Congratulations on the start of summer holidays. To my beloved students


for the autumn holidays to the first grader.

  • Have a good rest: walk more, play, go with your parents on a visit or on an excursion. Be healthy.
  • Watch less TV or play on the computer.
  • Be a cheerful, obedient and caring child.
  • Learn the composition of the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
  • We are preparing a mathematical project - the book "Numbers in riddles, proverbs, sayings, counting rhymes, fairy tales." You can read more about the project in the textbook on pages 64-65 (choose a number from 0 to 10, draw a picture, pick up the material in which this number occurs, write it down next to the picture). The format of the work is a landscape sheet.
  • Repeat the letter of letters, syllables, words, write under dictation. Copy from the printed text in writing.
  • Read aloud every day for 20 minutes. Divide words into syllables, put stress, highlight vowels and consonants.
  • Come to school on November 10 (Monday) - lessons have changed, see "Nachalka.seminfo".
  • Check your portfolio. Every day, the portfolio should contain: a pencil case, colored pencils, a ruler, scissors, glue stick, a fan of numbers, a fan of vowels.
  • Bring a drawing on the theme "How I was resting" and learn a poem about autumn.

Elena Viktorovna.


Winter Vacation Wishes

first graders.

  • Have a good rest: walk more, play, go with your parents on a visit, to the "Yolki" or excursion. Bring to class 1 - 2 photographs on the theme "I am on vacation, at home, with my family ..." Do not get sick.
  • Less watching TV or playing on the computer.
  • Be cheerful, obedient and caring children.
  • Learn the composition of the numbers 2-10.
  • Repeat letter letters, syllables, words, sentences January 6-11.
  • Try to read aloud for 15 to 20 minutes each day. Keep learning how to divide words into syllables, emphasize, and distinguish between vowels and consonants.
  • Arrive at school on January 12 (Monday) - according to the new lesson schedule (see "Seminfo Beginner").

Elena Viktorovna.


Elena Viktorovna.

Spring break wishes for first graders.

  • Holidays from 21.03 to 27.03. To school on 28.03. (Monday schedule - see SMS)
  • Read aloud for 15-20 minutes every day. List of books to read (any of your choice):
  1. N.Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno";
  2. E. Uspensky "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends";
  3. Lyrics by A. Barto, G. Oster, B. Zakhoder, K. I. Chukovsky and others.
  • Draw a drawing for a piece you read, prepare a retelling of a passage from a book, or learn a poem.
  • Continue to learn how to divide words into syllables, put stress, and distinguish between soft and hard consonants.

Elena Viktorovna.

Spring break wishes for first graders.

  • Holidays from 21.03 to 27.03. To school on 28.03. (Monday schedule - see SMS)
  • Read aloud for 15-20 minutes every day. List of books to read (any of your choice):
  1. N.Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno";
  2. E. Uspensky "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends";
  3. Lyrics by A. Barto, G. Oster, B. Zakhoder, K. I. Chukovsky and others.
  • Draw a drawing for a piece you read, prepare a retelling of a passage from a book, or learn a poem.
  • Continue to learn how to divide words into syllables, put stress, and distinguish between soft and hard consonants.

Elena Viktorovna.

Spring break wishes for first graders.

  • Holidays from 21.03 to 27.03. To school on 28.03. (Monday schedule - see SMS)
  • Read aloud for 15-20 minutes every day. List of books to read (any of your choice):
  1. N.Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno";
  2. E. Uspensky "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends";
  3. Lyrics by A. Barto, G. Oster, B. Zakhoder, K. I. Chukovsky and others.
  • Draw a drawing for a piece you read, prepare a retelling of a passage from a book, or learn a poem.
  • Continue to learn how to divide words into syllables, put stress, and distinguish between soft and hard consonants.

Elena Viktorovna.


Summer vacation wishes for second graders.

  • Have a good rest, sunbathe, have fun, play sports and gain strength for the new school year.
  • Temper yourself and stock up on vitamins so as not to get sick in grade 2.
  • Be obedient and caring children.
  • Train your memory and logical thinking (learn poetry, play memory games, guess crosswords, rebuses, puzzles, etc.).
  • Develop your imagination and imagination (come up with poems, fairy tales, riddles). Make crafts from different materials. Bring your best works and crafts to the class at the exhibition.
  • Do not lose student skills and abilities:


Necessarily read every day for at least 20 minutes (aloud for 5 minutes), keep a "Reader's Diary" (author, title, start and end dates of reading, parents' signature, 2-3 drawings for works that you like).

  1. Poetry: Y. Akima, A. Barto, G. Graubin, B. Zakhoder, S. Marshak, Y. Moritz and others.
  2. G. Oster "Bad advice"
  3. Stories: M. Prishvin, N. Sladkov, E. Charushin, G. Skrebitsky, V. Bianki.
  4. I. Demyanov "Children's Book"
  5. M.Zoshchenko "The Most Important" (short stories)
  6. Y. Koval "Sparrow Lake" (short stories)
  7. M. Korshunov "Petka and him, Petkina, life", "House in Cheryomushki"
  8. G. Tsyferov "What's in our yard"
  9. N.Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"
  10. E. Uspensky "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends" and other fairy tales.


Necessarily memorize the composition of numbers 2-20. In August, repeat the solutions to problems, equations, the name of the quantities and their measurements (length - cm, dm; volume - l; mass - kg), the ratio of units of length (10cm = 1dm), use D / m and notebooks for "Control and verification works ".

Russian language.

In August, repeat the alphabet, vowels and consonants, soft and hard consonants, voiced and voiceless consonants, vocabulary words, dividing words into syllables, stressing, practice copying text and writing dictation (no more than 5 lines a day).

To labor lessons : dry plants (herbs, flowers, leaves). Collect other natural materials (cones, pebbles, shells, fruits and tree seeds).

  • Prepare with your parents everything you need for the new school year.
  • Don't forget about your classmates: call your friends, meet and walk together.
  • Write an essay - a report on your vacation (where you visited, what you did, what happened, what you learned + photos).
  • Come to school on September 1strested, in a good mood by 8.00

Best wishes

Elena Viktorovna.

The most beautiful holiday at school is the start of summer vacation. The whole summer is ahead, there are so many plans ahead. Dear guys, let me congratulate you on your rest. Let the vacation time not be in vain, be sure to make your dream come true, and may the Lord help you with this. Let the summer days go very slowly so that the holidays last longer. I wish you a great mood, good luck and joy in everything. Let the time spent on vacation leave pleasant memories. ©

Holidays, the most fun and long-awaited time for all schoolchildren. Behind the lessons and homework, control and laboratory work. Only rest is ahead, at last you can belong to yourself. Let me congratulate you all on such a wonderful event. May all your dreams come true. Let nothing overshadow your vacation. I wish you good luck, luck and, of course, good health. May the guardian angel always protect you. Let new acquaintances become good, reliable friends for you. ©

Learning is light, and the ignorant is darkness, everyone knows this. But after a long mental work, I really want to rest. And then, finally, he came. The long-awaited vacation has come. The spirit of freedom is felt. I congratulate you on the arrival of the holidays and wish you a happy rest. Let everything that you have planned come true. May luck and good luck always go next to you. I wish you new acquaintances, pleasant experiences and all the very best. Let the holidays be at the highest level. ©

Holidays always come on time. This is the long-awaited and most beloved holiday of all students. I so want to share the joy with you and congratulate you on your summer vacation. May good luck always accompany you, may a good mood never leave you. You have so much interesting things ahead of you, and the main thing is enough time for everything. May the holidays bring you pleasure, may new acquaintances add reliable friends. I wish you good health and joy. Let fortune be sure to smile at you. ©

What a great vacation time. There is enough free time for everything, sleep at least until lunchtime, and walk in the evening until late. After a hard study, you deserve a rest. I congratulate you on the beginning of the holidays, and I wish you to spend them as best you can. May your cherished dream come true. I wish this summer to meet beautiful love. May you be lucky in everything. Relax and gain new strength for the academic year. I wish you only all the best. Enjoy your vacation and cheerful mood. ©

The most wonderful time is vacation. Each student is looking forward to them. How many plans for the whole summer! So you want to catch luck by the tail, and for this there are all the possibilities, just do not be lazy. I congratulate all students on the beginning of a wonderful holiday, on the beginning of the long-awaited rest. May your cherished dream come true, may new friends appear. Let the rest be interesting and full of vivid impressions. I wish that the holidays leave only warm, only joyful memories. ©

It's time for vacation, and I want to sing, dance for joy, and loudly - loudly shout: Hurray! This is truly a holiday, long-awaited and cheerful, full of hope. Each of us experienced this feeling of pleasure. I congratulate everyone on the start of the holidays. Let this beginning be the continuation of something good, joyful and useful. I wish you good health, good mood, luck in everything. May luck certainly visit you, may all dreams come true. May there never be disappointments, but only victories. ©

Congratulations on the start of the holidays: In verse

Collection title: Summer wishes for students from the teacher. The higher the mighty eagle soars in the sky, the longer it is forced to rest on earth. Alexander Dumas-father

Well-organized rest - when everyone is tied to beds. Mikhail Mamchich

Let me congratulate you on the first day of summer. All the best and good luck!

I wish you over the summer to gather fresh ideas, good health and incredible energy.

On weekdays they will think about the future, on weekends - about the past, and only on vacation - about the present. Vladimir Borisov

Do not dare to be upset if it suddenly rains! It is summer, warm and short-term precipitation. Summer has come!

Happy first summer day. We wish you a good mood, good health and pleasant impressions.

Happy first day of summer, ladies and gentlemen! Everything that worries you, worries and strains, we put aside in a distant box.

Let the summer inspire and fill you with new strength, vigor, energy, good health, vivid impressions and good emotions.

Shortest distance between two points: The distance between the start and end of the vacation. Yanina Ipohorskaya

I would like to wish that the days of rest do not pass unnoticed, so that every moment is filled with a new idea and fun fun.

Change of seasons. Spring is followed by summer. And now today, the first day of summer time! I congratulate you on this wonderful, sunny day!

I wish that your everyday life turns into a holiday, that you want to sing and dance!

Use this summer every opportunity to relax your mind and body, enjoy the sun's rays and have a good time!

Time passes, summer passes! Get busy and enjoy the summer!

I wish you a good health and enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

I wish that all your summer plans come true, so that your vacation will be remembered for many years!

We wish you to spend your summer days with comfort and great mood.

You can't work all the time. Everyone needs a little rest, and I think the early morning hours of about five or six hours after you wake up are best for this. George Allen

The bed is the best place for reading, contemplating, and doing nothing. Doris Lessing

Relax, gain strength and absorb the mountains of positiveness!

Rest and work are inseparable, like an eyelid and an eye. Rabindranath Tagore

So the first day of summer has come, with which we congratulate everyone. Gathering place - beach, dress code - summer!

I wish that with the arrival of summer a wonderful, easy time, carelessness and ease awaits you!

Love yourself, take care of yourself, rest while there is such a great opportunity!

I wish you a sincere company of friends this summer!

Let every summer day bring a sunny mood and amazing moments.

I am never as busy as during my leisure hours. Cicero

Summer has come! With which I congratulate you! Let the round dance of its glorious events whirl you, fulfill your cherished desires.

I wish this summer that your whole life is like the first day of summer!

Smile and have fun, summer has come!

Give me a foothold - I'll sit down and smoke. Yuri Tatarkin

Summer gives us incredible happiness to see all this, enjoy life and take inspiration from all this beauty!

I wish you an exotic holiday in overseas countries! Let the summer leave only good memories of itself.

Greet the most beautiful time of the year with a smile, and summer will smile on you too!

Excessive fatigue is when you don't even have enough strength to rest.

We wish you to recuperate, gain energy for new achievements, get unforgettable vivid emotions and impressions.

Let everything turn out exactly as you want, and in some places even better!

We wish that not a single cloud spoiled your mood, not today, not tomorrow, never!

Summer is special, summer is magical, summer is a fairy tale, summer is heaven on earth!

We wish you an air walk towards the beach, a bronze tan, delicious drinks and friendly companies.

I wish you to join the majority and take a break from your daily routine!

Summer comes to us with flowers, sun and warmth. Let's meet him.

Summer is a fairy tale! Where there are no blizzards, cold weather, blizzards and frost!

Let these days give you a lot of impressions, let your body and soul rest, let every minute pass cheerfully and interestingly.

Summer! First day! Summer has opened its arms for us, and does not leave a single chance to become sad!

Made a deal on the Internet, walk boldly. Neyach

May you happily experience adventures and a holiday romance in the summer, and every day will be a new, cheerful series of pleasures!

May this summer bring many pleasant surprises and fateful meetings to everyone.

So the holiday of warmth, sun, beach season and outdoor activities has come! Long live summer!

Summer time takes us from everyday routine to the world of bright colors, sunny days, joys, laughter.

We wish you to go right now where the sea, sun and water are our best friends!

Summer breathes new life into us, new strength, new sensations! Let's take it all and use it!

On the first day of summer, accept my congratulations! Our summer is fleeting, but all the more expensive! Start resting.

I congratulate you on the beginning of summer. I wish you a great holiday by the sea.

I would like to wish that everything you have planned will certainly succeed, that every day of your vacation is eventful, interesting, unusual in its own way, funny and happy.

May this summer bring the joy of a vacation with friends and family, may everything we have for 5 plus!

Collect summer in the palm of your hand with memorable moments and let it be easy for you!

I wish you to spend the summer with friends and girlfriends! Enjoy the beginning of summer, friends! - Summer wishes for students from the teacher.

Resting from the labors of the righteous for a serene sleep encourages and inspires. Yuri Tatarkin

Let the first day of summer be a good start for your love. I congratulate you on the beginning of summer.

short 18

Soon it will light up in a special way
The sky is a distant star.
There will be winter and holidays
Dreams will be fulfilled.

Breathe the air before the holiday,
Come up with more plans
Your strength will be restored in a moment


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Create a postcard

The time for rest has come
It became more fun in the house,
Take a rest from study
Run, jump and play.
Rejoice, walk with your friends
Spend time with us
But do not forget your studies
Soon again on a difficult path.


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Create a postcard


The days of study whimpered
And the school became sad.
Happy holidays
The whole school is empty!

Boys and girls
We wish you on vacation
So that your joy is ringing,
On vacation, giggling!


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Create a postcard

Congratulations to your son on the holidays!

You sat at your desk for a long time
And I didn't straighten my back,
It wasn't much of a use though
But I did not walk the lessons,

Rest, sonny, great,
Get enough sleep and take a walk
I authorize you personally -
At least play the fool!

Let the brains cool down, honey
They load you, blockage ...
But then with fresh vigor,
To run to school!


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Create a postcard

I wish you to play the fool
In the morning, beat your thumbs in bed.
And lie on the side of the sofa,
Putting my headphones in my ears.

It's awesome not to hear the school bell
And do not sit like an idol at a desk,
And do not rush to the first lesson,
And do not carp over the contour map!

I wish you not to get sick
Be vigorous and strong on vacation
I wish you had more fun,
Look stylish in the new quarter!


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Create a postcard

Spring winds blew from the windows.
Hurry! Fly! Chirp!
Make sure you wake up first
Crazy rays of fun.

Seize your days from the moment
When you see your nose.
Let the holidays be full of zeal
So that the flame of life grows in the future!

Congratulations to the children on the holidays

Purchased and owned by the site.

Create a postcard

Hooray. holiday

When you hear - “Hurray! "- from the school yard,
Know - the wonderful, beloved time has come.

And with shouts - "Vacation" - in summer and winter,
The pupils are running home in a merry crowd.

And how many bright plans, and everything needs to be done,
You can travel, you can sit at home.

The main thing is to turn off the alarm clock - "Relax!"
When the holidays are over, call me then.


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When solving examples like 13 - 6 = ..., you reason like this:
13 is 6 and 7. So 13-6 = 7
When solving examples like 8 + 5 =…, you think in the way that suits you. You can add up to ten in parts (8 + 5 = 8 + 2 + 3 = ...) or remember the composition of the numbers (8 and 5 are parts of the number 13)
Remember, in mathematics, it is appropriate to "cheat". Build on what you know well. For example, 5 + 6 (5 + 5 = 10, which means 5 + 6 = 11 - 1 more)

If you want to improve your counting skills within 20, then you can find Patternova simulators with examples in a bookstore.

And we also learned not just to write, but to build letters. In August, I advise you to start training your hand for school. Trust me, it will be very easy for you to enter 2nd grade if your hand is already ready to write and gets used to writing a little. But remember about the landing, how to lay the notebook correctly, how to hold the pen. And most importantly, line up the letters correctly. Do not forget to admire what is written. It is enough to write off 2-4 small sentences every day. To do this, place a small notebook in a wide line. Where to write off from? From books, you can from textbooks. Write off poems, proverbs, sayings ... COLLECT ONLY WITH CLEAR SPEAKING OUT OUT !!!

If you want to start some design or research work at home in the summer, do not forget to take pictures. And also remember that we are always happy to look at what you saw in the summer with your own eyes. The photo marathon “Catch the Beauty”, “Me and the Book” continues.

I DECLARE A CREATIVE COMPETITION OF PHOTOS, as well as - poems and stories, drawings (author's, family) on the theme "The bluest Black Sea in the world is mine!" Your works will be included in the collection and will participate in city competitions.

But the most important thing is to have a great rest, not forgetting to help your family and friends.

Your Elena Vasilievna

Site "Sunny" site
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