Is it possible to remove gel polish at home. How to remove gel nails at home. Removing a layer of gel polish with a cutter

Typically, the gel coat lasts 2-3 weeks. It can, of course, stay much longer, but this is very harmful for the nail plate. When there is no way to go to the master, the question becomes how to remove the gel from the nails at home. This must be done carefully so that your own nails do not suffer.

How to remove gel from nails

Errors when removing gel polish

Cases when there is no opportunity to visit your manicurist, unfortunately, are quite common. And then the girls decide to remove the long-lasting manicure on their own. Often not knowing how to do it right, they make fatal mistakes that can cost them their nail health.

Some people use a regular nail file or manicure spatula to scrape off the coating. This is strictly prohibited, as this will damage your nails. They will recover from 3 to 6 months. It is also impossible to cut off the gel polish, since you can unnoticeably remove the protective layer of the nail, which can lead to dryness and brittleness.

How to remove gel from nails

The easiest way is to remove the gel coat with a specially formulated product. If you do not have one and you do not know how to remove the gel from your nails, then we recommend using an acetone-containing nail polish remover.

The procedure for removing the gel coating from nails is as follows:

1. First you need to prepare your nails. The top layer of the gel must be cut off with a soft buff (polishing file). Just scratch the gel coat slightly.

2. A small piece of cotton wool is abundantly moistened in nail polish remover and applied to the nail plate. Wrap your finger tightly with foil. In this form, the nails must be kept for 10-15 minutes.

3. Then remove the foil alternately from each finger, the varnish is removed with an iron manicure spatula or orange stick. If the gel does not come off the nail, do not try to peel it off, it is better to repeat the procedure with foil.

So, you already know how to apply the now fashionable gel polish, but now it's time to remove the coating. It will not work in the usual way - it will take some skill and knowledge.

Preparing to remove shellac

To remove gel polish at home, you will need:

  • nail polish remover (the most common one will do, even without acetone);

  • cotton pads (as an option - pieces of cotton wool or sponges);

  • foil;

  • stick to remove the remains of varnish;

  • nail file (polishing).

Before proceeding with the very process of removing the varnish, you need to prepare everything - cut the foil into wide strips so that you can wrap it around your finger, cut sponges or cotton pads into pieces - the pieces should be such as to cover the nail.

Remove varnish

We analyze the process in stages. Take a piece of sponge (cotton pad) and moisten it liberally in nail polish remover. Some people use acetone. If you do not feel sorry for your already damaged nails, then you can use it, but still it is better to stay with nail polish remover. Then carefully place the cotton wool on the nail and cover with foil.

The foil should be wrapped around the nail several times to keep the nail polish remover from evaporating. We repeat this for each finger of one hand. After that, you need to wait until the nail polish remover acts on the gel polish. It usually takes at least 15 minutes. Try peeling the foil off one finger. If the gel polish peels off the nail in pieces and is easily removed, you can also remove it from other nails.

It is possible that in some places it adheres to the nail more firmly. In order to process these areas, we need an orange stick. The remains are removed to her quite easily. If you cannot remove the gel, then you need to repeat the procedure with nail polish remover and foil. But in this case, you need to hold less - usually 5 minutes is enough.

Completion of the procedure

After you have removed the varnish from all nails, it is advisable to go over the surface of the nail with a polishing file to remove all residues of the base that “survived” after the nail polish remover and the orange stick.

It is better to do such a manicure on weekends to give the nails time to rest and make a useful bath, or just apply oil (nourishing cream) for a few hours. If you plan to do a new manicure right away, then do not forget to thoroughly degrease the nail plate.

Today on the site is a topic that is interesting for many women: "How to remove gel from nails at home according to all the rules without damaging your natural nails?"

What's in the article:

Varieties of nail gels

So, to begin with, let's figure out the concept of "nail gel" and find out what types it is.

Gel is a special odorless polymer that, under the influence of UV rays or special catalysts, turns from a liquid state into a durable material.

There are two types of nail gel:

  • Gel nails- This is a covering of the nail plate, consisting of one or more layers of polymer. Used to create a french style manicure and to extend nails using tips.
  • Gel polish- polymer coating, which appeared during the symbiosis of gel and nail polish. Due to this specific composition, the gel is able to stay on the nails for a long time (2-3 weeks). It is easy to use, odorless, dries instantly, and comes in a wide variety of colors.

If you are a lover of extended nails or often use gel polish, then you should take care not to harm your own natural nails in the process of removing them. On the site you will find the answer to the question: "How to carefully remove the gel from the nails at home in order to avoid their fragility and dull color in the future."

We remove gel nails on our own at home

It is better to remove nails from the gel from the master, because this material is so strong that careless handling or attempts to simply “rip off” it can severely injure your natural nail. But if you are in a hurry or there is simply no way to go to the salon, you can try to remove your nails from the gel yourself. Although the process is complicated, if you follow all the rules, then even the most durable gel from your nails can be removed at home.

For this we need:

  • Nippers or cutter
  • Double-sided nail file (required abrasive coefficient below 100 grit)
  • Saw (coefficient 180-250 grit)
  • File for polishing
  • Soft brush
  • Medical mask

Be patient before starting work. The process is tiresome, long and here's why. Gel nails cannot be removed from the nail plate with acetone solution, they do not dissolve in it. The base layer of the gel has the property of firmly adhering to the surface of the nail, so attempts to rip off will not lead to anything good. There is only one and very laborious way left - cutting.

How to remove gel from nails correctly - step by step instructions:

  1. With the help of nippers or a cutter, we trim the edges of the nails, not reaching the fingertips by 1-2 mm. This reduces the cutting area and you have less work to do.
  2. Having put on the mask on the face and armed with a wide file with a rough surface, we begin to cut the top finish layer. Brush off the gel dust, otherwise it will greatly dry the delicate skin surrounding the nail.
  3. To know the boundary between the surface of the nail and the gel, you need to periodically lubricate the nail with a cotton pad after soaking it with a nail polish remover solution. The border will immediately become visible.
  4. After the entire extended nail has been removed, it remains to process the nail plates with a polishing file or buff from the gel residues, to give them the desired shape.
  5. Wash off the remaining gel dust under running water. Cover the nail plate with a special varnish with a strengthening and restoration effect. Apply a nourishing cream to the skin of your hands.

We remove gel polish or shellac at home by ourselves

Now we will learn how to remove gel polish from nails correctly, quickly and inexpensively.

You need to prepare:

  • Acetone based nail polish remover
  • Roasting foil, cut into small plates
  • Cotton pads
  • Cuticle stick, plastic or wooden
  • File for polishing
  • Any hand cream, preferably oily

A small briefing for beginners. Gel polish cannot be corrected, it must be removed. Use your hands in the work in turn, and not both at the same time.

How to remove gel polish, shellac from nails at home: step by step instructions:

And here are the reviews those who independently carried out a similar procedure at home:

  • More than once I removed gel polish from nails with acetone. True, after it, the nails are very dry. Irina
  • Those with strong nails can simply soak them all in acetone. The gel polish will go away by itself. The main thing is not to forget to treat your hands with cream or special oil. Marina
  • Once I took off gel polish from my nails at home. Her nails were badly damaged, then she treated them for a long time with special means. Oksana

So, we have figured out how to remove gel from nails correctly and carefully at home.

It is better to do this procedure in a nail salon, because at home without proper practice, you risk making mistakes and losing the health of your nails.

Klimova Olesya - specially for - a site for lovers ... in yourself!

Gel polish has become a good alternative to extended plates and classic manicure. However, along with the positive qualities, the disadvantages of using the product are also discussed. For example, a mandatory visit to the salon to apply and remove the coating. There is some truth in this, because the gel has unusual properties that differ from ordinary varnish. It must be applied according to the technology and removed with the fulfillment of mandatory conditions. But this does not mean that such a procedure cannot be done at home. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the varnish coating and the features of use.

Can I take it off myself

It is recommended to remove the gel coating in salon conditions. The master will be able to choose a special liquid, the use of which will make cleaning less dangerous for the nail plate. But if some requirements are met, this procedure can be done at home.

It should be noted that the gel does not lend itself to quick rinsing, it is literally absorbed into the upper layer of the nail. The use of mechanical methods of removing the coating is fraught with serious damage to the structure. Therefore, the quality of the flushing solutions and the sequence of the procedure should be taken into account.

Salons usually use a special liquid produced by the same manufacturer as the varnish. This ensures quick removal of the varnish layer, without the use of surface grinding with coarse abrasives. But its cost is not so small to be purchased for home use.

It is easier to contact a master or try other solutions as a softener.

What does that require

Before the procedure for removing the coating, you need to prepare materials that are useful for work:

  • several files with different functionality (for grinding and adjusting);
  • orange stick;
  • special or food;
  • cotton pads;
  • acetone-based nail polish remover.

What can be removed

A list of products that can be used to remove the gel coat:

  • Acetone can only be used in solutions based on it. The industrial composition cannot be used. The time for soaking the gel coating is reduced by 5-7 minutes, and there is no need to exert mechanical influence. The varnish is removed the first time. The only drawback of this method is the effect of the chemical composition on the skin and nail plate. Even in a short time, severe drying occurs, so further care should include masks to nourish and moisturize the skin of the hands and nail surface.
  • Nail polish often used by innovative women to remove gel. For such a procedure, you will need: cotton pads, transparent varnish, lint-free napkins (dry or wet). Apply transparent varnish to the plates and allow a little time for contact with the gel layer. Without waiting until it dries, remove the varnish in a circular motion, as if forcing the gel to move away. After the first procedure, the positive result is partially noted, so you need to repeat the manipulation done again. After the second time, the gel coat should disappear.

  • Alcohol by its properties it also belongs to solvents. To achieve the effect, you should double the time of the procedure. The formulation does not act as quickly as the softener for the gel. The sequence and technology repeats the use of nail polish remover.

Removal from natural / extended nails

It is very difficult to remove the gel from extended nails. It is better to perform this procedure in salons. Neither specialty liquids nor Acrylic Remover can cope with this task. Therefore, the method of cutting the coating is more often used.

It is almost impossible to do this on your own, because the boundaries between natural nails and extended nails are very thin and sometimes not visible even to a specialist. The risk of damage to the nail structure is too great.

Sawing is done with a nail file (100-150 grit). You should not use glass, metal files with notches, euro pumice for the procedure. The process of removing the gel layer is complicated by the formation of nail dust, therefore, after several movements, you should wipe the nail with a cotton pad dipped in an acetone-based nail polish remover. This will facilitate surface control and prevent damage to the natural surface.

If it is impossible to remove the entire layer, you can leave a thin layer. It will not be noticeable after further processing, and your nails will remain safe and sound. Further care is accompanied by oil impregnation and application of a strengthening agent.

This method is not suitable for removing gel from natural nails, as it will simply barbarously destroy the surface and structure of the nail plates. Although there are daredevils who have tried it on themselves. Reviews do not display recommendations for use and good results.

How to remove

What to do after withdrawal

It should be noted that even a gentle method of removing the coating requires special care after the procedure.

  • polish the nail plate;
  • rub in healthy olive oil or until completely absorbed into the surface;
  • create a protective layer by applying a hardener to the plates;
  • with the help of a moisturizing and softening cream, treat the cuticle zones;
  • do not apply colored coatings for several days.

An arranged break between staining will allow the nail structure to recover.

Advantages of gel polish:

  • when applied correctly, forms a durable surface that does not weigh down the nail plate;
  • the manicure retains its integrity, shine and color for 2 weeks;
  • easy material to use;
  • does not exude a pungent odor;
  • the composition does not contain components hazardous to health;
  • the use of the coating prevents the formation of chips and delamination;
  • wide range of colors.

Among the difficulties that arise when using the gel, the features of removing the coating and the obligatory presence of a UV lamp for applying some types of varnish.

The rest of the subtleties relate only to proper care and precautions:

  1. avoid prolonged contact of nails with a moist environment;
  2. the first day to limit the time of using the shower and bathtub to complete the complete hardening of the varnish;
  3. after several procedures in a row, a break is needed to restore the nail structure.

The coating process includes mandatory rules that will ensure the long-term preservation of the manicure:

A manicure is used for no more than two weeks, after which it is necessary to remove the coating, even if its appearance does not require it. The longer the gel is on the nail plate, the stronger its bond with the nail surface becomes. Overexposed varnish is difficult to remove, it becomes necessary to resort to aggressive methods that adversely affect the condition of the nails.

Recently, most girls and women choose gel polish to cover their nails. This choice is due to the fact that this material is quite easy to use, budget, it can be used even at home, it is applied in an even layer, dries very quickly under the influence of UV rays and lasts for 2-3 weeks.

But when it comes time to update a manicure, an important question arises: “How to remove gel polish at home? Let's talk about this.

Dear girls, remember that their further health and beauty depends on the correct removal of the coating from your nails. Pay close attention to this issue, as otherwise you risk spoiling the plate structure once and for all.

Remover (special liquid)

Each manufacturer considers it its task to release a special liquid for its removal, which is called a remover.

It can be easily purchased at a professional store. The remover is a bottle of colored liquid. Sponges or pieces of cotton wool are moistened in it, which are then applied to the nail plate.

  • We cut off the glossy layer with a file, processing all the marigolds one by one.
  • We cut the cotton pads into four parts or take sponges, moisten them with a remurer and apply them to the nail.
  • We wrap each finger with a small piece of foil and wait for the time indicated on the bottle. It usually takes 15-20 minutes.
  • After the lapse of time, we remove the simple constructions from our fingers and use a manicure spatula to clean off the cracked gel polish.

Removing the gel coat is also possible without foil. It can be replaced by household cling film. For vacation trips, bring special wraps available from a professional store. Their advantage is that you don't need anything else. The only drawback of the wrappers is the high price.


Removal with acetone follows the same rules as removal with a remover. It can be with or without foil.

This method captivates with its cheapness, but at the same time, it is worth remembering that this method can injure not only the nail plate, but also the cuticle.


Now let's talk about alcohol. It is also capable of destroying gel polish without deteriorating the nails as under the influence of acetone. Craftsmen try to remove the coating even with vodka, but it takes quite a long time.

It is better to use rubbing alcohol to remove the material. We moisten sponges or pieces of a cotton pad with it, put it on each finger and wrap it in foil. Leave it for 20-25 minutes, and then remove the remaining gel polish with a file.

If, after exposure to alcohol, the gel polish is removed poorly, the procedure can be repeated. Removing a manicure with alcohol occurs practically without harm to nails, but the procedure can take from 30 to 50 minutes.

Some girls reduce the time to remove gel polish with a hair dryer, which supposedly should heat the foil, and that, in turn, will transfer heat to alcohol. Yes, the material will be removed faster, but such manipulations will cause irreparable damage to the nail plate and cuticle.


You can also use nail polish remover to remove the coating. There are two options here: foil wrapping (the method described above) and soaking in a container.

Let us dwell on soaking in more detail and describe it step by step:

  • Lubricate the cuticle with a fat cream.
  • We lower our fingers into the container so that the nails are covered with liquid.
  • We expect 10-15 minutes.
  • Take an orange or bamboo stick and remove the residue from the nail.

After using the product, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, and then polish the nails with buff.


Familiar nail polish can also be used, especially if there is nothing on hand to dissolve the gel. By the way, not many girls know about this method.

If you want to adopt this method, you must remember that you should not use bright or saturated colors, it is better to use neutral shades, and best of all with a transparent varnish. Next, we will show you step by step how to remove the coating in this way.

Prepare a nail file, varnish, and lint-free wipes:

  • To dissolve the pigment faster, use a file to remove the top top coat.
  • Apply a thick layer of transparent varnish over the entire area of ​​the nail.
  • We wait for 1 minute (do not let the varnish dry), then try to remove both materials with a napkin.
  • We also use an orange stick, which will help remove residues near the cuticle.
  • This procedure can be repeated if necessary.

Saw cut (cutter)

Usually, the cutter is used by nail service masters in salons when there is no time for wrapping or soaking nails. It is considered that this method is gentle, since the plate does not come into contact with aggressive substances.

But a milling cutter is quite an expensive pleasure. The price of a good device is 10-15 thousand rubles, and it is simply not advisable to have this expensive device at home.

But if you nevertheless acquired this wonderful machine, then it is worth remembering that a cutter in inexperienced hands can lead to sad consequences, such as damage, delamination or even destruction of the nail.

According to the rules of nail art masters, the top layer of the coating is removed with a highly abrasive diamond or ceramic nozzle, and the remains of the pigment and base - with a nozzle with a low abrasiveness. Also at the second stage, you can use a remover, which will dissolve the remaining pieces of gel polish in a matter of minutes.

If you need to remove gel polish from extended nails, then you just can't do without a cutter or file. Liquids such as alcohol or vodka will simply not take it, and a remover or acetone will simply destroy it.

And in the end, I would like to give you some practical tips that will help you in the future to remove the worn-out coating at home without any problems:

Council number 1. Buy coverings only in professional stores, and when purchasing, ask the seller what is the best way to remove it and, if possible, immediately purchase the product.

Council number 2. If you did a manicure in the salon, then remember the brand or ask the master how this material is in a sock and how it can be removed at home.

Council number 3. If you are removing gel polish yourself, first work with your left hand, and then move to your right. It may take a little more time, but the other hand will be free, and you will be able to answer the call, have a cup of tea and do not risk disrupting the procedure.

Tip # 4 For a vacation trip, you can purchase wraps soaked in remover, which are convenient to take with you and they are easy to use.


And in conclusion, I would like to note that the reviews about the above methods for removing gel polish are different, but experts warn: that there is no 100% safe method, as any impact injures the plate.

Do not abuse the frequent change of coverage, take care of your nails. Perhaps this recommendation is the most important!