Highlighting on medium-length dark blonde hair. Highlights on dark hair: the best options, photo

One of the most popular hair coloring techniques today is highlighting. Highlighting is the coloring of individual strands on the head. This type of staining has many advantages. In this article, we will talk about how to do highlighting on light brown hair, what are the advantages of this technique, and what are the techniques for performing the procedure.

Features of the procedure

Probably the most important feature of the highlighting procedure is that it is very difficult to do it yourself at home. There is no problem getting all the necessary components for highlighting. The catch lies in the high-quality coloring of the strands, so that they do not deteriorate, and the color is as intended.

If you still try to do coloring at home, you need to stock up on paints of the desired shades, a special cap, foil and a brush. A special cap is needed in order to neatly separate the strands for dyeing. After dyeing, the hair is wrapped in foil.

Another method also involves the use of foil. Strands of light brown hair are separated independently using a special technique. The foil is pressed against the head and thin strands are stained on it. Then the hair is wrapped in this same foil for a while. Then the foil is removed - and after washing you can admire the result.

In addition to these methods, there are a huge number of other techniques. Almost all of them only require paint, foil and a special brush.

It should also be said here that, as a rule, professionally trained people - colorists - are engaged in highlighting the strands. They know how to correctly combine shades with each other. Thus, at the exit, a person receives high-quality dyed strands, beautifully iridescent in the sun. Despite the fact that dyeing blonde hair is much easier than, for example, naturally dark hair, it takes a lot of skill in performing the entire procedure.

This method of dyeing hair, like highlighting, definitely has its advantages, which it is simply impossible to keep silent about. Let's move on to them.


The undoubted advantage of hair coloring using the highlighting technique is the cost-effectiveness of materials and tools. In the case of blond hair, this benefit is doubly apparent. The fact is that the dyeing of dark hair requires more materials due to the need to lighten a sufficiently "strong" shade. With light brown hair, it is much easier in this regard.

To the question of efficiency, it should also be added that the growing streaked curls on light brown hair look very harmonious. The problem of growing roots will no longer torment you.

In addition, the advantage of highlighting strands is expressed in the fact that such a hair coloring technique gives visual volume on the head, refreshes the curls. High-quality light brown hair looks great with natural color.

We all know that dyeing hair spoils its structure enough. As a result, many owners of such hair suffer from excessive dryness on the head, brittleness and split ends. And these are far from the most terrible consequences of staining. Thus, we can conclude that another advantage of highlighting, in comparison with full hair coloring, is that the hair does not deteriorate so much. Of course, special hair care is needed after any chemical or thermal exposure. In any case, highlighting is a more gentle option. Moreover, in our time there are a large number of manufacturers that provide paints, which include a lot of natural ingredients.

On a note! Despite the pros, highlighting has its downsides. There are not many of them. If we talk about light brown hair, then the disadvantages include the fact that hair dyed using the highlighting technique acquires a yellow tint. In this case, some manufacturers of hair cosmetics offer tint shampoos to neutralize the yellowness that appears.

Types of highlighting light brown hair

As mentioned earlier, there are various techniques for performing highlights. The most interesting thing is that in the end result, each of the techniques transforms the hair in a different way.

On a note! For example, there are various techniques for performing highlights. Depending on the technique, highlighting can start both at the root and in the middle of the hair.

Viewing different types of highlights will allow you to understand which color method is right for your hair.

The classic way

Surely many have an idea of ​​how exactly the highlighting of light brown hair is carried out in its classic version. This is the dyeing of the strands from the very root and along the entire length. Of course, the width of the strand matters. The thinner it is, the neater the highlighting looks.

In the classic version, fairly light shades of colors are suitable for light brown hair. It is important to consider that this color is in harmony with the native hair color. In addition, the classic method differs in the number of shades taken for highlighting.

California highlights

The most common dyeing technique in recent years is dyeing only the ends of the hair. In other words, this technique is called ombre. "What does highlighting have to do with it?" - you ask? The fact is that the Californian highlighting of light brown hair is only very similar to the result of the ombre technique. Coloring occurs only at the end of the hair. Thus, the strands look quite natural, give a feeling of lightness and silkiness of the hair. This is especially pronounced on blond hair.

Interesting! Dark hair is a little different. Overflows on dark shades of hair are more contrasting.

In addition, on light hair, such highlighting creates the effect of hair burnt out in the sun.

French highlights

Practice shows that the most attractive option for women is precisely the French highlighting option. Let's make a reservation right away that if you are the owner of dark blond hair, such coloring will most likely be subtle. In general, the procedure itself is a lightening of hair strands in several shades. Thus, the most natural natural shade of hair is obtained.

Back highlighting

Reverse highlighting on light brown hair is suitable for girls with both a dark tone of light brown hair and a very interesting type of highlighting of light shades, since it gives hair a second chance and allows you to correct a bad dyeing experience. This method of dyeing will allow a person with light brown hair to "painlessly" return to his color.

Amber highlighting

This method of highlighting is very relevant for darker shades of light brown hair. With amber highlights, you can experiment with choosing different shades, not just light brown.

On a note! This method of highlighting is also called Venetian.


Coloring for the most daring. Highlighting on light brown hair using the balayage technique means highlighting accents on the hair with separate, usually very bright, dyes.

Photo highlighting on light brown hair

If you are still undecided which highlighting technique is best for you, then look at the photos of the most different staining options.

Refresh your look, change your hairstyles and be irresistible!

Video lessons

The famous hairdresser Jacques Dessange in the middle of the last century made a real revolution in the world of hairdressing. With his light hand, not only short haircuts came into fashion, but also special techniques for lightening and toning strands, in other words - highlighting. Today this method of dyeing curls is considered one of the most demanded and popular. Highlighting looks great on both brunettes and fair-haired girls. The latter, by the way, resort to this method of coloring much more often. We will talk about them in this article.

Features of highlighting on light brown hair

On light brown hair, streaked strands look especially natural and natural, which fully corresponds to modern trends. Meanwhile, fair-haired ladies choose this method of hair coloring not only because of fashion trends. Highlighting for such hair has a lot of advantages and possibilities:

  • uneven color creates an interesting texture in a haircut, making it more dynamic and lively;
  • hair gains volume and creates a feeling of density, because sometimes this is not enough for a light hair color;
  • streaked curls allow you to hide some defects in the haircut, shortcomings of previous staining or gray hair;
  • thanks to highlighting, it is easier to return to the natural hair color without losing its well-groomed and attractive appearance.

Currently, there are a fairly large number of highlighting techniques for light brown hair: classic, French, Californian, shatush, balayazh or Brazilian. The choice of this or that method of lightening and toning will depend on the type of haircut, the initial volume in the curls, the client's color type and the base hair color. In matters of choosing a color palette, dark blond girls are perfect for all shades of brown and gold for coloring: wheat, honey, cognac, amber, chestnut. Light blond ladies should give preference to shades of white during toning: ivory, creamy, milk, platinum, coffee with milk, caramel.

The color palette selected for a particular highlighting method should be in harmony with the woman's color type: the color of her skin, eyes and strands. There are 4 main types of female appearance: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each of them has its own palette of warm or cold shades. An experienced craftsman should immediately pay attention to this moment, so that his work subsequently looks as natural as possible on the fair-haired young lady.

The choice of highlighting technique depends on the original hair color and the length of the strands. At the same time, the selection of the color palette for toning is carried out based on the woman's color type.

Classic highlighting on light brown hair

Classic highlighting is currently not in high demand among fashionistas. In its place came other, more modern and safer techniques. However, some women still prefer classic highlighting, considering it a proven, simple and most familiar way of coloring for them.

Classic highlighting involves lightening strands along their entire length, as a result of which the hair becomes lighter in several tones, and their texture remains almost uniform due to the frequency of lightening. Lightened areas may have a narrower zone and a sparse step. Then the lightening texture will be more pronounced and contrasting.

This method of lightening is considered one of the most aggressive for hair: the hair becomes porous, without color pigment and rather brittle. For classic highlighting, the master, as a rule, uses foil and rather strong lightening components. The lightening starts not from the hair roots, but rather close to them. Every girl will be able to perform classic highlighting on light brown hair at home. This technique is simple to perform.

Zone highlighting

Experienced stylists, as a rule, try to avoid the classic frequent highlighting and choose a more gentle zonal method for lightening, although it is done in a similar way, using foil and a strong clarifier. Zone highlighting can be of two types: partial or highlighting the ends.

Partial highlighting is created only on the upper part of the hair, in separate strands. The bottom of the hair remains in the base color and does not lighten. Hair gains heterogeneity and some volume. Experts do not advise doing such highlighting on a dark blond color if you want to achieve naturalness. The highlights will contrast strongly with the base hair color.

Highlighting hair ends is a relatively new fashion trend. This lightening looks very interesting and unusual. Sometimes the master lightens up to 1/3 of the bottom of the hair to create a more pronounced contrast effect. Such zonal highlighting looks great on light brown short hair or medium haircuts.

The usual highlighting has not been popular lately. Progressive girls increasingly prefer more gentle, closest to natural methods of lightening curls.

French highlights

French highlighting (Milanese, Venetian) was originally created for dark-haired girls, but gradually adapted to light brown hair. This technique is considered the most gentle for curls, it looks as natural and natural as possible in a haircut.

Some stylists believe that French highlighting is the perfect way to dye dark blonde or wheat-colored hair. The strands are as if burnt out in the sun, voluminous, alive. Few people will be able to understand that the result obtained is in fact the work of a hairdresser, and not of nature.

When lightening, the master does not use foil, the work is carried out with a brush and special blooming wax. The stylist selects the strands for highlighting by eye, processes them with a dye composition and allows them to dry in the open air. French highlighting allows you to use several color shades, so that the coloring effect looks as natural as possible. Dark blond hair may need 3-4 tones for lightening, and light blond hair will be enough for two. Apply from bottom to top and blend with a brush for a soft effect.

The French highlighting looks the most harmonious on medium blond hair and long curls. Some girls who want to add extravagance to the image ask the master to tint the lightened areas with a pink, lemon, purple or blue tint. This trend is very popular mainly among young people.

French highlighting was originally conceived as a technique for lightening dark curls. But now it looks quite harmoniously on fair-haired young ladies.

Shatush and balayage of light brown hair

Shatush and balayazh are two fairly similar techniques for highlighting hair. Each of them helps the master to create on the head of his client the most natural, natural effect of the strands burnt out from the sun. True, unlike French highlights, shatuzh and balayage make the main emphasis of lightening on the lower and middle parts of the hair. Light curls are concentrated at the ends and, when moving towards the crown, are blurred, merging into a darker base hair color.

Shatush and balayazh are created without the use of foil, using a soft lightening method (paste and wax), using a brush and natural absorption of paint. Hair is not attacked by aggressive chemicals and retains its natural strength.

Using the shatush technique, the master lightens the hair with a palette as close as possible to the natural, basic light brown color. Stretching of the color does not come from the roots, it starts somewhere in the area of ​​the eyebrow or cheekbones and unevenly descends to the ends of the hair. The concentration of bleached areas occurs in the lower part of the hair. This is where the lightest shades come in. In the middle part of light brown hair, the master can alternate up to 3 shades of paint close to each other. It all depends on the original color.

Balayazh also strives for natural shades. There may be several of them, gradually replacing each other when moving to the ends of the hair. The lightest color appears at the bottom of the curls. Their master, in contrast to the shatush, brightens completely, focusing and concentrating on the tips of special attention. The beginning of highlighting and stretching of the color is carried out in a similar manner to the shatush technique.

The techniques of shatush and balayazh are similar to each other. Both of them aim to give hair the natural shades of burnt-out strands. Meanwhile, balayazh creates the main emphasis on highlighting the ends, while shatush blurs the boundaries and does not completely lighten the lower part of the haircut.

Californian highlights on light brown hair

Californian highlighting is a kind of shatush technique, differing from the latter in brighter and more contrasting color transitions. According to many stylists, this method of lightening and toning strands is ideal for fair-haired girls.

Hair lightening is carried out unevenly, chaotically, without observing the clarity of the lines. The front curls can have lightened areas almost at the roots, while the crown of the head can remain in its natural color, and the middle part of the haircut and the ends of the hair gradually turn into a rich light shade.

On a dark blond color, the stylist can afford to use brighter and more accent colors, make transitions from a dark color to completely white. At the same time, the boundaries of the transitions are trying to be created imperceptible. This is the main difficulty of Californian highlighting: bright colors should harmoniously combine, softly complement and gradually merge into each other.

On light blond hair, Californian highlighting looks imperceptible. It looks natural and natural, but the difference between other techniques becomes subtle. In order to draw attention to the hair, the master can tint the lower part of the curls with platinum, ash, pearl and pink cold shades. These colors are not suitable for everyone, but they can make a bright accent on the hair and the entire haircut.

Californian highlighting is a kind of shatush technique, but differs from the latter in brighter color transitions and a rather wide range of shades.

Brazilian highlights

Brazilian highlighting is considered a subspecies of Californian. These methods of lightening hair, especially in light brown, look similar, but the technique of execution for these types of highlighting is different. Brazilian highlighting is considered one of the most difficult lightening techniques. It is carried out in several stages. First, the hair is lightened to the desired shade, and then tinted in darker colors.

The lower blonde part of the hair can be tinted in gold, amber, wheat or straw shades. The top should be quite dark: cognac, brown, chestnut colors will be appropriate here. On dark blond hair, it is enough to observe the harmony of the natural color at the roots: the color palette will be selected taking into account the natural color of the strands, about 5-6 different shades are allowed (from dark to light). On light blond hair, the master can experiment with the color of the root zone, darkening this area by several shades. This will diversify the color palette and make the natural, not very bright hair color, more lively, versatile and dynamic.

Highlighting is just created for light brown hair. This staining technique not only does not lose its relevance, but also takes on new types. Thanks to highlighting, the Slavic beauty sparkled with new colors, without losing its naturalness.

And although the fashion for catchy images has repeatedly tried to overshadow the sophisticated notes of light, natural curls, times are changing. Now naturalness is in trend. Interest in light brown color renewed with renewed vigor. And highlighting, which has become interesting and multifaceted, will help to emphasize all the beauty of light strands.

Specificity of highlighting light brown hair

The essence of this technique is very simple. During the procedure, not all hair is dyed, but only individual strands. Sometimes only the ends of the hair are shaded. It is believed that the best base for creating the perfect highlight is light brown hair. Any variation of this natural shade is suitable - light, dark, with an ashy undertone or a reddish tint.

This method has many undeniable advantages:

Creation of various "special effects". The strands can be given a light, light shade, as if they were burned out under the hot sun of the south. Stylists have invented more dramatic versions. For example, now more and more unpredictable tones are used for highlighting - pink, blue, green. The image is bright and extravagant.

  • Painting over gray hair. Unfortunately, the first gray hair can appear at a very young age. If you don't want to say goodbye to the natural tone of your hair, then the technique of lightening individual strands will help to mask the first "silver". At the same time, the appearance will remain as natural as possible.
  • Lack of clear boundaries. Any staining is a lot of hassle when it starts to grow back. The roots do not contrast well with the rest of the hair. In the case of highlighting, this border is not so striking. Dyed hair grows back quite aesthetically.
  • Hair care. Dye is almost always harmful to hair. But when it is applied only to some strands or ends, the negative impact is minimized.
  • Infrequent color refresh. Highlighted strands need color correction no more than once every 2-3 months.
  • The opportunity to become a "natural" blonde. Lightened curls look as if they were created by nature itself. Of course, if the hairdresser turned out to be a professional in his field.

Choice of shades depending on hair color

The original hair color is of great importance when choosing a shade for the strands. After all, nature itself has created a whole palette of light brown shades. In order for the effect to be as similar as possible to a natural blond, you should carefully choose the color of the paint for highlighting.

Highlighting on light blond hair

All half tones of white and pink are suitable for girls with light curls:

  • strawberry;
  • beige;
  • creamy;
  • lactic;
  • ivory;
  • champagne.

Warm shades look good:

  • baked milk;
  • coffee with milk;
  • sand;
  • caramel.

Cold tones with a metallic sheen look stylish:

  • platinum;
  • silver;
  • ash.

Highlighting on medium blond hair

For such a color type, golden-red shades will be the best solution:

  • honey;
  • amber;
  • chestnut;
  • caramel;
  • copper;
  • wheat.

Highlighting on dark blond hair

If you are the owner of dark curls of a light brown palette, then pair them with shades of golden and chocolate colors:

  • wheat;
  • honey;
  • amber;
  • chestnut;
  • caramel;
  • cognac;
  • copper.

In general, light brown hair provides an opportunity for the most daring creative experiments with color. Not only shades of colors help to create a spectacular bow, but also various highlighting techniques.

Types of highlights on light brown hair

Highlights can be much more fun than creating regular, symmetrical, light colored stripes. The masters liked the method of dyeing the strands so much that they have already come up with many different types:

  • classic;
  • Californian;
  • Venetian;
  • French or shatush;
  • the opposite;
  • ashy;
  • avant-garde;
  • diagonal;
  • zonal or partial.

Highlighting hair ends can be distinguished into a special group. It is now breaking popularity records. Such coloring has many stylish options: bronding, balayage, ombre, dip dye.

Fashion trends 2018 in hair highlighting

Fashion in 2018 is dominated by naturalness. This trend could not but be reflected in hair coloring. All types of highlighting that allow you to achieve natural bows are in trend.


Lightening, familiar to everyone, a strand along the entire length. But now the highlighting is done not large, but thin. After all, the wider the contrasting curls on the hair, the brighter the result will be. And this creates too catchy, unnatural effect.


Another name is often found - Hollywood highlighting. Quite a complicated procedure. Only the aces of hairdressing can cope with it. The goal is to achieve the natural color of the strands, slightly burnt out in the sun. The transition from dark to light shades is very smooth, barely perceptible.

French or shatush

French women are known throughout the world for their love of natural beauty. Of course, this national trait could not but affect the highlighting. The result is very gentle transitions in the range of 1-4 tones. The look is casual and natural. You can't tell right away whether nature or the skillful hands of a master gave this hair color.

The reverse

There are also other designations for this technique - remodeling or highlighting inside out. In this case, the bleached curls are darkened. This method is effective when the hair has been lightened many times and has lost its beautiful shade. After the salon procedure, the hairstyle takes on a fresh look, close to natural.

Highlighting the ends of the hair

Only the lower parts of the curls, their very edges, are shaded with light colors.

Stylists have not forgotten about those whose style is far from the classics. In 2018, unexpected surprises and fresh news are prepared for them. Fashionable highlights that allow you to stand out from the crowd and express your inner world.

Ash highlights

Original "highlight" curls with a silver shine. Now this technique is incredibly relevant. But graphite, ash, silvery and gray tones are not very versatile. You need to professionally select them to match the natural shade of your hair.

Crazy colors or avant-garde

The ideal solution for experimental youth who are still looking for their own image. An unlimited choice of shades sometimes leads to the most unpredictable options. The strands turn purple, fiery red, deep blue, or take on trendy strawberry hues.


The main feature of this type of highlighting is the sharp boundaries between shades. There are no soft overflows. There are variations where the contrast even becomes radical. For example, a natural brunette with bright white strands. Moreover, the coloring of individual strands is chaotic, which gives the hairstyle a visual volume.

The choice of the type of highlighting depending on the length of the hair

The versatility of highlighting is that it fits almost any hair length. True, each type of coloring has its own hairstyles, "favorites".

Highlighting medium length hair

The length of a hairstyle is considered average if it varies between 15-25 cm. Shoulder-length hair is easy to dye and style. Therefore, in this case, a variety of types of staining are suitable:

  • balayazh;
  • shatush;
  • Venetian;
  • ombre;
  • avant-garde;
  • classic;
  • French;
  • the opposite.

The veil technique looks advantageous at medium length. Especially if the haircut is graduated or includes ragged bangs. The dyed strands create a subtle tint veil draped over the base tone.

Highlights for short hair

  • Making highlights on short haircuts, colorists, as it were, add accents. With the help of lightened strands, the most beautiful sides of the hairstyle stand out. It becomes more voluminous, looks more interesting and original. In this case, the following types of strand lightening are best suited:
  • Californian;
  • classic;
  • Venetian;
  • colored.

Creative highlighting with color tints creates a stylish and rebellious look. Diagonal - will emphasize the stepped texture of the cascade. The Italian method of lightening will perfectly fit into a short haircut. Its "highlight" is the alternation of milk and cognac undertones. The overflows are smooth, not abrupt.

Highlights for long hair

The most fertile soil for creating "sun-burnt" female curls. Choose any coloring method. But do not forget - it is not fashionable to look too artificial now. The closer your image is to the natural, the better.

Highlighting on a hairstyle with bangs

Bangs lend themselves easily to creative experimentation. One of them is giving it volume and texture by saturating the strands with light notes. Moreover, the asymmetrical, oblique line is perfectly distinguished with the help of frequent small stripes. And straight or round bangs become noticeably more luxuriant, if you refresh them with wide sparse lines or "mix" with narrow stripes.

Highlighting on the square

For fans of stylish bobs and bobs, there is great news - haircuts of this kind are still as relevant as a couple of seasons ago. For these "long-livers" of the hairdressing art it is better to apply the "sun-burnt" highlighting:

  • Californian;
  • French;
  • balayazh.

If you have a square in the shape of a hat, choose the classic lightening option. If your hair is thin, then rely on dyeing only the ends. And an elongated bob or bob is refreshing with an elegant ombre.

How to highlight light brown hair at home

Creating light highlights on the strands yourself is not as difficult as it seems. There are several ways to carry out highlighting at home:

  • using foil;
  • using a hat;
  • brushing method - using a comb with rare teeth.

We will consider the simplest and most effective - painting through a hat.

Highlighting hair with a hat

You will need:

  • bleaching agent;
  • plastic gloves;
  • paint brush;
  • an elongated comb for separating strands;
  • a bowl of plastic or glass;
  • towel or napkin;
  • highlighting cap with fine holes.

If you don't have one at hand, you can use a pool cap. Cut the required number of small holes in a checkerboard pattern.

Step-by-step instructions will help you complete the procedure without any problems:

  • Step 1. Cover your shoulders with a napkin or towel.
  • Step 2. Put on a hat and stretch the strands out through the holes.
  • Step 3. Prepare a dye solution. The instructions in the package will help you do everything right.
  • Step 4. Apply the prepared mixture to the strands. Use a special brush for this.
  • Step 5. Hold the paint for 15 minutes to obtain a light shade (lighter by 1 tone). For a brighter color, you will have to wait longer - about 45 minutes.
  • Step 6. Rinse off the solution with water without removing the cap.
  • Step 7. Dry your head lightly with a towel. Take off your cap.
  • Step 8. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and apply a nourishing mask.

Care after highlighting

The stress that the hair will experience after lightening solutions is compensated by careful care. Only then will the colored strands show all their beauty. Do not forget to use special shampoos and conditioners for blonde hair. Once or twice a week, nourish your hair with ready-made masks or use homemade beauty recipes. Nutrients based on fruit acids are of particular value. Use gels-fluids - they smooth hair well, give it a pleasant shine.

Tips on how to prolong your result

  1. You don't need to wash your streaked hair too often. Do this as needed. The curls are already overdried, detergents in unlimited quantities will weaken them even more.
  2. Use anti-yellow shampoos. They have purple and blue pigments. They neutralize the unpleasant yellowness that may appear after staining.
  3. Do not comb the strands immediately after washing. Wait until they dry.
  4. Don't be nervous, stress negatively affects the beauty of your hair.

Highlighting on light brown hair has proven one simple truth - it is simple to be natural and beautiful. The main thing is to choose the right shade and the right lightening technique.

When the question arises whether highlighting is fashionable in 2019, answering, of course, in the affirmative, an amazing fact comes to mind - the history of highlighting has already a half-century history. The author of this truly ingenious idea, Jacques Dessange, gave the hairdressing art many innovations, without which the work of stylists is now unthinkable. One of them is highlighting, which fits perfectly into his world famous concept of "global beauty".

This concept, based on the style of femininity, lightness, naturalness and unacceptability of any manifestations of pretentiousness, was “doomed” to success.

The original definition of highlighting as lightening individual strands has long lost its relevance. Fashion trends have rapidly turned it into sophisticated technologies for dyeing individual strands of hair in various shades, differing in color palette, density of dyed strands, in the form of location and distance from the roots.

The modern art of hairstyling, based on the main characteristics and principles of hair highlighting, has formed a whole direction, which includes many-sided types and newfangled methods of hair coloring.

An outstanding idea, rapidly developing, took on new types and, as a result, a great variety, what happens:

  • Venetian (Californian)

The specificity of this type lies in the creation of the most natural effect of the hair burnt out under the scorching rays of the summer sun. Hair coloring is carried out without wrapping the strand in foil, the application of paints with brushes takes place in the "open" air, and the contact of dyed and unpainted strands enhances the smoothness of the overflow and the naturalness of the curls faded from the sun's rays. A beautiful combination of natural-natural color with various lighter shades, as if lightened by the sun, is extremely popular thanks to the gentle technology: the paints do not touch the root areas of the skin and the roots themselves. All the nuances of choosing a color, the advantages and disadvantages of this type of staining in the article.
  • French

Fashionable and gentle coloring according to the method of French stylists. Essence: hair lightening is carried out with specially selected means, the chemical composition of which has the most gentle effect. The intensity of such natural dyes allows you to lighten curls up to four tones without additional preparation. French highlighting is preferable for fair-haired and light brown-haired women.
  • American

This is color highlighting, which is distinguished by some contrast of the used shades, as a result - the creation of color highlights. Most often, stylists use no more than four shades of red, chocolate, red and dark blond. The indisputable advantage of this type is a visual increase in the volume of hair, the acquisition of bright and refreshing glittering notes. With American highlighting, any styling modification guarantees a new look in the form of intertwining strands of different colors.

  • Brazilian

This type is equally complex and versatile. The versatility lies in the fact that it can be done in any natural color. A fashionable color is achieved through a complex and lengthy way of successive toning procedures. A mixed look involves at least five shading processes. It is better if an experienced hairdresser takes on this, because you need to use a number of tones of coloring agents that are one tone weaker than the previous one. Thin sequential mixing of dyes after a session of application of Brazilian highlighting will create the impression of hair naturally burnt out under the scorching sun, even of a naturally dark enough color.

Highlights are also at the origin of the trendy hair coloring techniques. Varieties of highlighting gave rise to innovations in the technology of their implementation.

The renowned dyeing techniques owe their origins to the classic highlighting. For its readers, Last-Trend magazine has prepared special detailed articles dedicated to the newfangled trendy coloring techniques in 2018:

We believe that it will be absolutely not superfluous to focus the attention of our audience on the warnings and disadvantages of highlighting, which will allow readers to preserve the beauty and health of their hair.

Disadvantages of the procedure and caveats:
Contraindicated for permed curls.

If the hair is weakened, unhealthy, brittle, or, moreover, falls out, then there is no need to think about such a procedure.

Trichologists strongly recommend that you first take care of restoring the hair structure, normalizing the sebaceous glands, and strengthening the bulbs. On the pages of our magazine there are several articles that describe the formulations of useful and extremely necessary masks for improving hair: as well as. The described recovery methods are based on the use of vitamins, minerals, natural ingredients. The strongest life-giving effect is exerted by and.

Stylish, first-class procedure with the most gentle manipulations takes a lot of time and is quite expensive.

Highlighted hair, after exposure to even the most loyal dyes, needs special cosmetic preparations with a regenerating effect.

The technique of mixed color dyeing, bleaching is complex and requires certain skills and experience in working with dyes and the ability to select shades of their combination.

It is almost impossible to do it yourself at home with high quality. It will be right to entrust your hair to a hairdresser, especially since with the help of specially developed computer programs you can simulate the type of highlighting that suits you.


We can talk about them briefly, because the result on hairstyles is obvious. The main ones deserve to be listed:

A suitable way to work on a change of image without drastic decisions.
Rejuvenating effect.
A shock of hair visually looks more luxuriant.
The procedure can be repeated much less frequently than with a single-color staining. With dark roots, the growing strands will look harmonious in styling for a long time.
Highlighted hair is appropriate for women of any age.
It is often used on gray hair as an effective way to hide graying strands.
Using this type of dyeing while preserving its natural color, you can apply livening highlights of brighter tones without harming the entire mop.

Highlights on dark and black hair: photo 2019

Dark hair is perfect for coloring hair using highlighting technology. Speaking of dark hair, they usually mean a wide range of colors from burning brunettes to brown-haired women. The palette of colors fashionable for dyeing in 2019 consists of shades of the natural line: chocolate, cognac, coffee, copper, caramel, amber, honey and nut. Chocolate hair color with highlights is the hit of the season.

Based on the original color, choose a paint that, in accordance with the fashion trends of the season, should not contrast with dark strands. To make the dyed hair beautiful, look expensive and get the desired color depth effect, there will be enough difference in the selected dyes by 1-2 tones.

Dark hair is in the most advantageous position when choosing this procedure. The list of possible options for dark-haired people is the most extensive and opens up a lot of possibilities, taking into account the individual properties of the hair and appearance, to create a unique hairstyle.

The main highlighting options:


A special effect is created by discoloring the strands framing the face. Partial, or light, that's why it got such a name that the number of strands processed in this way is very small - there are no more than five or six of them. This is a way for the most gentle impact on your hair. On black hair, choose a warm and low-contrast color, otherwise gray strands will visually turn out.


The peculiarity of the method is that they paint zonally and only the upper strands, and they get a juicy shading of their strands with lightened ones. An inimitable effect is obtained from applying this method on dark blond and brown hair.


The classics are always more conservative, therefore this method assumes absolute uniformity in the distribution of strands of the same thickness dyed in two colors. In this case, the selected strands are colored along the entire length, from the roots to the very ends. It is important to remember that the skin at the roots, as well as up to half of the volume of the hair, are exposed to dyes. Classic highlighting is performed on almost any base color, the main thing is the compatibility of the selected color palette. The most beautiful result on brown hair.


This diagonal arrangement of colored strands is a solution for avant-garde devotees. Its essence: partings are done at an angle, dyes, most often, choose bright shades. The specificity of such a solution is uniquely suitable for brunettes, emphasizing the base color on the brown-haired woman. For those who decide to choose this method, it is important to keep in mind that the diagonal device will have to be done all the time in one place so that the colored strands are visible.

Black and white

Visually, black and white highlighting is perceived as quite simple, but it is deceiving, only a high-class specialist can masterfully perform it. Double, black and white, will help to partly turn from a brunette to a blonde, skillfully distributing white curls over the hair. Black and white conveys the bold nature of such a risky decision, in which strands of white are located on the black base color. It is better to apply tape highlighting, in which the strands treated with the clarifier are wrapped in special foil. Such a catchy contrasting solution in a hairstyle assumes a re-subordination of your entire image, from makeup and wardrobe to your style of behavior.

The reverse

The opposite is especially popular with those who have repeatedly dyed blonde and have decided to return to their dark hair color. The trick of the original method is that highlighting occurs at the roots, and at the ends the hair is darker. Often stylists use this rare solution to correct the shades of clients who have contacted them with a failed or disliked coloring.


The technique is more acceptable for young or extravagant ladies. The advantage of the technique is that no lightening is required, the curls of dark hair are dyed in several different colors, providing the volume and depth of the hair. And ladies of an age who have decided on such dyeing will perfectly disguise their gray hair.


On very dark hair, this technique is most effective. An important difference is that the width of the strands selected for lightening can be different, even very wide strands, the main thing is that they contrast with the main color. However, with all the difference in the thickness of the chaotically scattered lightened curls, it is better if they are located relatively symmetrically around the face. The treatment for the bulk of the hair is gentle.

Highlighting on dark blond and light blond hair: photo 2019

Fashion trends 2018 are rapidly bringing us closer to natural, natural looks. Stylists are increasingly choosing to implement creative ideas. All the variety of light brown palette is ideal for highlighting and looks natural and casual.

On the dark blond hair for the procedure, it is better to acquire shades: brown-cognac, frosty chestnut, golden-honey, copper, light wheat.

On the light blond hair choose tones that are golden, creamy, milky, or platinum silver.

On light brown hair of varying intensity, fashionable highlighting a lock in 2-4 tones looks perfect, no more. The procedure most often requires preliminary highlighting of the curls. Light brown hair lends itself easily to it, and in the article of our magazine "" you can learn about the most harmless methods based on natural remedies.

Of the above methods of highlighting, with the appropriate scale and for fair-haired, partial, zonal, classic, diagonal, reverse and color are used.

For several very fashionable types of highlighting (Californian and Brazilian), light brown hair is the optimal and even exemplary choice. The main goal - imitation of the strands burnt out from the sultry sun of the south - is achieved as realistically as possible.
A rare technique is melange highlighting. Hair for the procedure is selected in strips of completely different thicknesses in order to avoid the zebra effect and to ensure the smooth flow of one tone into another.

As a creative solution for fair-haired people, block highlighting can be considered - technologically multi-layer partial (according to the scheme) dyeing to obtain a fashionable deep color combination. It can be different, large or small, depending on the idea being implemented.

Light and dark highlights on blonde hair: photo 2019

Women with such a rare luxury as blonde hair, which is an ornament in itself, want more. To make your curls even more attractive is the constant desire of women. For blondes, various types of highlighting allow you to add variety to the uniformity of color.

The fashion of the 2019 season demonstrates the growing interest in this procedure, due to the spectacular results: additional volume, visual depth of hair and the realization of the eternal dream of blondes to feel at least partially dark-haired.

Types of highlights for light hair:

Classic light

A distinctive feature of this technique is giving blond hair beautiful nutty, beige, pearl, wheat shades without adverse effects (ammonia is not used during the procedure). Caramel hair color as a base is ideal for honey and amber shades.

Classic dark

Dark highlighting is an unmatched interweaving of dark strands applied to white hair. This method rejuvenates, allows you to mask gray hairs, for a longer time not to pay attention to regrown roots. The preferred range is all shades of light brown, chocolate, coffee, milk chocolate, honey, chestnut.


The essence of the procedure is staining one or two small areas on a light hair. Such an unusual dyeing gives a good effect, for example, if you dye part of the bangs and a strand on the side. Fashionable highlighting of a fair-haired head opens up interesting possibilities with the help of the most popular types - Californian and French, and super-fashionable ombre, shatush and balayage techniques can create delightful and luxurious images for blondes.


Quite a rare technique for natural (Scandinavian) blondes. Very thin strands are selected and highlighted in wheat shades, similar in color to the native, very light shock of hair.

Highlighting on red hair: photo of dyeing

For the embodiment of the most daring ideas of highlighting, its shades are perfect. If you are red-haired, then nature itself has made sure that this color suits you. Otherwise, the list of whom goes can be significantly limited. Red strands should not be acquired for those who have problem skin, rash, dilated blood vessels or are close to the surface of the skin. An important detail: a bright and reddish cloud of hair on ladies after 40 will emphasize the inevitable age-related changes in the skin.

Curls with a red color have always been attractive, as they personified a bright temperament and expression. If you want to dye your hair such an expressive color, you need to be extremely careful, because it can be insidious. Only a highly qualified specialist can foresee how this or that shade from the richest palette will react to lightening or painting.

- especially popular and newfangled techniques, the ancestor of which was red highlighting, break records in demand in 2019. Red and copper shades are in fashion, as well as Burgundy wine, ripe cherry, orange.

Memorable looks can be created on red hair with notes of coffee shades, a palette from silver to dark brown. The swarthy skin of the face will be decorated with red-peach and caramel shades, but it is better to refuse very bright colors.

Ash highlights: photo ideas for ash hair

The name gray highlighting, given by hairdressers for dyeing hair with ashy color, is absolutely boring and does not reveal the full range of unique possibilities of this technique. The cool combination of platinum and ash shades creates a mysterious, stylish and elegant look. On the pages of our magazine there is an article Ash hair color, in which we tried to highlight as fully as possible all the nuances and features of ash hair.

Several fashionable solutions:

The hit of the season is the platinum color scheme, which harmoniously and optimally suits the veil highlighting technique. In addition to the charming visual result, such coloring is superficial, only thin strands are highlighted on the outside of the hair (according to the schemes: in a circle or along a line), which is a gentle factor. Moreover, highlighting the veil does not require a radical change in color. Your naturally ashy color does not have to be dyed along the entire length from the root.

Trendy purple highlights can be of very different intensities. Purple hair color looks stylish with a palette of ash and platinum shades. An excellent solution for energetic girls and ladies after 40, who are accustomed to “wearing gray hair” with purple, lilac and lilac notes with a special charm. Looks beautiful on short haircuts, especially on pixies.

Supporters of more conservative solutions tend to highlight ashy hair with feathers, but who want to bring novelty to their look, corresponding to fashion. To create the effect of feathers when painting, the easiest way is to use a special hat, dotted with holes for pulling selected curls through them. When dyeing, the colors will not mix with the bulk of the hair and it will be much easier to achieve the desired result.

Highlighting for short hair: photo news 2019

Highlighting short hair in 2019 is as fashionable as in the last season. Short haircuts with highlights that have gained immense popularity are not going to give up their place on the catwalks.

Highlighting on short hair has certain limitations, not all haircuts are acceptable, they often do not reveal its capabilities, but create the impression of unkempt and mess on the head.

You can radically get rid of highlighting by repainting, however, if a significant mass of hair has undergone highlighting, it is better to undertake full coloring no earlier than a month later. To minimize the risks to hair, entrust the repainting to a professional master.

4. How to remove yellowness after highlighting?

At home, you can use tinted shampoos with a silver or platinum sheen. Good results, for example, are given by: Silver Sampoo Color Save (Bonacure), as well as Platinum Blond (Paul Mitcell). Balms and tonics, which include purple pigment, help to remove yellowness. Professional craftsmen have a whole arsenal of tools and possibilities: mikston, toners, masks and repainting.

5. What do you need for highlighting?

To perform the procedure yourself, you will need quite a few items: depending on the chosen method, prepare a rubber cap with holes, foil, thermal paper; crochet hook, hairbrush, paint container (not necessarily metal); clarifier, shampoo, conditioner balm, plastic bag and gloves.

6. Do I need to wash my hair before highlighting?

This article has already given recommendations on this, but once again we focus your attention: do not wash oily and normal hair for at least 2-3 days, dry and thin - at least 5 days.

7. How long to keep highlighting?

Keep the applied agent for as long as indicated in the instructions for the dye you have chosen. Do not try to keep it longer for the best effect, strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

Light brown hair color is a shade that is most often sought to change. In this case, it is important to choose the right tone so that the curls do not differ from the color of the skin and body as a whole. For example, the artificial image of a brunette often ages. When lightening, you need to ensure that the strands do not lose their quality, are healthy and well-groomed. Highlighting on light brown hair allows you to make the image brighter, while preserving the quality of the hair as much as possible.

Coloring features

The basis of the procedure is to give a different shade to individual strands or just the ends, and not to the entire hairstyle as a whole. Owners of a light brown color can create a rather expressive and unique style. Highlighting allows you to preserve its natural shade, slightly diluting it with other paints, creating a bright overflow and complex tone.

By combining different palettes, the hairstyle can have more shine or some strands stand out more from others. The most daring colors only the tips or only the bangs. This is how the most attractive features of the appearance are emphasized.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of highlighting on light brown hair is that the procedure has a gentle effect. This means that only part of the curls will be exposed to chemical attack, while the bulk of the hair will be in its natural color.

In modern beauty salons, paint is used for the procedure, which contains exclusively natural ingredients. They strengthen hair, heal it.

Having done highlighting once, you can forget about staining procedures for more than a year. Hair will grow back gradually, and the dyed hair will not lose its grooming.

Another plus is that the hair looks more voluminous. With regrowth, there is a feeling that the hairstyle is still well-groomed.

The disadvantages of this procedure are usually:

  • Few people have the opportunity to hold it at home. Dyeing requires special skills, it is better if an experienced specialist is involved in changing the image.
  • With recent dyeing or perm, highlighting can be carried out no earlier than in a few months. After these procedures, the structure of the hairs is broken and the additional effect of the lightening composition can severely damage them.
  • If there is a hair disease or obvious contraindications, then experts advise to postpone the procedure. The same goes for the presence of unhealed scars and lesions on the surface of the head.

Please note that if you used henna or basma for dyeing strands, highlighting is contraindicated. The color may not turn out to be expected.

The last drawbacks include the long duration of the procedure; you will have to spend at least twice as much time in the salon chair as with a usual change of image. After highlighting, it is imperative to use products for softening and strengthening hair every day.

Classic frequent highlighting

This type of highlighting involves lightening the curls from root to tip. The effect can be ideal if its natural shade is light blond. In the classical technique, the master uses several shades at once, their number can reach four.


French highlighting is suitable for those who have a light blond and wheat shade. Ideally, the effect should be that the curls themselves burned out under the strong rays of the sun. For work, the master uses a dye with a high oxide, without using a lightening powder. This staining is gentle. There are no strong chemicals in the base of the dye that could be harmful.

Additional visual volume is obtained due to the fact that one color smoothly passes into another. French coloring gives hair a well-groomed, natural look. This style will look especially harmonious on medium and long strands.

California highlights

The technique of California highlighting is similar to ombre staining. The only significant difference is the lack of a clear border of the transition from one shade to another. Experts advise to resort to Californian dyeing for owners of light brown hair.

The palette of shades used in coloring is close to natural, so the image is always natural. Transitions between tones should be smooth.

Back highlighting

Back highlighting is used to return to its natural shade. This procedure is most often used by women who previously lightened their naturally dark hair. The curls grow back, the roots have their own dark tone, and the back highlighting allows you to soften this transition.

To make the hairstyle look harmonious, the master often adds several dark strands to the total volume of the hair.


Venetian dyeing is great for dark blonde hair color. The technique of execution is similar to the Californian staining. A large palette of colors is mixed - from chocolate to purple.


Ombre involves dyeing strands not along the entire length, but only along a horizontal line. The hairstyle is conventionally divided into two parts. Coloring occurs from about the middle of the curls to the very ends. Sometimes dyeing is done only at the ends of the hair. Experts advise you to choose a tone that is no more than 2-3 tones different from the natural shade of the hair. Ombre is suitable for both brunettes and owners of light brown hair.


The color of half the length of the curls changes as much as possible. An important condition is to create a smooth transition from one lighter to another darker and vice versa. Representatives of the fashion and beauty industry pay special attention to coloring the strands near the face.


In the balayage technique, a specialist applies paint with strokes in the area of ​​the tips. The hair looks like it has a continuous lightening. The border between shades, in contrast to shatush, is more pronounced. The difference between hair roots and ends can be up to 6-8 tones.


When coloring, the master can use at least two shades. The maximum number of undertones is not limited, and depends only on the wishes of the client and the professional capabilities of the specialist who performs the staining. All colors are selected close to each other in tone; when creating a hairstyle, one color should smoothly transition into another.

How to highlight light brown hair at home

Highlighting on light brown hair can be done independently at home without the help of a master. This is an economical way to quickly change your appearance.

  1. Before the start of highlighting, the foil is cut into small pieces, the width of each of which should be equal to 15-20 centimeters. Please note that it is important to make the pieces of foil at least twice as long as the curls themselves.
  2. According to the instructions, all the ingredients for coloring are mixed. If necessary, an additional test for an allergic reaction is performed. After the curls are combed and conventionally divided into three parts. Two parts should turn out to be lateral, and one - occipital. Don't forget that bangs are a separate segment. Hairpins are used to secure parts that are not yet in work.
  3. Next, a comb with a sharp long tip is taken. In the working area, with the help of it, continuous thin strands are horizontally separated. In a checkerboard pattern, some of the curls should remain on the foil, some should go into the working area. After that, paint is carefully applied along the entire length, the foil is closed. The remaining curls are worked out according to the same algorithm. This is how the whole hairstyle is painted.
  4. How long you need to withstand the dye on your hair depends solely on the wishes of the future owner of highlighting. The more the paint will hold, the more saturated the color will be.

Means (clarifier and its%, dye, tools - everything you need for highlighting) for home highlighting

Before choosing a clarifier, you need to generally assess the condition of the hair, tone and desired effect. If possible, it is advisable to consult with a specialist from a beauty salon.

For dark curls, it is recommended to choose a 9-12% clarifier. For fair-haired girls, a clarifier of 6-8% is better. With weak and thin hair, you should not choose an oxidizing agent more than 3%, as there is a risk of damage to the hair structure.

It is important during the procedure to have a special brush, which will be used for staining, a special container for stirring paint, two combs (one should be a regular massage, the other should have an acute angle).

With a hat

Highlighting with a hat at home is one of the simplest procedures. It is suitable for those who cannot evenly divide their hair into the zone on their own and then independently apply the dye. This highlighting hat has a number of special holes. Strands are passed through them, and they will need to be dyed. This option is ideal for girls who have short hair or hair of medium length.

Hair care after highlighting

Caring for curls after the highlighting procedure has similarities with leaving after ordinary staining. It is important to maintain healthy-looking hair at all times, to prevent it from looking lifeless and dry. It is for this reason that experts recommend using various moisturizing cosmetics after washing your hair.

It is important not to expose the curls to chemical attack for several months, as this can seriously damage their structure. Re-staining can be carried out at least after 3-6 months, in some cases it is recommended to wait up to a year.