Traditional methods against pregnancy. Safe days for sex. Acid douching as a traditional contraceptive

Have you ever had to wait for the start of your period as a holiday? Surely it happened at least once. Sometimes passion will wash over with such a wave that you lose your mind and indulge in lovemaking, completely forgetting about contraception. And then you look forward to "start - not start". To reduce such tedious situations in life, you should know about the various ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.

About modern contraception in our progressive age, a lot has been written and said, but about folk ways not everyone knows. Some of them can be taken into account, some will only cause a smile, and some can harm the female body. Let's get acquainted with a fairly rich list of methods. traditional contraception, and then each will decide for herself what can be trusted, and what - in no case.

From the history

Did you know that our ancestors sometimes resorted to very specific methods contraception? A toad, in whose mouth the girl should spit, or bees, of which the more you eat, the less likely you are to get a child, could have saved you from unwanted pregnancy. African girls on moonlit nights were looking for the roots of tropical plants, having eaten them, protected themselves from "flying". And in ancient Egypt, women ground acacia shoots into powder, then mixed them with honey and dates, applied this mixture to a piece of tissue and injected deep into the vagina before intercourse. It seems, well, what is the use of acacia? And the thing is that acacia shoots contain plant glue. Dissolving in water, it forms lactic acid, which is still used today in the manufacture of some contraceptive pastes.

And it was even easier for men - he rinsed his dignity in a solution of vinegar and off to the "races".

Before and after intimacy

Before intimacy begins

Today "grandmother's" methods are very popular with many women. The most common is the creation of an acidic environment in the vagina, in which sperm die. There are several options on how to "kill with acid":
You can put a couple of lemon slices "there" before intercourse.
You can douche with citric, boric, acetic or salicylic acid, while thoroughly washing the entire inner surface of the vagina for at least 5 minutes. The recipe is simple: for vinegar - 2 tablespoons per liter of water, for citric acid - 2 to 5 grams.
You can insert an aspirin tablet into your vagina before intercourse. It also oxidizes.
You can stick a piece of laundry soap "there". The principle is still the same - the alkaline medium should kill the tailed beasts.

All this can be done. It is not without reason that the above is written "kill with acid." These types of contraception do not guarantee one hundred percent protection, since they only slow down sperm motility. What if one of them "crawls" to the final goal, huh? But violate the microflora of the vagina for sure. And this is fraught not only with certain discomfort, but also with diseases, for example, bacterial vaginosis. Terribly unpleasant disease!

When everything has already happened

Have you decided to indulge in love without unnecessary "sourness"? Do not despair! There are alternative methods of contraception after intercourse. For example, such:
The easiest way to get rid of unnecessary "guests" is a deep and thorough rinsing with water with the introduction of an irrigator into the vagina. More or less reliable.
You can douche with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. What if it will cost? The effect is weak.
After intercourse, some recommend drinking raw beet juice or bay leaf infusion. However, doctors consider this method ineffective. Unless the functions of the gastrointestinal tract will improve.
One of the grandmother's "recipes" is to steam the legs in mustard after sex. We are modern women. We can replace the wasabi mustard. And what? Exotic and in step with the times. Only it does not protect from pregnancy.
Jump right after sex. However, experts say that the method is absolutely ineffective. It is impossible to "shake out" the sperm. They will still be faster: the average speed of movement of the sperm is 3 mm per minute (at a straight distance, they move 10 times faster).

Herbal infusions

Herbal infusions

The healing properties of herbs are probably known to everyone. However, the same herbal infusion can heal someone and cripple someone. Before resorting to homeopathic methods contraception, it is worth finding out if these herbs will harm you. By the way, representatives of medicine call "green" contraception ineffective, but since we are talking about folk methods, where can we go without grass?
As a contraceptive, you can drink an infusion of red rowan flowers: pour 1 tablespoon of rowan flowers with 1 glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour, drain. Drink a third of a glass 3 times a day after meals. But keep in mind that this infusion can lead to increased blood clotting. So whoever has thrombophlebitis - forget about mountain ash.
The infusion on pomegranate peels also has contraceptive properties, as people say. The membranes and skin of the fruit are brewed with boiling water, insisted and drunk in courses.
Some brew St. John's wort and do douching, hoping to avoid unwanted pregnancies.

This herb has anti-inflammatory properties, but about contraceptives - under great doubt. Maybe our grandmothers somehow brewed it in a special way but forgot to pass on the recipe? ..

Not all women suffer

Yes, yes, there are male ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancies!
Of course, everyone knows about interrupted intercourse. It turns out that this method is one of the most ineffective methods. contraception... The number of pregnancies with its use reaches 30 out of 100.
You can also moisten a piece of cotton wool in cologne and wipe the head of the penis with it before inserting it into the vagina. Just imagine - first shove a piece of laundry soap into yourself, and then introduce a “perfumed” member there? Wow, hot sex will turn out!
There is a more humane way. Folk "wise men" recommend to the stronger sex to take a hot bath for 21 days for 45 minutes. For 6 months after that, the man is sterile, then his reproductive capacity is restored.

Folk "novelties"

But this is not all the ways that the people offer us! There are modern variations on how not to fly in. Having learned about them, I no longer want to laugh at our ancestors. Here are just a few of them:
Insert a tampon into the vagina before intercourse. And drive it like a nail into the womb. Problem solved! It's okay that the sensations from sex will be ruined, the sperm will still penetrate, and then try and get the tampon.
The most modern folk method of contraception is douching with Pepsi-Cola! The creators of this fizzy would know what kind of panacea they have invented. And thirst, quenches, and cleans toilets perfectly, and, as some say, prevents pregnancy. Dear women, love yourself and your body! Do not eat your "charms" with Pepsi-Cola!
And this method is offered, apparently, by fans of urenotherapy. Douching with your own urine after intercourse. Just imagine what kind of infection you can reward yourself by injecting urine into your vagina!
Among adolescents, there is an opinion that after sex, all you need is nothing - drink a glass of water with three (no more - no less!) Drops of iodine. And if you also have sex while standing, then in general no pregnancy is threatened! And no one will explain to them that sperm have an ultimate goal. This is how nature laid it down. And even while standing, even sitting, have sex - and they very quickly move towards their goal.

Here are the most common methods of traditional contraception... They certainly do not give us a 100% guarantee. But modern drugs also have misfires and side effects.

If you are not ready to plunge into the delights of motherhood, to the question of personal contraception worth getting serious. In order not to get married "on the fly," so that she does not have to become a single mother, so that she does not take upon herself the sin of abortion ... So that there is less pain in the world. Remember, conceiving and having a child is a miracle of miracles. You need to prepare for it and wish it with all your heart.

Most young couples want to plan for the birth of a baby in order to prepare for the event both physically and financially. There are many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But despite this, many categorically refuse hormonal drugs that can harm the body, as well as other barrier methods of contraception. In this case, folk remedies will be most suitable for preventing unwanted pregnancy.

The effectiveness of folk remedies

Before using folk remedies for contraception, you need to understand that no method gives a 100% guarantee against pregnancy. Here you need to take into account many factors, the main of which is the correctness of the procedure, as well as the calculation of favorable and unfavorable days for conception. During ovulation, there is a high likelihood of pregnancy, even using folk remedies. It is better to use traditional methods of contraception during this period.

But still, folk remedies as contraception are better than unprotected sexual intercourse. If you combine several folk remedies, the likelihood that conception will not occur increases dramatically.

The method of contraception must be chosen depending on the individual characteristics of the female body, because the remedy can help one married couple, but not the other.

The effectiveness of folk remedies for pregnancy is about 70%. This is a very high figure, you should not abuse some means, because this can lead to health problems.

Traditional methods to be used with caution

Not all means of protection can be safe for health. With prolonged and regular use, a woman can harm her body.

Risky methods of traditional contraception include:

  • Laundry soap. It must be inserted into the vagina before intercourse begins. But it is worth remembering that soap has a certain pH level and, with prolonged use, can disrupt the natural microflora of the vagina.

  • Lemon or vinegar. The method of douching with acidified water is rather risky. Often it is impossible to use this method, because it will lead to a violation of the microflora and damage to the vaginal mucosa, and in some cases even the development of cystitis. Before intercourse, a slice of lemon must be inserted into the vagina. After intercourse, you can use a vinegar or citric acid solution. This method is based on the fact that sperm in an acidic environment begin to lose their activity and die. When preparing the solution, it is very important to adhere to the proportions. For 1 liter of boiled water, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. vinegar or 0.5 tsp. citric acid and douche after intercourse.

All methods of traditional contraception, which are based on douching, can disrupt the microflora and lead to inflammatory processes. It is very important to choose the right temperature for the douching fluid. It should not be hot or cold, it is best to try with your elbow. When lowering the elbow into the water, there should be no burning sensation.

Types of douching for unwanted pregnancy

To prevent pregnancy, the following types of douching are used:

  • Water lily decoction. To prepare the broth, you need to take 50 g of the root of this plant, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Immediately after intercourse, you need to perform the procedure. If the proportions are violated, then dizziness, stool upset may begin, in some cases a woman may even lose consciousness.
  • Potassium permanganate solution. To prepare the solution, you need to take 1 tsp. potassium permanganate and dissolve it in 1 liter of boiled water. When using potassium permanganate, all proportions must be observed with particular accuracy, if you add more funds, you can get a burn of the mucous membrane. If you do not get enough sleep, then the method will not be effective and pregnancy will occur.

For douching to be effective, it must be carried out in the first seconds after intercourse.

Also, this method can be considered unsafe: before intercourse, insert a lemon or laundry soap into the vagina, and immediately after proximity, insert an aspirin tablet. With a disturbed microflora, this method can lead to the occurrence of genital diseases.

Very often, women, in order to avoid pregnancy, use several means at once and, as a result, get vaginal dysbiosis, after which a long course of treatment is required.

Common alternative methods of contraception

Of course, coitus interruptus is in the first place in popularity. Many people think that this method is the most reliable and protects against pregnancy, but this is not the case. Together with the lubricant, semen is released, which can cause pregnancy.

And for women and men, there is one similar folk remedy for protection. This is taking a hot bath.

A man immediately before having sexual intercourse should take a hot bath, water not lower than 40 ° C. After such steaming, the spermatozoa lose their activity for some time and cannot participate in conception. Similarly, a woman needs to do this procedure only after intercourse. For greater efficiency, you need to add a solution of mustard powder to the water. For cooking, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. powder and dissolve in a liter of water. Use with caution in women with sensitive skin, an allergic reaction is possible.

To prevent pregnancy, use your own urine. She needs to wash off immediately after intercourse. But this method is not effective enough, and it is also capable of harming health, provoking the appearance of infections of the genitourinary system.

With the help of plants

Oral contraceptives include:

  1. Unripe pineapple juice. This drink should be drunk daily in a glass three times a day. It interferes with conception.
  2. Ginger root. For cooking, you need 1 tsp. ginger root and 200 ml of boiling water. Insist for 30 minutes. You need to drink a glass three times a day. The broth must be prepared every day.
  3. Shepherd's bag. Powder from a dry plant should be consumed in 1 tbsp. l. every day, except for menstruation. During menstruation, you need to drink marjoram infusion, which is prepared as follows: 1 tsp. plant powder is poured into 200 ml of boiling water.

It should be noted that marjoram can not only be taken orally, but also used to impregnate tampons. To do this, the plant powder must be mixed with honey in equal proportions. Soak a tampon with the prepared mixture and insert it before intimate contact.

Important! Some doctors talk not only about the ineffectiveness of methods based on the introduction of tampons, but also that tampons will interfere with sexual intercourse and cause discomfort.

Calendar method

The popular methods include the calculation of dangerous days for pregnancy in the menstrual cycle. Indeed, during ovulation, even folk remedies may not protect against conception, so it is best to refuse intimacy or use contraceptives.

It's almost impossible to get pregnant with just four days in your menstrual cycle. In the last two days of menstruation and two days after their completion. But this rule only applies if the woman is healthy and has a regular menstrual cycle. With ovarian endometriosis, this method of contraception is not suitable.

Traditional contraceptives should be used only in the absence of medical remedies, because the effectiveness depends only on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Today, probably every woman thought about how to protect herself as reliably as possible from unwanted conception. And although you can now find a variety of modern methods of contraception in pharmacies, some women still believe the old advice that was used several centuries ago and which probably did not always help. And yet, many are interested in how effective folk remedies are and whether they are dangerous to the body. Therefore, this issue should be well understood!

A little about the history of contraception

Even when primitive people were running around the Earth, even then it was possible to control the process of giving birth to children using a variety of methods. There were such beliefs when, in order not to get pregnant, it was enough for your saliva to enter the toad's mouth, some other people argued that if you eat a huge number of bees, you can also protect yourself from another child. A little later, the ancient Africans were content with interrupted intercourse, in India, women washed their genitals and vagina with a weak decoction of lemon or mahogany bark, and in Egypt tampons soaked in decoction of honey with acacia, as well as in elephant droppings, were widespread crocodile.

In ancient Greece, healers invented special tampons, which were soaked in narcotic substances, willow broth or a mixture of resin, cedar or apple for protection. And they recommended that men lubricate their penis with oil and onion juice before each new copulation. In China, mercury has become a common method of contraception; in Japan, bamboo leaves were soaked in oil for the same purpose, which did not allow sperm to reach the egg (today this is considered the first version of a female condom).

In Europe, the population was more developed and in order not to become pregnant women preferred various decoctions of medicinal plants, or used tampons in acetic acid, lemon peel. Some time later, the first male condoms were made from animal skins. For women, they began to install cervical caps, which were made of tin, and those who had funds could order them from ivory or with precious metals.

The most popular folk remedies

Today, there are several methods that are most often used to prevent unwanted conception.
  1. In the first place in popularity is coitus interruptus. But not all those who use it know that at the beginning of sexual intercourse, a man secretes a sufficient number of sperm in order to fertilize the female reproductive cell. Also, many do not know that the frequent use of this method has a very bad effect on a man, due to which their potency is significantly reduced.

  2. In second place is vaginal douching after intercourse is over. For this, a variety of ingredients can be used: soda, urine, or even a pinch of citric acid. With this method, the acid-base balance in the vagina changes, which leads to partial or complete death of male cells. But it is not always possible to wash everything from the vagina, but there are quite a few cases when a woman after that had cervical erosion.

  3. In third place today is a special diet or the intake of certain decoctions of different plants. For example, many say that conception can be avoided when you eat a lot of peas or drink a glass of water with three drops of iodine. The effectiveness of such methods is rather negligible, but despite this, people still use them.

  4. The fourth popular method is even more ridiculous than the previous one. When using it, it is recommended to engage in sex exclusively while standing or after the sexual intercourse is over - jump or run. But in fact, the opinion that spermatozoa will not enter the uterus in this way is erroneous. After all, the bulk of the cells enters the uterus within a few seconds after the end of intercourse.

  5. On the fifth place in terms of polarity is a hot bath for a man for three weeks, and a woman needs to soar her feet in mustard. But this method is also not effective, because the result can be seen only in the absence of colds, but not pregnancy.

Preventing unwanted pregnancies is a very topical issue for many women. 13 thousand abortions are performed in Russia per day, which bring serious physical and mental trauma to the female body. The current situation is forcing gynecologists to intensify their efforts to educate the population on methods of contraception.

Contraceptive folk remedies have been used since the days of ancient Egypt. Egyptian priestesses of love reduced sperm activity with lactic acid obtained from acacia. To do this, they implanted a mixture of honey, dates and acacia, previously pounded, into the vagina.

Traditional contraceptives are also used in modern society. The most highly effective folk methods are:

  1. immediate douching with an acid solution after the act (with a solution of acetic acid or potassium permanganate of low concentration)
  2. interrupted intercourse
  3. calendar method (it is almost impossible to get pregnant 5 days before and after menstruation)

The method of increasing the acidity of the vaginal environment by douching can be effective, because spermatozoa in such an environment become inactive, incapable of fusion with the egg, and quickly die. Usually, a solution of acetic acid or citric acid is prepared. An aspirin tablet or lemon slice injected into the vagina has the same effect.

Folk contraceptive oral prescriptions

Traditional contraceptives offer many recipes that have been passed on for centuries:

  • 15 grams of lush clove seeds passed through a coffee grinder are poured with 200 grams of boiling water, infused for 1 hour and filtered (filtered). Take two teaspoons three times a day before meals.
  • One spoonful of red rowan flowers is poured with 200 grams of boiling water, infused for 60 minutes, filtered. Drink 100 milliliters before meals. Attention! Using rowan berries instead of flowers is less effective. The berries are boiled for 15 minutes.
  • One tablespoon of dry flattened lymphatic grass is poured with five hundred grams of water and boiled for eight minutes. We insist the resulting broth for three hours, filter and use two teaspoons before eating three times a day.
  • Washed and scalded with hot water, the watercress is crushed and squeezed. The squeezed juice is filtered, diluted with water (one part of the juice, two parts of water), brought to a boil and cooked for two minutes. We use the prepared broth in two teaspoons before meals three times a day.
  • One dessert spoon of marsh rosemary is poured with 200 grams of boiling water, infused for 120 minutes, filtered and used before meals, four teaspoons three times a day.
  • Pour boiling water over the roots of gentian tricolor (one part of the roots for ten water), leave for two hours and consume a third of a glass before meals three times a day.

The real effectiveness of folk remedies

Traditional contraceptives are unreliable. This is their disadvantage. It is worth knowing some of the features that can reduce the effectiveness of a particular method. For example, when douching with water or solutions of medicinal herbs, the walls of the vagina and uterus are washed, which leads to a change in the microflora of the vagina, its dryness. In addition, douching must be done immediately after the pop-up act, because after a minute, the sperm enters the uterus. If there were no means at all at hand, you can make douching with an intense pressure of plain water, the method is not reliable, but also a chance.

Folk contraceptives after intercourse should be used with extreme caution. In the early stages of pregnancy, they provoke uterine contraction and fetal rejection.

People's emergency contraception is used if, in a fit of passion, unprotected sexual intercourse has already occurred. Be careful: extremely extreme methods can lead to trouble, and ineffective ones will not help! It is good to have a gynecologist's phone number in your notebook, who will prompt, advise in difficult times. The practice of family doctors is now becoming very popular.

Unique action of the northern breakthrough

Traditional contraceptives for women have been studied by physicians since the time of Dioscaris (1st century AD). One of the most reliable folk remedies can be considered an infusion from the northern breach. The Latin name for this herb is androsia (from the Greek "aner" - husband, "satse" - shield, literal translation - protection from the husband). For more than a thousand years, broth broth has been used to protect against pregnancy.

On the contraceptive properties of the breakthrough, a Ph.D. thesis was defended, the customer of which was Surina, a gynecologist-obstetrician known in Tyumen. It was she who ordered to find a reliable and safe remedy for conception in the world of plants. The study of the contraceptive properties of the northern breach was carried out at the Leningrad Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The obtained results of the study make it possible to use the breakthrough as a raw material for the manufacture of reliable contraceptive drugs.

What to give preference to

Alternative means of emergency contraception are very diverse. In many ways, traditional medicine is more reliable and safer. It is worth remembering that medicines made from natural raw materials, as a rule, give much fewer side effects than chemically synthesized ones. For this reason, they are often used when modern methods of contraception are contraindicated.

To give birth to a son or daughter - what could be more beautiful? Undoubtedly, children adorn our life, bringing real happiness and boundless joy into it. However, pregnancy is not always desired and long-awaited, it often occurs at the most inappropriate period of life for this.

An unwanted pregnancy is what a woman is afraid of when she is not sure about the reliability of contraception. A condom broke, I forgot to take a contraceptive pill, interrupted intercourse was not so interrupted - believe me, there are a lot of ways to get pregnant at the moment when you least want it. And what to do if there is a high probability of becoming a mother in the near future, despite your own ambitions and desires? Douching for unwanted pregnancies is one way to reverse the onset of conception. Let's find out how effective and safe this method of emergency contraception is.

Douching for unwanted pregnancy. Is it worth it or not?

The douching process is nothing more than irrigation of the cavity with clean water or a special solution. Many women resort to douching for the treatment of infectious processes in the vagina, eliminating the symptoms of thrush, because herbal decoctions and pharmaceuticals that have an anti-inflammatory effect can be used as an irrigation solution. Douching is also popular among so-called "ovules" who dream of motherhood more than anything else. Women douche with a weak solution of baking soda to change the PH of the vaginal environment from slightly acidic to alkaline, which is most favorable for sperm.

Douching for unwanted pregnancies has been popular for many years, which is quite natural, since this method does not require special skills and equipment. Perhaps, of the home methods, douching from unplanned conception is the most effective method, due to the fact that it promotes the flushing of sperm from the genital tract. Naturally, it is better to douche from unwanted pregnancy than to do nothing, but the significance of this method leaves much to be desired. There are cases when pregnancy occurred in spite of the use of hormonal contraceptives, the reliability of which is more than 99%. What then remains to be said about the effectiveness of conventional douching at home?

What you need to know about douching for unwanted pregnancies?

1. It takes a sperm from 90 seconds to 5 minutes to enter the uterine cavity, so it makes sense to prepare everything you need for douching in advance. The effectiveness of douching will directly depend on the timing of its implementation.

2. The rubber bulb (syringe) must be clean and owned by only one woman.

3. Irrigate the walls of the vagina very carefully, gradually pouring in the solution. With intensive douching from unwanted pregnancy, it is possible for fluid to enter the uterine cavity, followed by the development of inflammation.

4. On average, 300-400 ml of solution is enough for one douching procedure against unwanted pregnancy. The solution remaining during preparation is not stored until the next time.

5. If possible, it is advisable to replace home remedies for douching with pharmacy spermicides.

Douching solutions for unwanted pregnancy.

Weak acidic solution.

Using acidified water, you can significantly increase the effectiveness of douching against unwanted pregnancies. An acidic environment has a detrimental effect on sperm, reducing their chances of reaching their cherished goal - the egg.

  • Acetic solution for douching: 3 tablespoons of diluted vinegar in 1 liter of water.
  • Citric acid solution for douching: for 1 liter of water, take 1 teaspoon of citric acid or 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Salicylic acid solution for douching: take 1 spoon of 0.5% salicylic acid solution and 1 liter of water.
  • Boric solution for douching: add 1 teaspoon of boric acid (no more than 0.5-1%!) To 1 liter of clean water.

Potassium permanganate solution.

Douching from unwanted pregnancy with a solution of potassium permanganate (1 tsp 2% potassium permanganate per 1 liter of water), in addition to the pursued effect, also has an anti-inflammatory effect, promoting the healing of microcracks on the mucous membrane after intercourse.

Pure water.

If intercourse took place in conditions where there is only water from the available means for douching from pregnancy, you can use that too. The water should be purified drinking or boiled tap water, and correspond to body temperature. The main goal is to flush the ejaculant from the vagina without giving the sperm the opportunity to enter the uterine cavity.