What are narrow lips in women talking about? Lips with drooping corners. Regularly shaped thin lips

Women's lips - how many times have artists and poets glorified their beauty and sensuality. Psychologists also declared "their rights" to this part of a woman's face, having learned to determine the character by the lips. So, now even a closed mouth will be able to tell a lot of useful information about its owner.

Learning to reveal the female character by the shape of the lips

The lower lip is larger than the upper one - a mysterious stranger

She, by her very nature, is simply obliged to stand out from the crowd, drawing attention to herself: the coveted masculine and envious feminine. All her actions and behavior are subordinated to the satisfaction of the overriding need - the expression of her own individuality. A stranger woman is the one and only, this credo influences manners, style of dress, and choice of interests. Such a girl will never buy what many fashionistas already possess, even if it is a super-fashionable and branded thing.

In her personal life, there is a strict rule of selectivity: her chosen one is an extraordinary, special person with pronounced character traits. A mysterious stranger is not deprived of male attention, she loves to conquer and get those who do not succumb to her female charms at first sight.

The upper lip is larger than the lower lip - a leader who loves to command

The owner of this lip shape is a strong, whole, and striving personality. Her leadership qualities in tandem with high self-esteem, sometimes bordering on vanity, completely determine the credo of life - "All or nothing." He approaches any business thoroughly and enthusiastically, bringing what he has begun to the end. He prefers to weigh all important decisions carefully, starting to implement them, being 100% confident in his correctness. She is not used to stopping halfway, and setbacks and obstacles only push her to action.

Leadership character manifests itself in personal life. A young lady with incredible charisma and a full range of ambitions, as a rule, sets the tone for any relationship, be it friendly or loving. Her desire to be always and in everything the best often leads to the appearance of tension between partners. The man she chooses should be able to find compromises (she also needs to master this science) and be no less ambitious in order to support her friend in conquering new heights.

Wide full lips - the character of a gambling "freedom-lover"

Energetic and proactive, she goes through life in a relaxed and easy way. Not knowing how to wait, such a girl strives to get what she wants here and now, be it a new dress or a guy she likes. She does not know the word "boredom", her everyday life is always filled with interesting events, emotions, plans for the future.

Excitement drives the "freedom-lover" and in love, often forcing herself to take the first step towards acquaintance or continuing a relationship. But even the most passionate and close love ties will not force the owner of such a character to sacrifice her personal space: freedom and independence are her main values. Mama's sons and indecisive guys are not at all her type. Her chosen one is a delightful lover with a firm shoulder and unwavering will.

Small full lips - romantic person

Ah, those lips with a bow! I just want to add lace and curls fluttering in the wind to the image. You simply cannot find a more romantic person: emotions, and only emotions, cold calculation has no place here. The life of a romantic person is like a swing: takeoff is followed by a fall and back. She is sympathetic to most of her entourage, as she is always ready to listen, sympathize, give an opportunity to cry. However, with all this, the "romantic" is unlikely to be imbued with what she heard to the depths of her soul. She is also windy about her problems, preferring not to see the seriousness of the situation.

The "anemone" mixes the image of an ideal man from courageous screen heroes, romantic book lovers and beautiful glossy pictures. Men themselves often see such girls as submissive shy women, ready to meekly follow their advice and recognize their male superiority. But this deceptive impression turns against the heroes-lovers themselves, forcing them to admit their mistakes.

Narrow wide lips - practical realistic

Having such a woman among your acquaintances, you do not have to determine her character by the shape of her lips, nose or anything else, everything becomes clear even without such psychological delights. The owner of this smile is practical to the core, she demonstrates her realistic vision of life always and in everything. Unpredictability, surprises and rash actions are not her strong point. The life of a realist is carefully planned and arranged on the shelves. She prefers to buy New Year's gifts in the fall, and pack her vacation suitcase a month before the trip. Probably, only the realists folded the schoolbag from the evening without mom's reminders, getting genuine pleasure from the process.

In life, such ladies gain the reputation of the "iron lady", as they are not used to, and can not stand feelings and experiences for show. Apparent arrogance really has nothing to do with her true character. From a man, a realist first of all requires iron reliability and stability, and she can do without unnecessary romance and sensuality.

Small tight lips - reckless adventurer

She is just an inexhaustible source of natural optimism, the excess of which pushes the adventurer to grab onto everything that is global and difficult to accomplish, simple projects and tasks for her are devoid of interest and meaning. The adventurer is 100% confident in her strengths and abilities, where there is 200%, which is why she risks more than others.

She never sits still, preferring active rest to sluggish "felting" on the beach. Skydiving, conquering mountain peaks, African safari - this is exactly what will paint her everyday life with new bright colors. For complete happiness, she would still fly into space ...

Her independence, self-confidence and strong-willed character often scare men away. For the role of her life partner, "Lara Croft" selects a man with the same character as hers, and henpecked and mumbles have no place next to her.

It is not for nothing that a Japanese proverb says that a person's lips can sometimes speak much more eloquently than an eye. The fact is that in reality the shape of the lips and the character of the woman are connected. Knowing how, you can find an approach to any representative of the fair sex and learn a lot about her.

How to determine the character by the shape of the lips?

Do you think that only gifted individuals can read a character on the lips? No matter how it is! Anyone who wants to get acquainted with such a science as physiognomy can do this. Physiognomists not only determine the shape of the lips, but are also able to tell about the life - present, past, future - of the "read" person. The latter, of course, is more difficult to master, but if desired, anyone can do this too. The main thing is assertiveness and determination.

Lip shape and character

Scientists and psychologists have long understood how the shape of the lips and the character of a woman are connected. Research on this topic has been going on for a long time. Thanks to this, the science that was mentioned above appeared. In the modern world, the essence of how the shape of the lips and is connected has become even more popular and has even begun to be successfully used in medicine, legal practice, and personal growth trainings.

Lip size

Not only the shape, size of the lips and the character of the woman are connected, they are also interdependent:

  1. Regular size indicates that you are a balanced person who is used to a sensible approach to solving various problems, who knows how to listen and extract useful information from the conversation, is stress-resistant, unshakable and cheerful.

  1. - a symbol of sensuality and impressive sexual energy. Bright representatives of this category are Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe. Women with such lips love to live to the fullest. The majority is even guided by the motto "you need to get everything, here and at once or never in your life." At the same time, they have strong willpower and self-control. Some plump-lipped women are calculating but self-critical.

  1. Thin lips in a woman, the vicious character is emphasized. At least many people want to think so. But small lips do not always symbolize envious and spiteful character. More often, representatives of this group are reserved and charming, assertive, stubborn and witty, a little closed, but perceptive. The main disadvantage of the majority is the inability to demonstrate their own willpower.

Upper lip

You also need to pay attention to the ratio of the lips. It is essential. Let's say if the upper lip is larger than the lower one, then this person is a bright personality. Almost all members of the group are charismatic and unrealistically cheerful. In addition, if the upper lip is larger than the lower lip in women, this indicates high self-esteem and the ability to win over people. Ladies from this group love to be in the spotlight and always behave with dignity - the funniest jokes, the most sparkling sayings, funny scenes always come from them.


It's another matter when the lower lip is larger than the upper one. Such people are simply not created for monotonous work in any office, because there are so many interesting things in the world that it is unforgivable to spend your time within four walls. Owners of lips of this size know a lot about real fun, and for good spirits they need to constantly feed on new acquaintances, places, impressions - they are very curious and, in addition, have leadership qualities.

Corners of the mouth

The location of the corners of the mouth affects the visual impression and plays an important role in defining character:

  1. Raised corners among people who are optimistic, who are almost always in a good mood. Such women never remain alone for a long time and attract everyone like a magnet. Great news - the representatives of this category are sure to expect well-being in life.

  1. If the corners of the lips are down, this character demonstrates pessimistic and depressing. Such a woman is accustomed to taking everything to heart and masterfully dramatize. Some ladies are arrogant, but more often the representatives of the group suffer from an inferiority complex.

Features of the location of the lips

Another important factor that can tell something about the interlocutor, friend, relative, acquaintance. Here's how some of the features are interpreted:

  1. It is believed that symmetrical lips talk about the character of a deceitful and unpleasant human nature. Of course, this is not always the case - many are simply scared off by curved lines. Although sometimes the theory works flawlessly, in most cases the asymmetry on the face symbolizes a kind and cheerful disposition.

  1. Owners soft lips very impressionable. It is easy to make them cry, they can easily be touched, hurt, hurt.
  1. Hard lips characterize a strong, strong-willed, decisive personality. Such representatives of the fair sex easily endure all difficulties, and those around them may not even guess about their problems.

Do you know that lips reveal character traits? The shape of your mouth reflects how you treat people, your lips bear the imprint of your temperament. The ability to determine the character of a person by the lips helps in communication.

The skill of the Chinese sages in determining a person's character by his face has been known for more than 3000 years, it has not lost its significance today. Facial features are inherited from parents in the same way as temperament features. With age, the character changes and facial features too. The faces of older people very eloquently reveal their essence: on some faces there is a stamp of bitter disappointment, anger and envy, while on others there is a calm serenity, kindness and generosity of the soul.

Trying to understand the character of an unfamiliar person, first of all, they pay attention to the eyes. Yes, of course, they are the “mirror of the soul”. But this mirror is sometimes so deceiving! Take a closer look at the lips as well. They will also say a lot about a person.

What do your lips say about your personality?

Basic guidelines for analysis:

  • Cupid onion is a double bend of the upper lip with a central "V" or indentation. This line resembles the bow of Cupid, the Roman god of love.
  • Lip Contour - The border of the lips where the mouth ends and the face begins.
  • The corners are the outer edges of the lips.

Where are the corners of the lips directed?

People with raised lips are considered optimistic and cheerful, they are sociable and greet every day with a smile. People with drooping lips are often pessimistic, very shy and tend to be alone. However, you can count on their honesty and fairness.

With age, facial muscles weaken and the corners of the lips sink in almost all people. Nevertheless, in some they form a hard line, while in others they give the face an unhappy expression of bitter disappointment.

Full lips

People with thick lips are confident and energetic, although sometimes they are prone to rash actions. They sincerely care about others, value friendship and social ties, but at the same time have their own opinion and are not afraid to defend it. Men are active and if they are engaged in some business, they give themselves completely to him, no matter if it is business, hobby or entertainment. Women with full lips are generous and affectionate, they naturally gravitate towards motherhood. They are also outgoing and outgoing. People with thick lips are believed to be passionate and loving.

Thin lips

Thin-lipped people are independent, careful and restrained in their manifestations of emotions. They are patient and persistent, diligent and pedantic. Usually they learn well from a lot in the profession. Men with thin lips are sarcastic and derisive, if they become leaders, then their subordinates are afraid of them. They open their souls only to the closest people and never forgive betrayal. Women with narrow lips seem dry and calculating, but behind the external coldness and restraint, they sometimes hide a high sensitivity and vulnerability, which can lead to loneliness.

Wide mouth

People with wide mouths are energetic, adventurous, lively and talented. They have different interests and a large circle of friends. They are self-sufficient, have their own opinion, although they are not always in a hurry to express it, they say about them that they go to the beat of their own drum, and do not follow the crowd. Men are often prone to rash and thoughtless actions, but if they make a mistake, they honestly admit it and try to correct it. Women with widely parted corners of the lips are able to find their own ways out of difficult situations, not particularly considering the opinions of others.

Small mouth

A small mouth is considered a sign of weak character and resentment. Sometimes this is true, but more often they are bright and charismatic people. It's easy and pleasant with them. The mouth-button in the shape of a kiss gives a woman lively and charming. But sometimes they are capricious and in no case want to be ignored. In a man, a small mouth indicates a hidden inner strength, which sometimes manifests itself quite unexpectedly, which makes them especially attractive.

Cupid onion

In some people, the upper lip has a pronounced depression in the middle, the so-called Cupid's bow. This testifies to a creative and bright personality. The essence of their life is glamor and sophistication. People with bow-shaped lips grab life by the horns and are not afraid to take responsibility for the situation. However, they often act impulsively, flare up like matches, and also go out quickly.

Plump in the center

Sometimes lips are full in the middle, and thin in the corners. Cupid's bow. Such people are often the soul of the company, they love to be in the spotlight. They are caring and cheerful, their character is often light and pleasant. Subtle corners indicate a cheerful disposition.

Rose petals

This is the name for the lips, in which it is impossible to distinguish any feature. They are just beautiful. As in the fairy tale, these symmetrical lips are "just right" and the character is also without extremes. They are neither fat nor thin, but medium in size. Cupid's bow is rounded, this is a sign that a person is distinguished by kindness and gentleness. These lips indicate a man with a balanced temperament, he is sociable, but not overly, he loves to have fun, but he can always stop and refrain from any adventure. A woman with such lips is calm and considerate of other people. She loves to communicate, she has good relationships with friends and relatives, but she is unobtrusive and not touchy.

Symmetry and personality traits

According to ancient Chinese ideas about the correspondence of facial features and character, the upper lip represents the "feminine" side (yin) while the lower lip represents the "masculine" side (yang). The upper lip of a person can show his sensuality and ability to love, the lower lip speaks of how much he needs to receive love from other people.

A thick lower lip combined with a thin upper lip is a sign of greed and selfishness. Such people love pleasures, but only their own, what they feel and what their partners desire does not interest them at all. But they can be witty and funny, gush with energy, entertain and captivate. They know how to get joy from life, it is worth learning from them.

If the upper lip is full, and the lower lip is narrow, then often such people are indecisive, unable to stand up for themselves. They willingly take care of someone, help and save. At the same time, they often like to manipulate others, are vain, strive to set the tone, make plans and captivate others with their ideas. Surprisingly, they usually succeed.

Lip print will tell all the secrets

Gilly Eddu has studied over 10,000 lip prints for almost 30 years. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Los Angeles Times. She has also been interviewed on radio and television. Gilly Eddie shares her findings and observations about the relationship between the shape of lip prints and the character traits of their owner.

Do a little test:

  • Apply dark lipstick to your lips.
  • Blot your mouth gently with a tissue.
  • Find your lip print among the images below.

Imprint shape

Triangle... Your upper peak in the lip print is at the center point, your lower lip is almost straight.

Interpretation. You excel at developing talent and supporting ideas. You are ideal for the professions of teacher, consultant, manager and trainer. Your niche in human resources and technical support.

Diamond (Rhombus)... And your upper and lower lips have a peak at the center point, an imprint in the shape of a diamond crystal.

Interpretation. You are a dazzling person. Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and so are you. You easily achieve success and gain experience in everything you do. You enjoy helping others achieve their dreams. Your professional area is mentoring. You will make progress and teach others.

Rectangle... Your lip print fits in a rectangular shape without any curves.

Interpretation. You are the person they go to for advice, money, or other help. You help solve problems. You are a skillful negotiator, you know how to negotiate. You can be an excellent arbiter, mediator, lawyer, and also a manager.

Closed or open?

Closed... Your lip imprint has a small space between them, the lips are almost closed in the imprint.

Interpretation. You are a man of your word. Once you have made a decision, nothing can change it! You always end what you started. This ability makes you a respected accountant, lawyer and project manager.

Open... The prints of the upper and lower lip almost never join.

Interpretation. You are full of energy and you can keep a lot of things in your head. You can do well as a receptionist, work as a department manager, event planner, nurse, teacher, waiter, and cook.

How to check the reliability of the lip characteristics?

The answer is very simple: take a closer look and observe the people with whom you are well acquainted and whose character is not a secret to you. Start with yourself and those people who have clearly expressed certain features of the structure of the mouth and lips.

It's not always convenient to gaze at someone closely, so start with photographs. Choose the ones where your friends and family do not pose, but were caught in the frame by accident. Give a characterization of the person's lips and check if your personal opinion matches what the lips are pointing to. And do not forget to look at the photographs of your elderly relatives in which they were taken when they were young. Old pictures will reveal a lot to you.

Learning to lip-read your character will help you in a relationship. Sometimes it is difficult to discern evil and deceit behind a pleasant smile and beautiful words. But lips can betray the truth. Knowing this can help you avoid unpleasant surprises.


Lips - "heart". They say that only the most feminine and sensual ladies have such a lip shape. Women with lips folded as hearts are flirtatious, charming, but with all that, they are frivolous and sometimes even treacherous. Men with such a feminine lip shape are usually frivolous and. Holders of lips with a heart love to be in the spotlight, to shine. At the same time, they are very often gentle, do not wear stones in their bosoms, and are ready to help those who need it.

Luscious large lips. Such mouth-watering lips are characteristic of good-natured people and. Although they are impressionable natures, they have excellent control over themselves. The owners of large, juicy lips, as if pushed forward, are incorrigible optimists and the soul of any company.

A small mouth with small lips. A small mouth and softly outlined tender and graceful lips of a small size, the presence of a remarkable mind in its owner. At the same time, the owners of short lips and a small mouth differ, according to physiognomists, by a weak character. They, as a rule, are indecisive, unsure of their abilities, constantly seeking approval of their own actions from others.

Large lips and a large mouth. A large mouth and scarlet glossy lips are characteristic of public natures. They are successful, often quite bossy, inclined to and greedy at the same time. Their goals are unclear, vague; their plans are rarely completed; their life is spent seeking pleasure.

Thin and narrow lips: Hard thin lips are evidence of emotional coldness, even callousness of their owner. People with thin lips are persistent in achieving their goals, calculating, scrupulous natures with a logical mindset. At the same time, they are able to clearly and eloquently argue their point, doing it with great persuasiveness. Very often a thin mouth with pursed lips is evidence of acting talent. To be convinced of this, just look at the photos of Clint Eastwood, Nicole Kidman, Demi Moore, as well as many "stars" who shone on the screen before the invention of lip augmentation techniques.

Disproportionate lips (larger and puffier upper or lower lip). Pushed forward, more plump upper or lower lip - and frivolous, inclined, however, by virtue of their own, to compromise. But, being cornered by circumstances or when everything is at stake, the owners of disproportionate lips are able to despise all their fears and risk themselves, bravely rush to meet the dangers. Or opportunities.

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Lip shape and character. If skillfully and correctly "read lips", then the outlines of the mouth and the shape of the lips can reveal to you all the hidden character traits of their owner. By painting our lips in a certain way, we subconsciously try to present ourselves to those around us from the side we want.

Helpful advice

Let's take a closer look at what physignomists say about the owners of thin lips. Thin lips: character. And so that you do not have to constantly be ashamed of thin lips and catch suspicious looks at the first meeting, we suggest that you arm yourself with little tricks that will help hide the flaw (enough, in my opinion, controversial).


  • lip character

Boys from early childhood stipulate: "You are a man and you shouldn't cry!", "Control yourself." Growing up men try to control their emotions. And this cannot but affect their relationships with people around them - men are often secretive. And it's not easy to define them character.


It should be borne in mind that as a result of upbringing men often restrain their emotions and feelings. And, perhaps, the only thing that they can show, not hiding from others, is rage. But this should not become a criterion for evaluation. character a men.

There are five factors - the "big five" - ​​by which the main features are determined character but a person. These basic personality parameters are as follows: extraversion, benevolence, neuroticism (instability), openness to experience. To determine character men according to these parameters, it is necessary to answer the questions - is he an extrovert or, he is benevolent or rather not, conscious or irresponsible, emotionally or unstable, smart or not very good. Typically, these five parameters are able to tell almost everything that others would like to know about a particular person.

To correctly determine the parameters of the "Big Five", you can use various everyday situations. For example, a high score on the factor of conscientiousness is possible, which when driving does not take great care. A high assessment of conscientiousness means, among other things, conscientiousness, hard work, punctuality. A low assessment of conscientiousness is negligence, laziness, disorganization,.

Trying to assess behavior men and define it character, you need to take into account how the external situation affects a particular feature character a. So, a man will behave differently in church, at work, at a party and at a football match. However, if at a party a man is more calm compared to other representatives of the stronger sex, then, apparently, he will behave in other situations.

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Many postulates that the science of physiognomy deduces, linking the features of appearance human with its properties character, have practical applications. You can use this knowledge in everyday life, it can come in handy especially in those cases when you communicate with strangers. Such a detail of appearance as lips is a very convenient object of observation. You can always consider them in detail during a conversation and determine by lips person's character.


Many psychologists, who use the knowledge of physiognomy in their work, believe that it is the lips that are the sign that most accurately and correctly will allow assessing the character of a stranger. The proportional dimensions of the mouth, the same thickness of the lips and the fact that none of them protrudes forward may indicate that you are calm, harmoniously developed, self-sufficient and self-confident.

Curved lips with asymmetrically spaced tips speak of arrogance, disdain for other people. Try not to trust such a person very much - this mouth shape can hide viciousness and hysterical, inconsistent nature.

Pay attention to the fullness of the lips of your interlocutor. Thin lips - evidence that his actions are guided by calculation and reason. Full lips indicate that this person is emotional and rarely listens to the arguments of reason. At the same time, a person with thin lips will be able to become a more reliable and loyal friend.

The difficulties of character will be indicated by the fact that the upper lip will go beyond the lower one, or the lower lip will be protruded. In the first case, a person may have arrogance and, and in the second - indecision and inability to make decisions, to take responsibility. If the upper lip looks fuller than the lower one, then this is a sign and you shouldn't even try to convince such a person - you will only waste your time, he will always remain unconvinced.

Another prominent feature is the lip contour. A smooth and calm line is a sign of an even character, the ability to restrain your emotions and not remember resentment. A beautifully contoured, curved lip contour can belong to a person who is witty, generates ideas, interesting interlocutor who is difficult to get bored with. At the same time, such people can be quite vindictive. You should not become their enemies - they know how to intrigue quite sophisticatedly.

Different women grind lipstick on their lips in their own way: for some it takes on a pointed shape over time, for someone it is rounded, for someone it is flat, etc. According to psychologists, the cut of the labial lipstick can say a lot about its owner, because between the lipstick shape and character women there is a certain relationship. In total, you can define 8 types of character by lipstick.


A slightly pointed lipstick cut indicates practicality and self-confidence. The owner of such lipstick clearly knows what she wants from life, but she is characterized by some conservatism.

The evenly rounded shape of the lipstick speaks of an organized and purposeful character. A woman of this psychological make-up is very cold-blooded, neat and hardworking, but she lacks a sense of humor.

Lipstick of an indefinite shape indicates that its owner is unbalanced and distrustful, often worried about trifles. A woman of this psychological make-up often disguises these character traits with energy and self-confidence. The strength of this type of character is innate.

The lipstick cut, shaped like a sharpened pencil, corresponds to an arrogant and selfish character type. A lady with these traits does not easily converge with others. But those people who have earned the friendship or love of such a woman can count on her unconditional devotion.

The flat top of the lipstick indicates the wearer's optimistic and relaxed temperament. She easily makes friends and does not worry about all the little things of everyday life. Nevertheless, the spontaneity of a woman with a similar character sometimes turns into tactlessness, which sometimes offends others.

Lipstick, erased at an angle of 45 degrees, speaks of the rich imagination, energy and responsibility of its mistress. You can rely on this woman, but she lacks practicality.

Concave lipstick indicates curiosity, enterprise and courage. A woman with this type of character has the inclinations, but often their implementation is hampered by her overly captivating nature.

The lipstick cut, which almost completely repeats the original shape, testifies to the restraint and organization of her mistress. Such a woman is accustomed to strictly following the rules and does not like to draw attention to herself.


  • how to determine character by lipstick

Does your sweetheart have lipstick that she has been using for a long time? You can learn a lot about its owner. Next time she starts to smarten up, pay attention to the column labial lipstick.


If it's worn evenly on both sides, lipstick is a contradiction in itself. She is characterized by frequent mood swings, impetuosity. In a dispute, uncertainty is replaced by a breakthrough wave, in love she is either a “mistress” or a “victim”, and when emotions ask to come out, she laughs at the same time.

Is the lipstick column erased evenly obliquely? Before you is a girl with a mischievous sparkle in her eyes and soul. She almost always with her life, in difficult situations, remains calm and diplomatic. She loves adventure and herself is a great dreamer.

If your lipstick looks like a sharpened pencil, then you are dealing with a selfish person. She loves to shine in the spotlight, but she lacks real friends. They are unlikely to appear in her life until she learns to respect others.

Does the lipstick look like a pencil with a broken lead? This shape is quite rare, as well as angular character their owners. On the one hand, they are the soul of the company and great originals, on the other, they are people who should not be trusted too much.

If the lipstick column is erased horizontally, this is a real one. She never loses heart, knows how to inspire and therefore easily makes friends. However, it can also easily offend a person due to its straightforwardness.

When the top of the lipstick becomes evenly rounded over time, this means that its owner is hardworking, neat, restrained. She has clear goals and always gets her way. But sometimes it would not hurt her to relax a little and laugh at herself.

It happens that even after repeated use, the lipstick column remains almost like new, that is, the cut does not change its shape. This speaks of a subtle and at the same time complaisant character e hostesses. She does not strive for Olympus, but she never goes unnoticed. A wonderful wife and mother, and also a loyal friend.

And if your chosen one prefers liquid gloss or does not paint her lips at all, you can only guess about her romantic nature.

To get a rough idea of ​​a previously unfamiliar person, you should carefully look into his face. Certain traits appearance talk about the presence in it character certain features.


Face shape. A round face suggests that its owner is a good-natured, gentle person. Square-faced people are determined and confident, they crave fame and often do well in their careers. A triangular face suggests that its owner is cunning, smart and resourceful. Such people rarely have real friends, because they do not value people. A face in the shape of a trapezoid also indicates goodwill of character. The rectangular shape of the face betrays a practical, calculating, purposeful person.

Brows. Wide, bushy eyebrows speak of a person's kindness and generosity. Very often people with broad, decisive, capable of rash acts, have a passion for various adventures. People with narrow eyebrows are often notorious, modest, and kind-hearted. Public opinion plays an important role for them.

Eyes. Big eyes speak of an open character. Narrow eyes characterize a person as closed in himself, uncommunicative. The color of the eyes can also tell a lot. Green eyes characterize a person as passionate, jealous, always achieving their goals. Blue-eyed people are often unbalanced in themselves, they cannot find themselves and their place for a long time,

How interesting it is to make assumptions about a person's appearance about what kind of person is in front of you: with what character, habits and abilities for this or that type of activity. It turns out that there is a whole science that proves the relationship between the appearance of people and their inner content. Her name is physiognomy. She is engaged in the study of individual features of a person's appearance. Everything matters: size, shape, individual characteristics, for example, a dimple on the cheek. In this article, we will talk about how you can characterize a person who has thin lips.

Thin lips - what is the meaning, according to physiognomy?

The lips are a special area on the face. They are the ones who participate in conversation, eating, kissing. It is believed that their shape and size can tell a lot not only about a person's character, but also about his sensuality. How thin lips characterize their owners:

  1. If thin lips are accompanied by a small mouth, then, most likely, in front of you is a person who is slightly unsure of himself, squeezed. He will feel uncomfortable in the company of unfamiliar people; he is unlikely to have the courage to propose his own ideas at a business meeting. He is very concerned about the perception of himself by the people around him.
  2. Thin lips of medium length are often met by people who are meticulous, pedantic, attentive to trifles, but often deliberately provoking conflicts.
  3. Long lips are companions of people with a talent for oratory, and for other areas of creativity. They also often have a passionate temperament, but try to restrain themselves so as not to arouse the disapproval of others.
  4. If the upper lip hangs slightly over the lower lip, then this may be a sign of shyness and shyness.
  5. If only the upper lip is thin, and the lower lip is plump enough, then this is often a sign of people who are in eternal search for love. They are gentle, quivering and loyal partners who know how to throw firewood into the fire of passion in time.
  6. A thin lower lip with a plump upper lip may indicate that in front of you is a slightly infantile person who needs care and protection. Men with this sign often choose women who are much older than themselves and resemble mothers in character. And women are looking for a rich patron in years, so that they do not have to solve the emerging difficulties in life.

Thin lips, shaped like a heart, can be a sign of a tendency to dissolve gossip, envy, selfishness, spoiledness, and low intelligence.

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