Nan fermented milk 2. Fermented milk formulas for newborns: which is better, how to introduce, rating and review of brands. How to properly feed a fermented milk mixture

The mixtures "NAN" are in demand among young mothers whose babies receive artificial or mixed feeding. Reviews about them are rather contradictory, however, most parents only trust this manufacturer. The product line includes mixtures for various purposes, including for premature babies. To understand what to give preference to, will allow the study of their features.

NAN formula is popular in the formula feeding baby food market, but what is its advantage?

About the manufacturer

NAN products have been produced since 1962 by the Nestle concern. The first series of formulas were designed for healthy babies with a good appetite. However, the assortment gradually became more complicated and expanded. Since 2004, bifidobacteria have been added to the products to normalize digestion. In 2010, consumers were offered Dentapro milk to prevent dental diseases.

The range of NAN base mixes for healthy babies

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The nutritional needs of children of different ages are not the same. With this in mind, Nestlé specialists have created the following products:

  1. "NAN 1" is a product for newborns (0-6 months). In the composition - mineral and vitamin supplements to boost immunity.
  2. "NAS 2" - a product from six months to a year. The composition is similar to the "one", but the increasing requirements for nutrients are taken into account.
  3. "NAS 3" - milk from the year. The product contains beneficial bacteria and lipids, which are beneficial for the digestive system and become a good prevention of caries.
  4. "NAS 4" - milk from 18 months. The composition is similar to the "three", taking into account the age needs of the baby.
  5. Ready-made milk in 200 ml packaging. They should be warmed up and served in a cup or bottle.

Mixes of NAS are produced for different ages of the child

The main components of base mixtures NAN

NAN Balanced Milk Formulas provide babies with the nutrients they need for their age. The composition of the products is distinguished by the following features:

  • Bifidobacterium BL. Normalize and support a healthy microflora, strengthen the immune system.
  • Optimized protein Optipro. Provides easy digestibility of milk, full growth of the child.
  • Fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6. Strengthens the immune system, promotes the development of the nervous system and muscles.
  • Lack of flavors, dyes. The products have a natural taste and form the right eating habits.

Protein composition

"NAN" 1 and 2 - milk mixtures, and NAN 3 and 4 - dry milk drinks for drinking and cooking. The difference between the products is important - the reduced protein content in the mixtures due to the demineralization of the whey. The ratio of whey proteins to casein is as follows:

  1. in No. 1 - 70 to 30 (close to mother's milk, in which the proportion is 80 to 20);
  2. in "NAN 2, 3" - 60 to 40 (like mature mother's milk).

The protein in NAN formula and baby milk is called Optipro. Its presence reduces the risk of obesity by reducing the metabolic load on the body. This is facilitated by valuable amino acids: taurine, gestidine, and others.

The composition of the NAS mixtures includes everything necessary for the development of a child

Fat composition

The fatty component of dry mixes is represented by fish oil and vegetable oils. Palm olein was previously added, but due to the spread of negative information and palm oil, Nestlé abandoned it and found a different solution. The manufacturer's base food now contains the following oils:

  • sunflower;
  • coconut;
  • rapeseed low erucic.

Also in the diet are polyunsaturated fatty acids called "smart lipids". The most valuable of them are DHA and ARA (docosahexaenoic and arachidonic acids), which are important for immunity, eyes and brain.

Carbohydrate composition

Lactose is an important carbohydrate component of food. When combined with maltodextirin (fast carbohydrate), it produces the sweet taste that babies love. Carbohydrate components provide the body of babies with the necessary energy, give long-term saturation, affect the density of the mixture (make it thicker). The manufacturer's milk does not contain sucrose (cane sugar), which positively distinguishes the products from analogues.

Other components

The product contains live cultures of BL bifidobacteria. These are probiotics that are responsible for the formation of normal microflora in the walls of the large intestine, strengthening the immune system. The mixtures "NAN 2" also contain the bacteria Denta Pro, which are responsible for the prevention of caries. They prevent the development of bacteria that destroy tooth enamel and colonize the digestive tract.

NAN therapeutic and prophylactic mixtures and their composition

For the purpose of therapeutic diet therapy, fermented milk and other mixtures with the original composition are used. Pediatricians appoint them for a specific time to correct the child's condition. For therapeutic and prophylactic products, a similar composition is characteristic of the entire range of food. However, there are also significant differences related to the types of assignment.

"NAN" fermented milk

Popular fermented milk mixture "NAN" improves digestion, normalizes intestinal microflora, strengthens the immune system. In composition, it differs in the presence of a fermented milk component and includes:

  • living cultures BL - strengthen the baby's immunity;
  • lactic acid bacteria obtained by biofermentation technology - strengthen the body and prevent the development of infections.

Adapted fermented milk mixtures NAN 1, 2 and 3 prevent constipation, colic, and ensure healthy sound sleep. They contain enough iron to prevent anemia in infancy.

As you know, with problems with digestion, the child's sleep becomes poor. This problem can be solved with a mixture of NAS

"NAS" hypoallergenic

"NAS" anti-colic

The old name of the mixtures is "NAS Comfort". Thanks to the partially hydrolyzed protein, the product reduces the risk of allergies and food discomfort. The low lactose content practically eliminates fermentation and colic processes. L. reuteri probiotics help repopulate the intestines with positive microflora.

The complex "Optipro" developed according to a special technology ensures easy assimilation of ready-made milk by the baby's body. The product also contains ARA and DHA lipids, a vitamin complex, and important trace elements. Formulas can serve as the sole source of nutrition for newborns from 0 to 6 months.

"NAN" lactose-free

If the baby does not tolerate dairy products, then he can use lactose-free NAS, however, before using it, you need to consult a pediatrician

The lactose-free product was created for feeding babies with lactase deficiency in a situation where the body from birth cannot absorb dairy products. They help to recover from intestinal infections, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, have no age restrictions (they can even be used to feed newborns). Often they are prescribed for frequent colic and regurgitation.

The lactose-free product is not hypoallergenic, it differs from product No. 1 in the percentage of proteins and casein (60 to 40). The manufacturer has replaced lactose with lactose syrup, which is easier to digest. Lactobacillus L. reuteri was added as prebiotics. The mixture contains a complete vitamin and mineral complex, linoleic acid, vegetable oils, whole milk protein.

The lactose-free product does not contain maltose (malt sugar), but soy can also trigger allergies. A child's product should be introduced carefully and only with the permission of a doctor. Contraindications to use - glucose-galactose deficiency, galactosemia.

"NAS" triple comfort

"Triple comfort" from NAN is an adapted product for eliminating functional digestive disorders in children from birth. The special formula helps to eliminate constipation, colic, and to reduce the frequency of regurgitation. The Toy Comfort mixture normalizes stool frequency, contributes to the formation of the correct intestinal microflora.

The mixture "NAN Comfort" includes lactobacilli L. reuteri, "smart" lipids, hydrolyzed protein "Optipro", prebiotics. Additionally included is a mineral and vitamin complex, oligosaccharides, potato starch. Palm oil is among the ingredients of Triple Comfort.

NAS triple comfort is recommended for children from birth

"NAS" antireflux

The mixtures "NAN" AR 1 are prescribed by pediatricians to newborns and infants up to 6 months of age when parents complain of frequent regurgitation. They are classified as health food, which is not used as the main food for the baby. Its reflux is used in conjunction with breastfeeding, other types of mixtures. Among the components of dry "Antireflux":

  • hydrolyzed whey protein;
  • cultures of L. reuteri prebiotics, which form normal microflora and help to reduce the frequency of regurgitation by 3 times;
  • optimized hypoallergenic Optipro complex - minimizes the risk of a negative reaction to cow's milk protein;
  • starch - increases the viscosity of the product, which reduces the likelihood of regurgitation.

The balanced formula of the NAN "Antireflux" mixture also includes vegetable oils, lactose, trace elements and other useful substances. Moms complain about its thickness and unpleasant taste, however, they note a positive effect on the digestion of babies. Due to the thickness of the food, the nipple for the bottle needs to be matched. Usually mums use replaceable flow teats. The prepared mixture must be stirred for a long time, shaken.

"NAN" for premature babies

The product is important for premature babies, premature babies and underweight babies. Contains the highest percentage of whey protein (about 70%), which significantly distinguishes it from analogues. The proteins of the mixture are partially hydrolyzed, which increases the rate of their assimilation.

For premature babies, there is also its own mixture of NAS, but before use, you need to check the baby for allergies (we recommend reading :)

Advantages of the product for premature babies: the baby gains weight quickly, loves the taste of ready-made milk. Babies are fed with the product until they reach a weight of 1800 grams, after which they are transferred to the usual mixture. Among the contraindications: galactosemia, lactose intolerance, glucose, cow's milk protein allergy. Palm oil is seen among the ingredients.

Instructions for preparing the mixture

Before buying fermented milk and milk mixtures "NAN", you should consult a pediatrician. The doctor will recommend a suitable product based on the child's age, weight, health status and parental complaints.

When buying, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date (usually printed on the bottom of the jar). It is advisable to shop in reliable stores, where there is a guarantee of compliance with storage conditions.

When preparing the mixture, you should use food with a sufficient shelf life, which was opened no later than a month ago. In order for the mixture to be beneficial and not cause health problems in the infant, it is important to maintain sterility when preparing it. To get acquainted with how to properly dose and dilute the powder, the instructions on the package, which looks like a table, will allow:

Baby agePer 1 feedingNumber of feedings per day
Boiled water volume, mlNumber of measuring spoons of mixtureMixtureOther types of food
1-2 weeks90 3 6 -
2-4 weeks120 4 5 -
2 months150 5 5 -
3-4 months180 6 5 -
5-6 months210 7 4 -
7 months and older210 7 4-3 1-2

When preparing the mixture, it is necessary to strictly follow the required proportions of dry powder and water, and also use only clean dishes and boiled water.

When preparing mixtures "NAN" take the required number of measuring spoons without a slide. The proportions cannot be changed without the advice of a healthcare professional. Otherwise, you can overfeed the child or bring him to dehydration. From 7 months, in parallel with hypoallergenic, ordinary, fermented milk mixtures NAN, complementary foods should be introduced - cereals, vegetable purees, cottage cheese, dairy products.

It is important to make the mixture before feeding by cooling the boiled water to a comfort temperature of 37 degrees (beneficial bacteria will die in hot water). Initially, you should sterilize the container and nipple, cool, pour prepared water and add the required number of spoons of powder. Next, you should collect the bottle, cover with a lid and shake thoroughly. It is important to check the temperature by dripping it onto your wrist (the food should be slightly warmer than your hand).

When feeding, you need to carefully support the baby, give him a rest when necessary. Leftovers are not allowed to be reused. It is important to make sure to sterilize the bottles and boil fresh water for the formula to avoid health problems for the baby.

Signs that the mixture "NAN" suits the baby - weight gain, restful sleep, no colic, constipation, good skin. If at least one of these indicators is not met, you should consult your doctor. It may be necessary to change baby food for another type (for example, liquid fermented milk) from a wide range of Nestlé.

Indisputably. After all, it is breast milk that provides the most rational nutrition for the baby and forms its immunity. But, unfortunately, there are situations when you have to use the mixture for one reason or another. There is a huge assortment of brands and types of baby food at the moment, in which you can easily get lost. And as practice shows, pharmacies advise mixtures that are more expensive and those whose shelf life is running out. So we will try to figure it out in this article in one of the types of baby food - in fermented milk mixtures.

All mixtures are subdivided into,. Fermented milk mixtures, which will be discussed, belong to the group of medicinal mixtures. What does it mean? Medicinal mixtures are used with, and with, and with frequent regurgitation. Each problem has its own mixture. A distinctive feature of therapeutic mixtures is that they are used only as directed by a doctor, if the child has direct indications for this. Not suitable for daily and long-term use.

You cannot take and simply replace the usual fermented milk mixture just because your friend feeds her child with it and he has no problems with stool, and yours sometimes has constipation or liquefied stools.

One must look for the root cause in everything. First, you should reconsider your diet, if it happens that the adapted mixture also has to be selected for a long enough time by changing different brands. Below you will learn how to properly introduce the medicinal mixture into the diet or replace one mixture with another without harm to your baby.

All formulas are specially designed for babies from birth to 6 months (they are indicated by the number 1 after the name, for example, "Nan 1 Fermented milk", "Nutrilon 1 Fermented milk") and from 6 months to one year (they can be recognized by the number 2 on the package, for example , "Nan 2 Fermented milk", "Nutrilon 2 Fermented milk"). Also, all fermented milk mixtures are very easy to find on the shelves, since they most often have an inscription after the name of the manufacturer's company - "Fermented milk", as in the above examples.

The main indications for the appointment of fermented milk mixtures:

  • an unfavorable environment in an infectious relation;
  • moderate functional disorders of digestion;
  • an alternative to unadapted fermented milk products for children from 6 months;
  • as a diet therapy for acute intestinal infections;
  • prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbiosis in children under one year old.

The therapeutic effect of fermented milk mixtures is based on the action of its constituent probiotics, which, together with the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract, help the growth of healthy flora and prevent the excessive growth of opportunistic bacteria.

How to properly feed the fermented milk mixture?

It is impossible to simply take and give the baby a new mixture instead of the usual one for the next feeding. Anyone is needed.

We begin to inject 30 milliliters of fermented milk mixture through one feeding (the rest of the food, depending on age, is breast milk or an adapted mixture) for two to three days. Then for 2-3 days we use the mixture with each feeding. Then we increase the volume to 60 milliliters through feeding also for 2-3 days. Again 2–3 days, each feeding of 60 milliliters. After that, 90 milliliters through feeding for 2-3 days, and another 2-3 days for each feeding. And now we can displace either several feedings, or completely switch to fermented milk mixture.

Let's consider this scheme with an illustrative example. Let's say the child is 2 months old. Its required daily food volume is 770 ml with a weight of 4500 g. One feeding requires 770: 7 = 110 ml.

So the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th feeds remain the same. But during the 2nd, 4th and 6th, first, we give the child 30 milliliters of fermented milk mixture, then we supplement the remaining 80 ml with breast milk or an adapted formula that you use constantly. Remember that the new mixture is given first, this is a prerequisite. We continue this way for 3 days. For the next 2-3 days, we feed all 7 times, first, 30 ml of fermented milk mixture + 80 ml of milk. Then 3 days the 2nd, 4th and 6th feeding of 60 ml of fermented milk mixture + the remaining 50 ml of the adapted one. For another 2 days, all feedings are according to the scheme described above. Then for 3 days the 2nd, 4th and 6th feeding according to the scheme 90 ml of fermented milk mixture + 20 ml of adapted. For 2-3 days we fix the scheme for each feeding, and then we switch to 110 ml each time of the fermented milk mixture. If you only need to replace a few feedings, then it is better to replace the same second, fourth and sixth. It is recommended that for babies under one year old, the first and last feeding should consist of milk.

Depending on the purpose for which you are introducing the fermented milk mixture, the volume of the mixture and the duration of its use will differ. If the fermented milk mixture is prescribed by the doctor in order to prevent digestive problems, then most often 2 feedings per day are replaced (the second and the penultimate one), if the mixture is used for therapeutic purposes, then most likely you will have to completely switch to the fermented milk mixture for 2-3 months on average (the doctor will decide, given the condition of the baby).

Let me remind you that it is recommended to prepare the mixture immediately before feeding, the maximum you can prepare the mixture for one day. Store an open jar with the mixture for no more than 3 weeks in a cool, dry place at a temperature of 0 to 25 degrees and an air humidity of no more than 75%.

Review of popular brands

"Nan 1 Fermented milk" and "Nan 2 Fermented milk" (Nestle, Switzerland)

It normalizes the intestinal microflora, protects against intestinal infections, improves the absorption of lactose and is a mixture of choice in case of lack or absence of breast milk. B. lactis L. reuteri are the only 2 probiotics recommended from birth due to their absolute safety status for newborns. For children over 6 months of age, a combination of probiotics is used to achieve a more pronounced protective effect: B. Longum + L. Rhamnosus.

The advantage of the "Nan Fermented Milk" formula is that it can be used as the main food for healthy children in the absence of breast milk from the mother. This mixture has a pH of 4.75-4.9, which corresponds to the pH of infants and does not make its own negative adjustments to digestion.

Nutrilak Fermented Milk (Nutritek, Russia)

It is an adapted dry fermented milk mixture that fully meets the energy needs of a child from birth to one year old.

It is indicated for newborns to restore the intestinal microflora after antibiotic therapy, transferred intestinal infections, for the prevention of dysbiosis, with functional disorders of digestion: constipation, loose stools,.

  • Strains of lactobacilli and live bifidobacteria, which not only have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, but also help to strengthen the immune system;
  • omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids contribute to the development of immunity, structures of the central nervous system and organs of vision;
  • nucleotides are a necessary plastic material for microflora;
  • lutein, which protects the body from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays;
  • antioxidant complex, which includes selenium, taurine;
  • does not contain starch either.

Nutrilon 1 Fermented milk and Nutrilon 2 Fermented milk (Nutricia, Holland)

This powdered milk formula is intended for feeding babies from birth. Thanks to the action of lacto- and bifidobacteria, the mixture effectively improves the digestion of infants and stimulates the growth of healthy intestinal microflora.

  • Skimmed milk;
  • maltodextrin;
  • mixture (sunflower, rapeseed, palm, coconut);
  • lactose;
  • taurine;
  • leaven;
  • vitamin and mineral complexes;
  • The pH of the mixture is 6.0–6.4.

Agusha 1 and Agusha 2 (Russia)

  • Whole milk;
  • bifidoacidophilic starter culture;
  • lactose, fructose;
  • a mixture of vegetable oils (high oleic sunflower, corn, soybean, rapeseed, coconut);
  • maltodextrin;
  • cream, whey protein concentrate;
  • mineral and vitamin premix;
  • nucleotides;
  • drinking water.

The composition of the mixture is too artificial due to the large amount of vegetable oils, additional food additives (whey protein concentrate), which are absolutely unnecessary for a child of this age.

On sale you can also find domestic fermented milk mixtures: "Bifilin", "Biolact adapted", "Acidolact," Lactofidus.

"Bifilin" is a new mixture, which includes bifidobacteria capable of multiplying and their waste products. It can also be used in adults to restore intestinal microflora. I think it is not very useful for the child's body, because the pH of the gastrointestinal tract in children and adults is completely different. And since the mixture is allowed for both adults and children, this means that it is not adapted for the child's body. I do not recommend giving it to young children.

"Adapted Biolact", "Soy Acidolact", "Lactofidus" are a number of domestic mixtures that have passed all the necessary research and have earned the trust of both the population and doctors.

It's hard to say which mixture is better, because they are all balanced, clinically tested. Parents always have to choose. Of course, mixtures of domestic manufacturers will be cheaper. But there are many more foreign ones on the market and, whatever one may say, the latest technologies and equipment are used in their manufacture. In addition, they have been on the market longer. It is not always possible to immediately find the right mixture, sometimes you need to try several brands to find your own. And my advice to you: never rely on the experience of friends, because every child is different in everything.

The program "School of Doctor Komarovsky" also tells about the rules for feeding with artificial mixtures:

Children from 6 months

Fermented milk mixture NAN 2 from 6 months 400 gr.

Fermented milk mixture intended for healthy children from 6 months as a milk component of the child's diet along with complementary foods. Cannot serve as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months of life. NAN Fermented Milk 2 improves digestion processes, and also gives additional protective properties against the risk of intestinal infections. Children quickly get used to the pleasant and mild sour milk taste. BIO-fermentation is a special technology, as a result of which the mixture acquires additional protective properties, helping to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal infections. This is the process of biological fermentation of a product using live lactic acid bacteria. Bifidobacterium BL are live probiotic cultures that help strengthen your baby's immunity.

BIO fermentation.
... Bifidobacterium BL.
... Free of GMOs, preservatives, colors and flavors.

To preserve living bacteria, boiled water should be cooled to about body temperature (37 ° C) and then dry powder should be added. To prepare the mixture, use the supplied flat-filled measuring spoon. Diluting the wrong amount of powder - more or less than the amount shown in the table - can lead to dehydration or malnutrition in your child. The indicated proportions cannot be changed without the advice of a healthcare professional. At this age, it is often recommended to gradually introduce cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish into the child's diet. Due to individual differences in the needs of children, seek the advice of a healthcare professional. If early introduction of new products is recommended by your doctor, reduce the amount of the formula as recommended.

Storage conditions:

Before and after opening, store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 75%. The contents of the jar must be used within 3 weeks after opening; it is not recommended to store in the refrigerator.


Skim milk, maltodextrin, lactose, whey, palm olein, potato starch, rapeseed oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, calcium phosphate, corn starch, calcium citrate, sodium citrate, emulsifier (soy lecithin), potassium chloride, vitamins , D, E, K, C, B1, B2, PP, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, B12, biotin), ferrous sulfate, magnesium carbonate, culture of thermophilic bacteria (not less than 107 CFU / g), culture of bifidobacteria (not less than 106 CFU / g), zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenate.

Nutritional value (per 100 ml of ready-made mixture): proteins 1.5 g, carbohydrates 8 g, fats 3.2 g, energy value 67 kcal / 281 kJ

Nutritional value (per 100 g of dry product): proteins 11.25 g, carbohydrates 59.97 g, fats 23.9 g, energy value 500 kcal / 2093 kJ.

Expiration date 18 months.

There are 12 pieces in a box.

Caution: Breastfeeding is preferable for feeding young children.

It is necessary to consult a specialist.

Breastfeeding is preferable for feeding young children. The ideal food for an infant is mother's milk. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible. Ask your healthcare professional for advice before deciding whether to artificially feed with infant formula.


The mixture should be prepared just before feeding. Follow the cooking instructions carefully. The diluted mixture remaining after feeding is not subject to storage and subsequent use. During feeding, it is necessary to support the baby so that he does not choke. When the baby is older, switch to cup feeding.


Useful information

BIO fermentation- a special technology, as a result of which the mixture acquires additional protective properties, helping to reduce the risk of intestinal infections. This is the process of biological fermentation of a product using live lactic acid bacteria.
Bifidobacterium BL- live probiotic cultures that help strengthen your baby's immunity.

Find out more

NAN® Fermented Milk 2- fermented milk mixture intended for healthy children from 6 months as a milk component of the child's diet along with complementary foods. Cannot serve as a substitute for breast milk during the first 6 months of life.
NAN® Fermented Milk 2 improves digestion processes, and also gives additional protective properties against the risk of developing intestinal infections. Children quickly get used to the pleasant and mild sour milk taste.

The product is made from raw materials produced by specially selected suppliers without the use of genetically modified ingredients, preservatives, colors and flavors.


Skim milk, maltodextrin, lactose, whey, palm olein, potato starch, low-erucic rapeseed oil, coconut oil, sunflower oil, calcium phosphate, corn starch, calcium citrate, sodium citrate, emulsifier soy lecithin, chloride A, potassium, vitamins ( , E, K, C, B1, B2, PP, B6, folic acid, pantothenic acid, B12, biotin), ferrous sulfate, magnesium carbonate, culture of thermophilic bacteria (at least 10 7 CFU / g), culture of bifidobacteria (at least 10 6 CFU / G), zinc sulfate, copper sulfate, potassium iodide, sodium selenate. The product is packaged under a modified nitrogen atmosphere.

Date of manufacture (MAN), expiration date (EXP) and batch number are indicated on the bottom of the can.
Before and after opening, store the product at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C and a relative humidity of not more than 75%. The contents of the jar must be used within 3 weeks after opening; it is not recommended to store in the refrigerator.
Manufacturer: Nestlé Nederland b.v. (Nestlé Nederland BV), Stroombaan 14 1181 VX Amstelveen, The Netherlands, factory in Nunspeet, NL-8071, Laan 110, 8071 JC Nunspeet, The Netherlands.
Importer: Nestle Russia LLC, Russia, 115054, Moscow, Paveletskaya square, 2, bldg. 1.
Suppliers in the Republic of Belarus: IOOO "ALIDI-West", Belarus, 220140, Minsk, st. Dombrovskaya, 9, of. 7.3.1 .; JLLC "TPG West Ost Union", 223043, Minsk region, Minsk district, Papernyansky s / s, 45/1, area of ​​Dubovlyany village, administrative building.

The amount of formula consumed and the frequency of feedings recommended in the table may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the child. Seek advice from a healthcare professional.
** To preserve the number of living bacteria, boiled water should be cooled to about body temperature (37 ° C) and then dry powder should be added.
*** Note: To prepare the mixture, you must use the supplied flat-filled measuring spoon. Diluting the wrong amount of powder - more or less than the amount shown in the table - can lead to dehydration or malnutrition in the child. The indicated proportions cannot be changed without the advice of a healthcare professional.
**** At this age, it is often recommended to gradually introduce cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat and fish into the child's diet. Due to individual differences in the needs of children, seek the advice of a healthcare professional. If early introduction of new products is recommended by your doctor, reduce the amount of the formula as recommended.

Among baby food for newborns, fermented milk mixture occupies a special, very honorable place. It belongs to medicinal products and allows you to correct functional digestive disorders in the smallest - from birth to one year.

It cannot be introduced into complementary foods on its own - only according to the recommendations and prescription of a pediatrician, who discovered some deviations in health in the baby. Parents should not be intimidated by the transition to this type of feeding, because it is extremely beneficial.

The main advantages of fermented milk mixtures are their composition and functionality. The ingredients are selected in such a way that they fit perfectly into the work of a small organism and normalize the child's health during the period of aggravated diseases and disorders.

The pediatrician who prescribes such nutrition takes into account the condition, age and individual characteristics of the baby. How is it different from the usual?

  1. The main advantage of fermented milk mixtures is that they belong to the category of medicinal, adapted products that are used exclusively as directed by a pediatrician in case a child has health problems.
  2. The composition contains probiotics that promote the growth of favorable flora in the intestine and prevent the development of pathogenic bacteria in it.
  3. Starter cultures of live bacterial cultures are used for production.
  4. Requirements for their quality are determined by the sanitary legislation of Russia, the European Union and WHO recommendations.
  5. These can only be strains of microorganisms isolated from humans and do not have a toxic and pathogenic effect.
  6. Bacteria must be as resistant to external influences as possible and remain stable during preparation and storage of the product.
  7. Getting into the child's digestive tract, probiotic microorganisms secrete lactic acid, which stimulates the digestive tract, increases appetite, normalizes stool, and eliminates.

This is how the fermented milk mixture differs from the usual one: its useful composition, in which lactobacilli and probiotics are necessarily present, as well as the therapeutic effect on the body of children from birth to one year old. To switch to such nutrition, special medical indications and the appointment of a pediatrician are needed.

Keep in mind. There are many fermented milk products on the market (kefir, yogurt, narine), but they are not baby food, since they are not adapted to the needs and characteristics of small organisms. They contain a whole, non-fermented protein of cow's milk, which causes allergic reactions and functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract in children under one year old.


The pediatrician, who has appointed the transition to a new diet, must explain to the parents why the fermented milk mixture is needed specifically for their baby. It is usually used for the reduction and impairment of digestive functions.

Medical indications for its use by children under one year old are:

  • the risk of contracting infections;
  • at ;
  • functional disorders in digestion;
  • indigestion (poor ability to digest food);
  • with diarrhea and constipation;
  • decreased appetite or no appetite at all;
  • against the background of this - poor weight gain;
  • acute intestinal infections;
  • with colic;
  • lowered immunity;
  • rickets;
  • intestinal dysbiosis.

But for allergies, fermented milk mixtures are not prescribed. Yes, they are well absorbed, do not cause rejection from a small organism. But their main task is to correct the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, with this disease, most often they are not prescribed, but an adapted one.

Studies have shown that the use of baby food with lacto- and bifidobacteria increases the intensity of absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract, improves the absorption of protein and calcium. Babies begin to gain weight and develop in accordance with their age characteristics, keeping up with their peers.


Parents should know what fermented milk mixtures are so as not to purchase a product that turns out to be useless. In the modern market, there are a variety of types of such baby food. They differ in composition, consistency, degree of adaptation and in that they are developed for children of different ages.

By the degree of adaptation:

  • fully adapted fermented milk mixture for babies under the age of six months;
  • partially adapted nutrition for children after 8 months.

According to the age:

  • the number "1" on the package means that these are fermented milk formulas for infants, which can be given from birth to six months;
  • the number "2" is fermented milk formulas for children under one year old, starting from 6 months.

By consistency:

  • dry fermented milk mixture, which must be diluted with water (the proportions are indicated in the instructions), has a long shelf life, is represented on the market by the most famous brands - Nan, Nutrilak, Nutrilon, Nutricia, Similac, etc.;
  • liquid, which must be used within 2-3 days (represented by Agusha, Bifilin).

It is not difficult to find fermented milk formulas for children on the modern market in accordance with the child's age, individual preferences (liquid or dry form) and the financial capabilities of the parents. The choice is greatly facilitated by the recommendations of pediatricians who can prescribe a specific product.

Feeding rules

You need to know how to introduce fermented milk mixture into the child's diet so that it does not harm his health. If this is done abruptly and in large quantities, the opposite effect will be obtained, that is, the digestion of the crumbs will be even more upset. The main principle here is gradualness and strict adherence to all medical recommendations.

  1. If the fermented milk mixture was prescribed as a prophylaxis, only 2 feedings are completely replaced with it - the second and the last.
  2. For constipation and diarrhea, which are intermittent, it is recommended to alternate "through one". For example, the 1st, 3rd and 5th feedings are carried out with the use of breast milk that is familiar to the baby (adapted formula). And the 2nd and 4th - using a product with lactobacilli.
  3. If it is prescribed for treatment, the feeding is gradually replaced entirely.
  4. It should be borne in mind that such nutrition enhances regurgitation in babies up to 3 months, so it is rarely prescribed as the main one at this age.
  5. The duration of use is determined by the pediatrician and averages 2-3 months.
  6. Many parents ask if it is possible to feed only with a fermented milk mixture: with poor health and a complete replacement of all feedings as prescribed by a doctor, yes.
  7. Meals are prepared immediately before feeding in accordance with the instructions.
  8. An open can is stored for 3 weeks in a dry, cool place at a temperature range from 0 ° C to + 25 ° C and an air humidity of no more than 75%.

For how long and how to give the fermented milk mixture, the doctor should tell. It is he who adjusts the period of application, taking into account the condition of the baby. If he began to gain weight well, reached his age norm, digestive problems disappeared, you can go back to the diet that was before, but there is no particular need for this.


The list of fermented milk mixtures includes products of domestic and foreign production. Their compositions are very similar, they have approximately the same effect on the child's gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Nan. Nestle (Switzerland). $ 7.5.
  2. Nutrilak. Nutritek (Russia). $ 5.2.
  3. Nutrilon. Nutricia (Holland). $ 8.1.
  4. Similac. Denmark / Spain / Ireland. $ 7.6.
  5. Agusha. Russia. $ 0.6.
  6. Bifilin. Russia. $ 0.9.
  7. Biolact adapted. Russia. $ 7.
  8. Soy acidolact. Russia. $ 3.9.

However, no rating can determine which of these products will be optimal in any given case. As a rule, the best fermented milk mixture is the one that the child willingly eats and which really normalizes digestion and improves the condition of the sick person.

Minor differences in the composition and functions of these products can be found in a more detailed overview.

Review of the best

After identifying digestive problems, the pediatrician will tell the parents which fermented milk formulas for newborns are better - Russian or foreign, with or without oils, enriched with dietary supplements or containing only lactobacilli. Most often, doctors advise several products, giving parents the right to choose the brand and brand according to their financial capabilities.

A small overview of the most popular and well-proven ones will help parents understand the diversity of the assortment.


It is represented by two products: "Nan 1 Fermented milk", "Nan 2 Fermented milk". Produced by the famous Swiss company Nestle.

Very useful for babies with digestive disorders:

  • normalizes microflora;
  • protects against infections;
  • increases the absorption of protein, lactose, calcium, iron.

This is facilitated by a useful and adapted composition:

  • B. lactis + L. reuteri - a combination of the only two probiotics recommended from birth due to their absolute safety;
  • B. Longum + L. Rhamnosus - this tandem of probiotics is used for children who are already six months old; it performs not so much therapeutic as protective and preventive functions.

Often, Nan is prescribed even to a healthy baby who does not have enough breast milk and even in its absence. This fermented milk mixture has a pH level of 4.75–4.9, as in newborns, therefore it does not make any negative adjustments to digestion.


"Nutrilak fermented milk" is an adapted dry mix that fully meets the energy needs of a baby from birth to one year. Indications for use:

  • restoration of microflora after antibiotics;
  • transferred intestinal infections;
  • prevention;
  • functional digestive disorders: diarrhea, constipation, colic.

Nutrilak has a very rich and healthy composition:

  • strains of live bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system;
  • nucleotides are a necessary plastic material for microflora;
  • omega-3, 6 fatty acids are needed for immunity, normal formation of the central nervous system and organs of vision;
  • lutein protects a small organism from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • an antioxidant complex that includes vitamins and minerals: ascorbic acid, B vitamins, zinc, taurine, selenium.

Another advantage of Nutrilak is that it does not contain starch and sucrose, which are difficult for newborns to absorb.


The Dutch baby food company Nutricia is represented on the market by two products - "Nutrilon 1 Fermented milk", "Nutrilon 2 Fermented milk". This is a dry formula for feeding babies from birth. Contains lacto- and bifidobacteria, thanks to which it effectively normalizes digestion, stimulates the growth of useful, healthy intestinal microflora.

In addition to them, you can find in the composition:

  • skimmed milk;
  • taurine;
  • maltodextrin;
  • lactose;
  • a mixture of vegetable oils: sunflower, rapeseed, palm, coconut;
  • sourdough;
  • a complex of vitamins and minerals.

The pH of Nutrilon is 6.0-6.4.


A very popular fermented milk mixture, which is represented by a wide assortment:

  • "Similac-1" - the main or additional food product for children from birth to six months;
  • "Similac-2" - appointed by pediatricians for six months;
  • "Similack Premium-1" - to strengthen the immune system in weakened babies up to 6 months;
  • "Similac Premium-2" - a continuation of the previous product, used after six months;
  • "Similac NeoSure" - for feeding premature babies.

The structure of Similak includes:

  • live bacteria to improve the intestinal microflora;
  • iron;
  • fatty acid;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamin and mineral complex;
  • lysozyme;
  • taurine;
  • lactulose.

The production of the mixture has been transferred to different countries several times, so on the packaging you can find notes that the product was made in Ireland, Denmark or Spain. It contributes to the constant weight gain of the baby within the age range, and also has a beneficial effect on his overall development. Indeed, in composition, it is as close as possible to breast milk.


Sour milk mixtures of Russian production "Agusha 1" and "Agusha 2" are good for those who prefer domestic firms, the prices of whose products are not so biting.

The composition includes:

  • whole milk;
  • lactose;
  • bifidoacidophilic starter culture;
  • fructose;
  • maltodextrin;
  • a mixture of vegetable oils: high oleic sunflower, corn, soybean, rapeseed, coconut;
  • cream;
  • concentrated whey protein;
  • nucleotides;
  • mineral and vitamin premix;
  • ordinary drinking water.

However, the composition of the Agusha mixture causes a lot of complaints from specialists, since it is too artificial due to the abundance of vegetable oils and food additives that are completely unnecessary for such small children (such as, for example, concentrated whey protein).


Bifilin is a new fermented milk mixture made in Russia. On the one hand, its composition is unique, since it contains bifidobacteria that can multiply, as well as their waste products. On the other hand, it is recommended even for adults to restore the intestinal microflora.

This fact casts doubt on the benefits of the mixture for small stomachs, because the pH in children and adults is radically different. Experts say that it is not adapted for the child's body, and do not recommend giving it to newborns.

All these products have passed all the necessary clinical studies and have earned the trust of the population and doctors. It is difficult to say which fermented milk mixture is better, because they are all very useful, adapted and balanced. Parents have to choose.

On the one hand, the products of Russian manufacturers are cheaper. But foreign ones are represented on the market in much larger quantities. In addition, it is well known that they are manufactured with the latest equipment and modern innovative technologies.

It is difficult to find the right therapeutic food, since every child is different. So do not rely on the experience of a neighbor or acquaintances: in this matter, you should be guided solely by the recommendations and appointment of a pediatrician.

Block of questions and answers

Answers to the most pressing questions of parents about the use of fermented milk mixtures for children will help to dispel doubts and use the product for its intended purpose.

  • Is it possible to feed a child with a fermented milk mixture all the time?

It is possible, but only as directed by a doctor.

  • How often can you give fermented milk mixture?

For prevention - 2 times a day, for treatment - completely replace all feedings.

  • How to give it correctly?

The rules of use, dosage, proportions of dilution with water are detailed in the instructions. Focus on them.

  • Can it be mixed with a regular one?

It is forbidden. First you give one (with a gradual change of feeding), then just another, in different bottles.

  • Is it possible to give a fermented milk mixture from another company?

The transition from one fermented milk mixture to another from another manufacturer should be carried out gradually. You cannot mix them.

  • When to give?

The first replaces the second and last feedings. Then gradually - all the rest, in accordance with the child's regimen.

The beneficial properties of fermented milk mixtures allow you to treat and prevent digestive disorders in children under one year old. You do not need to take the initiative and use them without a doctor's prescription. This can lead to the fact that a healthy stomach stops working on its own, constantly hoping for help from the probiotics and lactobacilli that are contained in such food.

The golden mean, literacy and strict adherence to medical indications - these are the basic principles of using this type of baby food.