New Year's games, part 1 - Contests, games, quizzes - How to spend the New Year - All about your favorite holiday - New Year lives here! Contests for the birthday of adults at the festive table: it will not be boring


1. In a hurry, come up with several images that you will portray.
2. Dip a brush in paint and paint your face! Apply paint in a thin layer.
3. Simple drawings and patterns are best.

Be careful not to paint near the eyes and mouth. You will be irresistible at the New Year's party!


You will need:

  • Paper
  • Lipstick
  • Colour pencils


1. Paint your lips with bright lipstick.
2. "Kiss" the sheet of paper in the middle.
3. Draw the rest of the facial features with pencils (eyes, nose, etc.).

You can make cartoons of your family and friends. And you can play the game "Whose kiss is this?". Make sure that children wear different lipsticks for hygiene reasons.


You will need:

  • Disposable plate
  • Wooden stick or long cardboard tube
  • Balloon


1. Glue the wooden stick (cardboard tube) and the racket-shaped plastic plate together.
2. Inflate the ball and gently pad it with the racket.

For everyone who loves tennis!


You will need:

  • Air balloons
  • Thread
  • Small hooks or thumbtacks


1. Inflate 3-4 balloons of different colors (do not use helium, as the balloons should not float in the air).
2. Tie a string to each ball and attach the free end to the ceiling with hooks or buttons. All balls should be at different distances from the floor.
3. Invite your baby to run up to each ball, jump and touch it.

To make it even more fun, complete this task to the music!


You will need:

  • 2 suitcases
  • 2 pairs of large size shoes
  • 2 large shirts
  • 2 pairs of plus size shorts


There are two teams participating in the relay. Members of each team must be at some distance from each other.

1. Arrange the clothes in the suitcases.
2. At the signal, the first participant of each team opens a suitcase and puts on the clothes that are in it (on top of his own), and he must fasten all the buttons and lace up the laces.
3. The player then closes the suitcase and carries it to the next member of his team. 4. Here he takes off his clothes, puts them in a suitcase and closes it.
5. The second participant repeats the actions of the first and runs with a suitcase to the next player of his team.
6. The team whose members are the first to get dressed and undressed is declared the winner.

I advise you to record the baton on video - you will want to watch the game and have fun again and again!


You will need:

  • Empty one and a half or two liter plastic bottles
  • Small ball


1. Line up the bottles.
2. Stand a short distance from them and try to knock down the bottles with a ball. Each player has two attempts to knock down all the bottles.
3. Before the throw of each next player, the bottles are put back in place.
4. To complicate the game, the bottles can be arranged not in a row, but in the form of some figure, for example, a triangle.

A lot of fun and enjoyment are guaranteed!


You will need:

  • Strips of paper
  • Pencils
  • Small box, bag or jar


Two or more players take part in the game.

1. First, choose a topic (movies, animals, our friends, etc.).
2. Each player must take a strip of paper and write on it a word on a given topic (title of the film, type of animal, name of a familiar person, etc.).
3. Put all the papers with the words in a small box, bag or jar.
4. Each player draws one piece of paper and tries to explain without words what word is written on it, while the other participants try to guess it.

And remember: not a word!


You will need:

  • Women's and men's clothing
  • Accessories: boas, wigs, hats
  • Jewelry (optional)
  • Musical accompaniment
  • Paper
  • Pencil


1. Help the models get dressed.
2. Come up with and write down a short description of each outfit.
3. Introduce each model and outfit on the runway to the music to the audience.


You will need:

  • Musical accompaniment


1. First, each participant in the parade comes up with what kind of animal he wants to be.
2. Turn on the music, stand behind each other, go and "dance" to the music just like an animal would!

If you are an elephant, use your hand instead of the trunk. Stretch your neck and hold your head high if you are a giraffe. If you are a bird, flap your wings!


You will need:

  • Good mood


1. Make one riddle
2. Give a prize for each correct answer. The prize can be anything from a piece of candy or a cookie.

What gets wet when dry?

What kind of milk does a funny cow have?

There are teeth, but no mouth. What's this?

If a rooster lays an egg at the very top of the house, which side will it fall on?
(The rooster does not lay eggs)

What is violated when we speak?

What kind of needle cannot be used to sew on a button?
(A hedgehog needle and that grows on a tree)

What is the name of the house in which the ants live?

What happens if you throw a green stone into the red sea?
(He will drown)

You can add your own riddles to this list!

With the letter "U" - they sit on me,

With the letter "O" - they eat after me.

(chair table)

With the letter "B" - I am one-legged, and I am standing by the road.

And without "B" - there are already four legs, and I'm standing in your apartment.

(pillar - table)

With the letter "D" - it lets you into the house,

With the letter "Z" - growls, bites.

(the door is a beast)

With the letter "T" is a symbol of protection,

And without "T" - poured into your plate.

(shield - cabbage soup)

With the letter "R" - an automatic assistant, he will be glad to make any work easier for you.

With the letter "X" - the elephant has it, it is famous for its length.

(robot - trunk)

With the letter "G" - it will scare you with thunder,

And without the "G" - it blooms in the flowerbed.

(thunderstorm - rose)

With the letter "G" - I'm flying across the sky,

With the letter "B" - I fly children.

(rook is a doctor)

With the letter "R" - I stagger backwards,

With the letter "M" - I'm hiding in a roll.

(cancer - poppy)

With the letter "K" - spits on the worm,

And without the "K" - at the tip of the hook.

(fisherman - fish)

With the letter "B" - I am a container for pickles,

With the letter "T" - at the end of I sentences.

(barrel - point)

With the letter "M" - the bee carries home,

With the letter "L" - it is on the river in winter.

(honey - ice)

With the letter "N" - he dreams of children at night,

With the letter "K" - in the heat gives you a drink.

(sleep is juice)

With the letter "P" - it comes from the pan,

With the letter "W" - on a thread at Julia.

(steam - ball)

With the letter "R" - rewards you with a rash,

With the letter "H" - wins at the races.

(measles - horse)

From "B" - the Indians are headed,

With "D" - watering the whole earth.

(leader - rain)

With "G" - he walks on nails,

With "D" - it will anoint the wound for you.

(yogi - iodine)

With "I" - I'll tie your wound,

With "A" - I'll dress up the girls.

(bandage - bow)

With "K" - hits the puck hard,

With "P" - our grandmother bakes.


With "P" - I burn with fire in the furnace,

With "K" - I bend your leg.

(log - knee)

From "C" - I grow on a tree,

With "F" - crawling along the tree.

(bitch - beetle)

With "H" - sick leave,

With "G" - the war is coming at us.


With "Y" - we rush the kids that are in urine,

With "U" - we will wet everyone's feet.

(skis - puddles)

With the letter "B" - you will find in birds,

With "H" - you will unlock the lock with it.

(beak is the key)

With the letter "B" - a night bird,

But with "F" - good for sleep.

(owl - sofa)

With the letter "G" - he will come to our holiday,

But with "K" - only the dog gnaws.

(guest is bone)

With the letter "D" - I grow in an oak forest,

But with "Z" - my root in the mouth.

(oak - tooth)

With the letter "I" - the fountain starts up,

With the letter "O" - chases mice.

(whale - cat)

With the letter "K" - I decorate the king,

With the letter "B" - I, croaking, fly.

(crown - crow)

With the letter "K" - a figure without corners,

With the letter "D" - ready to be friends with you.

With this book, your holidays will become original and fun, because games for all occasions are collected here. Do you want to throw a youth party, celebrate a birthday, or just have a fun Sunday evening with your loved ones? This collection will fully satisfy the desire to diversify your leisure time! It can be used not only by hospitable hosts, but also by a professional toastmaster, leading a corporate party, a solemn anniversary, etc.

  • E. V. Pleshkova
    The best ideas for a fun company. Games. Contests. Practical jokes. Jokes


    Play is a great human invention. Since ancient times, people, intending to celebrate any celebration or holiday, expect from such an event not only a good treat, because "man does not live by bread alone" ... Each of the guests hopes to have good fun, to have fun.

    And if for the invitees a party is just fun, then for the owners organizing a fun event is a serious matter. How to entertain the gathered unfamiliar people or, on the contrary, a close company of like-minded people? Any event requires some preparation.

    Do you want to throw a party or just not boring to spend a Sunday evening with friends accidentally stopping by the light? The proposed collection will satisfy any of your desires and needs in an effort to diversify your leisure time.

    Word games, comic problems and quiz contests will interest the adherents of a calm and intellectual pastime. Fun games, song quizzes, art contests and theater games allow you and your guests to express your creativity. Well, for the brave and uninhibited, for those who like jokes, we have prepared anecdotes, practical jokes, comic congratulations - in a word, everything that allows you to create a relaxed atmosphere of fun.

    We hope that your holidays will become more interesting and more fun with our book. After all, comic contests, games and competitions are not only a wonderful recreation for friends and acquaintances, but also bring people closer together. You can talk about games for a long time, but it's much more fun to play them. Therefore, let's open this wonderful collection and - let's start!


    Word games

    From some words to others

    The presenter names ten words (nouns) and invites the players to rearrange the letters in each word in such a way that new words (nouns) are obtained from each word.

    Moreover, in each word, all letters must be used, without excluding or adding a single one. The player who gets the most of these words first will be the winner.

    Here are the possible variants of words with answers:


    "Burime" in French means "rhymed ends". It is necessary to compose comic poems for given rhymes that are not connected in meaning.

    There are three rules for burime:

    1. Rhymes are chosen from words that are difficult to combine, unexpected.

    2. Rhymes should be varied.

    3. Rhymes cannot be changed in time and cases and rearranged.

    One of the players names any word, the other chooses a rhyme, based on the proposed set of rhymes, a poem is composed. One player can write, or several (each one line by line). The rhymes are usually the simplest ones. For instance: cat - compote, bed - jelly.


    The charada is a kind of complicated puzzle. The guessing (original) word is divided into several parts (most often by syllables), each of which has its own meaning. First, a figurative description of the meaning of each of these parts is offered, and then - the original word. Charades are found in prose and poetry.

    Here is an example of a Russian folklore charade:

    My first from a whole will be born,

    but my whole is afraid of the latter.


    Only in rhyme

    The first player names any word, preferably a short one. The second selects a word that rhymes with the first, the third adds his own word, etc. Anyone who cannot name a word in rhyme gets a minus. The one who has collected three minuses is out of the game. The player left alone wins.

    Here's an example of rhyming words: court - sport - board - lord - cake - etching - grade - record.

    The game can be made more difficult, which will make it more fun. In this example, nouns are used in the nominative case of the singular, but you can take all kinds of parts of speech, as well as try alone or together to compose a poem from the rhymes that were sounded.

    Synonyms, antonyms

    The participants in the game, under the dictation of the presenter, write down five words. For each of these words, players must choose one word that is similar in meaning to it (synonym), and another - opposite in meaning (antonym). The game ends after half of its participants have given the presenter their ready-made lists.

    The winner is the one from whom correct and complete answers are received. If the game drags on, the presenter limits the time to ten minutes. After this time, all the players give their lists to the presenter. Whoever has the most correctly chosen words is the winner.

    • each word should be composed only of those letters that are in the word;

     Monosyllabic words are usually not allowed to be written.

    You need to take some time to compose new words. At the end of the appointed time, the player who has composed the most words reads them out. The results of the game are summed up, and the participants can be invited to write a poem or compose a short story with the obligatory use of all recorded or named (if the game is played orally) words.

    If four players play "typesetter", then a word composed by only one participant is worth three points, composed by two players - two points, three - one point, and if it is written by all, it is simply crossed out (0 points).

    Puzzles, riddles, charades

    All kinds of puzzles belong to the drinking games, which are best done at the beginning of the holiday, sober. They can be included in the general competitive program or used interspersed with outdoor games. In any case, there should not be too many puzzles, as they quickly get tired. Moreover, there will always be the smartest guest for whom puzzles are like nuts and who will quickly seize the initiative in their own hands, because of which the rest of the participants of the holiday will lose interest in the fun.


    A metagram is a puzzle in which the hidden words differ from each other by just one letter.

    How high with "H" I am,

    So with "L" is low.

    With "Ш" - in arithmetic is needed,

    And with "M" I am scary.

    Honor - flattery - six - revenge

    With "B" I am terrible,

    With "M" fur I devour,

    With "R" the actor needs me,

    C is important for a cook.

    Pain - Mole - Role - Salt

    C "G" - a useful plant,

    With "W" it scares us at times,

    With "P" it brings us destruction,

    With "B" heaped up a mountain.

    Peas - rustle - gunpowder - heap


    Anagram is a puzzle in which, by rearranging the letters in the first word, another word is obtained.

    I am a tree, in my native land

    You will find me in the woods everywhere.

    But rearrange the syllables in me, -

    And I will water the water.

    Pine - pump

    I rush along the wire

    I am nights and days.

    And from the end they will read me, -

    I am akin to a tiger.

    I'm lying on the ground

    Nailed to the iron.

    But rearrange the letters

    I'll go into the pot.

    Sleepers - noodles

    Sharada is a word that can be divided into several parts, each of which is an independent word.

    The first syllable is one of the notes

    The syllable blooms in the second spring,

    And the final word

    Anyone has a building.

    When you enter a textile store

    There you may find the first syllable.

    Discover the collection of Greek myths,

    From there, the second syllable is taken into the charade.

    And you will be able to find out the whole,

    Sifting through the flowers in my memory.

    Charada is new now.

    Part of speech is the first syllable with us,

    And the second syllable is a sticky melt,

    Bypass everyone just in case.

    Answer, I will let you know for reference,

    Found on any counter.

    The first four letters are the institution,

    Population attracting percentage.

    The rest of the letters (and there are also four of them)

    Serves as icons in the music world.

    Bank note

    Find the beginning of a word

    You are in the dentist's office.

    The part at the end

    It is called a poem.

    As for the answer, on the face

    Though not on everyone, but there is.

    The first syllable is a note, the second syllable is also,

    It looks like peas entirely.

    My first syllable is on a tree

    My second syllable is union,

    But in general I am matter

    And I am fit for a suit.

    Just two excuses

    And they have a lot of hair.

    The first syllable is a pronoun.

    The second syllable is frog song,

    Well, and the word itself is in nature

    Does it grow in the garden, in the garden.

    You will find a shapeless piece at the beginning,

    Then at the end there is a math icon.

    You often met this word on trays,

    There are a lot of pictures, and a bit of text for them.

    The first syllable is grazed on arable land.

    He is a domestic animal.

    The second syllable is an addition to it -

    He is a preposition (or prefix).

    Hundreds of times in verse sung

    Together with the sea, this is the word.

    An excuse ... Let's start with it,

    And then a country house.

    The answer will be for you

    Something that helps you now.

    My first syllable is union, and then it is wide

    The great river will fit in five letters.

    The answer to the puzzle is one of the songbirds:

    She sings almost like a nightingale in the forest.

    I can hardly hide the beginning of the word:

    It is not a secret for many

    Since it is connected with the game,

    Which is not more popular.

    And part of the rest of the word

    I saw in geometry

    As part of a shape name,

    But without the last letter "l".

    The word I have envisioned

    So effective, friends,

    What, for example, is now the answer

    You can't find it without it.

    You can make riddles just sitting at the table, or you can beat them, for example, as follows.

    Take a prize and wrap it in several layers of paper. How many layers - so many mysteries. Write one riddle on each layer of the wrapper. After that, put the prize with riddles in a circle. The first player must guess the riddle written on the topmost layer of the wrapper. If he guesses correctly, then he gets the right to guess the riddle on the second layer, etc. If he is wrong, he reads the riddle aloud and gives the prize to the person who gives the correct guess. The second player tries to guess the riddle written on the next layer of the wrapper. Etc. The prize goes to the one who guesses the last riddle.

    What notes can be used to measure space?

    When does something happen in an empty pocket?

    When there is a hole in it.

    What tree does a crow sit on during a pouring rain?


    What stones can you not find in the sea?

    How to pick a branch so as not to scare the bird?

    We must wait for the bird to fly away.

    Where does the water stand?

    In glass.

    What words have 100 consonants?

    Table, stack, groan, stop, drain, stop.

    How do day and night end?

    A soft sign.

    The miller came to the mill. In each of the four corners, he saw 3 sacks, 3 cats sat on each sack, and each cat had three kittens with her. The question is, how many legs were there in the mill?

    Only 2 legs of a miller, as cats and kittens have legs.

    How can one bag of wheat, resin it, fill 2 bags, which are as large as the bag in which the wheat is located?

    It is necessary to put one of the empty bags in the other one, then pour the ground wheat there.

    Where is the end of the world?

    Where the shadow begins.

    Can an ostrich call itself a bird?

    No, the ostrich cannot speak.

    What does a man have under his feet when he walks across the bridge?

    The sole of the shoe.

    How can you put 2 liters of milk in a liter jar?

    It is necessary to cook condensed milk from milk.

    If 5 cats catch 5 mice in 5 minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse?

    How many months in a year have 28 days?

    All months.

    The dog was tied to a ten-meter rope and walked 300 meters. How did she do it?

    The rope was not tied to anything.

    What can travel the world while staying in the same corner?

    Postage Stamp.

    What will become of the green cliff when it falls into the red sea?

    It will get wet.

    What are all people on earth doing at the same time?

    Get older.

    The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not lit. There was no moon either. The woman began to cross the road in front of the truck. How did the driver manage to see her?

    There was a day.

    What gets bigger if you put it upside down?

    Answer: Number 6.

    How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

    One thing. All other eggs will no longer be on an empty stomach.

    What is always increasing and never decreasing?

    How to write a "mousetrap" in five letters?

    What's going on by staying put?

    If it rains at 12 o'clock in the morning, can you expect to see sunny weather in 72 hours?

    It is impossible, because in 72 hours it will be night again.

    What doesn't exist but has a name?

    Answer: Nothing (nothingness).

    Where are cities without houses, rivers without water, and forests without trees?

    On a geographic map.

    When can a person race at the speed of a racing car?

    When he sits in it.

    Is it possible to draw a circle around a person, through which he cannot but step over, not jump, despite the fact that his legs will not be tied?

    You can, according to your clothes.

    Three tractor drivers have a brother Sergei, but Sergei has no brothers. Could this be?

    Yes, if the tractor drivers are women.

    The roof of one house is asymmetrical: one of its slopes makes an angle of 60 ° with the horizontal, the other - an angle of 70 °. Suppose a rooster lays an egg on a roof ridge. Which way will the egg fall - towards a flatter or steeper slope?

    Not in any. Roosters do not lay eggs.

    The satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other - in 100 minutes. How can it be.

    1 hour 40 minutes is 100 minutes.

    2 fathers and 2 sons walked, they found 3 oranges. They began to divide - all got one by one. How could this have happened?

    Grandfather, father and son were walking.

    What path has not yet been taken by a man's foot?

    To the Milky.

    How fast the dog should run so as not to hear the ringing of a frying pan tied to its tail.

    It is enough for the dog to stand still.

    What question will no one ever answer "yes"?

    Are you sleeping now?

    What is dropped when necessary, and raised when it is no longer needed.

    What horse doesn't eat oats?

    Chess, sports.

    What kind of dishes cannot be eaten from?

    From empty.

    When are hands pronouns?

    When they are you-we-you.

    On the table are a ruler, pencil, compasses and an eraser. Do you need to draw a circle on a piece of paper? Where to begin?

    Take a sheet of paper.

    Mary's father has 5 daughters: Chacha, Cheche, Chichi and Chocho. What is the name of the fifth daughter?

    Which animal can easily change its head?

    My garden gets twice as much snow as my neighbor's. Why?

    Because my garden is twice the size of my neighbor's.

    How to increase the number 666 by one and a half times without performing any arithmetic operations with it?

    Flip upside down (makes 999).

    In what year do people eat more than usual?

    In a leap year.

    There is a special kind of riddles that do not have a definite answer. These are joke riddles. Such riddles are akin to anecdotes, in them the answers are striking in their absurdity, while being quite logical. Often you can answer them only if you know the answer in advance. It is clear that such riddles are made in order to relieve tension, dispel boredom, or just laugh.

    I have 3 heads, 10 arms, 4 legs and 3 feet. Who am I?


    What does a man need to know about all his shortcomings?

    What is the difference between English and French truckers?

    The English have a tan on their right hand, while the French have their left.

    A hippo was flying across the sky, and a hunter with a gun ran after him on the ground. The hunter fired, and the hippo fell on him. Who is still alive?

    Elephant because he flew out later.

    How does a young bachelor differ from an old one?

    A young bachelor cleans up his house to invite a woman; and the old one invites a woman into the house to clean up.

    Sits at the window, speaks French. Who is this?

    A cowboy, a Turk and a businessman are sitting at the table. How many legs are under the table?

    One. The cowboy has thrown his feet on the table, the Turk is sitting in Turkish, and the businessman is cross-legged.

    What do money and a coffin have in common?

    Both are first hammered in and then lowered.

    What is the difference between a poor Swiss and a rich Swiss?

    The poor Swiss has to wash his Mercedes himself.

    What is the name of a person who is lucky in love?


    You are driving in a car, a bicycle is rolling in front of you, an airplane is circling above you, and a pig is trailing behind you. Can you overtake them?

    No, because you are in the arena.

    Can a German Shepherd Become a Bulldog?

    Maybe if she chops off her tail and stuffs her face.

    What does “not sit in front of the TV” mean?

    It means "standing in the kitchen."

    What is this skeleton in the closet?

    The one who won hide and seek.

    What is the difference between lightning and electricity?

    You don't have to pay for lightning.

    What are mixed feelings?

    This is when the mother-in-law in your car flies into the abyss.

    What time is it: "I clean, you clean, he cleans up"?


    What is the best age for a child?

    When you no longer lead him by the hand, and he still does not lead you by the nose.

    What only elephants have and no other animals?

    Who can jump higher than the house?

    Anyone, because they don't jump at home.

    What will a crow do after living for 3 years?

    The fourth will live.

    What is warmer than a fur coat?

    What is half an orange most like?

    For the second half.

    What does the watchman do when he has a crow on his hat?

    Which hand is the best for stirring tea?

    Stir tea with a spoon.