Is the Labrador stone suitable for virgins? The magical and medicinal properties of labradorite. Jewelry and amulets

Labrador is a bright, pearlescent gem, a type of moonstone. Mineral mysterious, mystical, with an obvious iridescent effect. Due to the iridescent, iridescent, wonderful play of light on the surface, the Labrador is often confused with black opal.

No Labrador retriever is alike - a characteristic feature of this mineral. The natural pattern of the stone is very complex and very rich in terms of the color palette. If you examine the Labrador carefully and slowly turn it in your hands, then the rainbow of color also moves. The stone seems to be alive, and its surface breathes. This is a mystery that attracts, delights and captivates. The initiates are well aware of how powerful the spectral magic of color is. It has been scientifically proven that each color has its own frequency of radiation, wavelength and a certain strength of vibrations. A very bright and truly iridescent Labrador palette is the strongest tool for activating high energies. This stone is simply irreplaceable for those who are engaged in spiritual development. Astrologers recommend wearing a Labrador for Cancers, Pisces and Scorpions.

Beautiful large Labrador stones are a huge rarity. Moreover, the variety of color palette allows you to choose a stone to your liking. The palette can range from light gray to black. The dark color does not lose its trademark iridescent iridescence. The cost of Labradors depends not only on the size of the stone, but also on its visual qualities - on the brightness and degree of overflow (iridescence).

From the history of the Labrador:
According to the legend, the first to use the magical power of the Labrador were the inhabitants of the mysterious Hyperborea. They highly appreciated its properties and considered a sacred stone, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow.

In Europe, the mineral gained fame only at the end of the 18th century. The stone was named after the Canadian peninsula Labrador, where it was first found almost 250 years ago. Fashionistas in London and Paris sported Labrador earrings, rings and brooches, flaunting their unique treasures to envious women.

In Russia, the stone gained wide popularity at about the same time - at the end of the 18th century. During the construction of the Hermitage, giant blocks with mother-of-pearl labrador eyes were found in the ground, after which the fame of the mineral spread throughout the country. They were used to decorate the royal residences and apartments of the St. Petersburg nobility. Cut out countertops, snuff boxes and more.

The delightful play of mother-of-pearl on the surface of the Labrador leaves no one indifferent. It is curious that scientists have not yet discovered the secret of iridescence.
No modern devices can answer the questions related to the origin of this amazing glow. Labrador jewelry emphasizes the refined taste, erudition and individuality of its owner.

The Labrador retriever looks great in a jewelry set. Small earrings, an exquisite necklace, an elegant ring - this is without exaggeration a luxurious ensemble that will help you quickly transform at a gala event, look sophisticated and simply delightful.

Labrador stone has many varieties, which can be talked about for hours on end. One of these varieties has a cat-eye effect and is called Greenlandic labradorite. Like all felines, Greenlandic labradorite has a pronounced, vertical feline “pupil” that moves as the stone is turned. A feline Labrador can vary in color. Such a pebble, even of a small size, is able to remove any slander and damage, eliminate overstrain and fatigue, and concentrate attention. In the Middle Ages, this mineral became famous for reliably protecting its owners from such terrible diseases as plague, leprosy, scabies, etc. The owner of the Greenlandic labradorite was not afraid to drink wine and be poisoned, and was always sober, no matter how much alcohol he drank. Talismans were actively used by gamblers to win and be invincible.

An amulet made of feline labradorite warns its owner about the danger - instantly becomes heavier, begins, as if to interfere with its presence. Such signs must be treated with the utmost care and promptly react to the surrounding changes. Since ancient times, it is believed that feline labradorite is the protector of lovers. He helps to put up after quarrels and quickly mend broken relationships.

One of the most interesting stones on our planet. Fantastic color palette! It is enough just to look at it once - and you will never forget this stone.

Spectrolite is considered a mystical stone with incredibly strong protective power. The mineral brings light and enriches your consciousness with universal cosmic energy. According to experienced lithotherapists, spectrolite establishes an almost impenetrable protection of the aura and prevents the influence of external negative influences. The wave radiation of the stone forms a powerful protective barrier. With such a protector, you will not be afraid of anything.

Spectrolite gives its owners a feeling of bliss - this is how the divine magic of iridescent tints of light affects the human aura. The mineral provides not only pleasant sensations, but is also an excellent tool for spiritual development. If you are an impressionable and sensitive person, if you are periodically captured by difficult life experiences, try working with this stone. Its energy will lead you out of the dark corridors of hard memories. The influence of the stone will awaken and activate fresh, life-giving energy, which will direct you on the path of rapid recovery, development and prosperity. Literally a couple of days after the stone falls into your hands, you will feel pleasant and light emotional excitement, and you will gain strength to move forward. It is at this moment that you need to concentrate on the most important goal to which you need to come, no matter what. The vibration frequency of the spectrolite allows you to reach the Universal heights and resonate with universal energies. Purposeful spiritual work will help you touch the common information field and get answers to your questions. The magical, completely unusual color of the stone, the powerful wave spectrum of radiation help to achieve the desired results very quickly. Psychics and mediums very often use this mineral in their practice. And for an ordinary person, it is enough to wear the most ordinary spectrolite jewelry in order to get the necessary settings and try to resonate with the higher forms of consciousness, unnoticed, in fact on an unconscious level.

Magical properties
The magical properties of the Labrador are not yet fully understood. But even what is known to specialists is simply amazing. Psychics, sorcerers and magicians of all stripes vied with each other about the mystical power that helps them discover their foresight and develop psychic abilities. Without such talismans, it is impossible to perform a number of magical rites. The power of the stone is in the fusion of the energies of the Earth and the Cosmos.

Curiously, the Labrador can distinguish between men and women. The lightest minerals of golden-blue and blue shades are considered masculine. But all dark labradors are a female element. Choose for yourself yellow-green, purple stones, with shades of brown and pink. Astrologers recommend that married ladies purchase two stones of the appropriate palette - for themselves and for their husband. This combination will help you manage your household wisely and always take good care of your life partner.

Despite the variety of Labrador species, these stones have common unifying properties:

  1. the labrador protects against energy attacks;
  2. attracts luck and success to its owners;
  3. removes and destroys other people's projections and thoughts in your aura;
  4. synchronizes the work of the etheric and physical bodies;
  5. esoterically very powerful stone;
  6. soothes an overactive brain;
  7. dispels illusions, opening the way to the essence of things;
  8. brings you closer to the fulfillment of cherished desires;
  9. promotes astral travel;
  10. promotes the opening of the "third eye";
  11. develops intuition and psychic abilities;
  12. helps to make the right decisions;
  13. develops contemplation and self-control;
  14. saves from fatal mistakes;
  15. helps to decipher information from the subconscious;
  16. enhances the ability to imagine;
  17. helps to give birth to many new ideas;
  18. strengthens the spirit and physical body.

Labrador is absolutely irreplaceable for overly closed and closed people.
The mineral literally saves such people, often simply cornered by circumstances, and shows them a simple and safe way to resolve all issues. The amazing ability to beneficially influence the mental sphere is one of the amazing and unique qualities of the Labrador. No wonder it was widely used by such a developed civilization as the Hyperboreans. With such an assistant, you can "suddenly" see the light at the most necessary moment. Or "unexpectedly" to remember what will save, it would seem, in a hopeless situation. Labrador, and especially its variety Spectrolite, comes into direct contact with your mind and harmonizes its work.

Remember: your jewelry with a Labrador cannot be given into the hands of others, as the stone will lose its powerful energy.

Medicinal properties
The most important healing property of a Labrador retriever is the general strengthening of the body.
The mineral evens out the vibrations of the chakras, normalizes the work of energy centers. As a result, the immune system works smoothly and provides reliable protection for the body against infections and dangerous bacteria.

Another important area is the spine and joints. Lithotherapists note positive results with regular massages with Labradors of various types - pain is eliminated, mobility increases, the process of salt deposition is reduced, etc.

Healers recommend Labradors in the treatment of infertility and impotence. The stone helps to get rid of diseases of the genitourinary system and prostate gland. The mineral removes kidney stones and generally improves the general condition of the body.

Labrador pendants and rings will cheer you up! This is how the spectral magic of the color of the mineral manifests itself, which works real miracles with our aura. If you wear such jewelry all the time, then you will forget what stress and insomnia are. For girls who are used to exhausting themselves and those around them with emotional fits and increased nervousness, this stone is vital! If there are such ladies in your environment, do not forget to give them this magic stone for everyone's peace.

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Labrador stone is a type of feldspar that has an iridescent effect (iridescent glow of all colors). It immediately attracts people's eyes with its mysterious and rich silky radiance.

Stone history

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Labrador is called the black moonstone. It has been used by mankind since the time of the Hellenes. In Greece, this mineral was considered the stone of a mythical people called "Hyperboreans".
According to legend, representatives of the people loved entertainment. Apollo, the sun god, visited them every nineteen years. The Hyperboreans used a black moonstone with strong magical properties. It was they who made gifts to people in the form of a black pebble - a labrador. This mineral brought happiness only to those who really deserved it. The stone brought bad people to death.
Otherwise, this mineral is called "peacock stone". It was used in the construction of cathedrals and temples in Ancient Russia.

The mosaic of the altar of the Church of the Tithes is decorated with pieces of Labrador, it is also found in the decoration of the tomb of the princes of Kievan Rus.

In European states, the stone has become known since 1770. Deposits of stone have been discovered on the Labrador Peninsula. The mineral began to be actively used in the manufacture of jewelry - rings, brooches, earrings. Then only high-class fashionistas wore them.
In the Russian state, this gem was discovered in 1781, when the road to Peterhof was being built (blocks of Labrador were found). So black crystal quickly became popular, and products from it began to be found more and more often. The royal residences were decorated with this stone, the St. Petersburg nobility wore jewelry, even the color and shine of the silk dresses of fashionistas of that time reminded of him.
During the Soviet era, the country's metro stations were decorated with this mineral. He is found in the sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Woman", on the grave of the "Unknown Soldier" near the walls of the Kremlin, at the entrance to Lenin's mausoleum and many other sculptural structures.

Varieties and colors of stone

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One of the varieties of the mineral is spectrolite. It casts all shades of existing colors. These specimens are only mined in Finland. Spectrolite is the most valuable type of rock. There are gems of violet-brown color with a red tint, they are called "bull's eye". In nature, there are types of stone with dark gray, blue, black inclusions, which are cast in various colors.

Magical properties

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The magical properties of the mineral have not yet been sufficiently disclosed. It is known that this crystal enhances the ability to foresee, promotes mystical awareness of the world, and develops the qualities of an extrasensory character. He is considered the talisman of sorcerers and people involved in healing.
Labrador helps to awaken latent positive energy in a person, helps to develop it. It gives its owner dreams and the desire to embrace everything at once. Such people try to do what was previously considered impossible.

This crystal should be worn by people of mature age, after thirty years. When worn by young people, the stone pushes on adventures that can backfire.

The mineral quickly becomes attached to its owner. Protects him from unpleasant deeds and people with a negative aura. Labrador is recommended as a "guard" of peace, harmony in the family and at home. It is recommended to put the crystal in a conspicuous place at home; you cannot store it under the threshold.
The gem is distinguished by such a unique property as the vision of the situation and the processing of negative energy into positive. It is believed that it needs to be fed with moonlight during full moons, since it takes energy from the moon.
Surprisingly, experts distinguish this mineral by gender.

  • So, for example, light-colored specimens with a golden-blue color are considered a masculine stone.
  • And crystals of a dark color with brownish-green shades are female.

For efficiency, it is recommended to purchase both types of stone. So they will contribute to the competent and economical management of the economy, take care and bring good relations to the family. Remember that this gem is only required to be worn from time to time. You should never give your amulet to another person even to look.

Labrador is a very rare jewelry and ornamental mineral with a stunningly beautiful optical effect. A stone of mystics and magicians, mysterious in structure and purpose, with a long history of human use. By itself, outwardly rather inconspicuous, bewitches the eye with iridescent tints on the polished surface after processing.

Historical relevance

For the first time a large deposit was discovered in Canada at the end of the 18th century and immediately the stones became wildly popular due to their optical ability to transmit all the colors of the rainbow.

Until that time, the labrador was also used in jewelry and talismans of different peoples and civilizations, but this was more the exception than the rule.

The European fashion for it received a new development after the discovery of large deposits of labradorite in Russia. Fashionable courtiers even considered it special chic to wear outfits made of fabrics that imitate the bright play of the mineral. The breed, in which labradorite was more than 60%, became a popular finishing material for decorating palaces, estates and even churches. Small figurines, snuff boxes, writing instruments and other items for decorating interior living quarters were especially popular.

During the formation of the USSR, a communist shrine was even decorated with labradorite - the interior of the Lenin mausoleum.

The gem has a smoky gray, almost black shade with bright, iridescent tints. An opaque variety of feldspars.

Varieties and types of Labrador

The stone is classified according to the main colors of iridescence, that is, the type of gem directly depends on the main shade of the pearlescent optical effect:

  • Spectrolite - casts all the colors of the rainbow at the same time, the most valuable of all Labradors, is widely used in jewelry.
  • Moon black - very dark with iridescence of blue and blue hues, is used as inserts in jewelry, a century ago it was widely used in finishing work in the design of royal palaces, religious shrines and tombs of leaders.
  • Sunny - a labrador with golden yellow iridescence, widely used in jewelry, most often cut in the form of a cabochon.
  • Tawny or "cat" Labrador - a kind of mineral with a green iridescence and a light beam characteristic of pupillary minerals.
  • The bull's eye is a purple-brown labrador with red iridescence.
  • Aventurine Labrador - iridescence has a bright multi-colored sheen, characteristic of the gem of the same name.
  • Tavusit is a stone with iridescence, similar in color to a peacock feather.

Chemical and physical properties

As noted earlier, the Labrador is a feldspar formed as a result of the cooling of magma. The chemical formula is very complex, changing depending on the impurities included in different types of minerals.

Brittle, with a glassy or matte luster, lends itself to high temperatures and is quite easily soluble in acids. It has a decent density, which makes it possible to use the Labrador as a raw material for jewelry, and withstands various types of cutting well.

Quite loose mineral: density on the Mohs scale - 3 grams per cubic centimeter.

Deposits and pricing policy

In fact, the deposits are scattered all over the world. The most valuable species - spectrolite - has long been mined in Finland to this day. Here, there are often found large-sized minerals, suitable for jewelry and suitable for collecting. Some may cost on par with precious rubies and sapphires after processing.

Gold Labradors are mined in the United States, Burma supplies the world market with a decent supply of black moonstone.

In Ukraine and Canada, the main deposits of Labrador are concentrated, which are industrially mined and constitute the main reserve of the mineral.

Small stocks of Labrador Retriever are supplied from Australia, India. Currently, jewelry raw materials can cost up to 100 US dollars per 1 carat of "live" weight.

Healing properties attributed to the stone

Modern lithotherapists attribute the following medicinal qualities to Labradors:

  • restorative effect on the entire body;
  • getting rid of infertility and impotence in men;
  • improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system, including in the treatment of diseases of the joints and spine;
  • regulation of the genitourinary functions of the body;
  • treatment of neuroses, obsessive-compulsive disorders and general relaxation therapy;
  • getting rid of dependencies of various types.

Labrador and magical properties

It is customary to divide all types of gem by gender - dark minerals with greenish-brown tints are considered female, lighter minerals with golden and pale blue shades for men.

There is a legend that the Labrador is left to the present civilization by the ancient inhabitants of the mythical country of Hyperborea as a gift to future generations.

It is believed that the Labrador is very fond of its owner and therefore protects the owner from a bad mood, evil eye and damage, numerous diseases and nervous breakdowns, from all kinds of dangers associated with a bad environment and from unnecessary risk in the professional sense.

A talisman made of this stone is absolutely necessary to guard the house. It is believed that thieves bypass such a dwelling on the tenth road, envious and unkind guests will never appear on the doorstep, and numerous relatives will peacefully coexist under one roof without mutual claims and reproaches.

Also, the stone is credited with the gift of enhancing prophetic abilities and helping the owner in manifesting the possibilities of clairvoyance, it seems to help the owner return to the past of another person and connect what he saw with the present and future. The owner may suddenly reveal previously unmanifest creative talents, which the stone helps to direct in the direction necessary for successful realization. Therefore, it is extremely suitable for journalists, writers, actors and other representatives of creative professions and directions. The mineral will give such owners inexhaustible sources of inspiration, add strength and energy for the implementation and embodiment of creative plans.

Labrador is highly respected among magicians and sorcerers, as it is the constant assistant of the entire witchcraft class in sessions of communication with otherworldly forces. In this regard, it is better not for a simple man in the street to mess with a stone, since he can become a slave to a gem.

People who are thinking unkind should take off jewelry with Labradors, since he is quite capable of accumulating the energy of negative intentions in himself, and then giving them away tenfold, which can significantly harm his owner.

Labrador, as an amulet or jewelry, is best purchased and worn by mature individuals who have passed the turn of thirty, the stone can harm young owners by giving them unnecessary adventurism and frivolity.

A wonderful charm for family relationships can be a ring made immediately from a male and female Labrador retriever. Such a decoration is able to save the family from betrayal of the spouse, and will preserve for a long time the tender feelings of a man and a woman tied by family ties.

It should be remembered that an amulet or jewelry with a Labrador can never be worn all the time, so that the stone does not accumulate excessively negative energy and is able to process a small amount of negative impulses into positive ones. It is also forbidden to lend jewelry with him to friends "for a while, to vilify".

Labrador and zodiac signs

Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios among Labradors wear “favorites”. For the representatives of these signs, the mineral will become a faithful guardian, the best advisor in business and relationships.

For representatives of other signs, Labradors are just an original and wonderful addition to outfits.

Curious facts

The most expensive Labrador in world history was a native Russian mineral of this type, sold in 1799 for 250 thousand francs. This cost is due to the portrait of the King of France, Louis, discovered when grinding a cut of a stone and belonging to the pen of Mother Nature herself.

What is the difference between a real labrador and a fake

Stones of this type are difficult to counterfeit, since their chemical properties have not been fully understood until now. In addition, the effect of a three-dimensional nasty shine, transmitted by the polished surface of the mineral, is inherent only in natural Labradors.

How to care for a stone at home

  • You can't keep a stone permanently locked up in a box. From time to time it is worth arranging jewelry with a gem “going out”. But even a bright, sunny day is not very pleasant for a Labrador, the golden mean should be observed.
  • Naturally, one should not weed potatoes in a ring with a Labrador or take a bath with sea salt - such procedures are contraindicated for him.
  • It is still best to clean jewelry with an exotic mineral in a proven jewelry workshop. From time to time it is worth leaving a thing with mineral inserts on the window on a clear moonlit night to recharge the stone with the energy of the moon.


The mountainous Labrador Peninsula (Canada) drops into the Atlantic with high cliffs over the fjords.

The landscape with sparse vegetation resembles the winding skerry bays of Norway, paved with giant emery of disappeared glaciers.

Ancient volcanic granites, rocks, gabbro ornamental minerals, gneisses, and feldspars emerge from the depths of the earth.

But there was also something else.

On a fine day in 1770, a priest from the Moravian Catholic mission, who arrived in Labrador to convert the local Indians of the Innu tribe to the true faith, was walking along a mountain plateau. At that time, the era of the Enlightenment reigned in Europe, the prelate read Denis Diderot's Encyclopedia and was fond of collecting minerals.

He turned with interest the unusual gray stone he had just lifted.

With each turn on the surface, wavy overflows of green and yellowish hues appeared, and a disappearing red border flickered along the edges.

The stone seemed familiar. With a similar gem, the priest once replenished his collection in Greenland, on the island of St. Paul.

Still, the Labrador mineral was different.

Famous captain

The peninsula bears the name of the Portuguese captain Fernandes Levradour, who discovered this harsh land (1498). Navigators also called a vast area in the North Atlantic the Labrador Sea.

The captain's name indirectly became famous twice more: in the name of the breed of large rescue dogs, and in the name of the Labrador mineral, new for geologists of the 18th century, found on the peninsula.

The illustration clearly shows the layer-by-layer structure of the mineral. Each ray of light is reflected in these layers twice, creating a marvelous play of iridescent tones (irisation). Stones that include several changing shades - bluish-green, yellow, red, are very much appreciated.

Centuries before the Labrador discovery

In fact, Labrador Retrievers have been found elsewhere on the planet. They just called him everywhere in their own way.

For many centuries before the discovery of geologists in Labrador, local aborigines found this amazing stone in Australia. There he was known as the totem stone of crocodile people. Only the Australian Labrador is transparent.

The Aztecs and Mayans mined it in what is now Mexico and Brazil. It is not known what these peoples called the stone.

The Hindus drew the mineral from their own mines, and called it in Sinhalese - monara valigaya (peacock stone).

The Persians also called the stone a peacock, but in their language this word sounds like "tavusi".

Sometimes iridescence comes from the center of the Labrador. Then, in the depths of the mineral, one sees a bull's or a lynx's eye. Such features have a Madagascar Labrador with a deep bluish-blue tint, which has long been in demand for the magical practices of the Malagasy.

A completely unique Labrador with golden and yellow-orange tints is mined in several mines in Oregon (USA). In the jewelry market, it is known as the very expensive Sun-stone.

European labrador

In Europe, there is also a paradoxical name, which experts consider completely wrong: black.

But many mineral scientists are not aware that this is exactly what - Niger Moonstone - this strange mineral was also called by medieval alchemists, in contrast to the not so rare milk or bluish-blue moon stones, which have a related structure of feldspars.

Black and gray labradors are still found in Sweden, in northern Germany. Here the mineral is still called spectrolite.

For Finns and Lapps, the stone's iridescent flashes resembled the Aurora Borealis, which is reflected in its local name. The Finnish Labrador is the most colorful species of this mineral.

It is interesting that huge boulders of the Finnish Labrador were found once (1781) in the swamps, through which they paved the way to St. Petersburg, then under construction. But there are no mineral deposits there, the stones were brought in by a glacier that had once advanced from rocky Scandinavia. The properties of the stone surprised the court stone-cutters. Several countertops for the Imperial Hermitage were made from the blocks found.

Inexhaustible deposits of the beautiful Labrador Retriever have been developed for over a thousand years in Ukraine, in the area of ​​ancient Korostyshev (100 km west of Kiev).

The sarcophagus of the Kiev prince Mstislav the Bold (1178) was carved from the shimmering blue-black slabs of the Labrador.

Eight hundred years later, a mourning frieze was made from a black Korostyshevsky Labrador at Lenin's mausoleum.

Revitalizing the eyes

In the surviving fragments of the altar mosaics of the first Christian church in Russia - the Tithe Church in Kiev (10th century) - Labrador stones were found, neatly split into iridescent cubes.

These rare smalt stones can be found in the temple mosaics of the St. Sophia Cathedral of Constantinople (6th century).

The properties of the Labrador to sparkle "enlivened" the eyes and lips of the solemn images of the saints. It seemed that their eyes were following the observer with a counter gaze, and their lips were moving slightly in an inaudible prayer. The people of Kiev called the magic mineral a miracle stone.

Columns and decorations of the interiors of the Volyn Cathedral in Zhitomir (1852) and the Kiev Cathedral of St. Prince Vladimir (1883).

But the days of impressive solid stone structures are long gone. Now the precious Labrador is used sparingly, in the form of thin finishing slabs. Samples of the highest quality are sent to jewelry factories and workshops of monumental artists.

Brittle hardness

Labrador stone is hard but fragile. The Australian mineral is successfully cut, but cut stones at other deposits are a rare exception. To prevent the mineral from crumbling, it is simply polished.

Due to fracturing, many samples are generally not suitable for jewelry processing. But collectors are happy with them.

Such samples of the Labrador are adorned with the largest natural history museums. The display cases showcase specimens from various deposits so that visitors can compare their various optical properties.

During processing, the mineral is easily split into plates. Labrador jewelry and amulets must be worn and removed carefully, an awkward sharp impact on a hard surface may well crumble stones.

In addition, the mineral can be melted. Such a description of the stone is given in one of the chapters of the "Natural History" by the ancient author Pliny Secundus. It was this feature that gave reason to believe that Pliny was describing the mineral now known as labrador. In a colorful narrative, the Roman scientist compared the play of colors of a stone to the multicolored feathers on the neck of a dove. He called it reterit (from the Greek περιστέρι, which means "dove").

Labradorite and labradorite

It should be said that a pure Labrador is rarely found in nature. More often it contains combinations of mica and other minerals: pyroxene, rutile, olivine. Additional components mixed with the Labradorite in molten volcanic magma ejected from the earth's interior by volcanoes.

Based on the crystal structure and optical properties that the mineral exhibits, geologists distinguish this "impure" variety as labradorite.

But for our narration, this does not matter, the properties of interest to us Labrador and Labradorite are almost the same. In popular literature, both names are used interchangeably.

Jewelry and amulets

At the beginning of the last century, the Labrador Retriever became the focus of attention of avant-garde Art Nouveau jewelery masters. The audience, oversaturated with a brilliant shine, was delighted with the amazing properties of the Labrador stone - such, at first glance, a modest mineral.

Jewelry designers have thrown away the old canons, blindly copying the style of bygone times in mass crafts. The works of modernists most fully revealed the creative genius of the new generation of jewelers. They often drew plots from observations of the graceful creations of nature, embodying them in unusual combinations of the thinnest plates of Labrador, enamel, ornamental and precious stones.

In French and Belgian jewelry workshops, fashionable exclusive amulets in the Assyrian and Egyptian styles were created. The shimmering details from the mysterious Labrador Retriever added special expressiveness to these decorations.

Fine works of this fleeting period of High Art Nouveau, which soon perished in the cataclysms of the First World War, are on display in the Paris Museum of Decorative Arts.

Magic labrador

The medieval magicians of Northern Europe knew about the magical properties of the Labrador. The mysteriously shimmering stone, according to the ancient belief of the Vikings, was presented to girls on the thirteenth anniversary, as it is able to reflect the possible setbacks associated with the unlucky devil's dozen.

A very valuable magical amulet is such a blue Labrador with eyes that appear after grinding. Magicians grind stones with their own hands, according to an ancient technology that is kept secret. They call this procedure "opening the eye amulet."

A properly crafted magic stone serves the magician as a third eye, foreseeing the future.

Hindus living in a jungle setting attach a "peacock stone" above the entrance to their dwellings. They believe that the cobras are afraid of the monar waligaya gaze and will not crawl into the house. Wealthy inhabitants of forest villages have several more such "monars" to wear on the hunt.

Poorer peasants, unable to buy a talisman, invite a local magician, and he simply writes on the wall by the door the name of the stone in Sinhalese - මොනරා වලිගය, accompanying the magic inscription with spells.

Labrador and Zodiac

Astrological schools of the East and West disagree on the recommendations for whom the Labrador can be suitable. Perhaps the controversy arises from the different names of the stone in different cultures. After all, the word for amulet is material. It affects the horoscope.

According to European tradition, the Labrador is suitable for Scorpions. The zodiac sign Leo also belongs to the chosen ones by this wayward stone.

Capricorns and Cancers should not wear a Labrador, but you can keep it at home and enjoy looking at it.

Healing colored crystals

When using the Labrador as a healing talisman, lithotherapists first of all pay attention to its color. But in this case, it is not so much the color that matters, as the location of the crystals in the stone, which reflect a certain color. After examining the horoscope, listening to the patient's complaints, the healer will select a favorable crystal structure.

A common self-use of the Labrador Retriever is the suppression of stressful conditions. To do this, you need to simply consider the play of light of the mineral without any tension, rotating it in your hands. After a while, you will feel relieved.

If you don't have a stone, you can go to the mineralogical museum and stand in front of a display case with samples of Labrador Retrievers. The result will be the same.

A common property of all varieties of Labrador Retriever is to stabilize the patient's nervous system. The amulet ensures good sleep, often with vivid fantasy dreams.

Labradorite is a mineral, a rock, with a Labrador content within 60%, some species have a higher Labrador content - about 85%. Labradorite has endowed with unique beauty labradorite stone.

For the first time, labradorite was discovered on the Labrador Peninsula, located in the eastern region of Canada. The color scheme of the stone is dark, minerals with a blue or green tint are rare in nature.

Composition and properties of labradorite

and labradorite in mineralogy are classified as a highly aesthetic rock-forming mineral and a rock containing it. On average, the structure of an igneous rock has the following composition:

Labradorites, rocks with a granular crystalline structure of moderate hardness, are rather fragile. The difference in mineral composition determines the appearance of the labradorites.

They may be:

Mostly known deposits, which are dominated by rocks of gray shades.

Labradorites have a unique optical property - iridescence. On flat chips and polished surfaces of gray or black stones, shimmering spots of all colors of the rainbow appear.

Thanks to this effect, the rock is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty and decorativeness.

Using labradorite

The natural decorative properties of the stone, due to its texture and light effects, make it possible to use it:

Vivid examples of the effective use of the rock are presented in the facing of the Mausoleum, the basement of the Moscow hotel, the subways of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev, the Aleksandrovsky Garden, in which the labradorite stone is used to decorate the alleys of the cities of heroes. Temples in many European cities are faced with unique stones.

Labradorite and magic

Labradorite, known to man since ancient times, until today is considered a reflection of the dark side of the moon. He is filled with her magic, has a huge power hidden from man. It is believed that the stone was donated to the inhabitants of the earth by the Hyperboreans, fabulous people who once inhabited the Earth.

People carried the belief in the power of the magic of the Moon through the centuries, believing that it will endow good people with happiness and prosperity, and will bring bad people to death.

People believe that as the new moon approaches, labradorite emits brighter light and becomes colder, saturating, acquires strong magical properties.

Dark types of stones emitting blue are referred to as those endowed with the dark powers of the moon.

The moonstone is framed only in a silver setting. It should be worn only by people who have reached the age of thirty. It promotes the development and expansion of consciousness.

It is believed that for those who are suitable for a moonstone, it exhibits the properties of a very strong amulet. As a talisman, it can be used by creative people and those who like risk.

You should not wear lunar symbols for those who are embittered and cannot adequately relate to failures, life problems.

Labradorite and the signs of the zodiac

Each zodiac sign is endowed with its own stone. The magical properties of labradorite are favored by Taurus, Scorpio and Leo. For these people, he instantly changes the situation in a positive direction. He will fulfill all the promises of these people, up to the fulfillment of any malicious intent.

The solar signs of the zodiac can acquire a very strong amulet in the form of a moonstone. Some signs of the zodiac must have this stone with them at all times. Astrologers interpret this behavior of the stone by its magical features:

Magic is intertwined with life, although many refuse to admit it. Nevertheless, many people need to open up their future. Labradorite is able to activate and enhance the latent capabilities of a person. Use the magical capabilities of the moonstone as a talisman or amulet should be carefully and carefully.

The relationship between labradorite and health

The energy of the stone is capable of not only magical actions. The healing properties of moonstone are used to heal a person from the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular problems;
  • Disorders of metabolic processes in the human body;
  • Cleansing of internal organs;
  • Reduces pain in arthritis;
  • Promotes fracture healing.

In modern official medicine, labradorite is used in ophthalmology to treat severe eye diseases, which often lead to complete loss of vision - cataracts and glaucoma.

In the recipes of traditional medicine, a unique rock is used to treat infertility, insomnia, rheumatic pains, and relieve stress.