Smear castor oil. Face masks from castor oil. Castor oil on hair: methods of application

The daily applying of the carcass is an integral part of makeup, but affects the status of the eyelashes in the best way. Some women solve the problem of insufficient thickness by increasing, but this procedure does not pass without a trace. Fortunately, there is an alternative. Applying castor oil for the growth of eyelashes, restore their natural leafiness is quite real.

This method does not require special costs and effort. However, before the start of procedures, you need to know how to apply castor oil on the eyelashes, how much to keep and always can be applied.

Castor applied in medicine and cosmetology. In Europe, this means enjoyed in the XVIII century. It produces from seeds of ordinary mite and contains essential fatty acids - oleic, ricycinic, linolev, palmitic, stearin.

The use of castor oil for eyelashes is to feed the hair onions, which activates their growth, eliminates excessive fragility and loss. After the course of the procedures, the thickness is restored, and the color becomes more saturated.

Benefit and harm

Castor oil is a powerful restoring and feeding agent for the skin and hairproof. It actively moisturizes, has a healing effect. When taking inside, the means improves intestinal peristalsis, helps to cope with constipation and intoxication.

The potential harm of the Castor region is associated with the possible occurrence of individual intolerance. Under the local application, it can provoke itching, burning sensation and other allergic manifestations. Facilities in the eye sometimes becomes the cause of conjunctivitis, and from an excess of the Caster of the eyelids can be taken.

Indications and contraindications

Outdoor application is shown when falling out, fragility, dryness and slow growth, acne, black points on the face. Also, the casther can be used in hyperkeratosis, ulcers, burns and wounds on the skin.

Inside the remedy is prescribed during constipation, food poisoning, in order to purify the intestine before conducting diagnostic procedures. Absolute contraindication is allergic to the drug.

Methods of application

Strengthening eyelashes by castor oil is possible in two ways - without additives and in the form of a mask with a combined composition. Supplements serve fat-soluble vitamins, oils, therapeutic plants.

In pure form

This method of using castor oil for eyelashes is very simple. Slightly preheated means are applied to the hairs, give it to act, and then wash off.

Only food castor oil for eyelashes is suitable. When using alcohol-containing solutions, there is a risk of damage to the skin of the eyelids and conjunctiva.

Castorpi-based recipes

The treatment of eyelashes by castor oil becomes more efficient if adding additional ingredients to it. Verified recipes:

  • Vitamin mask with castor oils for eyelashes. Connect 4 drops of the caster with 1 drops of the tocopherol oil solution (can be replaced by retinol). The agent will give velvety and elasticity hairs.
  • Mask with carrot juice. On 5 ml of the Caster Take 3 drops of juice and mix thoroughly. The mixture will make the hint of the eyelashes more saturated.
  • Aloe mask. Add 3 drops of vitamin E and aloe juice to a teaspoon. Mask strengthens hair bulbs and stimulates growth.
  • With parsley. Take 1 tsp. The caster, the caster and add 1 tsp for them. Ground leaf parsley. The resulting Cashitz is applied forever, trying not to get into the eyes. Mask is recommended for strongly damaged eyelashes.
  • With oils. The caster is mixed with wheat embryos oil, as well as grape, linen, almond and burdens in equal shares (2-3 drops). The tool activates the growth, gives a healthy shine and returns a dense.
  • With vaseline. Ingredients - Casteca (5 g), Vaseline (8 g) and Vinyline (2 g). The tool contributes to the regeneration and nutrition of hair bulbs.
  • With herbs. Oil extracts of chamomile and calendulas are connected to the caster (all ingredients are taken in equal proportions). The mixture strengthens hair follicles and accelerates metabolic processes.
  • With fish fat. To activate eyelash growth, mix the Caster and Fish Fat in equal proportions.

These recipes can be used to restore eyebrows.

How to apply and how much to keep?

How to use castor oil for eyelashes? How much to keep the tool? It should be started with removal of cosmetics and washing.

Consider the algorithm for the use of castor oil to care for eyelashes:

  1. Heat the remedy in the microwave for about 5 seconds.
  2. If you are using lenses, they need to be removed.
  3. Pure tassel from the old carcass distribute the caster or mask based on her eyelashes, moving from the middle to the tips. It is better to use a brush with conventional, not silicone bristles. If there are no brushes, and cotton wands are suitable, but before applying the means, they must be squeezed about the edge of the jar.
  4. Remove surplus with a cotton disk.
  5. Leave the product on the eyelashes for 40-60 minutes. The term of exposure to oil masses is similar to combined - 10-15 minutes.
  6. Wipe your eyelashes with a napkin and smear water. In the morning you can take advantage of ordinary cosmetics.

Instructions for the use of castor oil for eyelashes recommends using a tool 1.5-2 hours before sleep. Overly, the long procedure leads to the edema of the eyelids, so keeping the oil until the morning, calculating how to increase efficiency, it is not worth it.

How often can I use castor oil for eyelashes?

Treat with castor oil eyelashes needed within 2-3 months. During this period, the remedy is in its pure form daily, masks - 2 times a week. Periodically therapeutic courses should be repeated.

The best period for the recreation of cilia - Spring and autumn. To maintain normal lugs and volume, masks with castor oil is useful to do regularly. One or two procedures per week will be enough.

When will the effect be noticeable?

Using castor oil to care for eyelashes, you can see improvements in a rather short time. Already a month later, the hairs will become thick, and their color is brighter.

Castor for eyelashes is popular with fine sex representatives as an efficient and affordable regenerating agent. With it, you can make a look expressive without extension and other expensive procedures.

Useful video about castor oil for eyelashes

The article discusses the castor oil for the face - how it helps from wrinkles, acne, pigment spots, dry skin. You will learn to apply castor oil correctly, and feedback and photos before and after will confirm the effect of the use of natural product.

As part of castor oil, a lot of useful substances, including ricinoleic acid, which smoothes skin cover, nourishes and moisturizes it, stimulates intracellular processes.

The rejuvenating effect of using the Caster is noticeable after a short course - small mimic wrinkles becomes less, including around the eyes, and new people appear less often.

Ricinoleic acid has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and prevents the reproduction of pathogens of microorganisms, so Castorka is perfect for skin with acne and acne.

Due to the presence of vitamin E, antioxidants and proteins, castor oil for the face is suitable for dry skin. It eliminates the peeling and softens the flapped areas, aligns the surface and returns the skin natural moisture and elasticity.

The product penetrates deep layers of epidermis and stimulates in cells to generate collagen and elastin, rejuvenating and healing skin.

After several procedures, you will notice the clarifying effect, so the Caster can use with pigment spots or freckles. Folk Medicine also offers prescriptions for the use of Caster to fight warts, papillomas and other formations on the skin.

Is it possible to smear the face with castor oil

Before the use of castor oil, spend the test for allergies. Apply to the fold of the elbow a few drops of the Caster in pure form.

Wait 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. If redness did not appear on the skin, and you did not feel the depths or burning path, boldly apply a means to face.

Be sure to make sure you have no contraindications that will be discussed in a separate section of the article.

How to apply castor oil on face

Usually, castor oil for the face is not used in pure form, but in combination with other oils in proportions 1: 3 or 1: 2 or cosmetics.

Oil enhances the effect of night creams and gels for the delicate area around the eyes. Add 1-2 drops of oil into cosmetic products and you will notice the result.

Combined with olive and sea buckthorn oils, as well as the wrinkles of wheat and the casther, eliminates wrinkles, including "goose paws" around the eyes. Heat the mixture in a water bath to a comfortable temperature and lungs, apply to problem areas.

Leave for the night, whining the surplus with a paper napkin, in the morning you will be warm water. With regular procedures, your skin will get the necessary moisture.

To combat deep wrinkles, make two-hour oil compresses. Heat the caster in a water bath to a warm but not hot condition. Moisten a cotton towel in it, plunge and impose it on the face.

Make the compress twice a week, after 2-3 months deep wrinkles will become less pronounced. The beneficial components penetrate deeply in tissue, restore the cell structure and remove the accumulated toxins.

To reduce the pigmentation of the skin and the freckles, apply the Caster in the pure form with light spot strokes every other day. In the same way, warts and papillomas are removed.

Observe the rules for using castor oil:

  • Apply oil to the purified face. Before the procedure, it is desirable to make a steam bath to prepare the skin to the rapid perception of beneficial substances.
  • Heat oil to room temperature. It is possible to heat the caster on the steam bath or in a warm tablespoon.
  • Keep masks based on castor oil not more than 20 minutes to exclude the risk of allergies.
  • Apply oil to the area around the eyes with a cotton stick to the tool not fall on the mucous membrane.
  • Wash the cosmetic products with warm water, and to improve the effect, do not forget to wipe the face with green tea or chamomile decoction.

Face Masks from Castor Oil

Below are recipes and instructions for use to eliminate certain skin problems.

Apple Mask with Castorough against Pigment Spots


  1. Apple - 1 pc.
  2. Castor oil - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Sutitate an apple on a grater and mix the tablespoon of a grated fruit with the caster to a homogeneous state.

How to use:Apply a mixture for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Result:Apple mask lines and brightens the skin, reducing pigmentation and freckles. With normal skin, the apple can be replaced with kefir, raw potatoes or cucumber; With fat instead of kefir, it is better to use sour cream.

Rejuvenating Machine Mask with Castor


  1. Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  2. Egg - 1 pc.
  3. Milk - 1 tbsp.
  4. Castor oil - 2 ppm

How to cook: Boil potato mashed potatoes. Add egg yolk, milk and caster. Mix thoroughly and cool down to a comfortable temperature.

How to use:Apply a mixture with a thick layer on face, neck and zone. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Result:The mask is ideal for mature skin, prone to dryness. It helps reduce the amount of wrinkles, lines the skin surface and returns to it.

Mask with Castorovka and Hercules for Moisturizing Skin


  1. Hercules - 2 tbsp.
  2. Castor oil - 2 ppm
  3. Honey - 1 tsp.

How to cook:Weld up porridge. Connect two tablespoons of porridge with castor tubing and honey and mix until uniformity. Cool the mixture to room temperature.

How to use: Apply a warm mask on a face, evenly distributed throughout the skin and avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave for 20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Result: The mask moisturizes the skin, pulls up the flabs and reduces the number of "goose paws".

Mask with Castorough against acne


  • Castor oil - 1 tsp.
  • Alcohol tincture Calendula - 1 tsp.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Aspirin - 1 tablet.

How to cook:Mix the Caster and the calendula tincture. Add a whipped egg yolk. Grind aspirin tablet and pour it into the mixture. Stir until uniformity.

How to use: Apply a mask into several layers - each subsequent as the previous one dries. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes. Rock warm water.

Result:The mask has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the number of acne, prevents the development of bacteria.

Antibacterial whitening mask with caster and iodine


  • Castor oil - 1 tbsp.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp.
  • Vaseline - 1 tsp.
  • Iodine - 2 drops.

How to cook: Melt honey and mix it with the Castorok. Add petroleum and iodine.

How to use:Apply a mask on fatty faces and pigment stains for 20 minutes. Rock warm water.

Result:The mask with iodine and the caster reduces the amount of inflammation, brightens pigmentation, has a rejuvenating effect.


You can use the Castor region anyone, but the owners of oily skin resort to her help is recommended no more than once a week. It does not apply to the zone around the eyes, where the skin is not fat. However, in the presence of edema, it is also not recommended to apply clean Castor.

What to do if the oil fell into the eyes

It is necessary to apply castor oil carefully, but if it still fell into the eyes, do not attempt to rinse them immediately with warm water. To begin with, blot your eyes with a clean dry napkin and try to "frill" to remove the oil mixture. Only after that, rinse your eyes with a large amount of warm water, refuse to refuse to reuse on this day.

Castor Wrinkle Face Oil - Reviews

Marina, 32 years old

I use castor oil for a year, and the result is more than satisfied. Mimic wrinkles have become less, and even the contour of the face pulled up. Rarely nano oil in its pure form, only when it is very tired. Usually it is not lazy to cook masks. Everyone who is looking for an inexpensive, but effective means, I recommend trying the Caster!

Svetlana, 43 years

Castor oil advised the beautician - said that for my dry and thin skin it is suitable, and to eliminate pigment spots recommended to combine it with lemon juice. All received recommendations were properly implemented. At first, despair took place periodically - the result was not instant. Again, a miracle recipe is not found! But after 2 months, perseverance was rewarded: the skin became well moistened, ugly pigments did not have to shine a thick layer of the tonal. I continue to use, and suddenly Castorka is that a miracle means?

Natalia, 23 years old

Castor oil has become a discovery for me when I was looking for accessible ways to deal with acne. With calendula and aspirin, it perfectly dry the skin and, apparently, blocks the spread of contagion, because acne has become noticeably less acne. Applied the year to achieve the result, and now I only make preventive procedures once a month to prevent the appearance of pimples before critical days. I will not say that protection is 100%, it happens that one or two pimples still jump out, but there is no horror that was a year ago, when it was scary to go out of the house.

What to remember

  1. Castor oil reduces the amount of wrinkles, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, brightens pigment stains and freckles, prevents acne appearing. You can apply it in pure form and as part of the cooked home mixtures.
  2. The easiest option of the application of castor oil is to add a few drops into a cosmetic (cream, lotion, gel), which you use daily.
  3. With caution, use the product is needed by the owners of oily skin and if there are edema edema.
  4. Before each procedure, do not forget to prepare the skin for better absorption of beneficial components.

Long and thick eyelashes are a dream of every woman. Dark and lush, they always look expressive and attractive. Unfortunately, the length of the eyelashes does not change over time. And it is unlikely that someone managed to grow long hairs through a vegetable preparation.

However, if you can attach a little strength with ease to align the length, make them neat and voluminous, and also prevent falling out. Castor oil is an effective means in the treatment of subtle and weakened eyelashes, prevents the attitude associated with negative external influence.

Does castor oil helps for eyelash growth?

Is this remedy so effective or is this an opinion anything other than self-sucking? Many fans of natural cosmetics argue that this drug simultaneously affects the growth and strengthening of hairs, makes them a series of more dense. In addition, castor oil is actively used in caring for hair and skin, including around the eyes. Allows you to restore the hairs after various mechanical injuries and wearing artificial eyelashes. In addition, with the help of the Caster, you can remove zoomed hairs.

Today it can be bought almost in any pharmacy or a body care store. It is sold in various bottles and jars. There are even vitamin mixtures of castor oil for hair growth.

Castor oil can make a good competition olive in matters of use for the skin of the face and hair. At home to stimulate the growth of cilia, it is better to use a cold spin vegetable. It is easy to find such an oil, and the price tag on it is much lower than on those special procedures that are in the salons.

Instructions for applying Caster for eyelashes

In order to obtain the visible result of the application procedure on the eyebrows and the eyelashes need to be done every day for one month. After that it is useful to take a break so that the hairs can relax from the abundance of the active substances that they supplied so long. If necessary, after 1-2 weeks, you can resume the course.

In order to prevent an allergic reaction, you must first drop the remedy for the fold of the elbow and watch the reaction. If the Castor does not show itself, then after a day you can safely use this tool.

The most convenient option is Castor in a bottle with a tassel. In other cases, you can use the old bottle from under the carcass. To do this, the tube should be rinsed well under hot water, and then pour into it the Caster.

The oil can be applied and through a cotton swab to the eyelashes previously purified from cosmetics. It is advisable to conduct such care in the evening or before bedtime.

How to apply oil

In order to get the expected effect, you need to know how to properly apply the caster on the eyelashes. Experts advise to distribute the remedy for the tips of the hairs or on their middle. Such manipulation is carried out twice a day. At the same time, it is not worth noting a lot of caster on the eyelashes, since the remedy can grow on the surface and get into the eyelid either into the eye.

How much to keep and can I leave overnight?

The oil is removed from the eyelashes by means of a dry cotton disk 15-25 minutes after the completion of the procedure. It is not recommended to leave the Caster in the hairs at night! This can lead to swelling and skin irritation.

The most optimal time for the treatment of eyelashes of the Castor region is a vacation, i.e. That period when you can give your eyes to relax from cosmetics. So eyelashes will be able to recover faster and gain a healthy look.

Video: How to smear eyelashes and eyebrows by Castor

It is unlikely that someone else doubts that castor oil really contributes to the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows. In any case, in order to feel the miraculous impact of this fund, your own experiment should be held. How to do this you will learn from the next video. Experience this natural agent and after a few weeks you will be rejected by the result.

Photo before and after treatment with castor oil

Castor oil is a vegetable preparation that effectively strengthens eyelashes, restores growth, makes them ground and more beautiful, and most importantly - gives them vitality and health. Fans of natural cosmetics have already tried the therapeutic power of the Caster and are happy to share with their photos "to" and "after".

Being a variety of hair, eyelashes have a similar structure, structure and phase of the life cycle. The difference is in the function and period of life (for eyelashes it does not exceed 120 days). Each cilia has a rod, root and follicle.

The rod is the visible part of the eyelash formed by oroging (dying) cells. It consists of medulla, cortex and cuticle.

Medulla - the "core" of the eyelashes. This porous formation filled with air, thanks to which the hairs retains heat. Intermediate (and basic) layer of eyelashes - Cortex. It consists of keratin, melanin and water, providing cilia strength, elasticity and color. And finally, the outer layer - the cuticle - represents several layers of keratin scales that protect the hairs from external influences.

The root of the eyelashes is located under the skin, at a depth of about 2 mm, and contains lively dividing hair cells. The beauty of our eyelashes directly depends on the health of the roots.

Follicle is a bag in which the root of the eyelashes is. It protects and gives cells everything you need for life. Muscles, blood vessels, nerve fibers, sebaceous and sweat gland are informed to the follicle.

Why castor oil helps for eyelashes

Unique composition. Castor oil contains a complex of fatty acids, of which the cells of coating fabrics are built, eyelashes including. Other oils are also rich in the LCD, but most of them (especially, PNCC) is quickly oxidized and polymerized under normal conditions. The castor oil by 80-90% consists of a ricinoletic acid, which is not so easy to react and prevents the oxidation of other LCDs contained in oil (linoleic, oleic, etc.).

High penetrating ability. The size of the castor oil molecule is relatively small, so it penetrates deeper than other oils and is better absorbed.

Impact of castor oil on eyelashes

According to users, castor oil:

  • strengthens eyelashes, prevents falling;
  • improves their structure and appearance;
  • accelerates eyelash growth;
  • thickens hairs;
  • makes eyelashes thick;
  • lengthens;
  • makes eyelashes darker.

Is it true? In what cases can you count on the result? Consider everything in order.

Strengthening eyelashes by castor oil occurs due to its excellent nutritional properties, whose speech went higher. To reduce eyelashes, you need to regularly use oil for 3-4 weeks. Application will speed up the result by about 2 times.

Improving structure and appearance. This effect is manifested faster than the rest. Castor oil is viscous and tight, it is good "gluits" the sticking scales of the cuticle. Due to this eyelashes become smoother, as if combed. It seems that they grow evenly.

Acceleration of eyelashes. With long-term regular use, the eyelashes grow a little faster - due to the nutrient action of castor oil. The effect is long-term.

Thickening. C position of common sense of eyelashes, thin from nature, cannot be thicker. However, fans of castor oil often describe this effect. It seems to be due to the fact that the hairs impregnated with the Castor region is better to hold moisture and due to this slightly thicken.

An increase in the hustling of eyelashes. Since the amount of hair lows is laid by nature, castor oil is not able to increase their number and, therefore, the amount of cilia. Often, the "blend" effect "appears due to the thickening of the hairs and giving the eyelashes of a neat appearance.

But if the absence of eyelashes is associated with the diseases of the eyelid, Castor can really help. Oil eliminates irritation, regenerates, restores the functional activity of the skin of the eyelid, and therefore - hair lows.

Eyelash elongation. First of all, you will notice the visual effect - the elastic risks are darld and, as it were, lengthened. With long-term use of the Caster, the visual effect will go into the real - eyelashes longer are in the growth phase and grow to the maximum possible length.

Color change. If you have blonde eyelashes, a month later, you will notice that they darkened slightly. Why? The color of the eyelashes depends on the ratio of two types of melanin, one of which gives the eyelashes brown color, and the other is yellow. Blondes prevailing the second type. The ratio of both types of melanin is determined by genes and cannot change under the action of castor oil. However, due to the subtlest non-dry oil film, the natural color of the eyelashes becomes brighter. Blonde eyelashes will not become burning black, but only get a deeper shade of blond.

Strengthening eyelashes by castor oil

If the quality of your eyelashes in general is satisfied with you, but you want to give them a gloss, lubricate them with a small amount of oil daily or every other day. To achieve the result, it is important to comply with the following rules.

Use oil regularlyminimum 2 times a week. Improvement will come in 1-1.5 months. After the desired result is achieved, you can take a break, and then return to the use of castor (or other nutrient) oil.

Do not use oil and mascara simultaneously - The result will be negative both from the point of view of use (the eyelashes are impregnated with no oil, but an incomprehensible mixture) and beauty (mascara, even waterproof, spread under the action of oil).

For normal care, take oil on a little bit.Castor oil is dense and thick: one drop contains greater than in other oils. At the same time, it is very fluid - quickly distributed over the surfaces, penetrating the smallest cracks. Average consumption: 0.5-1 drops on the growth line of eyelashes.

For ease of use, the oil is better to pour into a thoroughly washed bottle from under the carcass and apply a brush. A sponge is suitable for applying, chains for shadows and an ordinary cotton wand.

The easiest way to use the castor emulsion. Emulsion has a more liquid consistency, packaged to bottles with the applicator, when applied it is easier to dose.

How to smear eyelashes castor oil

You can smear eyelashes by castor oil in different ways - depending on the problem and the desired result. In order to normal care, it is enough to apply until half of the length. Week not necessarily - in the hair, the oil itself will penetrate into the root. This method is suitable for those who have increased sensitivity of the eyelids and eyes.

If you want to re-grow eyelashes, restore them after building or occasion of the eyelids - activate the roots of the roots, causing an oil along the growth line. The main thing is not to overdo it with quantities. It is best to apply the Caster, gently touching the skin with a cotton wand. Excess oil be sure to remove the napkin.

Castor Oil Eyelash Treatment

  • when strengthening eyelashes;
  • after extension;
  • in case diseases, as well as dryness and skin irritation.

Treatment is a deeper effect on the roots of eyelashes and eyelid. The main method is appliqués (mini-compresses with castor oil). We take cotton flavors, soak oil and apply on line of eyelashes of eyelashes for 10-15 minutes. We repeat 2-3 times a week. Course duration - from 2 months to six months. The use of the castor emulsion accelerates the process twice. When the desired result is achieved, do some time supporting procedures (once in 7-10 days).

Masks for eyelashes with castor oil

There are a huge amount. I will give only the simplest and more efficient. Masks are better periodically alternating.

Mask with vitamins. Mix vitamins A and E (or the drug "Aevit") with castor oil at the rate of 3 to 1. Good shake out. Thin cotton chairs are soaked in composition and put on eyelids along the growth line of eyelashes. Avoid getting into the eyes. Hold 5-15 minutes. Carefully flush the remnants with a cotton disk. A few hours later you can apply mascara.

Oil mask. Take in equal shares castor, ray and almond oil, mix well. Apply a thoroughly washed with a brush from under a carcass or in the form of compresses. Keep 5-15 minutes, thoroughly flush the remnants with a cotton disk.

Aloe mask is particularly good if one of the causes of eyelashes is irritable eyelid skin. 1 part of aloe juice well mix with 2 parts of castor oil. Apply before bedtime in the form of mini compresses. Aloe leaves before cooking a mask to withstand in the refrigerator in a dark place for 7-10 days. Store the mask in the refrigerator, to carefully shake before use.

Mask with herbs. Take in equal shares castor oil, chamomile oily extract and calendula oil extract, mix thoroughly. Store in a dry dark place. You can apply a mask with a brush, in the form of compresses or simply lubricate the thin layer of the eyelids overnight. Instead of oil extracts, you can take a decoction (2-3 pieces of the beam to 1 part of the oil), in this case the mixture is used immediately after cooking.

Castor oil for eyelashes. Reviews

Pluses of active castor oil "Riciniol" for eyelashes

  • liquid consistency;
  • high penetrating ability;
  • fast digestibility;
  • ease of application (bottle with an applicator);
  • the result is twice as fast.

Castor oil is characterized by viscosity and bright yellow shade. It consists of various fatty acids, including ricinoleic acid, which has mitigating and nutritional properties.

Castor oil is made from a poisonous plant called a molecolor ordinary. Poisonous substances, such as riceine and ricin, are located in plant seeds, and not in its stems or foliage. Therefore, when the ticklaith is mined, these unsafe toxic components fall into the cake, and the oil remains completely harmless to human health.

Castor oil is obtained in several ways. The oil mined by cold spin is the most useful, it is usually used in cosmetology. Less quality castor oil varieties: obtained when the concentrate is diluted or by hot spin.

Castor oil is widely used to care for hair and face skin. It performs a variety of useful features:

  • nutrition and moisturizing, which allows the wide use of castor oil with dryness and lethargy of the skin, as well as to strengthen hair and eyelashes;
  • high anti-aging effect, which is more active if the oil is slightly able to heat;
  • skin lightening, due to which masks from castor oil are used to remove freckles and pigment stains;
  • anti-inflammatory effect, which makes castor oil with a good means to fight acne and eels.


If there are signs of allergies when using oil, such as rash, itching or redness, it is better to stop using this oil and find an alternative tool as olive oil or oatmeal.

Very often, women wonder: is it possible to smear the face with castor oil. The answer here will be ambiguous. The secret is that castor oil contains a large amount of ricinoleic acid, which can, both having to influence the skin of the face, and, on the contrary, cause an allergic reaction.

Therefore, castor oil is not better used in pure form, but in different kind of mixtures:

  • You can add this oil in cream, tonic and lotions: 2 drops on a single dose of the facial skin, and 1 drop - if it comes to the eyelid cream.
  • Castor oil is well used in a complex with sea buckthorn, olive and peach oils, which are mixed with each other in equal proportions. This means must be rubbed in those zones where wrinkles begin to form. It is advisable to do it 2 times a day.
  • Also, castor oil can be combined with the same amount of rosehip oil, avocado and oil from wheat sprouts. This tool is used as the previous one.
  • If one part of the castor oil is mixed with two parts of peach, olive, apricot or almond oil, then the resulting solution can be used as a moisturizing and nutrient face and eyelid cream.
  • In its pure form, castor oil can be used to clarify freckles or pigment spots, as well as the removal of warts. In this case, the oil is applied solely on the dark areas of the skin.
  • Preheated on the steam bath, castor oil helps well from "goose" paws. To do this, it must be thrown through with light blows of fingertips into the zone where small "legs" are formed within 2-3 minutes. Then blot the skin with a napkin to remove the excess oil.
  • 7Castor oil can be used as the main component of homemade masks for the person who contribute to the skin rejuvenation, as well as to eliminate peeling, tightening and excessive dryness.

Face Massage with Castor Oil

This massage is good for mature skin, that is, in cases where you have already turned 30 years old. Face massage is better to do with preheated oil, as the warm castor oil is much deeper into the epidermis and more effectively affects the skin.

With this massage there is an active rejuvenation and moisturizing the skin, smoothing the shallow wrinkles, and some pore inflammation are removed.

Before the massage, it is necessary to warm up or oil itself, or a teaspoon, which will be made massage. To do this, it can be lowered for some time in boiling water, or hold the gas burner over the fire. Then a preheated cutlery to lower in a clean castor oil and start making a massage.

To do this, make a slight fit teaspoon along massage lines, replacing them into circular movements. Then slightly take the finger tips oil into the skin and leave for two hours for further absorption. After this time, remove the excess oil from the skin with a cotton swab or napkin. Make this procedure once a week.

Masks with castor oil

Egg Yellow Mask

Mask for dry, fading and normal skin.

Mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil with one egg yolk and apply this mixture with a thin layer on the face. After fifteen minutes, wash the mask and wipe the face with a weak chamomile solution.

Potato mask

For fading skin with wrinkles, as well as for the skin, prone to severe peeling and dryness.

One high-value potatoes are welded in the peel. Then clean it and doubt in the puree. Mix still warm potatoes with one yolk, a tablespoon of milk and a tablespoon of castor oil. Put the resulting mass on the face and neck with a thick layer, leave for exposure for 15 minutes. Wash the mask with warm clean water.

Mask for polluted, dry and lifeless skin.

Cook on milk 1 tablespoon of oat flakes on milk without a slide, add one teaspoon of honey to the resulting porridge and two teaspoons of castor oil.

Abundantly apply on my face and neck this mixture and leave for 20 minutes. Then massage movements, wash the mask with warm water.

Fruit mask

Nourishing and restoring mask for fading and dehydrated skin.

Take one of the following fruits: melon, banana, apricot or persimmon. Clean the skin and scroll into the puree to get a tablespoon of Cashitz. To add a teaspoon of honey, and, at will, yolk. Fruit mass Gently apply on the skin of the face and leave for further exposure for 15-20 minutes.

Toning mask

Filling with energy lifeless, fading the skin mask.

Mix in equal parts of a puree of sea buckthorn, raw potatoes, plums, lingers and watermelons. You can only use one kind of fruit, or to arbitrarily combine several of the proposed. Add a teaspoon of castor oil into a tablespoon of a fruit-berry mixture and apply it a thin layer on the skin of the face and neck. In fifteen minutes, thoroughly rinse with warm water. You can add a teaspoon of honey or home mayonnaise into this mask.

Mask for skin covered with small and shallow wrinkles.

Mix olive and castor oil in equal proportions and warm the resulting tool in the water bath.

Get mixed in this mixture cotton swabs and wrap them with a mask in the skin of the face and neck.

Leave the oil to absorb by 15 minutes, after which you thoroughly rinse with warm water.

Mask with castor oil and vegetables

For fading and lifeless skin.

Here you can use cucumbers, pumpkins, eggplants, zucchini, cabbage and celery. Mix one tablespoon of vegetable puree with a tablespoon of castor oil and put a thin layer on the face for 15 minutes. Rock warm water.

Castor oil is a natural cosmetics capable of giving the skin healthy and beautiful view, return freshness and get rid of small wrinkles. This is an affordable "secret" ingredient of many creams and lotions with a smoothing action. Castor oil is the path to beauty and youth!