Myths about modern men. The most common myths about men

All of us are people. And we all want to be happy, although for a long time we hardly believe that this is possible. But hope dies last, and this "almost" remains. And we are looking, persistently looking for our happiness, often not very clearly imagining what it looks like. And even more vaguely imagining where to look for him ...

Happiness is harmony. In China, the harmony of masculine and feminine principles is depicted as a circle separated by a wavy line. That is, both principles are the same in importance for the circle - a symbol of perfection, a complete circle of development. Only their color is contrastingly different, and this makes a lot of sense. They complement each other, but they are very flexible and different in feelings. When the two beginnings complement each other, development on the planet strives for perfection, and when they mutually destroy each other, a crisis and death sets in.

Now the struggle between the sexes has become the main problem of modern man. Men and women cannot (or do not want?) To understand each other - all this leads to conflicts, and then to diseases.

But I want to try to dispel myths about men. Not in order, dear ladies, to assert that we are right: “we are better!”, But only in order to understand men, to accept and love them as they are.
So, the eternal question: what should every woman know about a man in order to be happy?

Myth 1. About male consistency and strength
Many girls live with complete confidence that at their first call for help, a man is right there. must change from a business suit to knightly armor... And rush to save her. And let him just try not to cope! A pejorative awaits him: "Well, what kind of man are you after that?" A man, of course, is in many ways more resilient and collected. It is easier for him to solve logical problems and perform physical activity. But this does not mean that his direct duty is to throw the world at the feet of a woman at any time convenient for her and to hammer nails in with just a glance.

A man is generally very vulnerable by nature. He is much more in need of support and support in difficult situations than a woman. It is easier to break and break it. Psychologists have calculated that men bear pain five times harder, get tired three times more and get sick on average 40% more often. No matter how strange it may seem. Hence the great predisposition of men to vices, for example, drunkenness - from weakness. But that's a completely different story.

The girl, first of all, must accept the idea that in this life no one owes anyone by and large (except for God). And that being self-sufficient is much more exciting than being constantly dependent on a man. It's so interesting to do great things, to achieve success, to build your own destiny!

And for a man, for sure, it will be much more interesting to live with a woman who does not seek in him only "strength and protection", but accepts him as he is. After all, each person is valuable for his inner world, his own individuality, his sincere desire to love ... And it doesn't matter who it is - a man or a woman.

Myth 2. Men cry too

The girl is perplexed: "How insensitive he is!", Watching how he calmly chews popcorn during the scene of DiCaprio's drowning in "Titanic". In fact, psychologists assure: despite the external equanimity and reinforced concrete, men tend to show rather strong emotions. AND they are going through all the harder and longer. It's just done away from prying eyes. Men keep emotions to themselves. Isn't that why they live less? ..

Actually, men are different. There are those who have everything for show - and laughter, and tears, and love. But women treat such representatives of the stronger sex with distrust. Somehow instinctively I want to feel strength in a man. And this does not fit in with emotionality. So completely soulless is bad, and overly soulful is even worse. Try to please!

Myth 3. All men need "just one thing"

Yes, it is possible that a man gives expensive gifts, takes her to restaurants, promises mountains of gold just to drag the girl into bed. But not everything is so prosaic. According to statistics, 83 out of 100 men do this solely out of a desire to build a real, serious, long-term relationship with a woman. And this is not a myth! It is not true that men only want sex from women. It is nonsense.

Is it worth spending so much effort, time and money, wishing to get what many will give just like that with great pleasure? It's just that a man likes to conquer. And the trophy won in a long and difficult battle is not just thrown away. It is cherished, preserved and cherished. Men need this feeling of drive, passion, tenderness - and not the very fact of the presence of a girl in his bed. Well, if, of course, he is a real man. So chastity is all the rage these days, ladies ...

Myth 4. Men are afraid of serious relationships

This may sound strange, but all men are completely different. So are the women. And as soon as one specific man meets a specific girl, who, in turn, suddenly turns his life upside down at once - he is ready for anything, just to be with her always. And if such a desire did not arise, if the zeal to build and strengthen the relationship did not appear further, this is not because the man was scared. He just met the wrong woman. For the most part, normal men are not at all afraid of serious relationships, but are simply looking for those women with whom they can build them.

Myth 5. Men should always take the first step.

Again, to the question that no one is anything to anyone ... However, a man, of course, should have taken the initiative here and there, but if this does not happen, it doesn’t matter. Often a girl just needs to decide for herself what a man would decide to do more ... oh, how much! Many couples simply would not have worked out initially, if there were no initiative girls in the world.

By the way, according to statistics, 93% of the male population do not see anything criminal in a girl taking the first step. And 30% of them - and only dream about it! So it's up to you ...

Myth 6. Appearance for a man is not the main thing

Men really, like all normal people, pay attention to their appearance. But only the first two minutes. And then they want to see something else behind the beautiful decoration. And when they find this "something" - there is no limit to men's happiness.

However, a rich inner world is often hidden behind unsightly decorations. And to make out it is rather difficult. But believe me - men do it! And with great success. Yes, they love outwardly beautiful girls (and how not to love something?), But they are also able to appreciate the mind and spiritual depth. And this for them, oddly enough, is the main thing. And the men themselves are already tired of constantly repeating this.

Myth 7. A man should earn money, and a woman should take care of children and the house.

Well, this is probably the most painful question. Who said?

Of course, this has been instilled in us for many years: "a man must earn money and support his family." But what if a woman has more opportunities to make money, while a man does an excellent job with his family and home? Is it bad? After all, this will not make you love him less, and maybe even vice versa. And it will be useful for men, too, to be in a woman's skin, so that later, when they come home from work, they do not say: “What are you tired of? You were at home all day ... "

Instead of a conclusion

Having debunked several myths about men, we begin to look at things in a new way. And since a man is by no means a thing, it is doubly worth looking at him with different eyes.
This is just a small part of what every girl should know about men. And not in order to assert that you are right: here, they say, what they are ... But only in order to meet your happiness, and having already met it - it is imperative to preserve and increase for many, many years ...

A woman in a family is like a “keeper”: happiness largely depends on her wisdom, love and understanding. Do not think about mistakes and failures, think only about good things, and then like will attract like. Be happy!

Svetlana Peunova

We compose myths about men ourselves. But they all have a real basis. Find out the most interesting facts about men noticed by observant researchers.

1. Most young men don't mind dating older women.
2. A third of men keep the names of their ex-girlfriends on their phones "just in case."

3. Many men report that they like a certain type of woman, for example, hot brunettes with long legs. However, only fragile blondes are found among their girls.
4. Every tenth man tells his friends about his sex life with all the details.
5. A half-dressed girl arouses a man more than a completely naked one.
6. It is very difficult for men to do several things at the same time. Therefore, it is more difficult for them to date two girls at the same time than it is for us to date three guys.
7. Single men are more prone to self-expression and publicity: extreme sports, tattoos, piercings, etc.
8. Most men are shy about chest and back hair.
9. Men do not mind giving up the initiative when meeting girls.
10. The peak of sexuality in men falls on the age of 19-30. But the ability to become a father can persist until the very old age.
11. Males are very self-confident. As children, they constantly imagine and compare themselves to superheroes.
12. Even if he loves a woman very much and is afraid of losing her, a man may not say “I love you” for years.
13. 94% of men lie about their penis size.
14. For most guys, a beautiful woman's face can be more important than a perfect figure.
15. Men who speak badly of women usually mean only one representative of the fair sex.

10 things he hides from you

1. You are trying to challenge your loved one to a frank conversation, and sometimes you even think that he has completely opened up to you. But there are things he is unlikely to tell you about. Perhaps it's really better not to know about them ... or to know?
2. His real thoughts are about your relatives. If he doesn’t speak about your parents in any way, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t have an opinion about them.
3. About how you are in bed ... Almost all men and women consider themselves sexual geniuses. However, this is not always the case. In any case, you will not hear the truth from him.
4. You will never know the real reason why he does not propose to you. If you are convinced that you know this reason, most likely you just like to think so.
5. It is unlikely that you know the whole truth about his personal life. Often men like to write about their sexual exploits, but there are also those who do not consider it necessary to devote their current girlfriend to their past life. And most likely this is correct.
6. He does not tell you about it, but believe me, he is sure that he is much smarter and more practical than you. Even if you are convinced otherwise.
7. Let him be silent about it, but sometimes he considers you a real blonde. Even if your hair is green. And sometimes he fearfully thinks that you are crazy.
8. He never admits to being afraid of commitment. He doesn't want to be responsible for anyone, in this case, for you. This is why many men avoid serious relationships.
9. He does not say that he is afraid of losing you.
If you sometimes like to tease your loved one by telling how men are interested in you, then he is unlikely to become you. to devote to the details of communication with a nice colleague who is clearly not indifferent to him.
10. You can never be sure that at the bachelor party he and the guys drank only a glass of beer and watched football.

Nevertheless, loving men protect us from unnecessary worries and worries, try not to cause jealousy and negative emotions in us. Therefore, let their little secrets remain with them, and the big ones - sooner or later will still become apparent.

Every woman dreams of finding her prince. We all have different tastes: someone dreams of an oligarch, someone of a cool biker, someone of romance.

Unfortunately, women don't always get what they dream of. Often we grab onto the first copies we come across, fearing to lose them, even if these men are fundamentally different from our preferences. It's a shame to admit this, but this happens all the time. Moreover, women are very afraid that their "chosen one" will leave them or betray them. The reason for this is the stereotypes that women themselves imposed on the male half of the population.

Misconceptions about men

1. The most common myths about men is that all men are polygamous... And if some faithful man comes across in all respects, then it is believed that something is wrong with him. However, scientists have already proven about 10 years ago that genetics does not in any way affect promiscuity in sexual intercourse in men. All the talk about polygamy inherent in nature is a fairy tale. So, men want to justify themselves in the fact that they cannot resist the temptation of an affair on the side.

Of course, there are unstoppable men like Casanova who cannot control their sexual urge, but such representatives are also often found among women.

2. A man only needs sex

This myth directly depends on the first statement. You should not row all men with the same brush. After all, this ridiculous myth directly indicates that men are not able to love and do not need love. If everything were so, all the romantics who, for the sake of the lady of the heart, are ready to commit crazy deeds, would have disappeared on earth long ago. And as psychologists who have devoted more than one year to this issue say, men need love and affection even more than women. So that this statement can be safely forgotten.

3. Appearance is important for men, not mind

Do not forget the proverb "They meet according to their clothes, but they see them off according to their minds." And indeed it is. The appearance of a woman for a man, exactly like a man's appearance for a woman, is very important. Beautiful makeup, well-groomed skin, neat manicure will help a woman to draw attention from a man. But if a lady has a wind in her head, and she cannot connect even two words, then a real man will not stay with her for a long time. A gentleman will be simply bored with such a person who is not able to maintain a conversation. Intelligent men expect a woman to be not only a good lover for them, but also a pleasant and intelligent companion, and be able to provide support in a difficult situation. And a windy lady, albeit with an impeccable appearance, will not be able to do this.

4. Freedom is very important for a man

Why this myth was born, let's figure it out.

There are men who cannot stop at one woman. Some wander from one lady to another. This is often the type of man mentioned in the first paragraph.

There are men who have been burned in previous relationships and no longer want a repetition of the bitter story. Therefore, they close their hearts and do not become attached to one woman.

And there are also irresponsible men, to whom give only a holiday and no responsibility for the consequences. Naturally, such men will avoid marriage like fire.

But there are other men in the world, smart, responsible, serious, who with great pleasure want to create their own home, plant a tree and raise children.

5. Men are only interested in big breasts

Polls show that the epidemic of breast augmentation has just swept the planet. And the fault lies in the false statement that all men like large breasts. In fact, this is not entirely true. It all depends on the man. Not for all representatives of the strong half, a woman's breast is in the first place, and even more so its size.

Do not delude yourself that big breasts will return the lost love of a husband or bewitch a man you like. It all depends on the woman, her character, self-confidence and ability to stay in society.

So dear women, I wish you to find a life partner who will love you for who you are. And may it meet all your expectations and hopes.

Elena Kuznetsova, a family psychologist, a consultant on interpersonal relations, director of the dating agency "Me and You", tells about the most famous myths about men. What is true in these myths and what is fiction.

Myth number 1. Men love with their eyes.

This is true. 99.9% of men are visuals. And this does not depend on character or upbringing. All men, both confident and unsure of themselves, pay attention first of all to the appearance of a woman and will get to know her only if the lady liked it. This is the nature of the opposite sex.

Myth number 2. A man should take the first step in a relationship.

This statement is a relic of the last century. And the women themselves are to blame for this, who, having become more emancipated, “broke” the men. Often, members of the opposite sex prefer a woman to look after them. More often, this category of men includes not very confident gentlemen, or lazy ones.

A lazy man can be quite confident in himself. It's just that he doesn't care. He is too lazy to do something, to win a woman. And when she herself approaches him and chooses him, this a priori means that she liked him. Then the man will argue whether he should act or not, whether he is interested in a woman or not, - explains Elena Kuznetsova.

Men who prefer to act on their own are real macho, "males". They prefer soft and feminine ladies and take initiative from them only in bed. Or exclusively in "women's issues": hungry - not hungry, tired - not tired, etc.

Myth number 3. Men are afraid of serious relationships

It all depends on the age of the man and his experience in relationships. It is a proven fact that men only grow up by the age of 40. And up to this age, they are really afraid of a serious relationship, although sometimes they go for it.

If the marriage is unsuccessful, men are doubly careful in the future. At the age of 30-35, with the experience of an unsuccessful marriage behind them, many representatives of the stronger sex are in no hurry to marry again. The most they dare to do is a civil marriage.

Men very carefully approach a new passion, because they did not walk - once, they got burned - two. And therefore, with the second, with the third girl, civil relations are more often, - says the psychologist.

If before the age of 35-36 a man was not married, was not burned, then he can plan a stable relationship with a woman. But at the same time - here's a paradox - he is still afraid of a stamp in his passport.

Myth number 4. All men are obsessed with sex

This is partly true, although here you need to look at the man's age and temperament. Nevertheless, when a man meets a woman, first of all, the reference point is the woman's sexuality. A man thinks like this: "Whether I want her or not."

On the other hand, says Elena Kuznetsova, women are no less obsessed with sex than men.

As an example, the director of a dating agency cited a case from practice. One of her clients met a man every week for a month and a half. He looked after her beautifully, while he was in no hurry with sex. This worried the woman: “Is everything all right with him? He is healthy?".

It turns out that often women even expect men to drag them to bed. So the weaker sex sometimes thinks about sex even more than the stronger sex, - the psychologist notes.

Myth number 5. Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

This statement is incorrect. Psychologically, blondes do look softer and more approachable, but, nevertheless, more often than not we like people who are like us. This applies to both women and men.

Psychologically, the situation is understandable. We often see ourselves in the mirror, get used to our image, it does not irritate us. That is precisely why many couples are so often alike: sculpting the face, nose, eyes. For example, big-eyed women prefer big-eyed men, and vice versa. A fair-haired man is more likely to choose a fair-haired woman. People with wide faces also tend to prefer partners with wide faces rather than narrow faces, etc.

Myth number 6. All men are polygamous and cheat on everything

Regarding polygamy in men, the statement is incorrect. According to recent studies, women are more polygamous than the stronger sex. This is dictated by modernity. The ladies became earners, they work “for themselves and for that guy” - all this was reflected in their psyche. It became difficult for women to settle on one partner who would fully meet all their requirements. Active and lively ladies often meet in parallel with several men at once: one provides me, the other is good in bed, the third has good connections, and so on.

At the expense of betrayal - it's hard to say.

I would like to believe that there are couples who have never cheated on each other. But in my long practice, alas, I have not come across such a thing, - notes Elena Kuznetsova.

Myth number 7. A man in love is ready for anything

It's true. True love transforms men absolutely, and they are really ready to throw everything at the feet of their beloved.

Among my clients was a 32-year-old businessman. He lived for his girlfriend. When they parted, the guy wilted: he abandoned the business, sold the apartment, moved to live with his parents, earned only enough to be enough for food. But when he fell in love again, he revived the business for the sake of the girl, became strong and caring again.

Today there are many myths and all kinds of stereotypes about the strong sex, about men. After all, it is not without reason that an invented list of what men are obliged to do, how they act in various situations, about their views and much more, appeared. In their attempts to understand the male sex, women made many incorrect arguments and conclusions, which have survived to this day. At the same time, all these guesses are completely meaningless, but they continue to exist and change the female view of men. This article examines the most common myths about men that do not correspond to reality and truth:

Man and vodka are two words that are closely intertwined.

Under this myth, you can take not only vodka, but all alcoholic beverages, but in fact, men consume alcohol in several situations:

  • Holiday - there is some reason on which you can even drink more than the prescribed norm;
  • Problems, bad news, bad mood - in this case, alcohol helps to relax and forget that you do not want to tell others;
  • "For courage" - sometimes it becomes an excuse to drink, but within the normal range;

It is safe to say that if a man drinks alcohol (regularly), then there is a good reason that you urgently need to find out and, if possible, help.

A man must be proactive

Even as a child, instead of “I like you,” the boys simply pulled their pigtails, tried to hurt the girls they liked. But when little boys have become adult men with their own status in society and ties with a shirt, then the above methods will no longer help to attract the attention of females. Of course, the percentage of initiative among men should be higher than among women. But it's the 21st century and it's quite normal when girls take the initiative, in terms of the first steps to a relationship.

Sincerity and openness of women attracts men

One can agree with this myth, but not 100%. Openness is always appreciated, but within the normal range, it is necessary to understand that a man cannot be in the role of a best friend. Therefore, some intimate details, stories about their exes, they should be told with caution or not at all. A mystery should remain in a woman, so you should not open up and open yourself up to men completely, let some secrets remain with you.

Household problems are not for men.

The washing machine can wash the clothes, the dishwasher can wash the dishes, and you can cook food in the multicooker or just go to a cafe or restaurant. In fact, men can cook deliciously, put things in order in the house, and follow the child. But at all times, all this was a woman's duties, the task of women is to create and maintain a hearth in the house, to raise children, and the task of men is to feed the family, a man should be a breadwinner. Nowadays, it is not necessary to kill a mammoth, women have mastered male duties, and men - female. Therefore, do not underestimate the male gender!

Men should not be weak, should not complain and whine.

First of all, we are all people, people who have emotions, weaknesses, problems, experiences. Everyone needs support, understanding, sometimes it is necessary to speak out so that the soul becomes easier and calmer. In some cases, men experience more emotions than women, they need support and understanding. If a person tells you about his problems, this does not mean at all that he whines, complains, etc., you just need to listen, support and, if possible, give advice.

Shopping is hell for men

This is an erroneous opinion, because when it comes to choosing a tie or sports shoes, then men choose these things with special attention. Many men love the process of combining and choosing things, and it should be borne in mind that many famous designers are men. In addition, representatives of the stronger sex stroll in shopping centers, helping their ladies to choose the next dress and boots.

Men only have one need - sex.

Relationships will not last long without spousal debt. Sex is part of a strong relationship. Men should not be blamed for what cannot be done without in our time, without which normal, full-fledged relationships of loving people cannot exist.

All men cheat sooner or later

No one ever betrays or cheats without a good reason. For every act there is a beginning, and if it so happened that a loved one cheated on you, then perhaps the reason lies in you. Try to talk to your partner and find out the reason for his misbehavior. And, most importantly, remember that if a person loves you, then in no case will he give, and even more so will not change.

Gossip is not for men

It's no secret that not only women, but also men gossip. They are happy to participate in this process, but still not all men like to talk rumors behind their backs. Let gossip remain a woman's occupation, but men can also dilute and add a little "news".

Men often lie

Men don't lie, they just exaggerate to impress the weaker sex. Or they hide and hide something, but everything they do is for the benefit of peace and preservation of the nerves of loved ones.

From all this, we can conclude that all myths can be refuted and many of them are completely stupid and meaningless, invented in order to amuse pride. Now men cannot kill a mammoth, get skins or do what he could have done 5 and 10 centuries ago. At the moment, men have learned new things, because meat can be bought in the supermarket, and the skin can be replaced with a fur coat. All men are different, some are soft, polite, well-mannered, kind, while others wear the mask of a narcissistic and insensitive egoist.

Remember, women cannot live without a stronger sex, because only they can love like no one else, give flowers, make surprises, understand, listen. Love is the most important thing, love each other, do not believe myths and be happy!