Why gel polish does not hold on nails. The stupidest mistakes! This is why your long-lasting gel polish manicure goes bad.

1 Wet nail plate... This is neither good nor bad, just such a feature of the body. The drier the nail, the better the nail polish adheres to it. If your nails are naturally wet, there is a high probability that you will not go through with gel polish for long. But at the same time, ordinary varnish can adhere thoroughly, since it dries in a different way.

2 Oily nail plate. It is not for nothing that it is not recommended to use hand cream or to do SPA procedures before coating with gel polish: if there are oily marks on the nails, the gel polish will not "grab". To be on the safe side, the master always degreases them with a special drying, and then proceeds to apply the base. Therefore, if you want to moisturize the skin of your hands, do it only after the completion of the manicure.

3 Length too short... You cannot trim your nails to zero. The tip should be long enough for the master to apply gel polish on the end and seal it under the lamp. The better the end is sealed, the more the coating will sweep through.

4 You have "critical" days... Not only you in "these" days can be annoyed by everything, but the body too! It is believed that he can reject everything alien, including gel polish. For the same reason, it is not recommended to do caring procedures for the face or body during menstruation: there is an opinion that cosmetics will be poorly absorbed and take care not at full strength.

5 The reason is in the database. Masters say that the brand of gel polish is not as important as the base, because with a high-quality base, any color will last for a long time. Try a rubber base. According to the girls who constantly make gel polish, with it the coating stays even on the most problematic nails. And, by the way, with it, you can finally grow nails, even if they usually break and exfoliate.

6 It's time to change the master... If you constantly visit the same specialist, it makes sense to try another one or change the salon. The master must not only correctly process the nail plate, but also monitor how evenly the layers of varnish are dried, the shape of the nail is correctly selected. If he is not a pro, then you should not expect something supernatural from the most advanced coverage.

7 You're too "cruel" with coverage. Of course, unlike ordinary varnish, you can hammer in nails with it, and in theory the coating will not suffer. But at the same time, some of our mechanical actions - when you screw on stud earrings or abruptly open the lid of shampoo or hand cream - lead to chips. Check it out - does the varnish always chip on the same nails? If so, remember what actions you unconsciously repeat. And do your homework (it's not even discussed!) With gloves.

Someone prefers to visit special salons, while someone decides to save money and do a gel polish manicure at home on their own. A common problem for many newbies is that the coating does not stick to the nails and begins to peel off quickly. This article will offer actionable tips that will solve this problem and enjoy your manicure for several weeks. MedicForum has compiled these tips for the perfect manicure.

Why does gel polish wear off quickly?

1. One of the main reasons why gel polish does not stay on the nail plate for long is that it is too thin and mobile. Be sure to buy a special finely ground acrylic powder from the store to strengthen the nail. It is used exactly when the nail is covered with a base and not yet dried. Powder the marigolds and send them to the lamp. You can repeat the procedure again to make the nail harder and rougher. Such a seemingly insignificant detail will give excellent adhesion of the nail to the varnish, and the result will be noticeable immediately! After this reinforcement, the layers are applied as usual (colored and so on).

2. Change base coat. We are not talking about expensive bases; buying them is completely optional. Just try something different. Among the cheap, Chinese options there are those that come off the entire nail with a film (with such a base you can go with a manicure for only a couple of days), and those that literally "eat" into the nail and immediately give a dense, hard layer. Therefore, just try to buy a product from another manufacturer, even if it is completely budgetary.

3. Make sure that the nail plate is degreased and rough before applying the varnish. Use a special nail file to get rid of the smooth surface.

4. Be sure to seal the end of the nail. If there is practically no free edge, and the nail is too short, then the tip cannot be “soldered”. In this case, unfortunately, chips of varnish cannot be avoided.

5. Thoroughly dry all layers of varnish. This point is also one of the key ones, so stock up on a good LED lamp that will dry the coating with high quality in a matter of moments.

6. Gently apply all layers without touching the skin. In this case, the cuticle should be carefully processed. It is necessary to understand that if the varnish leaks onto the skin, then later it will begin to peel off from it and come off from the entire nail with a film.

7. Watch how you remove the gel polish. Never peel off the coating along with the top layer of your nail. Cutting is an excellent option. In this case, the layers should be cut off with a file carefully, without touching the nail plate. If the nail itself is thin and fragile and requires additional strengthening, then it is worth leaving the base layer intact.

8. Frequent contact with water can also cause the coating to peel off. Do not take a hot bath the day you have your nails painted. Try to wear gloves when doing housework. Moreover, many people have a bad habit of constantly pulling their hands into their mouths and biting their nails in nervous moments. See if you have this problem. If yes, then stop all manipulations with nails while they have a beautiful manicure.

These simple tips actually work great and help many girls extend the life of gel polish. Use these tricks, experiment with various designs, and let the manicure bring you only pleasant emotions!

Modern manicure is strikingly different from the usual, not only by the type of varnishes and colors, but also by the technology itself, as well as the duration of the "life" of such a coating.
At the same time, most fashionistas note that practically no manicure can withstand the declared four weeks, and for some, delamination and chips can be noticed literally the next day after the procedure.

What are the main reasons for the fragility of the gel - coating and how to avoid such situations, our article will tell you.

Why does gel polish on nails crack?

Among the common factors, it is possible to note not only the quality of the products used for manicure.

Of course, proven and original brands follow the composition more and take care of their reputation, but the biggest drawback of such products is the high price and the inability to purchase in the public domain.

Now a large assortment of inexpensive, and, judging by the reviews, of good quality gel varnishes from less well-known companies has appeared on the market. Having understood the main risk factors for a gel coating, you can successfully try these types of varnishes.

Causes of damage and delamination

  1. Non-professionalism of the master. Nobody is perfect, but if your nails look awful the next day, it might make sense to go to another nail artist. Applying a gel coat requires strict adherence to a certain technique that your technician may not know or may simply neglect. Turning to the salon, it will be useful to get acquainted with the work and communicate with other clients. It is better to go to the foreman "at home" on the advice of friends, and not just to rip off an ad at a bus stop.
  2. The quality of the materials used. Even the little things matter here, it is preferable if the master uses all types of materials from one company. Such means are as close as possible in composition, and the lamp of the company of the same name will help to fix the coating well, because it was specially developed taking into account the characteristics of varnishes and the base.
  3. Application technology. Some water treatments, for example, regular hygienic manicure and prolonged exposure to a humid environment, can negatively affect the quality of the finished coating. If the master has done the preparation of the nail plate in bad faith, you can also not count on the durability of the manicure. Each layer of varnish must be "sealed" - applied to the edge of the nail, ensuring tightness and solidity. This and many more rules are a mandatory procedure, so if you are visiting a salon for the first time, it is better to first study the application procedure. If you decide to complete the coverage yourself, ready-made video tutorials and experienced tips will come to the rescue.
  4. Individual characteristics. It also happens that any coating does not last long on the nails, even under the condition of high-quality materials, adherence to the technology and professionalism of the master performing the manicure. The point lies in the very structure of the nail plate. On excessively brittle and porous nails, such a coating will not last long, so if you are so “lucky”, it may make sense to resort to other types of nail aesthetics.
  5. Contraindications to manicure. There is a special category of diseases in which the impossibility of applying a gel coating is observed. In addition to the obvious - fungus and damage to the nail plate, it is also cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and endocrine disorders. It may be worth repairing your nails with. It is not recommended to use gel manicure during pregnancy and lactation. Also, just before and during menstruation, you should not do such a manicure. Certain medications, such as antibiotics, can also damage the normal coating.
  6. Careless handling. Directly during the procedure, it is necessary to monitor the purity and integrity of the gel layer. Do not touch the nail plate with sazu after application or drying, and it is also advisable to limit activity immediately after the procedure. Gel manicure will harden in about 10 - 12 hours after application, therefore, during this period, you cannot actively exploit the acquired beauty.

The reasons for poor-quality manicure are quite varied, and if such conditions have become common for you, you may need to see a doctor. Sometimes problems with nails indicate more serious diseases of the internal organs, so it is better not to neglect such signals.

Watch a video on the causes of gel polish peeling

Huge home varnish collections cannot always be used in a timely manner, which can cause some coatings to thicken or dry out. Read about how to store varnish and how to dilute it if it thickens.

What not to do with a manicure

Often the owners of the manicure are to blame for the fact that the gel polish quickly loses its appearance. Having heard enough about the resistance and durability of the coating, most sincerely believe that the solidity of the structure cannot be broken by anything, and no manipulations are scary. At the same time, various factors greatly influence the coating, especially in the first 12 hours after application, when the varnish has not yet completely hardened. In order to optimally and profitably enjoy a beautiful manicure, you must follow the basic rules of "safety".

Rules for the longevity of gel manicure:

  • Household work, especially related to chemicals and long exposure to water, is best done exclusively with protective rubber gloves.
  • Avoid strong cleaning agents and aggressive detergents if possible.
  • Do not rub or scratch the applied coating.
  • Do not expose the coating to strong influence during the first 12 hours after application. This is especially true for water and thermal procedures, so it is better to temporarily postpone a visit to the sauna and relaxation in the bathroom.

The recommended time of staying nails under the gel coating is also of great importance. If you wear it without taking it off for a long time, you won't have to talk about any beauty. Moreover, in the future it will be necessary to remove such a coating using more aggressive methods, since the gel eats firmly into the structure of the nail plate.

Optimal wearing time

Despite the impeccable appearance and a wide palette of colors and patterns used, the gel coating is far from being as harmless to nails as manufacturers advertise. First of all, any coating blocks air access, which disrupts natural circulation. Under such a coating, nails cannot receive nutrients, moisture and regulate temperature. In general, any such intervention is fraught with malfunctions in normal operation. The constant wearing of the gel on the nails is gradually reflected on the condition of the nails, and leads to their damage. After the gel - varnish, in particular, more serious violations are observed, especially when the master carelessly removes the old layer.

That is why you should not get too carried away with such procedures. The optimal time for wearing a gel manicure is 2 - 3 weeks, after which it must be replaced. After 4 - 5 sessions of gel manicure, it is better to let the nails "breathe" for at least two weeks. Optimal regimen: two weeks "beauty" on the nails, a week of rest, restorative and strengthening procedures.
The founder of the ORLY company is known not only for unique nail polishes, but also for unique developments in the field of professional nail strengthening products. Check out

How to apply gel polish correctly

The algorithm of actions has long been worked out by real experts, so if you intend to do this professionally, it will not be superfluous to go to special courses. This is the only way to really learn the secrets and hone your skills in practice. Practical experience of the masters will be useful, as well as a trained eye for possible mistakes of beginners. Even if you use the knowledge gained exclusively on yourself and your loved ones, they will help you significantly save on the professional procedure.

The main nuances of the application technology:

  • Quality products and lamps are half the battle. As mentioned earlier, it is advisable to use products of the same brand in order to exclude rejection and delamination of the gel even during application. If color gels can be bought cheaper, then the base and top must be of the same company and of good quality.
  • The gel must be fresh. The old coating becomes thicker and unsuitable for manicure.
  • Preparing the nail plate is an important point. It should be cleaned of cuticles and pterygium (a thin layer adjacent to the nail), sanded and degreased. The edge of the nail also needs to be trimmed slightly for better adhesion to the material.
  • If before the procedure was done a regular "water" manicure or just had water procedures, the nails need to dry a little. For this, a special primer is used.
  • Excessively thin and brittle nails must be strengthened with a special gel. Before buying it, be sure to make sure that it is washable, otherwise you will have to file it down and your nails will be significantly damaged.
  • Each layer must be sealed and dried in a lamp. If the technology has been violated, you can forget about the quality of the coating.
  • The gel layer must be thin for the polymerization to be successful.

Despite the fact that universal gel-varnishes “three in one” have appeared on sale, single-phase products provide the greatest strength and durability. This will slightly increase the overall cost, but the quality will be at its best.

An important point will be the method of removing the old coating. It is best to choose soluble varnishes so as not to injure your nails with aggressive filing. Moreover, you should not remove the coating yourself. Most of the masters sooner or later come across examples of such "savings" and the results are usually deplorable.

Video for you: how to apply gel polish correctly

Prevention and protection of manicure

As stated earlier, protective gloves should be worn when doing any household work. If possible, protect the coating from contact with high temperatures and chemicals. Despite its durability, even the highest quality varnish will crack if used carelessly, so a precaution will be useful.

Gel manicure will surely please with its durability and the ability to create real masterpieces of nail aesthetics. At the same time, in order for such a miracle to remain perfect for a long time, you must follow the basic rules and carefully monitor the condition of your nails. Wearing protective gloves when doing household chores will be of great help. Knowing the main reasons and nuances of protecting the applied coating, you can prolong the life of a manicure for a long time. The tips in our article will help you with this.

What is the best antifungal varnish to choose so that its action is as effective as possible? Find out from the article.
Vinylux varnish is an excellent choice for those who want to always see their hands well-groomed and stylish. A wide range of colors will allow you to select the desired shade for your chosen image. Color palette and reviews

Why doesn't gel polish stick to nails? The reasons for this can be very diverse, ranging from improper coating technology to various kinds of problems with nails. Gel polish can:

  • chipping off at the tips;
  • move away from the cuticle;
  • peel off with a film.

It is important to initially establish the reason why the gel polish does not stay on the nails for a long time and leaves, as well as how to solve this problem so that the coating lasts as long as possible and looks beautiful.

The main reasons for the detachment of gel polish

There are many reasons why gel polish does not hold on nails. However, it often depends on the professionalism of the master. If the application technology is not followed, the gel polish will be removed from the entire nail with a film or simply peel off at the edges.

In addition, these reasons may lie in certain characteristics of the body. All this must be taken into account. This is the only way to get a durable and reliable coating.

Incorrect varnish application technique

Many are interested in why gel polish does not hold on nails and how to avoid this problem. The main and most common reason for this phenomenon is insufficiently good cuticle processing, which provokes the flaking of the coating in this area.

Detachment can result from a gloss poorly removed with a buff or dust residues after processing the nail plate. Some beginners do not degrease their nails or use nail polish remover, which can also cause detachment. If the application of gel polish is performed independently, then you need to purchase all the necessary materials and tools for the procedure.

An undried degreaser or primer can lead to detachment. To determine the degree of drying, you need to take into account the change in the shade of the nail plate. These products dry very quickly, in almost a minute.

When using insufficiently powerful lamps, the coating layers may dry out poorly. In this case, when using the equipment, it is necessary to take into account the drying time for each type of material, depending on the lamp power and its type.

One of the reasons why gel polish quickly peels off the nail is too thick application of one or more layers. In addition, a thick layer begins to flow when the nail dries under the lamp. The varnish passes onto the skin and also forms bubbles.

When applying the coloring composition, it is imperative to seal the ends of the nail, since non-compliance with the technology is the main reason for the formation of chips at the tips of the nails. In addition, poor-quality materials can lead to peeling of the coating.

Causes associated with disorders in the body

Each person is individual, this also applies to the nail plate. Therefore, coating techniques can look completely different on nails. The reasons why gel polish peels off can be associated with the following features:

  • increased humidity of nails and hands;
  • fragility and fragility of nails;
  • the presence of irregularities;
  • internal disorders of the body.

Some people experience the problem of excessive moisture in their hands, so a powerful primer should be used when applying the coating. Fragility of nails can lead to a decrease in the period of wearing gel polish, since this increases the likelihood of chips forming at the ends. The coating is applied very poorly on soft nails, so it is advisable to first strengthen the nail plate.

Irregularities on the surface are considered one of the reasons why gel polish does not stick on the nails. This problem can be eliminated by pre-aligning the nail plate under the coating.

Several health problems can lead to flaking of gel polish, in particular:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • violation of immunity;
  • previously transferred operations.

All these risk factors must be taken into account if all other causes are excluded. It is important to know not only why gel polish peels off, but also how to fix this problem.

Peeling off nail polish

Why doesn't gel polish adhere well to nails? Many women are interested in this question. After all, turning to a manicure master, we expect to preserve the health of nails, we hope that the coating will remain in its original form for at least a couple of weeks. Imagine disappointment when, literally in a few days, chips or scratches become noticeable on the nail plate.

Very often, detachment occurs precisely at the tips of the nail plate. This may be due to the fact that all layers are not sealed at the tips of the nails, as well as on the sides. In addition, it is not recommended to carry out oil treatment of hands, as well as spa treatments a few days before application of the coating.

In the first few days after performing a manicure, it is recommended to reduce or completely eliminate contact with water. The decorative coating can peel off due to contact with solvents, acetone, alcohol. It is not necessary to expose nails and mechanical stress, as because of this the varnish is quickly chipped off. It is not worthwhile to independently eliminate defects in the coating or file off the nail, as this can violate the integrity of the top layer. It is best to contact a professional who, as a rule, can easily eliminate the shortcomings.

It is worth considering the characteristics of the body, as well as the fact of the use of certain medications.

A very short nail plate when the fingertips are in contact with the nail can cause the coating to peel off at the tips of the nails.

Application rules

What to do to make gel polish last longer on nails? In fact, every manicure master should know the answer to this question. There are basic coating rules that must be followed. Before applying varnish, the cuticle is treated with a special compound, and then carefully removed. Next, the nails are polished, leveling the surface. This ensures better adhesion of the material to the surface of the nail plate.

Manicure starts with degreasing the surface with alcohol and a lint-free cotton pad. In addition, a primer is applied for better adhesion to the varnish. In the future, you need to remove the gel polish using a special tool for artificial nails.

Application features

All products, including the top and primer, must be applied in a very thin layer, being careful not to brush over the nail several times. In addition, it is imperative to paint over the cut of the nail. This procedure must be performed for each layer, painting over the entire surface with primer, base varnish and fixer.

Thorough drying of all applied layers is essential. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the time indicated in the instructions for use of the lamp. It should be borne in mind that the lower the lamp power, the longer the drying of the layers takes place. This is a very important process. Violation of his technology is one of the main reasons why the gel polish does not adhere very much to the nails.

Compliance with the technological process

Before applying the coating to the nails, they are processed. It is imperative to file them, even if length correction is not required, and the surface of the nail plate is sanded with a buff. Particular attention is paid to the area near the cuticle. If the nail flakes off at the tips or on the sides, then you need to carefully sand the defective area.

The most durable coating will be if you use a thick base and top coat. It is for this purpose that special rubber products have been developed to ensure maximum adhesion of the material to the treated surface. It is worth abandoning the use of single-phase gel varnishes or top and base from the "2 in 1" series. Only when using high-quality materials, you can get a durable coating that will last 3-4 weeks on the nails.

It is important to monitor the expiration date and storage conditions of materials. Before using the varnish, shake the bottle, and after the procedure is completed, wipe the neck of the bottle. It is advisable to use the top and base of the same brand.

Detachment prevention and protection

Any varnish has a negative effect on the nail plate, therefore, after 3-4 manicure sessions with the application of gel polish, you need to take a break for about 1-3 weeks. During this period, you need to use special medicinal products. If the nails are severely weakened, then you need to carry out special procedures to strengthen them. It is advisable to drink a course of vitamins.

Under the influence of alcohol, detergents, the coating can lose its former shine, scratches or chips appear. Therefore, when cleaning and washing dishes, it is worth wearing rubber gloves. In addition, you need to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream daily.

Optimal wearing time

If, when applying the gel polish, the technology was followed and all the processes were performed correctly, then on average this tool will last up to four weeks on the nails. Light shades look especially attractive, against their background it is practically not noticeable how the nail grows back. However, nail technicians recommend removing the coating every two weeks, as otherwise the nails can dry out and deteriorate.

It is not recommended to remove gel polish at home. It is best to contact the specialist who did your manicure. He will carefully remove the old coating with an electric file. Experts categorically do not recommend picking out the varnish with sharp objects. If there is no way to go to the salon, it is better to purchase a special tool and remove the gel polish using it and foil.

Today this is one of the most popular questions in the field of nail service. Why the varnish does not adhere well to the nails and how to fix it are of interest to all women who take care of themselves and do a manicure. Both professionals and beginners face the problem of the fragility of manicure. Often, even a manicurist is not able to understand the reason for the rapid detachment and chipping of the varnish on the nails. So today we will reveal to you the secret of long-lasting manicure and we will show you how to increase the period of wearing the varnish on your nails.

Why does nail polish adhere poorly? Having identified the reason for the poor durability of a manicure, it immediately becomes clear how to deal with this problem, so this is the most important point to deal with.

The nail polish peeled off quickly, why? Main reasons:

  • Wet nails. Your hands and nails are naturally prone to sweating. This can be determined by your palms, they are often moisturized. It is difficult to notice this on the nails, but, believe me, they are just as prone to excess moisture as the palms. Wet nails are one of the most common reasons why nail polish comes off quickly, but often some manicurists do not even know about it!
  • Too short nails. If the nails are very short, such that they do not cover the pads of the fingers, then the varnish holds up worse. Nail polish wears off faster because the edge of the nail is constantly in contact with all surfaces in the home and at work. When the free edge of the nail covers the pad of the finger, then you, using your hands, do not touch various surfaces with your nails so hard. This can be easily seen with the example of a computer keyboard. When the nails are long, then you type with the pads of your fingers, and the nail itself goes to the side or falls into the holes between the keys and thus touches them less. And when the nails are short, then you print, one might say, directly with them, so the varnish is erased faster.
  • Weak and flaking nails. Your nails are prone to flaking. When the nails are thin, weak and exfoliate, the nail polish comes off along with the detachment of the nail itself, so the manicure does not last long.
  • The technology of applying nail polish has been violated. This problem applies to both the use of regular nail polish and gel polish or Shellac. There can be many mistakes here: they did not use a base for varnish, poorly cleaned the nails before applying the base, the base did not lay flat, did not degrease the nail plate, ignored the final stage and did not apply a varnish fixer, when applying the top coat (top), they did not seal the end of the nail, and etc. In fact, there is nothing complicated, you just need to follow the instructions and not make any changes.
  • Substandard materials. You used very cheap and low-quality nail polishes or related materials, such as nail polish remover, nail polish base, quick-drying nail polish, and other nail polish products. Each individual component affects the durability of a manicure, so choose quality brands and manufacturers of nail polish.

The varnish does not stick to the nails, how to deal with it?

Now we know the reason for unstable manicure, so we will describe how to deal with this problem:

  • Wet nails how to deal with? This problem must be solved by degreasing the nails very thoroughly. Before applying nail polish, be sure to degrease the nail plate with a napkin abundantly moistened with a special liquid. Then apply base under varnish, varnish and fixer. This will help increase the durability of your manicure. If you are doing gel polish manicure or applying shellac, then after degreasing you need to apply a primer as well, even if the manufacturer of your shellac claims that it will stick without a primer. Will not! It will be more accurate, but not for long. Remember, the main rule is that if your hands and nails are prone to high humidity (this happens very often), then you need to apply the primer in the gel polish system and the Shellac system! When applying regular varnish - thoroughly degrease!
  • If you do not want to injure your nails with a primer (after all, even an acid-free primer is far from honey for nails), then forget about shellacs and forward towards nails a la Nouturel, especially since now it is very important. Neat, colorless and, most importantly, well-groomed and polished nails are very beautiful!
  • Too short nails, how to cope? Everything is simple here. You need to make your nails more authentic, at least a little. This is not difficult to do. There is also a special tool to accelerate the growth of nails and step-by-step instructions "How to grow long nails?" Follow the steps as needed, use the Growth Booster and enjoy your new nail length.
  • Weak and peeling nails, how to deal? This problem is very popular and complex, but not hopeless. There are many examples when, even after continuous three-year wear of gel and acrylic nails, it was possible to restore the nail plate from the state of a thin lifeless film to the state of normal healthy nails of medium hardness. Therefore, use medicated varnish and find out more about this problem, read and get rid of the problem of peeling nails forever!
  • The technology of applying nail varnish is violated, how to cope? Everything is simple here, follow the instructions, perform the manicure according to the well-known steps and everything will be fine. To help you with the excellent article "Traditional manicure with new technologies", be sure to use it.
  • Poor quality materials, how to cope? As easy as pie! Buy good nail polishes. Do not buy cheap varnish, even if the price is very tempting, and the color beckons, it will cost you more. Choose trusted manufacturers, such as the French brand Aurelia or the American manufacturer CND, because they have excellent durability and no harm to the health of nails. And the Manicure Shop couriers will be happy to deliver you the best palette of varnishes and manicure products to your home or office.

Keep making orders for Manicure Shop, you know that we are a reliable online store! Only trusted suppliers (we always try and test on ourselves with the whole office. It's true!) And fast delivery!

Now you know what to do if the varnish does not adhere well to the nails, and therefore, as always, we are waiting for your feedback with a photo of the manicure and your orders!

We wish you the most beautiful and brightest nails! Always your Manicure Shop.