collected at the sea or river with our children. Collecting shells on the beach, you do not even know that you have a real treasure in your hands, from which you can create wonderful crafts, and if you have a good imagination, and real masterpieces that will decorate your home. Such crafts will help you with your children to have fun and usefully spend time, and the interior of your home will be replenished with a new one.beautiful products. You can make paintings, candles, panels and much more from shells with your own hands.

Competition "Garden Composition"

(04/16/2014 to 04/30/2014)

A competition for the best garden figure or composition on the playground has been announced in the kindergarten. All groups participate in the competition. The parents from the tutor developed the layouts and began to create them. We wish all the participants a victory in the competition. The winner will be awarded with a valuable and pleasant gift !!! At the end of the month, there will be photos on the site for which you can vote.

Paper flowers


Paper flower stalks can be made from plastic tubes. Layered look beautiful

flowers cut from colored paper of different colors, as in the photo. Flower stand - half of a cardboard chicken egg tray, painted with green paint.

Easter eggs


The great post of 2014 will lastfrom March 3, ends on Easter on April 20. Easter in Christianity; also the Resurrection of Christ is the oldest Christian holiday; the most important holiday of the liturgical year. Installed in honor of the resurrection of Jesus X rista .

Among the Slavic peoples who adopted Christianity, the egg was associated with the fertility of the earth, with the spring rebirth of nature. One of aboutbychaev painting eggs is associated with the name of the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD). On the day Marcus Aurelius was born, one of his mother's chickens allegedly laid an egg marked with red dots. The happy omen was interpreted as the birth of the future emperor. Since 224, it has become a custom for the Romans to send painted eggs as a congratulation to each other. Christians adopted this custom by investing init has a different meaning: the color red has a special power, for the egg on Easter holidays is colored with the blood of Christ.
All groups started preparing for the holiday. Children paint eggs and pour plaster coasters for them themselves. Each family will receive a gift at Easter.

Craft for March 8 - Dandelion from napkins

(04.03.2014 year)

1. Take a three-layer table napkin. Strip all layers.
2. Take two thin layers and fold each in four.
3. Fold each layer four times again.
4. Place the layers on top of each other.
5. Connect all layers by punching them with a stapler.
6. Punch for strength again by placing the staples in a crisscross pattern.
7. Cut out the circle.
8. Make cuts approximately 10 mm deep at regular intervals.
9. Lift up the top thin layer.
10. Squeeze it with your fingers around the center.
11. Pick up the next layers and also squeeze them with your fingers.
12. Raise all layers one after another. You can lift 2-3 layers at a time.
13. It turned out to be a magnificent flower.
14. To make dandelion leaves, take 3.5-4 cm by 8-12 cm strips of paper and fold them in half. Cut off the corners.
15. Cut the cloves piece by piece. First, make an incision perpendicular to the fold line, then an incision obliquely.
16. Unfold the sheet and fold it a little. Cut out several leaves of different sizes and different shades. Glue only the bottom of the sheet to the base. For the stem, roll up a strip of tissue paper.

Oil tree

(24.02.2014 g)

Children made "Pancake Tree". Pancakes were made from paper, cotton wool and glue. It turned out to be a very beautiful tree.

how to make a paper pancake ?
In order to make the basic origami shape: pancake, you need to follow these steps:

1) A square-shaped sheet of paper (for example, a napkin) is folded along both diagonals. As a result, we outline the center of the paper sheet.

2) In turn, release all 4 corners to the center of the square.

3) Basic origami shape: The pancake is ready.

We got sick with chickenpox, went to school for 2 days and again got sick with acute respiratory infections. It is clear that after chickenpox, immunity is at zero and any sneeze will turn into a disease. How to raise immunity with folk remedies


It strengthens fish oil very well, we drink with the whole family while no one is sick. Now it is very easy to drink it, fish oil is sold in capsules.

I know they will help me here! I ate apple pie with cinnamon at the airport in "Coffeemania" and that's it, I can't forget its taste! Share who can what? Or send me where to look :) Thank you in advance !!!


I don't know the "coffee man" apple pie. I assume that this is chopped dough (butter, flour, sugar sand) cake + filling.
I am so apple and I love. The filling can be made with filling (honey-lemon or in the manner of "Tsvetaevsky") or simply sliced ​​apples-raisins-cinnamon. Top with a rack of dough or just open.
Apple tart-taten is delicious.

Practically nothing was done for a month (Easter small things and MK for kids don't count), but here in a week 3 bouquets just burst through :)))). Through all three bouquets, my last love runs like a red thread - new roses: D All three works are gifts for the DR - 43, 18 and 10 years, respectively: wink: In the Cornucopia, in addition to sweets and chocolate medals, I also added marzipan fruits, for full Abundance: -R


FFFFFFgegtnm what a beauty !! there are 4 people at the hands of which I bastard! yours with bouquets, cutlets with cakes, lizart with pictures and fyrbir, something with a doe with dolls (well, you need to come up with such a nickname (()

That's how much I watch - the gift of speech disappears, it is unrealistically beautiful - you have talent :)))

this and the donkey will immediately understand. my sincere (and not the first!) thanks to Org Medvedizza for the wonderful honey. and hocus-pocus: she always packs it in such a way that you can easily give it to anyone, although "officially" it is not positioned as a gift :)

I bought apples on my head yesterday. They turned out to be unripe - even the bones inside are white. Sour horror. What to do now? I have already tried to dry unripe ones :) true plums, but I think it does not change the essence. As they were sour, they dried up :) Disposed of in compote :) I don't want apples so ...


Apple sambuc. I cooked apples in the microwave instead of the oven. I already liked the applesauce itself, whipped with protein. If you dry it - Belevskaya marshmallow will work)
I also like Tsvetaevsky's pie. Do you need a recipe?

Give it to me)).
Cut into wedges, add a little sugar, cook lightly and roll into jars. You can eat it like that, you can in the filling for pies.
I bake charlotte for three days in a row. Apples with plums, apples with cranberries. Sugar with vanilla, replace some of the flour with almond flour. And beat well so that the top is crispy.

I decided to share the results of experiments on baking apples in the microwave. This is a great way to recycle large quantities of apples! Great dietary recipe. We take apples of about the same size, wash them, put them on a microwave plate, and bake at 600 W for about 4 minutes. We take out, cut out the middle, without damaging the skin from below. We put a half teaspoon of fahar or honey or fructose into the hole in each apple. I do it with fructose, it tastes more natural. Can I have some more...


Wow, great). Now I will tear off my p-ny from the computer and make some apples. And then in the oven, it's really too lazy to cook while you heat it up ...
And there is a whole bag of apples on the balcony, already tired of charlottes and compotes))))

and I always do that. I have just given up something of culinary delights, diversity, tomorrow I will do it for "second breakfast".





I am sharing a magic recipe, at first glance it may seem inedible, but it is worth trying :) [link-1] if, in principle, you have nothing against apples, basil and pepper :)

Holiday after holiday.

Charlottes are fed up with different ... There is something where there are a lot of apples and a little dough, and even the cottage cheese should be disposed of :) *** The topic was moved from the conference "Joint venture: gatherings"


Drying helps a lot. I just dry apples, they are eaten later, and they go to compotes. I also actively make marshmallows. In fact, this is applesauce (I clean the apples), heat-treated in any way (stove, oven, microwave). I am entertained with various additives: ginger, honey + cinnamon, lingonberries, cranberries, mint, basil, sea buckthorn juice, homemade yogurt and even balm. Everyone eats assorted with pleasure) I also make plates for Belevskaya in drying, they are usually eaten at this stage. I also cook a la muesli based on the same applesauce, add oatmeal, honey, seeds, nuts, yogurt and whatever I want)

Save !!! Parents from the dacha once again brought almost a box of apples. My husband said that he couldn’t eat any more pie, I don’t cook compotes, he also didn’t eat five minutes. What else can you cook with them? Apples and apples? Pancakes-syrniki I understand this, but so few apples go there! Although ... Does anyone know how to make apple pancakes filling? But you still need to think of something else ... HELP !!!


cut apples into slices, add a little sugar, a little water and on the stove in a bowl. When tender, remove, cool and freeze! Defrost in winter - the filling is ready!

Envelopes with apples: a glass of sour cream, 200g. margarine + 1 egg, roll thinly, cut into squares, to the middle of each apple slice, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. Pinch like an envelope, it bakes quickly. And delicious.

Holiday after holiday.

August comes with gifts - beekeepers collect honey, gardeners rejoice at the harvest of apples, and at the end of summer both bread in the fields and nuts in the forests are ripe. This month there are three holidays that have long been revered in Russia - honey, apple and bread Savior, which is also called nut. The first of them marks the beginning of the fast, but this fast is one of the most comfortable, because there is an abundance of fruits and vegetables on the table, and fresh honey makes the meal even richer. The fast ends with the Third Savior - here the hostesses and ...

Please teach me how to properly dry apples in an electric oven


And how to dry apples if there is no oven (there is a microwave oven with convection: there you can set a small temperature, but, alas, you cannot leave the door open)? The question is relevant, since there are a lot of apples, I don't know what to do with them in order not to do anything special.

On August 18 and 19, from 12.00, the Crafts Center of the Russian Compound "The Kremlin in Izmailovo" cultural and entertainment complex with the support of the Moscow City Prefecture and the International Fund for Slavic Writing and Culture invites you to attend the "TASTE OF NATIVE BREAD" holiday. In Russia, special attention was always paid to bread - he was both a priest and a breadwinner, not a single meal could do without him. No wonder they said: "Bread is the head of everything" or "Bread on the table - and the table is a throne, but not a piece of bread - and ...

my friend was given a lot of apples, does not know where to put them, my husband demands cider :) if anyone did, share the recipes for ATP *** The topic was moved from the conference "Joint venture: gatherings"


we have just processed 78 kg) Made according to the book "Good cuisine. Drinks". This is generally a very serious series, so everything is in an adult way;) First, you need to rinse the apples (7 liters of water, 5 kg of apples) in a special. solution to kill wild yeast. There appears a Camden pill, my husband and I, after reading the Internet, decided that it was potash. Here they dissolved it in a half-teaspoon of 7 liters, washed the apples, changing the solution several times. Trim all barrels of apples. Then either cut into thin slices, or somehow grind (we scrolled through a large meat grinder). Add sugar syrup (1/2 cup of water per 125 ml of sugar), lemon juice (30 ml), 5 g of wine yeast (dissolve in warm water, let stand for a while). We did not add lemon juice because our apples are sour, and honey was added instead of sugar. The book also says that if the apples are crushed into a kitchen. You do not need to add sugar to the combine (apparently, the sugar is here only so that the apples give better juice). And if they are cut into slices, you need to break apples with a crush once a day for a week. So, everything is added - we leave it in a warm place for a week. Then we filter, squeeze and fill in a bottle with a water seal. (They say you can use a glove instead of him, but I came across infa that the emitted carbon dioxide must come out, otherwise the taste changes).
Put in a cool place (how cool it is - not specified) for two weeks to allow the sediment to settle. Then, using a flexible tube, strain the cider through filter paper and bottle. Store bottles upright, neck up, until the cider is completely clear.

We did. I don’t remember what recipe it was, but it turned out too sweet, it’s still standing, no one will covet it) But the apple chips scattered with a bang. And even apples with peels.

In the beginning there was an apple. Our story began with him. Researchers, of course, argue that the apple tree appeared in Asia Minor, from there it moved to Palestine and Egypt, and only then settled around the world.
... Crush biscuits and sprinkle with apples. Glaze with a thick vanilla or lemon cream prepared in advance. By the way, old Russian recipes often contain a combination of baked apples and heavy cream. You should definitely try. Try it! Creole apple pie Apples in cottage cheese dough envelopes Cottage cheese and honey cream with apple Apple jelly with cinnamon Sunday afternoon reflections Finally, let me paint a portrait of a regular guest of an apple restaurant. This is a young man or young woman with an excellent figure, perfect skin, lush hair and a snow-white smile. At least this is how doctors create this image ...

Elena Maklakova

[Honey Savior comes to us,

Let's get together

To wish your friends the best

Let's touch together

We are to the miracle of a joyful day

Which the Savior is called!

I wish you well -

I wish you good health

And so that luck comes -

You taste honey and sweets!

Let it be warm in my soul

And never be discouraged!

DIY products are highly valued. Crafts this kind can delight your eye, decorate the interior of the house or become an excellent gift for friends and family.

I bring to your attention craft master class"Honey saved" Craft made for the city competition "Health on the wings of a bee". Made from waste material and polymer clay... For making this"miracle" to us it took: newspaper (tubes, burlap, twine threads are made of it, polymer clay, glue gun, ordinary household viscose rags of different colors, accessories for decoration. And, of course, your limitless imagination!

Related publications:

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I haven't blogged for a long time, but the reason was good (I went to rest at the sea). What I want to present.

Pancakes are the main symbol of Shrovetide. My pancakes (boy and girl) are made from waste material: disposable plates (4 plates: 2.

Description: The material can be useful for teachers, parents, and everyone who is fond of creativity. Purpose: Modeling from plasticine Dymkovo lady.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! These are the carrots I made for my children. To begin with, one of my mothers works at a furniture store.

Master class on making crafts from waste material "Chicken". 1. For work we need: egg packaging, PVA glue, feathers.

The onset of autumn is associated with a change in weather and numerous folk rituals. The first of which is an important church holiday - the Transfiguration of the Lord. In common people, the day of August 19 is called the Apple Savior. The article presents the best ideas for what crafts for the second Apple Savior, what and how you can do it yourself.

Before this event, apples are not eaten, but on the day of the second Savior they are picked and, along with other fruits, are taken to the church for consecration. However, not only apples are carried, but dishes and handicrafts made from them.

Each housewife knows many apple recipes - pies and charlottes, jams and preserves, and everything that has enough imagination. The best ideas from which are carefully guarded by the family. You can also decorate the holiday with handicrafts, both decorative and edible.

Crafts for the smallest children

With younger children, you can make apples from plasticine for the Apple Savior. To do this, take plasticine of several colors. Apples are made of red, yellow or light green material and decorated with green leaves of a darker color.

The same apples can be made from salted dough. It is better to give this material in the hands of kids than plasticine. It contains only natural products - flour, salt, sunflower oil and natural dye. This means that when the dough is in the baby's mouth, it will not do any harm.

Under the guidance of the parents, the child is able to make an applique out of yarn or paper. An adult definitely needs to think over an idea, cut out elements and remove all objects dangerous for a child.

What crafts will a younger student master

Flat and voluminous fruits, animals, baskets for the Apple Savior - this is what can be made of paper using origami and quilling techniques.

An interesting idea for decorating a holiday will be the creation of apples from plastic bottles. First you need to cut off two bottoms from two-liter bottles and prepare the "filling". The filling will be colored threads, beautiful wrapping paper, sweets or confetti.

Further, turning the cut to the cut, as if inserting one into the other, tie the resulting apples with a beautiful ribbon. Insert a small stick with a glued paper or rag leaf on top. Such a souvenir, for the Apple Savior, will be a pleasant surprise for every guest.

A 6-7 year old child will love making birds, dolls and animals from apples. The cooking process is also interesting in that after each figure will be eaten.

Crafts for teens and adults

It's good when a grown-up child shows imagination and comes up with something of his own. His enthusiasm will be supported by his parents, and the best ideas will delight the eyes of all visitors who come to the house. Of interest will be the apples dressed in clothes or depicted on canvas or paper.

And what can be done for the second Savior if the artist's talent is absent? Create an apple tree out of beads or threads, with a fancy approach to decorating dishes from the main product of the day.

Experienced craftswomen will also make more complex souvenirs. Such as fruit baskets, crocheted angels and apples and embroidered on napkins.

Choosing from all the variety of crafts for the Apple Savior, it is important to remember that the applied imagination and enthusiasm will help not only to decorate the holiday, but also to enjoy the preparation process.