Which mixture is better to switch to. Reviews and ratings of the best infant formula on the baby food market. Video about the rating of mixtures

Many mothers sometimes have to switch to milk mixtures... There can be many reasons - lack of breast milk, insufficient nutritional value, illness of the mother or child, a faded sucking reflex.

Artificial feeding will not replace the mother's high-grade milk, but if necessary, it will be a good alternative. It is important to find out what constitutes a mixture, what quality criteria should be taken into account and, using common sense, choose it for a child who is not suitable for breastfeeding.

What is the mixture?

Which? Before answering the question posed, let's figure out what this dry substance is that perfectly saturates our kids. It is manufactured in accordance with the strictest requirements. Formula milk usually contains milk from a cow or goat.

Dairy-free contains soy protein, which is well tolerated by children with a casein allergy. remember, that milk mixture it is better to buy after consulting a pediatrician who will tell you the most useful option.

Artificial feeding: pros and cons

Some mothers believe that formula and breast milk do not make a difference for a baby. However, it is not. The industry has yet to come up with a food that is completely similar to breast milk. But if you had to switch to milk mixtures, do not despair. The disadvantages of such a diet are insignificant to worry about the health of the baby.

Pros of artificial feeding:

  1. Bottle feeding is a fairly convenient option. Your breasts will no longer recognize problems such as lactostasis or mastitis. In addition, there are divisions on the bottle that will allow you to determine how much the baby eats the formula. This will help control his weight gain. It is easier to go for a walk with artificial children. Give a bottle to the baby in the stroller and you will combine food with a walk.
  1. Bottle feeding means mom can be away from home without trauma to the baby. The bottle is practically a breast replacement, so the baby will not be so acutely worried about your absence and will sit at home with his dad or grandmother.
  1. Milk mixtures are more nutritious and take longer to digest, so the baby sleeps better at night and wakes up less often.
  1. You will not have to worry about eating strawberries or yogurt with additives, which can affect your baby in the form of allergies. Switching to artificial nutrition allows mom to eat anything.

Cons of artificial feeding:

  1. It is inconvenient to travel if the child is eating milk mixture... You will have to take not only a few bottles, but also other accessories - a sterilizer, food packaging, a heater, dishes and a lot of napkins. In addition, it is not always convenient to prepare a mixture on a trip.
  1. In milk formulas, some components of mother's milk are missing, which help protect the baby from diseases and allergic reactions.
  1. The baby does not always tightly clasp the nipple on the bottle with his lips, so some of the air can be swallowed with food. From here comes bloating, colic and other digestive troubles.
  1. Preparing a mixture every time requires adherence to strict hygiene standards, which does not have to be adhered to when breastfeeding.
  1. The artificial mixture is not 100% absorbed and can cause constipation.

Types of mixtures for newborns by consistency

If you know everything about the labels on the formula packs, you will not be confused in the supermarket and will choose the one that will suit your baby without difficulty. Consistency milk mixture can be different - either in the form of a powder or liquid.

Liquid mixture. With this product you do not have to measure out the required amount of water - this mixture is completely ready and only needs to be heated. Contents (200ml) are placed in a tetrapak package. Fits mix for a newborn with mixed feeding, as well as for those who are completely on artificial nutrition.

Dry mix. The most popular and well-known for a long time. It is convenient to store, transport and dose. It is also easy to prepare - add boiled water according to the instructions and feed the baby. On sale you will find dry mix both in packages (cheaper) and cans (more expensive).

We study the composition of mixtures

Most of the mixtures are made from cow's milk, which undergoes special processing. For children of different ages, their own technology for processing casein is used. Hence the division of mixtures into adapted, non-adapted and half-adapted.

The best formula for newborns . It is undoubtedly adapted. For such nutrition, cow's milk whey is completely purified from animal minerals and other impurities. Moreover, it is additionally saturated with vitamins, microelements, nucleotides and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is the lightest, most digestible and nutritious because it resembles mother's milk as much as possible.

The most famous adapted formulas based on cow's milk are Nutricia Nutrilon, Nestle's NAN and the cheaper analogue, Semper. If the child does not tolerate cow's milk, then a goat milk formula, for example, Bibicol Nanny, is more suitable for him. From liquid adapted mixtures, you can try NAN or the cheaper Agusha.

From six months and older. For these babies, it can be used with a casein-based formula or unadapted. When buying, pay attention to the composition. In some non-adapted mixtures, the manufacturer adds the same valuable substances as in the adapted ones. Others are less nutritious. They may lack taurine (needed for vision) or fatty acids.

Casein dairy mixes are considered "heavier" than those adapted without casein, and therefore not suitable for newborns. Famous brands: Nestle Nestogen, Similac and the most affordable - Baby from Nutricia. For children of this age, partially adapted formulas are also suitable, which are similar to mother's milk, but do not have a balanced composition of minerals and fats.

Hypoallergenic mixture... A mixture marked "hypoallergenic" or "HA" is suitable for those children who are prone to allergic reactions. They contain milk protein already broken down by enzymes. If the crumbs have a complete intolerance to milk protein, a hypoallergenic product will no longer work. Then he is prescribed a lactose-free soy-based mixture. These are Frisosoy, Similac Isomil, Nutrilon Soy or NAN labeled "lactose free".

Mixture with lactic acid bacteria. If your toddler is over 7 months old with digestive problems, this mixture will work best. It also helps fight dysbiosis after taking antibiotics. Such antireflux food contains lacto- and bifidobacteria, and starch or gum acts as a thickener.

"Frisovom", "Nutrilon AR", "Nutrilak AR", "Enfamil AR" and any others marked "fermented milk" are bright representatives of this type of mixture. If the baby has constipation, nutrition with lactulose is more suitable, which helps to activate the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria - "Detolact Bifidus" or "Semper Bifidus".

Iron-containing mixtures... If there is not enough iron in the blood of a baby older than 4 months (anemia), since it is not on breastfeeding, eating such mixtures will help him saturate the blood with oxygen. Just remember that this is not a medicated mixture. And an additional component to increase hemoglobin. Enfamil Premium or better known Similac Premium - milk mixtures with a high iron content.

Fresh mixture. It is well absorbed and used for babies from birth to six months, as it does not contain any lactic acid bacteria or any additives.

Each age has its own supplement mixture

As the child grows and his digestive tract develops and strengthens, a mixture that is exactly suitable for age is recommended for him, since the need for nutrients begins to increase.

The number "0" on the package usually means that the mixture is intended for supplementing the smallest. If for newborns food was used marked "1" on the box, then with age you should move to "2", "3" and so on. You will not get confused, since the child's age is always indicated in brackets after the number.

"0" or the prefix "-pre"- a mixture with such a mark is suitable for weakened and premature babies, as well as newborns. Contains the healthiest vitamins, minerals, whey protein and ample calories. ? It is of this type - marked "0".

"one"- used for artificial feeding of babies from birth to six months.

"2"- suitable from six months to a year.

"3"- used to feed older children (from one year old and above).

In order to choose infant formula for newborns, just the advice of a pediatrician is enough. For older children, the mixture will help them gradually adapt to full-fledged cow's milk and saturate the body with some additional beneficial substances that they would receive while on breastfeeding.

How to choose the right formula for your newborn

  1. Forget the ads and advice from grandmothers to choose infant formula. Buy only adapted formula as recommended by your pediatrician.
  1. If there are any problems in the child's body, buy him a special mixture. Remember, this is a great infant formula when mixed feeding. You can replace 1-2 feedings a day with a special mixture, the rest of the times you can feed the usual one.
  1. Start going through the levels in order. You can not feed a newborn with the formula "1" and even more so immediately start with "3". Gradually accustom your body to a diet with casein.
  1. To choose the right first formula for a newborn, pay attention to the composition. It is desirable that it does not contain rapeseed or palm oil.
  1. Please check the expiration date before purchasing. Buy the freshest formula possible, preferably from baby food stores.
  1. Linoleic acid, taurine, and carnitine are especially beneficial substances if the baby is not breastfed. They promote the formation of bones, immunity and internal organs, and also generate tissue.
  1. Friso, Semper and Hipp are not the best milk formulas, as they are less absorbed by the body. At the same time, Friso (according to some sources) does not comply with safety standards at all.
  1. After you have chosen the right formula for your newborn, monitor his reaction. At the first sign of allergies, lethargy, bloating, irritability, sleep disturbances, diarrhea, tell your doctor and change the mixture.
  1. Your best bet is to choose an infant formula that is labeled “highly adapted”. It is 95% similar in composition to breast milk.
  1. It is undesirable to buy mixtures with sucrose, for example, Malyutka Premium. But the presence of Omega-3, Omega-6 acids and prebiotics will come in handy.
  1. Do not change brands of infant formula unless you are allergic. For example, you feed with a NAN formula from birth, so then buy NAN 1, 2 and so on. For the same reason, choose exactly the manufacturer that you can easily find in the nearest store (you will have to buy the mixture every 3-4 days).
  1. Remember that each manufacturer has its own numbering. Therefore, pay attention not to numbers, but to the child's age in parentheses.
  1. Protein should be in the range of 12-14 grams per 1000 ml of the prepared product.
  1. If you take the mixture in a tin can, check the packaging for dents.
  1. Read the instructions before buying, which should answer all your questions. If something is not clear, choose another brand.

The best formula for newborns - an overview of the most popular formula

Nutrilon (Holland). The best formula for newborns who have any health problems such as regurgitation. In this supplementary feed mixtures there is no lactose, but there are completely broken down proteins and fibers suitable for digestion. In addition to the mixture, the manufacturer produces cereals, which serve as an excellent complementary food after six months.

Malyutka (Russia)... It is used for newborn babies with mixed or artificial feeding. It contains vitamins and minerals for better digestion, as well as nucleotides that develop the brain and immunity, iodine, selenium and iron. Choose the right such infant formula as easy as shelling pears - the packaging will be marked "0". Supplementary cereals are also produced.

NAN(Holland).What is the best formula for newborns?? It is this one, because it meets the highest standards and requirements. It contains vitamins, taurine, minerals and lecithin, which completely saturate the body with everything it needs.

Humana(Germany). This mixture is made from the milk of cows that did not have any health problems, therefore, its price is significant. There are polyunsaturated fatty acids for better brain function and other useful substances in the composition.

BeLLakt (Belarus). The composition is balanced and meets international quality standards. You should not feed it for up to a year, so as not to cause allergies.

Kabrita(Netherlands). The mixture is created on the basis of goat milk. Thanks to the content of prebiotics, problems with stool and tummy are quickly resolved.

Nestogen(Switzerland)... The mixture improves digestion thanks to the prebiotics in the composition. Helps fight colic and nourishes the body with useful substances, which has earned the approval of pediatricians.

Signs that the mix is ​​wrong:

  1. Allergies, diarrhea and other health problems appeared.
  1. The mixture was not completely digested - you found lumps in the stool.
  1. After feeding, the baby became restless - it cries, twists its legs and does not withstand the necessary feeding intervals.
  1. The child's weight is not increasing enough.
  1. Sleep became intermittent, restless.
  1. There is a tummy rumbling or bloating.

As you can see, there is a great variety of mixtures and you can easily choose the one that suits your baby. But this is not a reason to completely abandon breastfeeding... None of even the best artificial formula can replace high-grade breast milk, which will provide the baby with immunity and keep in touch with the mother.

If the baby does not have enough breast milk or the mother cannot breastfeed him for medical reasons (this happens, but rarely), the doctor will advise you to feed the baby with a regular or medicated formula. Which mixture should you choose? How are modern artificial feeding products different from each other? What kind of reaction to expect from a child?

Baby's reaction: minus or plus

Firstly, his health may deteriorate.

Secondly, in response to the mixture, children sometimes have skin rashes, abdominal pains, and the nature of the stool also changes (greens, mucus are added, and there are difficulties in the work of the intestines).

Thirdly, the child may begin to spit up, and not immediately, but some time after eating, or give out food in a "fountain".

Fourthly, it happens that the health problems that were observed before the introduction of the mixture, increase or add new symptoms to them.

How can you explain what is happening? Up to 4 months, the adaptive systems of the baby's body are in the maturation stage, which is why any changes in nutrition can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Action plan

On the other hand, the baby's well-being may deteriorate if he does not "like" any particular mixture. To understand whether this is so, you need to assess how the condition of the skin, stool has changed and whether there are any important changes in the child's behavior.

To do this, before you start getting to know the product, remember or write down what health problems the baby has, and then carefully observe what is happening. If the child's condition worsens, you should not immediately give up the mixture, on the contrary, you need to continue to give it in the same amount. If the deterioration is associated with difficulties in adaptation, the baby's condition will stabilize within 2-3 days. But if during this time the problems do not disappear, it means that the product is not suitable for the child, and you need to try to give him another.

What is adaptation? This is the name of the totality of the work of the immune and digestive systems, when the body recognizes and remembers something new. In very young children, the process of getting used to food usually lasts 7-14 days. It is at this time that a reaction to the product can occur. If the adaptation process has passed, the baby eats the same mixture for quite a long time, and suddenly he starts having problems with the skin or tummy, the reason must be sought not in the mixture, but in something else.

The formula that the child has already taken should not be changed without a good reason - say, just "for a change." This is especially true for children under 4 months old.

Looking for an alternative

How to choose the right formula for your child? There is no doubt that there is no better food for newborn babies than mother's milk. That is why the merits of any mixture must be judged by how close it is to this ideal. It is impossible to completely repeat the amazing composition of breast milk, but modern technologies make it possible at least to reproduce a set of its most important components: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

The mixtures that most closely resemble human milk are called adapted; they are better than others digested and absorbed by the baby's body. These products include, for example, Friesland, Semper, HiPP, Nestle, Nutricia, Humana , "Enfamil" (Mead Johnson).

Sometimes, on the jar with the mixture next to the name of the mother, they can see the number: 1, 2 or 3 (for example, "Samper Baby 1" and "Samper Baby 2", Semper). This is the so-called step - it indicates the age for which the product is intended. Mixes of the 1st stage are suitable for the smallest ones - up to 5 - 6 months, the 2nd stage - for children under 1 year old, and for those who have already celebrated their first birthday, there are mixtures of the 3rd stage. But products with the designation "pre" (for example, "Hipp Pre", HiPP) are made specifically for babies who were born prematurely or with low weight.

Special requirements for the mixture

Digestive problems are not uncommon in babies under one year old. For each of these difficult situations, there are special medicinal mixtures. Thanks to them, the baby will not only be full, but also easier to cope with such troubles as constipation, regurgitation, allergies, lactase deficiency.

"Special" formulas differ in composition from breast milk, and sometimes very significantly, which means that such products have not only advantages, but also disadvantages. Often, along with a quick result, treatment mixtures can produce "side effects". For example, if you feed a small lactose-free mixture for a long time with lactase deficiency, then he may develop severe dysbiosis, their enzymes will be produced worse, and as a result, the problem will only worsen.

That is why experts advise to be very careful with such products, and only a doctor should prescribe them, based on the condition of the baby. In any case, when the mother does not have enough milk, and she decides to feed the baby, you need to start with the usual adapted formula, even if the crumbs have difficulties with digestion.

Milk mixtures are similar in composition to each other. But it happens that some of them cause a "wrong" reaction in the child, while others he tolerates well. Individual intolerance (as doctors call this situation) is another argument why the choice of mixtures must be approached very carefully, taking into account the characteristics of each baby.

Night formula

Some infant formula, in addition to nutritional value, has the additional effect of helping the baby sleep soundly. Breast milk contains a lot of biologically active substances and hormones. Some of them, such as opioid peptides, have a calming effect. Children who are bottle-fed do not receive such a "relaxing" cocktail, so night mixes were specially developed for them to fill this gap ("Frisolac. Night formula", Friesland Campina; "Unsigned 2. Happy Dreams", Nestle and others ). Of course, this is not a panacea, but if a child has difficulty falling asleep or is asleep anxiously, they are worth trying, because a healthy sound sleep is very important for a baby.

New generation product

Repetition of the unique is such a serious task for the manufacturers of infant formula. One of the difficulties is to fill the formula with the special active ingredients that are found in breast milk and make it so beneficial for the baby.

To make the composition of baby formulas as close as possible to human milk and correspond to the peculiarities of the baby's metabolism and digestion, they include special components. They help the child's body to develop correctly and fight infections, improve the functioning of his organs and systems. What beneficial substances can be found in modern mixtures?

Prebiotics... Their task is to help the growth of beneficial bacteria in the baby's intestines. For this, oligosaccharides, a special type of carbohydrates, are introduced into the composition of infant formula. Thanks to them, the baby's digestive system does its job better. Oligosaccharides are contained, for example, in such mixtures as "Nutrilon 2", "Nutrilon 3" (Nutricia), "Frisolac 1", "Frisolac 2" (Frieslandfoods), "Nestogen 1", "Nestogen 2" (Nestle), " Agusha Gold "(" Wimm-Bill-Dann ").

For babies prone to intestinal difficulties, doctors especially recommend mixtures where oligosaccharides are represented by a substance such as lactulose. It is included in the composition of the products "Samper Bifidus" (Semper) and "Theme 2" ("Unimilk").

Probiotics. These are living microorganisms (lacto- and bifidobacteria) that live in the intestines of each of us. They help digestion, fight intestinal infections and allergies, and strengthen the immune system. Mixtures with probiotics are both fresh ("NAN 2" (Nestle); "Nutrilak BIFI" ("Nutritek"); "Hipp 2 with lactobacilli" (HiPP)), and fermented milk ("NAN fermented milk" (Nestle); "Agusha 1 fermented milk "," Agusha 2 fermented milk "(" Wimm-Bill-Dann ")," Nutrilak KM "(" Nutritek ")).

Nucleotides. These are complex biological substances that play an important role in many processes of the body: for example, they are involved in the metabolism and supply of energy for cells, serve as building blocks for DNA and RNA, and affect immunity. It is known that children who receive mixtures with nucleotides develop better and gain weight, they have less intestinal problems. Where to look for nucleotides? In mixtures "Enfamil 1", "Enfamil 2" (Mead Johnson); "Nutrilak 0 - 6" (with prebiotics and nucleotides), "Nutrilak 6 - 12" (with prebiotics and nucleotides), ("Nutritek"); Nutrilon 1, Nutrilon 2 (Nutricia).

Fatty acid. More precisely, one of their types with the impressive name is long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCPUFA). Without them, metabolic processes cannot proceed correctly, but they can be found in special products: "NAN 1", "NAN 2" (Nestle), "Nutrilon Gold" (Nutricia), "Frisolak 1", "Frisolak 2" (Frieslandfoods ).

The new mixture is good or bad

If the mother is to introduce the baby to a new milk formula, it is worth remembering that this product (like any other) must be introduced gradually. Otherwise, the child may have a "wrong" reaction - and not to the mixture itself, but to too quick acquaintance with it.

You need to give the baby a new mixture carefully and gradually: on the 1st day, start with 1 measuring spoon (about 30 g) at each feeding, on the 2nd day - no more than 2 spoons, on the 3rd - no more than 3 spoons, and so on Further. Only in this case, the mother will be able to understand whether the baby is well tolerated by the novelty.

How to understand that the baby's body does not like the artificial mixture?

  • The child has constipation or diarrhea.
  • There was a rumbling in the stomach, bloating, gas, colic, due to which the baby cries during feeding or immediately after eating.
  • The crumb began to regurgitate a lot.
  • A rash appeared on the baby's skin.

If the reaction appeared in the first days of the child's acquaintance with the new mixture, do not rush to immediately cancel it: continue to give in the same volume for another 2-3 days. Often, unpleasant symptoms disappear as soon as the baby's body gets used to the product.


Hello, the baby is 2 months old, there is not enough milk, what is the best mixture from the existing

01/30/2018 17:13:00, Hovhannes

We also chose Nutrilak, just not the usual but premium, because it has a better composition and milk fat instead of palm oil. In general, IW had no options, because I did not have my own milk. And the mixture came up almost immediately (at first there were problems with the tummy, but after 4 days everything went away) and we didn't have to try others at all. While we are eating Nutrilak Premium 1, we will soon move on to the next step. In general, the choice of the mixture is a very individual question, it is important to take into account the health and tolerance of the components) We were lucky and Nutrilak came up perfectly, and its price is more than affordable

Thanks for the article, everything is described in great detail. We eat Materna, we really like it. The baby is suitable, she is steadily gaining weight. For a very long time they could not pick up, there were always some problems, then a rash, then bloating. And after Materna there were no such problems, we take it to baby1care.

10.24.2016 14:20:15, Tarapulka

Comment on the article "Baby food: which formula to choose?"

How the mixture is chosen. Artificial feeding. A child from birth to one year. Subtracted that the better adapted mixture. The elder after a year ate like nan. But about Which mixture to choose? Composition of infant formula for artificial feeding: probiotics ...


Believe me, they only write that the mixture should be chosen with a pediatrician, but in practice, almost everyone chooses themselves, because now there are doctors that mothers sometimes know more than them. Take a look at the Mixture of Nestogen. She is with prebiotics, i.e. the baby will not suffer from colic and constipation and there is no palm oil in the composition, this is also a big plus.

Thank you all! I realized that you don't need to bother too much)

Distinguish between adapted milk formulas and medical formulas for feeding children. The adapted formulas that are used to feed babies differ according to the age of the child. Artificial feeding: what? where? when?


like at your age only AGU-1 and baby formula. kefir, milk, agu-2 after six months. I have never received milk until six months

We are given 2 mikamilka-1 and 15th, 2 sour milk cottage cheese each, milk and kefir. I go every other day

Adapted mixtures. Artificial feeding. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old: nutrition All mixtures that are adapted from 0 months. Not adapted ones, which are already for grown-up children, so any can be used ...

I took it from Agusha's website: Sterilized Agusha formula is a fresh adapted infant milk formula for feeding a healthy child. The Agusha fermented milk mixture can be used for mixed and artificial feeding of children, with prolonged ...


the doctor discharged Agusha from 2 months, as soon as we switched to full IV. The goal is to add bifido and lactobacilli to the body to normalize digestion and stool. The result is right on the bottle))))) in the sense in the process of sucking))))) My son likes Pts.
I myself got hooked on the next Agusha, No. 2, I have been drinking it for 10 years now and I suffer terribly when there are interruptions with it)))) I can't stand kefir because of acidity

we all drink.

If the child is very small (he still does not receive substitute feedings in complementary foods), then there are not enough substances in the milk for the development of the body and it is not worth switching over. And when it's already on the common table, you can drink milk once or twice a day (and this can be different ...


If the child is very small (he still does not receive substitute feedings in complementary foods), then there are not enough substances in the milk for the development of the body and it is not worth switching over. And when already on a common table, you can drink milk once or twice a day (and this can be at different ages. Some even at 7 months already eat everything according to the old feeding scheme, while others at this age only begin to introduce it. Age is not important here. namely, the degree of accustoming the child to such food). In general, I read that children under one or even two years old can only use sterilized milk, i.e. even pasteurized (which my eldest son was safely drinking from about 9 months, smoothly moving away from GW, they did not even indulge in the mixture) and that is dangerous, because a small amount of bacteria still remains, which are even useful for an adult and can be harmful for a child. A friend had a situation - her milk disappeared by 3 months, and even before that it was not enough, my daughter was gaining very few grams of 200-300 grams per month. I tried all the mixtures available at the price, the child from the allergy was covered with a crust or constipation was for a week. perhaps some special one would have come along, but she wouldn’t have the material opportunity to constantly buy it, that is, she wouldn’t even try. I began to cook semolina in ordinary draft milk from a barrel at the age of 3 months, the same on which our generation grew up. Whatever they wrote in smart articles, for her it was the only way out. Pah-pah, the child began to develop normally, the allergy has gone and never returned (the girl is now 5 years old). On the contrary, I did it with the youngest - I switched from milk to mixture. Milk (agusha or Kuban cow) began to be given at night for months from 9-10, but she did not have enough until morning and asked for another hour at 4-5. For a while I got up, and then it began to strain. We returned to Malyutka plus, if I give her at night, then she sleeps calmly until the morning, at most I can ask once a week before waking up (at 6.30-7), of course, the price is 2-3 times more expensive, but it's more convenient for me, because if I get up at 4 in the morning, then I can’t fall asleep until the alarm clock rings at 7. Yes, and our doctor said that it is now considered normal to give a mixture of up to 3 years, especially if the child does not consume anything more milk. My daughter is now 1.9, while I'm not going to give up the mixture until 2 years old for sure.

Homemade cow's milk, if given to children, is strongly diluted, in its natural form, it is very fat. I gave birth to my eldest in the distant and difficult 93, went to my parents in Kazakhstan. From time to time I had to feed the cow, simply because there was nowhere to buy the mixture, there were no online stores with mail delivery at that time :-) When there was an opportunity, they brought it, but bulk purchases cannot be made for future use. The dairy kitchen did not work, the GW was curtailed in the fifth month due to health reasons.
All this I mean is that in extreme cases you can feed, but the nutritional value is not higher than the mixture, my boy did not feed :-)
It is possible that the child will simply be small, the average daughter added 500-600 grams, at almost 9 years old she is accepted as a first-grader, although 3600 were born.

Section: Nutrition (infant formula for a 6 month old baby with underweight). I can't remember and find - it seemed like there was some kind of infant formula for those who are underweight. Artificial feeding: important points that parents need to know about ...


Humana-Healing Nutrition Blend. Better a formula that is up to 6 months old. It can be diluted as a mixture and made into a porridge.

28.06.2008 12:04:33, Oksana 1969

We ate this - Clinutren Junior (Nestlé).
We had a period of almost 2 (!) Years "long" while we were struggling with reflux due to hernia of the gastric diaphragm. Due to the throwing of the acidic contents of the stomach into the esophagus, Vladka was constantly very irritated, which caused nausea, salivation and rejection of food, especially acidic and salty. We ate everything mashed and sweet, even soup: (True, we choke in pieces now, only we eat everything chewed.
And so they only survived on this mixture ...

1. Hipp is a good mixture, but you need to watch the child's reaction.
2. Hipp-pre-mix for premature babies and babies with low weight. If everything is fine, then you need Hipp1.
3. You can strain for a long time. I have twins, I pumped for 7 months, and for 5 months I fed with one milk. Drink plenty of lactation tea and eat well.
4. Call a breastfeeding counselor. It will be cheaper, believe me, and the baby will do it right!
Good luck!!!

01/15/2002 01:38:45, TwinsMama

adapted milk in dry cereals. Nutrition, introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to one year old Adapted - this, I understand, is splitted for better assimilation of milk protein. Why it is harmful or why the term is prohibited, I do not understand, although ...


Adapted is, I understand, protein split for better assimilation of milk. Why it is harmful or why the term is prohibited, I don’t understand, although I have never seen this word on the boxes, they simply write “the closest in composition to the mother’s”

There is no better nutrition for newborn babies than mother's milk. It is also much easier for mom to live when there is no need to go shopping, the child does not need to cook or warm up anything, wash the dishes after feeding. Unfortunately, not all nursing mothers have enough milk to feed the baby for up to a year. It also sometimes happens that the mother falls ill with a disease incompatible with breastfeeding, and breastfeeding has to be stopped, or she is forced to take potent drugs that penetrate into milk. In such situations, the question of fully or partially artificial nutrition arises, and the best alternative to mother's milk for infants is an adapted formula from dairy products.

The Adapted Formula is the best breast milk substitute for young babies so far.

What is the composition of infant formula?

Infant formulas are called adapted because their composition is very similar to that of human breast milk. They contain the optimal content of proteins from whey, which are easily processed by the digestive organs of the baby. Formulated specifically for the baby's digestive system, infant formula is rich in phosphorus, potassium and calcium in the right proportions. They are necessary for the infant's body for normal growth and development of the skeleton and teeth.

In cow's milk, the content of carbohydrates and vitamins is lower, and the content of minerals and proteins is higher than in human milk. Manufacturers of all adapted milk formulas are trying to create a food product with a composition that is as similar as possible to human breast milk.

Special substances - nucleotides, which are included in many modern adapted mixtures, are necessary for newborn babies from the first days of life. With their help, the crumbs' immune system fully develops. All of its developing organs and tissues are in dire need of them: blood cells, skin, intestinal mucous membranes.

Nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA. Thanks to them, the natural microflora of the stomach and intestines of the newborn is formed. There are much more nucleotides in the milk of a woman than in the milk of a cow or goat.

The adapted milk formulas for babies in the first 5-6 months of life also contain the amino acid taurine. It is especially important for premature babies to receive it, since acid is extremely important for the proper formation of the visual analyzer and the nervous system of newborns, and besides, it takes part in the production of bile acids.

Milk mixtures contain 45-50 g / l of taurine. The body of a newborn baby up to 1 month is not able to synthesize this substance on its own, so he needs to get it from food. All adapted milk formulas are divided into highly adapted, less adapted and partially adapted.

Highly adapted infant formula

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The adapted milk formula of this type is the closest in composition to human milk. It is designed for the smallest - from birth to six months. Although these "starter formula" products are intended for a very young age, they can be fed to babies up to a year old. The main disadvantage of this type of food is its rather big cost.

Below is a list of the most commonly used dry foods of this type for artificial nutrition:

  • "Baby-1" - Nutricia, Russia (for more details in the article:);
  • "Nan-1" (Nan-1) - Nestle, Switzerland (we recommend to read:);
  • "Hipp PRE" - Hipp, Austria;
  • Humana PRE and Humana-1 - Humana, Germany;
  • Friso PRE - Friesland Campina, Holland;
  • "Hipp 1" - Hipp, Austria;
  • Frisolac-1 Gold (Frisolac-1 Gold) and Frisolac-1 (Frisolac-1) - Friesland Campina, Holland;
  • "Nutrilon-1" (Nutrilon-1) - Nutricia, Holland (we recommend to read:);
  • "Semper Baby-1" (Semper Baby-1) - Semper, Sweden;
  • Lasana PRE and Lasana-1 - Humana, Germany.
Highly adapted infant formula in its own way

Less adapted blends

Baby food of this type already differs somewhat in composition from mother's milk. Less adapted milk formulas contain all the vitamins, minerals and microelements necessary for the baby in the second half of life.

"Follow-up" foods, as opposed to highly adapted foods, contain more iron. This is due to the fact that the child's body in the first months of life contains a sufficient amount of iron, still inherited from the mother during intrauterine life. After a child reaches the age of 5-6 months, iron stores already need to be replenished.

An excellent source of iron, as well as zinc, calcium and copper, are the following mixtures:

  • Ialyutka-2 - Nutricia, Russia;
  • Detolakt - Ukraine;
  • "Semper Baby-2" (Semper Baby-2) - Semper, Sweden;
  • "Nan-2" (Nan-2) - Nestle, Switzerland;
  • "Humana-2" (Humana-2) and "Humana-3" (Humana-3) - Humana, Germany (we recommend to read:);
  • "Hipp-2" (Hipp-2) and "Hipp-3" (Hipp-3) - Hipp, Austria;
  • Frisolac-2 Gold (Frisolac-2 Gold) and Frisolac-2 (Frisolac-2) - Friesland Campina, Holland;
  • "Nutrilon-2" (Nutrilon-2) - Nutricia, Holland.

Partially adapted formulas for children

These are adapted milk formulas of the so-called "casein formula", which have a thicker consistency. They are recommended for children from 5-6 months, especially for those who have difficulty holding food and often spit up immediately after eating. Partially adapted milk formula of this type is the most affordable. In addition to lactose, this carbohydrate product contains sucrose and starch.

The most common of this type of mixture are:

  • "Nestogen" (not ready) - Nestle, Switzerland (we recommend to read:);
  • "The Sun" - Nutritek, Russia;
  • "Similac" - Abbott Laboratories, USA (we recommend to read:);
  • Malyutka-1 Plus - Nutricia, Russia;
  • "Baby" and "Baby" - Ukraine.

Liquid adapted mixtures "Agusha"

Many parents believe that completely ready-to-use liquid mixtures are better absorbed by the body than dry ones, which still need to be diluted. The liquid adapted infant formula of the brand "Agusha" of Russian production, created for feeding babies up to one year old, has gained great popularity among mothers. "Agusha-1" and "Agusha-2" are produced. The number 1 in the name means that the mixture is recommended for children from birth to six months, and the number 2 - from six months and older. Mixes "Agusha" for each age differ in the color of the package. In turn, each of them is of two types: sterilized and fermented milk.

Moms speak of these species differently. Some children prefer sterilized Agusha, others prefer sour milk. There is no particular difference in their composition. The only difference is that sterilized products must be consumed immediately after opening the package, and fermented milk "Agusha" in an open pack can be stored for up to 12 hours.

Milk mixture "Agusha" helps to solve some digestive problems, and it also does not need to be diluted

Unadapted infant formula

These products are made from whole animal milk and are not specifically processed. They are categorically forbidden to feed babies in the first six months of life, because they very little resemble breast milk.

If there is absolutely no opportunity to purchase an expensive adapted milk formula for the baby, then it is better to order food from the pediatrician in the children's dairy kitchen. Children's kefir or milk prepared in a dairy kitchen using a special technology will bring more benefits than unadapted mixtures. In this situation, it is necessary to introduce complementary foods to the child a little earlier than it should be by age.

There are cases when a woman either cannot feed a baby for certain reasons (premature exit to the workplace, various diseases), or very little or no milk at all. For such cases, scientists have invented a powder that can replace mother's milk - milk powder. Of course, it is not possible to replace it by 100%, but each of the manufacturers tries to make the mixture identical to that of the mother's milk. Therefore, most parents have a question:.

Formulas for mixed feeding TOP-10 rating

The very first food that a small child eats after birth is the mother's breast milk. After all, it is it that contains all the necessary nutrients and vitamins that the baby needs. Mother's milk is a food that is completely suitable for babies up to 6 months. Further, complementary foods are added to breast milk.

Consider the TOP-10 of the ten most popular infant formulas that are used for feeding babies. Let's get started.

  • The most l the best mixture — « Nutrilon". She is ranked first. Strengthens the immunity of newborns, and ensures better functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the correct development of the baby.
  • In second place is the mixture - " Nan". Thanks to vitamins, immunity is strengthened, and due to special protein components, normal growth and development occurs.
  • In third place is the dry mix - " Unjustified". It contains substances such as prebiotics that have a beneficial effect on the full development of the newborn.
  • In fourth place - " Nutrilak". This mixture is sucrose free and suitable for babies of all ages. This company also produces formulas for newborns who are allergic to food.
  • In fifth place is the mixture - " Humana". Produced in Germany. It is used mainly for feeding premature babies. Rich in vitamins and prebiotics.
  • In sixth place is the mixture " Hipp". Contains prebiotics and probiotics. Strengthens the child's immunity and reduces the risk of allergic reactions.
  • In seventh place is the Russian-made mixture - " Agusha". It is produced in the form of a mixture, and in liquid forms for children from birth.
  • In eighth place - " Similac". Does not contain palm oil. Improves the digestive tract, increases the child's immunity.
  • The ninth place is occupied by a mixture of Russian production " Baby". It contains vitamins, prebiotics, minerals. Does not contain sugar, preservatives or dyes.
  • In tenth place is the mixture “ Friso". The manufacturer offers this mixture for children who are not born on time (not full-term). Strengthens the immune system, accelerates the development of the newborn.

After reviewing the top ten blends, we identified the best one, which comes first, and gave a short description of each of them.

And it's up to you to decide what formula to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding.

Before switching to this type of feeding, you need to know about the most basic rules. There are two feeding options. Let's consider them:

  • As soon as the child wants to eat, first we give him the mother's breast, only after that we cook mixed feeding mix... Such an action is necessary so that the child completely eats first completely the mother's milk, and only after that he eats up the artificial one.
  • Replace one of any feedings with a mother's milk replacer. For example, in the morning you breastfeed your baby. After 3 hours, a mixture was prepared for him. Or, you can give it only at night, and breastfeed during the day.

When choosing the type of mixed feeding, it is necessary to opt for where the amount of the mixture itself will be used, as little as possible. This is primarily necessary so that breast milk is used and more produced. After a certain time, reduce the amount of the mixture itself, and apply more to the chest. It is recommended to do this at least five times a day. Also, do not forget that what formula to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding... It should be of the highest quality and not harm your baby. We discussed the most common and best types of mixtures above.

How much to give the formula with mixed feeding

How to understand that the baby is not eating up? There are two ways. Consider them, and decide what formula to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding:

  • The first way is to control the baby's weight. During the week, the baby should gain at least 125 grams, and at least 500 grams per month. We recommend using an infant scale for weight control.
  • The second way is to control wet diapers. In infancy, the baby should urinate at least 12 times a day.

Consider one of the options, how to give mixture for the baby. At the very beginning, we give the child a small amount of the mixture. Once or twice a day, 30 ml. After a week, we weigh the baby, if the weight of the addition is less than 125 grams, we increase the feedings themselves, and it should already be 2-4 30 ml each. But, the baby still does not gain the necessary weight, then we increase the volume of the mixture itself and instead of 30 ml, we already make 40.

Increase the volume of the mixture until you are sure that the baby is gaining 125 grams of weight weekly. For supplementation, we recommend opting for the mixtures of the Russian manufacturer.

How to prepare the mixture

In what proportions to take the mixture and water, you can see on the box from under the mixture. Let's consider only the basic technology for preparing an infant formula:

  • We boil special water for children and cool it down to a temperature of 36 degrees;
  • Pour the required amount of water into a baby bottle;
  • We open the dry mixture. Remember one thing, that it must be stored tightly so that excess moisture does not get in and the powder does not deteriorate. It is also quite an important part, and then which mixture is better fits your baby. To do this, just look at the child's reaction when consumed;
  • Using a measuring spoon, take the required amount and pour it into a bottle. It is important to use exactly the spoon that is in the box with the mixture. It is measured, and when using a regular spoon, you can exceed the norm. As a result, the child will either overeat or, on the contrary, will not finish eating;
  • Close the baby bottle tightly and start shaking it;
  • In the light, we look at whether everything has dissolved evenly, whether there are any lumps in the bottle.

Be sure to check the temperature of the prepared mixture before feeding. It shouldn't be hot or cold.

Solving the question, what formula to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding- make sure that there is a measuring spoon in the kit, and that the mixture itself is in an individual package that is hermetically sealed.

How to switch to a different formula with mixed feeding

« How to introduce a new mixture?"- this question is asked by almost every mom. The new mixture is introduced into the child's diet for at least seven days. Sharply, it is by no means possible to change one manufacturer to another.

In order to change the mixture, it is necessary to use a method that excludes the old one and completely replaces it with a new one. Let's consider an example:

  • On the first day in the morning we give a new mixture, and the rest we continue to give the old one. It is advisable to do this from different bottles. We make careful monitoring of the baby.
  • On the second day - in the morning and in the afternoon we give a new mixture, the remaining feedings are made with the old one.
  • On the third day - in the morning and in the afternoon we also give a new mixture, you can increase the volume, and in the remaining time we continue to feed the old one.
  • On the fourth and fifth days - we make one of the feedings full of the new species, then we continue to feed the old species.
  • On the seventh day - you can only feed with a new mixture. Transition for a new mixture completed.

Without adhering to these rules, you can harm the health of the child. It is recommended to replace the mixture if the baby has an allergic reaction or diarrhea. In order not to suffer with the transition, you need to decide on what what formula to choose for a newborn with mixed feeding at the initial stage. To do this, it is best to get acquainted with all manufacturers, and choose a better and better replacement for breast milk.

Can breast milk and formula be mixed

You can't do this. Or you apply it to the breast, and then just feed it from the bottle with the mixture.

If you do not apply the baby to the breast, but feed from bottles, then we pour breast milk into one bottle, and the mixture completely into another. Some of the mummies mix, but doctors categorically forbid doing this... The decision is only yours. We hope that the question posed: "" was answered.

Save your information.

Sometimes mothers, due to their own convictions, do not breastfeed the baby from the very birth. This may be due to a fear of losing the firmness of the breast, or there are other doubts about breastfeeding. Then the baby needs artificial feeding, and mothers reasonably ask which mixture is better.

There are many issues regarding the quality of infant formula. And no wonder. After all, the future health and development of the child depends on nutrition at a very early age. Breast milk is the best for a baby, but if there is no choice and there is a question in choosing a formula, this matter should be taken seriously.

How to choose a formula for newborns?

The variety of baby food for newborns includes a large number of very different formulas. Naturally, any of them strictly complies with GOST and the standards of the Institute of Nutrition.

It seems that you can get lost in a huge number of colored boxes with mysterious numbers. Therefore, first we find out what the numbers on the packs of mixtures mean. After all, they inform about a lot. For example, for what age is this food intended.

The composition of breast milk changes over time. Likewise, the baby's digestive system is undergoing major changes. This is a normal process. Therefore, each age needs its own mixture:

  • "0", "pre"- for newborns, premature babies. For the little ones, in other words;
  • "one"- from birth to six months;
  • "2"- from six months to a year;
  • "3"- for children over a year old.

With a change in the figure, the amount of minerals, vitamins, unadapted proteins increases. The calorie content and satiety of mixtures for children over six months are significantly higher.


Everything is clear here. There are either liquid or solid (powder). Which is better?

About 92% of all mixtures in our country are dry. To feed the child, you just need to fill them with boiled water. And follow the instructions for use.

The remaining 8% is liquid. They can be consumed immediately, but must be warmed up. Such mixtures are supplied in special packaging that prevents damage from external influences. The usual volume is 200 ml. It is not a problem for large cities to find such mixtures, but in small cities they may simply not be available for sale.

Remember, liquid mixes will last no more than a few days.

It is dry mixes that are of interest. They are easy to store and easy to dose and prepare.


The vast majority of formulas are made on the basis of cow's milk. Of course, the child's body does not tolerate a full-fledged protein of such milk, so it is processed. It is the processing that is responsible for what the mixture will be.

The following types of milk mixtures are distinguished.

By adaptability

Adapted milk formulas. Based on cow's milk, the protein of which is specially processed. The fat and carbohydrate components of the mixture are also adapted. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, certain minerals and vitamins are added.

This makes the nutrition for newborns closest to breast milk. But it certainly doesn't replace it. The mixtures are absorbed without problems, therefore they are recommended for the smallest, just born. But the price tag is also appropriate - their purchase can hit your pocket hard. Liquid mixes can also be tailored.

Adaptability is an indicator of the degree of closeness of the mixture in terms of qualitative and quantitative composition to breast milk.

It is worth noting that some babies do not tolerate cow's milk at all. Then they use special formulas for babies based on goat milk or soy protein isolate.

Highly adaptable. Most suitable for feeding newborns.

Partially adapted. In composition, they are only partially close to mother's milk. They do not contain demineralized whey, they contain lactose, sucrose and starch.

Unadapted. They contain primordial casein (cow's milk protein). These mixtures are unleavened (whole milk, for example) and fermented milk (baby kefir, yogurt).

Special mixtures

Certain baby health problems or other factors may require the use of special medicated mixtures.

For premature babies. These mixtures have more protein and calcium. The calorie content is higher than that of ordinary ones. "0" or "pre" on a pack - this is how you can define them.

Fermented milk mixtures. The baby has a digestive disorder, do you give him medication or treat dysbiosis? These mixtures will help.

Anti-reflux mixtures. They are used for frequent excessive regurgitation. Contains starch or locust bean gum. They are designated by the letters AR.

If the baby has constipation, you can use a mixture with gum and lactulose.

According to Russian legislation, such mixtures cannot be called medicinal. It's just that there is more iron in them than in the rest. As an example - "Similak Premium".

Naturally, the pediatrician must prescribe a certain type of treatment if the baby has a low iron content in the blood. Therefore, strictly follow it. Do not self-medicate.

If your toddler is allergic to anything, particularly cow's milk protein, use these formulas. It uses a protein that has been cleaved to peptides and amino acids.

It is perfectly absorbed by the child's body without side reactions in the form of allergies. You will see the letters HA in the name of the mixtures.

Soy mixes. They are given in cases where there is an allergy to any form of cow's milk.

Don't worry about the potential harm of soy and its ingredients. There are not enough reliable facts about this. Usually, people who are completely far from science and new research, who buy sunflower oil when they see the inscription "no cholesterol", tell us about the dangers of soy products, which in itself is comical, given the fact that there is no cholesterol in any plant products.

Similak Isomil is an example of a quality blend.

In addition to feeding exclusively with mixtures, there is also such a technique as supplementary feeding. Usually supplementation is used when the newborn does not have enough mother's milk. Consultation with a specialist in these and other cases will give you an idea of ​​how to choose the mixture.

Trust your pediatrician. It is he who will help you choose the right artificial nutrition, taking into account the characteristics of the baby. You can also give him a budget to spend on the mixture. The doctor will help you pick up something that won't hit your wallet hard. You can find reviews on mixtures on the Internet.

Important little things when choosing a mixture

  • you need to feed with mixtures based on the age of the child. So, up to 6 months, only entry-level mixtures;
  • newborns and infants up to 6 months old should be given adapted formulas. They are most similar to mother's milk in composition, are easily accepted by the baby's digestive system;
  • medical mixtures for health problems of the baby can be given once or twice a day. Not more often;
  • beautiful ads are cool. But don't be fooled. Read the composition, compare, ask. If you are worried that the composition contains a mixture of rapeseed and palm oils, do not take them at all;
  • mixtures with an approaching end of the shelf life are best thrown into the trash. Don't take risks;
  • each product has its own place of sale. Better take formula for children in specially designated stores;
  • linoleic acid, taurine, carnitine - is all this in the composition? Fine! Although what infant formula does without them now;
  • watch the child. If you see an adverse food reaction, see your doctor. Yes, it is to him, and not to a friend or mother, no matter what kind of specialist you consider her to be. Now, if she has a doctor's diploma in the table, then - please.

Remember that baby food must meet certain quality standards, and each age has its own formula. And you can always look at the rating of infant formula for newborns on the Internet or ask a pediatrician about this question.

The selection of food must be carried out after consultation and examination of the baby by a pediatrician. Moreover, each parent should be familiar with the basic principles for the selection and use of the mixture.

Prepare for the fact that the first time it is unlikely that you will be able to find the right formula for your child. Here you need to search, try. The main thing is to monitor the condition of the child, follow the principles of "newborn under 6 months - an entry-level mixture", and everything will work out.

Here are the signs, the manifestation of which indicates the need to change the mixture:

  1. Allergy appeared. Reddish skin, some spots - signs of intolerance to the composition;
  2. Stool problems. There is something incomprehensible in it and a different color (mostly white and green).
  3. The baby behaves strangely when feeding, worries;
  4. Weight gaining too slowly;
  5. Disturbed sleep at night.

Remember the instructions for use on the packaging and do not forget about the recommendations of the pediatrician.

Formula feeding can hit the family budget hard - it's a fact. But you should not save on feeding.

If you want to save money, then just breastfeed your baby. There is nothing better than breast milk for your baby, there has never been and never will be.