What do men pay attention to? Women through the eyes of men: what men pay attention to first

The answer to the question of what men pay attention to in a woman at the first meeting is of interest primarily to women. If, going on a date, the representative of the fair half sets herself the goal of conquering her chosen one, then she should remember some important things.

It is wrong to believe that all men are so primitive that they think according to some established pattern. They are very diverse in their preferences, and it is rather problematic to indicate what exactly your chosen one will pay attention to. But still, there is a commonality in the views of men on women at the first meeting.

The value of the first impression for a man The psychology of men, which is in the hands of women, is still predictable. Girls who are preparing to meet a man for the first time should remember that the importance of the first impression should not be underestimated. It plays an important role in the development of further relations. Numerous surveys show that all men at the first meeting pay attention to appearance and, above all, to: proportions of the figure, weight, voice, grooming.

For some representatives of the stronger sex, the individuality of a woman, her ability to differ from the mass of others, is important. But this difference should not be vulgarly flashy. Speaking of individuality, first of all, they mean stylishness in clothes, in manners. Not all men will appreciate the value of your things and jewelry, but almost everyone will pay attention to the ability to dress with taste.

The male look at a woman is always evaluating and trying on. Already at the first meeting, your chosen one will think about what kind of society you can appear with, whether you can show your friends and what they will say at the same time. TOP 11 things men pay attention to What do men pay attention to first of all? Silhouette. For men, the proportional ratio of body parts to each other is important.

Face. It should not necessarily be beautiful, but pleasant, sweet and charming. Excessive cosmetics will only spoil the impression, even if it only emphasizes the merits and hides the flaws.

Eyes. The cut, depth, fit, eye color - this is all that nature has awarded us. A small amount of makeup will enhance the expressiveness of the look. To add friendliness and goodwill to it means to invite to acquaintance.

Smile. To win favor, smile sincerely. You should try to ensure that the smile was charming.

Breast. More often than not, comments are avoided here. Yes, it's attractive. And here, for most men, a harmonious proportional ratio of the chest with other parts of the body is also important.

Hands. The male look at women will not disregard the hands. He will definitely appreciate their elegance, length of nails, grooming.

Gait. Well, if you have it light and fluttering. If not, then you should work on it.

Posture. Every man will appreciate a straight back and grace. If you have not yet met that one, remember that the meeting can happen at any moment, and be prepared for it. Work on perfecting your image. If we talk about posture, then it can be corrected with the help of physical exercises.

Hair. They can be light or dark, long or short. It's not that important. First of all, they must be well-groomed.

Smell. A pleasant smell from hair, clothes, body is another necessary condition to please.

The manner of communication. Welcome: ease of communication, sense of humor, the ability to maintain a conversation on various topics, the ability to dignifiedly stay in society. Remember that rudeness, vulgarity, swearing repel.

In fact, this list can be continued, but you need to remember the following. The psychology of guys is such that they perceive a woman not in separate parts. Therefore, if you are in search of a partner, work on the attractiveness of your image as a whole.

What is absolutely unimportant for men at the first meeting The psychology of a man differs from the psychology of a woman: what is not important for the first may be paramount for the second. Men will not pay attention to: a super cool manicure, in which store and for how much clothes, handbags, accessories were bought.

So, to the question "What do men look at?" The answer is: almost everything. It is important for them that their woman is "the best" in every way.

How to attract the attention of a man?Just one glance is enough for him to assess whether he likes you or not. What exactly is he looking at? In this article you will find answers to the question, what do men pay attention to in a woman?

Are you walking down the street and it seems to you that no one pays attention to you? Dancing in a crowded club and feeling invisible? It's not like that at all. The men who stood nearby looked at you carefully. They only need one glance furtively to appreciate your attractiveness. What exactly are they paying attention to? Here is a list of 12 such little things. You need to know about them in order to look as good as possible in men's eyes.

What do men look for in a woman?

1. Hair

Usually a man, looking at a woman, first looks at her face. But what to do when she stands with her back to him? A lot of guys judge a woman's attractiveness by her hair. They pay attention to how clean, healthy, well-groomed and neatly cut and/or styled. At the same time, many people like long hair the most.

2. Posture

Always try to stay straight. Guys really pay attention to this! In their opinion, a woman greatly loses her attractiveness when she begins to stoop and stoop. And when you straighten up, you look even taller and slimmer.

3. Girlfriends

Surprised? Meanwhile, the guy, looking at you, at the same time looks at your girlfriends. If they're too noisy, vulgar, or obnoxious, then he probably won't flirt with you. After all, a man will consider that you have the same character as your friends.

4. Mouth

A guy will probably look at your lips, but not at all in order to assess their size or imagine whether it would be good to kiss you. If he sees that you are in a capricious mood (and this will be seen precisely from your pursed lips, from grimaces), he will refuse to communicate. And if he notices that you are constantly smiling, he will take it as a green light for a closer acquaintance.

5. Dance

Nothing affects men's feelings like a sexy dancing woman. The better you move on the dance floor, the more the guy will want to get to know you. Men quickly notice if you fall into the rhythm of the music, how beautiful and graceful your movements are, and so on. And be sure, they will not like it if you are too vulgar on the dance floor.

6. Bag

The contents of your handbag can tell a lot about you. Therefore, men, on occasion, look at how this accessory looks: whether it is large, overloaded with various things (for example, cosmetics) or small and comfortable. If, for example, they see that you are carrying a book in your bag, then they may be interested in it in order to know approximately what topics they can talk to you about. And if your gold or crystal-studded phone case flashes before their eyes, you may be considered a fashionista who has only beautiful trinkets in her head. And there are many such examples.

7. Smile

Remember that girls who smile are the most successful with the opposite sex. Why? Because they seem kinder and more accessible. The guy is not afraid to approach and talk to such a woman, because he knows that he will not be ridiculed and insulted.

8. Studs

You don't have to wear high heels every day, but keep in mind that a girl in stilettos instantly attracts male gazes. Men love to watch a woman waggle her hips, walking around in such shoes or boots. Shoes with high heels seem very sexy to them.

9. Gait

Men also appreciate how you walk. If your step is quick and decisive, you are perceived as a very confident person. If the gait is slow, not very energetic, then most likely you will be considered modest. Well, then whoever likes it.

10. Mood

You may look like Miss World, but if a guy notices from your gestures that you are negative, take everything with hostility, he will not even try to get to know you better.

11. Style

Men, it would seem, do not understand fashion, but be sure - they pay a lot of attention to what the girl is wearing. And, most likely, they will refuse to flirt with you if you are dressed like a boy or if your outfit speaks of belonging to some specific community (punk, emo, etc.)

12. Ass

Men love this part of the female body. You will get extra points in men's eyes if you emphasize your slender buttocks with tight-fitting jeans or a skirt. In this case, you will not be able to fight off the fans!

Any acquaintance can be divided into 3 stages: the first impression (acquaintance), the first week (looking closely), the first year (the milestone in which the future fate of the couple is decided). But the direction of this acquaintance, that is, what feeling will grow out of it, is determined in the first minutes. There are exceptions to this rule - friendship develops into love, lovers remain true friends.

Let's find out what guys pay attention to when they get to know a girl, how you can beat your new acquaintance, and what you shouldn't.

What are young guys looking for?

Young guys are more likely to look at appearance, dear girls! A guy appreciates your hair, how beautiful, clean, neatly styled and well-groomed it is. Next from the exterior are the eyes and chest. Knowing this, be able to emphasize them so that they can be seen, but do not expose your charms, do not push men to frank words and actions addressed to you!

The second item in the ranking of what guys pay attention to at the time of meeting is your posture. Yes, a stooped girl is unlikely to attract the attention of a male, no matter how beautiful and magnificent her breasts are, no matter how sky-blue her eyes are. Straight back, flattened shoulder blades - this is your #2 weapon!

The girl's friends took the third place in our list. The guys very clearly understand that you are not just friends with Lucy or Valya, that you are close to them in spirit, hobbies, principles. And if your friend Valya swears all over the dance floor, then you personally will not hurt the heart of a guy (a good guy, not the same as Valya).

The fourth point is the lips. Yes, lips need care no less than eyes, hair, hands. The shape of the lips, their color, sensuality are very important for guys. Not to mention the smile! Look at your smile in the mirror, that's how beautiful you should smile at him much more often!

Clear, correct and graceful movements instill confidence in the guy that you are a self-sufficient person, you don’t have to fuss, look for a comfortable position, you already know everything for a long time. And a self-confident girl will not demand anything from a guy from the first days. He likes these!

Strange, but true. Guys look at what the girl is wearing in her purse or purse. According to their content, they determine how to behave with a girl. If you have fresh press and a textbook in your bag, then you need to communicate with you in a completely different way than with a girl who has a small box of condoms in her bag. And they are right. For different purposes - different girls!

The seventh number in our ranking is occupied by heels. It is they who make a woman out of a woman, as the secretary said in the movie "Office Romance". On a beautiful walk in heels, on legs in the thinnest tights, on a skirt, hips, without exception, all men pay attention, even the youngest, even the oldest. So all of the above, plus the prominent part of the body, the one under the skirt, is the girl's most powerful weapon.

About the most important

Just make sure that the shoes, the skirt, and the tights match each other in style. So what do guys pay attention to if you are dressed up, and there are stains and puffs on your clothes? Well, certainly not for you! And for those whose clothes are stylish, not necessarily expensive, simple, but fashionable.

Also, make sure your clothes are clean. As well as everything that is connected with you. You may not be a beautiful, culinary expert, but you should be clean and tidy.

As time passes, what guys pay attention to changes. Adult men have slightly different preferences. And you, dear girls, will understand this, become more attentive and sensitive to the male sex. The strong half will begin to worry about your intelligence, erudition, buttocks and hip width (nature makes them instinctively choose those who can give birth easier). And also, over time, men choose good housewives, cooks, who can also mend a sock and sew on a button.

In order to explore other planets, the site is flying to Mars today in order to find out how beautiful and successful Venusian women can be closer to strong and smart Martians, knowing what they are, how men pay attention when you first meet us.

To write this opus, the n-th number of Martians was interviewed, which expresses sincere Gratitude in contributing to the conquest of them by us 🙂

By the way, ladies, pay attention to the fact that men reacted to this survey with genuine interest! Most likely, they were already hungry and desperate, being in the eternal search for a non-smoking girl who knows how to cook and with whom you can have an interesting conversation 🙂 Therefore, they were very happy with the opportunity to “contribute at least a little to changing the world :)”.

And I immediately warn you, this article is simply woven from the words of the men themselves - no processing, analysis and gag, as is usually the case in such articles. What men pay attention to - only first-hand facts 😉

“You will never get a second chance to make a first impression” is never a relevant phrase when it comes to meeting a man for the first time. For those who turn up their noses and say that I will still remain myself, I retort - if men don’t like you, don’t know or ignore what men pay attention to, and you are who you are - success! 🙂

The whole point of interest lies in the fact that don't just repeat everything that is written in such articles, but try make it part of your character, life, and of appearance, of course, too.

Today we will not talk about the first date, or better to say - not only about him.

You were introduced by friends, you met in a movie/club/at a conference where there were a lot of other people - it doesn't matter where. It is important that you wanted to attract the attention of some man, attracted, and he naturally launched the process of evaluating you. By the way, how often men forget that the same process automatically starts on the other side. But today is not about that 🙂

Men are not as primitive and limited as some ladies think. And all of them are united by a simply striking similarity in what they, men, pay attention to when they first meet. And as it turned out, they want to see so much that they will also give us a head start with the needs, so that “he was like this, like this and like that, behaved like this, like this, and also knew how to fly” 🙂 hard casting. They take advantage of the fact that there are fewer of them 🙂

But still, I think that it makes sense to listen to, so to speak, the primary source, and not constantly suffer from the question - why doesn’t anyone call me back / call me after the first meeting?

Top 10 important things or what men pay attention to when they first meet

Yes, it is before all other things - appearance. Amazing, right? 🙂

From appearance, the top includes:

  • Breast(no comments);
  • body proportions(exactly proportions, not parameters, oddly enough. That is, it is important that the figure is at least proportional to height, body parts are proportional to each other, etc.)
  • Face(this is where the taste and color, as they say ... But a large and tasteless amount of cosmetics will definitely not add points to you. Moreover, it has been noticed that most men do not look at all, or rather don't wait, from a woman's face beauty. For most, it is enough that it be pleasant, sweet, charming. And this is achieved, in particular, with the help of a sincere smile and expressive eyes).

They won't notice: a new super-class manicure, nail shape, fashionable hairstyle, etc.

But will notice- too long (including extended) nails, dirt under the nails, peeling nail polish, dirty hair. Hmm, and who said they were inattentive?

Ability to communicate!

Probably, there is an understanding that even the most passionate bed is sometimes boring, but, whatever one may say, you need to communicate constantly.

In doing so, it is MANDATORY:

  • Sense of humor.

“If you don’t know how to joke, then you will surely have some kind of funny story from your life. If not, do you really have such a boring life?!”

  • Ease of communication.

It's too difficult and too smart not to talk - for obvious reasons :) Plus here - the ability to speak at ease and "about nothing" is welcome.

  • Dosing information.

That is, not to be silent all the time, but also not to chat incessantly. Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in following this, this is not news.

  • Be able to behave in public and not be shy.

This is for those situations when the first acquaintance takes place in a company. It is important that you do not shy away from people, but without embarrassment and "savagery" participate in the conversation on an equal footing, not embarrassed to express your opinion.

This is noticed even by those who themselves are sinful in this. Selyavi, as they say. Injustice.

Hobbies - must have

Singing, dancing, running, jumping, embroidering, rock climbing, raising rabbits or watching Japanese movies - it doesn't matter at all. And it is important to have your own with your hobbies, to know why they are needed, and not to be shy about talking about them. Therefore, what do men pay attention to in terms of hobbies? The answer is everything!

Reading and erudition

Although it remains a mystery how important this is for unread and uneducated men, since they did not take part in the survey. And are they interesting to us, ladies?

But - "do not throw show-off." If your first acquaintance takes place at a scientific conference or on the program “What? Where? When?" or “Clever and smart girls” - then, of course, you can. But you need to be able to maintain communication in such a way that both are interested and understandable, otherwise, it's just selfishness and self-affirmation at the expense of the other.

And another wish of many - " do not think in statuses from social networks» .


Yes, it turns out that it is important to be able to dress stylishly, but it does not matter at all where the clothes were bought and whose tag is on them. The main thing is stylish, tasteful, clean and tidy. That's all that was said.

By the way, subject(even if this is not your "disease") - it will not cause delight and will most likely take one of the first places in the ANTI-rating "what men pay attention to." It seems that this is a kind of "red rag" for men at the first meeting.


It means - do not faint at the word "sex" and others; be realistic and not have your head in the clouds.

Also, don't play kindergarten, no matter how old you are; and "DO NOT create artificial barriers to further acquaintance - if you want to give a phone number or agree to the offer of a second meeting - do it!"

How strange that this disease is not treated for some time and is present even in women at the age of 35-40.

Goals, values ​​in life

This is probably the strangest, which was heard in the series “I evaluate at the FIRST acquaintance”. Against this background, the “sweet” female habit “Dima said “Hello!”, And Dasha already mentally played a wedding and gave birth to three children” no longer seems so strange.

But we have what we have. Maybe because it doesn't always work. determine true intentions in our lives, do many of our acquaintances end before they even begin, or do they end with morning disappointment, having exhausted themselves overnight? After all, if you think about it, who honestly and frankly says that, they say, yes, I seriously want a family and everything else? It's not easy. Many probably keep quiet about this, even knowing what men really pay attention to, being afraid to “scare” or be branded as just the one that “already mentally played the wedding.” There is a very thin line here, and you need to think about how best to talk about it.

Questions from here - what do you want reach in life? What are the things you value most in people? What are yours life values ​​and priorities?

It is strange, of course, that not all men can answer these questions themselves, but they are sincerely interested in this.

Priorities tend to look like this: career vs family, money vs love, children vs different life entertainments . The fact that it can somehow connect in life, and not necessarily always choose, was not considered ...

Bad habits

Oddly enough, but yes, bad habits are not included in the very top. It is important for everyone that NOT(smoked, drank, etc.), but this item was always at the end of the hierarchy. But in the end, EVERYONE complains that it is extremely difficult to find a girl who does NOT smoke. Ladies, is this true?

By the way, often men are distrustful of a girl who at all doesn't drink. Whether your first acquaintance takes place in the company or at your place, it doesn’t matter.

Attitude towards money / ability to provide for oneself

Do not judge people by the amount of money, cars and other things. To be able to see the perspective of a man.

And the ability to provide for oneself turned out to be extremely important for those who are looking for a serious relationship, because, as it turned out, men want a girl to have own life, interesting work and would not depend entirely on a man.

Total dependency is generally tolerated and welcomed by those seeking a more parent-like relationship, namely " dad and daughter". This is not typical for equal relations. With all this, what men pay attention to is NOT what job does the girl have and how much does she earn. It is important how she works, how she treats people around - clients, colleagues, boss, etc., what she strives for at work.

Kindness, gentleness, sincerity, humanity, acceptance, sincerity, generosity

Probably everything is clear here 🙂

Among others stood out soft, feminine, pleasant voice(), some - what kind of raisins and examples of it - could not be found out. This is probably something from the “surprise me!” area; lack of complexes("some "female manners" are allowed, but no more"),

It's amazing how much men appreciate when they first meet. So, what goes on in their head on a first date is even scary to imagine. And the best answer to the question, what do men pay attention to when they FIRST meet, this is the answer to EVERYTHING. We're used to thinking about it a little differently. Although there is an assumption that they think the way we imagined, those men who, in principle, we don’t need at all. Why think about them?

Everything, as always, is very simple. But as practice shows, a lot of girls just don't care. And it would be nice if there was some kind of logic or system on how to behave at the first meeting, they behave the way God puts on their souls. They don't read our site, it's immediately obvious 😉

But we are, we are! Do we know what to do? How to score points to immediately jackpot? No problem! 😉

Although, you know, there are two very strange moments:

  1. It is strange that according to experience, practice and statistics, girls who always (and at the first meeting, in particular) behave in the manner described above rarely meet those men who pay attention to this and appreciate it. Who is to blame and what to do?
  2. It is not too difficult to be what men want to see. This is the natural state of a normal girl with feminine traits. However, when they see this, many men begin to doubt: “Is it necessary?”, “Will I make it?” ... And, unfortunately, there are a lot of such cases. She's so perfect... why do I need her? And you know, they often begin to doubt quite justifiably 🙂

In any case, I would like to believe, dear Beautiful and Successful, that everyone understands that work on oneself begins with oneself. And only a woman is given the gift to change the world around herself, changing herself. Men have no such gift. But they have us

Although, you know ... looking at how “we choose, we are chosen” and what kind of couples are created around, I would personally say that there is one most important factor that crosses out all of the above. Whether you are at least three times perfect, and he is even more - Lawless Heart.

Although this does not cancel the work on yourself, ladies! 😉

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How many men exist in the world, so many opinions. Some men, when meeting, first of all pay attention to one particular detail in a woman, others - to several at once. Women through the eyes of men ... How do they see us at the first meeting? And what do they pay attention to?

Women through the eyes of men: appearance


There are men for whom the beautiful figure of a woman is of great importance. At the same time, it is important how her legs, buttocks, hands look. A woman can be thin or plump, but always well-groomed and fit.

Women through the eyes of men: the inner world

Imagine that you met a man through the Internet or by phone. In this case, he still cannot evaluate your appearance. So, it will be evaluated on other points.


You don't necessarily need to know Newton's laws or have an IQ of 140, but having basic understanding in at least some areas would be desirable.


A quarrelsome character can be recognized even without personal communication. Therefore, if a man realizes that he is dealing with a wayward and absurd person, he can immediately stop communicating.

Ability to communicate

Few of the guys will like it if a girl inserts an obscene expression or swear word through the word. It is also important the ability of the girl to keep up the conversation on any topic.

A few more criteria by which men evaluate women: harmonious appearance, skin, makeup, a ring on the ring finger, nail color, unpredictability, voice, smell, etc. And finally, the most interesting thing is that some men first of all pay attention to ... a potential mother-in-law.

From all this we can conclude: every man pays attention to what, in his opinion, is the main thing in a woman. Therefore, in order not to guess what exactly this or that man will pay attention to in the first place, you still have to become an ideal woman through the eyes of men in all respects.

Ester specially for the site