Steam the tulle at home. How to iron tulle from different fabrics. Features of ironing tulle from different materials

Tulle curtain fabrics have to be washed frequently, as the mesh and patterned surface quickly becomes filled with dust. After washing, as a rule, it is time to iron, but this material is especially delicate and thin, so not all housewives know how to iron the tulle correctly. Additional complications are created by the large length and width of the curtains. Folk ingenuity has produced simple rules that allow you to quickly put an elegant fabric in order.

Fabric structure
There are two important factors in ironing, the composition of the fabric and the temperature of the iron, let's talk about the first. Tulle is made from various yarns, there are options based on silk and cotton. But in ordinary city apartments, more often than not, synthetic curtains are hung, they come in different thicknesses - in one or two threads. It is worth considering that profusely patterned tulle is denser than smooth fabric. But thin synthetic or cotton curtains can not be ironed at all, experienced housewives, slightly dry the product, hang it on the window cornice wet, so the elastic threads straighten themselves.

A thick synthetic curtain woven in two strands will not smooth out without an iron, so you will need these instructions:
you need to iron a not completely dry product;
select the option "nylon" or "polyester" on the iron (up to 80 ° C);
put on the ironing board with the wrong side up;
try an iron on the edge of the fabric;
iron the edges of the panel first, then the center;
Spread the freshly ironed curtains on a bed or a wide table for 5 - 10 minutes so that the effect is fixed.

Artificial yarn tulle is ironed only through gauze. For silk products, instead of gauze, it is better to take thin white paper.

How to iron tulle if it's dry

In a situation where they did not iron on time, they have to straighten dry creases with an iron. Here's how to iron a cotton tulle quickly:
switch the iron to silk or synthetic;
with a palm moistened with water, wipe the largest creases so that they straighten;
iron through damp gauze, starting from the edges towards the center;
when ironing, you need to move the iron towards you;
let it rest for 5 minutes. after ironing.

The same procedure is for ironing dry silk curtains. The main thing is to remember, whatever the tulle is, you should not use a steamer, it can leave a stain on a thin surface. Flounces and frills are smoothed out with an iron spout. First, the spout is vertically inserted into separate fragments of the shuttlecock, then the entire frill is ironed along the length. And curtains with a convex ornament are ironed only on the reverse side.

How to iron tulle - moody organza

Curtains made of delicate organza require special attention. The shiny and elastic fabric is ironed in a special mode:
1. Dry the curtain well after washing.
2. Set the iron to the nylon setting.
3. Place the product on the ironing board with the wrong side up.
4. How to use gauze dry tissue paper.
5. Gradually move the curtain as it is processed.
6. Move the iron towards you.

There is a second option, how you can iron organza curtains. This requires a steam brush. The curtain is hung on the cornice and brushed in the "steaming" mode. You cannot use an iron with a steamer for such tulle. From such processing, the fabric will become uneven and lose its gloss. Inventive housewives know how to iron tulle without difficulty and excitement. Subject to the basic principles - attention and accuracy, the process will only bring pleasure.

Tulles are undoubtedly very beautiful things that look appropriate in almost any setting. They can be hung in the kitchen, bedroom, hallway, study. They do not obstruct the access of sunlight, and at the same time decorate the room with their presence.

Hand washing tulle

The main drawback of tulle is its size. The fabric is usually very large. Because of this, it is quite difficult to care for her. Many housewives prefer to wash them in the old, proven way - by hand. It should be noted that this process is lengthy, in addition, it requires a certain skill.

Washing, of course, can be done quickly and without following any recommendations. But in this case, you will not only have to iron the tulle later, but it is quite likely that you will have to restore their presentable appearance.

So, what is the process of hand washing the tulle so that it does not wrinkle and does not need to be ironed:

  • it is advisable to use a container with a large volume. No need to try to squeeze tulle into a small pot - it will only get worse. Suitable, for example, a galvanized trough or tub. If they are not there, then you can simply throw the cloth into the bath;
  • it is highly recommended to use a liquid detergent such as. Today, there is a significant amount of high-quality gel-like products on the profile market, respectively, making the right choice will not be difficult;
  • wash with light strokes. If the tulle is not too dirty, then you can simply soak it, having previously prepared a soapy solution. You do not need to make significant efforts, strongly squeeze and rub the delicate fabric, since in this case, folds are guaranteed to appear, which will be very difficult to smooth out;
  • after completing the wash, hang the tulle directly over the bathtub or on the balcony without squeezing it out. This is very important as the water will help smooth out some of the wrinkled fabric on its own.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in hand washing. But this process will entail not only certain physical efforts, but also a waste of personal time. Therefore, if you have a washing machine, then try washing in it.

A washing machine is a very popular type of household appliance. This is a real helper for every housewife, who can wash almost everything, moreover, using the most suitable mode, for example, synthetics, expensive natural fabrics, etc. She can also wash tulle, and quite effectively.

It goes without saying that many are interested in whether folds will appear on the fabric after a machine wash, and will it be necessary to iron it later? It is possible, and for this you do not need to resort to dancing with a tambourine, spending a lot of time setting up the washing mode.

In fact, everything is very simple here:

  • any gentle mode is set, for example, delicate or for natural fabrics. Not suitable for synthetics;
  • if there is a "no folds" function, then it must be turned on;
  • the optimal washing temperature is 40-50 degrees;
  • you only need to wash one tulle, without adding any things, especially colored ones.

Washing tulle in a typewriter

If you remember, in the recommendations for hand washing, it was mentioned that there was no need to wring out the tulle. The same is true for the machine process. Moreover, this is perhaps the most important requirement here. Accordingly, you do not need to turn on the spin.

This function is necessary in order to get a practically dry item out of the tub at the end of the wash. The drum spins up strongly, which leads to squeezing the liquid out of the thing. It is also recommended to turn on rinsing, but this is not necessary, as in this case there will be too much water in the fabric (if you do not use the spin cycle).

All of the above is, without a doubt, very important. However, even this is not the main thing.

The appearance of the tulle will depend on how you dry it.

Whether you need to iron the tulle after washing depends on how you dry it.

The fabric should be dried exclusively in an upright position, that is, be hung. Simply placing it on a table or any other surface will not be the best solution.

Under the pressure of the flowing water, the tulle will smooth out on its own. Given the fact that the fabric is very thin, and its structure does not have villi that can retain moisture, it will dry out quickly enough - in about daylight hours, if, of course, it is summer outside or at least warm autumn or spring.

Sometimes the washing of the tulle may not take place in the house where it is hanging. For example, it can be a curtain from work or summer cottage. In this case, after it you need to hang it up until the water drains. Then it is neatly folded into a bag and delivered to its destination. After that, it is hung up again. It is very important that the tulle remains wet at all times. If the distance is too long, then upon arrival you can wet the fabric again, and then hang it on the balcony or on the street.

Tulle is a very delicate fabric. It can not only be crumpled, but also easily contaminated. It will be quite difficult to return the whiteness, more difficult than, and ordinary washing powder is indispensable here. However, there are several very effective methods that have been known over the years. With their help, you can quickly restore the original appearance of the fabric, and not wasted on the purchase of a new tulle.

Tips for washing tulle

Here's what you can do:

Common table salt, which is found in every kitchen, can be used not only for cooking, but also for washing delicate items. The salt has pronounced whitening properties.

An effective whitening solution is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • hot water;
  • 5 tablespoons of table salt;
  • capacity for about 7-10 liters.

Edible salt

Salt and water are mixed and poured into a prepared container. Then the yellowed tulle is placed there and left for about three hours. To be completely sure of the effectiveness of the method, you can "salt" the tulle overnight. After removing the fabric, wash it thoroughly using a liquid detergent.

Surprisingly, this green solution, which is very difficult to remove, also has whitening properties. It is enough to take a suitable container for rinsing, pour cold water into it and add about ten drops of brilliant solution. Rinse, stretch and dry - it's simple.

Add a few drops of brilliant green

Another old way that still hasn't lost its relevance. You need to take about five liters of water, and dilute 5 tablespoons of blue in it. Tulle is placed in the solution, but only literally for five minutes, no longer. Then you need to rinse it in running water at least twice. There is no need to resort to washing. It is important to understand that blue is an antiseptic, and therefore your tulle will also be disinfected.

Blue will help to whiten the tulle


A radical way, which, nevertheless, is quite effective. The bottom line is that in a suitable container, water is heated to a boil, after which the tulle is placed there, and cooked for one or two hours. You can also add some soapy water. Exposure to high temperature eats away the dirt, restoring the whiteness of the fabric.

It is important to remember, however, that digestion is not suitable for certain types of tissue, such as organza. In addition, this process negatively affects all fabrics, gradually making the fibers less and less thick and durable.

You can wash the tulle in such a way that you do not iron it later, although for this you need to follow some recommendations. For the most part, they are completely simple, and therefore the solution to this issue is within the power of every housewife.

Household chores are time consuming. And sometimes it also happens that an elementary task causes additional difficulties, for example, ironing tulle. This material is very subtle and requires a special approach.

Although each type of fabric has its own specific ironing conditions, there are some that must be considered regardless of the type and density of the tulle.

If a finished product was purchased, then the temperature regime and conditions for caring for the product must be indicated on the label. You should carefully study them and adhere to all points.

Before connecting the iron to the network, you need to check the condition of the sole - it must be clean. Black spots are burnt particles. If you start ironing with such an iron, then they will ruin the thin fabric: black prints may appear on it, or the iron will burn it altogether.

It is necessary to determine what fiber the tulle is made of- it can be synthetics, silk, cotton, polyester and other materials. Most irons have a special program for each type of fabric - this is what you should choose. If the temperature regime is set manually, then you need to select a value not higher than 120 degrees.

Do not rush or, conversely, linger for a long time in one area (keep the iron stationary) - this will lead to the fact that the canvas will be ironed unevenly. You should choose your own pace and stick to it.

Like any other fabric, the tulle must be ironed from the wrong side. To prevent damage to the fabric, a damp gauze should be used as a spacer between the iron and the tulle. If a special pad is included with the iron, then you must definitely attach it to the sole, because it is used precisely for these purposes.

The ideal ironing option is the vertical position. For example, the fabric will straighten under its own weight. Additionally, you can act on it with an iron or a steam generator.

Despite the advice of manufacturers to iron only completely dry fabrics, this approach does not always give the desired results. Therefore, you should not wait for it to dry completely. Kinks caused by drying will be difficult to smooth out even with a jet of steam.

The seams are ironed exclusively from the wrong side. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the pressure is not strong. In this case, seam marks may appear on the front side.

To prevent this undesirable effect, iron with a damp, thin cloth (gauze).

How to wash so as not to iron?

Below is a step-by-step process for washing and hanging the tulle.

  • Pour water into a large basin, dissolve detergent (or detergent used for washing) in it. If there is no large capacity, then the bath itself will do. There should be no small grains of powder left, as they can settle on the fabric.
  • Then you need to soak the tulle for a few minutes and wash immediately. It is unacceptable for it to lie for a long time, as creases can form. It will be impossible to smooth them out in a natural way.

  • After that, you need to drain the soapy water or drain it if the wash was carried out in the bathroom. Then rinse the fabric well. You do not need to wring it out. You can wait a little until the water drains naturally.
  • It is advisable to immediately hang it on the cornice. Since it will still be quite wet, there may be small puddles on the floor. To prevent this, you need to put underneath floor rags or other unnecessary fabric, for example, old sheets, diapers.

  • The next step will be to distribute the tulle along the entire length of the eaves - you need to ensure that the sections of the fabric do not stick to each other. In this position, it should dry fairly quickly and without wrinkles.
  • If they are nevertheless formed in a small amount, then you can steam them without removing them with a steamer or an iron with this function - this is very convenient, especially when the curtains are long and large.



This fabric attracts many housewives with its beauty. Translucent and light, it creates a feeling of weightlessness and lightness of space. But taking care of her is not easy at all.

Below are the rules that will make ironing this "capricious" material much easier.

  1. The last step in the wash should be a rinse in lightly salted water. This will require about 1 tbsp. l. with a slide for 5 liters of water. This avoids the iron sticking to the thin fabric.
  2. Organza has a special kind of weave fabric. In order not to damage it, it is necessary to iron at minimum temperatures and through tissue paper.
  3. Do not dry the material folded in half - it will be very difficult to smooth out such creases.
  4. The ideal way to remove creases is to use a steamer. For example, you can hang a not yet completely dried fabric on a cornice and smooth it with the power of this device.
  5. Organza producers say that it should only be steamed dry. If this is not done, glimmers may form on the fabric, and it will lose its attractive appearance.


One of the important conditions for successful ironing is the correct choice of the spinning mode of the fabric in the machine - it should be performed at minimum speed.

Better to let the fabric be a little damp than dry well, and creases will form on it.

As mentioned above, such a fabric can simply be hung directly on the window. She straightens well under her own weight. This is very convenient, especially if the canvas is large. If this method is not suitable for cotton curtains, then you can use an ordinary iron. In this case, the temperature should not exceed 100 degrees.

You need to lay the fabric with its front side on the board, put a damp gauze net on top - this is the only way to be sure that the iron will not burn through the thin curtain. But if there is a special nozzle for the sole of the iron, then you can do without gauze.

There are tulle curtains in almost every house; they not only protect the apartment from the piercing sunlight, but also make the atmosphere in the house more comfortable. So that after a couple of years you do not have to go back for the curtains, you should know how to properly care for them. And today we will tell you how to iron the tulle correctly.

It is important to understand what material the product is made of. After all, silk, cotton, organza and other materials require an individual approach and care. There are clearly not enough recommendations on the product labels, and therefore we will tell you how work is carried out with various materials. This will allow you to extend the life of the tulle for many years without losing quality and beautiful appearance.

Today you will receive the following tips:

It is not advised to wash tulle more than once every three months, otherwise the product will not become crystal white, as when purchased, but gray. Here are some basic tulle washing tips that you should definitely follow. This will keep the product intact.

  • Before washing, it is advisable to soak the tulle in warm soapy water for several hours, and also add 1 tablespoon of baking soda and salt to the water, which will allow you to quickly cope with dark spots. Depending on the level of pollution, the water can be changed several times.
  • After soaking, we begin to wash the product. To do this, we need a large basin, where we pour water up to 50 degrees Celsius and add a little powder. Slightly squeezing the fabric, raise and lower the product into the water several times. Important: do not rub the edges of the tulle against each other, as there is a high probability of ruining the appearance of the curtains. Rinse the tulle several times in cold and warm water. It is not recommended to wring out the product, this can lead to deformation.
  • After finishing washing, hang the curtains in a damp state on the eaves in a straightened form. After drying, the products will be even, and therefore there is no need to iron in this case. If you notice that there are folds on them, the curtains need to be ironed. To do this, wrap the still damp tulle in any cotton fabric and iron it. The main thing is that the temperature of the iron does not exceed 120 degrees - yellow spots can form on the fabric at high temperatures.

If this happens, do not get upset and immediately run to the store for a new product. You can try to repaint the tulle in a different color. To do this, it is worth purchasing a special fabric dye, which can be found at any hardware store. We have provided you with basic tips for washing delicate items such as curtains. And now we will try to figure out whether it is possible to iron tulle and how to carry out these works with various materials.

We wash and iron tulle from natural cotton

Many housewives hang cotton curtains on the cornice after washing while still damp. This is the right way out, because in a couple of hours in a warm apartment, such products will dry out and take the required shape. At the same time, their appearance will not differ in any way from the appearance of the newly purchased products.

But how to iron such a tulle if there is no way to immediately hang the curtains in place? In this case, we set the iron to the minimum setting and gently iron the fabric from the wrong side using gauze cloth.

Synthetic curtains and tulle curtains

In the last couple of years, there has been a lot of interest in synthetic materials in the production of curtains. This is not surprising, since such products are more airy and differ in their original structure.

Naturally, here, too, problems may arise when ironing fabric, and we will try to tell you in detail how to quickly iron large tulle so as to keep the appearance of the curtains at a high level.

Important Tips:

  • It is advisable to iron the garments immediately after washing, when the fabric is damp. Try not to use a spray bottle, as small drops of water can lead to streaks on the fabric after drying.
  • If you work with viscose, you can use the steaming function for it, while ironing it is better from the inside out.
  • Silk is ironed on either side, putting paper under the iron in advance.

The main rule: you cannot turn on the maximum temperature mode when working with synthetic products (no more than 120 °), so that the fabric does not change color.

Also, try to use an intermediate material between the curtain and the iron when ironing. This will help avoid dark yellow marks on the curtains.

How to iron organza tulle - what to remember?

Organza is a very finicky fabric with an incredible beauty. And this beauty must be preserved.

That is why the question of how to iron the organza after washing is so popular, because the slightest mistake in this process threatens to damage the fabric.

To iron the organza without harm to the fabric, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • We set the iron to the minimum setting, while its sole must be clean, and the fabric itself must be dry. If you iron the damp organza, the fabric will simply straighten and lose its appearance.
  • Ironing can only be done through silk paper, and it is undesirable to use the steam mode in order to avoid the appearance of waves on the organza.

You do not need to iron the curtains, but hang them wet and smooth them with your hands. At the same time, during operation, it is advisable to moisten the curtains with water using a spray bottle. After a couple of days, the curtains will be dry and even.

Some people use a steam generator that can do the least amount of damage to the curtains. In the same way, we hang the tulle in place and steam it. This option is considered the fastest. Now you know how to iron organza tulle efficiently and quickly, without spoiling the appearance of the curtains. Thanks to this, you will preserve the grace and beauty of the fabric, and create a cozy atmosphere in your home.

Tulle is a beautiful light transparent fabric, which is widely used for the manufacture of clothes, curtains and curtains, and interior decoration. Elegant and luxurious tulle, with or without patterns, can be found as adornments or additional elements in bedding and underwear, dresses and wedding dresses.

In addition, exquisite canopies, bedspreads, curtains, curtains are obtained from this material. They complement and complete the interior design of the house, make the room cozy and attractive.

But tulle is difficult to care for. This is a rather capricious material that must be properly washed and ironed. To ensure proper cleanliness, to preserve the color and quality of things, it is recommended to wash the tulle two to three times a year. And the rules for caring for products depend on the type of fabric. Let's see how to iron the tulle after washing.

Fundamental rules

  • Before washing and ironing a particular item, be sure to check the label. Badges on the label will tell you how to iron the tulle correctly and take care of the product. Read more about the values ​​on the label;
  • It is not necessary to iron the tulle. Some materials, especially cotton, straighten themselves under the weight of the weight if, after washing, hang still wet products in a vertical position;
  • Things are ironed while still wet and only from the inside;
  • For ironing, select a temperature no higher than 150 degrees. 120 degrees is considered optimal, but do not iron above the temperature indicated on the label. Do not use the steam function, otherwise the material will come in waves;
  • Be sure to place a damp cotton cloth or gauze between the product and the iron. Do not use colored materials so they do not dye the tulle;
  • The seams are also ironed from the seamy side and only through cheesecloth. Iron very carefully so that the iron only slightly touches the seams, otherwise marks may remain on the front side;
  • It is better to iron the seams from the seamy side and only through gauze. Do this very carefully so that the iron only touches them lightly, otherwise prints will remain on the front side of the material;
  • To iron the tulle correctly without harming the fabric, drive the iron carefully and slowly, without lingering in areas;
  • Do not use an iron with carbon deposits on the sole, it will ruin the fabric!

How to iron tulle from different fabrics

Natural fabrics, including cotton, linen and silk, do not need to be ironed. After washing, when the water drains, the still damp tulle is hung immediately on the cornice or beams, if it is a canopy or curtains. If these are other products, the material is hung on a rope also in a wet state, carefully straightening the canvas and removing the folds. The fabric spreads out on its own.

If wrinkles appear on natural fabrics, you can quickly iron the fabric on an ironing board. To do this, use an iron with a minimum temperature and iron the tulle from the wrong side through damp gauze without a steamer.

Carefully run the iron along the canvas, without lingering in the same place and lightly touching the seams. Do not use steamer or steam, otherwise the product will stain.

Synthetic tulle made of organza and polyester may not straighten out on its own, therefore, items that are still wet are ironed from the wrong side through wet gauze at an average temperature of up to 150 degrees without steam. By the way, dresses and clothes made of organza can be dried and ironed with a hair dryer. Organza can also be ironed dry.

But the nylon tulle, too, can not be ironed. Nylon is the most durable and easy-care type of tulle. Therefore, after washing, it is enough to hang a nylon fabric in a wet state on a cornice or rope. If necessary, you can iron the material at an average temperature of 150 degrees.

How to wash tulle so as not to iron

The tulle does not need to be ironed if the fabric is washed correctly. For this, a manual method is used. In the bath, the linen is carefully laid out and cool or warm water is poured. Then add a powder or detergent that suits the type of fabric. If the material has a yellow or grayish tinge, stains, add soda ash or soda to the water.

When washing, do not rub the garments, but lightly stroke and squeeze. Silk and organza are washed immediately, while other types can be soaked in soapy water for a while. If the items are dirty, change the water and wash again.

Then rinse in clean cold water and hang to drain. When the water has drained, hang curtains on the curtain rod, other items on the handrails or rope to dry.

Be sure to straighten the material, remove folds, make sure that parts of the products do not stick together. Do not wring out the tulle under any circumstances! Otherwise, the fabric will crumple strongly, and it will be almost impossible to smooth the material.

You can machine wash the tulle if the tag allows it. As a rule, cotton and linen items can be washed this way. To do this, use only a delicate mode with a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees without spinning!

Add fabric softener during washing to soften the fabric and water. After washing, rinse the clothes thoroughly, and when the water drains, hang them on the curtain rod or rope, straightening the folds.

How to iron long curtains

To iron a large, long curtain, place the top of the garment on the ironing board and begin ironing from the top. Then gradually blend the top off the board. When it is all the way down to the floor, hang the ironed section over the curtain rod so that the remaining un ironed fabric fits comfortably on the ironing board.

You can iron the tulle without ironing without removing the curtains from the eaves. To do this, use a steamer with water or a steam generator if the label on the product allows it. This method will allow not only to straighten, but also to clean the fabric from dust and simple dirt.

Set the appliance to the lowest temperature and, when the water heats up, process the canvas from top to bottom. You can slightly pull the fabric down, while the products must be in an upright state!

Also, long curtains can be ironed without an ironing board. To do this, take a round stick 1-1.5 meters high and a wide board. Items must have a smooth surface. Then wrap the canvas around the board and start ironing. Carefully wrap the ironed parts around the stick so that they do not get wrinkled.