Presentation "hygienic requirements for the organization of walks and excursions in kindergarten". A walk in kindergarten: hygiene requirements

Approved by

by order of MBDOU

No. 63 dated 02.09.2013

Considered at the meeting

pedagogical council

Protocol No. 6

from 30.08.2013


about organizing walks

1. General Provisions.

1.1. This regulation has been developed in accordance with

¨ with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012. No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Article 30. Local regulations containing norms governing educational relations.

¨ the requirements of SanPin 2.4.1. 3049-13;

¨ Charter of the preschool educational institution .;

¨ instructions for the protection of the life and health of children, the mode of upbringing and education of children.

1.2. This regulation regulates the organization of walks in the Institution.

1.3. The position is discussed and adopted by the Pedagogical Council of the institution and approved by order of the head of the preschool educational institution. Changes and additions to this regulation are made by the Pedagogical Council of the preschool educational institution and approved by order of the head.

2. Goals, objectives, types of walks.

2.1 ... A walk is a routine moment in the life of children in the Institution.

2.2. Purpose of the walk - health promotion, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity.

2.3 Objectives of the walk:

¨ have a hardening effect on the body in natural conditions;

¨ to contribute to an increase in the level of physical fitness of preschool children;

¨ optimize the physical activity of children;

¨ contribute to the cognitive - speech, artistic - aesthetic, social - personal development of children.

2.4. Types of walks (by location):

· at the site of the Institution;

¨ walking outside the site of the Institution (senior preschool age at a distance of up to two kilometers);

¨ in the functional rooms of the kindergarten (on active days).

2.5. Types of walks according to the content:

· Traditional;

· Thematic;

· Target (carried out from the second junior group with an exit outside the kindergarten);

· Excursion (carried out systematically from an average group at least 1 time per month);

· Hiking, walking (with older preschool children).

3. Requirements for equipment and sanitary conditions of the kindergarten site for walking.

3.1. The equipment and sanitary condition of the kindergarten must comply with the requirements of SanPiN.

3.2. The play area includes a playground with modern play equipment.

3.3 ... Cleaning of the territory of the site is carried out by the janitor daily: in the morning 1 hour before the arrival of the children and as the territory becomes dirty.

3.4 ... In dry and hot weather, watering the area, sand is done at least 2 times a day.

3.5 ... At the entrance to the building, you should have grates, scrapers, rugs, brushes.

4. Safety requirements for the organization of walks on the site of the kindergarten.

4.1. Before the children go out for a walk, the Institution's janitor inspects the territory of the site for compliance with safety requirements in accordance with his job description.

4.2. The decision on carrying out, canceling or shortening the time of walking in the fresh air is made by the manager.

4.3. Before going out for a walk, the employees of the Institution, who are busy dressing children, must ensure that children do not stay dressed for a long time in the room in order to avoid overheating. Monitor the health and compliance of children's clothing and footwear with the microclimate and weather conditions.

4.4. In the event of an increase in wind to unacceptable parameters, deterioration of weather conditions (rain, snowstorm, etc.) during a walk, the teacher must immediately bring the children into the room.

4.5. During the walk, the teacher makes sure that the children do not leave the kindergarten site. In the event of the unauthorized departure of the child, immediately report the incident to the head of the preschool educational institution, who organizes the search for the child, notifies the Education Department, the police, and the parents in accordance with the notification scheme.

4.6. During the walk, the teacher must teach the skills of safe behavior, the rules of safe handling of various objects.

4.7. When choosing games, the educator must take into account the psychophysical characteristics of children of this age, the previous activities of children, weather conditions.

It is prohibited:

· Leave children alone, unattended by the staff of the Institution;

· Use sharp, stabbing, cutting objects, broken toys in children's games.

4.8. The educator must immediately notify the manager, parents about every accident with a child, and, if necessary, involve medical personnel to provide first aid. If necessary, arrange for the delivery of the child to the emergency department.

5. Requirements for preparation and return from a walk.

5.1. Preparation and return from a walk.

5.2. Before going for a walk, the teacher organizes hygiene procedures with the children: cleaning the nose, visiting the toilet room.

5.3. Dressing and undressing children when preparing and returning from a walk is necessary in subgroups:

¨ the teacher brings the first subgroup of children into the waiting room for dressing, which includes slowly dressing children, children with low self-care skills;

¨ the teacher's assistant conducts hygiene procedures with the second subgroup and takes the children to the waiting room;

¨ the teacher goes for a walk with the first subgroup of children, and the assistant teacher finishes dressing the second subgroup and escorts the children to the area to the teacher;

¨ to help with dressing each subgroup of early and junior preschool age, employees from among the working and medical personnel of the kindergarten are assigned according to the "Schedule for Assisting Employees when Dressing Children for Walking";

¨ children with weakened health are recommended to dress and take them out into the street with the second subgroup, and start from a walk with the first subgroup.

5.4. To avoid overheating of children, it is necessary to adhere to the following dressing order: first, children put on tights, leggings, then sweaters, overalls, shoes, and only lastly, hats, outerwear and a scarf.

5.5. The return of children from the walk is also organized in subgroups. The assistant educator takes the first subgroup of children away from the site. Children of the second subgroup continue to walk for another 10-15 minutes with a teacher.

5.6. The teacher's assistant helps the children to untie their scarves, unfasten and take off their outerwear, and put their clothes in the booth. Having undressed, the children calmly go to the group and play.

5.7. In the summer, after the children return from a walk, it is necessary to organize a hygienic procedure - washing the feet.

6.Children's clothing requirements:

¨ at any time of the year, clothes and shoes must correspond to the weather at the moment and must not contribute to overheating or hypothermia of children;

6.1 . How to store clothes in a locker: a hat and a scarf are placed on the top shelf. A jacket, leggings, tights, warm pants, outerwear are hung on a hook. Gloves with elastic should be twisted over the sleeves and the coat hanger. Shoes are placed on the bottom shelf, socks are placed on top.

7. Requirements for the content of walks on the site of the Establishment.

7.1. The walk should consist of the following structural elements:

¨ observation;

¨ physical activity: outdoor, sports games, sports exercises;

¨ individual work in various areas of development of pupils;

¨ labor orders;

¨ independent activity of children.

7.2. The sequence of the structural components of the walk may vary depending on the type of the previous activity. If the children were in a lesson that required increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then at the beginning of the walk it is advisable to carry out outdoor games, jogging, then observations. If there was a physical or musical activity before the walk, the walk begins with observation or calm play.

7.3. Each of the compulsory components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the background of the independent activities of children.

7.4. The content of the walks is determined by the program to familiarize children with the environment, taking into account the children's previous activities, pedagogical and recreational tasks, and are built in accordance with the calendar planning in each age group.

8. Organization of observations:

8.1. Observation process can be organized for objects and weather phenomena.

8.2. When planning observations, the teacher comes up with:

¨ equipment and materials used during observation, placement of children;

¨ methods of attracting the attention of children to observation (surprise moments, riddles, setting a cognitive task, problem situation);

¨ techniques for enhancing mental activity (search questions, actions, comparison, use of children's experience).

9. Organization of children's activity:

9.1. The motor activity of children during a walk should include:

¨ outdoor games and physical exercises during the morning walk:

¨ in the younger group - 6 - 10 minutes;

¨ in the middle group - 10-15 minutes;

¨ in senior and preparatory - 20-25 minutes.

9.2. On an evening walk: in junior and middle groups - 10-15 minutes, in senior and preparatory groups - 12-15 minutes. Outdoor games can be supplemented or replaced with sports exercises or at older preschool age - sports games, games with elements of competition.

Sports activities include sledding, skiing, cycling, scooters. Sports games include: small towns, basketball, badminton, table tennis, football, hockey;

the organization of independent motor activity, the nature and duration depend on the individual needs and interests of children, the developing environment;

individual tasks (in accordance with the scheduling).

9.3. Depending on the weather conditions, the physical activity of children in the air can be of varying intensity so that the children do not overcool and overheat. The teacher thinks over the organization of motor activity before going out for a walk, focusing on specific meteorological conditions.

9.4. Long-term presence of children on a walk without movement is not allowed. Children with reduced mobility, low-initiative children, who should be involved in outdoor games, require special attention.

9.5. Games with a high level of intensity of movements should not be carried out at the end of the morning walk before leaving the site, as children in this case become overexcited, which negatively affects the nature of daytime sleep, increases the duration of falling asleep, and may cause a decrease in appetite.

9.6. Features of the organization of physical activity in winter:

¨ in the cold season, the teacher needs to make sure that the children breathe through the nose. Nasal breathing corresponds to the formation in children of the ability to breathe correctly, prevents diseases of the nasopharynx;

¨ at low air temperatures, it is inappropriate to organize games of great mobility, since they lead to forced breathing when children begin to breathe through their mouths. You should also not carry out games in these conditions that require children to utter quatrains, a chorus, or any text in full voice.

Organization of individual work:

¨ vin accordance with the calendar planning, the educator carries out individual work on the cognitive - speech, social - personal, physical or artistic - aesthetic development of children;

¨ for this purpose, all materials and equipment necessary for the walk are prepared.

Labor assignments:

¨ the educator involves children in collecting toys;

¨ providing all possible assistance in putting things in order on the site after a walk;

¨ plant care, etc.

9.7. Depending on the goals and objectives of the walk, the teacher prepares the necessary portable material, manuals for various types of children's activities, corresponding to sanitary and hygienic requirements.

9.8. The teacher must guide the independent activities of children: to ensure them complete safety, teach them to use the manuals in accordance with their purpose, to constantly monitor the activities of children throughout the walk.

10. Requirements for the organization of walks outside the site of the Institution.

10.1. Planning walks outside the site are planned from the second junior group.

10.2. The content of the walks is determined by the program to familiarize children with the environment.

10.3. When preparing for a walk, the teacher must first inspect the place of the walk, the route of the study, and coordinate with the head of the kindergarten. The route of movement of the group should provide for the least possible crossing of the carriageway and, if possible, the use of only regulated crossings.

10.4. The head of the preschool educational institution conducts targeted instruction on the organization of walks and excursions outside the kindergarten site with all employees accompanying the children, coordinates the total number of children going for a walk. The head of the Institution issues an order on responsibility for the protection of the life and health of children.

10.4. In the case of a long walk, it is important to provide for the required number of adults for 15 children. The teacher must first inspect the route and coordinate it with the head of the Institution.

10.5. If for some reason the children from the group stayed in the Institution, they are under the supervision of a certain employee at the direction of the head of the Institution, who may be responsible for the life and health of the children.

10.6. Children during walks, excursions must be accompanied by at least two adults. One of the escorts is appointed by the senior.

10.7. Children line up in a column of two and take each other's hands. While moving in a column, children should not have any objects or toys in their hands.

10.8. One of the convoy escorts is in front of the group, the second is behind.

10.9. Each escort must have a red flag. The group must be marked with red flags carried by the first and last pair of children.

10.10. A group of children should keep to the right on the sidewalk or walkway. If there is no sidewalk or footpath, it is allowed to lead a group of children on the left side towards the movement of vehicles. Driving along the roadside is allowed only during daylight hours.

10.11. Before crossing the carriageway, the group should be stopped on the sidewalk so that the stretched formation is grouped.

10.12. It is allowed to cross the carriageway only at marked pedestrian crossings, and if there are none, at crossroads along the line of sidewalks or shoulders.

10.13. At a regulated crossing, crossing the carriageway is allowed only upon permission signals from a traffic light or a traffic controller. You can start driving only at the same time as the enable signal is turned on. During the movement of the group across the carriageway, both escorts must stand on the carriageway on both sides of the carriageway facing towards the movement of vehicles with raised red flags. If the signals change until the end of the group crossing the carriageway, the attendants remain on it until the end of the group's movement and leave the carriageway after the last pair of children.

10.14. When crossing the carriageway at unregulated intersections and pedestrian crossings, the group should be stopped on the sidewalk. Before the start of the crossing, the escorts must go to both sides of the carriageway with the red flags raised in order to attract the attention of the drivers, and only after making sure that their signals are received, the senior attendant allows the crossing. The accompanying persons leave the passage after the last pair of children.

10.15. Crossing the carriageway outside the designated pedestrian crossings or intersections is allowed only as an exception, in one case: outside settlements, if there is no crossing or intersection in the visibility zone. It is allowed to cross the carriageway at right angles to the edge of the carriageway and only in areas without a dividing strip and fences, where it is clearly visible in both directions. Before the group starts crossing the carriageway, the escorts go out onto it, stand with raised red flags facing towards the movement of vehicles. After making sure that the transition is safe, the senior maintainer issues a command to start the transition.

10.16. Avoid walking in high traffic streets.

10.17. At the end of the walk, excursion, check the number of pupils, inform the head of the return.

11. Requirements for organizing walks in the premises of the Institution on active days or in adverse weather conditions.

11.1. In winter, in accordance with the schedule for determining the weather conditions, in order to establish the possibility of canceling walks on the street with the pupils of the preschool educational institution, approved by the order of the head of the preschool educational institution, the time spent by children in the fresh air is excluded or reduced. On days when the time is shortened or when outdoor walks are canceled, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of physical activity of children by a well-thought-out organization of dynamic (motor) walks in the premises of the institution, in accordance with the walking schedule on the active days.

11.2. The content of a walk in group and functional rooms should include all structural elements (see clause 6), taking into account the existing conditions.

11.3. Organization of a walk at a reduced temperature in the walking area Institutions with young children:

¨ to monitor temperature changes, a thermometer is required: at a height of 80 cm from the floor;

¨ for a walk and from a walk, children are accompanied by an assistant educator;

11.4. at the beginning of the walk, the teacher organizes outdoor games with greater physical activity to maintain a positive - emotional tone, in which all children participate simultaneously or in subgroups, then - a game of average mobility;

11.5. at the end of the walk, the teacher organizes quiet games or independent activities for the children.

12. Requirements for the duration of the walk. The mode of the duration of the walks on the street.

12.1. The walks are held daily throughout the year. The total duration of the walk is 4 - 4.5 hours.

12.2. To achieve a health-improving effect in the summer, the daily regimen provides for the maximum stay of children in the fresh air, with breaks for eating and sleeping.

12.3. Walks in the winter are regulated by the schedule for determining the weather conditions to establish the possibility of canceling walks on the street with the pupils of the preschool educational institution, approved by order of the head of the preschool educational institution. The duration of the walk is reduced when the air temperature is lower and the wind speed is higher than the indicators set in the schedule, corresponding to the age of the children.


Air temperature

The strength of the wind

1 junior

Up to 15

From - 12


Up to 5 m / s

2 younger

Before - 20

From - 18


Up to 5 m / s


Up to - 25

From - 20


Up to 7 m / s

Senior and preparatory

Before - 24

Before - 30

From - 25

Before - 29

Up to 2 m / s


Up to 10 m / s

Up to 3 m / s

Note: The prohibition for walking is a wind force of more than 12 m / s and active days.

12.4. The schedule for determining weather conditions to establish the possibility of canceling walks on the street with preschool educational institutions is posted on the information stand of the Institution and is brought to the attention of parents at parent meetings.

12.5. In winter, outdoor walks are carried out 2 times a day: in the first half of the day - before lunch, in the second half of the day - before the children leave home. In order to prevent hypothermia of parts of the body (face, arms, legs) in cold weather, it is recommended to send children to a room, heated vestibule for heating, no more than 5-7 minutes.

12.6. During the polar night, walks with young children, 2 junior and middle groups are not carried out.

12.7. The time of going out for a walk for each age group is determined by the mode of education and training. The prohibition for walking is a wind force of more than 12 m / s.

Children's tourism and excursions, being a significant upbringing and educational factor, if properly staged, can be at the same time one of the most effective means of strengthening the health of children and adolescents.

When conducting excursions, you must have a small first-aid kit with you, which must contain dressings, a tourniquet, iodine tincture, ammonia, etc.

Special attention should be paid to the hygiene of shoes and clothes during the preparation for the excursion. Shoes should be loose and easy to put on and take off, as tight shoes impede blood circulation. However, the shoes should be loose enough so that they fit the foot and do not rub the foot. In summer, sandals are the most hygienic footwear during the excursion.

Loose and light clothing should be equally. The most hygienic clothing during excursions in the summer is high-quality tracksuits.

In order to prevent soaking of the shirt, then it is advisable to put on a thin mesh on the body. A headdress during the excursion should be with fields, which are necessary to protect the eyes from the harsh influence of sunlight. The headgear should be lightweight and air-permeable. Skullcaps without margins are unsuitable, especially since they are for the most part impervious to air.

Of particular great hygienic importance are the walks of children and adolescents associated with activities that are useful and interesting for them, for example, picking berries and mushrooms, various plants and insects, exploring the area and conducting paramilitary games, etc. You cannot conduct excursions and walks if the kids haven't had breakfast yet. Equally, you should not go on an excursion immediately after a hearty meal.

Walking during the excursion should be leisurely, at a slow pace, thus saving the strength of children and adolescents. It should be borne in mind that when walking, almost all skeletal muscles of the body work. Walking too fast is tiring and can adversely affect heart function.

A walking tour must necessarily have rest breaks - halts. After every 30-45 minutes of movement, it is imperative to set a halt. A place for a halt should be chosen a little away from the road, in a shaded, but always dry area. During a halt, children can lie down, and for relatively long excursions during a large halt, the duration of which should be at least 30-45 minutes, a meal is required.

During the excursion, it is necessary to ensure that children and adolescents do not walk in a crowd close to one another. Walking in this way creates dust that irritates the eyes, respiratory tract and skin.

In order to prevent the harmful effects of dust, it is best to conduct excursions early in the morning, when the sun's rays are not so hot and the earth is not very hot. If the excursion is conducted during the day, then you need to walk along the edges of the road, on the grass, avoiding the middle of the road, as it is the most dusty.

To quench your thirst during the excursion, you can only drink well-boiled water, and therefore each excursionist must have a flask with him or, if not, a bottle. You should drink water only during a halt and in small sips. The flask must be individual, and only the one to whom it belongs can use it. It is impossible to drink cold water in a hot state, as this can cause illness. It is not allowed to use local water sources, such as river water, water from an unexplored well, as such water may contain pathogenic microorganisms (causative agents of typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.).

The above hygiene requirements apply not only to out-of-school excursions, but also to educational excursions.

More about organizing tourist trips in the section

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As you know, children are characterized by increased physical activity, which can be satisfied during walks and excursions. Walking in the fresh air has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves appetite, sleep, mood, and increases the overall tone of the child's life. In the conditions of preschool institutions, a walk is used as a means of comprehensive education and training. Walking is also a means of hardening. In summer, children should be outdoors most of the time. In winter, walks are carried out 2 times a day at a designated time. Only for children under the age of 1.5 years, walks are replaced by sleep with wide access of fresh air.

Before a walk, it is important to properly dress and put on shoes for the child in accordance with the weather and the season, which will provide him with freedom of movement and thermal comfort, preventing hypothermia or overheating (Table 10).

Outdoor temperature

+6 to -2 ºC

Four-layer clothing: underwear, dress, knitted jacket, tights, leggings, jacket or light coat, boots. If the temperature is below 0 ºC, wear a winter coat without a jersey

-3 to -8 ºC

Four-layer clothing: linen, dress, knitted jacket, tights, leggings, winter coat, insulated boots

-9 to -14 ºC

Five-layer clothing: linen, dress, knitted jacket (sweater), tights, leggings, winter coat, warm boots

Children under 3 years old go for a walk in winter in calm weather at an air temperature of at least -15 C, older children (4-7 years old) - at a temperature of -18 ... -22 ° C. At low temperatures, the walking time should be shortened.

The walk should start with a quiet activity. The attention of children is paid to the changes occurring in nature, the state of the weather.

From early childhood (first youngest group) children are taught to dress and undress independently. At first, the teacher shows how to do this and helps each child. Seniors help toddlers to dress. To avoid overheating, dressed children are immediately taken outside.

The benefits of a walk largely depend on its organization, equipment and the emotional mood of the pupils. Children get a lot of impressions from the surrounding nature and, most importantly, the opportunity to actively move. Depending on the age of the children and the weather, various games are organized during the walk (games with rules, creative, building games), sports activities (sledding, skiing and skating), and work on the site. Walks can be carried out outside the children's institution, while children get to know nature, learn to overcome obstacles, and navigate the environment. In addition to the cognitive value, such walks train the cardiovascular system and the motor apparatus.

In summer, in warm weather, preschool children are offered excursions (in the morning, after breakfast, or after afternoon tea, that is, at a time when the sun is not too hot). Children with weakened or flat feet should not be taken on an excursion. The clothes of preschoolers should be comfortable, light, and on a sunny day - light: on the head - a panama hat, on the legs - socks and light low shoes or special shoes for tourism. It is important that the shoes are loose, as tight shoes impede blood circulation in the lower extremities, which causes the child to fatigue quickly. Sandals and sandals should not be worn on the excursion: sand and small stones will be stuffed through the holes in them, which can injure the skin. It is not recommended to wear shoes without socks, as socks absorb moisture, protect feet from dust, sand, and prevent abrasion.

Children 3-4 years old are taken out of the site, first for 5-10 minutes, and then for 20 minutes. Pupils 4-5 years old, with the correct organization of the excursion on a good summer day, can walk a distance of 2 km (there and back), 6-7 years old - 3 km (there and back). Every 10-15 minutes of walking, children should have a short (5 minutes) rest, and in the middle of the excursion in a dry place - a halt for 20-30 minutes. At a halt, they can sit, lie down, play quiet games.

Perhaps, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of a walk in kindergarten. On a walk, children actively move, breathe fresh air, learn about the world around them, and get used to work. All this is beneficial for the health, physical and mental development of children.

Sanitary norms (SanPiN of May 15, 2013 N 26 ABOUT APPROVAL OF SANPIN ″ Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation in preschool organizations) determines that the daily duration of a walk for children is at least 3-4 hours.

The walk is organized 2 times a day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half - after a nap or before the children leave home. When the air temperature is below -15 ° C and the wind speed is more than 7 m / s, the duration of the walk is reduced. No walk at an air temperature below -15 ° С and a wind speed of more than 15 m / s for children under 4 years old, and for children 5–7 years old - at an air temperature below minus 20 ° С and a wind speed of more than 15 m / s;

During the walk, the pupils' physical activity and rational clothing are provided, depending on weather conditions, including in winter.

The reason for the frequent morbidity of the child cannot be directly related to the walking in the kindergarten. On the contrary, in the kindergarten, physical education and health activities are carried out aimed at strengthening the health of each child.

Requirements for equipping the kindergarten territory: 1. It is necessary to inspect the areas daily before walking: all equipment on the site must be in good condition (without sharp protrusions of corners, nails, roughness and protruding bolts), small play forms, physical education aids, etc. must meet the age of children and the requirements of SanPiN; 2. Portable and didactic material for children's games, should correspond to the autumn-winter period. Toys must be hygienic, not broken, for different types of play activities, allowing the motor load to be proportioned in accordance with the season of the year and the age of children; 3. The fences of the kindergarten should not have holes, openings in order to avoid the entry of stray dogs and the unauthorized departure of children; 4. Pits on the territory should be filled up, wells should be closed with heavy covers; 5. If dangerous and suspicious objects are found on the site, immediately inform the administration (security guard), take the children to another site or room; 6. The gates of the kindergarten must be bolted; 7. In case of unauthorized departure of the child to search for him, immediately send the employee and report the incident to the nearest police station; 8. Requirements for the manufacture of snow structures (slides, paths for sliding, snow, etc.) must be met.
When organizing walks in the autumn - winter period, you should: 1. Dress children in accordance with the temperature conditions, do not allow: - frostbite, hypothermia or overheating of the child's body; - wetting of children's clothes, shoes; 2. Protect children from the impact of the following dangerous factors typical for the autumn-winter period: - injuries during games on areas not cleared of snow and ice; - injuries from icicles falling from roofs, hanging blocks of snow during the thaw; - falling from the slides, in the absence of the educator's insurance (ensure control and direct insurance by the educator while sliding down the hill, climbing, jumping off a hill, sports equipment, throwing); - Injury: metal or wooden racks of objects sticking out of the ground, low stumps on playgrounds for outdoor games, injections with broken glass, dry branches, twigs on trees, bushes, splinters from sticks, boards, wooden toys, etc.; - trauma to the feet of pupils: in the presence of pits and potholes in the area, when jumping from stationary equipment without the teacher's insurance; - injuries when sliding on an ice track; - when organizing the work of preschoolers; - injuries, bruises during games with sports elements; - injuries, bruises during games on a wet and slippery ground; - injuries, bruises when riding on feet from ice slides, on sledges, while moving into icy conditions along slippery paths, outdoor steps, areas not cleared of snow, ice and not sprinkled with sand; - injuries from touching metal structures with open parts of the body (face, hands, tongue, lips) on a frosty day; To not allow:- infection with gastrointestinal diseases, acute respiratory infections, if the child takes dirty and cold snow, icicles in his mouth. - to clear the roofs of all buildings from snow, icicles - to sprinkle with sand.
Each educator and all his substitute teachers should teach children to recognize dangerous situations in illustrations, explain to children. Coordinate with the senior nurse, head of the possibility of going out for a walk, depending on the state of weather conditions, air temperature. The teacher must inspect the clothes and shoes of the pupils for compliance with the weather conditions. Children should always be provided with spare things in case of bad weather, which parents bring in advance for this;

Safety requirements while walking 1. It is not allowed to organize a walk, work on one play area at the same time for 2 groups of pupils, the presence of parents on an evening walk 2. The teacher provides supervision, control over the calm exit of pupils from the room and descending from the porch, do not run, do not push, when going down and ascending on the 2nd floor, hold onto the railing, do not carry large toys and objects in front of you that block the view of the path, etc. Additional safety requirements during a walk in winter: sledging; 2. Make sure that when sledding the next child patiently waits until the child rolling down in front of him reaches the end of the slope, slide; 3. Do not allow children to sit with their backs to the slope when sliding down the hill on a sled; 4. Make sure that children do not put dirty snow, icicles in their mouths; 5. If frost and wind intensify, take the children to the kindergarten;
Safety requirements in situations while walking: 1. All employees who temporarily replace the teacher in the group take on the responsibility of saving the children. 2. In the event of unforeseen situations, it is necessary: ​​- to ensure the safety of children; - make sure that there is no dangerous situation; - inform the administration about the incident, provide first aid in case of an accident; - inform the rescue service by phone, if the situation requires it.
Safety requirements at the end of the walk 1. To organize a calm entrance of pupils into the premises of the kindergarten (the 1st subgroup passes and undresses under the supervision of the teacher's assistant, the 2nd - under the supervision of the teacher). 2. To clear the outer clothing of pupils, shoes from snow, dirt, sand. 3. Check how the pupils put their clothes in the lockers. If necessary, change the pupils' clothes into dry clothes and underwear. 4. Organize the performance of hygiene procedures: going to the toilet, washing hands with soap. 5. Ensure drying of wet clothes, shoes after rain or in winter

Types of walks in kindergarten

  1. By location:
  • on the territory of the kindergarten site;
  • outside the territory of the kindergarten (possible in older groups, over short distances).
  1. By content:
  • traditional, which includes the labor activity of children (cleaning leaves, snow, etc.), active and quiet games, etc.;
  • thematic: consisting of observations and conversations on a specific topic (animals, clouds, trees, city transport, etc.), can be a street theatrical performance, a quest with overcoming simple obstacles - requires a prepared script in advance;
  • target: organized going outside the territory of the kindergarten, for a short distance (up to 2 km);
  • excursion (usually museum): once a month, starting with the middle group;
  • hike: can be carried out 1-2 times a year in older groups.



Organization of a walk in a preschool


An important element of the educational process of a preschool institution is walking with children. Traditionally, the walk includes the organization with the pupils of observing natural phenomena (flora and fauna, inanimate nature); various games; labor activity; sports exercises and independent activities of children of their choice and interests.
The main task of the educator when conducting walks is to provide an active, meaningful, varied and interesting activity for the pupils. In this case, it is necessary to evenly alternate between calm and motor activities, to distribute physical activity during a walk.

In order for the walks to be varied and interesting for children, educators plan their content on a daily basis, including the educational component and independent activities of preschoolers. Independent and joint activities with peers presupposes the presence of a variety of play material and equipment, the creation of flexibly changing subject-play tools at the kindergarten site.

Walking is an obligatory element of the daily routine.

The walk must givefor the child: release, relieve stress after static, focused classes and create a cheerful mood in him, which provides an appropriate emotional tone for the successful physical and mental development of the child in other conditions and types of activity.

It is held twice a day (in the first and second half of the day), and in the summer the whole life of children is transferred to the open air (except for sleeping and eating).

Staying children in the fresh air helps to strengthen health, harden the body, develop motor and cognitive activities. The time of the walk is determined in the programs (according to which the institutions work) and its volume depends on the age of the children.

The walk must be carried out in any weather. According toSanPiN "Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Design, Maintenance and Organization of the Mode of Operation of Preschool Educational Organizations"

XI. Requirements for the admission of children to preschool educational organizations, the regime of the day and the organization of the educational process:

When the air temperature is below minus 15 ° C and the wind speed is more than 7 m / s, the duration of the walk is recommended to be shortened.

Nursery and preschool areas should be isolated from each other by green spaces (shrubs). The area of ​​the nursery group should be located near the exits from the premises. To ensure various types of activities, it is recommended to divide the group grounds according to the types of play and physical education equipment. Each site should be provided with a canopy to protect children from the sun and precipitation. The site must be well lit and maintained in exemplary order.

The area should be cleaned daily before the arrival of the children. The daily sanitary condition of the sites should be under the control of the head of the public educational institution and medical personnel (the working day begins with an inspection of all sites to ensure the protection of the life and health of children).

The distribution of responsibilities of staff working in early age groups can be found in the book by L.N. Pavlova "Organization of life and culture of upbringing children in early age groups", Iris-Press, M. 2006, p. 1.

At any time of the year, when carrying out a walk, each teacher is obliged to observe the well-being and thermal state of the children.

In the cold season, avoid hypothermia, and in the warm season, overheating. In the summer, the teacher is obliged to observe the drinking regime while walking.

The comfortable state of children during a walk is ensured by its interesting content. The teacher plans a walk for every day of work. A variety of activities should be included in the structure of your walk plan.

Independent activities of children- while walking, children are in close contact with nature, they adapt to the conditions of the season and the weather, which significantly affects the content of children's games. In winter, physical exercise predominates (riding on an ice track, sledding, on a slide); constructive games.

Children of 3-4 years old do ice skating, sledding, on a slide with the help of a teacher, 5-6 year olds cope independently or with a little help from a teacher.

For constructive games, children actively use snow, colored pieces of ice, prepared in advance with the teacher. In summer, children are happy to play with a variety of natural materials: pebbles, acorns, leaves, sand, water.

Participating in games on their own, children organize themselves into small groups, run freely, jump, catch up with each other, practice throwing, play with a ball, with a rope. Such games are valuable because every child can take the initiative and fulfill their plans. The role of the educator is to organize the conditions for independent activity (the necessary equipment of the site, external material: attributes, toys, modular material, etc.).

To provide the necessary conditions for children, the teacher needs to know the interests of each kid.

Cognitive activities of children- it is known that familiarization with objects or phenomena gives the most optimal result if it is effective. It is necessary to provide children with the opportunity to act with objects in the world around him. Research subjects for older preschoolers can be: water ("Color Drop", "Fountains", "Water Clock"); wind ("Where does the wind blow from", "Air takes place"); sand ("Patterns in the sand", "What the house is built from"); phenomena of inanimate nature ("Measuring the shadow of an adult and a child", "Making a sundial"); wildlife "Live clock", "How old is a tree").

In order to increase attention to speech work during a walk, it is recommended to use speech games and tasks - "What do you hear around you?", "Who called?" and others developing auditory perception and phonemic hearing of children.

In all age groups, at any time of the year while walking, it is necessary to observe seasonal changes in the flora and fauna. The teacher must prepare well for them, think over the organization of children, select an object to be observed, formulate questions and be ready for unexpected situations that arise during a walk (arrival of birds, a blossoming flower, dew, a rainbow, etc.).

Labor activities of children- for its organization, the teacher needs to know and comply with the requirements of child labor hygiene, the rules for protecting the life and health of children (the use of non-traumatic items, items that cause allergies and appropriate to the age characteristics of children). Labor activity is planned and carried out at any time of the year. Snow handling is organized in winter; in autumn, spring and summer - in the flower garden and in the garden.

In summer, it is recommended to work with children not during hot hours (morning and evening); be sure to alternate types of work. The inventory must correspond to the age of the children (see collection "Toys and manuals for kindergarten" edited by VM Izgarsheva, M., Education, 1987). Children should wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water after work.

Motor activitychildren - outdoor games, (plot, outdoor games with elements of sports games), relay races, physical culture entertainment, various game exercises with and without objects, exercises with game materials: hoops, balls, skipping ropes, rackets, pins, etc. this is the list of motor forms that should be actively used during a walk. It is recommended to plan two outdoor games daily (morning and evening). In addition, children of older and preparatory groups can invite the teacher to play their favorite game. The guidance of the organized physical activity during the walk is provided by the group educator. At any moment she is obliged to help children - when clarifying the rules of the game, assigning roles, teams; preparation of places for relay races, competitions. Some exercises (riding a scooter, cycling, walking on a narrow path, jumping exercises) require the immediate attention and help of an adult - insurance, support, joint execution of movements.

Carrying out various forms of motor activity, the educator is obliged to observe the state of children, regulate the load (increase or decrease the time of the game), change, if necessary, some rules of the game, regulate the duration of pauses in the game; choose a place for holding games, change the difficulty of obstacles overcome in the game, determine the distance for jogging, crawling, the number of jumps.

For the organization musical activitiesit is advisable for teachers to use singing games, musical and didactic games, rhythmic word games and theatrical games. It is recommended that the music director spend most of his entertainment outdoors.

The head of the preschool institution is obliged to systematically instruct the pedagogical and technical staff on how to comply with the instructions for protecting the life and health of the child.

Nowadays, many educators use in their work a set of cards of developmental walks, systematized taking into account the seasons and the theme of familiarizing preschoolers with nature. Some specialists create entertainment scenarios using a variety of children's activities and carry them out during the time allotted for the walk.

However, as the practice of preschool institutions shows, walks with pupils are carried out in a monotonous manner. And there are always a lot of reasons and explanations for this: the site for each age group is a limited space with stationary equipment that is rarely updated or supplemented; game material is often monotonous; educators mainly use the traditional form of organizing walks, etc.

In modern methodological literature and individual regulatory documents, teachers found confirmation of the idea that, along with the traditional structure of walks with children, it is possible to conduct thematic walks, which are built on the principle of the dominance of the type of children's activity or are a continuation of the theme of the day in the educational process.

Obligatory components of thematic walks of various types are joint activities of an adult with children, joint activities with peers and independent activities of a child. The joint activity of an adult with children during a walk is especially pronounced, since there is close communication between them in all types of activity.

For a child, the educational process makes sense if it is built in the form of an activity. Therefore, the educational component of a walk is associated with any of the types of children's activity (play, communication, labor, motor, cognitive and research, musical and artistic, productive) without its strict regulation.

A special role is assigned to the child's leading play activity, through which he learns the world and develops organically. Game forms of education can be used when organizing individual, subgroup or frontal work with pupils. Motor activity during a walk is also combined with play, while the teacher is obliged to regulate the load by observing the condition of the children.

The teacher plans a walk taking into account many factors: weather conditions, the age of the children, their cognitive interests, the available material, the topics of previous educational activities. It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of a healing effect in physical and mental terms. A properly organized walk is the most accessible means of hardening a child's body.

Five types of thematic walks: walks, hikes, recreational walks with a character, walks-events, sports walks, walks - labor actions.

Consider walks of each type.

Walking - hikingare an organized type of activity, during which health problems are solved, motor skills and physical qualities of children are improved, their cognitive needs are satisfied, love and an aesthetic attitude to nature are brought up. They should be conducted with older preschool children. The optimal number of such walks is two or three per year. If they are carried out more often, then these walks may lose their attractiveness, the children will be less interested in them.

Entertaining walkswith the character are aimed at creating a positive emotional background, emotional and psychological unloading of children, meeting their need for physical activity. The forms of organization can be varied and variable, since they depend not only on the goals and objectives, but also on the thematic focus and semantic richness. Walking with the character is good to use to motivate pupils to a certain type of activity. The character helps to interest all the children of the group, to involve them in joint play activities, observations, work.

Walk-eventdedicated to a specific topic (Cosmonautics Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, City Day, Knowledge Day, etc.) or an event in a kindergarten (a new play complex, sports equipment was installed, sand in the sandboxes was updated, etc.). An event walk (thematic walk) helps the educator to emphasize the importance of the event, to clarify their knowledge, to find out the nature of the perception of a certain topic. Walks of this type contribute to mental, moral, aesthetic education, develop the curiosity of preschoolers.

Sports walksare aimed at improving health, preventing fatigue, physical and mental development, and optimizing the motor activity of children. When organizing such walks, various types of children's activities are combined with a sports theme. Correctly organized sports walks have a hardening effect on the child's body in natural conditions, contribute to an increase in the level of physical fitness of preschool children. The emphasis during such walks is placed on the formation of physical qualities, fostering interest in sports and a healthy lifestyle.

On walks - laborpromotions are dominated by work orders, pupils are involved in different forms of work in accordance with the season and weather conditions. Children develop an understanding that working in nature is not a game or entertainment, but a serious occupation. The educator brings them to an understanding of the need for work, fosters a desire to participate in caring for plants, feeding birds, cleaning the territory (cleaning the veranda from sand, leaves, snow, etc.). On such walks, children learn to work collectively, together. The result of the work they have done is the result of the joint work of all.


T.L.Bogina, N.T. Terekhova "Regime of the day in kindergarten", M., Education, 1987.

TI Osokina, EA Timofeeva, LS Furmina "Games and entertainment of children in the air", M., Education, 1983.

ET Smirnova "Hygienic foundations of education in preschool institutions", M., Education, 1973.

A.P. Chabovskaya "Fundamentals of pediatrics and hygiene of preschool children", M., Education, 1980.

GN Pantedeeva "Aesthetics of the site of a preschool institution", M., Education, 1988.

VM Izgarsheva, TP Safonova "Kindergarten" (book for managers), M., Education, 1982.

LN Pavlova "Organization of life and culture of raising children in early age groups" M., Iris-Press, 2006.

SN Teplyuk "Activities for a walk with kids" M., Mosaika-Sintez, 2006 "Nurse teacher of nurseries and junior groups of kindergartens." M., Medicine, 1987.

MF Litvinova "Outdoor games and play exercises for children of the 3rd year of life" M., Linka-Press, 2005.

VM Petrov, GI Grishina, LD Korotkova "Summer holidays, games and fun for children" M., Sphere, 1999.


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Prepared by: senior teacher of Kindergarten No. 28 GBDOU Golubeva

Goals and objectives of a walk in a preschool institution A walk is one of the main regime moments in the life of children in a preschool institution. The purpose of the walk is health improvement, prevention of fatigue, physical and mental development of children, restoration of functional resources of the body reduced in the process of activity. Walk tasks: to have a hardening effect on the body in natural conditions; to contribute to an increase in the level of physical fitness of preschool children; optimize the physical activity of children; contribute to the cognitive-speech, artistic-aesthetic, social-personal development of children. The day regimen of the kindergarten provides for an afternoon walk after school and an evening walk after an afternoon snack. According to the new SanPiN standards, the duration of children's stay in the fresh air is 3-4 hours a day. The day regimen of the kindergarten provides for an afternoon walk after school and an evening walk after an afternoon snack. Types of walks (at the venue): on the site of the Institution; pedestrian walks outside the preschool site. "A day spent by a child without a walk is lost for his health" Speransky.

Requirements for preparation and return from a walk Before going out for a walk, the teacher organizes hygiene procedures with the children. Dressing and undressing children when preparing and returning from a walk is necessary in subgroups: Stages of preparation for a walk. the teacher takes the first subgroup of children to the waiting room for dressing, which includes slowly dressing children, children with low self-care skills; the teacher's assistant conducts hygiene procedures with the second subgroup and takes the children to the waiting room; the teacher goes out with the first subgroup of children for a walk, and the teacher's assistant finishes dressing the second subgroups and escorts children to the site to the teacher to help with dressing in each group of early and junior preschool age, employees from among the working and medical personnel of preschool educational institutions are assigned to children with impaired health, it is recommended to dress and take out into the street with the second subgroup, and start from a walk with the first subgroup ...

The return of children from the walk is also organized in subgroups. The assistant educator takes the first subgroup of children away from the site. Children of the second subgroup continue to walk for another 10-15 minutes with the teacher. The teacher's assistant helps the children to untie their scarves, unbutton and take off their outerwear, and put their clothes in the locker. Having undressed, the children calmly go to the group and play. In the summer, after the children return from a walk, it is necessary to organize a hygienic procedure - washing their feet.

Children's clothing requirements. At any time of the year, clothes and footwear should correspond to the weather at the moment and should not contribute to overheating or hypothermia of children; Hardening recommendations should be placed in the parent's corner, appropriate for the age of the children and the season. Encourage parents not to overheat the child, dress children in accordance with the weather conditions.

Requirements for the content of walks on the site of the preschool educational institution. The walk should consist of the following structural elements. observation MOTOR ACTIVITY: MOVING, SPORT GAMES, SPORTS EXERCISES INDEPENDENT PLAYING ACTIVITIES OF CHILDREN INDIVIDUAL WORK IN DIFFERENT AREAS OF DEVELOPMENT OF PUPILS labor

The sequence of the structural components of the walk may vary depending on the type of the previous activity. If the children were in a lesson that requires increased cognitive activity and mental stress, then at first walking, outdoor games, jogging are carried out, then observations. If there was a physical or musical activity before the walk, the walk begins with observation or calm play. Each of the compulsory components of the walk lasts from 7 to 15 minutes and is carried out against the background of the independent activities of children. The content of the walks is determined by the program to familiarize children with the environment, taking into account the children's previous activities, pedagogical and recreational tasks, and are built in accordance with the calendar planning in each age group.

Observations. Observation can be carried out with a whole group of children, with a subgroup, as well as with individual babies. The observation process can be organized for natural phenomena and social life. When planning observations, the educator thinks over: equipment and materials used during observation, placement of children; methods of attracting the attention of children to observation (surprise moments, riddles, setting a cognitive task, problem situation); techniques for enhancing mental activity (search questions, actions, comparison, use of children's experience).

The motor activity of children during a walk should include: outdoor games and physical exercises during the morning walk: in the younger group - 6-10 minutes, in the middle group - 10-15 minutes, in the senior and preparatory groups - 20-25 minutes. On an evening walk: in the junior and middle groups - 10-15 minutes, in the senior and preparatory groups - 12-15 minutes. Outdoor games can be supplemented or replaced with sports exercises or, at older preschool age, with sports games, games with elements of competition. Sports activities include sledding, skiing, cycling, scooters. Sports games include: small towns, basketball, badminton, table tennis, football, hockey.

Organization of individual work. in accordance with the calendar planning, the educator carries out individual work on the cognitive-speech, social-personal, physical or artistic-aesthetic development of children; for this purpose prepares all the necessary materials and equipment.

Work assignments During a walk, attention should be paid to work activities. The content and form of its organization depends on the weather and the season. - the educator involves children in collecting toys; - providing all possible assistance in putting things in order on the site (collecting foliage, shoveling snow, clearing paths from snow, caring for plants, etc.) It is necessary to strive to make child labor joyful, helping kids to master useful skills and abilities. Labor assignments should be feasible and at the same time require certain efforts from them.

Depending on the goals and objectives of the walk, the teacher prepares the necessary portable material, manuals for various types of children's activities that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements. The teacher must supervise the independent activities of children: to ensure them complete safety, to teach them to use the manuals in accordance with their purpose, to constantly monitor the activities of children throughout the walk.