Lip peeling at home. If your lips are chapped. Natural scrub recipes

The exfoliation procedure is aimed at accelerating the renewal processes, restoring hydrobalance, and activating blood flow. Thanks to delicate cleansing, it is possible to improve the quality of the skin, to solve a whole range of cosmetic problems. Traditionally, formulations for the face and body are used for the purpose of rejuvenation and recovery.

Lip exfoliation is a great way to give your lips a velvety feel and to deal with dryness and flaking. Multicomponent formulations can be an alternative to injection techniques. Thanks to the increased blood flow, it is possible to give volume without risks and consequences.

Indications and effectiveness

The skin of the lips is more susceptible to the influence of aggressive factors than the tissues of the face. The absence of sebaceous glands makes it vulnerable to temperature extremes, dry air, and gusts of wind. As a result, microcracks appear, peeling, an uncomfortable feeling of tightness come to replace. The process of detachment of keratinized cells is quite long.

The use of decorative cosmetics does not solve the problem, as a result, makeup looks untidy on chapped lips. Nourishing balms and creams only soften, but do not eliminate flaking. Therefore, you should regularly use peeling compositions for the care of the thin skin of the lips.


  • dryness, peeling when chapped;
  • the appearance of cracks;
  • to solve the problem of sloppy makeup;
  • for skin rejuvenation, prevention of aging;
  • to restore healthy color, elasticity;
  • for tissue regeneration when smoking.

The peeling procedure is recommended to be performed regularly., you can make an appointment with a beautician or carry out exfoliation yourself at home. The active elements of the formulations destroy dead cells, accelerate blood flow, nourish and moisturize. As a result, the lips acquire an attractive swelling, the level of moisture is normalized, and the color becomes more saturated.

What types of peels can be used at home

You can prepare exfoliants on your own for delicate skin cleansing. You can buy ingredients in a store, pharmacy, order online by choosing a suitable product. The cost of the finished product does not exceed 100 rubles, vegetable, essential oils, bee products and other available components are used to prepare effective formulations.


The soft abrasive effect and nourishment of thin skin is provided by a natural remedy prepared by hand. As a result of regular use, it is possible to prevent peeling, dryness, and give a well-groomed appearance.


  • 5 gr. Sahara;
  • 5 ml shea butter;
  • 2 drops of peppermint essential oil.

Wash off makeup and dry lips with a napkin. Mix the ingredients before applying so that the granulated sugar does not have time to dissolve. Apply to the skin in a thick layer, massage for a minute. Then remove the leftovers with a sponge.


Home peeling stimulates blood flow, helps to activate the functions of nutrition, respiration, removing dead cells. As a result of application, softness and elasticity are restored.


  • 5 gr. ground coffee;
  • 5 gr. honey.

Combine the ingredients, stirring well until smooth. Apply to clean, dry skin, leave to act for half an hour. Then wash off the composition, treat the skin with a nourishing balm.


The recipe will help protect the delicate skin of the lips from adverse weather conditions in winter. Provides gentle exfoliation as well as hydration and nutrition.


  • 5 gr. cottage cheese;
  • 5 gr. oatmeal;
  • 5 gr. chamomile.

Grind the flakes and chamomile flowers in a coffee grinder until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Combine with cottage cheese, distribute the finished paste on the lips, massage for a minute. Gently remove the residue with a cotton swab.


It activates blood flow, saturates the skin with a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. Prevents dryness and flaking, the use of a natural remedy accelerates the regeneration processes.


  • 5 gr. honey;
  • 5 gr. decoys;
  • 5 drops of tocopherol.

Mix the candied honey with semolina, add vitamin E. Prepare the cosmetic product immediately before the procedure. Clean lips from cosmetics, spread in a dense layer, massage for a minute. Then wash off the composition and apply a nourishing balm with oils and vitamins.


It is one of the most effective peels due to its fruit acid content. Effectively removes dead skin cells, stimulates blood flow, enhances color, increases lip volume.


  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • 5 ml castor oil;
  • 5 gr. plantain.

Squeeze fresh citrus juice, combine with castor oil, add ground plantain. Spread the finished paste on the lips, leave for 3-5 minutes. Then wash off the composition with a damp sponge.

With algae

To restore the firmness and elasticity of the lips is quite simple, you just have to make a spa procedure based on kelp. Natural ingredients restore hydrobalance, remove dead skin cells, and give a beautiful, even color.


  • 10 gr. kelp;
  • 10 ml almond oil;
  • 2 drops of bergamot ether.

Grind dry seaweed in a coffee grinder, mix the finished powder with warm almond oil. Leave for 10 minutes, then add bergamot essential oil. Spread the mixture on the lips, massage for a minute, then leave for another 10. Finally, remove the remnants with a damp cloth.

The best options for ready-made products

There are ready-made cosmetics that allow you to exfoliate at home. Balanced formulations gently cleanse delicate skin, help restore color, increase blood flow.


The VVVIC scrub from the South Korean brand has a complex effect. Cleans the integument from keratinized particles, makes lips soft, provides a moisturizing effect. The active ingredients are olive oil, beeswax, mint extract, chamomile, shea butter.

To carry out, you need to apply a small amount of the product and massage for 30 seconds, then rinse and apply a nourishing balm. You can buy 10 ml for 432 rubles.


Milk and honey scrub is intended for delicate lip skin prone to flaking and cracking. The main components are milk proteins and honey extract, balanced composition contributes not only to cleansing, but also nutrition at the cellular level. As a result of application, elasticity, velvety is restored, lips acquire an even healthy tone. You can buy 8 ml in the store for 443 rubles.


Professional peeling for the eye and lip contour contains glycolic acid 15%, lactic acid 13%, argireline 2%. After application, it is possible to delicately cleanse the skin, normalize the hydrobalance, and increase the elasticity of the skin.

Important! Performed according to the protocol in the salon.

Cost 10 pcs. 3 ml each about 3900 rubles.

Home peeling protocol

The exfoliation procedure with home and cosmetic products does not differ and is carried out according to the same protocol. Despite the safety of the formulations and the absence of aggressive chemical elements, basic rules should be followed to prevent injury to delicate thin skin.

Stages of carrying out:

  1. Clean lips from decorative cosmetics using napkins or sponge.
  2. Before applying the composition, remove excess moisture by blotting with a paper towel.
  3. Distribute the peeling with your fingers, massage gently for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Acidic compounds cannot be kept longer than the time specified in the instructions. Mechanical treatment can be used to treat the area around the lips, due to the use of decorative cosmetics, comedones can appear on the border, causing inflammation.
  5. Rinse off the rest of the mixture with warm water.
  6. To speed up recovery, apply a nourishing cream or moisturizing mask for 15–20 minutes. After the time has passed, gently remove the product with a sponge.

What types of peels are done in the salon

Cosmetologists use surface exfoliants for the lips, according to the type of action there are mechanical, chemical compositions. The former contain non-abrasive particles that allow you to perform a gentle massage by activating the blood flow. Chemical peels contain low concentration of fruit acids. They not only get rid of flaking, but also normalize the hydrobalance.

The cost depends on the agent used, varies between 500-1000 rubles. the procedure lasts no more than 40 minutes. The specialist performs not only peeling, but also uses a nourishing, moisturizing mask for comprehensive care.

Before and after photos

Lip skin care after exfoliation

After exfoliation, moisturizing and nourishing balms with a natural base should be used. You can use a variety of vegetable oils, the best are almond, peach, jojoba, shea, coconut.

Lip care rules:

  • within 2 hours after the procedure, it is worth refusing to use hot, cold drinks, spicy, salty foods;
  • refrain from kissing for several hours;
  • during sleep, treat lips with nourishing oil;
  • do not use matte lipsticks with a drying effect for about 2 days;
  • before going outside, apply a balm with beeswax, which protects thin skin from the aggressive effects of the environment.

Precautionary measures

The delicate lip procedure has a number of limitations to perform. Before cleansing, you should make sure that there is no contraindications:

  • painful bites in the corners;
  • foci of herpes;
  • fresh or open wounds;
  • inflammation accompanied by infection, ulceration.

Attention! To speed up healing, you should consult a doctor to determine the tactics of treatment. Only after complete regeneration can you begin to carry out cosmetic procedures.

Side effects occur when aggressive formulations are used. As a result, dryness problems become more pronounced, microcracks appear. For a quick recovery, it is recommended to use aloe-based balms, as well as normalize the hydrobalance by consuming at least 2 liters of water per day.

The opinion of cosmetologists

On the forums, experts advise the best ready-made products for delicate exfoliation.

The beautician advises using a professional peeling for eyes and lips from the Enerpil company.

The specialist writes about the good quality of the Algologie brand, the series includes lip peeling.

The beautician writes that she took the Algologie series, the result exceeded expectations.

All women have heard about such a cosmetic procedure as peeling, and most of us understand that it must be done - otherwise, in the conditions in which we live and work today, you can grow old ahead of time.

Deep peeling is also a necessary procedure, although it should be done less often; in beauty salons today they offer deep peeling of the face along with peeling of the lips, which we often forget about, considering that hygienic lipstick and balm are enough for lip care.

Meanwhile, the skin on the lips suffers not less, but more than the skin of the face as a whole: after all, it is very thin, and in cold weather it begins to dry, coarse, and become covered with cracks; but we are more often irritated than trying to help our lips - after all, dead cells, cracks and patches of skin prevent the application of decorative lipstick, and we start to look unkempt and even sloppy.

In order for the skin of the lips to always be in order and not to cause us much trouble, it must be looked after regularly and with love - after all, it is always easier to maintain health than to be treated, and this has a direct relation to our beauty and appearance.

In beauty salons, deep lip peeling will be done with high quality and professionalism, but it must be done every month, and it will not be cheap. Nevertheless, it is better for every woman to start loving herself and stop sparing money to maintain her beauty, but not everyone succeeds in doing this quickly - so plan your "investments in yourself", and in the meantime, tried and tested and safe lips will help you to maintain the softness and tenderness of your lips. folk recipes - of course, they should be used more than once a month.

Lip peeling at home:
homemade recipes

The easiest peeling is honey, and it can also be called one of the most effective: it not only cleanses and smoothes the skin of the lips, but also moisturizes, nourishes and rejuvenates - everyone knows that honey is a real treasure of nature. It is necessary to mix honey (1 tablespoon) with sugar (2 tablespoons), and grind to a pasty state; the resulting paste is applied to the skin of the lips for 30 minutes or an hour. The remaining sugar is removed after a period of time with a damp cosmetic napkin.

Can be applied to the lips with candied honey, hold for 10-15 minutes, massage gently, rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream or balm.

Peeling with honey and sugar can be done like this: take 1 tbsp of honey, and 1 tsp of sugar, mix and put in the microwave for a few minutes. The resulting mass is applied to the lips for a few minutes, massaged, washed off and also a cream or balm is applied. It is best to use coarse cane brown sugar for peeling, and it is also healthier, but if it is not available, you can use any sugar - it will also help clear the skin of the lips.

Honey can be mixed with baking soda and olive oil- such a peeling and cleanses, and nourishes, and heals the lips. Honey and soda - 1 tsp each The mixture is applied to the lips for 2-3 minutes, gently massaged and washed off with warm water. If you use a soft toothbrush, dead skin cells will flake off more easily and faster.

For very dry and very flaky lips, peeling from sugar and salt with petroleum jelly helps - you can do it 2-3 times a week. Mix the ingredients in equal parts, apply the mixture to the lips, massage them gently in a circular motion, and then rinse with warm water.

Peeling with very fine salt and cream leaves the skin on the lips soft and silky... It is necessary to mix the cream with salt, apply the gruel to the lips, and massage, gently exfoliating the dead cells, then wash the lips with warm water and lubricate them with nourishing cream or olive oil.

You can make a peeling mixture with sugar and aspirin.- it works in much the same way as a similar salon procedure that uses salicylic acid and alpha hydroxy acids. You need to take cane sugar, and very fine - then the mixture will be soft, and mix it with the same amount of aspirin powder, add jojoba oil and glycerin - a few drops each. Apply on lips for 10 minutes, massage lightly and rinse with lukewarm water.

Curd-oat peeling: fat cottage cheese (1 tablespoon) is mixed with crushed oatmeal (instead of them you can take rice ground in a coffee grinder), apply to the lips and gently massage from the corners to the middle. Wash off with warm water.

Any vegetable oil can be mixed with oatmeal, and lips can also be massaged with this mixture - this procedure heals small cracks.

Recipes can be improved by adding essential oils... To a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. honey, the same amount of olive oil and 1 tsp. add 2-3 drops of mint oil to sugar, rub thoroughly, and massage the lips with the resulting paste for several minutes.

Peeling with almonds and glycerin- if you want, you can do it too - it exfoliates perfectly. Almonds (2 pcs.) Should be soaked in water overnight, and in the morning, grind in a coffee grinder and mix with a few drops of glycerin, apply the mixture on lips for a few minutes, massage and rinse with warm water.

Peeling with cinnamon: a pinch of cinnamon, 1.5 tsp grape seed oil or safflower, 1 tbsp. Mix brown sugar in a small bowl and grind into a paste. Apply to lips and massage gently for a few minutes in circular motions, rinse with warm water. Cinnamon has disinfecting and bactericidal properties, kills pathogenic fungi, and if you add 2-3 drops of essential oil obtained from the leaves of this plant, you can add volume to your lips for a while.

Peeling with lemon juice is suitable for chapped lips... Juice and castor oil - 1 tablespoon each, glycerin - a few drops; the mixture is applied to the lips overnight, and in the morning, carefully remove its remnants with a damp cloth.

Cleans, softens and nourishes the skin of the lips with vitamins peeling with honey, coffee grounds, oil and lemon juice (orange, grapefruit, etc.). Candied honey - 1 tsp, coffee grounds - a pinch, juice and vegetable oil - a few drops each; the mixture is applied to the lips for a few minutes, massaged and washed off with warm water.

You can make a peeling mix at home that resembles store-bought cosmetics — all of the ingredients are available from your local store and pharmacy. For example, take 1 part coconut oil and 2 parts shea butter, melt them in a water bath, and then add a vitamin E capsule, vanilla flavor and brown sugar to make a thick mixture. Instead of a fragrance, you can add rose oil, or whatever essential oil you like - 2-3 drops. This scrub can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

You can use any moisturizer for peeling: it is applied to the lips and massaged with a toothbrush, gently and gently - dead cells are exfoliated, and the lips become softer.

Lip care after peeling

In general, after peeling, they always make nourishing or softening lip masks - for 10-15 minutes, and then apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream, balm, or at least hygienic lipstick - new skin cells freed from old ones are at first very vulnerable and need special protection ...

When shouldn't lip peeling be done?

There are not so many contraindications for lip peeling, but it is better to be more careful.: These are deep cracks on the lips, and especially in the corners of the mouth; herpes; other viral and infectious diseases and diseases; inflammation or bleeding of the lips. In this case, you must first recover - for this you should consult a doctor, and only then take care of your lips with the help of cosmetics and home procedures.

The procedure for peeling lips at home should be taken seriously, otherwise your efforts may be wasted. For example, if you do a peeling or other cleansing procedure, not paying attention to the remains of decorative lipstick on the lips or foundation around them, there will be less benefit, and particles of decorative cosmetics can get deeper into the layers of the skin - this is completely useless.

Scrubs should be applied not only to the lips, but also around them, capturing an area of ​​about 1 cm, and it is imperative to clean the corners of the mouth - there are always a lot of dead cells accumulating there.

The movements when massaging the lips should be very careful, and the pressure should be light, otherwise the skin on the lips will quickly stretch and begin to wrinkle ahead of time.

If the skin of the lips is soft, well-groomed and smooth, then the lipstick always lays on them evenly, and they look just perfect, so we should definitely find time for home peeling, as well as for other caring procedures - after all, decorative cosmetics were not invented to hide flaws, but in order to emphasize female beauty.

Do lips need extra care? Of course! The skin of this part of the face is several times thinner. It is very easy to damage it. Lips suffer from severe frost and scorching sun, wind and, of course, cosmetics. After that, they lose their attractiveness. Lipstick lays down unevenly, and this affects the attractiveness of any woman. Is there a way out of this situation? There is! Beauty salons offer lip exfoliation. The procedure is not cheap, because only high quality products are used. The solution can be lip peeling at home.

When is it needed?

It should be clearly understood that the lips, like the entire face, need constant care. However, peeling in the salon and peeling at home are two different things. The salon procedure is performed once a month. This is due to the deep cleaning and aggressiveness of the products. In contrast, using homemade recipes is no worse in quality, and the results are the same. You can repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week. Why then spend money? This is not a case where over-investment will yield better results.

Peeling lips at home

What does such a peel look like at home and what is required for this? Regardless of the recipe, the procedure is very simple and will take a maximum of 10 minutes. The same goes for costs. The components are the most common and do not require a large amount.

What does the procedure look like?

After preparing the composition, you need to take several steps.

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the lips and skin around them.
  2. Apply the mixture.
  3. Let it absorb into the skin (3-5 minutes).
  4. Start massaging your lips with your fingertips, and even better with a soft brush (such as a toothbrush) or brush.
  5. Rinse your lips in warm water.
  6. Apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream.
  7. The procedure is performed before bedtime, but if you need to go outside, then a protective cream must be applied. Better to do without lipstick.

Everything. Fast, easy and enjoyable. The result will be visible immediately. And a few hours later, after the normalization of blood circulation, a pleasant pink color will appear.

What do you need to do to get the most benefit? Follow simple tips.

  1. Do not press hard on the lips while massaging - this will stretch the skin.
  2. For wiping after the procedure, it is better to use soft wipes.
  3. The mixture is applied to dry lips.
  4. The procedure is best done in the evening or before bedtime. During the night, the renewed skin will acquire a pleasant pink tint due to the normalization of blood circulation.
  5. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to each component separately.


So, we figured out the basics. Now you can talk about the recipes themselves.


Honey has a positive effect on the body. An allergic reaction to it is very rare. For its excellent properties, it is so appreciated by doctors of all directions. Can peeling be done with it? Yes. The recipe is very simple. A sugared product is suitable for this. In this case, no additional ingredients are required.

Honey and sugar

This mixture works great too. For 1 part of honey, add 1 or 2 parts of sugar. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and it is ready for use.

Sugar and butter

Peeling requires coarse sugar, but fine sugar is fine. To prepare the mixture, you need to mix 1 part of sugar with 1-2 parts of any oil: sunflower, olive or even butter. The product is considered ready after bringing to a homogeneous consistency. To give it a pleasant aroma, add 3 drops of any essential oil. Soothing scents work well for this. The benefits of peeling with sugar and essential oils are well felt when used before bed.

Sugar and aspirin

A well-known recipe. Only in this case fine white sugar is selected. The ratio is 1 to 1. Of course, the aspirin tablet must be crushed first. After mixing, add a few drops of oil and a couple of drops of glycerin.

Adding cinnamon

This element enhances blood circulation and gives the renewed skin a natural color. It can be added to almost any formulation. But you can't be too zealous either. For 1 part of any ingredient, add 0.5 part of cinnamon. If there is any damage on the lips or corners of the mouth, then it is better to refuse to use it.


Less popular than sugar, a constituent of the mixture. It has an enhanced exfoliating effect. This means that you need to peel less often - no more than 1 time per week. The composition looks like this:

  • 1 part salt;
  • 2 parts of any oil;
  • 1-3 drops of essential oil.


It can be an excellent oil substitute. Has the best softening effect. Adds smoothness and shine. The recipe is excellent for small cracks, but the exfoliating effect of the mixture is reduced. This is a good option for sensitive skin.


So, it is quite obvious that almost all recipes include 3 main components:

  • active substance;
  • emollient or oil;
  • aromatic additives.

The only self-sufficient exfoliation product is honey.


This peeling also has contraindications. In some cases, it is simply unacceptable! It must be remembered that this is any damage to the skin, or wounds on it, including all kinds of diseases. Peeling should not be done during outbreaks of infectious diseases or when one of them is undergoing. The renewed skin does not have high protective properties.

Surely many at least once in their lives had to deal with the occurrence of problems with the lips. Frost, heat, wind, humidity can often have a negative effect on the lips, their skin, and begins to peel off.

Lip peeling refers to a cosmetic superficial type of peeling... There are two types - chemical and mechanical. In chemical peeling, fruit acids are used, in mechanical peeling, lip massage using various mixtures containing abrasive particles.

Lip peeling procedure

Lip peeling is usually done once a week.... It is especially indicated in case of dry and peeling skin of the lips. It is better to use a baby toothbrush with soft bristles for it. To carry out the peeling procedure according to all the rules, at the end of it, it is necessary to soften the lips with petroleum jelly or a thick lip balm.

The provision of lip peeling services today is carried out in almost all beauty salons, but with no less success, lip peeling can be done at home.

The main thing is to remember that lip peeling should be done very gently and gently... For peeling, it is suitable to use only delicate lip care products - soft lip scrubs, special peeling creams. Regular scrubs for the face and body, other means for cleansing, and even more so, washcloths are strictly prohibited to use for lip exfoliation in order to avoid damage to the delicate skin of the lips.

Folk recipes offer several options for lip peeling at home.

Peeling lips at home: recipes

Oatmeal honey lip peeling

The easiest and most effective type of lip exfoliation. Mix in equal parts (about a teaspoon each) oatmeal and honey. Dip a toothbrush in the mixture, gently massage your lips with circular movements of the brush.

Honey peeling for lips

Mix in equal parts (about a teaspoon each) and regular soda, add 10-15 drops of olive oil to the mixture. Apply the mixture to the lips for a few minutes, then massage gently with your fingers.

Curd lip peeling

Mix in equal parts (about a teaspoon each) cottage cheese and ground rolled oats or ground rice. Dip your finger in the resulting scrub mixture and gently massage your lips. In this case, movements should be directed from the corner of the lips to the center.

Creamy lip peeling

Apply a thick layer of moisturizer to the lips, gently and gently massage the lips with a circular motion of the toothbrush. This exfoliation will help release dead epithelial cells and make your lips softer.

Soda peeling for lips

Mix baking soda with water to a paste consistency. Apply to lips using circular motions to penetrate deeper into the skin. After a minute, rinse the mixture, then moisturize the skin of the lips with a lip balm.

Lemon lip peeling

Mix in equal parts and castor oil, add 8-10 drops of glycerin to the mixture. Apply the mixture to lips at night. In the morning, blot the remaining mixture with a napkin or soft cloth. In this peeling, lemon juice helps to remove dead cells, and glycerin helps moisturize the lips.

Sugar lip peeling

Mix granulated sugar (preferably brown) with any of the oils - sesame, almond or. Apply to lips for a few minutes, massage gently, rinse with water.

Aspirin Sugar Lip Peeling

Mix in equal proportions cane sugar and aspirin, add a few drops of glycerin and jojoba oil. This lip peeling is identical in action to a salon peeling using alpha-hydra acids and salicylic acid. The softness of the scrub directly depends on the degree of sugar grinding. A more thorough grinding of the cane sugar provides a more tender scrub. The sweet taste of the scrub makes the exfoliation procedure pleasant. This scrub can also be used to cleanse the face.

Sugar honey peeling for lips

Mix one tablespoon of honey and one teaspoon of sugar. Place the resulting mixture in the microwave for a short time. Then apply the scrub mixture on the lips and massage them for several minutes.

Coffee-honey-citrus lip peeling

Mix a teaspoon of candied honey, a drop of vegetable oil, a pinch of coffee grounds, a few drops of citrus juice. Apply the mixture to the lips for a few minutes, massage lightly and rinse with water.

Contraindications for lip peeling

Contraindications to peeling are: bleeding of the lips, an inflammatory or infectious process (for example, lesions of the skin of the lips with herpes), the presence of cracks on the lips and in the corners of the lips.

At the end of the peeling, it is mandatory to apply a nourishing or softening mask for 10-15 minutes, followed by a moisturizing lip cream.

Following some lip care tips can help keep your lips looking healthy.

  • Perform consistent, regular, and proper lip care.
  • Massage your lips every morning (preferably with the tip of a terry towel). After the massage, apply a nourishing cream or lubricate your lips with vegetable oil.
  • Pamper your lips with all kinds of nourishing masks at least 1-3 times a week.
  • Use only a mild scrub as a lip exfoliation.
  • Use only quality lipstick and lip care products.
  • Use cosmetic milk or cream to remove lipstick.
  • Protect lips from chapping, drying out and harmful external influences. Use a lip protectant - balm or hygienic lipstick, in some cases before applying lipstick.
  • Use a nourishing lip cream or vegetable oils daily - castor, sunflower, olive, etc.
  • Give preference to moisturizing lipsticks in the spring and summer. They not only tone and soften the lips, but also protect them properly from wind, dust, heat and dryness. Use nourishing lipsticks during winter, their greasy, wax-based base will help protect your lips in cold and frosty weather. In the off-season, it is ideal to use lipsticks that nourish and moisturize the skin of the lips at the same time. It is undesirable to use chemical lipsticks due to the fact that they discolor and dry out the lips too much.