Poor appetite in babies. Why does the baby eat little?

Problems with appetite can occur in a baby at any age. However, an infant, like no one else, needs all the components necessary for proper growth and development to enter the body. Mommies and experienced pediatricians should quickly establish why the baby does not want to eat. There are many reasons for this negative situation. Most often, the situation occurs against the background of a change in the taste of breast milk or formula. At an older age, the baby refuses to eat when trying to introduce complementary foods into his diet.

Main power supply problems

At the age of one year, a child develops his own individual food preferences. However, prior to that, giving up breast or formula can raise serious concerns for the baby's health. If a child does not want to eat, then all the components necessary for proper growth and development cease to enter his body. The newborn can refuse the formula. This situation should not be ignored. She speaks of the presence of serious problems with digestion or in the work of other internal organs.

Mom should closely monitor the baby during the feeding period. If he does not properly capture the breast, then air will enter his esophagus along with milk. This situation will lead to pain and cramps. The baby begins to spin and get very irritated during the period of food intake. After feeding, these babies vomit profusely. If mom has doubts about the correct grip of the nipple, then she should ask the health visitor to observe the process. If violations in the position are detected, it will help to quickly and effectively eliminate them.

During breastfeeding, a strong milk flow may be uncomfortable for a baby. This situation is observed in the case of accumulation of a large amount of liquid. The crumb begins to choke and may even choke. The strong flow is guaranteed not to please, so he will begin to refuse to eat.

You can eliminate the manifestation by expressing a small amount of liquid before starting the procedure. Today, special teats are also very popular, which, thanks to their design, reduce pressure.

Experienced parents know that the taste of milk directly depends on the mother's diet. The child does not eat if he feels negative changes. That is why it is recommended to exclude sweet and salty foods from the diet for a certain period. They change the taste of the drink in a negative way.

Mom should make the child interested in food

Various pathologies

The baby refuses to eat if he has a congenital pathology that interferes with this process. It is far from always possible to examine it during a routine examination in a maternity hospital. Because of the baby is unable to properly grip the nipple. This situation can be resolved very quickly by conventional surgical intervention.

If, then he is suspected of having certain problems in the work of the intestines. However, he can refuse both the bottle and the mother's breast. In this case, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the negative clinical picture:

  • Newborns are at increased risk of colic, which can lead to food refusal. This clinical picture is observed in almost all children under four months of age. Teas help to get rid of the symptom. With their help, it is possible to minimize gassing. Mom is also recommended to spread the baby on her tummy or regularly perform special massage exercises.
  • Babies experience discomfort in the tummy area if dysbiosis is actively developing in the intestines. Immediately after the birth of the intestinal microflora, it will still take a certain period for its formation. The disorder can be diagnosed through laboratory tests or visual assessment of stool consistency. If there are obvious green impurities in the stool, then you should immediately seek the advice of a pediatrician. Taking probiotics allows you to quickly and effectively eliminate the situation. Only a doctor can correctly prescribe them.

A small person can refuse the next meal in case of migraine. Loud sounds and weather conditions also play a negative role. A damp handkerchief or Nurofen can eliminate the unpleasant manifestation. The tablets should only be given if absolutely necessary.

Quite often, children begin to be distracted when eating food. Thus, they try to study the situation around. That is why strangers should not enter the room during the feeding period. Through this process, it will be possible to give intimacy. The child will be able to concentrate and eat well.

The baby often sleeps and refuses to breast if he is not feeling well.

Against the background of painful sensations of a different nature, the child may refuse to eat:

  • If, while sucking on the breast, the baby captures a large amount of air, then it may have a stuffy nose. It must be released by means of flagella or an aspirator. Thanks to this, the baby will be able to breathe in full again.
  • With various diseases of the ears, the child has increased discomfort during breastfeeding. Refusal to eat occurs during otitis media. Parents will be able to diagnose themselves. To do this, you need to slightly press on the tragus. If there is inflammation inside the ear, the baby will start crying a lot. In this case, the parent is advised to visit the ENT office immediately. The baby should not be left hungry. It is best fed with a spoon.
  • A negative clinical picture is observed in a child with thrush or stomatitis. At the same time, he has small white spots all over the mouth. They can also be colored red. Home treatment will not give the desired effect. It must be prescribed by a doctor. To eliminate painful sensations, it is recommended to wipe the inflammation with a weak solution of baking soda. For its preparation, one teaspoon of the powder should be diluted in 200 grams of boiled water.

Growth period of teeth

A baby can refuse to breastfeed due to excessive swelling of the gums. The situation is considered to be typical during the period of tooth growth. The kid not only refuses food. His general well-being is aggravated by the release of a large number of teeth. You can normalize the situation with a gel with an analgesic effect.

Some babies may well get enough of a small portion of milk. Such circumstances should be taken into account by mommy. At the same time, the baby remains cheerful and cheerful. He continues to enjoy life and gains weight normally. In this case, you should not worry about his malnutrition.

Appetite in infants worsens during the growth of teeth

Problems with introducing complementary foods

The baby's nutrition should become more extensive every month. Otherwise, he will not be able to eat his mother's milk or formula. Unusual tastes and firm consistency quite often provoke a significant decrease in appetite.

For proper growth and development, the body of the crumbs must receive a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. As they grow older, the intestines become ready to digest new varieties. That is why the child increasingly asks for vegetables or fruits.

If the baby suddenly begins to refuse mashed potatoes and cereals, then it is urgent to find out the reasons for such a negative manifestation. Sometimes crumbs refuse complementary foods in case of strong psychological stress. For example, they are used to milk or formula, so they don't want to eat anything else.

Pediatricians advise to introduce any new product into the diet gradually. Beforehand, it is necessary to add a small amount of milk or mixture to it. Thanks to this, the baby will receive an additional period to get used to the taste. The intestines will also not experience severe stress and will not suffer from stress. If there is a refusal to eat food, it is best to remove food from the diet for a while. However, in this case, the volume of the main food also increases.

A child can be capricious if he is not satisfied with the consistency of a particular dish. The food should be thin enough, but not thick. In this case, he is guaranteed to eat it with great pleasure.

The baby is trying to be as similar to her parents as possible. That is why it is necessary to show the child by example how to eat right. At breakfast, you should not eat sandwiches, but put yourself the porridge that is in the child's plate. If the whole family eats right, then he will be able to get maximum pleasure from this process. It is recommended to eat porridge without fail in the morning.

You should not force the crumb to eat every last spoonful. Even mashed potatoes are quite heavy food, so it can have a negative effect on a young body. Additionally, it should be noted that saturation occurs even if a small portion is absorbed.

The baby's menu should be designed in such a way that it has the maximum variety. For example, if the baby was not delighted with pumpkin puree, then it should be temporarily removed from the diet. Be sure to give your child porridge. If he did not like a specific look, then it is quite possible to replace it with another one. Some crumbs protest to the last against the introduction of complementary foods in the diet. In this case, it is recommended to periodically return to milk or formula. After a certain period, the baby will get used to it and will ask for his favorite dishes himself.

It is recommended to invite the child to independently perform all actions.

Compliance with the diet is of no small importance. The baby should be fed at a specific time. His menu should also be roughly repeated from day to day. It is best if for breakfast every day there is porridge, lunch - soup, and after sleep - cottage cheese or fruit puree. After setting a specific schedule, the child is guaranteed to develop a sufficient level of conservatism.

The process of eating itself should be fun and interesting. Psychologists recommend involving the child in the process of choosing a jar or a particular type of porridge that the mother needs to cook. Thanks to this, it will be much more interesting for him to eat later.

Show-off dinners also help to accustom the child to new food. In this case, all family members should be gathered, who will devour dishes with great appetite. However, they should look exactly like mashed potatoes or cereals. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be obtained. Most of the time, these meals attract maximum attention.

In infants, refusal to eat is most often temporary. The reason lies in the growth of teeth, poor health after vaccination. Appetite worsens against the background of a weakened body due to colds or viral diseases. Worsening weather conditions can also play a negative role. Parents note that their children often eat poorly if they are not very active during the day. After all, then there is no need to make up for the lack of energy.

Babies are weighed every month. Monitoring the change in body weight of infants allows you to understand whether the baby is meeting average developmental indicators or not. Of course, it is impossible to fit all the kids to the same size, but it is desirable to correspond to the basic vital signs at least within some framework.

Parents are not without reason worried if the baby eats little baby - this is fraught with insufficient weight. The older the crumb becomes, the harder it is for him to gain the required body weight. Low weight can cause some dangerous diseases, in addition, these children have weak immunity.

When to sound the alarm

It's okay if the tiny fragile little body is borrowed from the parents. If the parents themselves are of short stature and have an asthenic physique, there is nothing surprising when the child eats little. The alarm must be beaten if, during the development of the child, the parents note the following factors:

  • remember that in the first 4 months after birth, the baby should gain 600-900 grams every month;
  • in the first six months, weight gain ranges from 400-600 grams;
  • pay attention to adults if, at the age of 6 to 9 months, a beloved child gained weight up to 300 grams or more than 500 grams;
  • consult a doctor if the baby from 9 months to 1 year old has not managed to gain even 100 grams.

Checking at least one of the above, assess the condition of the baby's skin:

  • the body is too fragile, ribs are visible and there is not a single fat fold;
  • skin as if wrinkled;
  • it is distinguished by dryness, there is no talk of smoothness and elasticity;
  • the skin is pale.

Children under 1 year of age tend to learn about the world and take an interest in everything they see and hear.

You should be alerted if a newborn:

  • inactive;
  • often cries and screams;
  • refuses to eat or eats very little;
  • the rest and wakefulness regimen is disturbed or sleeps too much;
  • lethargic and tired.

Only an experienced pediatrician can determine the exact reason for the child's reluctance to feast on breast milk or artificial mixtures. You may need to carry out a number of tests. In any case, poor appetite is a symptom in which you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why does the baby eat little

When a baby eats little, he does not gain weight well. Factors that can cause crumbs to reluctance to eat:

  1. The sucking reflex is poorly formed - the child does not succeed in capturing the mother's nipple correctly. Your task is to help him eat right.
  2. A lack of appetite can be caused by an uncomfortable position in which the baby feels uncomfortable. If you are in doubt as to whether you are holding your newborn correctly while feeding, watch the instructional videos.
  3. Carefully examine the condition of the child's oral cavity, perhaps he is worried about thrush. The disease causes pain syndrome, in which it is painful for the baby to suck milk.
  4. As an option, the pathology of the structure of the nipple is possible, respectively, it is difficult for a baby to capture it with his lips. One feature by which it is not difficult to determine this reason is the lack of weight gain already in the first month of a baby's life.

Lack of weight gain is also observed if the mother simply has nothing to feed the baby - there are problems with lactation. There are ways in which lactation can be activated, although some doctors are against such experiments. As a result, there may be a lot of milk, but still not enough, the effectiveness of the methods remains in question.

Unfortunately, it is the lack of milk that is the most common cause of poor weight gain and impaired appetite in infants. In order to identify deviations from the norm, after each feeding, write down the approximate amount eaten by the baby - a few days are enough and the doctor will understand the general picture of the nutrition.

  • increase lactation with drugs;
  • introduce artificial mixtures into the diet (if the baby is up to 4 months old), vegetable puree (after 4 months).

If the baby refuses artificial feeding

Most likely, the taste of the mixture offered to him by his parents does not suit the little man. Buy a formula from another manufacturer, this often happens also during the introduction of complementary foods. The crumb refuses banana or cabbage puree, because he has his own preferences - breast milk is much sweeter than vegetables and fruits. Pediatricians recommend to be patient - by the 1st year of life, even the most capricious and persistent crumb will form a new taste and will be happy to eat what is included in his usual diet.

Some mothers, unable to withstand the whims of the baby, postpone the introduction of complementary foods, continuing to breastfeed. But milk is no longer enough for the growing body, a meager, limited menu can cause vitamin deficiency and a decrease in protective forces. It’s not surprising that these children do not gain weight.

If the child eats well but does not gain weight

It is not clear for parents that the baby eats tightly and with appetite, but the weight stands still. Reconsider your diet, perhaps it is not balanced and rational enough:

  • for weight gain, enter fats, just a little: 5 grams of butter, it doesn't matter, butter or vegetable, put in 100 ml of soup or puree;
  • think about how you can diversify the menu, suggest interesting new dishes, but you should not stuff the crumbs with fried foods, fatty, especially spicy;
  • large amounts of sugar in complementary foods can interfere with proper absorption of nutrients.

Today, some experienced professionals offer their services for the preparation of rational and vitamin supplements for the little ones.

What other causes of poor appetite and low weight gain?

Little man - first of all, individuality, unfortunately, not all pediatricians remember this. Therefore, you, as a loving parent, before looking for crumbs of illness from a poorly gaining weight, you need to pay attention to his activity. Answer the questions:

  1. Did the baby start walking early?
  2. What's his mood?
  3. Prefers to sleep or jump, run, fidget or calm?
  4. Requires constant attention for joint activities and play?
  5. Restless and nimble?

Where are we heading? If the child is hyperactive, then the reason for the lack of weight gain on the surface is that fidgeting burns all the calories that come with food. The way out is to leave the child alone and stop bothering about his weight or introduce more food into the diet. The second option can be difficult for a child, in most cases doctors advise not to experiment with an abundance of food.

Particular attention should be paid to premature babies - do their organs and systems work correctly? If everything is in order, do not patronize the baby too much, underweight in this case is a normal picture.

What to do with a poor appetite

If the baby is not gaining weight well and eats little, parents are advised to:

  1. Consult a doctor and, if necessary, do not give up the examination of the baby's health.
  2. Do not go from one mixture to another, and, conversely, pick one of the highest quality.
  3. If it is possible to feed the baby with breast milk in full, great.
  4. The production of more milk is facilitated by the absence of stress, fears and the calmness of the mother.
  5. Adhere to the feeding regime, while the environment should be comfortable for both the baby and the mother. If the baby wants to eat more, give him what he asks for.
  6. Night feeding is a must-have item in the weight gain of an infant.

What Dr. Komarovsky thinks about insufficient weight gain in a child under 1 year old is shown in the video:

In this article:

Newborns are not only a sea of ​​emotions, joy and happiness, but also a lot of new and unknown things that will excite young parents every minute. First of all, mom is always worried that her baby was warm, he was full and slept soundly.

Mothers have already been able to go through the difficult stage of childbirth and now the most important thing for them is the period of breastfeeding. Mom during this period may be concerned about why her newborn baby does not eat. He can completely refuse breast milk, constantly sleep or latch on to the breast for just a few minutes. Let's look at why the child behaves this way and whether it is worth worrying about it.

Main reasons

Basically, babies, and in particular babies, can refuse healthy mother's milk for various reasons. Pediatricians assess them according to three main possible groups of problems:

  1. Problems with the newborn himself. In the first days after childbirth, the baby may be in a state of getting used to the new world. He may be weak, drowsy, and inactive. It is during such periods that the baby does not feel like eating at all, or he has enough suction every 2-3 hours. In such cases, do not panic too much. Of course, it may seem to you that the newborn eats little, but this is quite enough for him. A more serious situation arises if the child refuses to eat even after 5-7 days. In this situation, there may be several reasons, or they are complexly interconnected. First of all, this can be a physiological feature of the child, namely, a short frenulum of the tongue in a child or a poor sucking reflex, which will develop gradually. Often the reason why the newborn does not eat is a simple bottle with which caring mothers try to feed the baby. Even though they are young, children are quite smart. They prefer to eat only from simpler artificial devices, where it is not necessary to exert much effort - milk or other food will pour itself into their mouths.
  2. The physiological state of a woman in labor. Another reason why a newborn does not eat well is the physiological state of the woman, namely the drugs that were administered to the mother during childbirth. Quite often, with complex and painful childbirth processes, women are injected with painkillers, which instantly penetrate into the mother's blood, and therefore into the body of the child himself. Because of this, he may be lethargic, drowsy, inactive and eat very little for several days after birth.
  3. Features of the breast and mammary glands. The baby may be hungry due to the physiological characteristics of the mother's breast. In particular, if she has rather inverted and flat nipples, with which it is not so easy to get milk.

You should also seek advice from a breastfeeding specialist or pediatrician. In the future, it is worth feeding the child by the hour, as required by the doctors. This should be done every 3 hours. However, it is best to breastfeed your baby on demand. This will protect him from possible weight loss in the first months of life.

If a child eats poorly even at 4 months, then most likely it is the specificity of metabolism and unspent energy in the child. A possible reason may be a gradual decrease in mother's milk, if the baby loses weight while breastfeeding, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If your baby is older, then the solution to the problem may be hidden in something else. Most likely, a 5-month-old baby is eating poorly due to insufficient milk supply, tooth growth, or a desire to try something new. In such a situation, you just need to introduce complementary foods, which will ease mother's sleepless nights, allow the baby to have an excellent appetite and accelerate the rapid development of the whole body.

It is worth worrying when a child, with a poor appetite, begins to lose weight. Especially if a stable and constant discharge is visible. The baby should consistently gain from 300 to 800 grams per month. If this does not happen, you need to immediately consult a doctor who will determine the cause of poor appetite and help parents cope with this problem. Feeding on a schedule, eliminating certain health or physiological problems of the baby, will give a good result in a matter of weeks.

Be reasonable and vigilant with your children!

Useful video about 1 month of life of a newborn

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Problems such as poor sleep, low weight gain and poor appetite often make mums and dads anxious in the first months of a baby's life.

But young parents should not be intimidated or panicked! Responsible adults must find the root cause of the problem and fix it.

11 causes of poor appetite in babies - why does a newborn eat poorly?

Your toddler may eat poorly for many reasons., the most serious of which are health problems. Even with a slight malaise, the appetite disappears even in adults - what can we say about fragile children's organisms!

To determine what worries the baby, you need to know the main symptoms of the most common childhood ailments .

  1. With otitis media the baby cries, shakes his head and does not allow touching the base of the ears. If you suspect this particular disease, then be sure to seek help from a specialist doctor, and if the child is constantly crying and anxious, call an ambulance.
  2. , then he jerks his legs, bends and constantly, monotonously cries. To help the baby cope with gas formation, you need:
  3. If the child has snot - this is immediately clear. The kid squishes with his nose and mucus flows out of the nostrils. With a runny nose, doctors recommend moisturizing and ventilating the room so that the dry and hot air does not dry out the nasal mucosa. It is also helpful to instill saline in each nasal passage. But vasoconstrictor drops are prohibited for newborns, they can be used only after a year.

  4. For diseases of the oral cavity the mucous membrane of the mouth is covered with either a curdled bloom or white spots. In this case, it is difficult for a baby to swallow and suck, therefore he refuses to eat. Traditional medicine recommends lubricating the damaged mucous membrane with a soda solution. But to prescribe adequate treatment, you need to consult a pediatrician.
  5. Poor appetite there may be a change in the diet of a nursing mother. The fact is that the taste of milk can change from some products. So, after garlic, spices, alcohol or smoking, children most often throw their breasts. Stick to your diet and your baby's appetite will not be a problem.

  6. Cosmetics can be the cause too. After all, children love how their mother's skin waves, not deodorants, perfumes and cosmetic oils. Therefore, do not overdo it with perfume in the pursuit of beauty.

  7. A newborn can not only eat little, but also give up breast altogether ... This is a disaster for breastfeeding, because in such a situation the baby is rapidly losing weight and constantly crying from hunger. Failure can happen from bottle use when the child realizes that it is much easier to suck milk from her, and chooses the simple way of feeding. It also contributes to breastfeeding pacifier. As with the bottle situation, the baby finds it easier to suckle on the nipple and refuses to feed naturally. Solving this problem is far from easy, therefore it is better to seek help from a breastfeeding consultant who have sufficient knowledge and experience to establish feeding of such wayward kids.
  8. Poor appetite can be the result of a stressful psychological environment within the family. If you have disagreements in relationships with household members, or your family is overwhelmed by troubles, then all you need is to calm down and devote more time to your baby. So the child will feel calmer, and his appetite will return.
  9. Or maybe the child is just a little kid? Many parents and doctors are based on tabular rates of weight gain and the amount of milk eaten by age, but each baby is different. Therefore, it is worth letting go of your doubts and not force-feeding your child. Moreover, if there are no apparent reasons for concern - the baby is cheerful and playful, sleeps well and has regular bowel movements.
  10. Another reason could be inconvenience of feeding ... With the correct body position, the mother should sit or lie extremely relaxed, while the child should touch the mother's belly with her belly.

  11. Also, many kids prevent themselves from eating, waving their arms. In this case, the baby should be swaddled before feeding.
  • The main recommendation is to walk more. Because fresh air and oxygen stimulates hunger.
  • Don't overexcite your child. If guests often come to you to nurse a newborn (and this happens in the first months of life), then it is worth forbidding them to visit you until the feeding problems are resolved.

  • Pay more attention to your child , carry it on your hands, swing it. After giving birth, the baby feels lonely. After all, his old world has collapsed, and he is not yet used to the new. When the baby's skin comes into contact with the mother's skin, the baby seems to return to an intrauterine state. He again hears the pounding of his heart, feels the warmth of his mother's body, and this calms him down.
  • When bathing, add decoctions of a string and chamomile to the water. They have a calming effect on the child's nervous system, and therefore the baby has an appetite faster. Read also:

If the reason for refusing food is not clear to you, then be sure to contact your pediatrician! Together, you can help your baby and restore his long-awaited appetite.

Last updated article: 04/14/2018

Poor appetite in newborns and babies is a serious cause for parental anxiety. Many mothers are worried because it is extremely difficult to figure out why a child does not eat well. Both newborn babies and babies at 4 months cannot explain and tell what specifically does not suit them. They demonstrate all their dissatisfaction with the help of screams and tears, or simply tacit refusal and unwillingness to suckle the breast or drink the mixture. This also complicates the ability to establish the cause of poor appetite, since experts identify many negative factors due to which a small child may start to be capricious, cry and refuse to eat.

Child psychologist

That a newborn baby, that a child at 5 months old can eat poorly for many reasons, among which are the peculiarities of lactation in the mother, health disorders, physiological characteristics at birth and much, much more.

If the baby is not breastfeeding well, it can be assumed that there is a “problem” in lactation. For example, some nursing mothers have an excess of milk secretion, while others, on the contrary, are sorely lacking.

In the first case, the baby simply chokes because of the too powerful "jet" of milk, as a result of which it can abandon the breast. In such a situation, the mother needs to express a little before feeding. And then, when the children's appetite increases (for example, at 2 weeks), the need for this procedure will disappear.

The opposite situation is when the child does not have enough milk. In this case, the mother must take all measures permitted and approved by the pediatrician that improve lactation:

  • more frequent latching of the baby to the breast;
  • pumping after breastfeeding;
  • drinking a lot of fluids;
  • drinking a special tea that improves milk separation.

If all these measures did not lead to a qualitative improvement in lactation, the only way remains is to supplement the baby with a formula. But before introducing an artificial product into the children's diet, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Sometimes women are not entirely responsible about their own diet, using those foods that change breast milk. For example, spicy vegetables (onions, garlic) change the taste of breast secretions, resulting in the baby refusing to breastfeed. The way out is quite simple - to approach the menu with all responsibility.

It is not uncommon for a child to eat little because of incorrect attachment to the breast. This happens especially often with inexperienced parents who are raising their first child.

The solution is quite simple - a woman should seek help from an expert on breastfeeding, or even in the maternity hospital, ask the staff to clearly demonstrate how to properly attach the baby to the mother's breast.

A newborn baby sometimes does not take mother's breast due to the irregular shape of the nipples. If they are too flat, sunken, it is not easy for the baby to get milk.

Naturally, the child remains hungry, which is completely unacceptable. Usually after a day or two, babies adjust and adapt, but in rare cases, if the situation does not improve, the pediatrician may advise the use of special nipple covers.

Congenital features

Often, babies are born earlier than planned. As a result, the innate sucking reflex is not formed to the extent that would allow the baby to suckle without problems. That is, a premature baby does not refuse to eat, but simply is not able to get milk, because he does not have enough strength.

Naturally, in such a situation, the mother must correct the problem. Feeding with a bottle (it is easier to suck), a syringe or a teaspoon will help her in this. It should only be understood that the habit of eating from a special container is fraught with a complete rejection of the mother's breast.

In addition, impaired appetite can be caused by other congenital features. Usually, such anomalies are found even in the maternity hospital, where they are immediately corrected, but this is not always possible.

  1. Abnormalities in the structure of the oral cavity. Congenital defects of the oral cavity, which are popularly called "cleft lip" or "cleft palate", can also cause a child to eat poorly and gain little weight. Usually, the operation is performed immediately (if the child's health allows), but if the procedure is postponed to a later date, special feeding pads may be required.
  2. Short lingual frenulum. If a child is born with a short film connecting the bottom of the mouth with the root of the tongue, then it will be uncomfortable for him to suck milk. When sucking, even a characteristic clatter is heard. Usually the problem is solved easily - the surgeon cuts the bridle, and the newborn baby (and a child under 5 months old) does not feel pain at all.

If childbirth took place with the use of anesthesia, then some of the painkillers can get into the child's body. As a result, in the first days, newborns are sluggish, which also affects insufficient activity during feeding.

A decrease in appetite or a complete lack of it in an infant at 5 months old may be due to the first teeth coming out. In such a situation, refusal to eat becomes a completely natural and temporary phenomenon.

The baby's appetite not only decreases, but the gums begin to swell, the temperature rises. The child also feels pain, so it is imperative to help him. So, in case of temperature, an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent can be given.

In order for the baby to start eating with appetite as soon as possible, it is necessary to smear his gums with special gels with cooling, soothing and analgesic properties several times a day. Also in the pharmacy it is recommended to purchase special teethers that massage the gums.

Tummy pain

If a month-old baby does not take the breast well, constantly throws it, tries to draw his legs to his stomach and cries loudly, it can be assumed that he is worried about intestinal colic. In this case, parents should be patient and know how to alleviate this condition.

Experts advise putting a warm diaper on the baby's stomach, massaging the navel area, and giving special anti-colic drugs. This will improve the functioning of the still imperfect digestive system, and at about 4 months the unpleasant symptoms will go away on their own.

It also happens that the baby begins to suck milk, but then refuses the breast with tears. Probably, poor appetite in infants and a painful condition are caused by dysbiosis, caused by the intake of antibacterial drugs by the mother.

Only a doctor can confirm the presence of this condition after a special examination. Parents, on the other hand, may suspect dysbiosis for signs such as an unpleasant odor of feces, a green color of feces and the presence of mucus.

A child at 3 months or at 11 months can refuse breast milk due to malaise. A common problem for babies in the first year of life is thrush. It is recognized simply - by white spots on the baby's tongue, gums and palate.

Oral candidiasis occurs in infants the following reasons:

If a newborn eats little due to thrush, it is better to seek help from a doctor who will tell you what drugs or folk remedies can be used in a particular case. The easiest way is to treat the oral cavity with soda or saline solution.

The mother needs to treat her breasts with the same remedy to prevent relapses. In addition, you need to take care in the future about the cleanliness of toys and feeding devices, as well as strengthen children's immunity, especially if the baby was born prematurely.

If a baby, say, does not eat well at 11 months, breathes heavily during feeding, sniffs, throws breasts and cries, mucous accumulations interfere with normal breathing. To alleviate the condition, you need to very carefully clean out the nasal passages with cotton swabs or flagella.

Another reason why a newborn does not eat well is inflammation and pain in the ears. The child would like to eat, but sucking leads to unpleasant sensations, so he can refuse to breast. In this case, you need to contact a pediatric doctor for treatment.

If a child is 2 months or older does not want to eat due to sore ears, the mother can try to express breast milk and give it to the baby with a teaspoon. This way of getting food for the baby is less painful than breastfeeding.

Using the bottle

If your baby is not eating enough breast milk, you need to think about how often you use feeding containers and pacifiers. It was noted that babies suck formula from a bottle and mother's breast in completely different ways, using different amounts of muscles.

This happens because the liquid flows freely from the container, so that the child does not make efforts to extract it. But breast milk must be obtained. If this is the problem, then the mother needs to re-teach the baby to breastfeed.

Another reason why babies do not eat well may be their sensitivity to changes in weather conditions. A sharp jump in atmospheric pressure can provoke a headache, loss of appetite and other negative symptoms in a baby.

If these signs are overly pronounced, you should consult a pediatrician and neurologist. The source of the problem is likely to be high intracranial pressure. Then you will need to take certain medications.


A newborn baby is usually only interested in feeding and sleeping, but he reacts weakly to external stimuli. Another thing is a 6-month-old child, who is more active, curious and willing to learn about the world around him.

While eating, the baby can be distracted by any irritant: loud noise, bright or new toy, a pet, or a person entering. Switching children's attention to feeding is not easy, which is why you should create the most relaxed environment before a meal.

In addition, poor appetite in a tiny newborn may be due to a bad mood. If a crying baby is not approached immediately after the first tears, he begins to cry even more. Therefore, when brought to the breast, he simply cannot capture the nipple due to overexcitation.

In this case, the primary task is to calm the baby by any available means. You can stroke it, kiss it, offer a pacifier, shake it a little, and only then offer the breast again. Usually, a calmed infant quickly begins a meal.

There are often cases when a child does not eat a lot due to individual characteristics. Such babies are also called "little ones". If the doctor notes that the baby is active and cheerful, develops according to age norms, why bother?

Above were presented the main reasons why the child does not eat well. If the mother carefully monitors children's reactions, she will be able to understand the baby's condition and normalize his appetite. But in case of unpleasant symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Why does the child eat formula poorly?

This question is placed in a separate section, although some aspects concerning the nutrition of artificial people coincide with the problems of breastfed children. And yet, artificial babies have their own reasons for not eating.

The main problem is choosing the right mixture. It is not very easy to choose a breast milk substitute that would suit the child's taste and at the same time do not harm children's digestion. So, for newborns, a mixture is adapted, specially developed for the smallest.

The fifth month of life is already a completely different age period, therefore, nutrition must also change. After all, the baby has grown, which means that his needs for caloric intake of food have also grown. In addition, at this time, the first complementary food for artificial people is usually introduced.

In addition to the incorrectly selected mixture, there are other reasons why a child at 3 months old does not eat well:

  • uncomfortable nipple. Even small children already have their own preferences. Some people like thicker latex tips, while others prefer silicone nipples. Parents should purchase several devices at once so that the child can choose the best one;
  • a sharp transition to a milk substitute. If the baby is used to eating exclusively with mother's milk, switching to artificial nutrition can lead to negativity or temporary rejection of the formula. In this case, gradual accustoming to a different diet is important;
  • the nutritional value of the mixture. Milk replacer is more nutritious and will take longer to be absorbed by the body. Consequently, an artificial child will feel hunger not after 2.5 hours, but, roughly speaking, after 4 hours. This aspect should also be taken into account so as not to overfeed the baby.

Therefore, when feeding a baby with a milk replacer, it is important to choose the right formula, silicone or latex bottle caps, and to optimize the feeding regimen. In this case, children's appetite should soon return to normal.

A child is born with an instinctive-reflexive type of behavior. That is, all his actions are subject to certain instincts, which include the sucking reflex. The kid still does not know how to overeat, so normally he eats as much as necessary. If the mother thinks that the child is not eating well, you need to check whether he is gaining weight.

Experts have developed special tables, which stipulate how many grams a child should add every 7 days, every 30 days and every 12 months. Reconciliation with the standards allows parents to understand how well the food is organized, whether there is enough milk for the baby or needs to be fed.

After birth, the baby's body weight decreases within 7 days. However, you should not worry, since this is a completely natural process. Meconium (newborn feces) comes out of the child's body, besides, the child is in a stressful state. After a week, the weight will start to increase.

Consider the average weight gain over the first 12 months:

Less weight gain does not mean that the child is having any problems. Such indicators are very conditional, since everything depends on the characteristics of the infant himself.

As already noted, poor appetite does not always mean soreness or pathology. In any case, an experienced doctor can dispel all concerns.

Correcting the situation

The child does not eat well, what should I do? Many mothers turn to specialists with this question. We have already talked about some ways of solving the problem, it's time to talk about more specific and particular cases.

Feeding frequency

The question of why a baby is constantly breastfeeding is not entirely correct when it comes to a newborn baby. Very young children eat very often - at least every 2 to 2.5 hours. This feature must be "used".

If the baby does not want to eat right now, then, perhaps, at the next feeding he will want to try milk or mixture. The number of meals should be temporarily increased in order to catch the moment when the child's appetite will be optimal.

Duration of food intake

If before you calculated the time during which the baby was near the breast, now this practice should be abandoned. Try to increase the duration of feedings, have the baby suckle at the rate that is typical for him today.

Offer the baby one breast first and apply to the other only after emptying. Back milk is especially nutritious - it is fatter and more nutritious. With a sharp change in breast, the baby will not receive the required amount of calories, having consumed only liquid front milk.

If the child does not want to eat during the day, or at this time his appetite is not very good, try applying it to the breast at night. Put the baby in your bed so that both you and the baby come to the time of feeding in the most relaxed state.

It is curious that the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, is more actively secreted at night, so that such feedings can be considered more productive. Perhaps the child will eat more food at night.

Refusal from wrapping

If the newborn is not eating, try not wrapping him up when feeding. On the contrary, skin-to-skin contact with the mother's skin will allow him to activate. This method is especially suitable for sleepy and "inhibited" babies.

Does the baby passively behave near the chest? Take off his undershirts (you can just cover the back with a blanket), throw off the upper part of your clothes and thereby create close bodily interaction.

Sling application

As you know, the appetite grows at the sight or smell of your favorite dish. The same is the case with newborn babies. If they are constantly near the mother's breast, they will want to eat more often.

Try carrying your baby in a so-called sling - a cloth bandage that will allow you to take your baby with you almost everywhere and at the same time free your hands. In addition, the constant movement of the mother will not allow the baby to fall asleep during feeding.

Mom's rest

Another useful tip, which, unfortunately, is not always easy to implement, relates to maternal rest. However, this recommendation does indeed improve the quality of lactation. So try to get more rest yourself.

Try to devote more time to yourself: increase the duration of walks, try to sleep during the day, take every opportunity to get some rest. Of course, for this you need to enlist the support of family and friends.

The advantages of such an attitude are obvious: if the mother gets a good sleep and rests, then the amount of stress hormones that slow down the release of milk will decrease. As a result, lactation is improved and some feeding problems disappear.

A few words in conclusion

Thus, a reduced appetite in an infant can be due to a number of physiological or psychological reasons.